Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education
By Dianing Padmi Student Number: 031214047
Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education
By Dianing Padmi Student Number: 031214047
I asked for health that I might do greater things; I was given infirmity that I might do better things. I asked God for strength that I might achieve; I was made weak that I might learn to obey. I asked for riches that I might be happy; I was given poverty that I might be wise. I asked for power and the praise of men; I was given weakness to sense my need of God. I asked for all things that I might enjoy life; I was given life that I might enjoy all things. I got nothing I asked for, but everything I hoped for; In spite of myself, my prayers were answered – I am among all men most richly blessed. Anon
“a big gift” for mom, dad, brother, sister, and friends
Finishing this thesis is the evidence of Jesus’ love to me. His kind and blessings accompanied me in the process of accomplishing this thesis in both my ups and downs. My gratefulness is worth giving to Him, my only Lord, Jesus Christ. This thesis has been greatly improved by the help and comment of people who have been kind enough to be involved during the writing of my thesis. I am greatly indebted to Christina Kristiyani, my great major sponsor, who was willing to sacrifice her precious times, attention, motivation, detailed feedbacks, and guidance, for the sake of improving the content of my thesis. I thank her for being my friendly advisor and for unceasing encouragement. Moreover, I also owe immeasurable debts to Laurentina Sumarni, my co-sponsor, for valuable feedbacks in correcting my writing, support, and guidance. My sincere gratefulness also goes to all PBI lecturers, who always provided valuable lessons for my future life, and secretariat staff, Mbak Danik and Mbak Tari, for all help and kindness during my five-year study. However, I would also like to acknowledge Ag. Suwardi, the head of SMA Stella Duce Bantul, who allowed me to conduct the research at the school. I realize that the completion of this thesis would not have happened without the help of great people around me. Therefore, I thank my greatest family, my “fat” father, Teguh Santoso, my mother, Yutiati, my only brother and sister, Djatu Poerwoko and Bacillia Resmi, my brother and sister in law, Nug and Merry for unfailing support, prayer, love, fund, and time we share together. I hardly imagine accomplishing this big final project without these great people. vii
My deepest gratitude goes to all my friends of PBI’03, especially Priyatno Ardi, for all brilliant ideas, his kindness to guide me to conduct the research, to write and to correct my thesis, Mesya, for the hardest time and discussion we shared together in the process of accomplishing my thesis, cewe-cewe and cowo-cowo populer: Dame ’Batak’, Dita, ‘mak’ Miertah, Neti, Neng Tika, Bagong, Si Be, Jii, ‘Babah’ Lukas, Punto, Suki, Yessi, for all laughs, tears, love, jobs, discussion, surprises, unending support, money, prizes, foods, fool we shared during the last five years, Ozzi, Retha, Lintang, Melani, Ratna, Happy, ‘pon’ Nina, Tony, Devi, Ari, Meiske, Daniel, Paulina, Layung, Proti, for friendship, jokes, life experiences, and support, Joyce, Erlin, Mbak Ida, Mbak Etik, and all the members of Kasuari 7 who always remind me of finishing my thesis soon. Lastly, in completing this final project, I also owe a debt of gratitude to all of my participants: Tia, Novi, Silas, Berta, Santi, Mia, Puput, Tri, Tya, Pipit, for spending time to give me precious data.
Dianing Padmi
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TITLE PAGE .......................................................................................................
APPROVAL PAGE ............................................................................................
PAGE OF BOARD OF EXAMINERS ..............................................................
PAGE OF DEDICATION ...................................................................................
STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY ................................................
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................
LIST OF TABLES ...............................................................................................
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... xiii ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................... xiv ABSTRAK .............................................................................................................
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ................................................................................ 1 B. Problem Formulation ...................................................................................... 6 C. Problem Limitation ......................................................................................... 6 D. Objectives of the Study ................................................................................... 6 E. Benefits of the Study ....................................................................................... 7 F. Definition of Terms ......................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Theoretical Description ................................................................................... 11 1. Theory of Prior Knowledge ...................................................................... 11 2. Theory of Listening ................................................................................... 13 a. Listening as a Skill .............................................................................. 14 b. Difficulties in Listening ...................................................................... 15 c. Bottom Up and Top Down Process ..................................................... 17 3. Theory of Reading .................................................................................... 19 a. Text Selection ..................................................................................... 21 b. Types of Texts ..................................................................................... 23 4. Reading Text to Construct Knowledge ..................................................... 24 5. Students’ Perception on the Implementation of Reading Text ................ 25 B. Theoretical Framework ................................................................................... 26
CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY A. Research Method ............................................................................................ 29 B. Research Participants ...................................................................................... 30 C. Research Instruments ...................................................................................... 31 D. Data Gathering Techniques ............................................................................. 35 E. Data Analysis Techniques ............................................................................... 36 F. Research Procedure ......................................................................................... 39
CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Students’ Perception toward Pre-Listening Material ...................................... 41 B. The Influences of Reading Text to the Students while Listening to the Recording .............................................................................................. 48 1. Readiness .................................................................................................. 49 2. Comprehension ......................................................................................... 50 a. Following the Plot of the Story ........................................................... 50 b. Grabbing Detailed Information ........................................................... 53 c. Answering Comprehensive Questions ................................................ 57 3. Language ................................................................................................... 60
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions ..................................................................................................... 63 B. Suggestions ..................................................................................................... 65 REFERENCES APPENDICES
Page 3.1 Level of Students’ Answers Rubrics ............................................................... 38 4.1 Students’ Perception toward Pre-Listening Material ..................................... 48 4.2 Indicators Achievement ................................................................................. 54 4.3 How Students Answered Comprehension Questions ..................................... 58
LIST OF APPENDICES Page Appendix 1 : Permission Letter ......................................................................... 72 Appendix 2 : Statement of Research Completion ............................................. 73 Appendix 3 : Reading Texts Materials ............................................................ 74 Appendix 4 : Comprehensive Questions after Listening Section ..................... 78 Appendix 5 : Students’ Answers to the Comprehensive Questions ................. 80 Appendix 6 : Guiding Questions for Interviewing the Participants ................. 86 Appendix 7 : Transcripts of Interview ............................................................. 87 Appendix 8 : Questionnaire .............................................................................. 109 Appendix 9 : Participants’ Answers to the Questionnaire ............................... 110 Appendix 10 : Observation Checklist ................................................................. 122
ABSTRACT Padmi, Dianing. 2008. The Influences of Reading Texts as a Pre-Listening Material to Students’ Understanding. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University. Prior knowledge, among others, is one important part in the learning process. In this regard, students need to have prior knowledge to learn any subject. However, teachers should take part in preparing the students to construct prior knowledge in order to make the learning processes successful. The present study investigated the implementation of reading text in extracurricular class of the third grade students of SMA Stella Duce Bantul as a strategy to help them to acquire listening skill. There were two questions formulated in the study. The first question discussed students’ perception toward the implementation of reading text as pre-listening material, whereas the second question explored the influences of the text to the students while listening to the recording. To answer the research questions, the researcher employed a qualitative method. Moreover, three instruments were used to obtain important data, namely observation sheet, questionnaire, and interview. There were two results obtained from the study. First, the students generally perceived the implementation of the reading text, both positively and negatively. Positively, the students thought that the text was helpful and needed for them. On the contrary, the students also negatively stated that the text was boring and gave no significant influences on comprehending the listening passage. Second, the result of the research showed that the students experienced the influences of the text toward their listening skill in class. Provided with the reading text before listening to the recording, the students felt more well-prepared and confident to follow the listening section. Besides, by reading the text, their ability to follow the plot of the story they listened to, to grab the detail of the story, and to answer the comprehensive questions were increased. In addition, the ability to spell the new words correctly was also better. Therefore, it was concluded that the text influenced the students in acquiring listening skill in three important aspects, namely (1) readiness, (2) comprehension, and (3) language.
ABSTRAK Padmi, Dianing. 2008. The Influences of Reading Texts as a Pre-Listening Material to Students’ Understanding. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma. Prior knowledge merupakan bagian penting dalam proses belajar para murid. Apapun yang akan dipelajari, murid sebaiknya memiliki prior knowledge yang cukup untuk memahami materi baru yang akan dipelajarinya. Dalam upaya untuk memberikan prior knowledge yang cukup kepada para murid, guru bidang studi hendaknya turut ambil bagian. Studi ini mengkaji proses belajar Listening murid-murid kelas tiga SMA Stella Duce Bantul yang menggunakan teks bacaan sebagai media untuk membangun prior knowledge para murid. Ada dua permasalahan yang penulis kemukakan dalam penelitian ini. Permasalahan pertama membahas persepsi para murid dengan diterapkannya teks bacaan tersebut, sedangkan permasalahan kedua memaparkan pendapat para murid mengenai pengaruh teks bacaan tersebut terhadap kemampuan mendengarkan mereka. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Ada tiga alat yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data-data penting, yaitu lembar observasi, kuesioner, dan wawancara. Ada dua hasil yang diperoleh. Pertama, secara umum, para murid menanggapi penerapan teks bacaan, baik secara positif maupun negatif. Secara positif, para murid menanggapi bahwa teks bacaan tersebut sangatlah membantu dan diperlukan. Sedangkan dari sisi negatifnya, murid mengatakan bahwa teks bacaan tersebut membosankan dan tidak membawa pengaruh yang signifikan. Kedua, para murid mengalami sendiri pengaruh teks bacaan tersebut terhadap kemampuan mendengarkan mereka di kelas. Dengan adanya teks bacaan, para murid menjadi lebih siap dan percaya diri untuk mengikuti pelajaran mendengarkan di kelas. Di samping itu, dengan membaca teks bacaan terlebih dahulu, kemampuan mereka untuk mengikuti alur cerita, memahami detil cerita, dan menjawab pertanyaan meningkat. Di sisi lain, kemampuan menulis para murid pun menjadi lebih baik. Dengan kata lain, teks bacaan teks bacaan mempengaruhi kemampuan mendengarkan murid dalam tiga aspek penting; (1) kesiapan, (2) pengertian, (3) kebahasaan.
This chapter discusses six sub-sections. The first one is background of the study which states the reason for choosing the topic of the study. The second sub-section concerns with problem limitation. This section limits the scope of the discussion of the study. The third is problem formulation, conveying the formulated problems of the study. The next sub-section deals with the objectives of the study that elaborate the aims of the study. The benefits of the study are discussed in the fifth sub-section, while the last sub-section deals with the definition of terms which covers the definitions of essential terms used in the study.
Background of the Study The need to learn English language is rising nowadays since English is widely
used in all over the world. English language becomes a medium of communication which is internationally used by many people of different countries. Considering the importance of its use in the international communication, English becomes a compulsory subject taught in Indonesia schools. However, it is still taught as a foreign language in Indonesia. As a foreign language, English is not a simple subject to be learned, even though it has been introduced to the very beginning students, i.e. elementary school students, even to kindergarten students. Many advanced students still face difficulties
2 in learning the language, even though the teacher usually teaches using several approaches in order to make the students master English. “Traditional learning approach” (Hanley, 1994: 1) believes that the students come to class as “blank slates”. It means that they come to class without keeping any information in their mind. In this regard, the students are considered as “empty vessels” (Benson, 2001: 19). Therefore, by learning in the classroom they are “to be filled with knowledge by the teacher” (Benson, 2001: 19). In this sense, the teacher becomes the only source of information or knowledge. This passive view of learning, which becomes the basic point of learning in traditional learning approach, results in ineffective learning. Different from the traditional learning approach, constructivist believes that “knowledge cannot be taught, but must be constructed by the learner” (Benson, 2001: 68). Consequently, students do not merely depend on the teacher’s explanation in building a new understanding, but also on their existing knowledge. Students construct their own understanding in learning new materials using their existing or prior knowledge. Constructivism, thus, emphasizes the importance of the learners’ being actively involved in the learning process. It is unlike the previous educational viewpoint which considers that the teachers are to transfer new knowledge while the learners play a passive, receptive role. Therefore, in constructive view, it is necessary for the teacher to help the students construct the related knowledge that will be learned in the class. According to Hein (1996: 2), people need to have their own knowledge to learn and understand new materials. For that reason, the students cannot come to
3 class and begin new materials without any knowledge. The students should have prior knowledge about what to be learned. The Prior knowledge makes the mind ready to accept and retain new information. There are several ways to activate students’ prior knowledge in the classroom. The teacher may review the previous learning to activate the students’ prior knowledge. Besides, a teacher can also use analogy if the present lesson has some similarities to something the learner already knows. The most common strategy is by asking questions to the students. Realizing the importance of prior knowledge, most teachers nowadays try to consider students’ prior knowledge before introducing a new material. Students’ prior knowledge should be constructed first before the teacher explains or teaches a new material. Constructing students’ knowledge before the lesson begins is needed to be done in every lesson, including in English learning. Learning English means to learn its four skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In learning those four skills, teachers usually activate students’ prior knowledge first by asking questions or by correcting homework. In the activities to acquire listening skill, teachers usually apply the common way in activating students’ prior knowledge, i.e. by asking questions related to what to be listened. However, the process is too short to maximize the students’ prior knowledge. Hence, the time constraint becomes one obstacle to maximize the ways used to activate prior knowledge. One of English skills is listening. Listening is a comprehension skill. This skill is very important in communication. Brownell (1996: 6) says that listening is the
4 starting point to make effective in communication. It implies that listening plays a major role in communication. Considering the reason for the importance of listening skill, the teacher should make the listening learning more effective in the class. However, in learning this skill, the students often find difficulties. The difficulties arise since the students are not familiar with the language and the material they listen to. Besides, sometimes the teacher does not inform the material that is going to be listened in the next meeting. Therefore, in learning listening skill, students’ prior knowledge has to be maximized in order to obtain better understanding of the new materials they learn. Due to the fact that the time to learn in the classroom is very limited, the teacher employed reading texts as pre-listening material to construct students’ knowledge before acquiring listening skill in the classroom. This study investigates the implementation of reading texts which serve as a help for the third science grade students of SMA Stella Duce Bantul in listening. As English is widely used in the entire world as a medium of communication in this era of globalization, the students at this level learn English both in the formal class as a compulsory subject and in extracurricular class. Extracurricular lesson is aimed to support the English learning in the class since the time for learning it in the formal class is not enough. However, extracurricular class is important for the students in helping the students to prepare themselves facing the final examination. Therefore, joining the English extracurricular class is a must for the students. In the extracurricular class, the students also learn the four skills as in the formal or regular class.
5 One of the four skills that is learned by the students is listening skill. Activating students’ prior knowledge in listening section should not merely introduce the students to the new learning material, but also give them basic knowledge of what is going to be learned. Therefore, the way to activate the prior knowledge must be more than giving questions to the students before learning new materials. In this regard, pre-listening material in the form of reading text becomes a special way of constructing students’ prior knowledge. In fact, pre-listening material is necessary to prepare the students ( c, accessed on 16 February 2008). Vacca (1981: 6) believes that “reading is the vehicle of learning”. It means that reading can be used to support the learning process in each skill, including listening. The use of reading passages in activating students’ prior knowledge hopefully can help the students to have a description on the topic or material to be learned. Students will build their prior knowledge through reading passages at home. However, different students may have different perception toward the implementation of reading text as pre-listening material. The difference perception may due to different expectation, needs, and past experiences (Bootzin et al, 1983: 119). By implementing the use of reading texts to construct students’ prior knowledge in listening section for the third grade science students of a senior high school, the researcher is interested in finding out students’ perception toward pre-listening material and the influence of the reading text on the students while acquiring listening skill in the classroom.
6 B.
Problem Formulation The problems are formulated in two questions, as follows:
1. How do the students perceive pre-listening materials? 2. What are the influences of reading text to the students’ understanding while listening to the stories in the classroom?
Problem Limitation The research is limited to investigate students’ perception and the influence of
reading texts on the students’ comprehension while listening to the stories. It is implemented in the third grade of Science students of SMA Stella Duce Bantul. The reading texts are intended to help students construct related knowledge for listening section in the class. Due to the time constraint, the reading texts were to be read at home a week before the listening section in class. Therefore, by the time the students come to classroom, they have already had knowledge on what to be learned.
Objectives of the Study The research seeks to investigate the use of reading texts to construct
students’ prior knowledge. Therefore, this study has several objectives to achieve. The objectives are as follows: 1. To identify the students’ perceptions on the use of reading texts as a pre-listening material. 2. To find out the influences of the reading texts to the students’ understanding while listening to the stories in the classroom.
7 E.
Benefits of the Study The research is expected to give valuable contributions both for the teachers
and the students and the next researchers in English language teaching. 1. Teachers This study will help teachers to realize the importance of prior knowledge in building a new understanding in learning listening skill. Besides, this way of constructing prior knowledge will become a consideration for the English teachers in teaching listening skill.
2. Students The students will experience a new learning strategy in learning English listening skill. It is hoped that by constructing students’ knowledge through reading the materials at home, the students’ ability in acquiring listening skill is improved. Besides, the students will also have the habit of reading which is very useful for them.
3. Researchers The result of the research hopefully can be used as background knowledge or reference for the next researchers. They may use the result of this study for their own research on related issues, i.e. on the use of reading passages to activate students’ knowledge in learning listening skill in classroom.
8 F.
Definition of Terms It is essential to clarify some terms used in this study in order to avoid
confusion, misinterpretation and misunderstanding. Therefore, the writer provides the definition of terms as follows: 1. Pre-Listening Material Pre-activity is an initial phase of teaching process. This phase “is organized to arouse interests in the students, to activate students’ prior knowledge, and to prepare them for the language that can be necessary to perform the main task using related material” (, accessed on 16 February 2008). In this study, pre-listening material is used as material before the main learning process, i.e. listening section to construct students’ prior knowledge. The material is in the form of reading text and is to be read at home.
2. Reading Texts Brown and Yule (1983: 6), as cited in Wallace (2003: 8), describe the meaning of a text as “the verbal record of a communicative act.” Therefore, in this study, reading text refers to the narrative form which is given by the teacher in order to prepare the students a week before listening section in the classroom.
3. Listening “Listening means receiving the transfer of images, impressions, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and emotions from speaker” (Rost, 2002: 2). In this study, listening is one of English language skills that is learned by the students of the third grade of
9 SMU Stella Duce Bantul. In listening section, the students are to listen to narrative stories.
4. Perception According to Altman and Hodgetts (1985: 85), perception is defined as “an individual’s view of reality”. In this study, the perception is gained from the students in order to find out their opinion toward the implementation of reading text as prelistening material; whether the reading text is positively or negatively perceived. Positive means that the use of reading text was likely to help the students in many aspects, while negative means that the reading text caused problems to the students.
5. Influence Influence is “power to produce an effect without using force or authority” (Barnhart and Thorndike, 1973: 570). In this study, influence means the effects of accessing the new knowledge in order to give clear description on the story they are going to listen in the classroom.
6. Extracurricular Class Extracurricular class means “an activity performed by students that fall outside the realm of the normal curriculum of school”. ( xtracurricular_activity, accessed on 9 February 2007). In this study, the extracurricular activity is carried out after the formal class to facilitate the students to
10 learn English much more considering the time constraint in the regular class. Besides, the extracurricular class is used to prepare the students to face the final examination.
7. SMA Stella Duce Bantul SMA Stella Duce Bantul is a private senior high school under the Tarakanita Institution. It is located in Ganjuran, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The total number of students of the third grade is 53 students. Those students are divided into three classes, namely Science class and two classes of Social class. There are 14 students of Science class and the rest 39 students belong to Social class.
This chapter consists of two parts, namely theoretical description and theoretical framework. The theoretical description provides theoretical review used in the research whereas the summary of all relevant theories that are used to solve the research problems is explained in theoretical framework section.
A. Theoretical Description There are four main theories used in this study, namely theory of prior knowledge, theory of listening, theory of reading text, and reading text to construct knowledge.
