THE TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION ON THE USE OF 2013 CURRICULUM-BASED TEACHER’S GUIDEBOOK IN TEACHING ENGLISH AT SMP NEGERI 1 BANTUL A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education
By Rosa Anindya Puspitasari Student Number: 111214045
I dedicate this thesis to: My beloved father, Paschalis Pardiyanta, and my beloved mother, Fransiska Suharsini, for always giving me support, love, and prayers
STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.
Yogyakarta, March 10, 2016 The Writer
Rosa Anindya Puspitasari 111214045
LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama
: Rosa Anindya Puspitasari
Nomor Mahasiswa
: 111214045
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THE TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION ON THE USE OF 2013 CURRICULUM-BASED TEACHER’S GUIDEBOOK IN TEACHING ENGLISH AT SMP NEGERI 1 BANTUL beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian, saya memberikan kepada Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu minta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.
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Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal: 10 Maret 2016 Yang menyatakan
Rosa Anindya Puspitasari
ABSTRACT Puspitasari, Rosa Anindya. (2016). The Teachers’ Perception on the Use of 2013 Curriculum-Based Teacher’s Guidebook in Teaching English at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University. Teacher‟s guidebook was a guiding book in the teaching and learning activities and it was expected to help teachers in the teaching and learning activities. In this study, the researcher wanted to find out the English teacher‟s perception on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities by the English teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. The research question of this study was “What is the English teachers‟ perception on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in teaching and learning activities at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul?” This research was a qualitative study. The researcher used observation, questionnaire, and interview as the data gathering technique. The researcher used observation checklist in observations. The observation was conducted twice for every teacher and the researcher conducted in three classes. In conclusion, the researcher conducted the observation six times. Then, the researcher distributed the questionnaire to the English teachers. Afterwards, the last data gathering technique was interview. The interview was conducted in purposing to clarify the results of the observation and the questionnaire. The findings of this study showed that the teachers did an improvement in using the learning instructions stated on the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. For instance: one of the English teachers used a video as the media in the teaching and learning activities, although it was not mentioned in the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013. The English teachers had a positive perception on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities. The teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum helped the English teachers in the teaching and learning activities. Nevertheless, the English teachers were flexible towards the learning instructions stated on the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. There were suggestions for the English teachers, for future researchers, and for the government. For the English teachers, they could develop strategies for the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities. For future researchers, they could conduct other researches related to the implementation of the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. For the government, they could conduct a review to the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in order to make it better.
Keywords: perception, implementation, teacher‟s guidebook
ABSTRAK Puspitasari, Rosa Anindya. (2016). The Teachers’ Perception on the Use of 2013 Curriculum-Based Teacher’s Guidebook in Teaching English at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University. Buku guru Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 merupakan panduan guru dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar dan diharapkan mampu membantu guru dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti ingin mengetahui persepsi guru-guru Bahasa Inggris SMP Negeri 1 Bantul mengenai penggunaan buku guru Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah apa persepsi guru-guru Bahasa Inggris di SMP Negeri 1 Bantul dalam penggunaan buku guru Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar? Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Peneliti menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, kuisioner, dan wawancara. Obsevasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan daftar observasi. Observasi dilakukan dua kali untuk setiap guru. Keseluruhan, peneliti melakukan penelitian enam kali. Kemudian peneliti menyebarkan kuisioner. Setelah itu, teknik pengumpulan data yang terakhir adalah wawancara. Wawancara dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengklarifikasi hasil dari observasi dan kuisioner. Temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa guru-guru melakukan pengembangan dalam menggunakan langkah-langkah pembelajaran yang terdapat dalam buku guru Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013. Contohnya: Seorang guru menggunakan media video dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar, meskipun itu tidak disebutkan dalam buku guru Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013. Guru-guru memiliki persepsi positif terhadap penggunaan buku guru Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Buku guru Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013, membantu dan mempermudah guru-guru dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Namun demikian, guru-guru bersikap fleksibel terhadap langkah-langkah pembelajaran yang terdapat dalam buku guru Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013. Terdapat juga saran untuk guru-guru Bahasa Inggris, peneliti selanjutnya, dan pemerintah. Bagi guru-guru Bahasa Inggris, dapat mengembangkan strategi dalam mengimplementasikan buku guru Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya, bisa melakukan penelitian yang lain yang berhubungan dengan penerapan buku guru Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013. Bagi pemerintah, melakukan peninjauan ulang terhadap buku guru Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 agar menjadi lebih baik lagi.
Kata kunci: perception, implementation, teacher‟s guidebook
First of all, I would like to thank Jesus Christ for His blessings, love, strength, inspiration, and guidance for me during the process of finishing my thesis. I would also thank Mother Mary for Her grace in my life. I would like to express my gratitude to my beloved advisor, Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd., Ed.M., for her guidance, suggestion, support, and patience along the finishing of this thesis writing. I also thank to her for her time to read and give beneficial feedback for my thesis. I also thank all the lecturers of English Language Education Study Program for teaching and guiding me during my study from the first semester until the last semester in Sanata Dharma University. I address my gratitude to the headmaster of SMP Negeri 1 Bantul, Drs. H. Yazmuri, M.Pdi., who has permitted me to conduct the research in the school. I would give thanks to Ibu Ernawati, S.Pd., Ibu Nurhayati Dwiningsih, S.Pd., and Ibu Sri Rohmah Hidayatun, S.Pd., the seventh grade of English teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul for their willingness that I could conduct the research with them. My gratitude is also addressed to Bapak Zamzani, S.Pd., for his meaningful help in conducting this research. I would like to address my deep gratitude to my father, Paschalis Pardiyanta, and my mother, Fransiska Suharsini, for their love, support, prayers, and patience during my study. I would also thank
my brothers,
Anselmus Aditya Setiawan and Atanasius Andika Listyandaru, for their ix
support. I also thank them for their effort to entertain me during this thesis writing. My gratitude also goes to my friends, who make my life so colorful: Ch. Sella S., Merry Trisna Murti, Fransiska Stefanny Olive, Br. Titus Angga Restuaji, Sr. Leo, Veronika Vania Puspita, Irene Dian Pratiwi, Bijak Ampuni. I thank them for the support, love, laughter, and sharing. I also thank Tiara, Theo, Ana, Mbak Gaby, and Om John for their willingness to help me in proofreading this thesis. I would like to thank Tata, Erni, Sari, and Dita for the friendship since elementary school. I also thank OMK Paroki St. Theresia Sedayu for the support, laughter, and togetherness. My special gratitude goes to Vincentius Gilang Putra Pradana, who always gives me love, care, advice, support, and motivation. Finally, I would like to thank the people whose names cannot be mentioned one by one, for the prayers, support, and help during the process of finishing my thesis.
Rosa Anindya Puspitasari
TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ...................................................................................................... APPROVAL PAGE ............................................................................................ DEDICATION PAGE ......................................................................................... STATEMENT OF WORK‟S ORIGINALITY ................................................... PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI .................................................... ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................. TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. LIST OF FIGURE ............................................................................................... LIST OF APPENDICES .....................................................................................
Page i ii iv v vi vii viii ix xi xiii xiv xv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ A. Research Background.............................................................................. B. Research Question ................................................................................... C. Problem Limitation ................................................................................. D. Research Objective.................................................................................. E. Research Benefits .................................................................................... F. Definition of Terms .................................................................................
1 1 6 6 7 7 8
CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .................................. A. Theoretical Description ........................................................................... 1. Perception .......................................................................................... 2. Guidebook ......................................................................................... 3. The 2013 Curriculum ........................................................................ 4. Drilling Technique ........................................................................... B. Theoretical Framework ...........................................................................
11 11 11 14 19 20 22
CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .............................................. A. Research Method ..................................................................................... B. Research Setting and Participants ...................................................................... C. Research Instruments .............................................................................. D. Data Gathering Technique ...................................................................... E. Data Analysis Technique ........................................................................ F. Research Procedure .................................................................................
24 24
27 30 31 33
CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS........................ 35 A. The Implementation of Teacher‟s Guidebook of 2013 Curriculum by the English Teachers ..................................................................................... 35 1. Observation in Teacher #ET1‟s Class ............................................... 36 2. Observation in Teacher #ET2‟s Class ............................................... 40 3. Observation in Teacher #ET3‟s Class ............................................... 44 B. Teachers‟ Perception on the Use of Teacher‟s Guidebook of 2013 Curriculum .................................................................................... 50 1. Teachers‟ Perception on the Implementation of Teacher‟s Guidebook of 2013 Curriculum ....................................... 51 2. Teachers‟ Perception on the Problem Encountered of Teacher‟s Guidebook of 2013 Curriculum ....................................... 65 3. Teachers‟ Perception on the Strength and the Weakness of Teacher‟s Guidebook of 2013 Curriculum ....................................... 68 4. Teachers‟ Perception on the Impact of the Use of Teacher‟s Guidebook of 2013 Curriculum ....................................... 72 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..................... A. Conclusions ............................................................................................. B. Recommendations .................................................................................. REFERENCES.................................................................................................... APPENDICES ....................................................................................................
74 74 77 79 82
2.1 The Example of Learning Instruction on the Teacher‟s Guidebook ............. 17 4.1 Teachers‟ Perception on the Implementation of Teacher‟s Guidebook of 2013 Curriculum ........................................................................................... 51
2.1 General Instruction‟s Table of Content ......................................................... 16
Appendix A. Permission Letter ........................................................................... 82 Appendix B. Sample of the Observation Checklist Result ................................. 84 Appendix C. Sample of the Questionnaire Result ............................................. 91 Appendix D. Questions Guideline ...................................................................... 95 Appendix E. Sample of the Interview Result ...................................................... 97 Appendix F. School Achievement ...................................................................... 118
This chapter provides the background information dealing with the research topic. In this research, the researcher is going to discuss the research background, the research question, the problem limitation, the research objective, the research benefits, and the definition of terms.
Research Background Curriculum is one of the government‟s concerns to improve the quality of
education in Indonesia. One of the ways to improve the education system is by developing the curriculum from time to time. The development of the curriculum is needed along with the development of science, technology, cultural arts, and the changes of society. Braslavsky (2005) states that the term „curriculum‟ was originally related to the concept of a course of studies followed by a pupil in a teaching institution. In fact, the term „curriculum‟ refers to the existing contract between society, the state, and educational professionals with regard to the educational experiences that learners should undergo during a certain phase of their lives. It means that curriculum is an important part in the educational field and it is the educational foundation in teaching and learning process in institutions. Today, the world is also facing the globalization era and it is showed by the development of science and technology. People can get the information
2 easily through the evolving technologies. Having a good education can become the foundation to select and verify reliable information. Curriculum is a fundamental substance in the education system. It drives how education would look like and it controls the whole unit of education. Hence, by implementing curriculum, the teaching and learning activities will be structured and systemized in order to achieve the learning objectives. Curriculum becomes the guideline for the teachers and school‟s institution in standardizing the education system in Indonesia. However, Indonesia has experienced several changes of curriculum. The changes of curriculum are done to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, where the science and technology are developing year by year. By implementing a good curriculum, the government and the educational institutions expect that it will create a good education for Indonesia. A good education will also bear human resources with the skills and attitude required in the globalization era. Here, teachers play an important part to drive the education and find the human resources qualities. Chatib (2012) illustrates that having teachers of exceptional qualities will make it possible to create Indonesia with exceptional quality education for its citizens (as cited in Salirawati, 2014, p. 11). 2013 Curriculum was launched in 2013. In the first year, 2013 Curriculum was implementing in the piloting schools which were appointed by the government. The 2013 Curriculum is actually developed from 2006 Curriculum and Competence Based Curriculum. The implementation of 2013 Curriculum is step by step. In the first year of its application, it was implemented in the piloting schools and the target class was grade VII. In the second year (2014), it has been
3 implemented in all of the schools around Indonesia and the target grade is grade VII and grade VIII, while grade IX still implements 2006 Curriculum. The characteristic of 2013 Curriculum emphasizes four Core Competencies. They are spiritual, social, cognitive, and skill. In the academic year of 2014/2015, all schools should implement the 2013 Curriculum. To prepare the teachers towards the implementation of 2013 Curriculum, the government organizes a teacher training on the implementation of 2013 Curriculum. The teacher participants also do the teaching simulation. Today, Indonesia is implementing two curriculums. They are 2013 Curriculum and 2006 Curriculum. The Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, Anies Baswedan, said, “The bottom line is that we still want to develop the curriculum, but we do not want to include all schools in Indonesia in the pilot project” (Jakarta Globe, December 5, 2014). Schools that have already implemented the 2013 Curriculum since 2013 are encouraged to continue it, while those who are still new are allowed to revert back to the previous curriculum. Like what Anies Baswedan said, “To abruptly change the routine of the 6,326 schools that have followed the 2013 curriculum since its conception would only be disruptive to their students‟ studies” (Jakarta Globe, December 5, 2014). Such a case, continuation of the 2013 Curriculum, happens in SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. Until now, SMP Negeri 1 Bantul still implements the 2013 Curriculum because that school has implemented the 2013 Curriculum since its conception. SMP Negeri 1 Bantul is one of the piloting schools for the implementation of 2013 Curriculum in Bantul and now the grade IX has already implemented the 2013
4 Curriculum. In this research, SMP Negeri 1 Bantul is the target school to gain the data. One of the elements that make the 2013 Curriculum different from other curricula is that the 2013 Curriculum provides a guidebook for teacher, besides providing a textbook for student. Salirawati (June 21, 2014) says that one of the reasons expressed by teachers is the teaching load. The teaching load is too heavy. It makes the teachers do not have time for self-development (p. 13). Hence, the government tries to make an adjustment by providing a teacher‟s guidebook. The teacher‟s guidebook is expected to help teachers in the teaching and learning activities. However, it raises criticisms towards the guidebook, including the teacher‟s guidebook. Besides the distribution of the guidebook that does not work well, the government also revises the guidebook which has been distributed and used by teachers. Therefore, the guidebook that is used by teachers has been revised by the government today. The student‟s textbook is a guidebook for the students to learn English while the teacher‟s guidebook is a guidebook for the teachers in using the student‟s textbook in the teaching and learning activities. Those books are living documents, which means that those books are constantly updated according to the needs. In this research, the researcher is going to focus on the implementation of the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. The teacher‟s guidebook contains information about the methods and techniques of the teaching and learning process. The teacher‟s guidebook aims to help teachers in the teaching and learning activities.
5 The researcher did Program Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) in one of the private junior high schools in Yogyakarta. The researcher did an observation in the classroom and the researcher found that the teacher modified the learning steps on the teacher‟s guidebook. The teacher showed a video related to the material, even though it was not mentioned in the learning steps about the use of a video. When the teacher showed the video, the students looked more enthusiastic in the learning process. The researcher was assigned to teach the seventh grade and eighth grade. When doing the teaching, the researcher also showed videos as one of the teaching techniques to teach the students. The use of videos by the researcher was aimed to make the students understand better and be more enthusiastic in the learning process. As a result, the students became more enthusiastic and they enjoyed the teaching and learning activities. Besides, in another class, the researcher taught grammar related to the material that was being learned, even though it was not mentioned in the learning instruction of the teacher‟s guidebook to teach grammar. Some students wrote “I can football” instead of “I can play football”. The researcher saw that the students needed to know the grammar related to the material that was being learned in order to make the correct sentences. The researcher did the learning steps on the teacher‟s guidebook, but also added some additional steps. However, since the private school where the researcher conducted the research reverted back to previous curriculum, the researcher goes to SMP Negeri 1 Bantul, which has implemented the 2013 Curriculum since 2013.
6 In this research, the researcher wants to find the English teachers‟ perception on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities.
Research Question In this research, the researcher intends to find out the answer to the
problem below: 1.
What is the English teachers‟ perception on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in teaching and learning activities at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul?
Problem Limitation In this research, the researcher focused on the English teachers‟ perception
on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities. However, the researcher also elaborated the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities by the English teachers. In this research, the researcher also wanted to know how the English teachers implement the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. This would help the researcher in discussing the English teachers‟ perception on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities. There were three seventh grade English teachers of SMP Negeri 1 Bantul who became the participants.
7 D.
Research Objective The research objective of this research is to find out the English teachers‟
perception on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in teaching and learning activities by the English teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul.
Research Benefits The researcher expects that this research will be beneficial to English
teachers, junior high school students, ELESP students, and future researchers. 1.
For English Teachers The finding of this research will become a reflection and evaluation for the
English teachers towards the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Then, it can help the English teachers to improve their performance in using teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities. 2.
For Junior High School Students The students will reflect how their teachers implement the teacher‟s
guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities. 3.
For English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) Students The result of this research can give new information for the ELESP, since
the topic of this research is new. Hopefully, the ELESP students can enrich their knowledge towards the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum and the implementation in reality.
8 4.
For Future Researchers The finding of this research can inspire and motivate the next researchers
who will conduct the research on the same topic. It can also give more information about the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities. This research can be one of their sources.
Definition of Terms The researcher provides the definition of terms as follows:
Perception According to Gibson, Ivancevich and Donnelly (1985), “Perception
involves receiving stimuli, organizing the stimuli, and translating or interpreting the organized stimuli so as to influence behavior and form attitudes” (p. 61). In this research, perception means the interpretation of the English teachers towards the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities. 2.
