First Tee Birdie Breakfast .................................................................................................... 160,- CZK Čerstvé pečivo, kusové ovoce, marmeláda, med, máslo a margarín, konvička kávy nebo čaje, pomerančový nebo jablkový džus, voda. Selection of bread, fresh fruit, jam, honey, butter and margarine, a pot of tea or coffee, orange or apple juice, water. Alergen/Allergen 1, 7, 8, 11
Full Golfer’s breakfast ......................................................................................... 220,- CZK Dvě vejce upravená dle přání, opečená slanina nebo domácí párek, čerstvé pečivo, čerstvé ovoce, máslo a margarín, konvička kávy nebo čaje, pomerančový nebo jablkový džus, voda. Two eggs made according to your wish, roasted bacon or homemade sausage, fresh bread, fresh fruit, butter and margarine, a pot of tea or coffee, orange or apple juice, water. Alergen/Allergen 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12
Zauzený párek s hořčicí a křenem (3 ks) ............................................................ 90,- CZK Smoked sausage with mustard and horseradish (3pcs) Alergen/Allergen 1, 6, 10, 12
Ham & Eggs ............................................................................................................. 90,- CZK Alergen/Allergen 1, 3, 6, 10, 12
Omeleta na přání ................................................................................................. 120,- CZK Omelette according to your wish Omeleta ze tří vajec s výběrem z žampionů, šunky, slaniny, sýrů nebo čerstvých tomatů Omelette of three eggs with a selection from mushrooms, ham, bacon, cheese or fresh tomatoes. Allergen 1, 3, 6, 10
Míchaná vejce se slaninou a šalotkou .................................................................. 90,- CZK Scrambled eggs with bacon and shallot Alergen/Allergen 1, 3, 6
Tři vejce do skla s parmazánem a křehkými toasty ....................................... 120,- CZK Three eggs in glass with parmesan cheese and crispy toasts Alergen/Allergen 1, 3, 6, 7
Snack Konopišťský karásek ............................................................................................ 50,- CZK Konopište braided bread Pletýnka plněná sýrem, šunkou, paprikou, tomatem a salátovým listem. Braided bread stuffed with cheese, ham, pepper, tomatoes and lettuce leaves. Alergen/Allergen 1, 6, 7, 11
Ciabatta s parmskou šunkou ................................................................................. 80,- CZK Ciabatta with Parma ham Italská sušená šunka, čerstvý salát, grilovaná zelenina, bylinkové máslo. Italian dried ham, fresh lettuce, grilled vegetables, herb butter. Alergen/Allergen 1, 6, 7, 11
Ciabatta s lososem ............................................................................................... 100,- CZK Ciabatta with salmon Uzený norský losos, bylinkové máslo, rukolový salát, tomaty a plátek citrónu. Smoked Norway salmon, herb butter, arugula salad, tomatoes and slice of lemon. Allergen 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 12
Předkrmy / Starters 100 g Uzené filátko ze pstruha s klíčky z červené řepy a koprovým dipem ............................................................................................... 180,- CZK 100 g Smoked trout fillet with beetroot sprouts and dill dip Alergen/Allergen 4, 7, 10, 12
80 g Parmská šunka s ovocným chutney a fíky ............................................... 180,- CZK 80 g Parma ham with fruit chutney and figs Alergen/Allergen 1, 6, 12
80 g Carpaccio z hovězí svíčkové s pestem, rukolou a parmazánovou hoblinou .................................................................................. 180,- CZK 80 g Beef sirloin carpaccio with olive oil and Parmesan shaves Alergen/Allergen 6, 7, 8, 10, 12
120 g Rillettes z králíka a vepřového bůčku s kyselou zeleninou ................. 150,- CZK 120 g Rabbit and pork belly Rillettes with pickles Alergen/Allergen 10, 12
