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Zaterdag 4 oktober: Pecho Party Urban @ de Waai
34ste jaargang: 2014-2015 Afgiftekantoor: 2440 Geel Maand: Oktober 2014 Nummer: 2 P409906
Afzendadres en VU Mathias Van Braband Gemeenteheide 96 2440 Geel
Extra activiteiten Aloysiusscouts
Zaterdag 4 oktober: PECHO PARTY URBAN Dit jaar zal Pecho Party voor het eerst niet meer in een tent zijn door omstandigheden. Op zaterdag 4 oktober zal fuifzaal ‘de Waai’ in Geel-Centrum the place to be zijn voor de fuifgaande jeugd. Onze kinderfuif/Zware bierenavond gaat helaas dit jaar niet meer door, alleszins niet in zijn huidige vorm. Onze leidingsploeg is anderzijds wel aan het broeden op een vernieuwde activiteit, we houden u op de hoogte!
Hallo Kapoentjes, Het is weer een nieuwe maand vol met leuke activiteiten! Kijk snel wat jullie allemaal te wachten staat! Trek allemaal jullie beste sportschoenen aan, want vandaag doen we een sportvergadering van 14u tot 17u.
Deze zaterdag spelen we een groot stadsspel in Geel van 14u tot 17u. Hopelijk tot dan!
zaterdag 4 oktober
zaterdag 11 oktober
Vandaag maken we kennis met verschillende pleinspelletjes van 14u tot 17u. zaterdag 18 oktober
Van 14u tot 17u spelen we het grote één tegen allen spel. De leiding daagt jullie uit om verschillende opdrachten te vervullen! Iedereen zeker komen, zodat jullie winnen! zaterdag 25 oktober Vele groetjes van jullie supertoffe leiding Leni, Antoon, Jef en Robin!
Super veel groeten van Thomas, Daan, Lotte en Brent!
25 oktober: Vandaag gaan we een supertoffe fotozoektocht doen van 2 tot 5!
11 oktober: Smeer jullie benen al maar in, want vandaag gaan we sportactiviteiten doen. Zeker komen dus van 2 tot 5!!
18 oktober: Hopelijk hebben jullie nog een beetje plaats in jullie buik, want vandaag gaan we op smulpapentocht van 2 tot 5.
4 oktober: Vandaag gaan we Tuttufruttebollenquiz doen van 2 tot 5. Vergeet zeker niet jullie gezond verstand mee te brengen!!
Hallo kapoentjes! Het is weer een nieuwe maand boordevol toffe activiteiten, we gaan ons dus weer super hard amuseren!! Maar om te weten te komen wat we allemaal gaan doen, moet je eerst proberen om te lezen wat er in de kadertjes staat. Veel succes!
Dag wolven, Zoals elke maand zijn wij weer klaar voor een maand vol leuke vergaderingen, jullie ook? Zaterdag 4 oktober
Stadsspel 14U – 17U
Zaterdag 11 oktober Pijlenzetterkestocht 14U – 17U Zaterdag 18 oktober Laddercompetitie 14U – 17U
Zaterdag 25 oktober (10 uur) – zondag 26 oktober (14 uur) Weekend Meer info volgt nog
Hopelijk wordt het weer een super leuke maand! Groetjes van jullie leiding.
Deze maand hebben we een woordzoeker voor jullie! In de beschrijvingen van de vergaderingen onderaan staan enkele woorden onderlijnd, deze kan je zoeken in de woordzoeker.
Zaterdag 4 oktober organiseren wij de Pecho Party! Daarom hebben we een heuse Pecho verassingsvergadering! Als je wil ontdekken wat we dan gaan doen, zorg dan dat je zeker van 14-17u aanwezig bent! De week daarna gaan we op verplaatsing, zaterdag 11 oktober spelen we een bosspel! Afspraak aan de lokalen, van 14-17u. Smeer je benen al maar in, de vergadering van 18 oktober gaan we op pijlenzetterstocht. Van 14 tot 17u zullen we een route vol leuke spelletjes uitwerken! Van zaterdag 25 oktober tot zondag 26 oktober gaan we op ons eerste weekend van het jaar! Om 10 uur worden jullie zaterdag aan onze lokalen, de Kruiskwacht, in Bel verwacht. Zondag om 14u komen je ouders jullie daar weer ophalen. Het thema is superhelden en superschurken, kom dus allemaal verkleed naar de scouts!
