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VOORJAAR – mei 2008
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Pagina 1 Voorwoord en voorjaar 2007.
Voor U ligt het 1 voorjaarsnummer van INstruendum. Met een uitgifte van 4 stuks per jaar zullen wij U op de hoogte houden van actuele zaken, producten en diensten van INstruchemie. Naast eigen productie hebben wij met ca. 30 internationale bestaande en nieuwe fabrikanten meerjarige distributieovereenkomsten afgesloten en goede prijsafspraken kunnen maken. Successievelijk zullen wij U via INstruendum, mailings en internet informeren over diverse actuele items.
Pagina 2 Webpagina producten. Pagina 3 INstruchemie producten. Pagina 4 Aptec Diagnostics: Immunoturbidimetry. Pagina 5, 6, 7 KOVA – systeem: Standaardisatie urine onderzoek. Stabilur tabletten. Pagina 7 Bezinkingscontroles. Pagina 8 Niche bepalingen. Pagina 9 Enkele leveranciers. Pagina 10 Aanvraagformulier.
Dit nummer staat in het teken van onze compleet vernieuwde website, enige eigen “niche” productie en een selectie van partners met interessante producten. Mede dankzij velen van U bestaat INstruchemie in 2009 alweer 30 jaar en daar zijn we U zeer erkentelijk voor. Onze producten worden inmiddels in zo’n 40 landen verkocht. Wij hebben de intentie om in Nederland ons marktaandeel te vergroten middels vooral zgn. “niche”bepalingen, sneltesten, onafhankelijke controles en universeel te gebruiken “open” vrij programmeerbare kleinere analyseautomaten. Wij hebben inmiddels een zeer groot assortiment met hoogwaardige zorgvuldig geselecteerde diagnostica, biochemicaliën, LIMS software en apparatuur tegen zeer concurrerende prijzen. Uw reacties worden zeer gewaardeerd. Met vriendelijke groet, Directie INstruchemie BV Irenus Nieland Fons Nieland
Vernieuwde website 2008
Bio- en windenergie, koolzaad en molens,
Noord-Nederland, voorjaar 2007.
Science without f(r)iction since 1979 Telephone Telefax E-mail Internet
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www.instruchemie.nl Webpagina producten. Vernieuwde website 2008
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INstruendum-LENTE editie-280318-1.FEN
www.instruchemie.nl Enkele niche bepalingen van INstruchemie, export naar ca. 40 landen. Galactose * Enzymatic method * Use whole blood or urine * Incl. Galactose Control * Also for automated procedures * Wavelength 340 nm Article nr.: 2935, Galactose Reagent Set
Contents: 35 – 450 tests
Fabrikant: INstruchemie
Pyruvate * Enzymatic method * Use whole blood * Incl. Pyruvate Standard * Deproteinization procedure with 8% Perchloric Acid * Also available Lactate/Pyruvate Control, High Level * Wavelength 340, 334, 365 nm Article nr.: 2897, Pyruvate Reagent Set Article nr.: 2896, Lactate/Pyruvate Control Article nr.: 2933, Deproteinization Reagent
Contents: 40 – 200 tests Contents: 10 x 5 ml Contents: 6 x 100 ml
Fabrikant: INstruchemie
(Comparable with former Sigma® method) Lactate * * * * * *
Enzymatic method Use whole blood, plasma or cerebrospinal fluid Incl. Lactate Standard Deproteinization procedure with 8% Perchloric Acid Also available Lactate/Pyruvate Control, High Level Wavelength 340, 334, 365 nm
Article nr.: 2864, Lactate Reagent Set Article nr.: 2896, Lactate/Pyruvate Control Article nr.: 2933, Deproteinization Reagent
Contents: 25 – 250 tests Contents: 10 x 5 ml Contents: 6 x 100 ml
(Comparable with former Sigma® method)
Fabrikant: INstruchemie
Chymotrypsin * Colorimetric method * Use Faeces * Incl. Chymotrypsin Control * Wavelength 405 nm * Also available Faecal Sample Preparation Tubes
Article nr.: 2909, Chymotrypsin Reagent Set Contents: 18 – 72 tests Article nr.: 2505, Faecel Sample Prep. Tubes Contents: 50 tests
Fabrikant: INstruchemie
Vraag meer informatie en/of testverpakking aan. Telephone Telefax E-mail Internet
(+31)(0)596 – 634 831 (+31)(0)596 – 634 755
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www.instruchemie.nl INstruchemie vertegenwoordigd ca. 30 fabrikanten.