250 g Tomatový salát s avokádem, bůvolí mozzarellou a červenou cibulí, pokapaný zálivkou z ořechového oleje a balsamico octa ................................ 150,- CZK 250 g Tomato salad with avocado, buffalo mozzarella and red onion, dipped with dressing of walnut oil and aceto balsamico Alergen/Allergen 5, 6, 7, 8, 12
250 g Gratinovaný kozí sýr s javorovým sirupem na trhaných salátech s olivovým olejem, řapíkatým celerem, ředkvičkami a vařeným vejcem .... 150,- CZK 250 g Gratinated goat cheese with maple syrup on leaf salad with olive oil, celery, radish and boiled egg Alergen/Allergen 3, 6, 7, 10
Saláty / Salads Kuřecí nugety s trhanými listovými saláty a jogurtovo-bylinkovým dresinkem ................................................................... 160,- CZK Chicken nuggets on lettuce salad with yoghurt-herb dressing Alergen/Allergen 1, 3, 7, 9, 10, 12
Salát Caprese ........................................................................................................ 150,- CZK Caprese salad Tomaty prokládané mozzarellou s panenským olivovým olejem, bazalkou a balsamicem. Tomatoes with mozzarella, Extra Virgin olive oil, basil and aceto balsamico. Alergen/Allergen 6, 7, 12
Listové saláty s pečenými žampiony ................................................................. 140,- CZK Leaf salads with roasted mushrooms Čerstvé saláty, opečené žampiony s aceto balsamico a olivovým olejem extra virgin, červená cibule. Fresh salads, roasted mushrooms with aceto balsamico and Extra Virgin olive oil, red onion. Alergen/Allergen 10, 12
Trhané saláty s medovo-hořčičným dresinkem a sezónní zeleninou ............ 140,- CZK Variety of lettuce with honey-mustard dressing and seasonal vegetable Alergen/Allergen 10, 12
Řecký salát ........................................................................................................... 125,- CZK Greek salad Tradiční řecký salát z míchané zeleniny, černých oliv a feta sýru. Traditional Greek salad made of mixed vegetables, black olives and Feta cheese. Alergen/Allergen 6, 7, 10, 12
Club sandwich Club sandwich s hranolkami a římským salátem ........................................... 225,- CZK Club sandwich with French fries and romaine lettuce Alergen/Allergen 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12
Hlavní jídla / Main courses 200 g Biftek se zeleným pepřem, houbovým ragú a bylinkovým flaguette ....................................................................................... 340,- CZK 200 g Beefsteak with green pepper, mushroom ragout and herb flaguette Alergen/Allergen 1, 12
250 g Telecí Ossobucco se šafránovým rizotem a gremolatou ....................... 265,- CZK 200 g Veal ossobucco with saffron rissotto and gremolata Alergen/Allergen 6, 7, 12
250 g Jehněčí kotletky v oříškové krustě s konfitovaným česnekem, špenátovými lístky a kaší ze sladkých brambor ............................................ 390,- CZK 250 g Lamb cutlets of in nut crust with garlic confit, spinach and sweet potato mash Alergen/Allergen 1, 5, 7, 8
200 g Kachní prsa v marinádě z medu, portského vína s pečenou červenou řepou a ratté brambory ................................................... 250,- CZK 200 g Pink roasted duck breast in honey and Port wine marinade served with baked beetroot and ratté potatoes Alergen/Allergen 12
200 g Kuřecí Supreme na teplém salátu z černé čočky .................................. 245,- CZK 200 g Chicken Supreme with warm salad of black lentil Alergen/Allergen 9, 12
200 g Grilovaný candát s lanýžovým hráškovým pyré .................................. 285,- CZK 200 g Grilled Zander with truffle pea puree Alergen/Allergen 4, 7
200 g Tatarský biftek s topinkami a cipollini cibulkami ................................ 340,- CZK Syrová vejce přidáme pouze na výslovné požádání hosta.