Guidebook According to Finney (2001), the goal of the activities in the handbook is to
strengthen teaching and increase opportunities for students learning. Handbook here refers to teacher‟s guidebook. The teacher‟s guidebook is expected to help teachers and students in the teaching and learning activities. In this research, the guidebook refers to the teacher‟s guidebook given by the government that is the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. The teacher‟s guidebook consists of learning instructions about what the teachers should do with the material.
9 3.
Curriculum According to Arifin (2011), curriculum is the entire school programs and
all of the people involved in it. Based on the definition, a curriculum means a set of teaching program and instruction which is designed to develop the education system in a country and practiced by the entire school programs and all of the parties involved in it. Curriculum is a set of planning and setting of the objectives, contents, and the material of the teaching and learning process that is used as a guideline in realization of the teaching to achieve the goal of the certain education (UU No. 20 Th. 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional). In this research, the curriculum refers to the 2013 Curriculum which is the new curriculum in Indonesia. 4.
The English Teachers In this research, there were three English teachers at SMP Negeri 1
Bantulwho become the participants. The teachers are the seventh grade English teachers. There are four English teachers who teach seventh grade. However the researcher only takes three of the four English teachers as the participants. It is because one of the four English teachers becomes the teacher advisor for PPL students there and she is so busy to guide the PPL students. 5.
SMP Negeri 1 Bantul The researcher takes SMP Negeri 1 Bantul as the target school to gain the
data. This school is located on Jl. Ra. Kartini No.44, Kec. Bantul, Kab. Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55714, Indonesia. The researcher conducts the research in the seventh grade. SMP Negeri 1 Bantul is a pilot project school for
10 the implementation 2013 Curriculum in Bantul. Today, SMP Negeri 1 Bantul still implements the 2013 Curriculum, as a consequence of its status of pilot project‟s school for the implementation of 2013 Curriculum. SMP Negeri 1 Bantul has implemented the 2013 Curriculum since 2013. It is since the first year of the implementation of 2013 Curriculum. The students of SMP Negeri 1 Bantul have collected a lot of achievements, from the level of national up to international. Naturally, these achievements give positive impacts on the existence of SMP Negeri1 Bantul .Here, the researcher provides the list of students‟ achievements during the last two years (see appendix F).
In this chapter, the researcher discusses some theories related to the research questions. This chapter is divided into two parts: they are theoretical description and theoretical framework. The first part talks about theories related to this research. The second part talks about the contribution of the theories and reviews in solving the problems of the research.
Theoretical Description
Perception There are some definitions of perception from the experts. According to
Altman, Valenzi and Hodgetts (1985), “Perception is the way stimuli are selected and grouped by a person so that they can be meaningfully interpreted”(p. 85). Furthermore, according to McShane and Glinow (2005), “Perception is the process of receiving information and making sense of the world around us”(p. 76). Gibson, Ivancevich and Donnely (1985) state that perception is the process by which an individual gives meaning to the environment. It means that perception is someone‟s point of view towards something. Each person will give different views in the same things. Two or more people can look at the same object and perceive it differently. In 1985, Gibson, Ivancevich and Donnelly also state “Perception involves receiving stimuli, organizing the stimuli, and translating or
12 interpreting the organized stimuli so as to influence behavior and form attitudes” (p. 61). In short, perception is the process of interpreting on what happens in a certain surrounding area which is seen from someone‟s point of view. It is a person‟s view of reality. Different individuals will see the same thing in different ways and it depends on someone‟s point of view. As stated by Mouly (1973) that two persons looking at the same phenomenon may see very different things. In this research, the perception refers to the response of the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum by English teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. The English teachers will give a response about the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook if they experience to implement it. As stated by Wick and Pick (1978) that there is a connection between perception and experience. According to Gibson, Ivancevich and Donnely (1985), there are some factors that influence someone‟s perception:
Stereotype Gibson et al. (1985) state that stereotype is someone‟s view in a particular
member in a group but generalizes to all members in that group. It means a judgment on a certain object or people based on limited information and without knowing all of the parts. For instance, there were many articles about the weaknesses of the 2013 Curriculum. Then, because of those articles, people may judge that the 2013 Curriculum is not good. It will also give a bad impact on the
13 existence of the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum if people think that the 2013 Curriculum is not good. b.
Selectivity People may select something which they like or not. Therefore, the
perception is based on the people who like or dislike the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities. Gibson et al. (1985) explain that the people tend to ignore the information or cues that might make them feel discomfort. People have various interests, so that they may select what is important to fulfill their needs. c.
Self-concept Altman et al. (1985) state that self-concept is the way how an individual
sees and feels about themselves. The way we see and feel about ourselves will affect our perception on something. It is important because our mental picture of ourselves determine much of what we perceive and what we do. Gibson et al. (1985) suggest that (1) knowing oneself makes it easier to see others accurately, (2) one‟s own characteristics affect the characteristics which are identified in other, and (3) persons who accept themselves are more likely to see favorable aspects of other people. It indicates that people usually make themselves as a measurement or benchmark in perceiving others. d.
Situation Situation affects someone‟s perception, since it influences their feeling and
habit in their daily life. The situation of the environment or someone will influence perceptual accuracy. Related to this research, the English teachers
14 improve the learning instruction because they see the situation of the students themselves. e.
Need Perceptions are significantly influenced by needs and desires (Gibson et
al., 1985). Someone‟s needs of something influence his/her perception. In this research, the need is the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. It is expected to help the English teachers in the teaching and learning activities. The teacher‟s guidebook cannot be separated from the student‟s textbook. When the teachers use the student‟s textbook for the teaching and learning activities, at that time, the teachers need the teacher‟s guidebook as the guidance in using the student‟s textbook. f.
Emotions Gibson et al. (1985) say that strong emotions often warp perception. The
English teachers who use the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities may have positive perception if they feel happy because the teacher‟s guidebook helps them in teaching and learning activities. Therefore, people‟s emotions determine their perception on something.
Guidebook One of the elements that make the 2013 Curriculum different from other
curricula is that the 2013 Curriculum provides a teacher‟s guidebook, besides a student‟s textbook. There must be a reason why the government provides a teacher‟s guidebook. According to Salirawati (June 21, 2014), one of the reasons
15 expressed by teachers is the teaching load. The teaching load is too heavy. It makes the teachers do not have time for self-development (p. 13). Hence, the government tries to make an adjustment by providing a teacher‟s guidebook. The teacher‟s guidebook is expected to help the teachers in the teaching and learning activities. The government definitely has a purpose in providing the teacher‟s guidebook for the teaching and learning activities. According to Finney (2001), the ultimate goal of the activities in the handbook is to strengthen teaching and increase opportunities for students learning. The handbook here refers to the teacher‟s guidebook. Hence, the teacher‟s guidebook cannot be separated from the student‟s textbook. Whenever teachers used the student‟s textbook for teaching and learning activities, at that time, teachers neededthe teacher‟s guidebook to guide them in using the student‟s textbook. The teacher‟s guidebook consists of two parts. They are general instruction (petunjuk umum) and specific instruction (petunjuk khusus). For the general instruction, the contents consist of as follows:
Figure 2.1 General Instruction’s Table of Content (Taken From Teacher’s Guidebook Class VII)
While for the specific instruction, it consists of lesson plan of each chapter. Hence, it consists of core competence, basic competence, learning objective, learning instruction, and answer key for each chapter. There are eleven chapters of English learning material grade VII. Those English learning materials will be learned in two semesters.
17 Table 2.1 The Example of Learning Instruction on the Teacher’s Guidebook (Taken From Teacher’s Guidebook Class VII)
18 Those two parts are expected to help the teachers in the teaching and learning activities. It also can be the guidebook for teachers in making the lesson plan. In this research, the researcher focuses on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum, especially on the implementation of learning instruction. According to Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (2013), there are three functions of teacher‟s guidebook: a.
As a guidance in using the student‟s textbook When teachers want to use the student‟s textbook in the teaching and
learning activities, then the teachers have to learn from the teacher‟s guidebook first. It has been stated, how each activity will be delivered to the students in the teaching and learning activities. b.
As a reference in teaching and learning activities in the classroom This serves an explaination on the learning steps that should be done in the
learning process. Besides, the teacher‟s guidebook can help teachers in making lesson plans and teachers can do the teaching and learning activities systematically by following the learning instructions stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. c.
As the explanation of teaching and learning techniques used in the learning process Teacher‟s guidebook provides information about the model and the
learning strategy which are used as a reference in the learning process.
19 3.
The 2013 Curriculum Curriculum is one of the tools that guide teachers to teach the students.
The government has designed a curriculum to help the teachers. Curriculum is a guideline for the teachers to do the execution of learning and teaching activities in the classroom. According to Olivia (2009), “The track — the curriculum—has become one of the key concerns of today‟s school and its meaning has expanded from a tangible racecourse to an abstract concepts”(p.1). According to Hidayat (2013), the term of curriculum appears for the first time and is used in sports field. Then in 1855, the term of curriculum is applied in the education field. Saylor and Alexander (1956) say, “Curriculum is the total effort of the school to going about desired outcomes in school and out-of school situations” (as cited in Hidayat, 2003, p. 21). Beauchamp (1986) states, “A curriculum is a written document which may contain many ingredients, but basically it is a plan for the education of pupils during their enrollment in given school” (as cited in Hidayat, 2003, p.21). Olivia (2009), “Curriculum is everything that goes on within the school, including extra-class activities, guidance, and interpersonal relationships” (p. 3). From those definitions, curriculum is important for the education. It contains many ingredients towards the education. The purpose of education in Indonesia is to produce good human resources. In order to produce good human resources who are compatible with the globalization era, the government keeps on developing the curriculum. Curriculum in education has an important function for the school, including teachers. Hidayat (2003) states that the function of curriculum for the
20 teachers is used as a tool for the teachers in implementing the learning programs in order to achieve education goals or school goals where the teachers teach (p.26). Therefore, teachers should master the curriculum. Teachers are always expected to develop their ability in accordance with the curriculum development, science and technology development, and society development. Indonesia has experienced several changes of curriculum. Today, Indonesia is implementing two curriculums. They are 2013 Curriculum and 2006 Curriculum. The Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, Anies Baswedan, said, “The bottom line is that we still want to develop the curriculum, but we do not want to include all schools in Indonesia in the pilot project” (as cited in Jakarta Globe). Schools that have implemented the 2013 Curriculum since 2013 are encouraged to continue it, while those which are still new are allowed to revert back to the previous curriculum. According to Hidayat (2003), “Orientation of 2013 Curriculum is the increase and the balance among attitude, skill and knowledge” (p.113). In the end, the students are expected not only good at their intellectual, but also good at their emotion, social, and spiritual.
Drilling Technique Drilling is a technique that was introduced based on Audio-lingual
Method. This drill emphasizes on repetition practices of language. Brown (2001) states that audio-lingual method is a method which has a great deal with oral activity pronunciation and pattern drills and conversation practice with virtually
21 none of grammar and translation found (pp. 22-23). The teachers teach grammar through their spelling and pronunciation to practice the students to be accustomed to pronouncing English by drilling technique. According to Harmer (2000), drilling technique is a technique in repeating structural pattern through oral practice. In this research, the students should repeat the structural pattern that is given by the teacher. Nunan (1999) states that dialogues are used for repetition and memorization. The correct pronunciation and stress are emphasized. This technique is usually used for helping students of second language or foreign language in the class. This drill also helps the students to learn new vocabulary by repeating phrases, words, sentences, or even tenses forms. According to Paultson and Bruder (1976), there are three classes of drilling technique in learning. They are mechanical drill, meaningful drill, and communication drill (p. 4). The researcher only focuses on the mechanical drill, especially repetition drill. Mechanical drill is a drill which there is a complete response from the students. In this situation, the students will have drill completely in pronouncing the English sentence, such as repeating from the teacher. Two kinds of mechanical drills are repetition drill and substitution drill.
Repetition Drill Repetition drill is known as listen and repeat. The teacher says a word or a
sentence loudly and the students repeat it with correct pronunciation, stress, and intonation. According to Russell (2008), it is a good method because the students
22 are given an excellent model of pronunciation immediately before they are asked to respond. So, the teacher, as the model of pronunciation, gives some examples to the students and then the students have to repeat them. Repetition drill is also commonly used by the teacher for introducing new vocabulary and meaning. b.
Substitution Drill Russell (2008) states that substitution drill is when the teacher gives an
example of a sentence, then the teacher asks the students to change one or more words in it. With this method, the students can check their sentences with each other. Below is the examples of substitution drill given by Baruah (1991): T
: (showing a picture of cat) This is a cat.
: That is a cat.
: (showing a picture of dog)
: That is a dog.
Theoretical Framework This framework focused on the English teachers‟ perception on the use of
teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. The theories that had been explained in the theoretical description were the basic in explaining the result. After displaying the data into paragraphs, the researcher analyzed how the English teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul implemented the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities. Then, the researcher used the theory of drilling technique to strengthen the researcher‟s analysis.
23 Afterwards, in order to answer the research question, the researcher used the theory of perception. After the participants gave their opinions on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities, the researcher analyzed the participants‟ perception on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities. Then, the researcher used the theory of perception to strengthen the researcher‟s analysis. Besides, the theory of guidebook was used as the guidance in discussing the teacher‟s guidebook and the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities by the English teachers. The next one was the explanation of 2013 Curriculum. The explanation of 2013 Curriculum was also given to provide clearer information about the limitation of the research and the teacher‟s guidebook was a product of 2013 Curriculum.
This chapter presents the methodology used in the research. It is divided into six parts. They are research method, research setting and participants, research instruments, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.
Research Method The research objective of this research was to find out the teachers‟
perception on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities. To achieve the goal of the research, the researcher used qualitative research. According to Krathwohl (1993), qualitative research is a research that describes phenomena in words instead of numbers of measures (p.740) (as cited in Wiersma, 1995, p. 12). It meant that the data would be presented in the form of description. The primary aimed of qualitative research was to provide a complete, detailed description of the research topic. As stated by Merriam (2009), the product of a qualitative inquiry is richly descriptive. The researcher used qualitative research since it dealt with those descriptive data that were gathered from the observation, the questionnaire, and the interview. This research belonged to case study. Yin (2009, p. 18) states that case study is an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon in depth and within its real-life context, especially when the boundaries between 24
25 phenomenon and context are not clearly evident. The cases which could be studied using case study as the research method were decisions, individuals, organizations, processes, programs, neighborhoods, institutions, and events (Yin, 2009). The case in this research was a kind of real-life phenomenon on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities. While according to Ary, Jacobs, and Sorensen (2010), “A case study focuses on a single unit to produce an in-depth description that is rich and holistic…As indicated, case studies provide an in-depth description of a single unit. The “unit” can be an individual, a group, a site, a class, a policy, a program, a process, an institution, or a community (p. 454). In this research, the unit was the three of the seventh grade English teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. In this research, the researcher described, in-depth, the particular of the teachers‟ perception on the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum.
Research Setting and Participants This research was conducted in the seventh grade English class of SMP
Negeri 1 Bantul, which is located on Jl. Ra. Kartini No. 44, Kec. Bantul, Kab. Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55714, Indonesia. It was conducted during August-September 2015, the first semester of academic year 2015-2016. The participants of this research were three of four seventh grade English teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. There were four English teachers who taught seventh grade. However, the researchers chose three of the four English teachers as the participants, because one of the four English teachers was so busy to guide the
26 PPL students. In this research, the researcher used #ET1, #ET2, and #ET3 to name the participants. The researcher also provided the background of the participants in order to strengthen the finding. The first participant was #ET1. Now, she is 41 years old. She graduated from one of the private universities in Yogyakarta. After she graduated from the university, in 2001 she became an English teacher in one of the private junior high schools in Yogyakarta. She taught seventh grade and eighth grade. Then, in 2005 she took a test and she became an English teacher assistant at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. At the first time, she became a teacher assistant for one semester for non English teachers. In the second semester, she began to teach in the classroom. She taught seventh grade and eighth grade. However, for the eighth grade, she only taught for a few times. In 2010, she became a civil servant and she was deployed at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. Until now, she is an English teacher at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul and she teaches the seventh grade. She has been certified since 2012. The second participant was #ET2. Now, she is 45 years old. She graduated from one of the public universities in Yogyakarta. After she graduated from the university, in 1999 she became an English teacher in two junior high schools in Bantul. At that time, she taught seventh grade and eighth grade. In 2003, she became a teacher assistant in one of the public junior high schools in Bantul. Then, in 2006 she became a civil servant and she was deployed at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. Until now, she is an English teacher at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul and she teaches the seventh grade. She has been certified since 2013. Now, besides teaching at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul, she also teaches in one of the private junior high
27 schools in Bantul. It is done as the requirement of certification to meet the teaching hours. The third participant was #ET3. Now, she is 40 years old. She graduated from one of the public universities in Yogyakarta. After she graduated from the university, in 2002 she became an English teacher in one of the private high schools in Yogyakarta. She taught there during 2002-2003. Then during 20032004, she was an English tutor in one of the vocational high schools in Yogyakarta. In 2005, she took a test and she became an English teacher at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. At the first time, she became a teacher assistant for one semester for non English teachers. In the second semester, she began to teach in the classroom. She had experienced in teaching seventh, eighth, and ninth grade. In 2010, she became a civil servant and she was deployed at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. Until now, she is an English teacher at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul and she teaches seventh grade. She has been certified since 2012. Now, besides teaching at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul, she also teaches in one of the vocational schools in Bantul. It is done as the requirement of certification to meet the teaching hours.