1. Theory of Prior Knowledge Commonly, people learn in order to gain new knowledge. Learning is intended by someone to broaden his or her knowledge. For instance, learners learn English in order to give them more knowledge about the language so that they are able to use it in communication. Learning a language will need efforts to understand. It cannot be learned easily. Brown (2000: 1) states that “language learning is not a set of easy steps that can be programmed in a quick do-it-yourself kit.” Thus, it will take time to comprehend a language well. Moreover, Stern (1983: 20) defines language learning as “conscious language development particularly in formal school-like 11
12 setting.” However, in the process of learning a language, the learners are aware of what they are doing. It is undeniable that in the learning process the learners will obtain information and build a new understanding, but learners cannot construct new knowledge without having existing knowledge on what to learn. Ausabel’s meaningful learning theory believes that in the process of learning, the human organism needs to relate the new information to the existing information in the mind (Brown, 1994: 79). Therefore, the learners will understand the new material well if they can relate it to the knowledge the learners already possess. Similar to the theory of meaningful learning, Brownell (1996: 10) also states that learning means to construct new knowledge and understanding based on what the students possess. It implies that the students need to be actively involved in the process of learning and do not merely receive the information from the teacher. Here, Brownell implicitly suggests that the existing knowledge contributes the successful learning. Furthermore, he explains that the existing knowledge will provide different effects in learners’ abilities to retain information, solve problems, and acquire new knowledge. Therefore, constructing students’ knowledge is needed before the lesson. In learning English, in which the students are to master its four skills, constructing knowledge is also significant. From the four English skills, listening is often neglected and merely learned without activating background knowledge. The students often listen to the recording and answer a number of questions related to the recording, no matter they are familiar to the recording or not. However, according to Nunan (1999: 4), in learning listening, the task to construct students’ background
13 should precede the listening process itself. Thus, the background knowledge has also to be well constructed before the process of learning listening skill.
2. Theory of Listening Learning English is intended to make the students able to use the language in communication. By learning four skills the learners are hopefully able to accomplish the primary function of English language learning. Therefore, by learning the skills, the learners will be able to communicate effectively. According to Brownell (1996: 6), “effective communication begins with listening, not speaking”. It implies that listening skill becomes the basic skill to be learned in order to master a language. Similar to Brownell, Feyten (1991) states that “listening is the foundation of language acquisition”. It means that listening is the starting point to learn other skills. Whenever we want to speak, we must listen to others’ pronunciation, intonation, and utterances, so as to help us to produce utterances. Moreover, in practicing reading skill, listening is also essential. We must have a basic knowledge of pronunciation derived from listening to a dialogue in order to produce good sentences to be read. Besides, good listening skill is very useful to support writing skill. Unless we listen carefully, we cannot take note effectively. Of all above, listening skill contributes an important role in mastering English language. Listening is more complex than hearing. The key that differs hearing from listening is the attention by the listeners. Rost (2002: 8) says that listening needs more intention than hearing. Listening does not merely mean to receive or
14 recognize the sounds, but it involves the ability to understand or to construct the meaning on what is heard. Listening takes more attention and concentration to obtain the meaning of the spoken language. However, good listening skill can be learned. In acquiring listening skill, students also need to have knowledge on what to be learned. According to Hein (1996: 2), “one needs knowledge to learn”. It means that even in learning a new material the learners need to have knowledge about the material in order to construct new understanding. Therefore, prior knowledge is needed in learning. In acquiring English listening skill at schools, prior knowledge is also significant. Listening, as a receptive skill, also needs prior knowledge. Rost (2002: 62) states that “listening also needs knowledge activation”. For that reason, teachers need to construct students’ prior knowledge to be used in acquiring listening skill.
a. Listening as a Skill Listening skill, as well as reading, is categorized as receptive. As the result, listening which is very important in language learning is often believed as a passive skill. However, listening skill is not a passive skill. This belief is in line with Davies and Pearse (2000: 74), who state that receptive skills which are often considered as passive skills also need attention equally to other productive skill. It is to say that listening is as much active as other productive skills. In addition, Nunan (2003: 24) believes “listening is very active.” His statement is based on the reason that there is a complex process in the brain
15 while listening. In listening process, the listeners will take intention, concentration, and also practice. He explains that listeners will not only listen to what is said by speaker, but also need to connect with their existing knowledge. Therefore, in acquiring listening skill, the learners also need to have existing knowledge.
b. Difficulties in Listening Listening is often considered as a difficult skill to be acquired. Many students face difficulties in listening as it needs high attention and also concentration in order to be able to listen effectively. Students often have difficulties in doing the tasks of listening. However, the difficulties are as the result of many aspects. Brown and Yule (1938b), as cited in Nunan (1991: 24), propose four factors affecting the difficulty of oral language tasks. As listening process involves at least two people, i.e. a speaker and a listener, the first common factor is indeed the speaker. The speaker factor here refers to the speed of speaking, the quantity of the speaker, and also the accent of the speakers. Listening becomes more difficult when the listeners have to listen to a very fast speaker. Besides, the number of speaker who speaks at a time will also affect the quality of listening. The more speakers speak at a time, the harder listeners comprehend the message of what is being told. Moreover, unfamiliar accent of the speakers may cause misinterpretation of a word or even the message. Yet, the speakers give influence to many difficulties.
16 The second problem is the listeners. It is related to the role of listeners, the level of response required, and the interest of the topic being listened. The role that listeners play affects the degree of listeners’ attention. When the listeners do not have big role in listening to the topic, the attention will be condensed so that it may cause lack of understanding. On the other hand, the level of response required from the listeners can also affect the degree of attention. The listeners will not listen to the whole information in order to obtain the whole idea or message of what is being listened. Otherwise, they will only listen to some parts they think to be important in giving responses. However, the most important thing is listeners’ interest. The listener will not pay much attention to the topic if they are not interested at all. The content of what is being listened becomes the third difficulty. The content involves grammar, vocabulary, information structure, and background knowledge.
understanding. Moreover, the information structure that is how information is being told is also important. The structure of the information should be clear and orderly. Another difficulty is background knowledge. The background knowledge contributes the familiarity of the topic that is going to be listened to. As stated before, familiarity is important so as to make the listeners keep their attention. When the listeners are familiar to the topic, they will listen to it very carefully. The last factor proposed by Brown and Yule is support. The support refers to the use of supporting items to the listening task. It includes pictures,
17 diagrams, or other visual aids. The use of those items is very useful to increase listeners’ motivation in doing the task. In addition, citing Anderson and Lynch (1988), Nunan (1991: 24) provides five difficulties of listening task. Basically, the idea of the difficulties is the same, but is presented in different words. The difficulties are “the organization of information,” “the familiarity of the topic,” “the explicitness and sufficiency of the information,” “the type of referring information,” and “whether the text described static or dynamic relationship.” As a final point, there are a lot of difficulties in completing listening task well. Therefore, teachers should be able to overcome the difficulty. One solution to reduce the problem is by helping the students construct knowledge about what to be listened to. By doing so, the students will be more familiar to the topic. Besides, they will also have clear and sufficient information about the topic, and also will understand the content better.
c. Bottom Up and Top Down Processes In the process of acquiring listening skill, there are two activities that are commonly applied by the English language teachers. According to Nunan (2003: 26), the distinction of the process of learning is based on the way the students attempt to understand what they listen to. The two activities to acquire listening skill are bottom-up and top-down.
18 1) Bottom Up Processing Bottom up processing happens when “the students start with the component parts: words, grammar, and the like” (Nunan, 2003: 26). In other words, bottom-up is text based. It means that the listener relies on the language in the message, that is, the combination of sounds, words, and grammar that creates meaning. The listeners process the information from the very basic or small part of language, i.e. sounds into the bigger one, such as words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. Anderson and Lynch (2003: 9) prefer to use the term “tape recorder” to describe the listeners in bottom up processing. Thus, it implies that the listeners will simply memorize and recall words that speakers said. However, bottom up processing does not merely receive and store audio input, but the listeners also need to interpret linguistics input through mental process (Goh, 2002: 5).
2) Top Down Processing In opposite to the bottom-up processing, top-down processing begins from the students’ background knowledge (Nunan, 2003: 26). According to Morley (2001), in the top-down processing, the listeners trigger their existing knowledge to infer and predict the new information to create the meaning in mind. However, in this
process, the learners need to have background knowledge in order to be able to convey the message. Top-down strategies are listener based; the listener taps into background knowledge of the topic, the situation or context, the type of text, and the language. This background knowledge activates a set of expectation that helps the listener to interpret what is listened to and predict what will come next. Therefore, Anderson and Lynch (2003: 9) consider the listeners as “active model builders”. The
19 listeners do not come to class without any information. In fact, the listeners will actively build their own understanding on what they listen to by relating it with their existing knowledge. In top down processing, the teacher, as the facilitator of learning in the classroom, may help the students to prepare or to construct their prior knowledge on what is going to be learned. In preparing the students, reading activity can be a way to help students construct prior knowledge which is important for listening comprehension in the classroom.
3. Theory of Reading Reading is very significant in life. Through reading, someone can be rich of important information. A piece of reading text can make someone know more. In other words, by reading, people will gain more knowledge. Reading is one of the ways to broaden knowledge. Besides, according to Raygor and Raygor (1985: 3), reading is also a great source of entertainment for many people. Therefore, it implies that reading is very useful to give the readers new information and also to entertain them. As a comprehension skill, reading is divided into two main types. The first type is extensive reading and the second one is intensive reading. The division of these two types is based on the quality and also quantity of information that students gain. Extensive reading emphasizes the amount of information that is gained from as many sources or texts as possible.
20 Additionally, intensive reading tends to put attention on the high quality of comprehension from small number of sources or texts.
1. Extensive Reading Extensive reading covers a large area. Extensive reading involves the students to read long texts or large quantities for general understanding, with the intention of enjoying the texts (Stanley, 2005:1). In addition, this type of reading can encourage the students to acquaint various types of texts. The use of more than one text or sources will enrich the students’ knowledge. However, Paulston and Bruder (1976: 199) note down problems found in extensive reading. The problems concern with the selection of reading materials or texts and how to make students read the texts.
2. Intensive Reading Different from extensive reading, which uses as many sources as possible to gain knowledge, the intensive reading, on the other hand, emphasizes more on the depth of information from a single or few texts. Intensive reading focuses on the detailed information from a single or a few texts. Intensive reading will train the students to read carefully in order to understand the text well. The use of single text may cause the depth of understanding that leads to the better understanding of the text.
21 a. Text Selection Reading activity can be very useful in the learning processes in the school. McKim (1958: 15) states that “reading is important aspect of living in school”. It implies that printed sources, which are used in the reading activity, are very familiar to the students as they often learn using text books. Nevertheless, in using reading texts to support the learning in schools, the teacher should pay attention to the text selection, that is how the teacher chooses the text suitable for learning purposes, and the teacher should know the type of the text to be used in order to understand the function of each type of text. In preparing the reading texts for the students, the teacher needs to be very selective. There are several things to be considered in preparing the reading texts in teaching learning process. Duffy (1985: 147) points out three important aspects to be measured in preparing usable texts for teaching. The aspects are as follows: 1. Audience Audience means the reader of the text. Duffy (1985: 147) states that audience of a text can be different. He implicitly says that a text may be very useful for a group of audience, but not for others. However, a usable text should be written by considering the readers so that the message can be understood by the readers well. Teachers should consider the readers’ cultural background, linguistics competence, and also interest. Otherwise, the message of a text will not be grasped by its readers.
22 2. Purpose Duffy (1985: 148) reveals that “printed materials used for many purposes to learn, to execute procedures related to work, as reference materials, and so on”. As so many purposes the reading activity gives, it is important for teachers to decide a definite purpose of a text to be read by the students first. By deciding the purpose of the text, it will be easier to choose an appropriate text.
3. Context Context refers to the situation around the readers. The situation in which the texts are used also contributes a significant role of the reading activity. Carter categorizes context into four aspects, namely size of the text, style or type, clarity of graphics, and type of the paper. By considering the context, the text selected will be more appropriate to the audience.
Goh (2002: 45) agrees that the use of literary texts is suitable for listening. Nevertheless, teachers should be able to prepare the text by considering three important criteria. Goh recommends that the teacher should use texts which are simple. Teacher should be able to adjust the difficulty of the text and the level of students. The text used is supposed to be simple in which it really can help students construct their knowledge. The second one is that the teacher should consider students’ cultural factor. The chosen texts should support the students to have sufficient background knowledge that will be used
23 to understand what they listen to. The last criterion deals with theme. In selecting the text for listening, the teacher should be able to choose theme that students can identify. Therefore, in selecting the texts for the students, the teachers need to be very selective.
b. Types of Texts Reading text can be classified into two types, namely authentic and nonauthentic texts. The division of the type of reading texts is influenced by the concept of communicative setting or elements contained in the text.
1. Authentic Text An authentic text is defined as any original source materials which are made for the real world communication. Although this type of text is written for outside classroom use, it can be also very suitable for learning in the classroom. One reason stated by Murdoch (1999: 3) is that it challenges the learners. However, in the application in the classroom, there will be no modification of the text. Authentic texts are commonly used in classroom nowadays. Indeed, the authentic texts offer some advantages. Murdoch (1999: 3) points out that “authentic text provides an alternative to outdated textbook”. However, it is implied that the use of an authentic text can increase students’ motivation and interest to learn since this type of text offers different point of view from
24 common texts used in the classroom. Besides, it can also train the students to understand the written texts in the real world.
2. Non-Authentic Text Different from the authentic texts, the non-authentic text is designed for classroom use. In other words, the non-authentic texts are designed intentionally to be used in the classroom learning. Therefore, this type of text considers the level of students who read the texts. The non-authentic texts can also be made by modifying an original text to adjust the level of difficulty to the students. The teacher, for example, may modify the diction to make the texts appropriate for the students. By doing so, the students will be easier to understand the texts. However, the non-authentic texts also provide advantages. The non-authentic texts are more readable and mistakes in this type of texts are avoided since the non-authentic texts have been already prepared for classroom use.
4. Reading Texts to Construct Knowledge Reading skill is a helpful skill. It offers many advantages to the readers. In the learning process, reading also contributes important role to students. The students often prepare themselves by reading the materials. However, as stated before, reading texts are very useful to the success of the students. According to Cohen (1990: 74), reading can support the other skills. It implies that it can also support the success of listening skill. It offers data to
25 improve language skills. In this sense, reading becomes the vehicle of learning, supporting the students to construct knowledge about what is going to learn. By doing so, all students will have basic knowledge since the teacher facilitated the reading texts. In order to link or integrate reading with the other language skills, reading texts play an indispensable role. Reading texts have benefits to help the teacher to teach other skills. Through reading texts, the teachers can integrate reading with speaking, reading with writing, or even reading and listening, which both are receptive skill. Reading texts are usually used to give examples or background knowledge to the students. In teaching writing skill, reading texts can be used as models to the students to start their own writing. It means that reading texts are used to prepare the students to learn writing skill. Reading texts are indeed frequently used to provide inputs for the students. Moreover, reading texts are also used in teaching speaking to the students. The students will read first and then talk. The last, reading texts also contribute background knowledge to the listening skill. By reading the texts before the lesson is started, the students will have knowledge of related topic to be learned.
5. Students’ Perception on the Implementation of Reading Text as PreListening Material There are several definitions of perception according to experts. Perception is defined as “the process of organizing and interpreting sensory stimuli into meaningful
26 patterns” (Kalish, 1973: 77). Similar to the definition by Kalish, Gibson (1997: 97) states that perception is “a process of organizing the information that an individual gains from his environment to make it logical and sensible”. Another definition is proposed by Altman and Hodgetts (1985: 85). They stated that perception is “an individual’s view of reality”. Therefore based on the definitions, it can be concluded that perception involves organizing and interpreting information from the environment so as to make the information meaningfully interpreted. People may see the same thing, but they may perceive it in different ways (Gibson, 1982: 53). Altman and Hodgetts (1985: 85) mentioned that people’s perception depend on how they process the available information. However, there are several factors that can influence one’s perception. Robbins (1997: 39) clearly stated that perception is commonly influenced by the perceiver and the characteristics of the target being observed. Further, the characteristic involves attitudes, interests, expectation, past experience, and needs, as well as emotion (Robbins, 1997: 40).
B. Theoretical Framework Listening skill is in fact very significant to be mastered. In learning English language, listening skill can be said as the basic skill to acquire other language skills; speaking, reading, and writing. The contribution of listening skill to support other language skills makes listening worth to be learned seriously. In schools, listening skill is often taught using less background knowledge as the time is very limited. Meanwhile, the background knowledge is very important in building new understanding of new materials in every lesson including in learning
27 listening skill. Background knowledge will make the students easier to understand the message of what they listen to. It will also raise their motivation to listen. Therefore, lack of background knowledge may cause ineffective listening. Hence, prior knowledge is very significant in helping students construct new knowledge. Prior knowledge gives contributions to the students in building a new understanding while learning in the classroom. Brownell (1996: 10) believes that prior knowledge contributes successful learning. He says that in order to learn new knowledge, people in fact need prior knowledge. In other words, people need to relate information they already possess to the new materials that is going to be learned in order to construct new knowledge (Brown, 1994: 79). Prior knowledge which is well constructed before learning a new material offers contributions to the students in the learning process (Brownell, 1996: 10). For this reason, prior knowledge also needs to be constructed to the students in learning listening skill. Students’ prior knowledge should have been well constructed when they enter the class to start the new materials. Constructing students’ prior knowledge becomes hard since the time of learning is very limited. Thus, the present study tries to investigate the effort of constructing prior knowledge to prepare them in listening section. Due to the limited time of listening section in the classroom, the students construct prior knowledge by reading the given texts from the teacher at home. Reading texts, which are commonly used by the students in learning, are in fact significant in helping them to construct background knowledge. Hence, the employed texts are authentic. They can be appropriate for the students as they help the students to be well-prepared in listening
28 section. Besides, it is important to note that the topic of the given reading text is similar to that of the listening material. Therefore, the reading texts facilitate the students to comprehend the listening material they listen to in the classroom. However, different students may perceive the implementation of reading text as prelistening material in different ways. The students may perceive the pre-listening material positively and read the text before the listening section, or they may also perceive it negatively and are not willing to read the text before the listening section. Furthermore, the reading texts also provide the students with linguistic inputs which may be encountered in the listening texts. As a result, through reading text, the students are able to easily comprehend the listening materials.
This chapter deals with methodology used in the research. The discussion of this chapter consists of six sub sections. The first sub-section is about the research method, in which the researcher explains the method used in the research. The second section of this chapter deals with research participants, which tells about the subject observed under the study. In the third sub section, the researcher explains about instruments used in gathering the data. The fourth section discusses the data gathering technique. This sub-section acquaints how the instruments are used in the study. The fifth section, that is data analysis, explains how the data gathered were analyzed. The last section is research procedure. This last section gives clear explanation about steps in conducting the research.
A. Research Method The research is a qualitative research. Ary, Jacob, Razavieh (2002: 22) say that “qualitative focuses on understanding social phenomena from the perspective of the human participants in the study.” Moreover, according to Holliday (2002: 5), qualitative research is interpretive. He further explains that the researcher needs to investigate the participants deeply as it is believed that people are mysterious and need to be superficially touched. Thereby, qualitative research investigates human experiences in depth.
30 Qualitative research in fact makes the researcher gain insight into the context of the participants. By doing so, the researcher would better understand the behavior of the participants (Ary, Jacob, Razavieh, 2002: 24). In other words, the use of qualitative research makes the researcher come into the unforeseen areas of the participants (Holliday, 2002: 5). It looks deeply into the quality of social life. Since qualitative research uses human experiences to be observed, the data gained in the research is usually descriptive. It means that the data are in the form of words rather than numbers. The research is focused on face to face interaction to obtain the data. Considering the theories above, the researcher applied qualitative. Qualitative was best applied in the research since it was aimed to find out the influences of reading texts which construct participants’ prior knowledge in acquiring listening skill and also how the students perceived the implementation of the reading materials to prepare them in listening section.
B. Research Participants The target population of this study was the third grade students of science class of SMA Stella Duce Bantul of academic year 2006/2007 consisting of 14 students. The third science grade students of SMA Stella Duce Bantul were chosen as the population of the study since they had learned English for years. Therefore, the students of this level were considered to have already mastered English language better than the lower level students. Furthermore, the researcher chose the population because it was accessible. However, since it would not be possible to survey the entire population of the students, a small group of students was designed to be
31 representative of the population selected then. Therefore, eight students were chosen as participants who gave sufficient data about the implementation of the reading text to build prior knowledge in listening section. The selection of the participants in this study was based on several reasons. In this study, the researcher only chose eight students of third science grade of SMA Stella Duce Bantul academic year 2006/2007 as the representatives of the population. The eight students were to be interviewed by the researcher. The researcher decided to choose the eight participants based on their mark (from the highest until the lowest one) to obtain more reliable data. Furthermore, the chosen students were believed to be able to give much information about the implementation.