200 g Beef tartar with roasted bread and cipollini onions Ask the chef to put on a raw egg. Alergen/Allergen 1, (3), 10, 12
250 g Grilovaná zelenina marinovaná s česnekem a bylinkami, podávaná s pečenou bramborou s crème fraîche a listovými saláty .............................. 150,- CZK 250 g Grilled vegetables marinated with garlic and herbs served with roasted potatoes, crème fraîche and lettuce Alergen/Allergen 7, 12
Těstoviny / Pasta / Risotto Domácí italské těstoviny servírované dle Vašeho výběru ..................................... 250 g Homemade Italian pasta served according to your choice .................................... 250 g - s hrubě mletým hovězím masem, tomatovým sosem a parmazánem ........ 175,- CZK - with coarsely ground beef, tomato sauce and Parmesan Alergen/Allergen 1, 3, 6, 7, 9,
- s opečeným česnekem, pancettou, chilli papričkami a parmazánem ......... 175,- CZK - with roasted garlic, pancetta, chilli peppers and Parmesan Alergen/Allergen 1, 3, 6, 7
- s kozím sýrem, špenátovými lístky, sušenými tomaty a smetanou ............ 175,- CZK - with goat cheese, spinach leaves, dried tomatoes and cream Alergen/Allergen 1, 3, 6, 7, 12
Risoto s parmskou šunkou a artyčoky ............................................................. 195,- CZK Risotto with Parma ham and artichokes Alergen/Allergen 1, 6, 7
Risoto s hříbky a parmazánem .......................................................................... 195,- CZK Risotto with mushrooms and Parmesan Alergen/Allergen 6, 7
Moučníky a sýry / Desserts and cheese Čokoládový fondant s tvarohem a višňovým coulis ........................................ 130,- CZK Chocolate fondant with cottage cheese and sour cherry coulis Alergen/Allergen 1, 3, 7
Gratinované horké maliny s vanilkovým mascarpone .................................. 100,- CZK Hot raspberry gratin with vanilla mascarpone Alergen/Allergen 7
2 ks Ořechové palačinky s crème fraîche, javorovým sirupem a opečeným banánem ...................................................... 130,- CZK 2 pcs Nut pancakes with crème fraîche, maple syrup and roasted banana Alergen/Allergen 1, 3, 5, 7, 8
Variace sorbetu a ovoce ...................................................................................... 100,- CZK Variations of sorbets and fruit Alergen/Allergen
100 g Výběr francouzských sýrů na prkénku s hrozny červeného vína a vlašskými jádry .................................................... 225,- CZK 100 g Selection of French cheese on a wood board with red grapes and walnuts Alergen/Allergen 6, 7, 8
Seznam potravinových alergenů, které podléhají legislativnímu označování dle směrnice 1169/11 EU. 1) Obiloviny obsahující lepek – výrobky z nich, 2) Korýši a výrobky z nich, 3) Vejce a výrobky z nich, 4) Ryby a výrobky z nich, 5) Podzemnice olejná (arašídy) a výrobky z nich, 6) Sójové boby (sója) a výrobky z nich, 7) Mléko a výrobky z něj, 8) Skořápkové plody a výrobky z nich – jedná se o všechny druhy ořechů, 9) Celer a výrobky z něj, 10) Hořčice a výrobky z ní, 11) Sezamová semena (sezam) a výrobky z nich, 12) Oxid siřičitý a siřičitany v koncentracích vyšších než 10 mg, ml/kg nebo 10g,ml/l,vyjádřeno SO2. 13) Vlčí bob (LUPINA) a výrobky z něj, 14) Mekkýši a výrobky z nich.
