Deputi Menteri LH, Masnellyarti Hilman menyerahkan penghargaan ISRA kepada Presiden Komisaris PT Bumi Resources Tbk Suryo Soelistio, di Flores Room, Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta. The Minister Deputy for the Environment, Masnellyarti Hilman presented Indonesia Sustainability Report Award (ISRA) to President Commissary of PT Bumi Resources Tbk, Suryo Soelistio, in Flores Room, Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta
KPC Raih ISRA 2006 PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) kembali membuktikan diri sebagai perusahaan tambang yang bertangung jawab. Setelah menerima berbagai penghargaan, Kamis (6/9), KPC menerima satu lagi pengghargaan, yakni Indonesia Sustainability Report Award (ISRA) tahun 2006, yang diselenggarakan oleh Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia, Kompartemen Akuntan Manajemen (IAI-KAM).
enghargaan yang diterima oleh perusa haan tambang batubara yang beroperasi di Kabupaten Kutai Timur itu adalah Best Sustainability Report, sebuah penghargaan tertinggi dalam bidang pelaporan kegiatan pembangunan berkelanjutan di bidang sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan. Penghargaan juga didasarkan kepada pelaksanaan good corporate governance, kode etik, corporate social responsibility atau CSR serta kinerja di bidang hak asasi manusia, kepegawaian, kesetaraan gender, dan sebagainya. Penghargaan tersebut diberikan oleh Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup yang diwakilkan kepada Deputi Menteri LH Masnellyarti Hilman, dan diterima oleh Presiden Komisaris PT Bumi Resources Tbk Suryo Soelistio, di Flores Room, Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta. Ketua Dewan Juri Profesor Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro, Ph.D mengatakan, KPC meraih penghargaan terbaik karena memiliki kelengkapan laporan dan lebih transparan serta memenuhi kriteria dan standar yang disyaratkan dalam Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) versi 3.0. Dewan juri terdiri dari para akademisi, praktisi bursa efek, akuntan, jurnalis, pemerintah, dan LSM yang independen. (Silvester)
KPC Achieved 2006 ISRA PT Kaltim Prima Coal once again proved itself as the responsible mining company after receiving 2006 Indonesia Sustainability Report Award for The Best Sustainability Report, on Thursday (6/9), organized by Indonesia Accountant Association, Management Accountant Compartment.
he Best Sustainability Report is the highest award in the field of sustainable development report for social, economic and environment area. The appreciation was also determined by the implementation of good corporate governance, code of conduct, corporate social responsibility and the company performance on human rights, labour, gender diversity, etc. The award was presented by the Minister Deputy for the Environment, Masnellyarti Hilman as the representative of the State Minister for the Environment and received by President Commissary of PT Bumi Resources Tbk, Suryo Soelistio, in Flores Room, Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta. The Head of Judges, Proffessor Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro, Ph.D stated KPC had achieved the best award due to company’s report fulfillement in term of transparancy and implementation of GRI version 3.0. standard. The judges consisted of academician, stock exchange practitioners, accountant, jurnalists, government, and independent NGO. (Silvester)
Pada Edisi Maret-April 2007 terdapat kesalahan pemuatan foto karya Iqbal Musammil selaku juara I Lomba Menggambar Perayaan K3 tahun 2007. Pada edisi tersebut foto yang ditampilkan ada foto karya M Ruli Muhram (juara III). Gambar Iqbal Musammil yang benar adalah sebagaimana terlihat di sebelah kiri.
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Revision 1.
Pada Kabara edisi Mei-Juni 2007, pada halaman 32 berita dengan judul “Pelatihan MPP tahun 2007” terdapat beberapa kesalahan : Pada alinea pertama tertulis, “ ..melalui seksi Professional Development,” yang benar adalah “ …melalui seksi Staff Development – Learning & Development Dept bekerjasama dengan PT.Primakelola Agrobisnis Agroindustri (PKAA)- IPB. Masih pada alinea pertama dituliskan “…pelatihan MPP tahun 2007 digelar selama tiga hari, Senin-Rabu (7-9/5)”, yang benar adalah “…pelatihan digelar, (7–11/5). Kemudian pada alinea ke empat tertulis, “Berbagai keluhan disampaikan kepada Smukadis…”, yang benar adalah “Berbagai keluhan disampaikan kepada Sartono Mukadis (Psikolog)”
There was a mistake on Kabara March -April 2007 edition pertaining to the installment of Iqbal Musammil painting as the First Winner of the Painting Competition for 2007 Occupational Health and Safety Celebration. The painting being presented on that edition was the work of M Ruli Muhram (Winner III) instead of Iqbal Musammil’s. The correct Iqbal Musammil’s work is as shown in the picture.