Research Instruments In this research, in order to collect the data, the researcher used
observation, questionnaire, and interview as the data collection methods. 1.
Observation The first instrument was observation. According to Ary, Jacobs, and
Sorensen (2010), observation is a basic method for obtaining data in qualitative
28 research and is more than just “hanging out” (p. 431). Here, the researcher conducted the research by using the observation checklist. As stated by Wallace (1998), observation checklist is one of some form of observation in the learning process (p. 146). The observation checklist contained elements that would be observed towards the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities by the English teachers. The observation checklist was made based on the learning instruction stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. The researcher observed whether the teachers followed the learning instructions stated on the teacher‟s guidebook or not. In this research, the researcher chose three of the seventh grade English teachers as the participants. The researcher attended the English class twice in each participant‟s class. In total, the researcher attended the English class for six meetings, two meetings in each participant‟s class. The researcher attended the English class and followed the teaching and learning activities. The researcher also did the observation by checking the observation checklist. 2.
Questionnaire The second instrument was questionnaire. Johnson and Christensen (2012)
state that researchers use a questionnaire so that they can obtain information about the thoughts, feelings, attitudes, beliefs, values, perceptions, personality, and behavioral intentions of researcher participants (p. 162). In this research, the questionnaire aimed to gather the information about the English teachers‟ perception on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum.
29 The researcher used a mixed questionnaire. As stated by Johnson and Christensen (2012), mixed questionnaire is a questionnaire that includes a mixture of open-ended and closed-ended items (p. 170). On the closed-ended questions, there were eight questions and the teachers were asked to pick the answer “YA” or “TIDAK”. There were four questions in the open-ended questions. The openended questions could provide rich information because the participants responded by writing their answer with their own words. 3.
Interview The third instrument was interview. According to Ary, Jacobs, and
Sorensen (2010), Interview is also one of the most widely used and basic methods for obtaining qualitative data. Interviews are used to gather data from people about opinions, belief, and feelings about situation in their own words. Interview may provide information that cannot be obtained through observation, or they can be used to verify observations (p. 438). The researcher used the interview in order to gather data about the teachers‟ opinion, belief, and feeling towards the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities. The researcher developed the questions based on the observation checklist and the questionnaire. The researcher used the interview to obtain information that could not be obtained through the observation and the questionnaire. Through the interview, the researcher verified the answers from the observation checklist and the questionnaire. Through this, the researcher would get the deepest information from the participants.
30 In this research, the researcher became the interviewer and the seventh grade English teachers were the interviewees. The researcher used a semistructured interview. A stated by Ary, Jacobs, and Sorensen (2010), semistructured interview, in which the area of interest is chosen and questions are formulated but the interviewer may modify the format or questions during the interview process. The interviewer had prepared the questions beforehand, but the interviewer also asked questions based on the participants‟ responses towards the previous question during the interview process. The interviewer used an audio recorder to collect the data. It was much easier than taking notes.
Data Gathering Technique The researcher conducted several steps in gathering the data for the
research. First, the researcher gave the permission letter to the headmaster of SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. Second, the researcher talked to the participants and arranged the schedule when the researcher could attend the English class. Third, the researcher attended the English class in which the English teachers were teaching the seventh grade. The researcher attended the English class twice in each participant‟s class. On August 6th, 2015 and on August 12th, 2015, the researcher attended teacher #ET1‟s class. On August 8th, 2015 and on August 18th, 2013, the researcher attended teacher #ET2‟s class. On August 18th, 2015 and on August 22nd, 2013, the researcher attended teacher #ET3‟s class. The researcher followed the teaching and learning activities while checking the observation checklist. The researcher also took notes if there were others elements
31 that were outside the observation checklist. The observations were used to see how the teachers implemented the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities. In other work, it served to confirm whether the teachers followed all the learning steps from the teacher‟s guidebook without modified it or the teachers modified it. Fourth, the researcher distributed the questionnaireto the teachers after the observations were done. The teachers finished filling up the questionnaires on August 25th, 2015. The questionnaire was used to find out how the teachers implemented the teacher‟s guidebook, the teachers‟ opinion towards the teachers‟ guidebook, strengths and weaknesses, problem encountered, and the impact on the use of teacher‟s guidebook. Fifth, the researcher did the interview. The interview was conducted after gathering the data from the questionnaires. On September 8th, 2015, the researcher interviewed teacher #ET3. On September 12th, 2015, the researcher interviewed teacher #ET2. On September 15th, 2015, the researcher interviewed teacher #ET1. The interview was used to find out the deepest information from the observation and the questionnaires.
Data Analysis Technique Data analysis was the process in which the data that had been got were
analyzed using several techniques. The researcher gathered data from the observation checklist, the questionnaire, and the interview. The interview was
32 used to verify and find out the deepest information from the observation and the questionnaire. The first was observation checklist. The researcher used the learning instruction on the teacher‟s guidebook as a guide of observation checklist. The data from the observations checklist were analyzed to find the information on how the English teachers implement the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities. The second was questionnaire. The researcher distributed the questionnaire to the three seventh grade English teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. It was distributed in order to get the information about the English teachers‟ perception on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities. The researcher calculated the result of the questionnaire and got the data. The third was interview. The first step in analyzing the data was data reduction for example, writing summarize, coding, and teasing out themes (Miles and Huberman, 1994, p. 10).
In this step, the researcher analyzed all the
transcribed data. Firstly, the researcher transcribed the interview from audio recorder into written text. Secondly, the researcher omitted the irrelevant data into relevant data to answer the research question. The data from the interview transcript were selected by the researcher and the data which had no relation to the topic were deleted. Miles and Huberman (1994, p. 11) add further that qualitative data can be reduced and transformed in many ways, such as, through selection, through summary or paraphrase. In this research, the researcher used paraphrase
33 to reduce and transform data. Afterwards, the researcher categorized the interview transcript based on the question that the researcher asked. Next, the researcher discussed the result and presented the data in the descriptive form. The last, the researcher concluded the finding of the discussion.
Research Procedure The research question in this research was “What is the English teachers‟
perception on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in teaching and learning activities at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul?” The research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul and three of the seventh grade English teachers were the participants. First, the researcher asked for the school‟s consent. The researcher asked the permission from the school to conduct the research at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. The researcher explained to the school about the goal of the research. Then, the researcher asked for permission from the teachers, as the participants of the research, to attend their English class to do the observations. Second, the researcher collected the data. The data collection methods that the researcher used were observation, questionnaire, and interview. Firstly, the researcher did observations in the participants‟ English class. The researcher attended the English class in which the English teachers taught the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. After the researcher got the data from the observation session, the researcher distributed the questionnaires. After gaining the data from the questionnaire, the researcher did the interview session. The researcher used an audio recorder when interviewing the participants.
34 Third, the researcher did a library study. The data obtained from the research participants would be analyzed to find out the teachers‟ perception on the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities.
This chapter presents the findings of this research. There are two parts in this chapter. The first part is about the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum by the English teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul in the teaching and learning activities. The second part is aboutthe teachers‟ perception on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. In this research, the researcher also describes the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum by the English teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul in the teaching and learning activities before discussing the teachers‟ perception on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum as the basic of their teaching and learning activities.
The Implementation of Teacher’s Guidebook of 2013 Curriculum by the English Teachers In order to get the deepest information about the teachers‟ perception on
the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities, the researcher also described how the teachers implemented the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities. The researcher observed the seventh grade English teachers in the English class.
36 The researcher conducted the observation by observing and checking the observation checklist. 1.
Observation in Teacher #ET1’s Class On Thursday, August 6, 2015 and on Wednesday, 12 August, 2015, the
researcher did observation in #ET1‟s English class. At that time, the topic was “How are you?” It was about greeting. On the first observation, on Thursday, August 6, 2015, the teaching and learning activities were from activity 3 up to activity 6. It was the teacher‟s policy to determine how many activities that would be delivered to the students. Firstly, #ET1 did the opening session such as greeting the students by using English to create English atmosphere and checking the students‟ attendance. Then, #ET1 continued the lesson. The first activity was activity 3. However, before going to the activity 3, #ET1 asked the students about other expressions to response the expression of “How are you?” #ET1also asked the students whether they had practiced greeting their family by using English or not. For activity 3, there were two points of procedure in delivering activity 3. For the first point, students were asked to observe a text and practiced greeting with their seatmate. However, #ET1 improved the procedure. She read the dialogue and asked the students to repeat what she read, then she asked the students to read it again. #ET1 did it more than twice. The procedure stated on the teacher‟s guidebook did not ask the teacher to read it first then the students repeated it. However, #ET1 did it first then asked the students to practice it by themselves. #ET1 wanted the students to pronounce the greeting correctly and that was the reason why she asked the students to repeat what she read then practiced
37 it by themselves. For the second point, teacher gave a chance to students to go outside the classroom and practiced greeting people around school. However, #ET1 did not do it. She did not ask the students to go outside the classroom to greet people around school. Based on the researcher‟s perception, the second point did not need to be done, because the students still needed to learn, so they only did the practice with their classmates. Then #ET1 continued to activity 5. #ET1 skipped activity 4. The reason why #ET1 skipped activity 4 would be explained in the subchapter B. For activity 5, there was only one point of the procedure. The students and their seatmates presented the simple dialogue using the expression given. Then #ET1 did the same thing as the previous activity, she read the dialogue on the activity 5 and then the students repeated it. Then, she explained the expression and the response on the activity 5. After that, the students practiced rereading the dialogue on the activity 5 with their seatmate. The last, some of the students presented the dialogue on the activity 5 in front of the class with their seatmate. #ET1 wanted to know whether the students understood the dialogue and they could pronounce it correctly or not. For activity 6, there were three points of the procedure in delivering activity 6. #ET1 did those three procedures, although she made an improvement on the implementation. #ET1 read the dialogue on the activity 6 and the students repeated it. She did it more than twice. By repeating the dialogue, #ET1 hoped that the students would absorb the expression and the response, so that later, they could implement the expression correctly. For the exercise, #ET1 asked the
38 students to ask their friends‟ condition, then the students could go around asking their friends‟ condition. Afterwards, the students presented their result. Then, the result was submitted to the teacher. For the instruction/note, it could be seen from the observation checklist on Thursday, August 6, 2015 that #ET1 did not really pay attention to it. She used her own language in giving instruction to the students. #ET1 paraphrased the language stated on the teacher‟s guidebook in giving instruction and used Bahasa Indonesia mostly. However, for the note on the activity 6, such as stomachache = sakit perut, toothache = sakit gigi, backache = sakit punggung, flu/cold = flu, and cough = batuk, #ET1 gave those notes by writing them down on the blackboard. The teacher gave those vocabularies to the students as the references because the activity 6 talked about people‟s condition. It could also give new information to the students about new vocabularies. Based on the researcher‟s observation, almost all of the students had not known the meaning of those vocabularies and they wrote it down on their notebook. For the time allocation, #ET1 did not exactly implement the time allocation stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. It could be seen from the observation checklist on Thursday, August 6, 2015 that the time allocation in teaching and learning activities was different from what stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. #ET1 divided the time allocation for each activity. Then the second observation was on Wednesday, August 12, 2015. Firstly, #ET1 did the opening session by greeting the students by using English to create English atmosphere and checking the students‟ attendance. On that day, the lesson was from activity 9 up to activity 11. The activity 9 was about the expression of
39 leave taking. There were four points of procedure in delivering activity 9. Like what #ET1 did towards the dialogue, she read the dialogue first and then the students repeated it. She did it more than twice. Afterwards, #ET1 asked the students to read the dialogue each row loudly. By repeating and rereading the dialogue, the students were believed to be able to absorb the expressions so that they could understand better towards the expressions and the responses. For the third point, #ET1 did not ask the students to play a role play towards the dialogue. #ET1 just asked the students to read the dialogue each row loudly. Based on the researcher‟s perception that #ET1 felt enough towards the activity 9 by repeating and rereading the dialogue each row loudly. For activity 10, #ET1 decided to make it as a homework for the students. Firstly, #ET1 explained what the students had to do towards the activity 10. She explained it in Bahasa Indonesia, although it had the same meaning with the instruction stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. She used Bahasa Indonesia in order to make all of the students understand what they had to do. The time allocation for explaining the material was about 10 minutes. Actually, the time allocation for the activity 10 which stated on the teacher‟s guidebook was 20 minutes. However, #ET1 made the activity 10 as homework, so she only needed 10 minutes to explain it. For activity 11, #ET1 did the two points of the procedure, although she made the improvement on the implementation. #ET1 did not only ask the students to observe the pictures on the activity 11, but she also explained the situation of the pictures. Then #ET1 asked the students to fill up the dialogue based on the
40 situation. Afterwards, some of the students presented their results in front of the class by writing them down on the blackboard. It could be seen from the procedure of activity 11 that there was no procedure about presenting in front of the class, but the teacher asked the students to present their results. It meant that the teacher made an improvement on the implementation. However,for the instruction and time allocation, #ET1 did not really pay attention to them. During the teaching and learning activity, mostly the teacher used Bahasa Indonesia. She gave the instruction in Bahasa Indonesia, although the meaning was the same as the instruction stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. Based on the observation about the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities in #ET1‟s English class, the researcher could conclude that the teacher did not exactly implement the learning instruction stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. She made some improvements on the implementation. For the activity itself, #ET1checked the students‟ understanding. When the students had understood the material, then #ET1 continued to the next activity. However, for the activity that needed to do the exercise, it took longer time allocation than other activities. Based on the researcher‟s observation, each student had different ability, so it also affected the time allocation for each activity. 2.
Observation in Teacher #ET2’s Class The second English teacher was #ET2. The researcher did the observations
on Saturday, August 8, 2015 and on Tuesday, August 18, 2015. The first day of observation, the activity was activity 5 up to activity 8. The topic was about
41 greeting. Firstly the teacher did the opening session by greeting the students using English to create English atmosphere and checking students‟ attendance. Then the teacher went to activity 5. On the activity 5, the students were asked to present the dialogue on the activity 5 with their seatmates. However, #ET2 only asked the students to read it with their seatmates without presented it. Before that, #ET2 read the dialogue on the activity 5 and then the students repeated it. The time allocation for activity 5 was more than what was stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. The time allocation was stated 40 minutes on the teacher‟s guidebook. In reality, it took 42 minutes. For activity 6, there were three points of the procedure. However, #ET2 did not implement all of those procedures. #ET2 just asked the students to observe the dialogue on the activity 6, then #ET2 read the dialogue and the students repeated it. It was done more than twice. Based on the researcher‟s perception, #ET2 felt enough towards that activity so that she continued it to the next activity without doing other two points of procedure on the activity 6. For activity 7, #ET2 skipped it and the deeper explanation why #ET2 skipped it would be explained on the subchapter B. The last activity for that day was activity 8. There were two points of procedure in delivering the activity 8. They asked the students to observe the pictures on the student‟s textbook and describe each picture using correct expressions. Here, #ET2 asked the students to ask their classmates about their feeling and wrote the result down on the table. It was not mentioned in the procedure about what the teachers should do towards the table. If we saw on the student‟s textbook, we could see that on the activity 8 was
42 not only about picture and dialogue but also table. Here, #ET2 did not discuss the pictures, she only asked the students to complete the table about asking the classmates‟ feeling. For the instruction/note and the time allocation, #ET2 did not really pay attention to them. She did not exactly implement the procedure stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. Mostly, she used Bahasa Indonesia in giving instruction to the students. It was to make the instruction more understandable to the students. However, she also spoke English although Bahasa Indonesia held a large portion. The second observation was on Tuesday, August 18, 2015. The topics were about expression and response of thanks and apology. The activity was from activity 14 up to activity 18. As usual, #ET2 opened the class by greeting the student in English and checking the students‟ attendance. #ET2 also asked the students about what they had learnt in the previous meeting. By asking the materials of the previous meeting, the students were expected to recall the previous material. Then #ET2 continued the activity to study the activity 14. #ET2 did what stated on the procedure. She asked the students to make a dialogue based on the pictures on the activity 14 using expression of thanks. Then, #ET2 asked four students to write the result down on the blackboard and the others students read it. #ET2 also gave explanation about the expression and response of thanks, although it was not mentioned in the procedure. It took 25 minutes to do the activity 14. For activity 15, there were four points of procedure in delivering activity 15. We could see from the observation checklist that the third and the fourth point
43 of the procedure were not done by #ET2. However, #ET2 changed the procedure. It was stated that the students worked in pairs in making dialogues and then read it in front of the class. In reality, #ET2 asked the students to make dialogues individually and asked four students to write the result down on the blackboard. Before #ET2 asked the students to make the dialogues, she read the example of dialogues and asked the students to repeat it. For activity 16, #ET2 skipped it and directly went to activity 17. It would be explained on the subchapter B why the teacher skipped it. In activity 17, there were three points of procedure in delivering activity 17. The last procedure was not done. Based on the researcher‟s perception, it did not need to be done. Then to cover it, #ET2 gave notes about the expressions and responses of apology and she explained it. #ET2 felt that the students needed to know another expressions and responses of apology which were stated on the activity 17. Then, the last activity for that day was activity 18. There were five points of procedure in delivering activity 18. As seen from the observation checklist, for the first and second points, #ET2 tried to make an improvement on the implementation. #ET2 tried to change the expression to another expression of apology while she read the dialogue, although it was not mentioned in the procedure of activity 18. Meanwhile, the third point of theprocedure was not done at all. Based on the researcher‟s perception, it did not need to be done.The bell rang 10 minutes before the time, so all of the activities on the activity 18 could not be covered.
