Rabobank.be Conversion or brand building? 40.000 answers.
Rabobank.be – Bent ú al mee? / Vous y êtes? 1. History, objectives and strategy of the campaign 2. Creation 3. Commercial and communication results
Rabobank.be - history • Nov. 2002
Wij zijn de bank, u de bankier.
Nous sommes la banque, vous êtes le banquier.
• Rabobank.be approach: Product oriented
– Focus: on savings / on financial freaks – Facts: Permanent base rate – Look and compare – New banking concept
Communication objectives Conversion:
Brand Building:
• 2008 acquisition objective: 40.000 new Rabobank.be clients
• Create more brand sympathy for Rabobank.be.
• Q1 2008 = crucial: 24.000 acquisitions
• The briefing, literally: “Rabobank.be doen evolueren van een no-nonsense rechttoe rechtaan bank, naar een sympathieke no-nonsense rechttoe rechtaan bank.”
> Bent ú al mee?
> Vous y êtes?
Challenging the consumer.
72% of the Belgian savers is not satisfied with their current interest.* But, only 6% explicitly states to go shopping at other banks for more attractive offers.**
Q: To what extent do you go shopping at a bank other than your principal bank, if this other bank offers a more attractive product? Never
N = 5.318
Now and then
Very often
Loyals Loyals
Disloyals Disloyals
Sources: *Studie Rabobank.be (January 2006). **InSites Consulting, De Tijd & L’Echo. (sept. ’06). De Belg en zijn Geld.
5% 1%
- Online: Bannering Viral
Prospects Hot prospects
- Radio
- PR
- DM - Newsletters - Brochure - Website (visual id) - Digipass pakket - Opvolgingsmails prospect- en klantentraject
Campaign • Nov. 2007: Kick-off of the “Bent ú al mee?” campaign • 20 dec. 2007: Viral movie • Jan. – Feb. 2008: 10 euro campaign • Nov. – Mar. 2008: Bannering
Nov. 2007: Kick-off of the “Bent ú al mee” campaign
The “Bent ú al mee? / Vous y êtes?” positioning was installed through bannering and supported in radio, remaining a clear focus on the 3,75% interest proposition.
[ Radio: Tijdelijk ]
Dec. 20: Viral movie
A personalized viral movie needed to communicate the “Bent ú al mee? / Vous y êtes?” positioning to a very specific target group: friends and acquaintances of existing Rabobank.be clients.
[ Radio: Condition ]
Jan. – Feb. 2008: 10 euro campaign
Bannering and radio supported the 10 euro promotion and interest raise up to 4%. New clients received 10 euro when they opened an account in January or February.
lundi 26 janvier 2008 15:09
Nov. – Mar. 2008: continuous bannering
We constantly had banners running. When there was no specific action (e.g. 10 euro) to be communicated, image supporting banners ran.
A limited media budget! Pige 2007
(Filter: ‘saving’)
Pige Jan.-Mar. 2008
(Filter: ‘saving’)
Campaign results •
Commercial results: – By the end of Q1 the year objective for 2008 was already achieved. – = Q1 objective of 24.000 acquisitions surpassed by 67%.
Communication results: – Research: InSites impact research • 0 measurement: Oktober 24-30, 2007 • Impact measurement: March 25 – April 4, 2008 – Awareness: • ToM and Spontaneous Awareness both significantly increased. • Rabobank.be by far the most cited internetbank.
Target: 115.000
– Positively evolving brand image: • Significant increase on relevant brand image items.
So, were our objectives ambitious enough? Yes they were.
Sources: De Standaard (April 8, 2008)
Top-of-mind awareness
Q: Welke andere internetbanken komen er nog bij u op? ((Internet populatie)
8% 14% 10%
13% 6%
10% 9%
10% 7%
Keytrade Bank
4% 2%
3% 1%
2% 3%
Axa Bank
1% 1%
B.I.P April '08 (N = 522) B.I.P November '07(N = 499)
Spontaneous awareness
Q: Welke van volgende banken kent u, al was het maar van naam?