SUBSTANCES OR PRODUCTS CAUSING ALLERGIES OR INTOLERANCES 1) Cereals containing gluten, namely: wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut or their hybridised strains, and products thereof, 2) Crustaceans and products thereof 3) Eggs and products thereof, 4) Fish and products thereof 5) Peanuts and products thereof, 6) Soybeans and products thereof 7) Milk and products thereof (including lactose), 8) Nuts, namely: almonds (Amygdalus communis L.), hazelnuts (Corylus avellana), walnuts (Juglans regia), cashews (Anacardium occidentale), pecan nuts (Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch), Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa), pistachio nuts (Pistacia vera), macadamia or Queensland nuts (Macadamia ternifolia), and products thereof, except for nuts used for making alcoholic distillates including ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin nuts (Macadamia ternifolia), and products thereof, except for nuts used for making alcoholic distillates including ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin, 9) Celery and products thereof 10) Mustard and products thereof 11) Sesame seeds and products thereof, 12) Sulphur dioxide and sulphites at concentrations of more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/ litre in terms of the total SO2 which are to be calculated for products as proposed ready for consumption or as reconstituted according to the instructions of the manufacturers, 13) Lupin and products thereof 14) Molluscs and products thereof
Teplé nápoje / Hot drinks Espresso (mléko) .................................................................................................... 45,- CZK Espresso (milk) Alergen/Allergen 7
Espresso Macchiato ................................................................................................ 50,- CZK Espresso Macchiato Alergen/Allergen 7
Double Espresso (mléko) ....................................................................................... 70,- CZK Double Espresso (milk) Alergen/Allergen 7
Cappuccino .............................................................................................................. 55,- CZK Alergen/Allergen 7
Latte Macchiato....................................................................................................... 55,- CZK Alergen/Allergen 7
Vídeňská káva ......................................................................................................... 55,- CZK Vienna coffee Alergen/Allergen 7
Horká čokoláda ....................................................................................................... 50,- CZK Hot chocolate Alergen/Allergen 7
Ledová káva ............................................................................................................ 60,- CZK Ice Coffee Alergen/Allergen 7
Čaj sáček (med, citrón) .......................................................................................... 40,- CZK Just Tea (honey, lemon) Sypaný čaj (med, citrón) ....................................................................................... 60,- CZK Loose Leaf Tea (honey, lemon) Grog .......................................................................................................................... 70,- CZK Svařené víno ........................................................................................................... 60,- CZK Mulled wine Alergen/Allergen 12
Nealkoholické nápoje / Soft drinks 0,25l Bonaqua ......................................................................................................... 25,- CZK 0,25l Bonaqua 0,25l Kinley Tonic Water ....................................................................................... 40,- CZK 0,25l Kinley Tonic Water 0,33l Coca Cola, Coca Cola light ............................................................................ 40,- CZK 0,33l Coca Cola, Coca Cola light 0,25l Cappy Juice – výběr ..................................................................................... 45,- CZK 0,25l Cappy Juice – selection 0,25l Red Bull .......................................................................................................... 70,- CZK 0,25l Red Bull 0,5l Bonaqua ............................................................................................................ 30,- CZK 0,5l Bonaqua 0,5l Vittel ................................................................................................................. 65,- CZK 0,5l Vittel 0,5l Perrier .............................................................................................................. 70,- CZK 0,5l Perrier 0,5l Coca Cola, Coca Cola light ............................................................................... 45,- CZK 0,5l Coca Cola, Coca Cola light 0,5l Nestea – výběr ................................................................................................. 45,- CZK 0,5l Nestea – selection 0,5l Fanta, Sprite .................................................................................................... 45,- CZK 0,5l Fanta, Sprite 0,5l Powerade .......................................................................................................... 55,- CZK 0,5l Powerade 0,5l Vitamine Well .................................................................................................. 80,- CZK 0,5l Vitamine Well 0,3l Točená limonáda ............................................................................................. 30,- CZK 0,3l Draft lemonade 0,5l Točená limonáda ............................................................................................ .40,- CZK 0,5l Draft lemonade
Pivo / Beer 0,3l Lobkowicz Premium NEALKO – točené ........................................................ 40,- CZK 0,3l Lobkowicz Premium draught – nonalc. beer Alergen/Allergen 1
0,5l Lobkowicz Premium NEALKO - točené ........................................................ 50,- CZK 0,5l Lobkowicz Premium draught – nonalc. beer Alergen/Allergen 1
0,3l Lobkowicz Premium 12°- točené .................................................................. 40,- CZK 0,3l Lobkowicz Premium 12°- draught Alergen/Allergen 1