There were some mistakes on page 32 of Kabara May-June 2007 edition under the article entitled “2007 Pension Preparation Training” as follows: The first paragraph was written, “ ..through Professional Development section,” it should read “ …through Staff Development – Learning & Development Dept in cooperation with PT.Primakelola Agrobisnis Agroindustri (PKAA)- IPB.” It was also written in the first paragraph that “…2007 Pension Preparation Training is held for three (3) days (7-11/5)”, it should read “…the training was held on (7–11/5). It was written in the fourth paragraph, +6-*t"(64564 “Many complaints were expressed before Smukadis…”, it should read34 “Many complaints were expressed before Sartono Mukadis (Psychologist)”
KPC Kembali Raih Peringkat Emas Kerja keras dan kesungguhan manajemen dan karyawan PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) dalam hal pengelolaan lingkungan tambang, kembali mendapat apresiasi dari Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Untuk ke delapan kalinya, KPC meraih sertifikat peringkat emas Program Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan Pertambangan Batubara (PROPER BATUBARA) tahun 2006/2007, tingkat Propinsi Kalimantan Timur.
roper emas tersebut diberikan kepada KPC atas keberhasilannya dalam mengelola lingkungan tambang yang diberikan oleh Asisten II Setprov Kaltim Nusyirwan Ismail kepada Imanuel Manege, Manager Environmental Department KPC, di Samarinda, Rabu (20/6). Untuk periode tahun 2006/2007 ini, KPC tampil sebagai penerima proper emas tunggal, diantara seluruh perusahaan yang dinilai, diantaranya perusahan sektor tambang batu bara, sektor perkebunan dan kehutanan, manufakturing dan perusahaan jasa pelayanan umum seperti rumah sakit. Penghargaan tersebut diperoleh setelah diada kan serangkaian audit terhadap pela ksa naa n pengelolaa n lingkunga n dan program pengembangan masyarakat di KPC. Audit tersebut dilakukan oleh Bapedalda Propinsi Kalimantan Timur, Dinas Pertambangan Kalimantan Timur dan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kutai Timur. ” Pe n g h a r g a a n i n i t e n t u s a n g a t membangga kan. Ha l ini menunju kan adanya konsistensi sikap, bahwa pengelolaan lingkungan merupakan hal yang utama di perusahaan,” kata Imanuel Manege usai menerima penghargaan. Manege lebih lanjut mengatakan, perolehan proper emas tidak terlepas dari dukungan semua pihak, terutama para manajemen KPC dan karyawan. Sementara untuk tambang Bengalon yang meraih proper biru, Imanuel Manege mengatakan, wajar Bengalon meraih biru karena usianya masih tiga tahun. Bahkan menurut Imanuel, perolehan biru untuk tambang baru seperti tambang Bengalon adalah suatu prestasi. Pihaknya terus melakukan perbaikan dan dibandingkan dengan tahun lalu, pencapaiannya jauh lebih baik. ”Kita berharap tahun depan ada peningkatan peringkat untuk tambang Bengalon,” imbuhnya. Selain bidang lingkungan, program pengembangan masyarakat juga menjadi perhatian serius KPC. Berbagai program yang terkait dengan kepentingan masyarakat, terus
dikembangkan. Sedikitnya ada tujuh bidang yang menjadi perhatian utama KPC, yaitu pengemba nga n agribisnis, p e n i n g k a t a n p e nd i d i k a n dan pelatihan, peningkatan kesehatan masyarakat, pembinaan UKM (Usaha Kecil dan Menengah), pembangunan infrastruktur, pelestarian alam dan budaya, serta bantuan kepada masyarakat. (silvester) Manajer Lingkungan KPC, Immanuel Manege mewakili KPC menerima penghargaan proper emas diserahkan oleh Asisten II Setprov Kaltim, Nusyirwan Ismail Immanuel Manege, Manager Environment KPC, represents KPC to receive gold environment award delivered by Nusyirwan Ismail, Assistant II to Provincial Secretary of East Kalimantan
