UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA DIREKTORAT PENDIDIKAN Tim Pengembangan Jurnal Universitas Airlangga Kampus C Mulyorejo Surabaya
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UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA DIREKTORAT PENDIDIKAN Tim Pengembangan Jurnal Universitas Airlangga Kampus C Mulyorejo Surabaya
EDITORIAL BOARD Editorial Board of The Indonesian Journal of Health Policy and Administration (Jurnal AKK) KETUA PENYUNTING (CHIEF EDITOR): dr .Widodo J.Pudjirahardjo MS.,MPH.,Dr.PH. WAKIL KETUA PENYUNTING (DEPUTY CHIEF EDITOR): dr. Joeti Kartiza Suyono, MPH. PENELAAH AHLI / MITRA BESTARI (EDITORIAL BOARDS): Prof.Dr.dr. Karjadi Wirjoatmodjo, Sp.An(K)IC . (RSUD Dr.Soetomo, Surabaya) Prof.Dr.dr. Marsetio Donosepoetro, Sp.PK.(Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya) Prof.dr. Hasbullah Thabrany, MPH.,Dr.PH. (Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta) Drs. Johny Setyawan, MBA. (Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta) Kamaljeet Singh Gill (National University Hospital, Singapore) Marcus Foo (National University Hospital, Singapore) dr. Iwan M. Muljono, MPH. (Dinkes Propinsi Jatim) dr. Edhy Listiyo, MARS. (RS Adi Husada, Undaan) Prof. Umar Nimran,MA.,Ph.D. (Universitas Brawijaya, Malang) dr. Purnawan Junadi,MPH.,Ph.D. (Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta) Prof. Dr. dr. Stefanus Supriyanto, MS. (Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya) Dr.drg. Nyoman A. Damayanti, MS. (Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya) Prof.Dr.dr. A. Razak Thaha, MSc.(Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar) Dr.drg. R Darmawan Setijanto, M.Kes. (Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya) PENYUNTING PELAKSANA (MANAGING BOARDS): Dr.Dra.Ec. Thinni Nurul Rochmah, M.Kes. (Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya) Djazuly Chalidyanto, S.KM., MARS. (Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya) dr. Siswanto, MPH (Puslitbang Yankes) drg. Setya Haksama, M.Kes. (Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya) drg. Henny Poeri Margastuti, MARS. (RS Adi Husada, Kapasari) Ratna Dwi Wulandari, S.KM., M.Kes. (Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya) PELAKSANA TATA USAHA : Nur Isyana Aprilia, S.KM
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UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA DIREKTORAT PENDIDIKAN Tim Pengembangan Jurnal Universitas Airlangga Kampus C Mulyorejo Surabaya
Table of Contents No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The Maturity of Social Capital Relation with Universal Child Immunization Achievement Target in Public Health Center of Surabaya Improving the Inpatient Service Quality of Public Health Center Ngadiluwih in Kediri Regency Using Quality Function Deployment Method The Effort to Improve The Public Health Center Performance In Surabaya Based on Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence Influence of Leadership Style and Leader-Member Exchange on Unit Performance Case Satudy in Muhammadiyah Gresik Hospital Effect of Community Development Implementation and Positive Deviance Program in Nutrition Clinicagainst Toddler Family Health Behavior BLU Based Evaluation Implementation Management by 4 Perspective Balanced Scorecard in RS Bhayangkara Tk. II H.S. Samsoeri Mertojoso Surabaya Effects of Organizational Culture on the Performance of Maternal and Child Health Program in Public Health Center in Bojonegoro Regency Analysis of Quality Improvement Process of Antenatal Service Using Client Oriented Provider Efficient (COPE) Method Social Marketing Planning to Increase the Utility of Methadone Maintenance Therapy
Analysis Factors of Maternal Behavior in Exclusive Breastfeeding in Bojonegoro Based to Health Belief Model and Theory of Planned Behavior
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6 - 11 12 - 17 18 - 23 24 - 29 30 - 36 37 - 40 41 - 48 49 - 53