C. Research Instruments The study used three instruments to gather data. The instruments were interview, observation, and questionnaire. The instruments were used to make the researcher easier to gather the data in order to answer the problems formulated in problem formulation. The first instrument was interview. The interview was conducted to the research participants in order to answer the first problem of the research. Besides, the interview also strengthened the data to answer the second problem of the research. According to Kvale (1996: 11), as cited in Cohen, Manion, and Morrison (2000: 267), ”the use of interview in research marks a move away from seeing human subjects as simply manipulable and data as somehow external to individuals, and towards regarding knowledge as generated between humans, often through
32 conversations”. The interview was aimed to gather information about the students’ opinion toward the use of reading texts as additional materials to construct their prior knowledge and how the additional materials helped them to acquire listening skill in the class. The interview used in the research was structured. According to Wallace (1998: 146), there are three types of interview, namely structured interview, unstructured interview, and semi-structured interview. Structured interview, which was used as one of the instrument of the study means that the questions for interviewee were already prepared before the interview was conducted. There were 13 questions prepared and asked by the researcher in order to answer the problems of the research. The detailed questions were enclosed in Appendix 4. The second instrument, that was observation, was used to answer the first problem of the research. According to Cohen, Manion, and Morrison (2000: 293), “observational data are attractive as they afford the researcher the opportunity to gather “live” data from “live” situation”. In other words, by doing observation, the researcher was able to look at the real condition of the participants being observed. The researcher used observation since it gave data on every detailed action taking place in the classroom. Moreover, Cohen, Manion, and Morrison (2000: 293) also state that observation enables the researcher to gather data on physical setting, human setting, interactional setting, as well as programme setting. By using observation, the researcher was facilitated to gather data in every setting. In the research, the observation forms were very useful in helping the researcher to gather data on the students’ improvement and how they were improved.
33 The observation helped the researcher to observe the students’ behavior and attitudes as well as their ability in listening during the learning process. Besides, through observation, the researcher was able to gain information about the activities in the classroom completely, whether or not the reading texts influenced the activities in the classroom while listening. There are two types of observation, namely participant observation and nonparticipant observation. In doing the research, the researcher used nonparticipant observation. In nonparticipant observation, the observer was not really involved in the activities of the group (Ary, Jacob, and Razavieh, 2002: 430). The researcher purely observed the students in the classroom. It was done in order to minimize the missing data on the students’ progress and to provide more truthful data. Therefore, a nonparticipant observer was very helpful. The last instrument was questionnaire. According to Seliger and Shohamy (1989: 172) “questionnaire are printed forms for data collection, which include questions or statements to which the subject of the study is expected to answer”. Thus, it was clear that the data from the questionnaire were in the written form. The questionnaire was chosen as the instrument in the research since it helped the researcher to gather data in order to answer the second problem of the research. In the research, the questionnaire was given to the participants after they finished answering comprehensive questions in listening section in each observation. By using questionnaire, the researcher was able to observe whether the additional materials, i.e. reading texts, influenced the participants or not. The participants were to choose one option from three options provided related to the source of their answer to the
34 comprehensive questions; whether they answered the questions based on the information obtained by reading the text only, listening to the recording only, or both of listening and reading. Further, the students also provided the reason for their answer. In using the questionnaire, the researcher mixed the two types of questions in questionnaires; open-ended and close-ended questions. Cohen, Manion, and Marrison (2000: 248) differentiate the types of questions in the questionnaire into two, based on the way the participants or respondents answer the questions. In open-ended questions, the participants are able to “write a free response in their own terms, to explain and qualify their responses and avoid the limitations of pre-set categories of response” (Cohen, Manion, and Marrison, 2000: 248). Therefore, in this type of questions, the participants of the research were given freedom in answering the questions. On the other hand, the researcher also provided close-ended questions in the questionnaire. In close-ended questions, the participants have limitation only to choose one of the provided answers. The close-ended questions were used to observe participants’ source in answering questions in listening section, whether it was from the reading texts they had read or purely from the listening section in the classroom or from both sources. Open-ended questions were used to clarify the participants’ reason for choosing the answer.
35 D. Data Gathering Techniques It was stated that the researcher used three instruments in order to gather the data to answer the problems of the research. This sub-chapter explained how the instruments worked and also how the data were gathered. In the first step of gathering data from the participants, the researcher maximized the use of observation form. Observation was used in the implementation of a particular method in teaching listening skill to the participants. In this step, the researcher asked the teacher’s help to distribute the reading passages which were related to the next topic. During the implementation of the method in classroom, the researcher observed the students and wrote important notes about their behavior and attitudes as well as the activities and learning situation in the classroom in the observation forms. Moreover, the researcher also distributed questionnaire, while observing the participants in the classroom. The questionnaire was used to measure whether or not the reading texts they had read at homes influenced their understanding in listening section. Hence, the participants were to answer questions related to their ability in answering some questions from the stories they listened to. Having finished observing the participants and the learning situation in the classroom, the researcher began the next step, i.e. reflecting the implementation of the method in the classroom. It was done by interviewing the participants. The representatives of third grade of science students of SMA Stella Duce Bantul were interviewed one by one outside the classroom to create relax situation. By doing so, the researcher was able to gather information from every student. The interview
36 conducted in the study was aimed to see participants’ opinion on the use of reading passages in learning listening skill; how it was able to help them in listening.
E. Data Analysis Techniques After the data were gathered, the researcher then analyzed them in order to obtain the answer to the questions formulated in the problem formulation. In analyzing the data from the instruments, the researcher triangulated all the data gathered from observation, questionnaire, and interview. This step was conducted in order to gain valid and reliable data. According to Bodgan and Biklen (2003: 107), triangulation is used as “verification of facts”.
This belief came from the idea that
more than one source of information were needed in order to establish a fact. Therefore, many sources of data were better to lead to a fuller understanding of the phenomena under the investigation. The researcher first listed the students’ answers related to their perceptions obtained from the interview. Based on the students’ answers, the researcher found the patterns for the answers in order to classify them into the more common categories. The categories used in this study then were positive and negative responses. When the students perceive reading text positively, they will consider reading text as a help to construct their prior knowledge which is important in listening section and they will give positive attitudes and response toward the text, i.e. read the given text before the listening section. Furthermore, the students’ positive responses could be seen clearly from their statements in the interview, such as “helpful”, “enjoyable”, “needed”, and “useful”. On the contrary, when they perceive reading text negatively,
37 they will not consider reading text important as a help and will not read the text before they come to the listening section. The negative responses describe the participants’ disagree of the implementation of the reading text which could be seen from the statements as “boring” or “burdened”. Therefore, students’ different perception on the implementation of reading text can be clearly seen in their attitudes and responses. Further, the researcher analyzed the result of observation in the classroom. The observation also helped the researcher to answer the first problem formulation. Moreover, the data from the observation gave description on participants’ activities in the classroom, their attitudes during the learning process, and also their progress. Furthermore, in assessing participants’ progress in listening skill, the researcher provided two indicators. The indicators used by the researcher were based on Nunan (1999: 31-32). The indicators were as follows: 1. The students are able to catch specific information from the recording by answering the questions related to the texts including the time, name of people and places, and the main ideas of the stories. 2. The students are able to retell the stories systematically. The students’ answers then were classified into four levels, namely very good, good, fair, and poor. The level of answers from the students was determined based on the following rubrics.
38 Table 3.1 Level of Students’ Answers Rubrics Level of Students’ Answers
Criteria • Accurately answer the questions provided
Very Good • Completely answer the questions provided • Answer the questions correctly
• Incompletely answer the questions provided Fair • The answers are related to the questions • Failed to answer the questions provided correctly Poor • The answers are not related to the questions (Adapted from:
In order to see the percentage of the indicators achievement, the researcher uses the following formula: x x 100% ∑n
= number of students who answer the questions in particular level ∑n = the total number of students being observed
The data obtained then were related to the theories. Next, the researcher transformed the data into descriptive analysis. Having finished analyzing the data as the result of observing the participants, the researcher continued the next step of analysis. The researcher then analyzed the questionnaire. The questionnaire was very essential to give further data whether the reading texts influenced participants’ understanding while listening to the stories in the classroom. In analyzing the questionnaire, the following formula was used: x x 100% ∑n
x = number of students who answer particular questions ∑n = the total number of students being observed
39 Next, the researcher analyzed the last instrument, i.e. interview. The interview was used to answer the second question of the research on participants’ opinion on the use of additional material. Hence, the interview was also used to clarify the data from the observation in order to obtain more reliable and valid data.
Research Procedure There were some steps used in the research. Before conducting the research,
the researcher firstly chose the problem to be discussed. Then, the researcher decided the subject of the study. Next, the researcher came to the preparation step. In this step, the researcher asked permission letter from the secretariat of the English Language Study Program. Afterwards, the researcher proposed the proposal to the headmaster of SMA Stella Duce Bantul to conduct the research in the school. After discussing the method used in the classroom with the teacher of the participants, the researcher, then, observed the class in which the teacher implemented the reading text as pre-listening material. During the implementation, the researcher fully observed the participants and the learning activities in the classroom. At the end of the listening section in each meeting, the researcher distributed questionnaire to the participants in order to obtain the data needed. After the implementation had been conducted, the researcher interviewed the participants in order to gain more information needed to answer the problems of the research. The next step was analyzing the data gathered from the observation, questionnaire, and the interview. The first problem was answered from the data gathered by triangulating the data gathered from the observation and interview,
40 whereas the second problem was answered using questionnaire and the interview. Afterward, the data gathered were interpreted. After the data were interpreted, the researcher made conclusion based on the interpretation. As the last step, the researcher reported the result of the research.
In this chapter, the researcher intends to present the findings of the research. This chapter is divided into two major sub-headings, namely students’ perceptions toward pre-listening material and the influences of reading text in listening section. The first sub-heading discusses students’ perception on the use of reading text as a medium to construct knowledge before listening section, whereas the second subheading provides the detailed discussion of the reading text influences to the students.
A. Students’ Perceptions toward Pre-Listening Material Implementing reading text as a medium to construct students’ knowledge before listening section in class, the teacher provided three narrative short stories, namely Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, and Snow White. The reading text of each story was given to the students a week before the listening section. The students experienced the implementation of reading text for three weeks. Indeed, each student faced various experiences. As stated in Chapter III, the researcher employed observation sheet and interview to obtain the data on students’ perception. In general, from the observation as well as from the interview with participants, it was surprisingly found that all participants actually liked learning listening. Two of them shared: Saya suka belajar listening. (Bromo, Interview)
42 (I like learning listening.) … saya lebih suka belajar listening … (Kelud, Interview) (… I prefer learning listening ….) However, the students still found difficulties in acquiring listening skill. What makes listening skill difficult to be mastered is, as stated by Rost (2002: 8), the fact that listening involves the ability to understand or to construct the meaning on what is listened to. Therefore, listening does not merely mean to receive or recognize the sound. One student in the interview stated: … kan kalo dari listening itu mbak, cepet banget ngomongnya. Baru nyoba ngerti kalimat yang satu, eh udah ngomong yang lain lagi. (Krakatau, Interview) (… in listening to the recording, the speakers speak very fast. I was trying to understand the meaning of a sentence, but the speakers continue speaking another sentence.) In providing the students with the texts before listening section, the teacher tried to employ a particular activity in learning listening, i.e. top-down processing. Therefore, the students came into class with background knowledge in their mind. As the result of top-down processing, they had to read pre-listening materials, i.e. reading text at home before listening section. However, there were various responses students shared toward the implementation of reading text as pre-listening material. Students perceived the pre-listening material both positively and negatively. Yet, from the interview with the students about their experiences of the implementation of reading texts to prepare themselves before listening, the researcher found that most students accepted the implementation positively. In other words, the idea from the teacher to provide the students with reading texts which were similar to
43 the recording was accepted by most participants. Six of eight participants (75%) thought that the texts were needed and were very useful for them. Experiencing the implementation of the text, six participants, namely Bromo, Bukit Siguntang, Kerinci, Krakatau, Merapi, and Tidar implied that they agreed with the teacher who provided them with the text. In the interview, they mentioned: Reading text itu perlu, mbak. (Tidar, Interview) (Reading texts were needed.) Reading text membantu banget untuk persiapan listening. (Bromo, Interview) (Reading text was very helpful for preparing me before listening.) Reading text itu bermanfaat banget. …. Walaupun kadang reading textnya nggak dong tapi itu tuh membantu mbak. (Krakatau, Interview) (Reading text was really useful … Even though sometimes I could not understand the text fully, but still it helped me.) From students’ answers above, it is obvious that the students could take the advantage from the texts they had read before listening section. The texts provided by the teacher were perceived as a helpful medium for preparing them before listening section in class. Moreover, there were also some students who did not read the text. It was clearly seen from the way they answered the questions and from the way they listened to the recording. Some students who did not read the text before the class seemed nervous. They worried that they could not answer the questions related to the story. Besides, from the questionnaire, it was clear that only two students had read the text of Sleeping Beauty and the others confessed they had not read the text. As a matter of fact, they did not answer several questions and left them blank.
44 Furthermore, some students stated that they were not burdened by the prelistening material since they liked reading and as far as the text helped them to prepare themselves before listening section. Two participants stated: Aku suka membaca sih. (Krakatau, Interview) (I like reading.) Aku sih nggak masalah sama panjang pendek teks, sejauh itu membantu aku. (Merapi, Interview) (It does not a matter for me whether I have a long or short text, as long as the text can help me.) On the other hand, other two students had their own argument in accepting the reading text. Both of them shared that they were not burdened by the text even though one student, Kerinci, did not like reading. However, another student implied that reading the text at home spent her time much. In the interview, the students said: …nggak menyulitkan kalau ada waktu luang. (Bromo, Interview) (…it was not burdened me if I had spare time.) Aku nggak suka membaca, tetapi aku nggak terbebani juga. (Kerinci, Interview) (I do not like reading, but I was not burdened.) Therefore, for most students reading text was a suitable medium for preparing them before listening section. However, during the observation on the implementation of reading text in listening section, the researcher found that the students had high motivation to learn. All the students came on time. Besides, the researcher found that the students had read the text at home. Therefore, before the lesson began, they had time to share their experiences in reading the text. While the lesson began, they listened to the recording
45 seriously. None of the students made noise when the teacher played the recording. Thus, it was evident that the students were not burdened by the text. The reading texts which were given to the students, in fact, gave positive influences on most students. Several students in the interview undoubtedly stated that they preferred reading the text first before listening to the recording. However, it is clear that the text had successfully helped them to prepare themselves before listening section. As the result, the students preferred having the text first before listening section to directly listening to the recording in class. In the interview, they mentioned the reason: Sebelumnya disiapin teks baru mendengar. (Merapi, Interview) (Prepared by the text first and then listen to the recording.) Kalo aku lebih mudah kalo sudah diberi teks dulu. … Soalnya aku bingung sih kalo listening makanya aku perlu dipersiapkan jauh hari sebelumnya. (Krakatau, Interview) (It was easier for me if there was a text first. …Since listening is confusing for me, I need to be prepared before listening section.) Different from six students who thought positively about the additional prelistening material, one student perceived reading text negatively. She thought that reading text was useless. In the interview, the participant confessed that she did not like reading. Her feeling, in fact, became a reason for her not to read the text. Ya, yang jelas saya lebih suka belajar listening daripada reading. (Kelud, Interview) (I prefer learning listening to reading.) She also stated the reason for why she did not like reading. In the interview, she said: Membosankan, karena kalau misalnya nggak ngerti ya sudah nggak ngerti, saya kan malas buka kamus. (Kelud, Interview)
(Boring since if I did not understand the meaning of a word, I left it. I am lazy to open the dictionary.) Therefore, it was useless to provide the text to her; in fact, she did not read the text before listening section. Furthermore, she stated that the text did not give her any influences. She mentioned: Iyalah, sama aja ada teks atau nggak. (Kelud, Interview) (It was just the same whether I have the text or not.) She proposed that it was better for the teacher not to provide the students with the texts before listening section. She had an opinion: Ya, kalau bisa sih langsung listening aja nggak usah pake readingreading an. (Kelud, Interview) (It was better to come to listening section directly without having reading text.) According to Kelud, from the interview, she preferred listening to the recording directly in the classroom without any text before. The text burdened her since she did not like reading. Besides, by having the reading text, it means that she had to read it before the class by herself. It spent much of her time. Therefore, the texts failed in helping her to be well-prepared in listening section. Experiencing the process of learning, one student, Merbabu, had his own perception which differed from the previous seven students. He confessed that the implementation of reading text before listening section was not burdened him since he enjoyed reading very much. His confession was shared in the interview as below: Oh, … itu malah asyik bisa buat belajar. (Merbabu, Interview) (Oh, it was enjoyable for me. It could be used to learn.)
47 As a matter of fact, he accepted the text well and could take the advantage of the text. Hence, his opinion is in line with Raygor and Raygor (1985: 3) that reading activity can be a great source of entertainment for some people. However, one student, namely Merbabu stated his further opinion not to use the text if the purpose of learning was to practice the skill of listening. He explained: … kalau mau belajar listening sebaiknya tidak perlu pakai reading teks terlebih dulu. Jadikan bisa belajar, walaupun nanti nggak dong …. (Merbabu, Interview) (… if we are going to learn listening skill, it is better not to use reading texts, so we can learn, even though we cannot understand….) Overall, it is interesting that all students had their own perceptions about the text. From the interview, it is found that 75% of the participants accepted the use of reading text as the medium to construct their knowledge before listening section in class. They generally stated that the texts were useful and helpful. The 75% of the participants were not burdened by the text and perceived that reading text was needed before listening section. However, one participant or 12, 5% who does not like reading, had negative perception about the text. She was burdened by the text since she had to consult the dictionary. As the result, she only read one out of three texts given by the teacher. Her strong reason was that reading texts were boring. Another participant who was really interested in reading had different perception about the texts. He explained that the text could be a medium for entertainment as well as learning. He shared that he learned several difficult words from the texts. At the end of the interview, he mentioned that he actually was not burdened by the texts. Yet, he argued that the texts were not necessarily given if the target of learning was to be able
48 to listen to the recording. In brief, all students’ perceptions toward the implementation of reading text as a pre-listening material can be summarized as follows: Table 4.1 Students’ Perception toward Pre-Listening Material Students’ Perception Positive
Reading text is needed
Reading text is useless
Reading text is helpful
Reading text is boring
Reading text is useful Reading text is not a burden Reading text makes listening becomes easier Reading text is enjoyable
Indeed, all perceptions influence on the scope of influences of the reading text in acquiring listening skill. Hence, the contributions or influences were discussed in a greater detail in the following subsection.
B. The Influences of Reading Text while Listening to the Recording Considering students’ perception on the implementation of reading texts before listening, it was found that most students stated that they were helped by the texts. However, students’ different perceptions may possibly result in the various influences of the texts for them. In identifying the influences of reading texts, both
49 interview and questionnaire were triangulated as instruments to obtain the data. In fact, the text which was distributed before listening section influenced the students in three aspects; readiness, comprehension, and language.
1. Readiness The basic influence of reading texts was to make the students well-prepared in the listening section. In learning, students needed to be well-prepared in order to follow the lesson well. It was also needed in acquiring listening skill in class. The implementation of reading text before listening to the recording was seen as a helpful medium for the students as stated by Goh (2002: 45) that the use of literary texts is suitable for listening. However, considering students’ experiences in using reading text before learning listening, the students also accepted and agreed with the use of reading text before listening. The text, in fact, influenced the students’ readiness to follow listening section. One student preferred being prepared by the text first to directly listening to the recording. She admitted that: Mending yang sudah dipersiapkan jauh hari sebelum listening, soalnya aku ngerasa lebih mantap. (Kerinci, Interview) (It was better for me to be prepared before the listening section because I felt more confident.) … tambah pede. Aku sudah tahu nanti ceritanya seperti ini, gitu. (Merbabu, Interview) (… I was more confident. I had known how the story will be.) From the above statements, it was implied that the text influences students’ readiness. Students’ readiness, hence, affected the motivation to learn. They would be more
50 confident to follow listening section which first was believed as the hardest skill to be mastered.