The Company Aptec: APTEC Diagnostics manufactures and develops highly stable REAGENTS & KITS for IMMUNOTURBIDIMETRY, including calibrators and controls. Since its foundation in 1992, APTEC stands for a solid reputation, focussing on the needs of the customer. Service to distributors is our mian objective. Several major diagnostic companies are now customer on OEM/Private label basis. Our current portfolio lists more than 40 reagents in convenient packages, all CE-labelled. Application Procedures for about 45 different Instruments are available upon request. Our continuous efforts to meet the highest possible quality, has resulted in ISO 9001: 2000 and ISO 13485:2003 certificates.
Bi-reagents and/or Mono-reagents: Kits, Calibrators & Controls β2-Microglobulin Ultra Sensitive α1-Antitrypsin α1-Acid Glycoprotein C1 Esterase Inhibitor α1-Microglobulin Complement C3 α2-Macroglobulin Complement C4 Albumin Ceruloplasmin Anti-streptolysin (O) CRP CRP Ultra Sensitive Antithrombin III Ferritin Ultra Sensitive APO A1 APO A2 Fibrinogen APO B Fibrinonectin Therapeutic Drug Monitoring: Kits, Calibrators & Controls Carbamazepine Gentamicin Digitoxin Phenobarbital Digoxin Phenytoin
Haptoglobin HbA1c Direct IgA IgD IgG IgM Kappa Light Chain Lambda Light Chain Microalbumin Ultra Sensitive Prealbumin Transferrin Theophyllline Valproic Acid
Manual procedures & Analysers procedures Advia ®-series (1200, 1650, 2400) Hitachi ®-series (704, 717, 902, 911, 912, 917) Aeroset ® Ilab ®-series (500, 600, 900) Alcyon ® Konelab ® 20i Architec ® Mega ® AU ®-series (400, 560, 2700, 5400) Modular ® Axon ® Monarch ® Cobas ® Mira Opera ® Dimension ® RA ®-series (1000, 1000-XT) Express ® 500 Selectra ®-series (1,2)
Space ® Synchron ® -series (CX, LX) Wako ®-series (20R, 30R) XL ® 600
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(+31)(0)596 – 634 831 (+31)(0)596 – 634 755
[email protected] www.instruchemie.com
Visiting address Zwet 26 9932 AB Delfzijl The Netherlands
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INstruendum-LENTE editie-280318-1.FEN
www.hycorbiomedical.com Standaardisatie urine sedimenten onderzoek:
Urine controles: KOVA-controls
Hygiënisch en schoon. Dekglaasjes overbodig. Steeds dezelfde hoeveelheid urine in onderzoek. Eenvoudig en snel. Tot 10 sedimenten in één telkamer.
Aanbevolen methode in meer dan 100 landen. CE – gemarkeerd.
Complete KOVA System: KOVA System Pac 10 with grids: Contains: Determination of 1000 Urine sediments Art. nr.: 87159 2 x 500 KOVA Economy Tubes, 87138 2 x 500 Petters, 87135 1 x 100 Glasstic Slides with grids, 87144
3 levels: * High abnormal. * Abnormal. * Normal.
Vloeibaar en gevriesdroogd. Tevens geschikt voor Urine Strips & Readers van alle fabrikanten.
KOVA System Pac 10 without grids: Contains: Determination of 500 Urine sediments Art. nr.: 87156 1 x 500 KOVA Economy Tubes, 87138 1 x 500 Petters, 87135 1 x 50 Glasstic Slides without grids, 87157
Vraag meer informatie en/of testverpakking aan. Telephone Telefax E-mail Internet
(+31)(0)596 – 634 831 (+31)(0)596 – 634 755
[email protected] www.instruchemie.com
Visiting address Zwet 26 9932 AB Delfzijl The Netherlands
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INstruendum-LENTE editie-280318-1.FEN
www.instruchemie.nl KOVA Urinanalysis Controls. KOVA-TROL I, II, III
Kova-Trol is a freeze-dried human urine control for qualitative procedures used in physiochemical and chemical determinations and for microscopic sediment analyses.
