THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
Nanda Adi Guna 112007022
THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
Nanda Adi Guna 112007022
This thesis contains no such material as has been submitted for examination in any course or accepted for the fulfillment of any degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my knowledge and my belief, this contains no material previously published or written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text. Copyright@ 2013 Nanda Adi Guna and Prof. Dr. Gusti Astika, M. A. All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced by any means without the permission of at least one of the copyright owners or the English Department, Faculty of Language and Literature, Satya Wacana University, Salatiga.
Nanda Adi Guna:
PUBLICATION AGREEMENT DECLARATION As a member of the (SWCU) Satya Wacana Christian University academic community, I verify that: Name
: Nanda Adi Guna
Student ID Number
: 112007022
Study Program
: English Language Teaching Department
: Language and Literature
Kind of Work
: Undergraduate Thesis
In developing my knowledge, I agree to provide SWCU with a non-exclusive royalty free right for my intellectual property and the contents therein entitled: “The Correlation Between Emotional Intelligence and Students’ Achievement in SMA Negeri 3 Salatiga” along with any pertinent equipment. With this non-exclusive royalty free right, SWCU maintains the right to copy, reproduce, print, publish, post, display, incorporate, store in or scan into a retrieval system or database, transmit, broadcast, barter or sell my intellectual property, in whole or in part without my express written permission, as long as my name is still included as the writer. This declaration is made according to the best of my knowledge. Made in
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: 10 January 2013
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Prof. Dr. Gusti Astika, M.A.
Hendro S. Husada, S.Pd., M.A.
THE CORRELATION BETWEEN EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENT IN SMA NEGERI 3 SALATIGA ABSTRACT This study investigated the correlation between emotional intelligence and students’ achievement in SMA Negeri 3 Salatiga. It used Spearman Rank Nonparametric Correlation Test to check the correlation. The data for the study were collected from the questionnaire and grades taken from the students’ grade book reports. The analysis shows that there was no correlation between emotional intelligence and students’ achievement. Key Words: emotional intelligence, students’ achievement, SMA Negeri 3 Salatiga
INTRODUCTION Emotional intelligence (EI) is an important aspect for students’ achievement because emotional literacy programs improve children’s academic achievement scores and school performance (Goleman, 1995). One with good EI is possible to be succeed in life for he/she is able to take charge the habit in thinking that encourages productivities (Widagdo, 2001). Furthermore students’ awareness affect not only in the daily activity but also in the learning process (Goleman, 2001). Goleman (1995) also says that smart students do not depend on only the cognitive intelligence called Intellectual Quotient (IQ), but also depend on how they can manage their emotion, because IQ contributes 20% only to the factors that determine life accomplishments and rest 80% is something else (ibid). O’Neill (1996) remarked that EI can make a difference in life’s successes. It is
concluded that EI is very important for its big effect in students’ achievement (Goleman, 1995; O’Neill, 1996; Widagdo, 2001). Emotional Intelligence Goleman (1995) defines EI as the ability to persist against frustration, impulse control, gratification-delay, self-motivation, mood regulation and distress avoidance from swamping the ability to think, hope and sympathize. Moreover, EI also refers to the capacity or ability to recognize feelings and those of other, forgiving motivation and for managing good emotions and for relationship. Furthermore, O’Neill (1996) stated that EI is a different way of being smart. It includes of knowing what the feelings are and using the feelings to make good decisions in life. EI can well manage mood distress, control impulses and also persuades motivation to keep hope and optimistic spirit in working toward goals. Empathy provides an understanding of others’ feeling. Social skills provide the ability to get along well with others, manage relationship, persuade or lead others. In addition, Gottman (2001) argues that good EI leads to attitude of being calm, hard to be contaminated by diseases, good concentration on what they are doing, good in building relationship to others and good in the academic life. Goleman (1995) divided EI into five components. The first three intrapersonal components were self-awareness, self-regulation and self-motivation. The last two interpersonal components were empathy and managing people (social skill). The first component of EI is self-awareness. Self awareness means having a deep understanding of the emotions and the way to manage feeling that affects the
emotions. Having good self-awareness means able to well recognized emotions. Confidence occurs because of emotion self-understanding. Self-awareness provides a positive view to face real life and puts aside bad moods. Goleman (2001) states that self-awareness is the main skill that influences of how an individual works. Having good self-awareness means have good intuition in works dealing with human. Self-awareness helps to make a good decision even in a not good condition. Goleman (1995) further pointed out that self-awareness also takes the form of recognizing strengths and weaknesses, and seeing a positive but realistic light (and so avoiding a common pitfall of selfesteem movement). It means high self-awareness will earn better achievement because it helps to avoid common pitfall and cover up weaknesses. The second component of EI is self-regulation or managing emotion. Selfregulation means a skill that helps people show their emotions in socially appropriate ways. It helps to control anger, sadness, and fear. Goleman (2001) explained that self-regulation means controlling self-emotion to give positive impact in doing a job. It considers intuition to delay pleasure before achieving the goals. It also includes the ability to recover from the emotion pressure. EI skills are not easy skills to do because differentiations of emotions need to be done at the same time. For example, when someone gets many problems in life, someone could not be angry to others that are not related to the problems. Thus, emotions should be well managed for the right purpose and in the right way.
