I express that the thesis entitling
THE SUMATRAN GENUS MORINDA L. (RUBIACEAE) is true represent result of my own original research and has never been published before. All information and data which are used have been expressed clearly and can be checked its truth.
Bogor, January 2008
Suratman NRP G351050011
SURATMAN. Marga Morinda L. (Rubiaceae) di Sumatera. Dibimbing oleh SRI SUDARMIYATI TJITROSOEDIRDJO dan JOHANIS PALAR MOGEA. Revisi mengenai marga Morinda di Sumatera pernah dilakukan oleh Miquel pada tahun 1856 dan 1862 tetapi saat ini belum ada revisi taksonomi marga ini yang dilakukan secara menyeluruh. Oleh karena itu penelitian tentang marga ini berdasarkan ciri-ciri morfologinya telah dilakukan secara mendalam, terutama untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis Morinda di Sumatera dan pola persebarannya. Analisis filogenetik juga dilakukan untuk menentukan hubungan kekerabatan di antara jenis-jenis yang ada dengan menggunakan analisis parsimoni. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa marga ini terdiri atas delapan jenis, enam jenis di antaranya telah dikenal sebelumnya yaitu M. citrifolia L., M. jackiana Korth., M. leparensis Valeton., M. rigida Miq., M. tomentosa Roth, M. umbellata L., dan dua jenis sisanya diusulkan sebagai jenis baru yaitu M. lanuginosa Suratman and M. wongiana Suratman. M. bracteata Roxb. var. latifolia Valeton juga telah diusulkan sebagai sinonim baru dari M. citrifolia L. var. bracteata (Roxb.) Hook.f. Kunci identifikasi dan pertelaan rinci untuk masing-masing taksa disajikan. Data mengenai perikehidupan alam, meliputi habitat, persebaran, kegunaan dan nama lokalnya juga ditampilkan. Jenis yang paling luas persebarannya adalah M. citrifolia, sementara itu jenis-jenis lainnya tersebar pada daerah yang terbatas. Jumlah jenis tertinggi ditemukan di Sumatera Utara dan Bangka Belitung, masing-masing terdiri atas 4 jenis. Hasil analisis filogenetik berdasarkan data morfologi menunjukkan bahwa walaupun secara umum resolusi dari pohon filogenetiknya rendah, namun Morinda tidaklah diragukan merupakan marga yang monofiletik.
SURATMAN. The Sumatran Genus Morinda L. (Rubiaceae). Under the direction of SRI SUDARMIYATI TJITROSOEDIRDJO and JOHANIS PALAR MOGEA. The major revision of the genus Morinda for the Sumatran region was undertaken by Miquel in 1856 and 1862 but there has no comprehensive revision of the genus recently. Therefore the revision of the genus in Sumatra was done based on their morphological characters, especially to know the species of Morinda and their distribution pattern. A phylogenetic analysis was also studied to establish the relationship among the species using parsimony analysis. The present study revealed that there were eight species, six species among them were previously known as M. citrifolia L., M. jackiana Korth., M. leparensis Valeton, M. rigida Miq., M. tomentosa Roth, M. umbellata L., and two newly proposed species namely M. lanuginosa Suratman and M. wongiana Suratman. M. bracteata Roxb. var. latifolia Valeton was also proposed as the new synonym of M. citrifolia L. var. bracteata (Roxb.) Hook.f. An identification key and detailed description of the taxa were provided. The natural history data including habitat, distribution, uses and vernacular names were also presented. The most widespread species is M. citrifolia while the other species have a limited distribution. The highest number of the species is found in North Sumatra and Bangka Belitung which consist of 4 species respectively. The phylogenetic analysis based on morphological data showed that despite their poorly resolved phylogenetic tree, Morinda is undoubtedly a monophyletic genus.
Thesis submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master Degree at the Department of Biology
Thesis Title
: The Sumatran Genus Morinda L. (Rubiaceae)
: Suratman
Registration Number
: G 351050011
Approved by Supervisor Commission
Dr. Sri Sudarmiyati Tjitrosoedirdjo, M.Sc.
Dr. Johanis Palar Mogea
Endorsed by Head of Biology Study Programme
Dean of Post Graduate School
Dr. Ir. Dedy Duryadi Solihin, DEA
Prof. Dr. Ir. Khairil A. Notodiputro, M.S.