Dexia Fortis Bank ING Citibank Bank vd Post Axa Bank KBC Argenta Deutsche Bank Centea Landbouwkrediet Rabobank.be Ethias Bank ABN Amro Fintro
96% 93% 96% 94% 93% 91% 87% 87% 86% 90% 81% 81% 80% 82% 76% 76% 75% 73% 70% 67% 70% 70% 69% 61% 68% 64% 57% 50% 55% 52%
34% 28% 21% 18% 12% Triodos Bank 9% 9% BKCP 8% 7% DHB Bank 9% 7% Credit europe 6% 7% Robeco Bank 14% 5% Cortal Consors 5% Geen van… 0% 0% Record Bank
Keytrade Bank
B.I.P April '08 (N = 522) B.I.P November '07(N = 499)
Brand image Rabobank.be 0% Anders dan de anderen Aantrekkelijk Recht door zee Slim No-nonsense Innovatief Ef f iciënt Sympathiek Gedurf d Veilig Kwajongen Betrouwbaar Solide Prof essioneel Laagdrempelig Direct Toegankelijk Provocerend
BIP November '07 (N = 303) 10% 20% 30%
BIP April '08 (N = 362) 40% 50%
So what’s our secret ingredient? – A satisfied client is a walking advertisement. Q : In welke mate bent u tevreden over de onderstaande banken waar u klant bij bent op een schaal van 1 tot 10 waarbij ‘1’ staat voor ‘uiterst ontevreden en ‘10’ staat voor uiterest tevreden? (enkel indien klant )
Nulmeting Nulmeting :: Rabobank.be Rabobank.be == 8,4 8,4 (enkel (enkel Rabobank.be Rabobank.be klantenbestand) klantenbestand)
Rabobank.be Axa Bank KBC Citibank ING Centea Dexia Fortis Bank Bank van de Post Argenta Deutsche Bank ABN Amro Ethias Bank Record Bank DHB Bank Keytrade Bank BKCP Credit europe Landbouwkrediet Fintro Cortal Consors
Belgische Internet Populatie 8,5 7,8 7,6 7,4 8,2 7,2 7,1 7,1 6,9 7,5
Rabobank.be Klanten
Rabobank.be Prospecten
8,4 6,4 6,3 6,5 6,2 5,9 6,1 5,9 5,8 7,6 7,6 7,4 7,6 6,5 8 8 7,5 7,5 7,2 6,7 6,2
7,5 6,7 6,4 5,9 6,8 6,4 6,1 6,1 7,4 7,3 7,3 7,1 6,6
Banken beoordeeld door minder dan 30 respondenten werden niet gerapporteerd
Resulting in an astonishing Net Promotor Score Q : In welke mate zou u de onderstaande banken waar u klant bij bent aanbevelen aan vrienden, familie, collega’s, ... op een schaal van ‘0’ tot ‘10’ waarbij ‘0’ staat voor ‘heel onwaarschijnlijk’ en ‘10’ staat voor uiterst waarschijnlijk’? (enkel indien klant )
Nulmeting Nulmeting :: NPS NPS Rabobank.be Rabobank.be == 50% 50% (enkel (enkel Rabobank.be Rabobank.be klantenbestand) klantenbestand)
Rabobank.be Axa Bank KBC Citibank ING Centea Dexia Fortis Bank Bank van de Post Argenta Deutsche Bank ABN Amro Ethias Bank Record Bank DHB Bank Keytrade Bank BKCP Credit europe Landbouwkrediet Fintro Cortal Consors
Belgische Internet Populatie 46% 0% -6% -3% 17% -44% -10% -33% -30% 17%
Rabobank.be Klanten
Rabobank.be Prospecten
52% -52% -61% -52% -55% -63% 10% -69% -60% 14% 9% -8% 22% -44% -64% 19% 6% -7% -39% -42% -43%
Banken beoordeeld door minder dan 30 respondenten werden niet gerapporteerd
-8% -38% -52% -67% -39% -13% -56% -56% 1% 24% -12% 31% -56%
Conclusion • Sometimes all parts of the puzzle fall together – – – –
Great Great Great Great
media creative proposition client satisfaction
A+B+C+D = (ABCD)2
Don’t mention the (interest) war? – Please do.
A solid foundation for the future Campaign period
> Bent ú al mee?
> Vous y êtes?