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UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA DIREKTORAT PENDIDIKAN Tim Pengembangan Jurnal Universitas Airlangga Kampus C Mulyorejo Surabaya Vol. 10 - No. 1 / 2012-01 TOC : 7, and page : 37 - 40 Effects of Organizational Culture on the Performance of Maternal and Child Health Program in Public Health Center in Bojonegoro Regency Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Program Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak pada Puskesmas Kabupaten Bojonegoro Author : Agus Gunawan | dr.agus.gunawan@ gmail.com Puskesmas Sugihwaras, Bojonegoro Abstract ABSTRACT Maternal and child health (MCH) program represents one of the main program of public health centers (PHCs). This program target the pregnant women, birth mothers, infants and children which vulnerable to morbidity and mortality. This study was motivated by the high number of PHCs in Bojonegoro Regency scoring as low as 47.22% on the performance appraisal of maternal and child health program in 2011. Many factors influenced the program’s performance. One of them was organizational culture. This study aimed to analyze the effects of organizational culture on MCH program performance in PHCs of Bojonegoro Regency. This was cross-sectional study with 36 PHCs in Bojonegoro Regency became population and 11 PHCs as samples. Respondents were all 190 midwives in 11 PHCs obtained by random cluster sampling technique. Results showed that characteristics of organizational culture of attention to details, innovation and risk-taking, and stability were dominant in PHCs with high, moderate, and low scores in performance appraisal of MCH program respectively. Attention to details scored the highest (3.78) and stability scored the lowest (3.51). Correlation tests indicated that innovation and risk-taking and people orientation had significant effects on the performance of MCH program (both p = 0.034). Keywords: organizational culture, maternal and child health Keyword : , organizational, , culture, maternal, and, child, , Daftar Pustaka : 1. Abdulloh, (2006). Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Locus of Control dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Semarang Barat. Semarang : Universitas Diponegoro 2. Ardana K, Wayan M, Ayu S, (2009). Perilaku Keorganisasian. Ed. 1. Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu 3. Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, (2008). Manajemen Puskesmas. Jakarta : Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia 4. Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bojonegoro, (2011). Pedoman Penilaian Kinerja Puskesmas.. Bojonegoro : Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bojonegoro 5. Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi Jawa Timur, (2005). Pedoman Penilaian Kinerja Puskesmas. Surabaya : Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi Jawa Timur 6. Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi Jawa Timur, (2011). Pedoman Pemantauan Wilayah Setempat Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak. Surabaya : Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi Jawa Timur 7. Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bojonegoro, (2009). Analisis Hasil Penilaian Kinerja Puskesmas Kabupaten Bojonegoro Tahun 2008.. Bojonegoro : Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bojonegoro 8. Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bojonegoro, (2010). Analisis Hasil Penilaian Kinerja Puskesmas Kabupaten Bojonegoro Tahun 2009.. Bojonegoro : Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bojonegoro 9. Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bojonegoro, (2011). Analisis Hasil Penilaian Kinerja Puskesmas Kabupaten Bojonegoro Tahun 2010. Bojonegoro : Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bojonegoro 10. Imam Sentot W, (2010). Perilaku Organisasi. Ed 1. Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu 11. Ivancevich JM, Konopaske R, Matteson MT, (2007). Perilaku dan Manajemen Organisasi. Ed. 7. Jakarta : Erlangga 12. Kiswandi Rudy, (2009). Analisis Kinerja Pengelolaan Bagian Kearsipan pada Kanwil Badan
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UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA DIREKTORAT PENDIDIKAN Tim Pengembangan Jurnal Universitas Airlangga Kampus C Mulyorejo Surabaya Pertanahan Nasional Propinsi Jawa. Semarang : Universitas Diponegoro 13. Kusdyah Ike R, (2008). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Ed. 1. Yogyakarta : ANDI 14. Laksmi Riani A, (2011). Budaya Organisasi. Ed. 1, . Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu 15. Luthans fred, (2006). Perilaku Organisasi. Ed. 10. Yogyakarta : ANDI 16. Robbins SP, Judge TA, (2008). Perilaku Organisasi. Ed. 12. Jakarta : Salemba Empat 17. Robbins SP, (2002). P erilaku Organisasi. Ed. 5. Jakarta : Erlangga 18. Sedarmayanti, (2009). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Reformasi Birokrasi dan Manajemen Pegawai Negeri Sipil. Ed. 3. Bandung : Refika Aditama
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