* *
Directions for use with reagent strips Standardized urinalysis procedures
Value Assignment for: Reagent Test Strips: Bayer®, Roche®, etc. pH, Protein, Glucose, Ketones, Bilirubin, Blood (Hb), Nitrite, Uribilinogen, Specific Gravity, Leukocyte Esterase, Microalbumin, Creatinine
Physical characteristics: Appearance, Color, Specific Gravity, Osmolatiy, pH.
Alternative Tests: Glucose/Clinitest, Bilirubin/Icotest, Ketone/Acetest, Protein/Sulfosalicylic Acid (3%) Qualitative, Quantitave.
Microscopic Quality Control Cell Counts: Qualitaive; Red Cells/ hpf, White Cells/hpf Quantitaive; Red Cells/ hpf, White Cells/hpf.
Pregnancy Testing: Beckman Coulter ICON II ® HCG Quidel Quick Vue ® hCG Bayer Clinitest ® hCG All other qualitative procedures Article nr.: 87329, KOVA-Trol I, High Abnormal 87130, KOVA-Trol II, Low Abnormal 87331, KOVA-Trol III, Normal with hCG
Kova Liqua-Trol with Microscopics is a ready-to-use liquid product as control for qualitative procedures used in physiochemical and chemical determinations and for microscopic sediment analyses.
Contents; 4 x 15 ml 4 x 15 ml 4 x 15 ml
Article nr.: 87122, KOVA Liqua-Trol II, Normal with hCG 87176, KOVA Liqua-Trol I, Abnormal 37036, KOVA Liqua-Trol I, Abnormal KOVA Liqua-Trol II, Normal with hCG
Contents; 2 x 120 ml 2 x 120 ml 1 x 120 ml 1 x 120 ml
Vraag meer informatie en/of testverpakking aan. Telephone Telefax E-mail Internet
(+31)(0)596 – 634 831 (+31)(0)596 – 634 755
[email protected] www.instruchemie.com
Visiting address Zwet 26 9932 AB Delfzijl The Netherlands
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INstruendum-LENTE editie-280318-1.FEN
www.instruchemie.nl Stabilur® Tablets: Stabilize Urine Specimens For Delayed Laboratory Microscopic Examination of Urine Sediment Maintains* Red and White Blood Cells in Original Condition - Prevents the usual rapid lysis of leukocytes to assure accurate confirmation of this key indicator of urinary tract infection.1 - Permits accurate counting and estimation or erythrocytes Maintains* the Morphology of Typical Formed Elements in Urine Sediment Such as Casts, Crystals and Mucous Threads - Morphology and staining characteristics of casts and cells are retained in original condition. - Tablet dissolves completely, and does not contribute any crystals to the sediment.2 * Protects unrefrigerated specimens circa three days. Maintains* Most Urine Dipstick Chemistries Maintains most chemical constituents in urine for retesting by dipstick chemistry by preventing bacterial decomposition. - Does not interfere with enzyme based dipstick chemistry tests, i.e. leukocyte esterase.3 - At recommended levels urine pH is buffered to just under neutral, and specific gravity is raised 0.002. *Maintains Other Chemistry Assay Components - Does not interfere with certain TLC and RIA methods for assay of physiological marker compounds and drugs and their metabolytes.
Whole Blood Erythrocyte Sedimentation Control (ESR): SEDRite Plus SEDRite Plus is a control designed to monitor erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) values obtained from manual and automated ESR methods. This control is composed of stable materials that provide a means of monitoring the performance of manual and automated ESR methods. Use these controls in the same manner as an EDTA anti-coagulated patient specimen. Methods & Instruments: Manual method: Westergreen saline diluted Westergreen sodium citrate diluted Westergreen undiluted Wintrobe
Package / kit: Contains 2 levels Several package sizes / vials. Stability: 3 months
Automated method / Instruments: Starrsed Roche ® Diesse/Menarini ® Clinical Data ® Terumo ® Technique Biologique ® Biocade ® Becton Dickinson ® Greiner/Sayag ® Sarstedt ® Eurotec Med. Syst. ® Cofim ® All. Diag. ® Other Instruments.