Examination Date: December 18th , 2007
Graduation Date :
I realize that this thesis will never be completed without help of many colleagues who have contributed in various ways on the completion of the works. Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor commission, Dr. Sri Sudarmiyati Tjitrosoedirdjo, M.Sc. (Bogor Agricultural University) and Dr. Johanis Palar Mogea (Herbarium Bogoriense, Indonesian Institute of Sciences) for their advices and guidances throughout the thesis. Especially, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Khoon Meng Wong (University of Malaya, Malaysia) and Dr. Jan Thomas Johansson (Departement of Botany, University of Stockholm, Sweden) who was so kindly to provide some important literatures and also Dr. Sylvain Razafimandimbison (Department of Botany, the Bergius Foundation, University of Stockholm, Sweden) who gave me some informations and advices. I would like thank to Keepers of Herbarium Bogoriense (BO) and Herbarium of Andalas University (ANDA) who gave the opportunity and facilities to study specimens. Thanks are also due to Nurainas, M.Si
Andalas University who prepared accommodation for me during visitation in Padang. I am grateful to Ary Anggara, Surito Yandi and Benny Wijaya for helping me in the fields. Thanks are also due to Mr. Subari who prepared the wonderful illustration and Mr. Sutijono for helping me copied numerous journal, magazines and antiquaitarian books. I acknowledge gratefully the financial support for my study and work from BPPS (Beasiswa Program Pasca Sarjana), General Directorate of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education Republic of Indonesia. I express profound gratitude and appreciation to the Rector of the Sebelas Maret University through Dean of Faculty Mathematics and Natural Science and also Head of Departement of Biology for allowing me to pursue my study. I am also grateful to Prof. Dr. Mien A. Rifai (BO) for his advices, supports and suggestions during my study. I would like to thank here to my friends : Deden Girmansyah, S.Si., Drs. Pudji Widodo, M.Sc., Dra. Nursahara Pasaribu, M.Sc., Dra. Sri Endarti Rahayu, M.Si., Nurhaida Iriany Sinaga, M.Si., Ir. Marthen T. Lasut, M.Si., Ida Haerida, S.Si., Ibnu Hajar, S.Hut, Jamilah Nasution, S.Pd.,
Abdurokhim Kartonegoro, S.Si., Alex Sumadidjaja, S.Si., Dr. Ary P. Keim, M.Sc., Bowo Tri Yuwono, S.Kom and Dina Maulinda, S.Si. for their help, moral support and friendship during the hard times of my study. Many thanks and love also to my family especially my mother, my brothers and sister who encouraged me to continue study. Finally, my very special thanks go to my fiance, Nunung Nurcahyani, S.Si., not only for spirit and patience while I was away from her but most of all for her love, continous moral support and sincere understanding during my M.Sc study. I also wish to express my gratitude to the family of Tugimin Minto Atmojo for their love, care and support.
Bogor, January 2008
Suratman is a fourth son of Mr. Sahudi and Mrs. Ngaisah. He was born on July 5th, 1980 in Kebumen, Central Java. He was graduated from Elementary School in 1992, Junior High School in 1995 and Senior High School in 1998, all in Kebumen. He also continued his study at Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Sebelas Maret University in Surakarta and graduated in 2002. Since 2002, he has been started as lecturer at Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Sebelas Maret University. Since August 2005, he was admitted to Master Degree of the Post Graduate School of Bogor Agricultural University and studying in plant taxonomy sponsored by Beasiswa Program Pasca Sarjana (BPPS) from General Directorate of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education. He was jointed into Indonesian Association of Plant Taxonomy (IAPT) as member. He also attended Training Course on Biodiversity Conservation of Bryophytes and Lichens which held on August 7-15 2007 at SEAMEO BIOTROP Bogor.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABELS ……………………………………………………..
LIST OF FIGURES ……………………………………………………
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................
LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................
History of Botanical Works Relevant to the Genus Morinda in Malesia…………………………………………………………
Distribution, Habitat and Ecology of Morinda …………………….
Economic Importance of Morinda ………………………………….
MATERIALS AND METHODS ............................................................
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ...........................................................
Delimitation of Taxa and Species Diversity ……………………..
Morphological Characters ………………………………………..
Distribution of Species …………………………………………..
Phylogenetic Analysis ……………………………………………
Evolutionary Trends in Development Morphological Characters within the Genus Morinda …………………………………………….
Generic Description ……………………………………………..
Key to the Sumatran Species and Varieties of Morinda ……….
Species Description ……………………………………………..
1.a. Morinda citrifolia var. citrifolia L. …………………………
b. Morinda citrifolia L. var. bracteata (Roxb.) Hook.f ...........
2. Morinda jackiana Korth. …………………………………
3. Morinda lanuginosa Suratman ……………………………
4. Morinda leparensis Valeton ………………………………
5. Morinda rigida Miq. ............................................................
6. Morinda tomentosa Roth ......................................................
7. Morinda umbellata L. ……………………………………..
8. Morinda wongiana Suratman .............................................
CONCLUSION .....................................................................................
REFERENCES .......................................................................................