Groetjes van jullie leiding: Marie, Bram, Daan en Simon!
The koala (Phascolarctos cinereus or, inaccurately, koala bear) is an arboreal herbivorous marsupial native to Australia. It is the only extant representative of the family Phascolarctidae, and its closest living relatives are the wombats.[3] The koala is found in coastal areas of the mainland's eastern and southern regions, inhabiting Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. It is easily recognisable by its stout, tailless body; round, fluffy ears; and large, spoon-shaped nose. The koala has a body length of 60–85 cm and weighs 4–15 kg. [04/10 => Sportvergadering van 14u-17u] Pelage colour ranges from silver grey to chocolate brown. Koalas from the northern populations are typically smaller and lighter in colour than their counterparts further south. It is possible that these populations are separate subspecies, but this is disputed. Koalas typically inhabit open eucalypt woodlands, and the leaves of these trees make up most of their diet. Because this eucalypt diet has limited nutritional and caloric content, koalas are largely sedentary and sleep for up to 20 hours a day. They are asocial animals, and bonding exists only between mothers and dependent offspring. Adult males communicate with loud bellows that intimidate rivals and attract mates. Males mark their presence with secretions from scent glands located on their chests. Being marsupials, koalas give birth [11/10 => Pijlzetterkestocht van 14u tot 17u] to underdeveloped young that crawl into their mothers' pouches, where they stay for the first six to seven months of their life. These young koalas are known as joeys, and are fully weaned at around a year. Koalas have few natural predators and parasites but are threatened by various pathogens, like Chlamydiaceae bacteria and the koala retrovirus, as well as by bushfires and droughts. Koalas were hunted by indigenous Australians and depicted in myths and cave art for millennia. The first recorded encounter between a European and a koala was in 1798, and an image of the animal was published in 1810 by naturalist George Perry. Popular artist John Gould illustrated and described the koala, introducing the species to the general British public. Further details about the animal's biology were revealed in the 19th century by several English scientists. Because of its distinctive appearance, the koala is recognised worldwide as a symbol of Australia. Koalas are listed as of [18/10 => Woudloperskeuken van 14u tot 17u] Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The Australian government lists populations in Queensland and New South Wales as Vulnerable. The animal was hunted heavily in the early 20th century for its fur, and large-scale cullings in Queensland resulted in a public outcry that initiated a movement to protect the species. Sanctuaries were established, and translocation efforts moved to new regions koalas whose habitat had become fragmented or reduced. The biggest threat to their existence is habitat destruction caused by agriculture and urbanisation. The word koala comes from the Dharug gula. Although the vowel 'u' was originally written in the English orthography as "oo" (in spellings such as coola or koolah), it was changed to "oa", possibly in error. The word is mistakenly said to mean "doesn't drink". Because of the koala's resemblance to a bear, it was often miscalled the koala bear, particularly by early settlers. Other names like monkey bear, native bear, and tree-bear have also been used. Indigenous names include cullawine, koolawong, colah, karbor, colo [25/10 => Ruwe spelen van 14u tot 17u] , coolbun, boorabee, burroor, bangaroo, pucawan, banjorah, and burrenbong; many of these mean "no drink".