Actions within a good self-regulation will be according to etiquette and integrity. Having good self-regulation makes students more responsible, careful and patient in order to get a better achievement. Thus, it can be concluded that self-regulation influences students’ achievement in class. Self-motivation is the third component of EI. Self-motivation is a desire that drives someone to achieve expectations. Motivating oneself is related to having hope and being optimistic. Highly self-motivated individuals are not driven by external rewards; desire is the tool to get an achievement (ibid). Goleman (1995) also proposed that hope can motivate someone to feel resourceful enough to find ways to accomplish goals and reassure flexible acts to get better achievements. Objectives are subject to change in impossible case to break down into simpler and manageable situations (ibid). Self-motivation makes strong expectation that things in general will turn out to be fine, instead of occurring many setbacks and frustrations. Ormond (2008) added that motivation leads to the improvement of performance. In addition, Goleman (2001) stated that to make a successful performance, one must love the work and find enjoyment in doing it. Students should have selfmotivation because students with self-motivation will have effort to increase and improve themselves and to show the power to achieve a good performance in work. The first three skills are intrapersonal skills that someone should have to succeed. Empathy is another skill (interpersonal) that gives contribution to
success in the future life. Empathy means thoughtfully considering one’s feeling; along with the process of making intelligence decisions. It is also a core skill required for working in a team (sense and understand the view of everyone); experiencing globalization (cross culture activity sensitivity); and retaining talent (coaching and mentoring). The ability to control other people’s emotions will make the ability to shape an encounter, move and inspire others and thrive intimate relationship (Goleman 1995, pp. 128-129). The art of handling others’ emotions can manage emotions in others. Yet, to do this, someone has to first control self-emotions, such as from anger or excitement impulse. Empathy is also described as a consciousness of self feelings and needs as well as someone else’ needs (Goleman, 2001). Empathy makes understanding toward others. It can also create a good relationship as believing and adapting to the others. The last component of EI is managing relationship or social skill. Social skill is related to others’ in social situations. It is the ability to carry on a conversation and dealing with others’ emotions or in the other words is to know how to act appropriately toward what the other’s feel (Goleman 1995, pp. 46-47). People can use this skill to influence and to lead, discuss and solve the conflicts and to cooperate with the team. One of the components of this skill is a skill to communicate. Intellectual is nothing if someone cannot work with others people. Someone will not be able to work maximally and performance successfully with uncomfortable atmosphere. Bad communication will never create a nice relationship. Communication is the way to deliver feelings and ideas to others.
Communication can also avoid misunderstanding (ibid). Students with good social skill will have more confidence and better achievement when the teacher conducts group discussion. Communication skill is very important for students when they should perform in front of the class. Good relationship with others, will avoid many negative pressures from others. Research by Shapiro (2001) showed that students with good EI are happier and more successful in their study. Based on the discussion above, the research question for this study was “Is there correlation between emotional intelligence and students’ achievement in SMA N 3 Salatiga?” The objective of this study was to find out if there was a correlation between EI and the students’ achievement. This study could help the teacher to be aware of students’ EI that might affects students’ performance. THE STUDY The Participants The participants of this study were students of 10th grade in SMA Negeri 3 Salatiga. The number of the participants who participated in this study were 57 students. It consisted of 33 female students and 24 male students. The participants were taken randomly from all classes of 10th grade students. Data Collection Data collection used a questionnaire and students’ final grades. First, the questionnaires were given to the participants. Then, the questionnaires were submitted to be analyzed. Second, the students’ final grades were taken from the second semester total grades in students’ book reports. The final grades were
obtained from 16 subjects: religion, civics, Indonesian, English, mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, history, geography, economics, sociology, sport, information technology, English communication and Javanese. Research Instrument The research instrument was a Likert Scale questionnaire modified by Hadi (1991). There were four options provided in the questionnaire. The total items of the questionnaire were 56. The questionnaire options were grouped into two; “favorable” and “unfavorable”. Favorable statements were statements with positive answers “totally agree” and “agree”. Unfavorable statements consisted of negative answers “disagree” and “totally disagree”. The options were “totally agree”, “agree”, “disagree” and “totally disagree” and the scores were 4, 3, 2, 1; respectively. Unfavorable items were scored 1, 2, 3, 4. 1 is for “totally agree”, 2 is for “agree”, 3 is for “disagree”, 4 is for “totally disagree”. Table 1: Components of Questionnaire Aspect