2. Comprehension Students’ prior knowledge which was well-prepared before the lesson began was worth to be called as the key to the success of the learning. Furthermore, prior knowledge provides another influence to the students in acquiring listening skill. This fact is in line with the theory stated by Nunan (1997: 4) that in learning listening, the task to construct students’ knowledge should precede the listening process itself. From students’ opinion, it was found that prior knowledge which was well constructed in their mind before the listening section affected their comprehension. Therefore, the second influence was related to students’ better comprehension. The text influenced the students in following the plot of the story, grabbing the detailed information of the story, as well as answering questions.
a. Following the Plot of the Story The students who had read the text before the class confessed that they could understand the story well. They were able to follow the plot of the story in listening section. By reading the text first and then listening to the story from the recording, the story became clearer. Different students in the questionnaire stated their opinions about the text based on their experiences. They stated:
When I have reading the text, it can help me to understand the listening to the story. (Kelud, Questionnaire)
51 (When I have read the text, it could help me to understand the story that I listened to.) The text to make clear the story… . (Merapi, Questionnaire) (The text made the story clearer… .) Similar to what was stated in the questionnaire, in the interview, the students also believed that the text given before listening section provided them with description on stories to be listened in class. Furthermore, the students clearly stated why the text was seen as a helpful tool. They said: Membantu karena kita udah tau jalan ceritanya. (Tidar, Interview) (It helped me since we have known the plot of the story.) Dari membaca tuh kita udah tahu urutan-urutannya dari perkenalan terus nanti ada konflik-kofliknya. (Bromo, Interview) (By reading the text, we have known the sequence of the story from the introduction, then the conflicts.) In the questionnaire, the students who did not read the text shared their experience. They wrote: Aku belum baca! Sorry ya! Reading text itu berpengaruh! Karena terbukti denger Snow White yg dah tak baca lbh mudah drpd denger Rapunzel yg blm baca. (Merbabu, Questionnaire) (I have not read the text yet! I am sorry. The reading texts have influences for me! It was easier for me to listen to Snow White than listening to Rapunzel which I have not read the text.) Kurang jelas karena belum baca... (Kerinci, Questionnaire) (The story was unclear since I had not read the text…) From the statement written by both students, it is noteworthy that reading text, which actually provided the students with background knowledge, contributed to the students’ understanding of the plot of the story while they were listening to the recording. Therefore, by constructing prior knowledge from the reading texts,
52 students were able to follow listening section easily since they could follow the plot of the story well. Moreover, the next influence was also found from the interview to the students related to their better comprehension. From students’ opinion, the reading text could be said as a help for recalling information they had before listening section. Two students clarified the influences of the text. They stated: … kalau sebelumnya sudah ada teksnya kan kalaupun ketinggalan masih bisa ngikuti dari nginget-nginget yang sudah dibaca. (Krakatau, Interview) (If I have read the text, I am still able to follow the story whenever I missed particular part by remembering from what I have read.) Thus, it was apparent that reading text helped the students to follow the plot of the story in listening section. Three from eight students (37,5%) confessed that even though they missed particular parts of the story because of a certain reason, they would be able to follow the story by activating their prior knowledge, i.e. by remembering information from what they had read. However, “one needs knowledge to learn” (Hein, 1996: 2). By providing reading text before listening section, the teacher had constructed students’ prior knowledge. Therefore, they did not come to class as “empty vessels”. Prior knowledge constructed before the lesson was useful to help them understand the story completely. Further, the text which provided the students with background knowledge would help them not to miss the context of the story as explained by a student: … aku bandingkan dengan Rapunzel yang aku belum baca ya, itu bisa nangkap juga kok. Cuma pas yang dikatakan dia mengambil rapunzel itu agak nggak dong, katanya dia nggak punya anak, kok sudah ada Rapunzel. Kehilangan konteks ceritanya sedikit. (Merbabu, Interview)
(… I compared to the story of Rapunzel that I had not read the text yet, I also could understand the story [which I listened to]. However, when it was said that he took rapunzel, I rather confused. In the beginning, it was said that he did not have a daughter, but there was a rapunzel. I missed the context of the story.) Hence, the text provided by the teacher had supplied the students with background knowledge which was significant in helping the students to understand the story better. Therefore, students’ experiences matched to the theory written by Brownell (2000: 10) that existing knowledge provides different effects in learners’ ability to retain information, solve problems, and acquire new knowledge.
b. Grabbing the Detailed Information of the Story The text did not only provide the students with the description of plot of the story they were going to listen to. More importantly, from the interview the researcher discovered that the texts provided by the teacher helped the students to grab the detailed information of the story, such as name of characters involved in the story, name of places, time of an action in the story, and reasons for several actions. From eight students who were observed, five students (62,5%) stated that the text supplied the detailed information. Mostly, those five students assumed that the text provided them with names of characters and places mentioned in the story. In the interview, the students stated: Yang pertama itu kita tempatnya…(Merapi, Interview)
(First, we know the name of characters, places …) Yang paling banyak membantu itu … nama tokoh, tempat. (Tidar, Interview)
54 (It helped me mostly in catching… names of characters and places.) However, one out of five students added that she was also helped to catch the detail of some reasons for actions happened in the story. She mentioned: Kemudian membantu mengerti jalan ceritanya, nama-nama tokohnya, tempat, terus mengapa si tokoh berbuat sesuatu. (Krakatau, Interview) (Then, it helped me to understand the plot of the story, name of characters and places, and also why the character does something.) Furthermore, students’ achievement in doing the task given by the teacher related to their ability in answering question about the detailed information from the story is presented in the table 4.2. Table 4.2 Indicators Achievement
The students are able to answer questions related to the name of characters in the story The students are able to catch specific information related to the name of places in the story The students are able to catch specific information related to the
Reading Text
Snow White
Very Good
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White
to be continued to the next page …
55 from the previous page …
time mentioned in the story
Sleeping Beauty
The students are able to catch specific information of the reason of some actions happened in the story
Snow White
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White
Sleeping Beauty
The students are able to understand the main idea of the story
The students are able to retell the they have listened in the right sequence
From the table 4.2, it can be seen that the students caught the detailed information of the story of Snow White successfully. If it was compared to other two stories, i.e. Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty, Snow White obtained the highest percentage in all details. All students observed in the study were able to answer questions related to the name of characters, places, as well as reasons for some actions happened in the story since they had read the text. This fact revealed that reading text helped the students to catch the detailed information in listening section which were also needed to answer the comprehension questions.
56 Related to the information of name of places mentioned in the story, it was found that most students (87,5%) were able to catch them and answer the questions completely related to the story of Snow White. The percentage of students who were able to answer the questions related to the name of places in the story completely was decreased 25% when they had to listen to the story of Rapunzel. There were only 62,5% of students answered the question perfectly. One student shared her experience related to her ability to grab the information by listening to the recordings only. In the interview she explained: Kalau nama tokoh bisa, tapi kalau jalan ceritanya ya sedikit-sedikit mbak, kalau nama tempat dan waktu nggak bisa sama sekali aku kalau dari listening tok. (Bukit Siguntang, Interview) (I could catch the name of characters, but if the plot of the story I just could follow it a little bit. I did not also catch the name of places and time from the listening section only.) From the way students answered the questions, it was obvious that they were able to understand the main idea of the story of Snow White. However, four students (50%) understood the story best, 25% of students understood the story well, while another participant (12,5%) fairly understood the story and the rest 12,5% of students were poorly. However, the percentage of the students who fairly understood the story was increased 14% to 62,5%, related to the story of Rapunzel. Even worse, most of the students (75%) understood the story of Sleeping Beauty fairly. Students’ ability to understand the main idea of the story, in fact, affected their ability in retelling the story sequently. The percentage of the students who retold the story of Snow White in detail and in the right sequence was 50%. Surprisingly,
57 one of them shared that she could remember the story with the help of reading text. In the interview she shared that: Dari reading text dan listening, tapi banyak dari reading text karena kalau dari mendengarkan saja belum tahu vocabnya. (Merapi, Interview) (From both, reading text and listening section, but mostly from the reading text because from the listening section only I did not understand the vocabulary.) Therefore, by first constructing students’ prior knowledge using reading text before listening to the recording, students’ ability to follow or understand and remember the detail of the story was better.
c. Answering Comprehensive Questions Furthermore, the text offered another significant influence related to their better comprehension. The text also helped the students to answer the comprehension questions related to the recording. After the students were able to follow the story well and to grab the detailed information, they were also directly able to answer the questions well. From the questionnaire, it was obviously observed that students’ answers to the questions in listening section were not pure from what they had listened only, but also from what they had read before listening. Table 4.3 presents the result of students’ answers from the questionnaire.
58 Table 4.3 How Students Answered Comprehension Questions No.
The answer to the questions are based on the reading text
The answer to the questions are based on the listening section in the class
The answer to the questions are based on both reading text and listening section
Reading Texts
a. Snow White
b. Rapunzel
c. Sleeping Beauty
a. Snow White
b. Rapunzel
c. Sleeping Beauty
a. Snow White
b. Rapunzel
c. Sleeping Beauty
Based on the table 4.3, students mostly answered the questions from both reading the texts and listening to the recording. When the students had to listen to the story of Snow White, 100% or all participants confessed that they took full advantage of information from both the text and listening section to answer the questions. None of the students did the task based on what they listened to or what they read only. In this case, two students wrote in the questionnaire their opinion on the influence of the text as follows: Both reading text and listening complete each other, so I can answers the questions. (Bukit Siguntang, Questionnaire) (Both reading the text and listening to the recording completed each other, so they helped me in answering the questions.) Lebih gampang cari jawaban. (Kelud, Questionnaire) (It was easier for me to find the answers.)
The above opinions, in fact, are going to say that reading text which had been read by the students before listening section in class had successfully provided them with the information they needed. By reading the text before listening section, the students were supplied with background knowledge on what was going to be listened to. They were able to know everything related to the story. Therefore, they enriched their mind first before entering the listening section. They did not come to class as ‘blank slates’ who were shocked with what they would listen to. Different from the previous experience, when the students were given the text of Sleeping Beauty, it was surprisingly found that most of the students answered the questions related to the story based on what they listened in the class only. In the questionnaire, 75% students chose the second option provided, i.e. the answers to the questions were based on the listening section in class. Interestingly, from students’ experiences, one student, namely Merbabu, shared his opinion that he found difficulty in answering the questions without reading the text first. He stated his experience while listening to the recording as follows: I keep try to listen the stories, but it’s still difficult to answer the question without remembering memory from the text. (Merbabu, Questionnaire) (I keep trying to listen to the story, but it was difficult for me to answer the questions without remembering the information from the text.) Merbabu’s statement that in answering the questions related to the story he still needed the additional information from the text that he had read before listening section matched to the theory proposed by Brownell (2000: 10) that in order to understand new knowledge, people need prior knowledge. Therefore, prior
60 knowledge that was given by reading the text before listening section had several positive influences to the students while they were listening to the recording in class. The fact that reading texts helped the students to provide prior knowledge could also be seen when they were to listen to the story of Rapunzel. The students still needed reading text to help them answer the questions. However, the percentage was decreased. There were only 75% of the students who answered the questions based on the reading texts and what they listened to. In further discussion of the implementation of reading texts from the interview, the students confessed that they did not read all of the texts provided by the teacher before listening section. Therefore, they could not take full advantage of the text. They could only depend on what they listened to. Moreover, from table 4.2, it is interestingly noticed that there were many students who were not observed, relating to the story of Sleeping Beauty. It means that they did not answer the comprehension questions. This might happen since they were lack of prior knowledge as it can be seen that only 25% of students who had read the text and answered the questions using information obtained from reading text and listening section.
3. Language From other statements written by the students in their questionnaire, another important influence of reading text to the students while listening to the recording was discovered. The third or the last influence of the text to the students was related to their language skill. The students, in the questionnaire wrote that the text helped
61 them to introduce some new words which were never heard before. One student clearly stated: Setelah membaca teks tahu kata-kata yang tidak tahu dari listening. (Bukit Siguntang, Questionnaire) (After reading the text, [before listening section] I know some new words which I did not catch from listening section.) The students explained that through the text they knew the written form or the spelling of a word, while in listening section they learned how to pronounce the word. In other words, the text provided could be a medium to enhance students’ vocabulary mastery in written form. Therefore, the text not only developed students’ vocabulary, but also helped them to be able to write the words mentioned in the recording correctly. One student, Merapi, who thought that reading text helped her to acquire new words in both written and spoken form, stated that: Text sangat mempengaruhi saya dalam menjawab pertanyaan karena dg mendengarkan kalimatnya saya sering gak tahu cara nulisnya jd dengan membaca text saya dapat menulis katakatanya. (Merapi, Questionnaire) (Text influenced me in answering the questions because by listening to the sentence, I often did not know how to write, so by reading the text, I could write the word.) She further explained the example in the interview as follows: Ya kalo dari teks kita tahu tulisannya langsung, misalnya future, itu kan beda banget tulisan dengan bacanya. (Merapi, Interview) (From text we are able to know how to write a word, for example the word ‘future’ which is exactly different in the written form and the pronunciation.) By enriching their vocabulary, the students were able to listen to the recording better since they could follow the story completely, including to grab the detailed
62 information of the story. Therefore, students’ ability in acquiring listening skill would be improved. Dengan membaca text, saya menjadi tahu tentang jalan ceritanya shg saat mendengarkan, saya menjadi lebih mudah untuk mengartikannya. (Merapi, Questionnaire) (By reading the text, I have understood the story first, so I could translate the story easily in listening section.) To sum up, providing the students with the reading text on the similar topic about what was going to be learned in listening section, indeed facilitated the students to construct prior knowledge. By having prior knowledge before learning, the students obtained advantages in several aspects, such as readiness, comprehension, and language. Hence, people needed to relate new information to the existing information already exist in their mind to learn new knowledge (Brown, 1994: 79).
The last chapter presents conclusions and suggestions. The conclusions are derived from the research findings which are based on the research questions presented in first chapter. Moreover, the suggestions presented in this chapter are intended for the teacher, the students, and future researcher.
A. Conclusions The study on Using Reading Texts as a Pre-Listening Material in Listening Section was intended to answer two questions formulated in the first chapter, (1) How do the students perceive the pre-listening materials?, and (2) What are the influences of reading text to the students’ understanding while listening to the stories in the classroom? Therefore, there are two conclusions derived from the findings and discussion from previous chapter. First, during the implementation of reading text to construct students’ knowledge before listening section, it was found that the students perceived the text both positively and negatively. Most students perceived the reading text as a ‘helpful tool’. They thought that reading text was needed. Reading text provided by the teacher was very useful for them in giving them the information on what they were going to listen to in class. The students were excited in their first encounter with the reading text. By having the text, they felt that listening to the recording became easier. However, after going through the implementation, one student who did not 63
64 like reading was burdened by the text. While the other students could take advantage of the reading text, she felt that the text was useless. Therefore, there were various students’ perceptions toward the implementation of reading text. Second, as the students went through the process of the implementation of reading text, they experienced several influences of the text on listening section. There were at least three influences derived from the implementation of reading text related to the students’ readiness, comprehension, and language. Provided with the text, the students had description on what they were going to listen in class. In other words, they had constructed prior knowledge by reading the text. The first important influence was the students’ readiness to follow listening section. In fact, reading text successfully facilitated the students to be well-prepared in listening section. Students’ confidence was raised since they knew the description of the story. Hence, the students were ready to follow the lesson in class. Further, students’ prior knowledge gave another influence on the students while listening. By having description of the story they were going to listen, the story became clearer. As the result, the students were able to follow the plot of the story better. They were able to grab the detailed information by the help of the text. Consequently, their ability to answer the questions relating to the recording was improved. However, for some reasons they might miss some important parts from listening section. In this regard, reading text had big influence for them. The students could still follow the story by recalling information from what they had read. In other words, the text helped the students not to miss the context of story they were listening
65 to. As the result of their better understanding, it was also easier for them to answer the comprehension questions. Therefore, prior knowledge which was well constructed by reading the text gave positive impact to the students. Besides, providing prior knowledge to the students so that they were easier to listen to the recording, reading text also offered another influence to the students. The last important influence was related to students’ language. Reading the text at home, students were accustomed to being independent. They needed to consult the dictionary to understand the story better. However, by the help of the text, the students learned the correct spelling of some words, while in listening section they learn how to pronounce the words. By doing so, students’ vocabulary mastery was also improved. Overall, from students’ experiences, it is noteworthy that reading text gave many influences to the students in listening section. It did not only provide the students with prior knowledge, but also influence other important aspects in acquiring listening skill.
B. Suggestions Based on the findings there are several suggestions for the teacher, students, and further researcher who concern in English Language Teaching. 1. Teacher It is evident from the findings that reading text gives many influences to the students while they are listening to the recording in class. Students were able to follow the story they are listening better and successfully answered the questions
66 when they had read the text before. However, the teacher still needs to consider some students who are not interested in reading. For such students, reading text provided a week before would be useless and has no influences for them. Therefore, the teacher should not absolutely use the text all the time. It is better for the teacher to combine with another way of teaching. Moreover, the researcher found that the implementation of reading text as a medium to construct students’ prior knowledge helped many students in many aspects. Nevertheless, the teacher should be more aware to see the fact that not all students have self-willingness to read the text at home and also not all students are able to understand the text well because of some reasons. Therefore, to anticipate such facts, it is suggested that the teacher discussed the content of the text first before starting the listening section in class, for example by asking questions. The last suggestion for the teacher is related to the text itself. In providing the text for the students, the teacher should remember that the text is used to facilitate the students in constructing prior knowledge needed. However, the text should not burden the students since the target of learning is listening skill, while the text is only a ‘helper tool’. It is better for the teacher to adjust the length of the text and especially consider the vocabulary, diction, and punctuation used in the text. Authentic texts challenge the learners, as Murdoch (1999: 3) stated, but the teacher should be very selective in choosing the text from the internet. The researcher found that for many times, the students found difficulties in translating the words from the text. Therefore,
67 it is better for the teacher to provide glossary in the text for some unfamiliar words which are rarely used.
2. Students The students who experienced the implementation of the text should take advantages of the implementation. Reading text provided by the teacher in fact stimulates them to be familiar in using the dictionary. The students should keep on employing this positive habit in order to gain more knowledge in all aspect.
3. Further Researcher This research basically investigates the implementation of reading text to construct students‘ prior knowledge before listening section. Therefore, the study is limited to gain the influences of the text to the students in listening section only. However, it is noteworthy that reading text gives many positive influences to the students in listening section. Accordingly, further researchers on the implementation of reading text as a medium to construct students’ prior knowledge need to further investigate the implementation of reading text in order to support other language skills which may result in different problems and findings.