KPC Successfully Win Gold Award Again Hard work and commitment of the management and employees of PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) in the management of mining environment have been appreciated by the Government of East Kalimantan Province. This is the eight one that KPC is awarded with gold sertificate on Coal Mining Company Performance Ranking Program (PROPER BATUBARA) year 2006/2007 of East Kalimantan Province. This award constitutes an appreciation for KPC success in the management of mining environment granted by Assistant II of East Kalimantan Provincial Secretary, Nusyirwan Ismail to Imanuel Manege, Manager Environmental Department KPC, in Samarinda, Wednesday (20/6). For this 2006/2007 period, KPC becomes the only one recieving the gold award among all companies being audited. Those companies include coal mining, plantation and forestry, manufacturing and general service provider such as hospital. The award was given after a series of audit of the implementation of environmental management and community development program at KPC. The audit was conducted by the Regional Environmental Impact Control Body of East Kalimantan Province, Mining Agency and Environmental Agency of East Kalimantan. ”KPC is certainly very proud of this award. This demonstrates a consistency of attitude that the company has prioritised the environmental management,” Imanuel Manege said after receiving the award. He further said that the success in obtaining this gold award cannot be seperated from the supports given by all parties, particularly the management and employees of KPC. As for Bengalon mine that was granted by blue certificate, he said that it is natural that Bengalon obtained the blue certificate because Bengalon is just in its first three years of operation. He even stated that blue certificate for such a new mining as Bengalon should be considered as a success. His department continues to make improvement; as a result, the achievement gets much better compared with that of the previous year. ”We hope that Bengalon will get higher ranking next year,” he further said. Apart from the environment sector, KPC has also paid serious attention to the community development program. Various programs relating to community interests continue to be developed. At least, there are seven (7) sectors that KPC has prioritised, namely agrobusiness development, education and training improvement, community health betterment, Small and Medium Enterprises development, infrastructure construction, natural and culture conservation and assistance to the community. (silvester)
Atasi Krisis Air Bersih, Operator PDAM diberikan Pelatihan Ketersediaan air bersih masih menjadi masalah serius di seluruh Kabupaten Kutai Timur (Kutim). Selain ketersediaan air yang terbatas, masalah yang sering dijumpai adalah, air yang diproduksi Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) memiliki kualitas yang kurang memadai. Seringkali air yang dialirkan ke rumah penduduk itu tidak jernih, berbau, memiliki warna kecoklatan dan bahkan pernah berlumpur.
etelah dilakukan survei atas kerja sama PDAM Sengata dan PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC), ternyata salah satu masalahnya adalah para operator PDAM kurang memiliki pemahaman memadai untuk mengoperasikan peralatan yang dimiliki. Para operator kurang memahami teknik mencampur bahan kimia penjernih air dan pengoperasian mesin intake PDAM. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) bekerja sama dengan PDAM menggelar pelatihan bagi para operator PDAM, yang dilangsungkan selama lima hari, di Sengata. Materi pelatihan antara lain menyangkut penanganan mesin intake PDAM dan teknik mencampur bahan kimia penjernih air, dengan menghadirkan instruktur yang cukup berpengalaman dalam masalah air bersih Galuh Boyo Munanto. Saat ini Galuh telah menjadi konsultan KPC dalam bidang air bersih, setelah sebelumnya menangani hal yang sama di Sidoarjo dan Surabaya. Pelatihan yang mencakup materi dan praktek itu, diikuti belasan operator PDAM dari Sengata, Bengalon, Rantau Pulung dan sejumlah operator dari berbagai kecamatan pedalaman. “Semoga pelatihan ini bisa mengatasi krisis air bersih di Kutai Timur, karena terus terang saja, operator kami belum pernah diberikan pelatihan sejenis,” ungkap Kepala PDAM Sengata Fahmi. General Manager External Affair and Sustainable Development (GM ESD) KPC Harry Miarsono mengatakan, pelatihan digelar sebagai bentuk perhatian perusahaan terhadap peningkatan kualitas air bersih bagi warga Kutai Timur. Model pendampingan ini tidak berhenti pada pelatihan semata, namun juga pada monitoring kemajuan kerja para operator tesebut. Sehingga dapat dilihat hasilnya sebag i bentu k kepedu lia n K PC ya ng berkesinambungan kepada persoalan air di Sengata khususnya. (silvester)
Konsultan KPC Galuh Boyo Munanto sedang memberikan training kepada operator PDAM se Kutai Timur Galuh Boyo Munanto, KPC Consultant, delivers training to East Kutai PDAM operators.