Self Awareness
1, 4, 6
2, 3, 5
Self Regulation
7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 11, 17 16
Self Motivation
18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 19, 21, 27, 28, 30, 31, 29, 33, 34, 36
32, 35
37, 39, 41, 43, 44
38, 40, 42,
Managing People
45, 47,48,49,51,53,54,55
46, 50, 52, 56
The first column shows aspects that were used as the theoretical frameworks of the questionnaire. There were five aspects of EI: self awareness, self regulation, self motivation, empathy and managing people. The second column has favorable items numbers in the questionnaire. The third column has unfavorable items numbers in the questionnaire. Data Analysis In order to find the correlation of EI and students’ achievement in SMA Negeri 3 Salatiga, the data were analyzed using Spearman correlation analysis. DISCUSSION The aim of the analysis was to find the relationship between EI’s questionnaires and students’ final grades. The final grade was interval, while the questionnaire data was ordinal. The final grades were converted into ordinal score of 1, 2, 3, 4. The final grades from 0-25 were converted into 1, 26-50 were converted into 2, 51-75 were converted into 3, 76-100 were converted into 4 (Brown, 1988). After that, the data was analyzed using Spearman Rank Correlation. The normality and linearity were not tested because the data were analyzed by nonparametric test. Data were analyzed using SPSS 20. The -1 and 0, or 0 and +1. The closer the
value would always be between
value to +1 or -1 indicated a stronger
relationship between the variables. The Correlation between Emotional Intelligence and Students’ Achievement The correlations from two variables were analyzed using Spearman Rank Nonparametric Test, because the data were ordinal. The hypotheses were:
H0: There is no significant correlation between Emotional Intelligence and students’ achievement. H1: There is a significant correlation between Emotional Intelligence and students’ achievement. Table 2: Correlation of Emotional Intelligence and Students’ Achievement Correlations EI_Score Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (1-tailed) N
Spearman's rho
Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (1-tailed) N
The significance of two variables were determined using the following procedures: 1) If the probability is <0.05, then the two variables are significant. 2) If the probability is >0.05, then the two variables are not significant. The correlation coefficient shows the strength of the correlation between variables as seen below: 1)
0.00 – 0.199 the correlation is very weak.
0.20 – 0.399 the correlation is weak.
0.40 – 0.599 the correlation is fair.
0.60 – 0.799 the correlation is strong.
0.80 – 1.000 the correlation is very strong.
(Sugiyono: 2006: p216)
As indicated in table 2, the significance level of the correlation between EI and student’s achievement was 0.208, which was higher than 0.05. Therefore, the relationship between the two variables was not significant or H0 was accepted. CONCLUSION From the result of the correlation test, it can be concluded that there was no correlation between EI and students'achievement in SMA N 3 Salatiga. This was different with Goleman’s (2001) theory mentioning that learners who have high EI will have good achievement (grade). Students with high EI could be successful although they have average IQ, because they could use the five aspects of EI, so they will focus more on their study and get good grades. The result of the study in fact Winkel’s (2004) opinion mentioning that pictured intelligence in a narrow concept is the ability to reach the goal in school, which is usually considered as the main action in life. Intelligence in the narrow concept is usually called as “academic skill” or “intellectual quotient”. Based on that theory, students who have high IQ will also be good in grade. IQ shows intelligence level (Winkel, 2004). EI affects students’ performance in the affective setting, while the grades of the students more on the cognitive setting which is affected by IQ. So the EI only gives little contribution to the students’ performance, because the performance of the students is measured by their grades.
Acknowledgements This thesis would not have been completed without the help and support from many people. Therefore, I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to the following people who have assisted me in completing my thesis. First, I would like to express my utmost gratitude to the Almighty God for giving me just what I need when I need it the most. I would also like to extend my appreciation to my family especially for my mother Ester Iriani, my brother Vivan Anjas Sukma and my uncle Agus Dharmanto. Moreover, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Dr. Gusti Astika, M.A. as my supervisor, I thank to his kindness and patience in giving good suggestions for me and also Hendro Setiawan Husada, S.Pd., M.A. as my examiner. Last but not least, I would also like to thank to Mr. Edy Suparman, Mr. Supardi Baskoro, Prof. Slameto, Petra Kristi, M.Ed., Wahyudi, M.Pd., Kriswandani, S.Si., M.Pd., friends and teachers in SMA Negeri 3 Salatiga.