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Appendix 3: Reading Text Materials Snow White Once upon a time, a queen was doing needle work while staring outside her window at the beautiful snow. It was because of her distracted state that she pricked her finger on her needle and a drop of blood fell on some snow that had fallen on her windowsill. As she looked at the blood on the snow she said to herself, “Oh how I wish that I had a daughter that had skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony.” Soon after that, the queen gave birth to a baby girl who had skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony. They named her Princess Snow White, but sadly, the queen died after giving birth to Snow White. Soon after, the king took a new wife who was beautiful, but very proud and possessed evil powers. She also possessed a magic mirror, to whom she would often ask. “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” and to which the mirror would always reply, “You are.” But after Snow White became seven, when she asked her mirror, it responded, “Queen, you’re the fairest where you are, but Snow White is more beautiful by far.” The Queen was jealous, and ordered a huntsman to take Snow White into the woods to be killed. She demanded that the huntsman return with Snow White’s lungs and liver as proof. The huntsman took Snow White into the forest, but found himself unable to kill the girl. Instead, he let her go, and brought the queen the lungs and liver of a wild boar. Snow White discovered a tiny cottage in the forest, belonging to seven dwarfs, where she rests. Meanwhile, the Queen asked her mirror once again, “Who’s the fairest of them all?”, and was horrified when the mirror told her that Snow White, who was alive and well and living with the dwarfs, was still the fairest of them all. Three times the Queen disguised herself and visited the dwarfs’ cottage where Snow White was staying to try to kill her. First, disguised as a peddler, the Queen offered colorful stay-laces and laced Snow White up so tight that she fainted, and the Queen took her for dead. Snow White was revived by the dwarfs when they loosened the laces. Next, the Queen dressed as a different old woman and combed Snow White’s hair with a poisoned comb. Snow White again collapsed, and again the dwarfs saved her. Lastly the Queen made a poison apple, and in the disguise of a countrywoman offered it to Snow White. She was hesitant, so the Queen cut the apple in half, ate the white part — which had no poison — and gave the poisoned red part to Snow White. She ate the apple eagerly and immediately fell into a deep, magical sleep. When the dwarfs found her, they could not revive her, so they placed her in a glass coffin, thinking that she had died. Time passed, and a prince travelling through the land saw Snow White in her coffin. The prince was enchanted by her beauty and instantly fell in love with her. He begged the dwarfs to let him have the coffin. The prince and his men carried the coffin away, but as they went they stumbled. The coffin jerked and the piece of poison apple flew out of Snow White’s mouth, awakening her. The prince then declared his love and soon a wedding was planned. The vain Queen, still believing that Snow White was dead, again asked her mirror who was fairest in the land and yet again the mirror disappointed her by responding that, “You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But the young queen is a thousand times fairer than you.” Not knowing that this new queen was indeed her stepdaughter, she arrived at the wedding, and her heart filled with the deepest of dread when she realized the truth. As punishment for her wicked ways, a pair of heated iron shoes were brought forth with tongs and placed before the Queen. She was then forced to step into the red-hot shoes and dance until she fell down dead. (
Rapunzel A childless couple who wanted a child lived next to a walled garden which belonged to an enchantress. The wife, at long last pregnant, noticed some rapunzel, planted in the garden and longed for it to the point of death. For two nights, the husband went out and broke into the witch's garden to gather some for her, but on the third night, as he was scaling the wall to return home, the enchantress appeared and accused him of thievery. He begged for mercy, and the old woman agreed to give him some, on condition that the child his wife was pregnant with be surrendered to her at birth. Desperate, the man agreed; a girl was born; the enchantress appeared, and the child was taken away. She named her Rapunzel. When Rapunzel reached her twelfth year, the enchantress shut her away into a tower in the middle of the woods, with neither stairs nor door, and only one room and one window. When the witch went to visit Rapunzel, she stood beneath the tower and called out: Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair, so that I may climb the golden stair these words, Rapunzel would wrap her long, fair hair around a hook that sat beside the window, and drop it down to the enchantress, who would then climb up the hair to Rapunzel. One day a prince rode through the forest and heard Rapunzel singing from the tower. Entranced by her ethereal voice, he went to look for the girl and found the tower, but no door leading in, and no stairway leading up. He then returned often, listening to her beautiful singing, and one day saw the enchantress visit, thus learning how to gain access to Rapunzel. When the witch was gone he bade Rapunzel let her hair down, and he climbed up, made her acquaintance, and finally asked her to marry him. Rapunzel agreed. Together they planned a way to get her out of the tower: he would come each night (thus avoiding the enchantress who visited her by day), and bring her silk, which Rapunzel would gradually weave into a ladder. Before the plan came to fruition however, Rapunzel foolishly gave the prince away. Rapunzel innocently asks why her dress was getting tight around her belly, alerting the witch. In subsequent editions, she asked the witch one day (in a moment of forgetfulness) why it was easier for her to draw him up instead of her. In anger, the enchantress cut short Rapunzel's braided hair and cast her out into the wilderness to fend for herself. When the prince called that night, the enchantress let the braids down to haul him up. To his horror he found himself staring at the witch instead of Rapunzel, who was nowhere to be found. When she told him in anger that he would never see Rapunzel again, he leapt from the tower in despair and was blinded by the thorns below. For months he wandered through the wastelands of the country. During this time, Rapunzel gave birth to the prince's twin children, a boy and a girl. One day, while Rapunzel sang as she fetched water, the prince heard Rapunzel's voice again, and they were reunited. When they fell into each other's arms, her tears immediately restored his sight. The prince led her and their children to his kingdom, where they lived happily ever after. (
Sleeping Beauty Once upon a time there was a Queen who had a beautiful baby daughter. She asked all the fairies in the kingdom to the christening, but unfortunately forgot to invite one of them, who was a bit of a witch as well. She came anyway, but as she passed the baby's cradle, she said: "When you are sixteen, you will injure yourself with a spindle and die!" "Oh, no!" screamed the Queen in horror. A good fairy quickly chanted a magic spell to change the curse. When she hurt herself, the girl would fall into a very deep sleep instead of dying. The years went by, the little Princess grew and became the most beautiful girl in the whole kingdom. Her mother was always very careful to keep her away from spindles, but the Princess, on her sixteenth birthday, as she wandered through the castle, came into a room where an old servant was spinning. "What are you doing?" she asked the servant. "I'm spinning. Haven't you seen a spindle before?" "No. Let me see it!" The servant handed the girl the spindle ... and she pricked herself with it and. with a sigh, dropped to the floor. The terrified old woman hurried to tell the Queen. Beside herself with anguish, the Queen did her best to awaken her daughter but in vain. The court doctors and wizards were called, but there was nothing they could do. The girl could not be wakened from her deep sleep. The good fairy who managed to avoid the worst of the curse came too, and the Queen said to her, "When will my daughter waken?" "I don't know," the fairy admitted sadly. "In a year's time, ten years or twenty?" the Queen went on. "Maybe in a hundred years' time. Who knows?" said the fairy. "Oh! What would make her waken?" asked the Queen weeplng. "Love," replied the fairy. "If a man of pure heart were to fall in love with her, that would bring her back to life!" "How can a man fall in love with a sleeping girl?" sobbed the Queen, and so heart-broken was she that, a few days later, she died. The sleeping Princess was taken to her room and laid on the bed surrounded by garlands of flowers. She was so beautiful, with a sweet face, not like those of the dead, but pink like those who are sleeping peacefully. The good fairy said to herself, "When she wakens, who is she going to see around her? Strange faces and people she doesn't know? I can never let that happen. It would be too painful for this unfortunate girl."
So the fairy cast a spell; and everyone that lived in the castle - soldiers, ministers, guards, servants, ladies, pages, cooks, maids and knights - all fell into a deep sleep, wherever they were at that very moment. "Now," thought the fairy, "when the Princess wakes up, they too will awaken, and life will go on from there." And she left the castle, now wrapped in silence. Not a sound was to be heard, nothing moved except for the clocks, but when they too ran down, they stopped, and time stopped with them. Not even the faintest rustle was to be heard, only the wind whistling round the turrets, not a single voice, only the cry of birds. The years sped past. In the castle grounds, the trees grew tall. The bushes became thick and straggling, the grass invaded the courtyards and the creepers spread up the walls. In a hundred years, a dense forest grew up. Now, it so happened that a Prince arrived in these parts. He was the son of a king in a country close by. Young, handsome and melancholy, he sought in solitude everything he could not find in the company of other men: serenity, sincerity and purity. Wandering on his trusty steed he arrived, one day, at the dark forest. Being adventurous, he decided to explore it. He made his way through slowly and with a struggle, for the trees and bushes grew in a thick tangle. A few hours later, now losing heart, he was about to turn his horse and go back when he thought he could see something through the trees . . . He pushed back the branches . . . Wonder of wonders! There in front of him stood a castle with high towers. The young man stood stock still in amazement, "I wonder who this castle belongs to?" he thought. The young Prince rode on towards the castle. The drawbridge was down and, holding his horse by the reins, he crossed over it. Immediately he saw the inhabitants draped all over the steps, the halls and courtyards, and said to himself, "Good heavens! They're dead!" But in a moment, he realised that they were sound asleep. "Wake up! Wake up!" he shouted, but nobody moved. Still thoroughly astonished, he went into the castle and again discovered more people, lying fast asleep on the floor. As though led by a hand in the complete silence, the Prince finally reached the room where the beautiful Princess lay fast asleep. For a long time he stood gazing at her face, so full of serenity, so peaceful, lovely and pure, and he felt spring to his heart that love he had always been searching for and never found. Overcome by emotion, he went close, lifted the girl's little white hand and gently kissed it . . . At that kiss, the prlncess qulckly opened her eyes, and wakening from her long long sleep, seeing the Prince beside her, murmured: "Oh, you have come at last! I was waiting for you in my dream. I've waited so long!" Just then, the spell was broken. The Princess rose to her feet, holding out her hand to the Prince. And the whole castle woke up too. Everybody rose to their feet and they all stared round in amazement, wondering what had happened. When they finally realised, they rushed to the Princess, more beautiful and happier then ever. A few days later, the castle that only a short time before had lain in silence, now rang with the sound of singing, music and happy laughter at the great party given in honour of the Prince and Princess, who were getting married. They lived happily ever after, as they always do in fairy tales, not quite so often, however, in real life. (
Appendix 4: Comprehensive Questions after Listening Section Meeting I: Snow White A. Based on the listening passage, you are to answer the following questions. 1. Why did the king and the queen name their daughter Snow White? 2. What happened to the queen after giving birth to Snow White? 3. What did the king decide to do after his wife died? 4. Why was the new queen jealous to Snow White? 5. What did the queen ask the mirror on the wall? 6. How did the mirror answer the queen’s question? 7. What did the queen do then? 8. What was the consequence if the huntsman did not kill Snow White? 9. What did the huntsman do then? 10. Where did Snow White live afterward? 11. How many dwarfs did Snow White live with? 12. How did the queen know that Snow White was still alive? 13. How did the queen trick Snow White? Explain. 14. What did the dwarfs do with Snow White when they thought she was dead? 15. What did the prince do to awaken Snow White? 16. What did the prince and Snow White do then? B. Find the Difference between the story which you read and the story which you listen to.
Meeting II: Rapunzel Questions after Listening Section 1. Where did the man and the woman live? 2. What was the woman interested in from the next garden? 3. Did the man fulfill the woman’s want? 4. What happened to the man when he was in the garden for the second time? 5. Why did the man not want to go to the next garden? 6. What did the witch request from the man? 7. What did the man promise to the witch? 8. When did the witch take the girl away? 9. Where did the witch place the girl after taking her away? 10. Why did the witch place Rapunzel there? 11. How did the witch get in the tower? 12. Who helped Rapunzel to escape from the tower? 13. What made the prince want to get into the tower? 14. What did the witch say when she saw the prince? 15. What cured the prince from his blindness? 16. How was the story ended?
Meeting III: Sleeping Beauty Answer the Following Questions Carefully. 1. Why did the king and queen invite the entire kingdom? 2. How many fairies did the king and queen invite to the celebration? 3. What mistake did the king and queen do? 4. What magical gifts did the fairies give to the princess? 5. What gift did the evil fairy give to the princess? 6. What was the last gift from the fairy god mother? 7. When would the curse of the evil fairy happen to the princess? 8. What did the King order after the celebration? 9. Where did she go in the morning of her birthday and who did she meet there? 10. What did the old woman offer to the princess? 11. What happened when the princess touched the spindle? 12. Why did the fairy make everyone in the kingdom fall into sleep? 13. What did the fairy do to protect the kingdom? 14. Who could awaken the princess from her deep sleep? 15. Who told the prince about the kingdom? 16. How did the prince wake the princess? 17. What did the princess say after the prince woke her up?
Appendix 6: Guiding Questions for Interviewing Participants
A. The Implementation of Reading Texts 1. Apakah kamu membaca teks yang diberi sebelum belajar listening di kelas? 2. Apakah kamu mampu mengerti isi dari teks yang diberi? Mengapa? 3. Menurut kamu apakah teks tersebut membantu kamu sebagai persiapan untuk belajar listening di kelas? 4. Apa peranan teks tersebut dalam belajar listening? 5. Apakah teks yang telah dibaca sebelum belajar listening tersebut membantu kamu dalam memahami ide cerita pada saat belajar listening di kelas?
B. While Listening in the Classroom 1. Apakah kamu mampu mengerti secara utuh jalan cerita dari cerita- cerita yang kamu dengar di kelas secara utuh? Mengapa? 2. Apakah kamu mampu menangkap detail cerita yang kamu dengar seperti nama tokoh, tempat, dan waktu dengan mudah? Mengapa? 3. Apakah kamu mampu menceritakan kembali isi dari cerita yang kamu dengar denagn urutan yang benar? 4. Apa saja kendala yang kamu sering hadapi ketika belajar listening di kelas? 5. Apakah teks yang diberi sebelum pelajaran di kelas membawa pengaruh terhadap kemammpuan mendengarkanmu?
C. The Implementation and Suggestions 1. Bagaimana pendapatmu mengenai pengadaan materi bacaan tambahan sebagai persiapan belajar listening di kelas? Sudah cukup baikkah? Mengapa? 2. Menurut kamu apakah teks bacaan itu bermanfaat? Mengapa? 3. Menurut kamu, dalam hal apa teks yang diberi tersebut paling banyak membantumu? Mengapa? 4. Apakah kamu merasa lebih mantap untuk mengikuti pelajaran listening di kelas atau lebih berani berpendapat? Mengapa?
Appendix 7: Transcripts of Interview Place of Interview Date of Interview Interviewee
: SMA Stella Duce Bantul : 25 October 2007 : Tidar
Q: Interviewer A: Interviewee
A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A:
Q: A: Q: A:
Selama kita belajar sudah ada tiga teks yang sudah kita pakai. Apakah kamu selalu membaca reading teks yang di berikan sebelum belajar listening di kelas? Ada yang di baca ada yang tidak. Dari tiga teks bacaan, berapa yang kamu baca? Dua yang dibaca, satu tidak, yang Sleeping Beauty. Mengapa teks tersebut tidak kamu baca terlebih dahulu? Waktu itu males. Capek banyak acara….waktu itu ada kegiatan terus pulang sekolah ada tugas… Apa pendapatmu mengenai dua teks bacaan yang kamu baca itu ? Apakah sulit dipahami atau mudah, atau biasa saja? Wah macam-macam. Ada yang biasa saja tetapi ada juga yang membingungkan. Apakah kamu dapat mengerti isi teksnya? Iya dong. Seumpama kamu tidak tahu arti kata-katanya, apakah kamu mencari arti katakata tersebut di kamus atau kamu lewatkan saja? Ya, nyari artinya di kamus. Lalu, kalau kamu sulit mengerti isi teks yang kamu baca bagaimana usahamu? Biasanya, tanya sama temen yang lebih mengerti. Dibahas gitu sama dia. Apa reading teks membantu mempersiapkan kamu sendiri sebelum listening? Membantu, karena kita sudah tau jalan ceritanya. Apa ada manfaat lain lagi yang kamu dapat? Kita kan sudah tahu ceritanya to, mbak jadi lebih mudah kalau dalam menjawab pertanyaan listening, listening kan membingungkan. Reading teks itu membantu saya karena dengan adanya reading teks kita kan bisa membaca dulu dan tidak hanya sekali, bias diulang-ulang bacanya sampai mengerti isinya dan juga bisa mencari arti di kamus. Apa ada kata-kata dari reading teks yang kamu tidak tahu cara membacanya lalu muncul di listening Oh ada tuh. Iya, jadi dari membaca terlebih dulu lalu mendengarkan recording, jadi tahu deh cara membaca yang benar. Apakah dengan adanya teks tersebut, kamu lebih mantap untuk listening di kelas? Kalau dalam membaca sudah tahu isinya, ya mantep banget tetapi kalau belum ya…. bingung.
Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A:
Berarti kalau sudah membaca tetapi belum paham betul isinya, sama saja antara ada dan tidak reading text? Kalo sudah membaca ceritanya itu mending mbak, daripada kalau belum, walaupun dari membaca tidak begitu mengerti, wah jadi makin bingung. Kamu lebih bisa menjawab mengenai cerita yang kamu dengar dengan adanya teks bacaan? Iya. Apakah kalau dari listening saja kamu juga bisa mengerti jalan cerita secara utuh? Tidak seutuhnya. Berarti kamu paham cerita tidak selalu dari listening saja, tetapi juga ada background dari membaca? Iya, betul banget. Mengapa bisa begitu ya? Mengapa kalau dari listening saja tidak dapat langsung mengerti? Kalau listening cepat, mbak. Lalu, kalau dari listening saja apakah kamu bisa menangkap nama tempat, tokoh, dan waktu? Kalau nama tempat bisa tetapi kalau yang lainnya, piye yo, sulit mbak.. Apakah kamu suka belajar listening? Kadang senang, kadang malas. Apa yang kadang membuatmu malas? Kalau kita belum tahu ceritanya sama sekali, malas mbak…. Kalau di sekolah sudah diberi tahu apa yg mo di dgr? Kalo di sekolah ada teks sembari listening, persis. Apa pendapatmu dengan adanya teks bacaan? Apakah teks tersebut merepotkan? Tidak sama sekali… Menurut kamu, apakah teks bacaan yang sudah dibaca di rumah perlu dibahas terlebih dahulu sebelum listening? Tidak perlu. Biasanya sudah di bahas kok sama teman-teman. Menurut kamu seberapa bermanfaat teks bacaan tersebut? Ya bermanfaat, dari membaca sudah tahu, jadi lebih mudah menjawab. Dimana kamu merasa teks bacaan paling banyak membantu? Jalan critanya….nama tokoh, tempat. Pendapat lain mengenai reading text? Perlu mbak, kan untuk menambah vocab to mbk, kalau tidak tahu bias nyari di kamus, bisa tanya sebelum listening. Ada ide supaya teks bacaan menjadi lebih mudah? Di pendekin dan ditambah daftar kata sukar. Sekarang coba kamu ceritakan kembali cerita-cerita yang pernah kamu dengarkan ketika listening section. Dari yang Rapunzel dulu ya. Cerita Rapunzel itu, ada ibu hamil ingin makan buah rapunzel, lalu suaminya mencari di halaman tetangganya. Tetangga itu penyihir. Ketahuan, terus penyihirnya marah dan minta kalau nanti anaknya harus dikasih ke dia. Setelah anaknya lahir dan besar, diambil sama nenek
Q: A:
sihir itu, di bawa ke tower tinggi banget yang cuma ada satu pintu untuk keluar masuk. Pokoknya tinggi banget. Si nenek sihir itu kalau naik ke tower pakai rambut si Rapunzel. Suatu hari Rapunzel lagi nyanyi pas ada pangeran lewt dan dengar suara merdunya. Pangeran cari tahu bagaimana caranya naik, terus sudah tahu to, pangeran naik, ketahuan sama nenek sihir itu. Terus nggak tahu lagi…. Wah yang lain juga nggak tuntas mbak…. Snow White ya…. Snow White itu tentang anak cantik banget yang ibunya sudah meninggal dan punya ibu tiri yang jahat sekali. Ibu tirinya itu iri sama kecantikan Snow White jadi mau dibunuhlah si Snow White. Ibu tiri itu menyuruh pemburu untuk membunuh dan membawa hati Snow White ke dia sebagai buktinya. Tapi akhirnya tidak dibunuh kok. Snow White bertemu sama kurcaci. Sudah mbak cuma bisa segitu…. Kalau yang Sleeping Beauty tidak bisa sama sekali saya…. Oya, tidak apa-apa. Terima kasih atas waktunya ya. Iya.
Place of Interview Date of Interview Interviewee Q: A: Q: A:
Q: A: Q: A: Q: A:
Q: A: Q: A:
: SMA Stella Duce Bantul : 25 October 2007 : Bromo
Apakah kamu selalu membaca reading text yang diberi? Iya, selalu, walupun cuma sedikit-sedikit tetapi ngebaca. Dari tiga teks yang diberikan, berapa teks yang kamu baca utuh? Dua, Snow White dan Rapunzel. Kalau yang Sleeping Beauty itu, membacanya hanya sekilas, cuma waktu mau berangkat ekstra. Soalnya tidak ada waktu sebelumnya. Apakah biasanya kamu membaca teks yang diberi jauh hari sebelum kelas ekstra? Ya tidak juga. Kalau misalnya hari Minggu sedang tidak ada kerjaan, ya saya membaca teks itu. Apakah reading text menyulitkan kamu? Nggak menyulitkan kalau pas ada waktu luang gitu. Apakah dari membaca sendirian di rumah kamu mampu mengerti isi teksnya? Ya, bisa sedikit-sedikit. Kalau dari vocab nya yang sudah tahu kan digabunggabungkan terus kan nanti ada nama-nama tokohnya terus dari itu tu bisa tahu yang lain-lainnya gitu. Bisa menangkap artinya. Apakah kalau kamu mengahadapi kata-kata baru yang tidak tahu artinya, kamu mencari tahu dari kamus? Iya, mencari artinya yang tidak tahu di kamus soalnya kadang saya penasaran, lalu digabung-gabungkan artinya. Apakah kamu mendiskusikan isi teks yang sudah dibaca di rumah dengan teman-temanmu? Iya, biasanya pas ekstra awal-awal gitu, masuk kelas terus saling bertanya, ini tuh bagaimana. Ya, yang tidak dimenegrti itu ditanyakan.