44 For the instruction/note and time allocation, like in the first observation, mostly #ET2 used Bahasa Indonesia. She used her own language in giving instruction, but had the same meaning stated on the instruction/note. Meanwhile, for the time allocation, #ET2 did not pay attention to it. She allocated the time herself based on the activity and the students‟ understanding. Based on the observations about the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities in #ET2‟s English class, the researcher could conclude that the teacher did not exactly implement the learning instruction stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. Sometimes, #ET2 made an improvement in the implementation. #ET2 also made complement by adding the material, such as giving information towards another expressions and responses which were stated on the student‟s textbook. The researcher also found that #ET2 used a video as a media in the teaching and learning activity. The video was about greeting. After the students watched the video, #ET2 asked the students to follow what the video said. The students repeated the greeting‟s sentence from the video. It was in the form of music, so the students looked enthusiastic in following the video. Here, the teacher made an improvement by playing a video, although it was not mentioned in the procedure. 3.
Observation in Teacher #ET3’s Class The third English teacher was #ET3. The researcher did the observations
on #ET3‟s English class and the observations were conducted twice, on Tuesday, August 18, 2015 and on Saturday, August 22, 2015. Firstly, #ET3 greeted their students in English to create English environment and checked the students‟
45 attendance. Then, she went to the activities. On the first day of the observation, the activities were from activity 18 up to the beginning of the chapter 2. For the activity 18, it had been discussed in the previous meeting, then that day #ET3 only discussed the homework given in the previous meeting. Some of the students consulted their homework to #ET3, then the students presented it in front of the class with their seatmates. Afterwards, #ET3 gave feedback to the students about the pronunciation. It took 35 minutes to discuss the homework. Then, the last activity for the chapter 1 called reflection. For the first point, #ET3 did it by asking “What have you learned in the previous meeting?” and “Have you practiced it at home?” #ET3 also reviewed the material on the chapter 1 shortly. It was done in order to remind the students‟ memories towards the materials. Based on the researcher‟s perception, the second point of the procedure did not need to be done, so #ET3 did not do it. It took 5 minutes to sum up the chapter 1. The next activity was activity 1. There were four points of procedure in delivering activity 1. Those points of the procedure were done, but they only took 10 minutes because there were only five students who read the text. However, after those five students read the text, #ET3 asked the whole class to read it altogether and then #ET3 gave feedback towards the students‟ pronunciation. #ET3 wanted their students could introduce themselves well, then she gave the feedback to their students The last activity for that day was activity 2. There were two points of the procedure here and those points were done by #ET3. She also made an
46 improvement in the implementation by asking the students to consult the result of their work to her. Actually, the procedure on the teacher‟s guidebook did not ask the students to consult their result. For the instruction/note and the time allocation, #ET3 did not pay attention to them. She did not exactly implement the instruction/note and time allocation stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. She made her own decision based on the students‟ understanding. #ET3 also used her own language in giving instruction to the students without following exactly the instruction on the teacher‟s guidebook. Then, the second observation was on Saturday, August 22, 2015. The activities were activity 2 up to activity 8. Firstly, #ET3 greeted the students in English to create English atmosphere and checked the students‟ attendance. Then, it went to activity 2. Actually, the activity 2 was already discussed in the previous meeting, but because the class session was over, then it became a homework for the next meeting. Then, that day #ET3 discussed the homework. #ET3 went around the class to check the homework given on the last meeting. Then #ET3 asked the students one by one about their identities, such as: “How old are you?” “Where do you come from?” etc. Based on the researcher‟s perception, #ET3 asked those questions to check the students‟ understanding in answering the questions related to their identities. It took 20 minutes to discuss the homework. For activity 3, there were four points of procedure in delivering activity 3. Here, #ET3 explained the function of the expression stated on the pictures from the activity 3. Then, #ET3 also gave an example how to introduce others. #ET3 did those things although it was not mentioned on the procedure. It could be said
47 that #ET3 improved the learning instruction here. Based on the researcher‟s perception, #ET3 felt that the students needed to know about that in order to implement the expression correctly. For the last point, it was not done because it had been discussed in the previous activity, then based on the researcher‟s perception, #ET3 thought that it did not need to be done. For activity 4, #ET3 skipped it. Based on the researcher‟s perception, it was skipped because the activity was same as what had been done in the activity 3. Then, #ET3 skipped it and continued to the next activity. Afterwards, in activity 5 #ET3 improved the procedure. #ET3 asked the students to introduce their seatmate and #ET3 gave feedback later. For activity 6, #ET3 skipped it again. Based on the researcher‟s perception, it was because the activity in the activity 6 was the same as the activity 5, then #ET3 skipped it. For activity 7, the students were asked to fill up a library card. The students could go to the library and asked to the librarian. However, #ET3 modified the procedure. She did not ask the students to go to the library, but she asked the students to write their students number instead of student library card. Consequently, the students did not need to go to library to ask about their student library card. For activity 8, it could be seen that #ET3 did not implement the first point of procedure. Based on the researcher‟s perception, it would also spend a lot of time to go to library because the distance between the classroom and the library was quite far. However, for the second and the third points of procedure, they were done.
48 For the instruction/note and time allocation, #ET3 did not pay attention to them. She did not exactly implement the instruction/note and time allocation stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. She made her own decision on it. Based on the observations about the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities in #ET3‟s English class, the researcher concluded that the teacher did not exactly implement the learning instruction stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. She made an improvement in implementing the learning instruction. Based on the researcher‟s observation, the teacher‟s decision during the implementation of the learning instruction was based on the students‟ understanding. When the teacher felt that the material was easy for the students and students had understood, then #ET3 continued to the next activity. Here, there were some activities that almost similar to the previous activity, therefore #ET3 skipped it. Based on the researcher‟s observation, the ability of #ET3‟s students was better than #ET1‟ students and #ET2‟s students. Therefore, #ET3 was faster in delivering each activity. From the observations during the learning process, the English teachers read the dialogue first and then asked the students to repeat it. Setiyadi (2006) states that repetition drill is the simplest drill used at the very beginning of language class. Language learners merely repeat what the teacher says or the tape recorder procedures. This may be used for the presentation of new vocabulary and will be useful for pronunciation class (p. 63). By doing this repetition drill, the researcher also found that the students would ask the English teachers about new vocabulary, besides the students would also know how to pronounce them
49 correctly. It also helped the students to be familiar with the expression on the dialogue. Sometimes, the English teachers also taught grammar, although it was not mentioned in the procedure. The English teacher found out that the students had to know the correct grammar in order to make correct English especially when they introduce themselves. As stated by Setiyadi (2006), teaching by explaining some grammatical concepts and meanings that should be avoided for children classes can be introduced in a class of teenagers. The teenager may demand to know the rules and the meanings in their language (p.182). Not all of the students got English material since they were in elementary school, then the English teachers also tried to teach grammar gradually. Sooner, it would also increase their language competence. In line with Setiyadi (2006), language competence or the skills of language should become the goals of learning the target language. Hence grammar mastery should be considered as the basis for the language skills, either listening, speaking, reading, or writing (p. 182). According to Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (2013), itis possible for teachers to enrich the learning instructions that have been offered on the teacher‟s guidebook. It is because the teacher‟s guidebook is the minimum standard that can be developed if the teachers need to develop it. Hence, the English teachers improved the learning instructions in implementing the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in teaching and learning activities. By adding video and other materials to complete the main material, The English teachers meant to make an improvement in implementing the learning instructions also.
50 Based on the observations about those implementations on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in teaching and learning activities, the researcher could conclude that the English teachers did not exactly implement the learning instruction stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. They made an improvement in the learning instructions in implementing the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities. For giving instructions to the students, the English teachers used their own language, without following which was stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. The purpose was to make the instructions become more understandable for the students. Meanwhile for the time allocation, the English teachers made an adjustment in consideration to the student‟s ability. In line with Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia (2014), for the time allocation, the teacher could adjust the time allocation based on the students‟ ability. The researcher found that the teaching and learning activities ran well. The students understood the materials given by the teachers. It seemed that the students were also able to do the exercises well.
Teachers’ Perception on the Use of Teacher’s Guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in Teaching and Learning Activities This section would answer the research question stated in the Chapter I.
The researcher divided this section into four parts: (1) teachers‟ perception on the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum, (2) teachers‟ perception on the problem encountered of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum, (3) teachers‟ perception on the strength and weakness of teacher‟s
51 guidebook of 2013 Curriculum, and (4) teachers‟ perception on the impact of the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. In obtaining the data, the researcher used a questionnaire which consisted of eight close-ended statements and four open-ended questions. Besides, the researcher also conducted an interview to the three English teachers of SMP Negeri 1 Bantul.
Teachers’ Perception on the Implementation of Teacher’s Guidebook of 2013 Curriculum In this section, the researcher presents the teachers‟ perception on the
implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. The data was presented in Table 4.1. Table 4.1 Teachers’ Perception on the Implementation of Teacher’s Guidebook of 2013 Curriculum DESKRIPSI
Saya menggunakan Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris When English 1.
Rings a Bell Kurikulum 2013 sebagai pedoman utama dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi peserta didik
kelas VII. Saya menggunakan Buku Guru lain, selain Buku Guru Bahasa 2.
Inggris When English Rings a Bell dalam melaksanakan
pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi peserta didik kelas VII. Saya mengikuti langkah-langkah pembelajaran sesuai dengan 3.
yang tertulis dalam Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris When English
Rings a Bell Kurikulum 2013 tanpa mengubah sedikitpun, baik prosedur, instruksi/catatan, ataupun alokasi waktu. Saya
pembelajaran dalam Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris When English Rings a Bell Kurikulum 2013.
(Fleksibel = mengubah sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kemampuan siswa). Dengan adanya Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris When English 5.
Rings a Bell Kurikulum 2013, saya tidak perlu lagi membuat
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) untuk kegiatan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi peserta didik kelas VII. Saya merasa Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris When English Rings a
melaksanakan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi peserta didik
kelas VII. Dengan adanya Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris When English 7.
Rings a Bell Kurikulum 2013, memudahkan saya dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi peserta didik
kelas VII. Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris When English Rings a Bell 8.
Kurikulum 2013 memberikan saya pengetahuan baru mengenai metode mengajar yang belum pernah saya jumpai atau saya
terapkan sebelumnya.
The first two statements, numbers 1 and 2 were about the teacher‟s guidebook itself. In statement 1, all the English teachers stated “Ya” towards the statement. It meant that all of the English teachers used the teacher‟s guidebook “When English Rings a Bell” as their main guidebook in the teaching and learning activities. The teacher‟s guidebook itself had been prepared by the government in order to help the English teachers in the teaching and learning activities. It was also seen that the program of the government about the teacher‟s guidebook as a main guidebook in the teaching and learning activity was successful.
53 In statement 2, one of the three English teachers stated “Ya” towards the statement. The teacher who stated “Ya” was #ET2. However, actually she only used the teacher‟s guidebook “When English Rings a Bell” in the teaching and learning activities. It was proved from the interview session. When the researcher asked to #ET2 about the teacher‟s guidebook and #ET2 answered that this was the only one teacher‟s guidebook. (Iya mbak hanya ini buku gurunya) -#ET2 Yes, this was the only teacher‟s guidebook. Based on the interview, the researcher could conclude that all of the English teachers did not use other teacher‟s guidebooks for the teaching and learning activities. The English teachers only used the teacher‟s guidebook “When English Rings a Bell” from the government in the teaching and learning activities. Gibson et al (1985) state that perceptions are significantly influenced by needs and desire. The teacher‟s guidebook was the need of English teachers in the teaching and learning activities. It was expected to help the English teachers in the teaching and learning activities. The teacher‟s guidebook could not be separated from the student‟s textbook. When the teachers used the student‟s textbook for the teaching and learning activities, then at that time the teachers needed the teacher‟s guidebook as the guidance in using the student‟s textbook. The researcher also conducted an interview related to the statements 1 and 2. The English teachers stated that they only used teacher‟s guidebook “When English Rings a Bell” as the main guidebook in the teaching and learning activities. However, for the student‟ textbook, the English teachers used others textbooks and LKS (Lembar Kerja Siswa). It aimed to improve the material, so
54 that the students could understand more towards the material and knew varied exercises. #ET1 used other textbooks. However, the textbooks were kept by her and the students did not have those textbooks. #ET1 thought that the exercises in the student‟s textbook from the government were too simple. Hence, #ET1 used other textbooks in order to make the exercises more variedly and improved the material. (Pakai (buku ajar lain),tapi khusus buat saya. Nanti saya tambahtambahkan buku ajar lain. Kadang kan disini (buku siswa) latihannya terlalu seperti latiahan di SD, gampang banget e. Disini tidak ada grammarnya kan? Trus contoh-contoh dialog juga tidak ada to? Trus saya tambahi dari buku English in Focus trus kadang English on Sky, tapi anak tidak punya.) -#ET1 I used other textbooks, but it was only me who had them. Then I would complete the material and added the exercises from those textbooks. Sometimes, the exercises from the student‟s textbook were like exercises in elementary school, it was too easy. There was no grammar here (student‟s textbook), right? There were no examples of dialogues here (student‟s textbook), right? Then, I added it from English in Focus and English on Sky, but the students did not have those books. Besides, #ET1 also used LKS. LKS provided a lot of exercises. It could also be an alternative in giving exercises to the students. However, the name of publisher was not mentioned on the LKS and the students already bought the LKS. It became the weakness because it was not mentioned the name of publisher. (LKS juga banyak membantu mbak. LKS Itu banyak latiannya… Bu #ET3 juga memakai LKS ini, semua guru juga pakai.) -#ET1 LKS (Lembar Kerja Siswa) also helped a lot. There were a lot of exercises in LKS…#ET3 also used this LKS, all of the English teachers also used LKS in the teaching and learning activity. #ET2 also used other textbooks, such as Erlangga, Bright, English in Focus and Bupena. (Iya, buku-buku pendukung lain saya pakai, dari Erlangga, Bright, kemudian English in Fokus saya pakai. Kalau untuk buku-buku latian kadang saya pakai Bupena...)-#ET2
55 Yes, I used other textbooks, such as Erlangga, Bright, then English in Focus. For the exercises I used Bupena… #ET2 also used LKS. However, #ET2 found the weakness for the LKS, but she could handle it. (Iya saya juga pakai LKS, tetapi ada beberapa hal yang tidak sesuai, contohnya tiba-tiba ada soal latihan padahal soal itu mengacu pada bacaan dan bacaannya itu tidak ada. Kemudian saya lewati, yang sesuai saja yang saya pakai...) -#ET2 Yes, I used LKS (Lembar Kerja Siswa).There were some parts which were unsuitable. For instance: there were exercises which referred to a reading passage, but there was no reading passage. Then I skipped it. I just used the exercises that were suitable… Besides using LKS, #ET3 also used other textbooks such as BSE and English in Focus. (Iya, saya pakai LKS… Selain itu BSE dan English in Focus, saya pakai untuk acuan.) -#ET3 Yes, I used LKS (Lembar Kerja Siswa)… Furthermore, I also used BSE and English in Focus to guide me in the teaching and learning activities. #ET3 thought that the exercises in the student‟s textbook from the government were too simple. Therefore, she tried to improve from other sources. (Untuk mencari latihan yang lain, juga untuk tambahan materi karena yang ada di buku siswa itu kan hanya simple-simple aja kan, misalnya untuk ungkapan dan respon leave taking itu apa saja gitu kan.) -#ET3 To find out other exercises and to complete the material because the material in the student‟s textbook was too simple. For instance: other expressions and responses for leave taking. The statements 3 and 4 were about flexibility on the use of teacher‟s guidebook. In statement 3, all of the English teachers stated “Tidak”, which meant that the English teachers were flexible towards the learning instructions on the teacher‟s guidebook. The English teachers did not exactly implement the learning instructions stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. It was also proved in the statement
56 4 that all of the English teachers stated “Ya” that they were flexible towards the learning activity on the teacher‟s guidebook. In line with Gibson et al. (1985) that people tend to ignore information cues that might them feel discomfort. Here, the English teachers selected the learning instruction that they would deliver to the students. The English teachers made an improvement on the implementation of learning instructions stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. Sometimes, they also modified the learning instructions. The researcher also conducted an interview related to the statements 3 and 4. The researcher wanted to find out why the English teachers selected the learning instructions that they would deliver to the students. Like what the researcher said before, the learning instructions on the teacher‟s guidebook consisted of three parts. They were procedure, instruction/note, and time allocation. The procedure itself consisted of several points about the learning step in each activity. For the procedure, #ET1 stated that it would spend a lot of time. The main point was the students could implement what they had studied. (Nanti ndak terlalu lama, siswa menyapa teman sebangku satu per satu, memakan waktu yang lama. Jadi yang penting anak sudah bisa kalau menyapa temannya, saya sudah mengajarinya. Jadi tidak usah satu satu menyapa.) -#ET1 It would spend a lot of time when the students greeted their seatmates one by one. So, the important things were that the students were able to greet their friends. I had taught the students, so they could practice the greeting. So, they did not need to greet their friends one by one. Besides, there was also an activity that was skipped. #ET1 thought that the students would get bored because of the similarity between the previous activity and the next activity.