Training for Municipal Waterworks (PDAM) Operators in an Effort to Cope with Clean Water Crisis Clean water supply continues to be a serious problem for the whole area of East Kutai Regency. In addition to limited supply of water, the problem most frequently occurs is the quality of water produced by PDAM is below the standard. Very often, the water channeled to the people houses is not clear, stinky, in brownish color and sometimes even muddy.
aving been surveyed by PDAM Sangatta in cooperation with PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC), it turned out that one of the problems is that PDAM operators don’t have sufficient understanding on the operation of the available equipment. Tecnically, they don’t know how to mix water purifying chemical substance and to operate PDAM intake machine. To solve the problem, PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) in cooperation with PDAM organised a five-day- training designed for PDAM operators in Sengata. The training materials include, among others, handling of PDAM intake machine and technique of mixing water purifying chemical
substance taught by Galuh Boyo Munanto, an instructor who has had lots of experiences on clean water. Having completed the same job in Sidoarjo and Surabaya, he has currently been a consultant for KPC on clean water sector. The training that includes theory and practice was attended by PDAM operators from Sengata, Bengalon, Rantau Pulung and a number of operators from various hinterland sub-districts. “It is expected that this training will be able to overcome clean water crisis in East Kutai. Frankly speaking, our operators have never been given this kind of training,” said Fahmi, Head of PDAM Sengata Fahmi. Harry Miarsono, General Manager External Affair and Sustainable Development (GM ESD) KPC, said that the training is given as a manifestation of the company’s concern over the improvement of water quality for the people of East Kutai. This type of assistance, however, is not an end in itself, the progress of operators’ skills is also monitored. In this way, the result it shows can be seen as a form of KPC’s concern over water problem particularly in Sengata. (silvester)
Sosialisasikan GCG dan Code of Conduct,
BUMI Gelar Quiz SMS Mr. Spirit Telah menjadi komitmen seluruh jajaran Komisaris, Direksi dan manajemen PT Bumi Resources Tbk. untuk menerapkan praktik international good corporate governance (“GCG”) dalam menjalankan usahanya. Guna mensosialisasikan GCG dan Code of Conduct, berbagai cara ditempuh Bumi, salah satunya adalah dengan menyelenggarakan Quiz SMS MR. Spirit.
uis ini ditujukan untuk semua karyawan tetap dan kontraktor PT Bumi Resources Tbk. beserta anak perusahaannya. Peserta yang ikut kuis cukup mengirimkan SMS berisi informasi nomor ID, dan kode perusahaan tempat bekerja. Selanjutnya, pihak penyelenggara akan mengirim informasi seputar GCG dan Code of Conduct melalui SMS kepada para peserta. Pada SMS terakhir, penyelenggara mengirimkan satu pertanyaan yang harus dijawab peserta. Pengundian pemenang Quiz SMS Mr Spirit dilakukan di Commerce Club, Wisma Bakrie 2, 16 Agustus silam. Acara pengundian dibuka oleh Suryo B. Sulisto, Presiden Komisaris PT Bumi Resources Tbk. Dalam sambutannya, beliau meyakini bahwa hadiah bukan satu-satunya tujuan bagi peserta Quiz dalam mengikuti program ini. Keikutsertaan peserta dalam Quiz merupakan bukti kesadaran dan komitmen manajemen dan karyawan untuk secara bersama-sama menerapkan GCG dan Code of Conduct di lingkungan Perusahaan. Pada kesempatan itu, Suryo B. Sulisto mewakili seluruh jajaran Direksi, Komisaris maupun manajemen mengucapkan terima kasih kepada para peserta serta panitia Quiz SMS yang telah berpartisipasi dan mewujudkan terlaksananya Quiz SMS. Peserta yang beruntung mendapatkan hadiah kuis berupa motor Kanzen Taurus (I), handphone Nokia N70 (II) dan handphone Nokia
6300 (III) adalah Arsuni (pemenang I) dari PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC), Suparsinggih (pemenang II) dari PT Arutmin Indonesia, dan Toren (pemenang III) dari KPC. Hadiah diserahkan langsung oleh Suryo B. Sulisto, Presiden Komisaris PT Bumi Resources Tbk. kepada para wakil pemenang masing-masing perusahaan. Selain dihadiri manajemen BUMI, acara pengundian kuis ini juga dihadiri manajemen KPC dan Arutmin serta karyawan BUMI dan anak perusahaan yang bertugas di Jakarta. (Zulfa) Suryo B. Sulisto, Presiden Komisaris PT. Bumi Resources memberikan hadiah sebuah handphone Nokia 6300 kepada Karmila Gina Erliana, Government Relation Officer mewakili Toren (KPC). Suryo B. Sulisto(PT. Bumi Resources President Commissary) presented reward of Nokia 6300 handphone to Karmila Gina Erliana (Government Relation Officer) as the representative of Toren (KPC).
