UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA DIREKTORAT PENDIDIKAN Tim Pengembangan Jurnal Universitas Airlangga Kampus C Mulyorejo Surabaya
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UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA DIREKTORAT PENDIDIKAN Tim Pengembangan Jurnal Universitas Airlangga Kampus C Mulyorejo Surabaya
EDITORIAL BOARD Alamat Redaksi Jl. Dharmawangsa Dalam, FISIP Gedung B (Timur Perpustakaan Kampus B UA), Surabaya 60286, Indonesia. E-mail:
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UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA DIREKTORAT PENDIDIKAN Tim Pengembangan Jurnal Universitas Airlangga Kampus C Mulyorejo Surabaya
Table of Contents No
Teori-Teori Munculnya Manusia Modern
1 - 10
Cultural Perspektive in The Teaching of Drama
11 - 20
Mencermati Pasang Surut Hubungan antara Public Relations dengan Media Massa
21 - 28
Perpustakaan Digital: Paradigma, Konsep dan Teknologi Informasi yang Digunakan APEC 2020 Bagi Indonesia: Mitra Atau Pemangsa?
29 - 47
Pengelolaan Perusahaan yang Sehat: Analisis Kasus pada Bank Asing dan Bank Campuran yang Beroperasi di Indonesia Aspirasi Sosial Budaya Masyarakat Pedesaan Terhadap Kesejateraan Keluarga
59 - 73
5 6 7
49 - 58
75 - 88
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UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA DIREKTORAT PENDIDIKAN Tim Pengembangan Jurnal Universitas Airlangga Kampus C Mulyorejo Surabaya Vol. 19 - No. 4 / 2006-10 TOC : 4, and page : 29 - 47 Perpustakaan Digital: Paradigma, Konsep dan Teknologi Informasi yang Digunakan Perpustakaan Digital: Paradigma, Konsep dan Teknologi Informasi yang Digunakan Author : Imam Yuadi | . Jurusan Ilmu Informasi dan Perpustakaan FISIP, Universitas Airlangga, Jl. Airlangga 4-6 Surabaya 60286, Indonesia Abstract The concept of digital library express library service and collection in physically. Digital library is analogue of traditional library in the case of miscellaneous and complexity of collection, its contents must be in the form of electronic media, kept in the ordinary form to be seen. Digital library needs management process and scheme of new organization. The success of using other digital technology and internet for the coordination of alliance both of them and electronic commerce, library have to check and test and also design the overall process that exist in library. Digital technology and digital process are special activator factors of revolution that happened on information technology area especially in other information institute and library. Keyword : digital, library, networked, interactive, multimedia, information, technology, information, systems, IndonesiaDLN, , Daftar Pustaka : 1. Stephen Chapman, (2000). Digital Conversion of Research Library Materials: A Case for full Information Capture. . : D-Lib Magazine 2. Anne R. Kenney, (2000). Digital Conversion of Research Library Materials: A Case for full Information Capture. . : D-Lib Magazine 3. Thomas H. Davenport, (2002). Succesfull Knowledge Management Project. . : . 4. David W. Deelong, (2002). Succesfull Knowledge Management Project. . : . 5. Michael C. Beer, (2002). Succesfull Knowledge Management Project. . : . 6. Hugh Davis, (1999). Automatic Extraction of Hypermedia bundles from the Digital Library . : Longman 7. Jessie Hey, (1999). Automatic Extraction of Hypermedia bundles from the Digital Library . : Longman 8. Mihael Earl, (2001). E-Commerce is Changing the Face of I. : Sloan Management Review 9. Bushara Khan, (2001). E-Commerce is Changing the Face of I. : Sloan Management Review 10. Alec Gallimore, (1998). Developing an IT strategy for your library. : Library Association Publishing 11. Griffin Griffin, (1999). An Architecture for Collaborative Math and Science Digital Libraries, MS thesis . Blacksburg, VA, : Virginia Tech Department of Computer Science 12. Kenneth C. Loudon, (2005). Sistem Informasi Manajemen: Mengelola Perusahaan Digital . Yogyakarta : Andi Offset 13. Jane P. Loudon, (2005). Sistem Informasi Manajemen: Mengelola Perusahaan Digital . Yogyakarta : Andi Offset 14. Bob Julius Onggo, (2005). Cyber Branding Through Cyber Marketing: Siasat dan Motivasi Sukses Promosi, Penjualan, Branding dan Pemasaran Online. Jakarta : Elex Media Komputindo 15. Robert B. Palmer, (1997). The Internet: Technology and trends. Speech delivered to the Spring Internet World ’97 . Los Angeles : 16. Poppel Poppel, (1975). Information Technologiy: The Trilion Dollar Opportunity. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 17. Galdstein Galdstein, (1975). Information Technologiy: The Trilion Dollar Opportunity.
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UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA DIREKTORAT PENDIDIKAN Tim Pengembangan Jurnal Universitas Airlangga Kampus C Mulyorejo Surabaya Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 18. Rangan Rangan, (2001). Digital Library Extension Service. : University of Michigan 19. Adner Adner, (2001). Digital Library Extension Service. : University of Michigan 20. Michael Raymond, (1996). New Paradigm Learning Corporation. : Facet Publishing 21. Edna Reid, (1996). The Internet and digital libraries: implication for libraries in the Asean Region. : Asian Libraries 22. Nurachman Saleh, (2004). Perpustakaan sebagai Jembatan Pengetahuan, dalam Seminar Nasional Jaringan Dokumentasi dan Informasi di Era Informasi/Masyarakat berpengetahuan 2004 . Surabaya : Perpustakaan Ubaya 23. M. Scott-Morton, (1999). The Corporation of the 1990s, Information Technology and Organizational Transformation . : Oxford University Press 24. Munin Widardjo, (0000). Konsep TI bagi Industri Keuangan. : www.ristek.go.id/berita/news/news-075.htm 25. Winy Purtini, (0000). Perpustakaan digital. : http://www.indonesiadln.org/wiki/index.php/ Main Page 26. David A. Wilson, (1998). Managing Information. : Linacre House
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