(Kadang saya lewati. Nanti kalau aktivitasnya sama dengan yang depannya, kadang anak-anak bosan, jadi kadang memang dilewati.) #ET1 Sometimes, I skipped the activity. When the activity was similar to the previous activity and the next activity, sometimes the students would get bored, so I skipped it. #ET1 also selected the exercise from each activity, when the exercise‟s instruction from the each activity was not clear enough, #ET1 would skip it and went to the next exercise of the activity. (Iya, trus saya kira-kira siswa itu dong apa tidak. Kalau tidak ada keterangan disuruh ngapain, kemudian saya lewati.) -#ET1 Yes, then I made prediction whether the students understand or not. If there was no instruction, then I skipped it. (Iya disesuaikan. Anak-anak itu akan merasa enak kalau sudah ada keterangan-keterangannya. Soalnya, anak kelas 1 itu belum bisa membuat kalimat, ini kegiatannya suruh ngapain, menyapanya bagaimana. Kan kegiatannya hampir sama dengan yang didepannya, yasudah tidak saya suruh mengerjakan.) -#ET1 Yes, it was adjusted. The students would feel comfortable if there was instruction. It was because the students of grade VII had not been able to make a sentence, do the activity, and how to greet. The activity was almost similar to the next activity, so I did not ask the students to do it. For the instruction/note, #ET1 stated that it was helpful, but she did not exactly implement the instruction/note. #ET1 selected what instruction/note would be used in teaching and learning activities. (Ya bermanfaat mbak. Ada beberapa yang bermanfaat dan ada beberapa yang tidak. Saya akan delete yang tidak bermanfaat. Saya pakai yang kirakira anak gampang menerimanya.) .-#ET1 It was helpful. There were some of instructions/notes which were helpful and were not helpful. I would deleted those which were not helpful. I would use the instruction which the students found them easy to understand. The instruction/note stated on the teacher‟s guidebook was in English language and it helped teachers in giving instruction to the students. However, #ET1 mostly
58 used Bahasa Indonesia in the teaching and learning activities. Naturally, #ET1 had a reason why she used Bahasa Indonesia mostly. (Biasanya kalau awal-awal memang memakai Bahasa Indonesia, tapi kadang juga saya campur. Tapi kadang kalau dicampur itu anak ga dong, jadi trus saya Indonesiakan. Saya terus terang ga bisa kalau Inggris terus, anak juga belum bisa menangkap, jadi memang saya campur. Tapi kadang memang banyak Indonesianya...)-#ET1 At the beginning, I used Bahasa Indonesia, but sometimes I also mixed it. However, when I mixed it, the students would get confused, then I used Bahasa Indonesia. Honestly, I could not use English all day long. The students would also get confused, so I mixed it. However, mostly I used Bahasa Indonesia… For the time allocation, #ET1 also did not exactly implement it. She made her own decision on the time allocation. (Kalau alokasi waktu saya memang tidak melihat. Saya ngarang sendiri. Yang saya lihat cuman prosedur poin-poin dalam langkah-langkah pembelajaran. Tapi kalau waktu ga pernah saya lihat e mbak terus terang (ketawa kecil).) -#ET1 For the time allocation, I did not pay attention to it. I divided it by myself for a two hour-lesson. I just paid attention to the procedure of the learning activity. Honestly, I did not pay attention to the time allocation. #ET1 adjusted the time allocation. She stated that she would get difficulty if she exactly implemented it. It would disturb her because she needed to look at the clock frequently. She also paid attention to the students‟ understanding in the teaching and learning activities. (Saya sesuaikan dengan waktu 2 jam pelajaran. Kalau tidak selesai untuk hari ini, saya lanjutkan besok. Kalau harus ngeplek itu malah susah, kepikiran setelah ini harus begini dan seterusnya. Yang lama kan nanti intinya. Terkadang menerangkan 1 (materi) aja ga dong-dong, ngarap satu (latihan) aja sui banget, kan ga bisa ini (latihannya) harus selesai dalam waktu 15 menit, nanti malah pada tidak mengerjakan. Ya kalau yang pinter bisa, kan kemampuan siswa berbeda-beda, tidak bisa disamakan. Kalau ada yang selesai duluan saya teliti, namun jika belum saya suruh kerjakan dulu, jadi ya fleksibel aja.) -#ET1 I made some adjustments and adapted it with the two-hour lesson. If it failed to be discussed completely today, I would continue it on the next day. If it should be followed exactly, it would be difficult because I had to
59 think “after this I had to do this” and soon. Explaining the core of the lesson took a long time. Sometimes, I just explained one material, but the students did not understand. Students spent a lot of time to work only on one exercise. The students could not be asked to do the exercise in 15 minutes, Being forced to to that in 15 minutes, the students would not do it. If all of the students were smart, they could do it, but the students‟ abilities were differentand unequal. If some students finished their task earlier, I would see it first. However, if they had not finished, then I would ask them to finish it. So, I employed flexibility. From #ET1‟s explanation, the researcher could conclude that she was flexible towards the learning activity. The teacher selected the learning instruction that would be delivered to the students. It was also proved from her statement. (Jadi ga harus ngeplek dengan poin-poin. Saya memang ga ngeplek dengan yang ada di sini (buku guru), malah suka bingung e. Jadi ya saya fleksibel. Buku ini memang membantu, tapi ga harus ngeplek. Mungkin dengan cara saya sendiri atau cari sumber lain.) -#ET1 So, it should not follow the points blindly. I did not exactly follow the learning activity stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. I would got confused then. I was flexible towards the learning activity on the teacher‟s guidebook. This book was helpful, but I should not follow the learning activity exactly. Maybe, I would do it my own way or by finding other sources. For the procedure, #ET2 tried to emphasize on the points that the students had to know. For the others points, she also discussed it but it was not so long. (Ya, pertama mungkin karena saya melihat ada beberapa poin yang membutuhkan waktu yang lama, sehingga kalau itu saya laksanakan, nanti ada ada beberapa aktivitas yang tidak terkejar. Ya sudah kemudian saya ambil poin-poin yang harus diketahui anak.) -#ET2 Yes, first maybe because I saw that there were some points that took a long time. So, if I did it, there would be some activities that were not overtaken. Then, I took the points that should be known by the students. #ET2 also saw the condition which activity would run. At that time the activity was to fill up library card and the students could go to the library to ask the librarian about the student‟s ID number. However, the distance between the classroom and the library was quite time consuming and it would spend a lot of
60 time. Then, #ET2 modified the instruction towards library ID number into student number. The students did not need to go to the library, they just filled up with their student number. It seemed that #ET2 selected which activity that the students would do and would not. (Seperti diawal itu ya, ada yang harus mengetahui tempat-tempat, harus berjalan ke ruang TU, ke ruang kepala sekolah, itu nanti kan kelamaan. Yasudah saya persingkat saja, contohnya no kartu perpus diganti dengan no presensi (jadi siswa tidak harus ke perpustakaan)-#ET2 It was like at the beginning, there were activities that had to know some places. For instance: going to administration room, going to headmaster room,. However, it would spend a lot of times. Then, I changed the instruction of library ID number to student number, so that the students should not go to the library. For the procedure, #ET3 also did not exactly implement it. #ET3 still selected which activity that would be delivered to the students. #ET3 also did what #ET2 did, she saw the condition first. #ET3 went to the library first and asked the librarian about the activity that the teacher wanted to do, but the librarian had to go somewhere. (Sebelum pembelajaran, saya pergi ke petugas perpus. Kebetulan, petugas perpus ada acara keluar, jadi daripada ditunda-tunda, saya membuat inisiatif seperti itu (mengganti no ID perpus dengan no presensi siswa) #ET3 Before the teaching and learning activities, I went to the library to meet the librarian. At that time, the librarian had to go somewhere, so rather than I delayed the activity, I made an initiative to change the instruction of library ID number to student number. For the instruction/note, #ET3 stated that it was helpful. It helped #ET3 to deliver the exercises‟ instruction to the students and gave additional information for the students. (Ya bermanfaat mbak, jadi saya ada panduan seperti ini. Kan untuk memudahkan kita juga kan untuk menyampaikannya ke anak, bahwa latian ini harus seperti apa.) -#ET3
61 Yes, it was helpful. So, I had guidance on what I had to do. It also eased us in giving instruction to the students towards the exercises. #ET3 did not always use English in giving instruction to the students. Sometimes, the students still got confused when #ET3 used English, then #ET3 would switch it. However, she always tried to use English. (Kalau saya memang berusaha menggunakan Bahasa Inggris, kalau kirakira anak ga tau, kemudian saya menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia. Jadi saya berusaha untuk menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dulu. Karena kalau Bahasa Inggris ga di kelas ya dimana lagi kan?) -#ET3 In case I tried to use English, but the students showed some signs of confusion, then I would switch into Bahasa Indonesia. So, I tried to use English first. Where would the students practice English if it were not used in the class? For the time allocation, #ET3 did not pay attention to it. #ET3 did not understand well the time allocation stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. So far, #ET3 divided the time allocation each activity based on the students‟ understanding. (Karena saya tidak memperhatikan (alokasi waktu) mbak, jadinya saya tidak begitu paham.)-#ET3 Because I did not pay attention to the time allocation, so I did not understand. (Saya kira kalau difixkan dengan yang ada di buku akan sulit juga mbak. Karakteristik anak kan beda-beda mbak. Antara kelas D dan E itu pun berbeda (contohnya)…)-#ET3 I thought if time allocation were made similar to what was on the book, I would find it difficult. The students‟ characteristics were different from each other. For instance, between class D and class E… From the interviews conducted to #ET1, #ET2, and #ET3, it seemed that the English teachers selected the instruction in teacher‟s guidebook. The English teachers would select the activity that made them discomfort (Gibson et al.,1985). Besides, Gibson, Ivanovich, and Donelly (1985) and Altman, Valenzi, and Hodgetts (1985) state that situation affects someone‟s perception, since it
62 influences their feeling, expectation, and habit in their daily life. In terms of situation, the English teachers also took into consideration why they did not exactly implement the learning instructions. However, the teacher‟s guidebook was still the guidance in teaching and learning activities. The statement 5 was about the lesson plan. As stated in the Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (2013), teacher‟s guidebook describes the learning steps that should be done in the teaching and learning activities in order to help teacher in making the lesson plan. Teacher will be able to carry out the learning process systematically by following those learning steps. For the statement 5, all of the English teachers stated “Tidak”. It meant that the English teachers still made a lesson plan for the teaching and learning activities, although there was a teacher‟s guidebook. According to Burden and Byrd (1999), lesson plan is daily planning involves preparing notes about objectives, materials, activities, evaluation, and other information for a lesson for a particular day, but it is more detail than in the weekly plan. However, the teacher‟s guidebook had not been divided into a particular day. Hence, the English teachers still made a lesson plan for their teaching and learning activities. Lesson plan referred to a daily lesson plan which was planned carefully with all the information related to the objective and the purpose of the teaching and learning activities. Further, the researcher also did an interview related to the statement 5. All of the English teachers stated that in making the lesson plan, they used the teacher‟s guidebook as their guidance. However, the teacher also made some
63 adjustments to their lesson plan, for instance: giving the material about grammar although it was not mentioned in the teacher‟s guidebook. Then, statements 6 and 7 discussed the emotion as one of the factors that influence perception on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in teaching and learning activities. Gibson et. al (1985) state that strong emotions often warp perceptions. In the statements 6 and 7, all of the English teachers said “Ya” towards the statements. It meant that the English teachers felt that by implementing teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum, it helped the English teachers in the teaching and learning activities. Since all of the English teachers said “Ya” towards the statements, it could be said that the English teachers had a positive perception on the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. The emotion factor could make the English teachers have a positive perception because the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum helped the English teachers in the teaching and learning activities. Like what Putrianti (2014) states that when someone feels she/he gets benefits from something, she/he tends to form positive perception. The benefits of teacher‟s guidebook were proved from the interview conducted by the researcher. From the interview conducted by the researcher related to the statements, the English teachers stated that by implementing a teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum, the teaching and learning activities were more focused, as a guidebook for teachers in using student‟s textbook, the learning activities were provided in the form of table and it was easier to understand.
64 (…Sebagai pedoman dalam mengajar dan pembelajaran lebih terarah. Jadi aktivitas ini itu harus begini begini, kemudian setelah ini harus begini, jadi ada keterangannya.)-#ET1 …as a guidance in the teaching activities and the learning activities become more focused. So the activity should run this way and that way afterwards, then must be like this. So, there were descriptions for those activities. (Mungkin kalau kita tanpa ada buku guru itu, kita hanya peraktiviti dalam mengajar. Tetapi ketika ada buku guru, guru jadi lebih tahu ini harus begini, ini (aktivitas) perlu jeda, ini (aktivitas) perlu penekanan disini. Jadi mengarahkan dalam mengajar dan pembelajaran jadi lebih terarah.) -#ET2 Maybe, if we did not have the teacher‟s guidebook, we only taught per activity in the teaching and learning activity. However, when there existed a teacher‟s guidebook, the teachers knew what they should do. This activity needed a break, this activity needed emphasis. So, the teacher‟s guidebook drove the teaching and learning activities, as a consequence, become more focused. (Ada contoh-contoh format penilaian, bisa dipakai untuk acuan ketika kita melakukan penilaian. Kegiatan pembelajarannyapun dibuat dalam bentuk tabel-tabel, jadi lebih mudah dibaca dan lebih mudah bagi kita untuk mencari, misalnya aktivitas 12 prosedurnya seperti ini, instruksinya seperti ini. Jadi lebih memudahkan dan juga sebagai panduan dalam menggunakan buku siswa.) -#ET3 There were examples of assessment form. They could be used when we did assessment. The learning step was in the form of table, so it was easy to read and easy to look for. For instance: in the activity 12, the procedure was like this way and the instruction also. So, it made easier and it was as a guidance to use student‟s textbook. Next, statement 8 was about whether or not the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum gave new knowledge about teaching methods which had not been met or implemented by the English teachers. Two English teachers said „Ya” towards the statement and one English teacher said “Tidak” towards the statement. The researcher also did an interview related to the statement 8. The researcher wanted to know what kind of new knowledge about teaching methods that the English teachers got. From the interview towards the two English teachers who said “Ya” towards the statement 8, the researcher did not get a clear answer
65 towards what kind of new knowledge about teaching methods that the two English teachers got. The two English teachers just said that it made the implementation clear. Like what is stated in the Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (2013), that one of the three functions of teacher‟s guidebook is explanation of teaching methods and learning techniques used in the learning process. Hence, the English teachers knew what they had to do towards each activity. (Kalau Kurikulum 2006 itu kan metodenya mungkin video sudah ada, film sudah ada. Cuman mungkin di Kurikulum 2013 itu penerapannya lebih jelas.) -#ET2 In the 2006 Curriculum, the use of video and film as well, as a medium of teaching and learning activities had been available. However, maybe in the 2013 Curriculum, the implementation was clearer (provided better learning instructions). Metode mengajar, ada materi seperti ini trus disini ada contoh instruksi seperti ini, prosedurnya seperti ini, yang itu baru menurut saya (penerapannya) -#ET3 In this teaching method, there were materials, examples of instruction, and procedures like that way, that were new for me. (Implementation to the teaching and learning activities that was new for the teacher).
Teachers’ Perception on the Problem Encountered of Teacher’s Guidebook of 2013 Curriculum On this first open ended question, the researcher wanted to know whether
or not there was a problem in applying the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. Two of the English teachers stated that there was no problem. However, one of the English teachers stated that there was a problem. (Mungkin secara materi terlalu dangkal untuk anak-anak SMP yang sudah mendapat materi Bahasa Inggris ketika di Sekolah Dasar. Mereka sudah mendapat materi tersebut sejak kelas IV.) -#ET2
66 Maybe for the material was too simple for junior high school students who had got English class since they were in elementary school. They had got the material since class VI. #ET2 felt that the material was too simple for the junior high school students. However, this problem referred to the student‟s textbook, not the teacher‟s guidebook. It looked from the statement of #ET2 who described the English material that was so simple, whereas the teacher‟s guidebook was as a guidebook for teacher in using the student‟s textbook. The teacher‟s guidebook did not contain English materials, but it contained the key answer of the exercises in the student‟s textbook. Further, the researcher also did an interview related to #ET2‟s statement. #ET2 described that the material could be categorized as too simple because the students had got the materials since they were in elementary school. It was also like what was revealed on the open-ended questionnaire. (Materi itu sebenarnya sudah mereka dapatkan di SD, jadi memang perlu istilahnya pengulangan kembali. Tapi kemudian kalau misalnya saya hanya fokus pada apa yang ada di buku kan, anak-anak nantinya kurang juga karena pada akhirnya nanti ketika mereka UTS kemudian ujian kenaikan, soal-soal kan juga sudah complicated..) -#ET2 Actually, these materials were already taught to those students since they were in elementary school, but repetition was required. However, when I focused towards materials on the book only, the students would get less because at the end when they faced midterm test and the final test,the questions would be too complicated for the students to solve … Further, the researcher also asked a question about the English‟s material which is suitable for junior high school students. From the answer, the researcher could conclude that #ET2 compared the English material between the 2006 Curriculum and the 2013 Curriculum, hence #ET2 could say that the English material was so simple.