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Apakah teks itu mbantu kamu sebagai persiapan sebelum listening? Iya, membantu banget. Dari membaca tuh kita sudah tau tokoh-tokoh, tempattempatnya gitu, terus jalan critanya. Dari membaca tuh kita sudah tahu uruturutannnya; dari perkenalan terus nanti ada konflik-konfliknya. (p.46 Menurut pengalaman kamu, sebenarnya teks bacaan yang topiknya sama dengan yang akan dipakai untuk listening itu perlu tidak? Apakah kamu tetap butuh informasi dari yang sudah kamu baca? Wah… ya perlu. Kan yang dibaca itu diingat-ingat lagi, misalnya pas bagian yang tidak mengerti dan hilang. Ketika kamu tidak membaca teks bacaan yang sudah diberikan, apakah kamu bisa mengerti utuh cerita dari listening section saja? Kalau utuh sih tidak, cuma sebagian. Ya cuma itu tadi, ngomongnya kan tidak jelas, ya tapi sedikit-sedikit bias menagkap sih, tetapi sedikit. Kalau belum baca tuh susah. Dari mendengarkan saja, apakah kamu dapat menangkap detil nama tempat, tokoh, waktu, dan yang lain-lainnya? Ya, hanya sedikit, soalnya pengucapannya tidak jelas kayaknya. Susah lah. Apakah kamu suka belajar listening? Suka. Tetapi kalau listening itu ngomongnya cepat. Kayaknya dari luar gitu orangnya, sudah pintar. Jadi ya… nangkapnya yang bisa di dengar saja, yang tidak bias lewat gitu. Jadi, menurut kamu, ada bedanya tidak ketika kamu mendengarkan tetapi sebelumnya kamu sudah membaca teks bacaan? Iya, lebih lengkap mengertinya, soalnya kan dibantu sama bacaannya itu tadi. Apa sebenarnya peranan teks bacaan yang paling besar untuk kamu? Jadi jelas urutan ceritanya. Apakah kamu tidak merasa direpotkan dengan adanya teks bacaan karena kamu harus membaca sendiri dan kadang kamu harus mencari arti kata di kamus? Tidak, saya tidak kerepotan kok. Kan reading teks bisa menambah wawasan kita dari tidak tahu artinya, mencari di kamus jadi tahu. Apakah kamu merasa lebih siap untuk mengikuti listening section ketika kamu sudah tahu topik atau cerita yang akan kam dengar? Iya, lebih mantap, lebih… lebih….deh. Lebih mudah menjawab pertanyaan soalnya sudah tahu sebelumnya. Apakah kamu ada masukan atau ide supaya teks bacaan lebih membantu kamu lagi? Vocab nya jangan terlalu sulit. Yang selama ini lebih banyak yang tidak tahu. Kalau untuk belajar listening, apa kamu ada masukan supaya menjadi lebih mudah? Mendingan dibacakan bahasa Inggrisnya, lalu di akhir ada bahasa Indonesianya, jadi kita tahu maksudnya. Cari cara gampang gitu…Jadi kita coba mengerti bahasa Inggrisnya dulu terus nanti mendengarkan bahasa Indonesianya jadi bias mengerti. Saya minta tolong diceritakan kembali cerita-cerita yang sudah pernah dipakai untuk listening kemarin.
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Dari yang paling susah dulu ya, Sleeping Beauty. Raja dan ratu punya anak, lalu dikasih penyihir anugerah, tetapi ada penyihir yang tidak diundang saat pesta kelahiran jadi marah dan member hadiah kematian untuk si putri. Untungnya diubah sama penyihir baik yang belum memberi hadiah jadi putrid nya hanya tidur panjang. Terus semua isi kerajaan juga disihir tidur juga. Suatu hari ada pangeran mengembara tahu ada putrid yang kena kutuk, dia ke sana terus dicium putrinya itu terus hidup lagi. Masih ingat ini darimana? Ingat karena sudah baca teks atau karena listening section? Kebanyakan dari teks. Yang kedua Rapunzel dulu. Ratu ingin buah rapunzel pas ngidam, raja nyariin, terus yang ada itu di rumah penyihir. Boleh diminta asal nanti anaknya dikasih ke dia. Ketika anaknya sudah besar raja tidak member anaknya ke pnyihir. Tetapi si pnyihir nyari, dapat terus dibawa ke menara satu jendela. Si penyihir naik atau turun pakai rambut Rapunzel. Ada pangaeran mengembara dengar suara Rapunzel lalu pangeran tahu cara naik ke menara. Pangeran naik, pangeran mengajak putri pergi, ketahuan terus dikutuk sama penyihir jadi buta si pangeran. Terakhir bisa sembuh karena air mata Rapunzel. Kalau ini saya nangkap dari listening, ada yang “Rapunzel….Rapunzel lay down your hair….” Dari listening suaranya ganti2 bisa lebih inget. Terakhir Snow White. Ad putri ingin anak rambut hitam, kulit putih, bibir merah, ngelairin mati, raja kawin lagi, ratu iri dgn Snow White yg cntik. Nyuruh org mbunuh tp g tega, sw d srh lari, dy tau ad t4 di st tp g ad kurcaci, pas kurcaci dtg trus blh tnggal d st, ibu tiir ttp ingin bunuh, akhrnya dgn apel, mkn apel trus d taruh d peti kaca, pas ada pangeran kagum liat cantiknya putrid, dia nyium bibirnya eh trus idup lg. (dr listening, rt, crita2) Oke, terimakasih atas waktunya.
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: SMA Stella Duce Bantul : 25 October 2007 : Merapi
Apakah kamu selalu membaca teks bacaan yang diberi sebelum listening? Kadang-kadang. Ada dua yang saya baca. Ya yang satu cuma sampai tengah saja, tidak benar-benar paham, yang penting tahu jalan ceritanya dan pokokpokoknyalah. Apakah kamu kesulitan untuk mengerti isi teksnya itu? Bagaimana ya….Ya kalau tidak tahu maknanya kan bias mencari di kamus. Apakah yang memotivasi kamu untuk mencari arti kata di kamus? Apa hanya terpaksa saja? Ya tidak terpakasa. Memang saya ingin tahu saja bagaimana cerita yang sebenarnya gitu. menurut kamu apakah teks bacaan itu membantu menyiapkan dirimu sebelum listening section? Wah, sangat…
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Apa peranan teks bacaan itu untuk kamu? Yang pertama itu kita bisa tahu tokoh-tokohnya, tempat-tempatnya, terus kata-katanya itu loh, kan kalau dari mendengarkan saja belum tentu bisa tahu, ini artinya apa… gitu. Di kuesionermu kamu menulis kalau teks bacaan membantu kamu dalam menulis kata-katanya, maksudnya bagaimana? Ya kalau dari teks kita tahu tulisannya langsung, misalnya future, itu kan beda banget tulisan dengan bacanya. Oh jadi dulu kamu tidak tahu bagaimana cara membaca ‘future’, lalu tetapi tiba-tiba muncul dan sekarang jadi tahu cara mbacanya. Iya Apakah teks bacaan membantu kamu memahami ide cerita yang kamu dengarkan di kelas? Iya, membantu. Saya lebih bisa menangkap ide ceritanya. Kalau kamu tidak membaca terlebih duahulu bagaimana efeknya ketika listening? Ya, hanya tergantung ingatan, tahu atau tidak artinya dari kata-kata yang didengar….Kalau tidak tahu ya…tidak bisa mengerti ceritanya. Nah, kalau sudah membaca bagaimana? Itu bisa mengingat dari yang sudah dibaca? Bagaimana dengan detil cerita, seperti detail nama tokoh, tempat, waktu, dan yang lain, apakah dari listening saja kamu bisa menangkap? Kalau nama tokoh bisa, tapi kalau nama tempat kadang membingungkan. Menurut kamu, apakah belajar listening itu susah? Ya kadang-kadang susah. Kalau tidak tahu artinya jadi susah soalnya jadi tidak tahu ceritanya apa, tentang apa….karena tidak sempat lihat di kamus. Tetapi kalau ada reading text itu bisa membantu. Apa kamu ada masukan lain bagaimana supaya teks bacaan bisa lebih banyak membantu lagi? Apa ya… Ya di dalam teksnya itu di tambahkan arti kata-kata sulit. Tidak semuanya hanya yang penting-penting dan yang sulit-sulit. Apakah teks bacaan yang ada selama ini terlalu panjang? Ya tergantung ceritanya, kalau ceritanya panjang kan teksnya jd panjang juga… Aku sih nggak masalah sama panjang pendek teks, sejauh itu mbantu aku. Ada masukan bagaimana caranya supaya belajar listening menjadi lebih mudah? Ya, sebelumnya disiapin teksnya baru mendengar. Coba sekarang ceritakan kembali cerita-cerita yang sudah pernah dipakai ketika listening section. Snow White duluan ya…. Ceritanya di sebuah kerajaan ada seorang raja dan ratu yang sedang bahagia karena punya anak yang cantik sekali. Dikasih nama Snow White karena kulitnya seputih salju, rambutnya hitam sekali seperti eboni, dan bibirnya merah seperti darah. Pokoknya cantik sekali. Tetapi, setelah melahirkan, si ratu meninggal, jadi raja menikah lagi. Ternyata raja menikah dengan ratu yang jahat. Ratu itu punya cermin, dan setiap hari, dia
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memandang cermin it uterus sambil tanya, “cermin….cermin….siapakah yang paling cantik?” Nah itu selalu dijawab dengan “ratu,” gitu. Tetapi setelah Snow White dewasa, jawaban cermin itu ganti, yang paling cantik si Snow White itu. Wah ratu kan marah besar dan berniat membunuh Snow White. Dia menyuruh orang membunuh Snow White, tetapi orang itu tidak tega jadi Snow White nya disuruh pergi yang jauh saja. Snow White pergi ke tengah hutan dan bertemu sebuah gubug yang ternyata milik para kurcaci. Lalu Snow White diijinkan tinggal di sana. Eh, si ratu tahu. Dia berkali-kali menyamar untuk bisa membunuh Snow White, tetapi gagal. Sampai akhirnya dia menyamar jadi penjual apel, dan apel itu dimakan sama Snow White, ternyata apel itu beracun, pingsanlah si Snow White. Para kurcaci mengira dia meti jadi dimasukkan ke dalam peti kaca. Suatu hari ada pangeran yang melihat Snow White dan kagum sama kecantikannya, terus petinya di bawa lari dan jatuh lalu apel keluar dari mulut Snow White dan dia hidup lagi. Tapi kalau di listening Snow Whitenya dicium terus hidup lagi kayaknya. Kamu bisa cerita detil, mengingat dari listening? Wah kalau ini banyak dari reading text. Kalau yang Rapunzel itu ceritanya ada seorang ibu ngidam dan ingin makan buah rapunzel yang ada di rumah tetangganya yang penyihir. Lalu dia minta tolong suaminya mengambilkan buah itu. Padahal suaminya sudah bilang kalau itu berbahaya. Tetapi karena si istri ingin sekali, jadinya diambilkan. Ternyata ketahuan sama si penyihir. Terus dia bilang sebagai hukumannya, nanti kalau anaknya sudah lahir, anak itu harus di kasihkan ke penyihir itu. Wah sedih banget suami istri itu. Pas anaknya sudah lahir di kasih nama Rapunzel, terus sudah dewasa gitu, dibawa sama penyihir ke sebuah menara yang tinggi sekali dan hanya ada satu jendela supaya si Rapunzel itu tidak bisa lari. Kalau mau naik, si penyihir bilang, “Rapunzel….Rapunzel turunkan rambutmu…” terus nanti diturunkan untuk manjat. Si Rapunzel itu kan suaranya bagus sekali, ada seorang pangeran yang ingin sekali kenalan. Terus dia mencari tahu bagaimana cara naiknya. Setelah tahu, dicoba. Eh berhasil, lalu kenalanlah mereka. Ketahuan sama penyihir, pangeran didorong dan jatuh ke semak, matanya tertusuk kayu atau apa gitu jadi buta. Tetapi Rapunzel berhasil melarikan diri. Suatu ketika Rapunzel ketemu sama pangeran lagi dan dia nangis. Air matanya itu terkena di mata pangeran, pangerannya jadi sembuh. Sudah. Ini juga kebanyakan dari membaca, ya dari listening hanya sedikit. Kalau yang Sleeping Beauty sudah baca tapi belum dipahami betul. Coba ya….Di kerajaan ada raja dan ratu punya anak. Ada peri-peri juga di kerajaan itu. Pas perayaan kelahiran anak raja dan ratu semua peri diundang kecuali si peri jahat. Dia marah dan memberi kado kematian buat anak itu. Si ibu sedih dan meminta supaya dilepas kutuknya. Tetapi peri baik hati tidak bisa, cuma bisa nolong supaya dia tidak mati tetapi tidur panjang. Ada pangeran mencium putri terus hidup lagi. Gitu. Oke, terimakasih ya atas jawaban dan waktunya. Iya.
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: SMA Stella Duce Bantul : 25 October 2007 : Bukit Siguntang
Apakah kamu selalu membaca teks yang diberi sebelum belajar listening di kelas? Yang pertama dan kedua itu dibaca, tetapi yang ketiga tidak. Yang ketiga itu lupa mbak…, lupa kalau mau ada listening, lupa membaca…. Apa yang menjadi motivasi kamu untuk terlebih dahulu membaca teks tersebut? Karena ingin tahu jalan ceritanya dan untuk persiapan. Nah, dari dua teks yang sudah kamu baca itu, apakah kamu bisa mengerti isi dari teks tersebut? Sedikit…Ya, bagaimana ya, kan kata-katanya ada yang sukar, jadi kan sulit… Nah, kalau kamu menemui kesulitan dalam mengartikan kata-kata tersebut bagaimana? Kalau ada kata-kata sulit ya dicari di kamus supaya bisa mengerti ceritanya. Kadang tanya sama temen kakakku. Menurut kamu, apakah teks bacaan itu membantu kamu untuk mempersiapkan diri sebelum listening? Ya, berpengaruh sih mbak, karena kita kan sudah tahu jalan ceritanya, terus tinggal ngepasin di listening. Jadi, menurut pengalaman kamu, apa peranan teks bacaan yang paling utama? Tahu jalan ceritanya dan nambah vocab. Nah, kalau dibandingkan antara yang belum baca teks dengan yang sudah, apakah ada perbedaan ketika kamu mendengarkan di kelas? Ada. Kalau sudah membaca itu saya sudah tahu gambarannya, kalau tertinggal pas listening di kelas masih bisa mengingat dari yang sudah dibaca jadi bisa tetap mengikuti ceritanya. Tetapi kalau belum baca jadi bingung. Cuma sedikit mengerti jalan ceritanya kalau dari listening di kelas saja, soalnya kan ada kata-kata sukar yang membacanya berbeda dengan yang ditulis, wah jadi bingung lah. Berarti masalah utama mu ketika listening adalah vocab ya? Iya, betul. Nah, dari listening saja, apakah kamu bisa menangkap detil ceritanya? Misalnya nama tokohnya atau yang lainnya. Kalau nama tokoh bisa, tetapi kalau jalan ceritanya ya sedikit-sedikit, mbak. Kalau nama tempat dan waktu nggak bisa sama sekali. Nama-nama tokohnya juga sekedar satu atau dua, tapi kalau sudah baca mungkin semua bisa tahu. Apakah kamu suka belajar listening? Tergantung mbak, tergantung topiknya. Kalau topiknya bagus ya ada keinginan untuk mendengarkan, tetapi kalau tidak, malas. Yang penting saya tahu topiknya dulu. Kalau belum tahu ceritanya terus tiba-tiba saya tidak berminat, walaupun diulang-ulang tetap saja susah, apalagi kalau pikirannya pusing, wah jadi semakin susah.
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Bagaimana menurut kamu mengenai pengadaan materi bacaan tambahan untuk persiapan belajar listening di kelas? Sudah cukup baikkah? Kurang karena teks-teks nya itu cuma teks naratif, kalau bisa yang lain-lain juga. Tetapi secara keseluruhan, bagaimana? Teks bacaan lebih banyak membantu atau malah merepotkan? Ya, membantu sekali. Soalnya bisa menambah vocab. Tetapi kadang terbebani juga, kalau kata-katanya sukar dan di kamus tidak ada. Apa kamu butuh pembahasan mengenai teks bacaan yang sudah dibaca sendiri itu dulu sebelum listening? Ya perlu mbak, kalau tidak ya tanya sama teman-teman. Kalau tidak bisa ya, tanya orang lain gitu. Berarti, teks bacaan itu benar-benar bermanfaat ya buat kamu? Ya bermanfaat, Pertama tokoh, terus yang kedua itu jalan cerita, untuk menambah vocab, terus cara ngomong nya itu lho mbak, cara ngomong katakatanya. O jadi misalnya kamu lihat di teks tulisan seperti ini terus ketika muncul di listening kamu jadi tahu tulisan seperti ini membacanya seperti ini, begitu? Iya. Berdasarkan pengalamanmu, apa kamu merasa lebih mantap untuk belajar listening dan menjawab pertanyaan ketika sudah membaca teks? Kalau sudah membaca, lebih mantap mendengarkannya. O ini nanti setelah ini gini. Terus nanti tokoh-tokohnya melakukan apa sudah tahu. Jadi kan lebih yakin untuk menjawab kuis-kuisnya itu. Di kuesioner kamu mengatakan kalau teks bacaan dan listening bisa saling melengkapi, jadi kamu bisa njawab pertanyaan. Maksudnya saling melengkapi itu bagaimana? kan di bacaan, ka nada yg kurang paham, tapikan di listening ka nada penekanana cara bacanya kan jd tau. Apa benar kalau sudah tahu topik seblum listening itu listening jadi lebih mudah, menurut pengalaman kamu bagaimana? Iya lah…. Sekarang coba ceritakan kembali cerita-cerita yang kemarin dipakai ketika listening. Sebisanya ya…. Rapunzel duluan ya….Rapunzel itu ceritanya, seorang ibu mengandung dan ingin buah rapunzel. Lalu, menyuruh suaminya mengambil buah itu dari kebun tetangga mereka yang penyihir. Satu, dua kali suami bisa mengambil, tapi yang ketiga ketawan. Nah, terus bayi lahir. Sama penyihir diambil lalu di taruh di tower tinggi, tidak boleh keluar. Di sana cuma ada satu pintu. Kalau mau naik, penyihir haya memanggil “Rapunzel…Rapunzel turunin rambutmu,” terus nanti Rapunzel nurunin rambutnya. Suatu hari pangeran dengar suara Rapunzel. Dia mencoba memnaggilnya seperti si penyihir supaya bisa naik. Terus kenalan, terus ketawan penyihir, terus pangeran disihir jadi buta. Rapunzel melahirkan dua anak kembar. Suatu hari dia di kolam mencari air sambil bernyanyi. Pangeran datang, terus matanya disembuhkan, sudah.
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Ini bisa cerita detil, ingat darimana? Kebanyakan dari reading text, tapi ya ada juga yang dari listening. Sekarang yang Sleeping Beauty ya….Ada putri merayakan ulang tahunnya, nah tapi ada wanita tua yang tidak diundang. Terus dia mengutuk putrinya itu kalau nanti pada umur 16 dia akan tidur panjang. Stelah itu, seluruh kerajaan juga tidur untuk nemenin putri. Terus, ada sayembara atau apa gitu. Nah di situ pangeran ikut. Terus pangeran mencium putri lalu putrinya bangun. Sudah. Ini cuma ingat-ingat dari listening, tidak detil ya….. Yang terakhir Snow White. Ada ratu dan raja pertamanya hidup bahagia. Mereka punya anak yang cantik, kulitnya seputih salju, rambutnya hitam seperti eboni, terus bibirnya semerah darah. Tetapi, ratu meninggal setelah melahirkan. Raja menikah lagi, tetapi ratu barunya jahat. Dia tiap hari ngaca, sambil gini nih, “Cermin ajaib siapa yg paling cantik?” Setelah Snow White dewasa, cermin bilang kalau Snow White yang paling cantik, ratu marah dan mau membunuh Snow White. Dia menyuruh pemburu untuk membunuh Snow White tetapi dia tidak tega, jadi Snow White disuruh pergi. Snow White di hutan menemukan gubug dan tidur di situ. Terus kurcaci pulang, ternyata itu rumah kurcaci. Lalu kenalan dengan Snow White dan dia boleh tinggal di situ. Ratu tahu, lalu dia menyamar jadi penjual pita sampai tiga kali. Terakhir ratu menyamar jadi penjual apel, Snow White makan apelnya lalu jatuh. Dikira dia itu mati, jadi ditaruh di peti kaca. Terus pangeran lihat dan dibawa pergi, ketika di jalan petinya jatuh terus apel keluar dari mulut Snow White dan dia hidup lagi. Si ratu kena sihir mirror. Kalau yang ini banyak dari reading text juga mbak. Oke terima kasih.