Groetjes van jullie leiding! Daan, Jean, Gilles en Lode
Lo scautismo (o scoutismo) è un movimento a carattere non partitico, aperto a tutti senza distinzione di origine, razza e fede religiosa, nato da un'idea di Sir Robert Baden-Powell, barone di Gilwell, dag jong-givertjes noto a tutti gli scout del als je benieuwd bent wat we deze maand gaan doen mondo come Baden-Powell o semplicemente B.P. Oggi il movimento scout è diffuso lees dan nog maar wat verder a livello mondiale e, zat. 4 oktober contando più di quaranta spelen we een superleuk stadsspel milioni di iscritti, è van 14u tot 17u una delle più grandi organizzazioni di educazione non formale. Scopo dello scautismo, fondato sul volontariato, è l'educazione dei giovani a un civismo responsabile mediante lo sviluppo delle proprie attitudini fisiche, morali, sociali e spirituali. Il metodo educativo si basa sull'imparare facendo attraverso attività all'aria aperta e in piccoli gruppi. Op zaterdag 11 oktober mogen jullie Cenni storici[modifica | modifica sorgente] je slechte kleren aantrekken Il movimento nacque nel 1907 in want we gaan ruwe spelen doen Inghilterra dove Baden-Powell organizzò, con un gruppo di venti ragazzi inglesi, il primo campo scout del mondo nell'isola di Brownsea, nella baia di Poole, sulla Manica, van 14u tot 17u inizialmente lo scautismo fu rivolto solo ai ragazzi di sesso maschile. Nel 1910 Baden-Powell fondò ufficialmente l'Associazione delle Girl Guides e il movimento parallelo del Guidismo. L'idea gli venne suggerita a un raduno scout nel 1909, dove sette ragazze sfilarono inaspettatamente sotto gli occhi di Baden-Powell autodefinendosi Girl Scouts.L'organizzazione di questo movimento venne in un primo tempo affidata alla sorella Agnes, ma in seguito zaterdag 18 oktober gaan we passò a sua moglie Olave.Origine del termine[modifica | modifica sorgente]La parola scout, che significa in lingua inglese ricognitore, esploratore, veniva e viene tuttora usata in ambito militare per woudloperskeuken doen van 10u tot 15u dus indicare tutti quei mezzi e quelle attività volte a localizzare il nemico. Fu scelta da Baden-Powell pensando ai ragazzi e ai molteplici orizzonti che essi potevano scoprire; il termine breng allemaal superlekkere ingredienten mee vuole anche far pensare a delle persone in grado di cavarsela da soli nelle situazioni più svariate, organizzate e attrezzate, sia interiormente sia esteriormente, in ogni evenienza.Il termine simile boy scout, spesso erroneamente scritto con un trattino, era usato inizialmente per caratterizzare in senso giovanile questo movimento (che si rivolge ai ragazzi e non agli adulti), e in seguito anche op zaterdag 25 oktober gaan we per distinguere gli scout maschi dalle girl guides (ragazze). In Gran Bretagna venne mutato in "scout" nel 1966, nell'ambito di estese riforme. In altre nazioni (fra cui l'Italia) è caduto in disuso dagli anni 70 del XX secolo, cioè quando la maggior parte delle associazioni ha cominciato ad avere soci di entrambi i sessi (anche se con modalità diverse). L'espressione boy scout è talvolta ancora usata all'estero in associazioni esclusivamente maschili de bossen van winkelomheide onveilig maken want (specialmente negli USA). Il metodo[modifica | we gaan een megaspannend bosspel spelen modifica sorgente] Lo scautismo van 14u tot 17u è caratterizzato da un metodo educativo e un codice comportamentale non formale, il vele liefhebbende groetjes van jullie leiding! cui fine ultimo è di dare la possibilità ai giovani di diventare
Welcome to South Park aka Yellow city! Let’s play a game on Saturday the third! 14u-17u
Yayks WEEKEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Get ready for a real adventure including: rock climbing, speleology and many more! Don’t forget to bring ur camping material! Starting at Friday 10 October and ending on Sunday 12 October! More info is coming your way soon so keep an eye on Facebook or email!
Hi Folks, you ready to learn some real th cooking? Come and join me on the 18 of October. I’m expecting y’all in my kitchen from 10 am till 1 pm! Bring ur own food!
Bicycle race starting at 10 am on the 25th of October and ending just at 17pm sharp. Don’t forget to bring a tricycle (bicycle) and lunch. See you at the starting line!
Groetjes van Cartman, Kyle, Stan and Wendy Ps: ‘am’ is achter middag en ‘pm’ is pefore middag ma dan omgekeerd eh!
Adventure weekend Stadsspel
Vrijdag tot zondag
14u tot 17u
Klimmen in grotten en bergen
Het stad onveilig
€35 meebrengen
Info volgt nog
11u tot 13u
Een tegen alle
Breng je eigen eten mee
14u tot 17u
Om ter beste
‘s avonds feesten op de pecho!