67 (Kalau dilihat dari buku siswanya, kurikulum 2013 memang materinya sederhana, tapi kalau dibandingkan dengan kurikulum 2006 itu juga terlalu berat. Saya melihatnya mungkin karena kurikulum 2006 itu tidak ada panduan step-step mengajarnya, jadi guru itu loncat sana loncat sini dalam mengajar. Kebetulan saya mengajar di dua tempat dan yang satu menggunakan kurikulum 2006. Dulu semua menggunakan 2013, itu saya merasa materinya terlalu sederhana. Ketika kembali ke kurikulum 2006 dan kemudian melihat soal-soal itu kalau buat anak-anak SMP itu juga terlalu berat. Jadi kadang kalau saya pakai yang kurikulum 2006 (di sekolah yang satunya), kadang saya pilih-pilih, kalau terlalu berat saya rendahkan. Tetapi ketika yang kurikulum 2013, saya tambah materinya.) #ET2 If it was seen from the student‟s textbook, the material of the 2013 Curriculum was simpler than the 2006 Curriculum. Maybe, it was because in the 2006 Curriculum there was no learning step guidance, so when the teachers taught, they jumped to other activities at will. I taught in two schools and one of the schools used the 2006 Curriculum. Several times ago, all the schools used the 2013 Curriculum and I felt the material was so simple. When it was back to the 2006 Curriculum and saw the exercises, it was so heavy for the junior high school students. Thus, when I taught in school which used the 2006 Curriculum, I would select the material, when it was too heavy I would adjust it. However, when I taught in school which used the 2013 Curriculum, I would increase the material. Because #ET2 thought that the material was so simple, then she looked for the material from other textbooks and made the exercises vary. (…Jika saya hanya mengandalkan (materi) yang ada di buku siswa, siswa akan ini juga (merasa kurang). Jadi ketika sore hari ada pelajaran tambahan, biasanya saya memperkaya materi yang ada di buku siswa dengan buku lain yang bentuknya sudah soal, kemudian saya perdalam.) #ET2 …if I just relied on the material on the student‟s textbook, the students would get less. So, in the afternoon‟s additional lesson, I would enrich the material on the student‟s textbook with other textbooks. That was#ET2‟s way to improve the students‟ English ability in order to prepare the students towards the challenging exercises, such as in midterm or final test. However, once again, the problem encountered here referred to the student‟s textbook, not to the teacher‟s guidebook. Based on the researcher‟s perception, it
68 could be said that so far the English teachers did not have problem in implementing the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum.
Teachers’ Perception on the Strength and the Weakness of Teacher’s Guidebook of 2013 Curriculum On the second open-ended question, #ET1 stated that teacher‟s guidebook
helped the teachers in the teaching and learning activities. It proved that #ET1gotbenefit from the teacher‟s guidebook. #ET1 also stated “Ya” on the close ended statements which were stated that the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum helped the English teachers in the teaching and learning activities. It meant that #ET1 truly got benefit from the teacher‟s guidebook. (Memudahkan guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran di kelas.) -#ET1 It helped the teachers in the teaching and learning activity. #ET2 stated that the teaching scope would still be on the right track because it already provided by the teacher‟s guidebook as guidance in the teaching and learning activities. (Lingkup mengajar guru tidak akan kelain topik karena sudah ada panduan materi-materi yang harus diajarkan. Guru mungkin sedikit menambah materi (dari buku lain) untuk melengkapi supaya lebih bervariasi.) -#ET2 The scope of the teaching would still be on the right track because there was already a guidance for material to be taught. Teachers may increase the material from other textbooks in order to be more varied. On the last statement, #ET2 made such a note, #ET2 stated that maybe the English teachers could increase the material from others textbooks, so it could be more varied. However, since it discussed the materials, it meant that it referred to the student‟s textbook, not the teacher‟s guidebook.
69 For the third English teacher, the researcher could conclude that the teacher‟s guidebook helped the teaching and learning activities. It could be seen from the excerpt below. (Ada petunjuk umum, petunjuk khusus, dan silabus. Petunjuk khusus ditulis dalam tabel jadi lebih mudah dipahami. Ada prosedur dan instruksi/catatan. Lebih mudah bagi guru untuk memandu siswa dalam menggunakan buku siswa.) -#ET3 There were general instruction, specific instruction, and syllabus. Specific instruction was written in form of table and it was easy to understand. There were procedure and instruction/note. It helped the teachers to use the student‟s textbook. On the teacher‟s guidebook, there were the general instruction and the specific instruction, both helped the English teachers in the teaching and learning activities. From the interview session, #ET3 also compared the teacher‟s guidebook of class VII and the teacher‟s guidebook of class VIII. #ET3 stated that the specific guideline on the teacher‟s guidebook of class VIII was not provided in the form of table, but in the form of paragraph, while the specific guideline on the teacher‟s guidebook of class VII was provided in form of table. Thus, #ET3 felt that it was easier to understand if it was in the form of table. #ET3 also emphasized that teacher‟s guidebook was a guidebook in using student‟s textbook From those English teachers‟ excerpts, the researcher could conclude that teacher‟s guidebook helped the English teachers in the teaching and learning activities. There are three functions of teacher‟s guidebook: a) as guidance in using student‟s textbook, b) as a reference in teaching and learning activities in the classroom, and c) explanation of teaching methods and learning techniques used in the learning process (Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2013). It seemed that the functions of teacher‟s guidebook worked well.
70 Wick and Pick (1978) also state that there is a connection between perception and experience. In this case, #ET3 compared her experience when she used teacher‟s guidebook of class VIII to teacher‟s guidebook of class VII. She found out that the teacher‟s guidebook of class VII was easier to understand because the learning instruction was in the form of table. It affected #ET3 on having a good perception on the use of teacher‟s guidebook, especially the teacher‟s guidebook of class VII. For the weakness of the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook in the teaching and learning instruction, #ET1 stated that there was a procedure on the learning instruction of the teacher‟s guidebook which did not match to the student‟s textbook. (Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang ada dalam buku guru pada kolom procedure kadang ada yang tidak sesuai dengan activity yang ada dalam buku siswa.) -#ET1 Sometimes, there was a procedure on the learning instruction on the teacher‟s guidebook which did not match with the activity on the student‟s textbook. However, #ET1 could handle this weakness. #ET1 decided to skip the exercise and make the new exercise which was similar to the exercise on the student‟s textbook. (Kalau tidak dilompati, pertemuan berikutnya saya kasih latihan yang hampir sama dengan yang ada di buku, jadi ngarang sendiri begitu.)#ET1 If it was not skipped, then in the next meeting, I would give an exercise which was similar to the one on the book, So it was made up by me with my own way. Like what the researcher had mentioned in the teachers‟ perception on the implementation of the teacher‟s guidebook, #ET1 did not exactly follow the
71 teacher‟s guidebook. She was flexible towards the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook. The second English teacher was #ET2. She stated that the material was too simple and it was better if the teachers found other sources from other textbooks. (Materi terlalu sederhana sehingga mereka (siswa-siswi) mugkin sedikit meremehkan. Kalau guru tidak mencari sumber lain maka materi yang terserap kepada peserta didik akan sedikit.) -#ET2 The material was too simple, so the students might be a bit underestimate. If the teachers did not look for other sources, then the students would absorb the material less. This statement was almost similar to #ET2 towards the problem she encountered. #ET2 emphasized that the English material was too simple. That was why #ET2 also used other textbooks in order to improve materials and made the exercises more varied also. However, #ET2‟s weakness referred to the student‟s textbook, not the teacher‟s guidebook. The third English teacher was #ET3. She stated that it did not mentioned the five steps in the teaching and learning process (observing, questioning, exploring, associating, and communication) on the teacher‟s guidebook. Sometimes, #ET3got difficulty in categorizing which one belonged to observing, which one belonged to questioning, and etc. (Belum disebutkannya tahapan-tahapan mengamati, menanya, mengumpulkan informasi mengasosiasi, dan mengkomunikasinkan. Kadang agak bingung, mengkategorikan akticitas-aktivitas kedalam tahapan tersebut.)-#ET3 It does not mentioned the steps of observing, questioning, exploring, associating, and communication. Sometimes, it was a bit confused in categorizing the procedure into those steps.
72 However, #ET3 could handle this weakness. The researcher asked #ET3 about how to handle this weakness. #ET3 said that she predicted it by herself based on the procedure. (Dikira-kira saja mbak, kalau listen to me berarti anak-anak disuruh untuk mengamati, contoh-contoh juga masuk yang mengamati, nanti yang latian masuk yang mencari informasi. Nanti kalau ada yang disuruh presentasi masuk mengkomunikasikan. Tetapi memang lebih enak kalau sudah ada. . .)-#ET3 I predicted it. For instance: if it was “listen to me”, it meant that the students were asked to observe. The examples were also about to observe. The exercises were about to explore. Should it asked for a presentation, it belonged to communication. However it would be more helpful if those activities were already classified beforehand ... 4.
Teachers’ Perception on the Impact of the Use of Teacher’s Guidebook of 2013 Curriculum The first English teacher was #ET1. She emphasized that the teacher‟s
guidebook helped the English teachers in using the student‟s textbook. On the other hand, the teacher‟s guidebook was a guiding book for teachers in using the student‟s textbook. Besides, the teacher‟s guidebook also made the teaching and learning activities became more focused. Memudahkan penggunaan buku siswa dan membuat proses pembelajaran lebih terarah. -#ET1 It helped us to use students‟ textbook and made the teaching and learning activities became more focused. Next, the second English teacher was #ET2. She also stated that there was a benchmark in the teaching and learning activities, so it helped in the teaching and learning activities. (Karena sudah ada patokan yang harus kita ajarkan, maka dalam mengajar menjadi lebih mudah. Siswa juga lebih aktif dalam berbicara, mendengar, membaca, dan menulis.) -#ET2
73 Because, there was a benchmark towards what would be taught to the students, so the teaching and learning activities became easier. The students were also more active in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Then, the third English teacher was #ET3. She stated like what #ET1 stated. The teacher‟s guidebook helped her in using student‟s textbook, in other words, the teacher‟s guidebook was a guiding book in using the student‟s textbook. The teacher‟s guidebook also made the teaching and learning activity became more focused. (Mempermudah penggunaan buku siswa dan proses pembelajaran lebih terarah.)-#ET3 It helped us to use students‟ textbook and made the teaching and learning activities became more focused. From those English teachers‟ excerpts, the researcher could conclude that the teacher‟s guidebook helped the English teachers in the teaching and learning activities. Like what is stated in Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (2013), that the two of three functions of teacher‟s guidebook had worked well in teaching and learning activities. Hence, the learning process became more focused. It was clearly seen that the English teachers had positive perception on the impact of the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum.
This chapter presents the conclusions and recommendations. The first part is about the conclusions of the research result and the second part is about the recommendations.
Conclusions There was one research question formulated in this research. It is “What is
the English teachers‟ perception on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul?” The teacher‟s guidebook was expected to help the teachers in the teaching and learning activities. There were four categories in investigating the English teachers‟ perception on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum at SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. The first category was the teachers‟ perception on the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. There were eight statements on the questionnaire. Based on the result, the English teachers were flexible towards the learning instruction on the teacher‟s guidebook in the teaching and learning activities. Here, flexible meant that the English teachers did not exactly implement the learning instructions stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. The English teachers also used others English textbook as references in the teaching and learning
75 activities, so the learning instructions were not exactly the same like the instructions on the teacher‟s guidebook. Nevertheless, the teacher‟s guidebook “When English Rings a Bell” was the main guidebook in the teaching and learning activities. Then, the English teachers had a positive perception on the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook. It helped the English teachers in the teaching and learning activities. Next, the second category was about the teachers‟ perception on the problem encountered of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. Based on the questionnaire and the interview, the researcher concluded that the English teachers did not have problem in implementing the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum yet. Actually, there was one teacher who stated that she had a problem, but the problem referred to the student‟s textbook, not the teacher‟s guidebook. Then, the third category was about teachers‟ perception on the strength and weakness of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. For the strength, the English teachers felt that teacher‟s guidebook helped them in the teaching and learning activities. It showed that the English teachers had a positive perception on the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. For the weakness, it seemed that it did not really affect towards the teaching and learning activities. The English teachers could handle it by themselves. Besides, the English teachers improved their learning instructions to make the teaching and learning activities better.
76 The last category was about teacher‟s perception on the impact of the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. Based on the questionnaire, it showed that the English teachers had a positive perception on the impact of the use of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. The English teachers found out that the teacher‟s guidebook helped them in the teaching and learning activities. From this research, especially from the observation, the researcher found that by using drilling in the teaching and learning activities in the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 1 Bantul was effective. Therefore, the teacher said a word or a sentence loudly and students repeated it with correct pronunciation, stress, and intonation. When the students were just asked to observe the dialogue by themselves, most of them would not do that. Then, the teacher did drilling to catch the students‟ attention. Here, the students were given an excellent model of pronunciation immediately before they were asked to respond. Hence, they knew how to pronounce it and then some of students asked about the new vocabularies. It was different when they were just asked to observe the dialogue by themselves. Besides, teachers are not technicians. They have their own autonomy to create better teaching and learning activities by improving and adapting their teaching technique. Teachers could improve the learning instructions which have been stated on the teacher‟s guidebook. They could make innovation in using the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. The participants of this research have experienced several years in teaching junior high school. They were resourceful in using teacher‟s guidebook as their guidance in teaching their students. They
77 develop their teaching and learning activities by modifying the learning instruction. It is done in order to make the teaching and learning activities more understandable for the students. It is in accordance with Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (2013), that it is possible for teachers to enrich the learning step that have been offered on the teacher‟s guidebook. It is because the teacher‟s guidebook is the minimum standard that can be developed if the teachers need to develop it. It is also done to make the teaching and learning activities, where the students‟ background are different from each other, better.
Recommendations In this part, the researcher would like to give recommendations to English
teachers, future researchers, and the government. The recommendations are presented as follows: 1.
The English Teachers For the English teachers, this research could be used to reflect and give
inspirations on how to deal with the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. The English teachers can develop strategy on the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in teaching and learning activities. The English teachers can improve the activities which are stated on the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. Besides, the English teachers can use other textbooks to make the teaching and learning activities more varied.
78 2.
The Future Researchers For future researchers, this research could be used as a reference to
conduct other researchers related to the implementation of the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. Then the future researchers are also expected to be able to see from the different point of view about the implementation of teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. It is better for the future researchers to have enough time to conduct this research. 3.
The Government The government still needs to improve the preparation on the
implementation of 2013 Curriculum, including the teacher‟s guidebook and student‟s textbook. Those two books cannot be separated in teaching and learning activities, because those books complete each other. The English teachers find some weaknesses for the teacher‟s guidebook and the material itself. Then, the researcher hopes that the government will review those books in order to make them better. Besides, the government should make sure that every teacher has already got the training from the government.
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96 1. Dalam Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013, dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, kan sudah ada prosedur dan dalam prosedur tersebut sudah ada poin-poin dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran. Saya melihat kalau ada beberapa poin yang tidak dilaksanakan atau ada yang seharusnya begini jadi begitu, itu alasannya kenapa? 2. Kalau menurut ibu, instruksi/catatan yang ada dalam Buku Guru Kurikulum 2013 itu membantu/bermanfaat tidak? 3. Dalam hal alokasi waktu, juga tidak sesuai dengan yang tertulis dalam Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013, kenapa? 4. Apakah dalam mengajar ibu juga pernah menggunakan media video, game atau yang lainnya? 5. Apakah ibu juga menggunakan buku lain selain dari pemerintah? Misalnya LKS atau buku ajar lain? 6. Sejauh mana Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 membantu ibu dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris? 7. Dalam kuisioner ibu juga menyatakan bahwa Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 memudahkan dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran , memudahkan bagaimana? 8. Apakah dalam membuat RPP, ibu melihat dari Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 juga? 9. Apa pendapat ibu mengenai adanya Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris When English Rings a BellKurikulum 2013?
98 E
: Bukunya yang mana mbak?
: Yang ini bu (sambil memperlihatkan buku guru Bahasa Inggris When English Rings a Bell), buku guru.
: Kemarin saya diamati bab berapa ya mbak? Bab 1 ya?
: Iya bab 1 bu. Dalam buku guru Bahasa Inggris When English Rings a Bell, dalam kegiatan pembelajaran kan sudah ada prosedur dan dalam prosedur itu sudah ada poin-poin dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran. Saya melihat ada beberapa poin yang tidak dilaksanakan, itu alasannya kenapa ya bu?