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: SMA Stella Duce Bantul : 25 October 2007 : Kelud
Sebenernya setiap kamu diberi reading text itu, apakah kamu selalu membaca terlebih dahulu sebelum listening? Sering tidak. Dari tiga teks, ada berapa teks yang kamu baca? Satu teks yang saya baca dan itupun di sekolah dan dua lainnya tidak dibaca. Mengapa tidak dibaca? Saya orangnya pelupa jadi menurut saya itu bisa disusul-susul. Berarti dari kamu sendiri itu tidak ada keinginan untuk terlebih dahulu tahu topik yang akan kamu dengarkan ya? Iya, betul. Jadi, ada dan tidaknya teks bacaan itu tidak memberi pengaruh buat kamu? Iyalah, sama aja ada teks atau nggak. Teks yang mana yang sudah kamu baca? Snow White.
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Dari reading text yang sudah kamu baca itu, yang Snow White itu, kamu membaca dalam waktu yang sangat singkat berarti ya, apa kamu bisa mengerti isi ceritanya? Oh bisa, soalnya kan dulu pernah tahu. Menurut kamu kata-kata nya sulit tidak? Ya kalau lagi mood ya gampang kalau tidak ya jadi sulit mbak. Pernah berbagi cerita sama teman-teman yang lain? Tidak, hanya tanya-tanya saja, sudah baca atau belum , kompakan. Apa reading text itu membantu kamu, untuk persiapan belajar listening? Ya, sama saja sih…. Kenapa ya…. Karena kalau lagi mood saya sepertinya dapet inspirasi gitu jadi walaupun tidak membaca juga saya bisa ngerti jalan ceritanya. Tapi kalau lagi bad mood, udah baca juga tidak mengerti. Berarti bisa atau tidak kamu menangkap cerita listening itu tergantung mood kamu ketika listening berlangsung, masalah ada atau tidak reading text untuk persiapan itu tidak membawa pengaruh? Betul sekali. Dari teks Snow White yang sudah kamu baca terlebih dahulu walaupun mepet, ada tidak pengaruh positifnya? Oh ada. Jadi ya….langsung ngerti ini tuh nanti jawabannya ini, belum mendengarkan pun sudah tahu. Jadi ketika listening tinggal mastiin aja. Baiklah, sekarang dari listening section saja. Kamu kan lebih sering tidak membaca teks terlebih dahulu ya, nah apakah dari listening saja kamu mampu menangkap ide ceritanya? Tergantung mood, mbak. Kalau tidak bisa mengerti ya saya cocokin saja sama teks yang saya punya. Berarti ketika listening section, kamu membuka reading text mu yang seharusnya dibaca di rumah dan kamu membaca sambil mendengarkan? Iya,betul. Pernah tidak suatu ketika, kamu tidak membawa text padahal kamu belum baca juga. Apakah kamu bisa menagkap detil cerita seperti nama tokoh, tempat, dan waktu dari listening saja? Tidak bisa, ntar pinjam sama teman catatannya. Menurut pengalaman kamu ya, dari yang belum baca teks terlebih dahulu kamu tidak bisa menangkap detil cerita dari yang kamu dengar, nah apakah reading text itu member pengaruh? Mmmm….ngefek tidak ya…..Tidak tahu,tetapi kayaknya sama saja sih. Dari membaca teks terlebih dahulu kan paling tidak nama-nama tokoh bisa kamu dapat. Apakah kamu tidak berpikir kea rah sana? Bagaimana ya, ya dari mendengarkan kan ntar dapet nama-nama tokohnya sedikit-sedikit, ntar kalau yang tidak dapat ya tanya sama teman. Sekarang kalau saya tanya, dari listening saja detil ceritanya itu, lebih sering hilangnya daripada dapatnya? Betul? Iya, betul, lebih sering hilangnya daripada dapatnya karena saya orangnya pelupa, jadi kalau tidak segera dicatat ya lupa. Sebenarnya kamu senang belajar listening atau tidak? Ya, yang jelas saya lebih suka belajar listening daripada reading.
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Jadi itulah sebabnya mengapa teks bacaan yang diberikan oleh gurumu tidak dibaca? Iya. Mengapa kamu tidak suka reading? Membosankan, karena kalau misalnya tidak mengerti ya sudah tidak mengerti, saya kan malas buka kamus. Atau mungkin kamu lebih suka listening karena reading itu monoton. Kan kalau di listening suara satu tokoh dengan yang lainnya itu berbeda-beda, sedangkan di reading tidak bisa. Iya, betul juga. Saya jadi lebih bisa mengerti ceritanya kalau dimainkan sama tokoh-tokohnya langsung. Jadi reading text yang diberi selama ini tidak berpengaruh sama sekali terhadap kemampuan mendengarkanmu? Ya…. Nggak tahu sih, kadang-kadang berpengaruh, kadang-kadang tidak. Yang kadang-kadang berpengaruh tuh di bagianmana maksudmu? Ya itu tadi jadi langsung tahu ceritanya sebelum listening dan bisa langsung jawab pertanyaan. Betul tidak kalau saya mengatakan begini, sebenarnya reading text itu ya memberi pengaruh walaupun sedikit tapi masalahnya kamu malas membaca? Betul Menurut pendapat kamu bagaimana pengadaan reading text sebelum listening, perlu atau tidak? Ya kalau bisa sih langsung listening aja nggak usah pake reading-reading an. Apakah kamu tidak ingin mengetahui topiknya terlebih dahulu? Ya, itu boleh tapi memberikannya tidak usah satu minggu sebelumnya, langsung aja sebelum listening toh saya juga membacanya pas di kelas. Apakah ketika akan mendengarkan Snow White yang sudah kamu baca terlebih dahulu itu kamu jadi lebih mantap dibandingkan mendengarkan Sleeping Beauty dan Rapunzel yang belum baca atau sama saja? Ya, tidak membaca pun aku mantap, kalau sedang mood. Ada ide untuk mempersiapkan diri sebelum listening? Ya gurunya aja yang bercerita deh sebelum listening. Sekarang saya minta tolong diceritakan kembali cerita-cerita yang sudah pernah kamu dengar ketika listening dong. Ya kalau Snow White itu tentang sebuah kerajaan, ada raja, ratu, sama anaknya yang cantik banget namanya Snow White soalnya kulitnya seputih salju. Tapi lalu si ratu mati dan raja nikah lagi. Ratu yang baru ini jahat sukanya ngaca terus bilang, “Mirror… mirror in the wall….” Gitu nanyain siapa yang paling cantik. Setelah Snow White gede, mirror nya bilang kalau Snow White yang paling cantik, ratu jahat mengamuk dan mau bunuh Snow White. Tetapi orang suruhan ratu tidak tega mau membunuh jai Snow White disuruh pergi. Snow White tinggal di hutan sama tujuh kurcaci. Dia kaget pertama masuk rumah kurcaci itu, ada tempat tidur kecil-kecil, meja kecilkecil, pokoknya serba mini. Ratu jahat tahu, tetap ingin bunuh Snow White, lalu menyamar jadi penjual apel. Tapi apelnya beracun, terus di makan Snow White, terus dia tidur panjang. Dimasukkan peti kaca, pas ada pangeran di
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bawa petinya terus jatuh, keluarlah apel dari mulut Snow White, terus sembuh. Kalau yang Rapunzel itu…. Intinya saja ya…. Ada ibu hamil yang ingin makan rapunzel. Terus diambilin sama suaminya dari punya tetangganya. Terus tetangganya itu yang nenek sihir marah dan minta anaknya. Anaknya lahir terus besar, diambil sama si nenek sihir itu. Tinggal di menara tinggi yang cuma ada satu pintu. Terus kalau mau naik atau turun si nenek pakai rambutnya Rapunzel. Lalu ada pangeran naik, ketahuan, terus tidak tahu kenapa dia buta. Terus nggak tahu lagi. Yang terakhir Sleeping Beauty. Itu tentang putrid yang tidur panjang karena dikutuk peri jahat. Terus ada peri baik yang membuat seluruh orang di kerajaan itu tertidur juga sama membuat supaya kerajaan itu ditutupi semak belukar. Terus ada pangeran dating mencium si putrid tidur itu, lalu semua orang hidup lagi. Sudah. Oke, terima kasih ya atas waktunya. Sama-sama mbak.
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: SMA Stella Duce Bantul : 26 October 2007 : Krakatau
Apakah kamu membaca semua teks bacaan yang diberikan sebelum listening di kelas? Baca, tetapi nggak dong. Tetapi semua teks bacaan pasti kamu baca ya? Iya, baca. Apa alasan kamu membaca teks tersebut? Apa karena kamu ingin tahu ceritanya, atau mungkin karena terpaksa? Ya, karena ingin tahu topiknya. Ketika kamu sudah mencoba membaca teks bacaan tetapi kamu tetap saja tidak mengerti, apa yang kamu lakukan? Ya mencari artinya di kamus, tapi kadang juga di kamus saya tidak ada artinya. Nah, kalau kamu dalam situasi saat kamu tidak mampu mengerti isi bacaan, apakah kamu berusaha bertanya dengan temanmu, atau kamu beranggapan yang penting saya sudah membaca. Ya kalau saya sih, yang penting sudah dibaca. Apa kamu pernah merasa kamu sudah membaca teks bacaan dari awal sampai selesai tetapi kamu tidak mengerti isi bacaan tersebut? Pernah.Sleeping Beauty. Itu susah bahasanya. Waktu itu juga sudah capek banget jadi malas mengulang lagi. Bagaimana dengan dua teks bacaan lainnya? Apa kamu bisa mengerti isinya? Paling paham itu yang Snow White.
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Ketika kamu dapat mengerti isi teks yang sudah kamu baca di rumah, apakah informasi yang kamu dapatkan dari membaca tersebut bermanfaat bagi kamu ketika kamu mendengarkan recording? Bermanfaat banget. Saya kan jadi lebih dong jalan ceritanya, urutan-urutan ceritanya. Menurut kamu teks bacaan yang sudah dibaca sebelum listening section itu paling banyak membantu kamu untuk apa? Pertama membantu mengerti kosakata,itu yang paling banyak. Kemudian membantu mengerti jalan ceritanya, nama-nama tokohnya, tempat terus mengapa si tokoh berbuat sesuatu. Bisa tolong dijelaskan, apa yang kamu maksud membantu dalam hal kosakata? Ya kan kalau dari teks bacaan saya nggak tahu tulisan ini cara bacanya bagaimana, terus nanti ternyata ada yang muncul di listening, kalimatnya sama misalnya, saya kan jadi tahu cara membacanya. Berarti dari cerita kamu, saya menangkap bahwa teks yang kamu baca tersebut bisa membantu kamu memahami ide cerita untuk listening section karena cerita yang di baca dan yang didengarkan sama. Apa begitu? Iya, bisa. Kan dari membaca itu, Jadi teks bacaan dan listening itu saling menguatkan ya? Iya. Bagaimana ya kira-kira kalau kamu mendengarkan recording tetapi kamu sebelumnya tidak diberi teks bacaan terlebih dahulu? Wah, ya bingung mbak. Kan kalau dari listening itu mbak, cepet banget. Baru nyoba mengerti kalimat yang satu, eh sudah ngomong yang lain lagi. Tetapi kalau sebelumnya sudah ada teksnya kan kalau pun ketinggalan masih bisa mengikuti dari nginget yang sudah dibaca. Ketika kamu duduk sambil mendengarkan recording saja apakah kamu bisa memahami jalan cerita utuh? Nggak bisa, Cuma separo-separo, terus melengkapi dari nginget-nginget yang sudah dibaca, walaupun kadang reading textnya nggak dong tapi itu tuh membantu mbak. Dari listening section saja pakah kamu bisa menangkap detil cerita, seperti nama tokoh, tempat, waktu? Kalau dari listening aja agak sulit mbak. Apakah kamu suka belajar listening? Suka soalnya untuk latihan mendengarkan orang ngomong mbak. Kalau membaca suka tidak? Suka. Berarti kamu tidak ada masalah ketika kamu diberi tugas untuk membaca teks di rumah sebagai gambaran apa yang akan kamu dengarkan di kelas? Kalau cuma membaca sih nggak. Tapi kalau listening iya. Sebenarnya apa saja yang menjadi kendala mu belajar listening? Apa ya…. Susah nangkepnya kali. Susah menangkap itu karena apa? Ya karena mungkin belum tahu topiknya juga kali ya.
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Kalau begitu apakah menurut kamu sebelum belajar listening di kelas perlu dipersiapkan terlebih dahulu di rumah? Iya. Mana yang kamu pilih diberi teks bacaan terlebih dahulu jauh hari sebelum mendengarkan atau langsung di beri penjelasan sedikit sebelum mendengarkan di kelas? Ya pilih yang reading text soalnya kalau dari reading text itukan kita sendiri bisa lebih dulu nganalisis to mbak, ceritanya seperti ini..ini…ini… Kalau saya lebih mudah kalau sudah diberi teks dulu. Bagaimana menurut kamu pengadaan reading text sebagai cara untuk mempersiapkan kamu sebelum listening section? Reading text itu banyak membantunya deh. Apa kamu merasa lebih mantap untuk belajar listening ketika sudah membaca teks sebelumnya? Iya, soalnya kalau di rumah saya juga gitu. Ada bukunya tapi saya sambil mendengarkan jadi saya bisa tahu cara baca kata-kata yang saya belum tahu. Apakah pengadaan teks bacaan selama ini sudah cukup baik? Belum, karena kadang masih sulit dipahami. Sebaiknya lebih dipendekkan dan ditambah daftar kata sulit. Yang Sleeping Beauty itu kan lebih panjang daripada yang Rapunzel dan Snow White to mbak. Ketika kamu menjawab pertanyaan setelah listening section, apakah reading text itu turut berperan? Iya berperan. Kalau misalnya ada pertanyaan terus waktu listening pas nggak ngerti bagian itu, kan bisa nginget-nginget lagi dari reading text. Soalnya aku bingung sih kalau listening makanya aku perlu dipersiapkan jauh harii sebelumnya. Jadi kamu merasa lebih percaya diri kalau sudah dipersiapkan di rumah? Iya. Menjawab pertanyaan jadi lebih dong, ini nanti jawabannya gini…. Coba ceritakan cerita-cerita yang sudah kamu baca dan dengarkan! Rapunzel, itu ada pasangan suami istri, pengen punya anak. Mereka tinggalnya di taman. Terus itu kan ada penyihir. Ah lupa deh yang depan2. Terus Rapunzel umur belasan diculik ditaruh di menara. Terus udah besarkan rambutnya panjang, terus ada pangeran datang dia lagi nyanyi, suaranya bagus, pangeran cari tahu gimana naik ke menara, ternyata dengan rambutnya. Terus Rapunzelnya turun atau pangerannya ya yang naik, lupa mbak…. Terus pangeran naya maukah kau menikah denganku? Terus mau dan menikah. Gitu mbak. Wah ini lebih banyak dari reading text. Kalau yang lain…. Snow White, ratu mengandung tapi pas melahirkan ratunya meninggal, karena anaknya putih kayak salju maka anaknya dinamakan Snow White. Terus Raja menikah lagi sama ibu tiri yang jahat. Terus lupa mbak…. Sleeping Beauty nya nggak inget sama sekali. Ok, terimakasih ya…. Iya, sama-sama ya mbak.
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: SMA Stella Duce Bantul : 26 October 2007 : Kerinci
Apakah kamu membaca reading texts yang diberi sebelum belajar listening di kelas? Yang Snow White, Rapunzel itu sudah dibaca, tapi kalau yang Sleeping Beauty belum dibaca. Mengapa kamu membaca dua teks itu terlebih dahulu dan mengapa satu teks lagi tidak dibaca? Aku pengen tahu jalan ceritanya jadi aku mau membaca dulu jadi pas mendengarkan aku sudah bisa. Kalau yang belum dibaca itu teksnya hilang. Dari pengalaman kamu membaca di rumah, apakah kamu bisa mengerti isi teks? Tahu. Bisa ngerti kok. Ada kesulitan dalam membaca sendiri di rumah? Paling hanya kata-kata sukar, itu bisa dicari di kamus sendiri. Apakah kamu tidak merasa repot dengan adanya reading texts? Tidak, soalnya saya pengen tahu ceritanya lebih dulu. Apa kamu pernah diskusi dengan temanmu mengenai apa yang sudah dibaca sebelum listening? Pernah. Misalkan aku yang tahu hanya paragraf pertama sampai tiga saja, terus tanya teman jadi ngerti semuanya. Pokoknya supaya bisa ngerti isi teksnya mbak. Menurut kamu apakah reading text itu membantu kamu mempersiapkan diri sebelum listening di kelas? Membantu. Misalnya dulu pernah baca, terus waktu mendengarkan nanti eh ada kata-kata ini, kan jadi inget lagi kata-kata init u muncul waktu dia baru lahir atau baru nikah, jadi langsung inget o ceritanya gini. Apa peranan terbesar dari teks bacaan yang diberi? Lebih membantu ke kosakata mbak. Misalnya pas listening, o katanya ini, berarti pas kejadian ini berarti ini artinya gini, gitu mbak. Apakah dengan membaca terlebih dahulu, lalu mendengarkan kamu bisa lebih mengerti ceritanya? Iya. Ketika listening section di kelas, apakah kamu bisa menangkap ide cerita secara utuh? Sebagian besar aku tangkap tapi kadang bisa kabur pas ngelamun. Tapi kan karena sudah membaca jadi bisa dilengkapi dari nginget-nginget yang sudah dibaca. Itu yang paling pokok. Pada saat listening section di kelas apakah kamu bisa menangkap detil cerita, seperti nama tokoh, tempat dan sebagainya? Aku sih sampai sekarang masih ingat ceritanya tapi nggak tahu karena aku reading text atau karena aku sudah pernah tahu ceritanya itu.