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APPENDIX 1 Questionnaire Nama : Kelas : Isilah beberapa penyataan dibawah ini dengan mencentang pada salah satu kolom (sangat setuju/setuju/tidak setuju/sangat tidak setuju) yang sesuai dengan anda. No.
Bila saya marah, saya tahu alasannya
Saya tidak tahu bagaimana keadaan emosi pada diri saya Saya tidak suka dengan keadaan fisik saya Saya tidak terganggu dengan perkataan orang lain mengenai diri saya Saya sering menyakiti diri saya
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Saya selalu mempertimbangkan perbuatan saya dengan suara hati saya Saya mampu mengungkapkan emosi saya langsung kepada yang bersangkutan Saya tahu cara untuk mengatakan tidak Saya mampu mengatasi kecemasan walau sulit Saya mampu melawan ketakutan yang saya alami Saya sering berlarut-larut dalam kesedihan Saya mampu melampiaskan emosi dengan baik Saya dapat menemukan cara untuk melampiaskan emosi yang negative dengan cara positif
Sangat Setuju Setuju
Tidak Setuju
Sangat Tidak Setuju
Saya selalu tenang dalam menghadapi masalah Saya memiliki cara untuk menenangkan diri jika perasaan sedang kacau Saat saya marah karena tidak dapat mengerjakan soal ujian, saya mampu mengontrol kemarahan itu Saya sering menyakiti diri sendiri bila sedang marah Saya selalu berusaha sebaik-baiknya dalam mengerjakan tugas Saya tidak peduli dengan tugas-tugas yang diberikan oleh guru disekolah Saya mampu mengatur waktu belajar dengan baik Saya hanya belajar jika ingin saja, atau jika akan ujian Saya selalu semangat ketika mengikuti pelajaran walupun sudah siang Saya berusaha tetap semangat ketika belajar walau sudah lelah Saya mempunyai semangat yang tinggi dalam mencapai prestasi Jika menghadapi masalah, saya akan menyelesaikannya sampai selesai Saya tidak tenang jika belum mengerjakan tugas Saya selalu berhenti jika merasa tidak mampu lagi mencari cara untuk memecahkan masalah Saya selalu merasa apa yang saya kerjakan kurang sempurna Saya tahu bagaimana menghargai pekerjaan saya sendiri ketika sudah mencapai sasaran Saya tidak yakin dengan apa yang akan saya lakukan Saya takut dicemooh oleh teman karena pekerjaan saya atau ide-ide saya
15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.
Sangat Setuju Setuju
Tidak Setuju
Sangat Tidak Setuju
Saya selalu ragu dengan apa yang saya kerjakan Saya selalu optimis dalam mengerjakan tugas sekolah Saya dapat menunda bermain demi sasaran yang lebih besar, menjadi 3 besar misalnya Saya tidak peduli dengan nilai-nilai pelajaran saya Saya harus dapat mewujudkan citacita saya Dalam bergaul saya dapat merasakan perasaan teman-teman saya Saya jarang terdorong untuk menghibur teman yang sedang sedih Saya selalu memberikan apa yang dibutuhkan teman wlaupun tidak diminta Saya tidak mau tahu apa yang dibutuhkan orang lain Saya dapat meninggalkan kegiatan saya demi menolong mereka yang membutuhkan Saya tidak akan membantu jika tidak diminta Saya sering menawarkan banutan kepada kepada teman bila mereka tampak sedang membutuhkan Saya memperhitungkan perasaan oranglain dalam berinteraksi dengan mereka Saya senang menjalin hubungan dengan orang baru Saya tidak senang bergaul
33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.
Saya akan minta maaf jika saya bersalah Saya tidak suka berprasangka buruk kepada teman Saya dapat membuat orang yang baru saya kenal berbicara mengenai diri mereka sendiri
Sangat Setuju Setuju
Tidak Setuju
Sangat Tidak Setuju
Saya sulit berbicara dengan orang yang tidak satu pandangan dengan saya Saya selalu berterus terang jika ada hal yang mengganggu pekerjaan kami Saya sulit mendapat teman
51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.
Saya banyak menunjukkan perhatian dan rasa sayang kepada teman-teman Saya tetap berusaha menjaga hubungan dengan orang yang kurang saya sukai Saya selalu memberikan sedekah kepada pengemis Saya tidak pernah menyumbang untuk amal
Sangat Setuju Setuju
Tidak Setuju
Sangat Tidak Setuju
APPENDIX 2 Participants’ Scores of Emotional Intelligence and Final Grade
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