: Nanti ndak terlalu lama, siswa menyapa teman sebangku satu per satu, memakan waktu yang lama. Jadi yang penting anak sudah bisa kalau menyapa temannya, saya sudah mengajarinya. Jadi tidak usah satu per satu menyapa.(The reason why the teacher did not implement some points stated on the teacher‟s guidebook Flexsible)
: Yang seperti ini bu(memperlihatkan poin yang tidak dilaksanakan), trus ada activity yang diskip juga bu. Yang ini bu (memperlihatkan bagian yang diskip) activity 4 ini bu. Apa mungkin karena hampir sama dengan activity yang sebelumnya?
: Kadang saya lewati. Nanti kalau aktivitasnya sama dengan yang sebelumnya, kadang anak-anak merasa bosan. Jadi kadang memang dilewati.(The reason why the teacher skipped the activity Flexible)
: Mungkin kadang juga ada activitynya tu yang sama gitu.
: Iya, trus saya kira-kira apakah siswa itu dong apa tidak. Kalau tidak ada keterangan disuruh ngapain, kemudian saya lewati.(The reason why the teacher skipped the activity flexible)
: Berarti disesuaikan begitu ya?
99 E
: Iya disesuaikan. Anak-anak itu akan merasa enak kalau sudah ada keterangan-keterangannya. Soalnya, anak kelas 1 itu belum bisa membuat kalimat, ini kegiatannya suruh ngapain, menyapa bagaimana. Kan kegiatannya hampir sama dengan yang sebelumnya, yasudah tidak saya suruh mengerjakan.(The reason why the teacher skipped the activity flexible)
: Dalam kekurangan ibu juga menyebutkan bahwa pada kolom prosedur kadang ada yang tidak sesuai dengan activity yang ada dalam buku siswa, bagaimana ibu meyikapinya?
: Latiannya beda to?
: Iya bu
: Kalau tidak dilompati, nanti pertemuan berikutnya saya kasih latian yang hampir sama dengan yang ada dibuku, jadi ngarang sendiri begitu.(The solution for the weakness)
: Memutuskan sendiri begitu ya?
: Jadi ga harus ngeplek dengan poin-poin yang ada di buku guru. Saya memang tidak ngeplek dengan yang ada di buku guru, malah suka bingung. Jadi saya ya fleksibel. Buku ini memang membantu, tapi ga harus ngeplek. Mungkin dengan cara saya sendiri atau cari sumber yang lain.(The statement of flexibility in using the teacher‟s guidebook)
: Kalau instruksi atau cacatan ini membantu atau bermanfaat tidak bu?
: Ya bermanfaat mbak. Ada beberapa yang bermanfaat ya ada beberapa yang tidak. Saya akan delete yang tidak bermanfaat. Saya pakai yang kirakira anak gampang menerimanya.(The teacher got benefits from the instructions/notes stated on the teacher‟s guidebook)
: Kemarin saya juga melihat, ibu banyak menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dalam memberikan instruksi
100 E
: Biasanya kalau awal-awal memang memakai Bahasa Indonesia, tapi kadang juga saya campur. Tapi kadang kalau dicampur itu anak ga dong, jadi trus saya Indonesiakan. Saya terus terang ga bisa kalau Inggris terus, anak juga belum bisa menangkap, jadi memang saya campur. Tapi kadang memang banyak Indonesiannya.(The reason why the teacher mostly used Bahasa Indonesia) Kalau sudah kelas 2 sudah banyak Inggrisnya, tapi kan saya mengajar kelas 1 terus. Kadang siswa bertanya apa artinya ini, jadi saya pakai Bahasa Indonesia saja. Soalnya ada anak yang kelas 6nya belum mendapat Bahasa Inggris.
:Trus dalam hal alokasi waktu bu, saya melihat dalam hal alokasi waktu, ibu juga tidak sesuai dengan yang tertera dalam buku guru, bagaimana itu bu?
: Kalau alokasi waktu saya memang tidak melihat. Saya ngarang sendiri. Yang saya lihat cuman prosedur poin-poin dalam langkah-langkah pembelajaran. Tapi kalau waktu ga pernah saya lihat e mbak terus terang (ketawa kecil)(The reason why the teacher did not implement the time allocation stated on the teacher‟s guidebook)
: Kalau mengajar harus pas banget sama ini juga gimana gitu ya bu
: Saya sesuaikan dengan waktu 2 jam pelajaran. Kalau tidak selesai untuk 2 hari ini, saya lanjutkan besok. Kalau harus ngeplek itu malah susah, kepikiran setelah ini harus begini dan seterusnya. Yang lama kan nanti intinya. Terkadang menerangkan 1 materi aja ga dong-dong, nggarap 1 latihan aja sui banget, kan ga bisa ini latihannya harus selesai dalam waktu 15 menit, nanti malah pada tidak mengerjakan. Ya kalau yang pinter bisa, kan kemampuan siswa berbeda-beda, tidak bisa disamakan. Kalau ada yang selesai duluan saya teliti, namun jika belum saya suruh kerjakan dulu. Jadi ya fleksibel aja.(The reason why the teacher did not implement the time allocation stated on the teacher‟s guidebook)
101 R
: Apakah dalam mengajar ibu pernah menggunakan media video, game, atau yang lainnya?
: Selama ini belum mbak(The teacher did not use a media in the teaching ana learning activities), nek dulu pas sebelum kurikulum 2013 saya malah pakai, pakai power point mbak, tapi sekarang kudune pakai ya, tapi malah saya belum pernah pakai, bingung lek arep ngganggo ki pie, nek dulu tu pakai power point trus saya jelaskan, nek ini malah belum pernah pakai, lha ini kan sudah ada cuman ikut ini saja, misal kalau ada kan harusnya mengamati ditampilkan apa gitu ya, ya belum sempat membuatnya, paling le mengamati misalnya ya diamati aja gambar-gambarnya ekspresiekspresiny trus dijelaksan, ini mengamati ungkapan kan ya, Cuman tak suruh mengamati dilihat nanti terakhir itu tentang apa, sudah dong belum trus dijelaskan lagi. Untuk kurikulum baru memang saya belum pernah menggunakan media e, jane ya pengen, kemarin kan mau ngajar yang edisi b yang lagu tu tapi download ga bisa-bisa trus akhirnya anak-anak tak suruh nyanyi, anak-anak sudah bisa, anak-anak yang nyanyi langsung, yang edisi gitu.
: Siswa antusias begitu ya bu?
: Ya ga begitu sih mbak, ya mudah bosen, kalau sekarang nyanyi udah to, kayaknya udah tak delok ya udah cukup le nyanyi, besok lagi, enggak trus seneng…itu biasa, mungkin kalau permainan, saya tu bingung e kalau dulu tu kalau anak sudah bosen itu..bu mbok permainan! Duh permainan apa? Kan saya biasanya permainannya cuman spidol itu tak nyanyi trus spidol muter nanti kalo lagunya stop, tak kasih pertanyaan apa, yag sesuai materi itu. Nek sekarang belum pernah, wong saya belum pernah nawarin maen game, tadi juga nama-nama hari tak suruh membaca trus ini harus hafal lho ya diluar kepala, kalau diulang-ulang otaknya jenuh e mbak, anak itu ga seneng e kalau diulang-ulang, tapi sakjane sih ya belum paham tapi lek diulang-ulang karepe ya emoh, pada bosen, tapi sebenere yang belum
102 paham seperti itu anak e. kemarin ngajar to be is am are itu, tak ulangulang, anak e bosen, kalau structure itu kan membosankan, yaudah trus nanti dipelajari dirumah lagi, yang itu memang cuman sampingan to, tapi ya memang harus dipelajari, kalau enggak kan nanti my name is itu kan ga bisa, trus itu tak masukkan. R
: Berarti disela-sela itu juga menambahkan grammar juga ya bu?
: Iya, yang pas bab 2 kan memperkenalkan diri sendiri to sama orang lain kan, saya mulai masukan ya baru to be is am are, nanti kan ada my name is gitu kan, what is your name? itu kan harus tau to be gitu to.(The teacher also taught grammar although it was not mentioned on the teacher‟s guidebook) Ini adalah, this is…., kan harus to be nya apa, nanti ndak ga bisa, ya saya kasih contoh aja, ga tak suruh latihan, cuman saya kasih contoh. Latihan cuman langsung yang introduction itu, trus tak selipi mbak, ini yang pronounce malah belum tak ajari.
: Kalau materi ini bisa dimasukkan, ya dimasukkan.
:Iya memang dimasukkan, kan grammarnya memang gitu mbak, caranya ga fokus hari ini kita ngajar grammar. Kalau kurikulum sekarang ga kayak jaman saya dulu, sekarang present tense ya present tense, sekarang ngajarnya to be going to, nek sekarang disisipi, ya memang harus diajarkan, tapi ga pokok fokus hari ini belajar to be is am are , present tense atau apa, tapi kalau disisipkan kalau ga ada latiannya ya podo wae, ya kadang saya kasih latian tersendiri, soal e ngarang sendiri, kalau gitu bisa dong kalau she itu to be nya apa, itu nanti lupa lagi kok mbak, itu baru kata kerjanya lho, belum kata kerjanya, kan itu beda lagi to.
: Kalau buku ajar yang lain, ibu memakai tidak?
: Pakai, tapi khusus buat saya. Nanti saya tambah-tambahkan buku ajar lain. Kadang kan dibuku siswa, latihannya terlalu seperti latihan di SD, gampang banget. Disini tidak ada grammarnya kan? Trus contoh-contoh
103 dialog juga tidak ada to? Trus saya tambahi dari buku English in Focus, trus kadang English on Sky, tapi anak tidak punya.(The teacher used other textbooks in the teaching and learning activities) R
: Jadi cuman buat ibu sendiri?
: Iya cuman buat saya sendiri, nanti saya tambah-tambahkan. Siswa bisa bosan kalau kegiatannya ngene-ngene wae, kayak SD. SD kelas 6 aja tidak seperti ini, materinya sudah susah, SMP kok seperi ini. Jadi saya tambahtambahkan. Tapi terkadang kalau siswa perlu, ya dipinjami English in Focus. Itu banyak di perpus. Kemarin kan ABCD ga ada lafalnya, kadang kan ada anak yang tidak tau pengucapannya seperti apa. Dibuku ini kan ada cara pengucapannya bagaimana, jadi anak tau.
: Kalau LKS itu?
: LKS juga banyak membantu mbak, LKS itu banyak latiannya. Tapi LKS yang ini bermasalah karena tidak dicantumkan nama penerbitnya dan nama pengarangnya, tetapi anak sudah terlanjur beli, kemarin pas saya sakit ya saya suruh mengerjakan LKS Kemarin ya abis dirapatkan tapi saya ga ikut rapat, tapi anak sudah beli semua, soalnya paket, ya tak pakai. Bu #R juga dipakai, semua juga pakai.(The teacher used student‟s worksheet in the teaching and learning activities)
: Materinya sudah lumayan ini ya bu?
: Nek materinya ya sudah lumayan. Mungkin yang sekarang lupa atau bagaimana, kalau yang dulu ada. Nanti kalau ada apa-apa kan siapa yang bertanggung jawab. Tapi tetep saya pakai untuk latihan.
: Jadi ga melulu menggunakan buku siswa begitu ya bu?
: Yang LKS ini baru untuk sementara, kemarin kan karena saya sakit trus tugasnya tak suruh mengerjakan dari LKS itu, tapi ini tadi belum saya bahas karena apa karena belum saya terangkan yang bab 3. Jadi besok aja
104 le bahas kalau bab 3 sudah saya terangkan, jadi dilompati dulu aja. Sebenernya saya janjikan ulangan, kan bab 2 sudah selesai, tapi karena saya sakit trus saya kasih tugas dari LKS. Kalau di buku siswa tu latiannya apa to? R
: Membuat dialog-dialog seperti itu bu.
: Iya dialog-dialog, trus praktek-praktek harus bergiliran satu-satu terus kan ya bosan, satu-satu maju kan kayak cah cilik, wes ra kayak cah SD, wes gede.
: Berarti ibu merasa bahwa latian-latian dalam buku siswa ini….
: Terlalu mudah. Terlalu simpel banget kan mbak, harusnya ditambah.(The teacher thought that the materials were too simple) Kayaknya bukune belum siap mbak.
: Iya Bu #N juga bilang terlalu simple.
: Belum siap untuk SMP. Ini mungkin kalau yang SD nya ga ada Bahasa Inggris blas bisa mbak, tapi nek SD ne sudah ada kan gampang.
: Kan dulu kurikulum 2013, SD ga ada Bahasa Inggris.
:Iya, tapi masih ada yang ada Bahasa Inggrisnya, cuman beberapa yang ga ada. Masih banyak yang ada kan mbak?
: Iya. Kalau misalnya ga ada kan, ada ekstrakurikuler gitu.
: Iya, ga tau. Terlalu cepet apa pie to penerapanne kurikulum 2013 ini?
: Ya itu, trus malah kembali ke kurikulum sebelumnya
: Iya, tapi disini tetep mbak. Saya itu yang kesusahan itu penilaiannya, penilaiannya banyak kan. Kalau KTSP kan penilaiannya biasa, lebih enak. Kalau ini cuman penilaiannya yang kesulitan.
: Iya kalau mendengar itu pada mengeluh karena penilaiannya yang detail.
105 E
: Iya, kalau untuk guru yang kreatif ini bagus, yang kreatif download. Kalau ini kan memang diwajibkan pakai media atau pakai game atau video. Kalau saya belum pakai, harusnya di buku guru ini memang pakai tapi saya belum.
: Di bukunya tidak disediakan video atau apa?
: Kayaknya tidak. Kalau LKS itu sok ada, kan LKS ada listening kan, ada kasetnya. Tapi yang LKS kemarin juga tidak ada.
:Trus kalau menurut ibu level SMP itu materinya seperti apa? Tadi kan menurut ibu ini terlalu mudah latihannya.
: Ya ini kan bisa di masukan tapi harus ada contoh dialog yang lebih lengkap, ada subjek,predikatnya, ya ada grammarnya gitu disentuh seperti buku yang KTSP kan itu, ada contoh-contoh seperti itu, lengkap. Nek ini kan enggak ada,ya memang sederhana contohnya, tapi ya anak itu kan tau, panduannya seperti ini, ini kan ga ada, hmmm ga tak bawa bukunya e mbak,
: Yang buku siswa?
: Yang English in Focus, siswa sama guru itu sama bukunya, ga ada buku buat siswa atau buat guru.
: Kalau yang kurikulum 2013 kan ada buku siswa ada buku guru.
: Iya, ada buku guru dan ada buku siswa, kalau yang kemarin kan ga ada. Ini kan ada buku guru, tujuannya untuk memudahkan guru dalam mengajar.
: Iya bu.
: Wong dulu waktu awal kurikulum, saya bingung le mulang. Trus Tanyatanya sama temen-temen yang senior, trus disuruh lihat buku guru, nanti
106 sesuai itu mulangnya. Kalau awalan mungkin ya harus pakai mbak, tapi lama-lama nek ngeplek kayak gitu kok gimana. R
: Iya ya bu. Mengembangkan begitu ya bu?
: Iya, mengembangkan sedikit-sedikit. Iya, ini terlalu simple. KTSP itu ya bagus, ada contoh-contoh kalimatnya. Mungkin ini lebih cenderung ke SD kalu leh ku ngarani.
: Kalau menurut ibu, sejauh mana buku guru ini membantu ibu?
: Membantu kalau seperti ini itu guru harus bagaimana. Sebagai pedoman. Misalnya ini kan mengamati, peserta didik mengamati gambar dan dialog sederhana. Ya Cuma mengamati saja to mbak, trus nanti disebutkan ungkapan berbicara apa saja. Sebagai pedoman dalam mengajar dan pembelajaran lebih terarah. Jadi aktivitas ini itu harus begini begini, kemudian setelah itu harus begini, jadi ada keterangannya.(How far the teacher‟s guidebook helps the teacher in the teaching and learning activities)
: Lebih terarah gitu ya bu?
: Iya, nanti setelah itu anak harus bisa mengucapkannya, tapi di sini tidak di sebutkan tapi tak suruh mengucapkan, bermain peran, jadi kan anak itu harus tau kan. Selain itu pelafalannya harus benar, nah penggunaannya itu pas kapan, pas mau berpisah.Ya membantulah, tapi saya juga menambah.
: Berarti memudahkan begitu ya bu?
E: Ya memudahkan, ya cuma kurang lengkap saja, mungkin nanti di revisi. R
: Padahal ini sudah direvisi ya bu?
: Tapi yo tetep podo seng wingi, mung podo ro seng pertama iki modele.
: Kalau ibu membuat RPP itu juga melihat buku guru ini?
107 E
:Ya harusnya, tapi RPP saya itu buat bareng-bareng sama temen, waktu saya penataran kurikulum baru. Jadi saya masih pakai itu, kan hampir sama kan mbak, meng diowahi sithik-sithik.(Teacher‟s guidebook was a guidning book in making lesson plans and she made an adjustment in making the lesson plans) Yang penting kan ada mengamati , 5 langkah ini harus tercover semua, ya pas buat dulu lihat di sini,
kan dulu pas
penataran di kasih buku guru sama buku siswa. R
: Berarti selain membantu dalam memakai buku siswa, juga membantu membuat adminitrasi sekolah ya bu?