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Lalu, mengapa kamu harus membaca lagi ketika kamu diberi reading text, kan kamu sudah tahu cerita-cerita itu? Disamping ingin jadi lebih tahu pas nanti listening, ingin nambah kosakata itu. Jadi kan pas listening bisa tahu, kata ini membaca nya seperti ini, kalau keluar di listening sih. Apakah kamu senang belajar listening? Suka sih kalau dong ceritanya. Mana yang kamu pilih, belajar listening yang sudah dipersiapkan jauh hari sebelumnya, seperti yang selama ini kamu alami, atau tidak perlu dipersiapkan terlebih dahulu jadi langsung mendengarkan saja. Mending yang sudah dipersiapkan jauh hari sebelum listening, soalnya aku ngerasa lebih mantap. Bisa dibaca lagi dibaca lagi sampai ngerti dulu ceritanya. Ada perbedaan tidak ketika kamu akan belajar listening sudah membaca dan belum membaca teks? Kalau sudah membca lebih mantap itu tadi mbak, ceritanya gini…. Aku jadi berani mau menjawab pertanyaannya. Tapi kalau belum di kelas Cuma wah ini ceritanya apa…. Apakah kamu suka membaca? Tidak. Kalau kamu tidak suka membaca, apa kamu tidak merasa terbebani dengan adanya reading texts? Tidak juga. Menurut kamu reading texts yang selama ini diberikan ke kamu bagaimana? Sudah cukup baikkah? Atau masih ada yang perlu ditambahkan lagi supaya kamu jadi lebih mudah mengerti. Nggak kok sudah baik, tapi kosakatanya yang sulitdan jarang digunakan, ditambahkan di bawahnya, artinya gitu. Sekarang coba kamu ceritakan tentang Snow White yang dulu sudah pernah kamu baca dan dengar ceritanya. Di kerajaan ada ratu punya anak namanya Snow White karena kulitnya putih kayak salju, rambutnya hitam kayak eboni, bibirnya merah kayak darah. Setelah melahirkan, ratunya meninggal dan raja nyari istri baru yang ternyata punya kekuatan jahat dengan cerminnya. Ketika Snow White sudah dewasa, ia tumbuh cantik, terus ratu jahat tanya sama cermin ajaibnya siapa yang paling cantik, si cermin selalu bilang Snow white. Si ratu jahat iri, jadi ketika Snow White sedang bermain, dia menyuruh pembunuh untuk membunuh dan mengambil hatinya. Tapi pembunuhnya tidak tega membunuh Snow White, jadi dia mengambil hati binatang buas dan diserahkan ke ibu tirinya. Ketika ibu tirinya bertanya lagi sama cermin ajaib, ternyata masih Snow white yang paling cantik. Tadi kan sama pembunuhnya Snow White disuruh lari ke hutan, di hutan Snow White menemukan 7 orang kecil-kecil. Lalu dia beristirahat di tempat mereka karena sudah capek. Si ibu tiri mencari dia sambil menyamar jadi penjual apel beracun. Lalu apelnya dimakan Snow White dan jatuh pingsan. Tapi dikira 7 kurcaci Snow White sudah mati jadi diletakkan di peti kaca. Terus beberapa hari kemudian ada pangeran datang. Karena kagum
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dengan kecantikan Snow White, dia menciumnya lalu racun yang ada dalam tubuh Snow White hilang. Lalu mereka menikah. Kamu bisa menceritakan kembali dari awal sampai akhir ini berdasarkan apa? Dulu sudah pernah tahu ceritanya ditambah membaca dan mendengarkan. Oke, sekarang coba yang Sleeping Beauty. Setahuku cuma ada sebuah kerajaan yang punya anak kecil terus ayah ibunya mengundang beberapa peri itu dan semua peri memberi kelebihan, misalnya bijaksana, cantik, dan lain-lain. Ternyata ada satu peri yang tidak diundang karena dia jahat tapi dia datang dan mengutuk si Sleeping Beauty nya itu kalau sudah umur 17 pasti kena jarum dan dia akan mati. Ketika putri sudah dewasa, sudah 17 tahun, dia pergi ke menara dan di sana ada peri yang jahat tadi yang menyamar menjadi tukang jahit. Dia menawari Sleeping Beauty untuk menjahit, terus terkena jarum dan terjatuh. Lalu dia dibaringkan di kamarnya. Lalu ada satu peri yang membuat semua orang di kerajaan tertidur terus dia menumbuhkan tanaman liar. Pada suatu ketika ada seorang pangeran yang datang dengan pembantunya, dia mengambil mawar terus dikasihkan di samping Sleeping Beauty itu terus menciumnya dan akhirnya Sleeping Beauty itu bangun dan semua orang di kerajaan itu juga bangun semua. Sudah. Bisa cerita ini ingat darimana? Kalau yang ini aku hanya kerena dulu pernah tahu ceritanya soalnya kemarin aku belum baca. Bukan dari listening juga. Kalau yang Rapunzel, bisa tolong diceritakan kembali? Ada pasangan suami istri, istrinya ngidam ingin buah rapunzel dari taman. Terus suaminya mengambilkannya tapi tidak minta izin sama yang punya dan yang punya itu tukang sihir. Terus si tukang sihir marah-marah dan minta kalau anaknya lahir di kasihkan ke tukang sihirnya itu. Dan memang benar, ketika sudah punya anak, anaknya itu dikasih ke tukang sihirnya. Rapunzel diletakkan di sebuah menara yang hanya ada satu pintu. Ketika sudah dewasa, dia punya rambut yang panjang seperti emas, jadi kalau penyihir mau naik, dia minta Rapunzel menurunkan rambutnya. Suatu hari Rapunzel itu nyanyi, ada pangeran yang mendengar. Dia mendekati menara itu, dia melihat bagaimana caranya untuk naik ke menara itu. Terus pangeran mencoba cara itu sehingga dia bisa naik. Terus aku lupa, yang jelas Rapunzel itu lalu hamil, penyihir itu tahu kalau pangeran naik lewat rambutnya jadi rambutnya dipotong terus lupa… Ini bisa cerita darimana? Dari membaca dan listening. Terima kasih. Oke.
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Q: A: Q: A:
: SMA Stella Duce Bantul : 26 October 2007 : Merbabu
Apakah kamu membaca teks yang sudah diberi sebelum listening? Kan ada tiga teks ya, yang pertama aku baca, yang kedua malah tidak, lalu yang ketiga baca lagi. Mengapa kamu membaca dan mengapa tidak dibaca yang terakhir? Sebenarnya aku pengen membaca, karena disuruh juga sih tapi yang satu itu aku nggak sempat. Berarti kamu membaca hanya karena terpaksa, karena disuruh oleh gurumu? Sebenarnya ada unsur aku ingin membaca. Tapi kadang waktunya itu lo, nanti aja, nanti terus malah tidak terbaca. Yang kedua itu aku tidak membaca soalnya hilang teksnya, tapi aku semapt baca sekilas dari punya teman, tapi ya cuma sekilas dan tanpa kamus. Aku suka sebenarnya membaca teks itu asyik juga. Apakah kamu tidak merasa dibebani dengan adanya teks bacaan? Merasa repot misalnya. Oh, tidak, itu malah asyik bisa buat belajar. Berarti menurut kamu teks bacaan itu sesuatu yang positif ya? Iya. Ketika kamu membaca teks sendiri apakah kamu bisa mengerti isi teks? Sebagian besar bisa. Paling hanya kesulitan di vocab nya itupun bisa dicari sendiri di kamus. Kendalanya hanya itu sama misalnya istilah-istilah tertentu. Menurut kamu apakah teks tesebut membantu sebagai persiapan listening? Oh, membantu itu. Jadi tu, kalau sebelum listening sudah ada teks itu kan sudah ada alur ceritanya, bisa nyari juga di kamus kata-kata yang tidak tahu artinya. Kalau yang kedua belum membaca itu, sebenarnya bisa juga tapi terlalu ngoyo. Selain membantu kamu mengetahui alur ceritanya, apakah ada lagi kontribusi reading text itu saat kamu listening? Oh ada, tambah pede. Aku sudah tahu nanti ceritanya seperti ini, gitu. Apakah kamu bisa mengerti ide cerita pada saat kamu mendengarkan? Bisa, ide cerita yang dibaca dan yang didengarkan kan sama hanya ada bagian-bagian yang berbeda sedikit. Di teks ada tapi di listening tidak atau kebalikannya. Kamu kan sudah punya pengalaman sudah membaca lalu mendengarkan dan belum membaca langsung mendengarkan. Nah, ada bedanya tidak? Bisa mengerti jalan ceritanya? Ada sih. Sebenarnya susah juga mengerti ceritanya meskipun sudah diulang berkali- kali itu. Seperti yang kedua itu belum membaca jadi bingung juga walaupun sudah diulang-ulang 3 kali, masih ada bagian yang hilang. Mendengarkannya jadi ngoyo. Lalu kalau ada bagian yang hilang bagaimana kamu mengerti jalan ceritanya? Apa kamu mengingat kembali dari reading kalau kamu sudah membaca.
Q: A: Q: A:
Q: A:
Q: A:
Q: A:
Ya kalau sudah membaca terlebih dahulu bisa mengingat-ingat kembali dari reading text. Terutama teks yang Sleeping Beauty itu. Aku malah agak nggak ngerti yang pas listening soalnya kan aku duduknya jauh, jadi otomatis ya aku langsung nginget-nginget lagi dari reading text, oh nanti setelah ini, lalu begini. Apakah reading text membantu kamu supaya kamu tidak kehilangan bagian cerita ya? Iya. Jadi kadang sebenarnya nggak dong tapi terus ada kata kunci apa lalu teringat yang di teks. Dari listening di kelas saja kamu bisa menangkap detil cerita seperti nama tokoh, tempat, waktu, dayang lain-lain? Bisa juga ya. Aku bandingkan dengan Rapunzel yang aku belum baca ya, itu bisa nangkap juga kok cuma pas yang dikatakan dia mengambil rapunzel itu agak nggak dong, katanya dia nggak punya anak kok sudah ada rapunzel. Kehilangan konteks ceritanya sedikit. Menurut pengalamanmu kalau sudah membaca terlebih dahulu, apa kamu mengalami kebingungan seperti pada cerita rapunzel itu? Oh, masalahnya gini kalau sudah membaca dulu, kadang aku bingung karena yang ada di teks kadang tidak disebutkan ketika listening. Misalnya di Snow White itu yang di teks disebutkan kalau si Huntsman membawa hati binatang tapi pas mendengarkan kok nggak ada jadi agak bingung juga. Lalu berarti teks yang formatnya berbeda dengan apa yang akan didengarkan itu malah membingungkan menurut kamu? Kalau saya sih konteksnya belajar, jadi kalau mau belajar listening sebaiknya tidak perlu pakai reading text terlebih dahulu. Jadikan bisa belajar walaupun nanti nggak dong kan bisa diulang-ulang. Bagaimana menurut kamu pengadaan reading text selama ini? Sudah cukup baikkah? Oh, tergantung. Kalau kita konteksnya mau belajar sungguh, reading text itu tidak perlu. Tapi kalau mau sekalian belajar membaca reading text itu bagus untuk belajar istilah-istilah menggunakan kamus. Bisa belajar menganalisa. Kalau begitu kamu lebih memilih mana, belajar listening dengan sudah dipersiapkan dengan teks sebelumnya atau langsung mendengarkan saja paling hanya diberi sedikit penjelasan? Kalau saya, kalau ada reading text itu saya juga focus ke reading jadi aku bisa mencari tahu kata yang tidak saya ketahui. Tapi kalau listening tanpa teks itu juga malah lebih bagus, bisa sekalian belajar mendengarkan langsung walaupun nanti ada yang nggak dong tapi kan latihan. Tapi dengan adanya teks pun saya tidak keberatan. Menurut apa yang kamu tulis di kuesioner mu, kamu mengatakan bahwa kamu tetap mencoba untuk menjawab pertanyaan berdasrkan apa ynag kamu dengar tapi kamu menemukan kesulitan? Itu bagaimana? Ya namanya juga listening jadi saya mencoba untuk menjawab pertanyaan berdasrkan apa yang saya dengar, tapi ketika saya nggak bisa otomatis saya langsung mengingat kembali dari yang teks. Jadi intinya sulit juga kalau
Q: A: Q: A:
dibilang menjawab pertanyaan dari listening saja dan tidak mengingat dari teks yang sudah dibaca. Kalau begitu reading text itu tetap ada pengaruhnya ya? Bermanfaat? Oh bermanfaat sekali. Ya itu, mengisi informasi yang bolong-bolong nggak dong. Sekarang coba tolong ceritakan kembali cerita-cerita yang kemarin dipakai untuk materi ketika listening section. Dari Snow White dulu ya…. Aku ceritanya campur-campur antara yang didengar dan yang kubaca ya…. Ya awalnya itu diceritakan di sebuah kerajaan ada ratu dan raja yang baru punya anak perempuan yang cantik sekali. Lalu diberi nama karena kulitnya seputih salju, rambutnya seperti eboni, dan bibir semerah darah. Itu sama antara di listening dan reading text. Cuma kalau yang di teks itu diawali dulu ketika sang ratu sedang menjahit pas turun salju gitu. Nah, setelah melahirkan Snow White, sang ratu meninggal. Lalu raja nya menikah lagi dengan seorang ratu cantik tapi jahat, kalau di teks dibilang kalau dia punya kekuatan evil. Selain itu si ratu jahat ini juga punya cermin ajaib. Ratu tersebut selalu bertanya kepada cermin itu “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest?”ya kira-kira gitu. Dan itu selalu dijawab “You.” Pas Snow White sudah besar, si ratu kaget karena cermin itu bilang kalau Snow White jauh lebih cantik dari dia. Nah ini yang agak beda antara reading text dengan listening. Kalau di reading text dibilang bahwa si ratu meminta huntsman untuk membunuh Snow White dan membawa lungs, apa itu…. Ginjal ya, sama hatinya si Snow White sebagai buktinya. Sementara kalau di listening, tidak disebutkan kalau ratu minta tolong huntsman. Selanjutnya dari teks dibilang kalau si huntsman tidak tega mau membunuh, maka disuruh lari ke hutan. Kalau di listening itu saya agak lupa, kayaknya tidak diberi tahu, terus tiba-tiba dia lari sampai ke hutan. Gitu kayaknya. Lanjut, di hutan itu Snow White menemukan gubug yang segala sesuatunya serba kecil, ada tempat tidur kecil-kecil tujuh, ada kursi kecil-kecil tujuh, pokoknya serba kecil lah. Ternyata itu rumahnya tujuh kurcaci. Nah, waktu si ratu jahat tanya lagi sama cermin ajaibnya, masih dijawab kalau yang paling cantik itu si Snow White. Wah si ratu marah dan jadi tahu kalau Snow White masih hidup. Dia mencari ke hutan dan tiga kali menyamar untuk membunuh si Snow White itu. Pertama dia jadi penjual kain apa ya…. terus nyoba bunuh tapi gagal. Kedua dia menyamar jadi orangtua jualan sisir terus menyisir rambutnya Snow White pakai sisir beracun tapi Snow White tidak mati juga karena ditolong kurcaci. Yang terakhir dia jadi penjual apel. Snow white makan apel beracun dari dia terus pingsan. Terus, sama kurcaci, Snow White dimasukkan ke peti kaca. Suatu hari ada pangeran yang lihat Snow White dan tertarik karena kecantikannya. Terus peti itu dibawa pergi dan diperjalanan jatuh dan apel beracun keluar dari mulut Snow White dan Snow White hidup lagi. Kemudian mereka menikah dan hidup bahagia, sedangkan si ratu jahat itu kena kutuk cermin ajaibnya sendiri. Kalau yang Rapunzel itu tentang suami dan istri. Istrinya sedang hamil tua. Kalau di listening, disebutkan kalau mereka tinggal dimana, tapi kalau di reading text tidak. Wah aku agak lupa-lupa nih. Dulu itu belum baca. Ya
pokoknya intinya itu istri yang hamil tua itu ngidam buah rapunzel milik tetangganya terus minta suaminya supaya mengambilkannya. Lalu diambilkan tanpa minta dulu dengan yang punya. Lalu ketahuan dan yang punya marah. Sebagai hukumannya, kalau nanti anaknya lahir harus dikasih ke dia. Singkat cerita pokoknya anaknya dibawa ke menara tinggi supaya tidak bisa melarikan diri. Terus suatu hari ada pangeran yang dengar suara merdunya dan naik ke menara itu, ketahuan terus didorong matanya tertusuk dan jadi buta, tapi si Rapunzelnya bisa melarikan diri. Terus yang menyembuhkan mata si pangeran itu air mata Rapunzel itu. Segitu saja. Kalau yang Sleeping Beauty itu mengenai putri yang dikutuk sama peri jahat karena dulunya ketika ada pesta kelahirannya kan banyak peri baik diundang dan member anugerah baik untuk si putrid, nah peri jahat itu tidak diundang. Jadi si putri dikutuk mati kalau pada umur 17 dia menyentuh alat pemintal. Tetapi, ada peri baik hati lain yang mengubah kutuk mati itu menjadi tidur panjang. Wah terus supaya kutuk itu tidak terjadi, semua alat pintal di kerajaan itu dimusnahkan, tetapi ternyata masih ada satu. Suatu hari si peri jahat itu menyamar jadi nenek yang sedang memintal. Nah si putri melihat alat pemintal itu dan akhirnya tertusuk jarum lalu jatuh tertidur. Singkatnya lalu sama peri baik hati seluruh orang di kerajaan itu ditidurkan semua dan kerajaan itu ditutupi dengan semak belukar. Suatu hari ada pangeran yang dengar kabar kalau di tempat itu ada putrid cantik yang tertidur panjang. Dia lalu ke tempat itu dan sangat terpesona dengan putrid itu, terus diciumnya si putri dan terbangun dari tidur panjangnya, orang-orang yang lain juga bangun. Lalu pangeran dan putrid menikah. Oke, terima kasih atas waktunya.
Appendix 8: Questionnaire
QUESTIONNAIRE I answer the questions related to the stories of Snow White given by the teacher was based on: reading text I have read at home
listening section in class
both reading text and listening to the story
The reason is because ………………………………………………………….……………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………
QUESTIONNAIRE I answer the questions related to the stories of Rapunzel given by the teacher was based on: reading text I have read at home
listening section in class
both reading text and listening to the story
The reason is because ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………
QUESTIONNAIRE I answer the questions related to the stories of Sleeping Beauty given by the teacher was based on: reading text I have read at home
listening section in class
both reading text and listening to the story
The reason is because ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Appendix 10: Observation Checklist Instrumen Observasi Aktifitas Siswa Di Kelas No. 1.
Sasaran Observasi
Catatan Penting
Siswa siap mengikuti pelajaran
Siswa mengikuti pelajaran di kelas dengan motivasi belajar yang tinggi Siswa mendengarkan recording dengan serius Siswa mencatat hal-hal penting yang
berkaitan dengan cerita yang mereka dengar
Siswa mampu mengerti jalan cerita yang mereka dengarkan Siswa mampu menemukan perbedaan
jalan cerita yang mereka dengar dan yang mereka baca di rumah
9. 10.
Siswa mampu mengerjakan latihan yang diberikan Siswa terlibat aktif dalam diskusi kelompok Siswa mampu saling mengoreksi jawaban yang kurang tepat Siswa antusias untuk menghadiri pertemuan berikutnya
Aktivitas siswa di kelas yang lain atau yang signifikan: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
: : : : : _______________________________________
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
Not Observed
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:1 : IV : 25 September 2007 : 15.30 – 17.00 : MERBABU
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
Not Observed
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:1 : IV : 25 September 2007 : 15.30 – 17.00 : MERAPI
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
Not Observed
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:1 : IV : 25 September 2007 : 15.30 – 17.00 : KELUD
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
Not Observed
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:1 : IV : 25 September 2007 : 15.30 – 17.00 : KERINCI
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
Not Observed
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:1 : IV : 25 September 2007 : 15.30 – 17.00 : KRAKATAU
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
Not Observed
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:1 : IV : 25 September 2007 : 15.30 – 17.00 : BUKIT SIGUNTANG
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
Not Observed
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:1 : IV : 25 September 2007 : 15.30 – 17.00 : TIDAR
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
Not Observed
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:1 : IV : 25 September 2007 : 15.30 – 17.00 : BROMO
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
Not Observed
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:2 :I : 02 Oktober 2007 : 15.30 – 16.30 : TIDAR
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
Not Observed
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:2 :I : 02 Oktober 2007 : 15.30 – 16.30 : MERAPI
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
Not Observed
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:2 :I : 02 Oktober 2007 : 15.30 – 16.30 : BROMO
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
Not Observed
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:2 :I : 02 Oktober 2007 : 15.30 – 16.30 : KRAKATAU
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
Not Observed
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good √
√ √ √
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:2 :I : 02 Oktober 2007 : 15.30 – 16.30 : KERINCI
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
Not Observed
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:2 :I : 02 Oktober 2007 : 15.30 – 16.30 : MERBABU
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
Not Observed
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:2 :I : 02 Oktober 2007 : 15.30 – 16.30 : BUKIT SIGUNTANG
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
Not Observed
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:2 :I : 02 Oktober 2007 : 15.30 – 16.30 : KELUD
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
Not Observed
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:3 : IV : 23 Oktober 2007 : 15.30 – 17.00 : KERINCI
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story
The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story
The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story
The student is able to understand the main idea of the story
Not Observed
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:3 : IV : 23 Oktober 2007 : 15.30 – 17.00 : TIDAR
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story
The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story
Not Observed
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:3 : IV : 23 Oktober 2007 : 15.30 – 17.00 : MERAPI
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
Not Observed
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:3 :I : 23 Oktober 2007 : 15.30 – 17.00 : KRAKATAU
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story
The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story
Not Observed
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:3 : IV : 23 Oktober 2007 : 15.30 – 17.00 : MERBABU
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
Not Observed
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:3 : IV : 23 Oktober 2007 : 15.30 – 17.00 : KELUD
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story
The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story
Not Observed
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:3 : IV : 23 Oktober 2007 : 15.30 – 17.00 : BROMO
Criteria to be Measured The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story
The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence
The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story The student is able to understand the main idea of the story
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good
The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story
Not Observed
Observation Sheet for Students’ Comprehension in Listening Meeting Week Date Time Name of Participant
:3 : IV : 23 Oktober 2007 : 15.30 – 17.00 : BUKIT SIGUNTANG
Criteria to be Measured
Not Observed
The result of measurement Very Poor Fair Good good √
The student is able to answer questions related to name of people in the story
The student is able to catch specific information related to name of places from the story
The students is able to catch specific information related to time happens in the story
The student is able to catch specific information of reason of some actions happened in the story
The student is able to understand the main idea of the story The student is able to retell the story they have listened in right sequence