Vraag meer informatie en/of testverpakking aan. Telephone Telefax E-mail Internet
(+31)(0)596 – 634 831 (+31)(0)596 – 634 755
[email protected] www.instruchemie.com
Visiting address Zwet 26 9932 AB Delfzijl The Netherlands
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INstruendum-LENTE editie-280318-1.FEN
www.instruchemie.nl Enkele niche bepalingen van buitenlandse fabrikanten. Free Fatty Acids – NEFA C * * * *
ACS-ACOD-MEHA Colorimetric method Use Serum Also available: NEFA Standard Control Serum I & Control Serum II Wavelength 550 nm
Article nr.: 999-75406, NEFA C Article nr.: 270-76499, NEFA Standard Article nr.: 410-00101, Control Serum I Article nr.: 410-00201, Control Serum II
Contents; 6 x 30 ml Contents; 4 x 10 ml Contents; 10 x 5 ml Contents; 10 x 5 ml
HEXAGON OBTI TEST * Immunologische sneltest voor specifieke detectie van humaan occult bloed in faeces * Verpakking: 24 testen, CE-gemarkeerd * Meest betrouwbare methodiek. * Klinische specificiteit: > 99% * Klinische gevoeligheid: > 99% * Detectielimiet: 0,05 mg Hb /gram faeces. * Ingebouwde negatieve controle. * Geen storende stoffen bekend. * Patiënt hoeft geen dieet te volgen. * Werkt zeer hygiënisch en geurloos. * Resultaat binnen 5 minuten. * Eventuele follow-up methode na een positieve à specifieke Guaiac methode uitslag.
Fabrikant: Wako GmbH
Fabrikant: Human GmbH
Phospholipids * * * *
CHO-POD method Use Serum or Plasma Incl. Standard Wavelength 505 nm
Article nr.: 1001140, Phospholipids
Contents; 5 x 10 ml
Fabrikant: Spinreact
Total Bile Acids * * * *
Enzymatic cycling, kinetic method Use Serum or Plasma Incl. Bile Acid Standard Wavelength 405 nm
Article nr.: DZA042A, Total Bile Acids
Contents; 2x60/2x20ml
Fabrikant: Diazyme
Vraag meer informatie en/of testverpakking aan. Telephone Telefax E-mail Internet
(+31)(0)596 – 634 831 (+31)(0)596 – 634 755
[email protected] www.instruchemie.com
Visiting address Zwet 26 9932 AB Delfzijl The Netherlands
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INstruendum-LENTE editie-280318-1.FEN
www.instruchemie.nl Sommige leveranciers
www.instruchemie.nl * *
* *
Laboratorium Informatie Management Systeem Modules voor: Ziekenhuis-, huisartsen-, microbiologische-, privé-, IVF-, gerechtelijke-, bloedbank-, veterinaire-, geneesmiddelenlaboratoria, etc. More than 10.000 antibodies and immunological reagents Human, rodent, veterinary, cell biology, cytokine, neurology, microbiology
* * *
In-Vitro Diagnostics: Kits & Determinations Clinical Biochemistry, Immunochemistry Also niche determinations: Phospholipids, Cholinesterase, Apo A1, B, C-II, C-III, E, Antithrombine III
* * * * * *
Rapid Tests (For Professional Use Only) Fertility Drugs of Abuse Infectious Disease Tumor Markers Cardiac Markers
* * * * *
In-Vitro Diagnostics: Kits & Determinations Clinical Biochemistry, Immunochemistry Hemostasis, Hematology, Elisa Systems and Instruments Automated analyzers, Hb Meter, Readers, etc.
* * *
Elisa kits; ready-to-use Measurements: ELISpot, T-cell & cytokine levels
Meer dan 30 fabrikanten vertegenwoordigd INstruchemie in Nederland en tevens een aantal in diverse Europese landen, zie www.instruchemie.nl Telephone Telefax E-mail Internet
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www.instruchemie.nl RETOUR: FAX – FORMULIER : 0596 – 634 755 EMAIL:
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INstruchemie B.V. Sales & Marketing Fons Nieland, Arie Jan de Graaf
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0596 – 634 831 0596 – 634 755
[email protected]
Datum februari 2009 Referentie 280318-1.FEN
Ik wens: Persoonlijk contact. Over: Meer informatie.
Actuele prijzen.
Producten / fabrikanten programma in een luxe verzamelmap. (Meer dan 1500 bepalingen, reagens, standaarden, controles).
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