International Journal of Management and Administrative Sciences (IJMAS) (ISSN: 2225-7225) Vol. 4, No. 12, (76-83)
The Effort of Corruption Prevention through the Alteration of Organization Culture: Studies in Banten Provincial Government
Setiawandi Hakim Candidate Doctor of Administrative Science, Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Brawijaya Sjamsiar Sjamsuddin, Ratih Nur Pratiwi, Hermawan Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Brawijaya Abstract This research investigates about the effort of corruption prevention through alteration of organization culture. Corruption was like a natural culture in Banten province. Because it was done in every sector of employees from the head executive staff to the subordinate staff. Considering that case the researcher need to have discussion about organization culture and how to change it. This research emphasizes on how to change the inappropriate organizational culture like corruption culture to be an appropriate organization culture by using a qualitative approach and action research method. Based on the findings of the study, it can be summarized (1) The acts of corruption in Banten provincial government became an organizational culture (2) The effort of government of Banten province in preventing corruption is still low (3) There were new findings regarding the acts of corruption in Banten provincial government which have not yet arranged incorruption prevention Acts are affecting and forcing people to do corruption. Preventing corruption model through alteration of organization culture has performed as follows (a) making changes of the leadership behavior (b) assertiveness regulatory authorities (c) society involvement (d) moral-change (e) improving and equalizing employee welfare (f) changing behavior begins from the chairman to the subordinate staff (top down approach). Keywords: Corruption, Corruption-Prevention, Organization Culture, The Organization of Local Government, The Government of Banten.
76 Copyright ©Pakistan Society of Business and Management Research
International Journal of Management and Administrative Sciences (IJMAS) (ISSN: 2225-7225) Vol. 4, No. 12, (76-83)
1. INTRODUCTION Officially Banten become a thirtieth (30) province in the Republic of Indonesia since 2000. The goal stated in Banten province vision establishment was to create religious society, to respect and to protect the society right and honour, realizing welfare of society, togetherness, equality, tolerant and justice attitude accordance the heritage is owned (Mansur, 2001: 162-166). The goals aspired by the people of Banten to form Banten as a province become very hard to be reached. Corruption, moral responsibility and attitude became main factors. Corruption in Banten became the big issues in Indonesia because, not only involve the regional leadership but also Banten provincial government employees, officers and society. Corruption was like a culture in Banten provincial government because corruption was done by employees from the top leaders of executive staff and also involved the parliament of Banten province, society and it was done since Banten was formed. (Tempo Newspaper, December 10, 2010) Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) said Banten province was noted as province which has the largest corruption. "One of the reason was the monopoly of power in government and lack of budget funds used for supervision purposes," said ICW coordinator Ade Irawan on anti-corruption seminar in Tigaraksa, Tangerang. Considering the case, this research found it necessary to examine, to describe and to analyze the prevention of corruption through the change of organization culture. (1) Reviewing, describing and analyzing corruption acts (2) Reviewing, describing and analyzing the efforts of Banten provincial government in preventing corruption. (3) Reviewing, describing and analyzing how to prevent corruption through the alteration in organizational culture in Banten province (4) Reviewing, describing and analyzing the kind of changes of corruption culture through the alteration in organizational culture in Banten provincial government. 2. RESEARCH METHODS This research emphasizes on how to change the inappropriate organizational culture which is corruption culture to be an appropriate and integrated organization culture. This research were using a qualitative approach and action research study. By using qualitative methods the researcher expected to get accurate data directly from informants through interviews and cooperate with the staff who are able to give the data regarding this research. Strauss (1970) as quoted by Umar (3008: 5) stated that the qualitative research is flexible, both development strategies and form, therefore the characteristics are not definitive. The informants include (1). Executive in Banten provincial government (2). The Government civil staff of Banten province (3). Retired public servant civil Banten province (4). Government civil servants who become ex-convict corruption in Banten provincial government (5). People who register themselves as candidates for civil servants (6) Banten provincial government inspectorate as a supervisory regions (7). People who have information and data relevant to the focus of research and available as an informant. Corruption in Banten Provincial Government. Corruption in the province of Banten has been done since Banten was formed by all elements in government administration. These kind of acts of corruption were in the high intensity, or it can be said that the act of corruption was done every time or every day. This may indicate that the acts of corruption in the province of Banten already entrenched or become a culture in Banten provincial government. Banten provincial government has established policies to combat corruption and offer solutions for its prevention but the implementation of the policy is ineffective. Society’s support of government's policy of Banten province in the prevention of corruption was still low. The employees’ role to create obedience or discipline in implementing policies Banten provincial government in the prevention of corruption was still lacking. Employees need the example of leader’s action in implementing government policy of Banten province. To increase the role of bureaucracy government in Banten province to prevent corruption, implementation of the policy in the prevention of corruption that have been made should be implemented effectively, should increase society’s support in the prevention of corruption, and improve the role of