0,5l Lobkowicz Premium 12°- točené .................................................................. 55,- CZK 0,5l Lobkowicz Premium 12°- draught Alergen/Allergen 1
0,3l Lobkowicz SPECIÁL - točené ......................................................................... 40,- CZK 0,3l Lobkowicz SPECIAL - draught Alergen/Allergen 1
0,5l Lobkowicz SPECIÁL - točené ......................................................................... 55,- CZK 0,5l Lobkowicz SPECIAL - draught Alergen/Allergen 1
0,33l Radegast Birell NEALKO – plech ................................................................ 40,- CZK 0,33l Radegast Birell NEALKO – can Alergen/Allergen 1
0,33l Pilsner Urquell - plech .................................................................................. 45,- CZK 0,33l Pilsner Urquell - can Alergen/Allergen 1
Rozlévaná vína / Wine per glass 1,5 dcl Bílé víno dle nabídky (CZE) ...................................................................... 60,- CZK 1,5 dcl House wine - white (CZECH Rep.) Alergen/Allergen 12
1,5 dcl Bílé víno dle nabídky (Itálie) .................................................................... 95,- CZK 1,5 dcl House wine - white (Italy) Alergen/Allergen 12
1,5 dcl Červené víno dle nabídky (CZE) .............................................................. 70,- CZK 1,5 dcl House wine - red (CZECH Rep.) Alergen/Allergen 12
1,5 dcl Červené víno dle nabídky (Itálie) ............................................................ 95,- CZK 1,5 dcl House wine - red (Italy) Alergen/Allergen 12
The Wine list is available at request
Aperitivy / Aperitifs 1dcl Martini Extra Dry .......................................................................................... 70,- CZK Alergen/Allergen 12
1dcl Martini Bianco ................................................................................................ 70,- CZK Alergen/Allergen 12
1dcl Campari ........................................................................................................... 95,- CZK Alergen/Allergen 12
3dcl Aperol Spritz ................................................................................................. 110,- CZK Alergen/Allergen 12
Porto & Brandy 4cl Sandeman Porto Ruby ..................................................................................... 60,- CZK Alergen/Allergen 12
4cl Metaxa ***** .................................................................................................. 75,- CZK 4cl Metaxa ******* ........................................................................................... 100,- CZK
Gin 4cl Beefeater Gin ..................................................................................................... 75,- CZK
Vodka 4cl Absolut Vodka ................................................................................................... 75,- CZK 4cl Russian Standard ............................................................................................. 85,- CZK
Rumy / Rums 4cl Captain Morgan spiced gold ............................................................................ 75,- CZK 4cl Bacardi Superior .............................................................................................. 75,- CZK 4cl Ron Zacapa Centenario 23 Anos .................................................................. 140,- CZK 4cl Ron Zacapa Centenario XO ........................................................................... 230,- CZK 4cl Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva 12 Anos .................................................... 150,- CZK
Destiláty a lihoviny / Spirits 4cl Grappa ............................................................................................................... 70,- CZK 4cl Rum Božkov tuzemský .................................................................................... 60,- CZK 4cl Rum Božkov 4cl Slivovice – R. Jelínek ....................................................................................... 60,- CZK 4cl Slivovitz 4cl Hruškovice Williams – R. Jelínek ................................................................... 80,- CZK 4cl Pear Brandy Williams
Likéry / Liqueurs 4cl Bailleys .............................................................................................................. 70,- CZK Alergen/Allergen 3
4cl Becherovka ....................................................................................................... 60,- CZK 4cl Fernet Stock ...................................................................................................... 60,- CZK 4cl Fernet Stock Citrus .......................................................................................... 60,- CZK 4cl Jägermeister ..................................................................................................... 70,- CZK 4cl Grand Marnier ................................................................................................ 110,- CZK
Koňaky / Cognacs 4cl Hennessy V.S ................................................................................................... 110,- CZK 4cl Hennessy Fine de Cognac ............................................................................. 180,- CZK 4cl Hennessy X.O. ................................................................................................ 450,- CZK
American Whiskey
4cl Jack Daniel’s ..................................................................................................... 80,- CZK
Single malt whisky 4cl Glenfiddich 15 YO .......................................................................................... 190,- CZK
Skotská whisky / Scotch whisky 4cl Chivas Regal .................................................................................................... 110,- CZK 4cl Johnnie Walker-Red Label .............................................................................. 80,- CZK 4cl Johnnie Walker-Black Label ........................................................................ 130,- CZK
Whisky 4cl Jameson ............................................................................................................. 80,- CZK 4cl Tullamore Dew .................................................................................................. 80,- CZK