UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA DIREKTORAT PENDIDIKAN Tim Pengembangan Jurnal Universitas Airlangga Kampus C Mulyorejo Surabaya
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UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA DIREKTORAT PENDIDIKAN Tim Pengembangan Jurnal Universitas Airlangga Kampus C Mulyorejo Surabaya
EDITORIAL BOARD Editorial Board of The Indonesian Journal of Health Policy and Administration (Jurnal AKK) KETUA PENYUNTING (CHIEF EDITOR): dr .Widodo J.Pudjirahardjo MS.,MPH.,Dr.PH. WAKIL KETUA PENYUNTING (DEPUTY CHIEF EDITOR): dr. Joeti Kartiza Suyono, MPH. PENELAAH AHLI / MITRA BESTARI (EDITORIAL BOARDS): Prof.Dr.dr. Karjadi Wirjoatmodjo, Sp.An(K)IC . (RSUD Dr.Soetomo, Surabaya) Prof.Dr.dr. Marsetio Donosepoetro, Sp.PK.(Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya) Prof.dr. Hasbullah Thabrany, MPH.,Dr.PH. (Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta) Drs. Johny Setyawan, MBA. (Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta) Kamaljeet Singh Gill (National University Hospital, Singapore) Marcus Foo (National University Hospital, Singapore) dr. Iwan M. Muljono, MPH. (Dinkes Propinsi Jatim) dr. Edhy Listiyo, MARS. (RS Adi Husada, Undaan) Prof. Umar Nimran,MA.,Ph.D. (Universitas Brawijaya, Malang) dr. Purnawan Junadi,MPH.,Ph.D. (Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta) Prof. Dr. dr. Stefanus Supriyanto, MS. (Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya) Dr.drg. Nyoman A. Damayanti, MS. (Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya) Prof.Dr.dr. A. Razak Thaha, MSc.(Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar) Dr.drg. R Darmawan Setijanto, M.Kes. (Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya) PENYUNTING PELAKSANA (MANAGING BOARDS): Dr.Dra.Ec. Thinni Nurul Rochmah, M.Kes. (Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya) Djazuly Chalidyanto, S.KM., MARS. (Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya) dr. Siswanto, MPH (Puslitbang Yankes) drg. Setya Haksama, M.Kes. (Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya) drg. Henny Poeri Margastuti, MARS. (RS Adi Husada, Kapasari) Ratna Dwi Wulandari, S.KM., M.Kes. (Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya) PELAKSANA TATA USAHA : Nur Isyana Aprilia, S.KM
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UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA DIREKTORAT PENDIDIKAN Tim Pengembangan Jurnal Universitas Airlangga Kampus C Mulyorejo Surabaya
Table of Contents No 1 2
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Influence Analyses of Officers Organizational and Occupational Commitment to Leprosy Program Performance in Public Health Center of Bojonegoro Regency Recommendation of Development QWL (Quality of Work Life) Based on QWL Effect Analysis on Nurse Job Satisfaction in Leprosy Hospital of Sumberglagah Pacet Mojokerto Recommendations for Improving The Organizational Learning of Creativity in Leprosy Hospital Sumberglagah Improvement Task Performance, Contextual Performance and Job Satisfaction of Radiology Unit Staff Based on Job Characteristic, Motivation and Work Attitude Analysis in St. Vincentius Catholic Hospital Surabaya Performance Evaluation using Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award for Improving Quality Service Analysis of The Influence of Predisposing, Enabling and Reinforcing Factors on Compliance of Pulmonary TB Treatment in Bojonegoro
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UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA DIREKTORAT PENDIDIKAN Tim Pengembangan Jurnal Universitas Airlangga Kampus C Mulyorejo Surabaya Vol. 10 - No. 3 / 2012-09 TOC : 6, and page : 152 - 158 Analysis of The Influence of Predisposing, Enabling and Reinforcing Factors on Compliance of Pulmonary TB Treatment in Bojonegoro Analisis Pengaruh Predisposing, Enabling dan Reinforcing Factors terhadap Kepatuhan Pengobatan TB Paru di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Author : Toto Siswantoro |
[email protected] Akademi Kebidanan Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro Abstract ABSTRACT In Bojonegoro in 2010 than in 2009 achieving Conversion Rate and Cure Rate of pulmonary TB has decreased, the Conversion Rate decreased by 9.41% and the Cure Rate decreased by 7.06%. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of predisposing, enabling and reinforcing factors TB treatment compliance behavior in the Health Services Unit as the basis for the strategy to improve the conversion and healing of pulmonary TB in Bojonegoro. This study is an observational analytic method. Based on the time, this study is Cross Sectional. Population is smear positive pulmonary TB patients in public health center and hospital in Bojonegoro, sample is 24 respondents. The results showed that all the variables predisposing factors did not significantly affect compliance TB treatment. Enabling factors which significantly affect pulmonary TB treatment compliance is transportation cost, the type of transportation used to the health center or hospital and place to stay distance TB. Variable reinforcing factors that significantly influence treatment compliance is the support went to public health center or hospital. Researchers suggest to the District Health Bojonegoro need to re-arrange the TB control strategy is to improve access to TB treatment by conducting home visits and improve health promotion about the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, which aimed at reinforcing factors to get support from the patient’s family and community leaders or social organization to make it more active role as a supervisor taking medication. Keywords: predisposing, enabling and reinforcing factors, TB treatment compliance Keyword : predisposing, enabling, and, reinforcing, factors, TB, treatment, compliance, , Daftar Pustaka : 1. Anies, (2006). Waspada Ancaman Penyakit Tidak Menular, Solusi Pencegahan dari Aspek Perilaku dan Lingkungan. Jakarta : PT Alax Media Komputindo 2. Cramer J.A., Spilker B, (1991). Patient Compliance in Medical Practice and Clinical Trials. San Diego : Raven Press 3. Depkes RI, (2008). Pedoman Nasional Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis (2 ed.). Jakarta : Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia 4. Doenges E.M., Moohouse M.F., Geissle A.C, (2000). Rencana Asuhan Keperawatan, Pedoman untuk Perencanaan dan Pendokomentasian Perawatan Pasien (2 ed.). Jakarta : EGC 5. Green L.W., Kreuter M.W, (1991). Heath Promotion Planning, An Educational and Environmental Approuch. California : Mayfield Publishing Co 6. Kemenkes RI. , (2010). Strategi Nasional Pengendalian TB di Indonesia 2010-2014, Terobosan Menuju Akses Universal. Jakarta : Kemenkes RI. 7. Marrelli T. , (2000). Buku Saku Dokumentasi Keperawatan (3 ed.). Jakarta : Buku Kedokteran EGC 8. Maulana H.D, (2009). Promosi Kesehatan. Jakarta : EGC 9. Notoatmodjo S, (2010). Ilmu Perilaku Kesehatan. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta 10. Nur F, (2009). Kid and Global Diseases, Penyakit-Penyakit Saat Ini. Jakarta : Grasindo 11. Sudewo B, (2009). Buku Pintar Hidup Sehat Cara Mas Dewo. Jakarta : PT Agro Media Pustaka 12. Supriyanto S., Ernawati, (2010). Pemasaran Industri Jasa Kesehatan (1 ed.). Yogyakarta :
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