77 Copyright ©Pakistan Society of Business and Management Research
International Journal of Management and Administrative Sciences (IJMAS) (ISSN: 2225-7225) Vol. 4, No. 12, (76-83)
employees in creating obedience or discipline in the policy of prevent corruption by getting example of implementing from the leaders. The effectiveness of a policy will be achieved when the policy was implemented by policy makers and all elements in it. Ineffectiveness of policies implementation was an indication that role of government was still low. Banten provincial government’s role in the prevention of corruption was considered low if the society involvement was still lacking and the discipline of employees and officials in carrying out the policy of prevention of corruption is very low. Corruption Prevention Efforts through the Alteration of Organization Culture Corruption that has become an organizational culture in Banten province could be changed into better and positive integrated organizational culture. The change could be incorporated because the government of Banten province has owned basic asset that most employees in the government of Banten province which are innovation to rise the desire and generate ideas in corruption prevention at work environment. The value of honesty and respect for individual rights in the prevention of corruption can still be found in employees’ mind, therefore the employees are expected to adhere to an integrated organization and ready for collective action in the prevention of corruption. Prevention of corruption through alteration in organizational culture in Banten provincial government could be done with changes in the behavior of the leadership, assertiveness regulatory authorities, community involvement, moral change sustainability, development and distribution of welfare of employees and the prevention of corruption starting from the top level to the bottom or top down models. Diagrammatically, effort of changing the culture of corruption organization into the organizational culture of integrity or anti-corruption culture in Banten provincial government depicted as follows:
Reached the
The alteration should be done
• •
The capital of alteration organizational culture (Employee Innovation to prevent corruption, the Environment who appreciate innovation, expectation for the organization of integrity, a collective action)
from the top level proceed to
the lowest level (top down)
country / region
The process of alteration organizationalculture
Organization culture of integrity (anticorruption)
The efforts of alteration organizational culture (Changing behavior leadership,
There were no
Assertiveness regulatory
losses countries /
authorities, community
involvement, moral change, improvement and distribution of welfare of employees.)
Figure 1. The Model changing effort of the culture of corruption organization into integrated organizational culture
78 Copyright ©Pakistan Society of Business and Management Research
International Journal of Management and Administrative Sciences (IJMAS) (ISSN: 2225-7225) Vol. 4, No. 12, (76-83)
3. CONCLUSION The conclusion that could be drawn regarding acts of corruption in Banten provincial government was the fact that corruption in the government of Banten province has become a culture of the organization. There were acts of corruption that have not been regulated in the laws in corruption eradication, it will influence others to do corruption and pressing / forcing others to do corruption, therefore it is advisable to change the corruption eradication act by adding some rules regarding the matter. The role of government bureaucracy in Banten province in the prevention of corruption was low, this was because of; 1) Banten provincial government in the prevention of corruption was only making the Governor regulation on the prevention of gratification. 2). Policies that have been made were not implemented. 3). Corruption prevention policy was ineffective. 4). Involvement and community support to the policy of prevention of corruption was still low, and 5). Discipline employees and officials in carrying out corruption prevention policy was very low. Corruption at the Banten provincial government could be prevented through alteration in organizational culture as it is a basic asset to change the culture in the organization, which is; employees who have innovated to have desire and generating ideas of corruption prevention in work environment. The values of honesty and respect for individual rights in the prevention of corruption was still ingrained in employees, the employee expected from the organizations to have integrity and ready to undertake collective action in the prevention of corruption.
79 Copyright ©Pakistan Society of Business and Management Research
International Journal of Management and Administrative Sciences (IJMAS) (ISSN: 2225-7225) Vol. 4, No. 12, (76-83)
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