: Iya mbak,nanti penilaiannya juga di tetapkan to mbak, trus ini jg membantu pas mau ulangan juga. Misalnya ulangan bab 3, KD ini kan membantu, daripada buka silabus kan lebih enak buka ini.
: Iya, udah di bagi ya bu.
: Kalau silabusnya sendiri ibu juga dari buku ini atau dari seminar?
: Silabusnya saya pas penataran, trus di revisi, minta sama teman. Tapi kan bisa pada ngopy mbak.
Tapi nak silabus ki meh podo sih mbak,
perubahane ra okeh, pengawas juga cuman menanyai silabusnya ada apa tidak .Kadang ga di teliti, yang di teliti itu RPPnya.Tapi kalau RPP sudah ada 5Mnya sama sudah ada penilaian sikap itu sudah di anggap mendekati lah, penilaiannya kan beda dengan KTSP kan penilaiannya sekarang harus ada spiritualnya, sikapnya mana itu harus ada, kalau belum ada belum kurikulum baru. R
: Iya bu, spiritual, pengetahuan.
: Iya, harus tercover semua di RPP. Tapi pada prekteknya mulang yo gak harus semua mbak, misalnya hari ini khusus mengamati, trus besuk pertemuan kedua, misalnya menanya atau apa, 5M sehari itu kayaknya ga bisa. Kalo cuman 2 jam 5M semua itu ga bisa, ya buat RPP tapi lek kon ngeplek ya ra iso, lali abis ini apa abis ini apa. Pengawasnya juga bilang,
108 5M itu ga harus tercover semua dalam sehari. Yo ra cukup 2 jam mbak, hari ini mengamati, nanti pertemuan ke dua nilainya dst. Hurung nek ngeleke nek rame atau siswanya kenapa. R
: Ya bu, ya dulu pun saya pas PPL kalau harus tercover semua dalam 2 jam pertemuan itu, kayak buru-buru gitu. Ini siswanya belum selesai padahal saya harus mengejarnya.
: Mungkin dulu sebelum kurikulum baru masih bisa, saya awal-awal guru di sini kan masih KTSP, kan di tunggu pengawas. Nganu mbak, koyo ngapalke RPP le mulang. Tapi yo meng apalan. Tapi kan bisa tercover semua , tapi kan sebelum kurikulum baru, ga ada model mengamati, cuman kegiatan awal, berdoa, absen trus udah intinya langsung kasih PR jadi tercover semua kalau dulu. Kalau sekarang ga bisa kalau tercover semua, luweh dowo RPPnya. Dulu kan cuma pengetahuan, sekarang ada sikap juga. Kalau sikap kan kita tiap hari menilai kan, anak itu bagaimana, nek di wulang piye, nek ono PR garap ora. Diawal itu diomongke kalau sikap itu dinilai. Iya, observasi guru. Yo nek saya ga tiap hari tak cateti mbak, ya kalau saya tak lihat sing paling nakal,
seng paling pinter.
Yaistilahnya atas sama bawah, kalau lainnya kan rata-rata, tp juga susah e mbak, kadang kan siswa beda-beda. R
:Pendapat ibu sendiri mengenai buku guru ini bagaimana?
: Ya membantu mbak, membantu dalam proses mengajar, yang membantu di pakai yang tidak ya tidak usah, buku pedomannya to?
: Iya, buku pedoman.
: Ya membantu mbak, bagus, memudahkan guru.(Teacher‟s guidebook helped the teacher in the teaching and learning activities)
: Meskipun masih mengembangkan lagi?
109 E
: Iya, tapi sedikit banyak membantu guru dalam mengajar mbak, kalau kurikulum baru belum semua guru mengerti kan mbak.
: Kalau ini masih perlu di perbaiki atau sudah baik?
: Ya kalau bisa di perbaiki lagi mbak, perbaiki lagi biar tidak begitu sederhana, tambah-tambai apa, contoh dialog yang lengkap atau gimana, tidak cuma gambar-gambar sama ini kan kabeh meng speaking to mbak, dialog-dialog tok, kalau kayak gini kan ga ana materine, kan anak ya bingung lho mbak, kalau di kasih ngeneki, iya to? Ini cuma contoh , yo njuk langsung kon gawe rak yo kangelan. Ini kan membuat kalimat minta tolong, ini kan mengajarkan tentang respon terimakasih to mbak, tapi kan ga mungkin nek ngajari langsung terimakasih responnya ini. Kemarin juga tak tuliskan contoh yang lain, jadi yo kadang bingung bocah ki nek di rumah ga ada yang bisa di tanyai. Di sekolah kan bisa Tanya gurunya. Ditambahi
materi.Ditambahi biar bervariasi ungkapannya. R
: Jadi perlu buku pendamping lain ya bu?
: Iya, masih perlu. Kalau cuma ini saja masih kurang sip.
: iya, jadi bisa di katakan tidak 100% menbantu sekali ya bu.
: Belum, masih perlu pendamping.
: Kalau buku ajar 2013 itu masih jarang ya bu?
: Saya belum pernah beli mbak, cuma di kasih sekolah. Ya mungkin kalau yang sudah kurikulum 2013, sudah disediakan oleh sekolah. Saya kemarin ke SMP 3 Kasian itu sudah pakai kurikulum baru, tapi bukunya belum datang, tobat gurune. Lha saya kan di sini udah dapat. Kalau disini kan piloting project. Tapi kemudian disana kembali ke KTSP.
: oowww
110 E
: Karena dia ga bilang to, yang penting di pertahankan, jadi sekarang sana masih KTSP
: Do bingung, iki le mulang piye, do sambat-sambat.
: Padahal dulu udah diberlaku kurikulum 2013.
: Iya, nek sini yang harus tetep ini, padahal yo nek dikon KTSP aku yo gelem. Tapi yo ndak bisa sini, disini sudah piloting project.
Kasihan itu , SMP 3 Bantul kan yang pertama diklat di kaliurang bareng SMP 1 Bantul, SMP 1 Kasihan, SMP 3 Bantul sama dari sleman. R
: Jadi ditunjuk pemerintah ya bu?
: Iya, kemarin pas diklat juga kondisi saya pas drop.
: Ini itu ada seminar-seminar selanjutnya ga bu?
: Kan ini yang kelas 3 baru kurikulum 2013 sekarang, ya baru 1 kali pelatihan, pas puasa itu pelatihan kurikulum baru untuk guru-guru kelas 3. Mungkin harusnya biar guru lebih mantap dan lebih pinter dalam menggunakan kurikulum baru, harus ada kegiatan pelatihan seperti itu, memperdalam to? Pelatihan-pelatihan kurikulum baru itu, biar lebih menguasahi, tapi nek aku kon milih, yo trimo rasah, wes seng liyane wae sing sehat-sehat.
: Oh begitu.
: Saya baru sekali, yang di kaliurang itu tok.
: Itu udah lama ya bu?
: Tahun 2013, itu langsung diterapkan kok. Di tetapkan ke kurikulum baru, Juli ketoke pelatihane. Yang lain kan bingung to, trus saya tanya senior. Ya itu aja bu, pakai buku guru itu ada cara mengajarnya, lihat hasilnya, ga
111 papa di tiru-tiru awalnya ,yo tak tiru tapi suwe2 yo tak tambahi dewedewe. Ya lek ngeplek bocah bosen, yo piye carane ben bocah kuwi ora bosen, asal sesuai materi wae, ora mlenceng adoh, pinter-pinter gurune. R
: Sebagai pedoman begitu ya bu?
: Iya begitu, tapi yang bab 3 itu kayaknya banyak lho mbak, bab 3 itu tentang waktu, jam-jam gitu lho, trus penulisan tahun, tanggal, hari,yang bingung itu karena banyak versi itu.
: Kalau itu di buku siswanya itu di sediakan rangkuman ga ya bu?
: Saya sok nyupliki daribuku-buku LKS atau buku paket yang lain yang KTSP itu kan juga ada.
: Kalau dibuku siswanya sendiri bu?
: Buku siswanya kan paling mung sitik banget mbak, ga begitu lengkap. Ga tercover semua, jadi kita harus menambahkan untuk versinya, jadi guru bisa mengajarkan menuliskan tanggal atau bulannya dulu. Tapi yo sok bingung, pakai on atau ....
: Iya, ada on , in, at, gitu kan bu,
: Nanti kalau hari pakai on, bulan in, ora di kon latihan yo lali bocahe. Apalagi jam, jam itu do bingug lho. Jam kadang gampang yg Amerika to, tapi saya pakai yang Inggris. Penekanannya yang Inggris saja, tapi yo ada yang di LKS itu yang dikeluarkan malah yang Amerika, tapi yo tetep di ajarke kabeh, tapi pas latihan pakai yang Inggris. Kan lebih sulit to mbak, nek Amerika kan misale jam 10 yo meng 10.30, neng inggris pakai half past gitu kan angel.
: Iya, kadang sok bingung sendiri.
: Saya baru nyusun jadwal, dulu saya bab 3 di sana yang ngisi PPL. Kan pas di Kasihan saya jadi pembimbing PPL, aku suruh ngisi yang bab, tapi
112 nanti trus tak tambahi, kadang sok rung dong bocahe. Tapi sakjane malah bagus PPL, latihane ki malah mungkin kalau ada media, dia pakai media, karena di SMP sana kan ga ada media, ga seperti di SMP 1 Bantul. Kalau ada mungkin dia pakai, kemarin mediane ya cuman ngawe apa gitu, tapi malah kreatif dari pada gurune. Yo iseh enom-enom cah mahasiswa yo luwih kreatif. R
: Ya kalau guru kan masih ngurusi ini itu juga ya bu.
: Ha itu lho, administrasinya aja udah kayak gitu. Kalau kesehatannya oke gpp ya mbak, saya sok ga sehat.
: Iya bu. Bu, saya rasa seperti itu bu.Mungkin kalau ada yg kurang saya tanya ibu lagi.
: Iyaa, tapi sms dulu ya.
113 1. Dalam Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013, dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, kan sudah ada prosedur dan dalam prosedur tersebut sudah ada poin-poin dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran. Saya melihat kalau ada beberapa poin yang tidak dilaksanakan atau ada yang seharusnya begini jadi begitu, itu alasannya kenapa? Nanti ndak terlalu lama, siswa menyapa teman sebangku satu per satu, memakan waktu yang lama. Jadi yang penting anak sudah bisa kalau menyapa temannya, saya sudah mengajarinya. Jadi tidak usah satu per satu menyapa. It would spend a lot of time.
a. Ada juga activity yang diskip atau dilewati. Kenapa? Kadang saya lewati. Nanti kalau aktivitasnya sama dengan yang sebelumnya, kadang anak-anak merasa bosan. Jadi kadang memang dilewati. Iya, trus saya kira-kira apakah siswa itu dong apa tidak. Kalau tidak ada keterangan disuruh ngapain, kemudian saya lewati. Iya disesuaikan. Anak-anak itu akan merasa enak kalau sudah ada keterangan-keterangannya. Soalnya, anak kelas 1 itu belum bisa membuat kalimat, ini kegiatannya suruh ngapain, menyapa bagaimana. Kan kegiatannya hampir sama dengan yang sebelumnya, yasudah tidak saya suruh mengerjakan. Because the activity was the same with the previous activity and it would make the students get bored. If there was no clear instruction towards the activity clearly, then the teacher would skip it. b. Dalam kekurangan ibu juga menyebutkan bahwa pada kolom prosedur kadang ada yang tidak sesuai dengan activity yang ada dalam buku siswa, bagaimana ibu meyikapinya? Kalau tidak dilompati, nanti pertemuan berikutnya saya kasih latian yang hampir sama dengan yang ada dibuku, jadi ngarang sendiri begitu.
114 The teacher went to the next activity or the teacher would give the same activity and the teacher made the exercises by herself. Jadi ga harus ngeplek dengan poin-poin yang ada di buku guru. Saya memang tidak ngeplek dengan yang ada di buku guru, malah suka bingung. Jadi saya ya fleksibel. Buku ini memang membantu, tapi ga harus ngeplek. Mungkin dengan cara saya sendiri atau cari sumber yang lain. The teacher was flexible towards the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum in the teaching and learning activities.
2. Kalau menurut ibu, instruksi/catatan yang ada dalam Buku Guru Kurikulum 2013 itu membantu/bermanfaat tidak? Ya bermanfaat mbak. Ada beberapa yang bermanfaat ya ada beberapa yang tidak. Saya akan delete yang tidak bermanfaat. Saya pakai yang kira-kira anak gampang menerimanya. It was helpful, but the teacher also filtered it. a. Saya melihat bahwa dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar, ibu banyak menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dalam memberikan instruksi. Mengapa? Biasanya kalau awal-awal memang memakai Bahasa Indonesia, tapi kadang juga saya campur. Tapi kadang kalau dicampur itu anak ga dong, jadi trus saya Indonesiakan. Saya terus terang ga bisa kalau Inggris terus, anak juga belum bisa menangkap, jadi memang saya campur. Tapi kadang memang banyak Indonesiannya. The teacher looked at the students‟ understanding. The students got confused if the teacher used English.
3. Dalam hal alokasi waktu, juga tidak sesuai dengan yang tertulis dalam Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013, kenapa? Kalau alokasi waktu saya memang tidak melihat. Saya ngarang sendiri. Yang saya lihat cuman prosedur poin-poin dalam langkah-langkah
115 pembelajaran. Tapi kalau waktu ga pernah saya lihat e mbak terus terang (ketawa kecil). Saya sesuaikan dengan waktu 2 jam pelajaran. Kalau tidak selesai untuk 2 hari ini, saya lanjutkan besok. Kalau harus ngeplek itu malah susah, kepikiran setelah ini harus begini dan seterusnya. Yang lama kan nanti intinya. Terkadang menerangkan 1 materi aja ga dong-dong, nggarap 1 latihan aja sui banget, kan ga bisa ini latihannya harus selesai dalam waktu 15 menit, nanti malah pada tidak mengerjakan. Ya kalau yang pinter bisa, kan kemampuan siswa berbeda-beda, tidak bisa disamakan. Kalau ada yang selesai duluan saya teliti, namun jika belum saya suruh kerjakan dulu. Jadi ya fleksibel aja. The teacher did not really pay attention to the time allocation stated on the teacher‟s guidebook of 2013 Curriculum. The teacher made an adjustment based on the lesson hours.
4. Apakah dalam mengajar ibu juga pernah menggunakan media video, game atau yang lainnya? Selama ini belum mbak. The teacher did not used teaching media, such as video, games, and etc.
5. Apakah ibu juga menggunakan buku lain selain dari pemerintah? Misalnya LKS atau buku ajar lain? Pakai, tapi khusus buat saya. Nanti saya tambah-tambahkan buku ajar lain. Kadang kan dibuku siswa, latihannya terlalu seperti latihan di SD, gampang banget. Disini tidak ada grammarnya kan? Trus contoh-contoh dialog juga tidak ada to? Trus saya tambahi dari buku English in Focus, trus kadang English on Sky, tapi anak tidak punya. LKS juga banyak membantu mbak, LKS itu banyak latiannya. Tapi LKS yang ini bermasalah karena tidak dicantumkan nama penerbitnya dan nama pengarangnya, tetapi anak sudah terlanjur beli, kemarin pas saya sakit ya
116 saya suruh mengerjakan LKS Kemarin ya abis dirapatkan tapi saya ga ikut rapat, tapi anak sudah beli semua, soalnya paket, ya tak pakai. Bu #R juga dipakai, semua juga pakai. The teacher used other textbooks, beside the student‟s textbook of the 2013 Curriculum. The teacher used such as English in Focus, English on Sky, and student‟s worksheet. The teacher thought that the material from student‟s textbook of the 2013 Curriculum was so simple then she used other textbooks.
6. Sejauh mana Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 membantu ibu dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris? Sebagai pedoman dalam mengajar dan pembelajaran lebih terarah. Jadi aktivitas ini itu harus begini begini, kemudian setelah itu harus begini, jadi ada keterangannya. As a guidebook in teaching and learning activities and it made the teaching and learning activities become more focused.
7. Apakah dalam membuat RPP, ibu melihat dari Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 juga? Ya harusnya, tapi RPP saya itu buat bareng-bareng sama temen, waktu saya penataran kurikulum baru. Jadi saya masih pakai itu, kan hampir sama kan mbak, meng diowahi sithik-sithik. The teacher made the lesson plan together with other teachers since she got training.
8. Apa pendapat ibu mengenai adanya Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris When English Rings a BellKurikulum 2013? Ya membantu mbak, bagus, memudahkan guru. The teacher‟s guidebook helped and eased the teacher in teaching and learning activities.
117 9. Additional information Iya, yang pas bab 2 kan memperkenalkan diri sendiri to sama orang lain kan, saya mulai masukan ya baru to be is am are, nanti kan ada my name is gitu kan, what is your name? itu kan harus tau to be gitu to. Terlalu mudah. Terlalu simpel banget kan mbak, harusnya ditambah. The teacher also taught grammar also there was no instruction to teach grammar. It showed that the teacher improved the learning instructions in order to make it better. Besides, the students also needed to learn grammar in order to have better English. The teacher thought that the material was so simple, then she used other textbooks to complete the material.