BUMI Launches Mr. Spirit SMS Quiz for the Socialisation of GCG and Code of Conduct It has become the commitment of all Commissioners, Directors and Management of PT Bumi Resources Tbk. to implement an international practice of good corporate governance (“GCG”) in doing the business. Various methods are taken in an effort to roll out GCG and Code of Conduct, one of them is to launch MR. Spirit SMS Quiz.
his quiz is designed for all permanent employees and contractors of PT Bumi Resources Tbk. as well as its affiliates. The Quiz participants only need to send SMS containing data on ID and code of the company where she/he works. Then, the committee will send the participants information on GCG and Code of Conduct through SMS. In the last SMS, the committee sends one question that must be answered by the participants. The lottery for the winners of Mr Spirit SMS Quiz was conducted at Commerce Club, Wisma Bakrie 2, on 16 August. The lottery session was openned by Bapak Suryo B. Suli sto, P re sid e nt
Commissioner PT Bumi Resources Tbk. In his speech, he expressed his belief that the prize shall not be the only objective of the participants in joining this program. Participation in this Quiz reflects a manifestation of awareness and commitment of the management and employees to collectively implement GCG and Code of Conduct at every Company. In this occassion, Bapak Suryo B. Sulisto representing all Directors, Commissioners and Management expressed his gratitude to the SMS Quiz’s participants and committee who have taken part and contributed to the success of SMS Quiz. The winners eligible for the prizes of motor Kanzen Taurus (I), mobilephone Nokia N70 (II) and Nokia 6300 (III) is Arsuni (winner I) from PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC), Suparsinggih (winner II) from PT Arutmin Indonesia and Toren (winner III) from KPC. The prizes were directly given by Bapak Suryo B. Sulisto, President Commissioner PT Bumi Resources Tbk. to the representatives of the winners from each company. This quiz lottery was not only attended by BUMI management, but also KPC and Arutmin managements, employees of BUMI and employees of affiliates assigned in Jakarta. (Zulfa)
Posman Sirait, Manajer Learning and Development Service mewakili Arsuni (KPC) menerima penghargaan sebuah motor Kanzen Taurus. Penghargaan diberikan oleh Suryo B. Sulisto, Presiden Komisaris PT. Bumi Resources Posman Sirait (Learning and Development Service Manager) as the representative of Arsuni-KPC, received reward (kanzen Taurus motorcycle). The reward was presented by Suryo B. Sulisto (PT. Bumi Resources President Commissary) +6-:t"6(645
Bupati Kutim Resmikan Prima School “Saya menyambut baik dan berterima kasih atas pembangunan sekolah baru ini, semoga menjadi sekolah modern yang mampu menghasilkan anak didik yang berkualitas,” demikian sambutan Awang Farouk, Bupati Kutai Timur pada persemian SD YPPSB 3 atau yang lebih dikenal dengan isitilah Prima School, Juni silam. Pada tahap pembelajaran tahun ini, SD yang diharapkan memenuhi standar nasional bahkan internasional ini, baru membuka kelas I-IV.
Utoro, Chief Operating Officer yang mewakili KPC mengaku bangga atas berdirinya Prima School. “Saya berharap sekolah ini mampu mewujudkan model pendidikan yang berkualitas secara nasional dan bahkan internasional, tidak hanya megah dari sisi bangunannya saja,” ungkap Utoro dalam sambutannya. Bangunan Prima School yang menelan biaya sekitar Rp 6,5 milyar ini, merupakan pembangunan tahap awal dari keseluruhan rencana pembangunan yang ada. Lahan yang telah disediakan untuk keseluruhan bangunan mencapai 3,4 ha. Berbeda dengan SD YPPSB 1 dan 2 yang hanya membuka kelas untuk anak karyawan PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC), Prima School membuka diri untuk masyarakat umum. Sebanyak 30-40 kursi dari 360 kursi yang tersedia diperuntukkan bagi putra-putri non karyawan KPC. “Kita ingin menghilangkan persepsi bahwa hanya anak karyawan KPC yang bisa sekolah di YPPSB,” ujar ketua Yayasan YPPSB, Bambang Saptono. Keberadaan Prima School sendiri merupakan salah satu ujud kepedulian KPC terhadap dunia pendidikan di Kutai Timur. “Berdirinya Prima School merupakan bagian dari program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) KPC dalam bidang pendidikan,” kata Harry Miarsono, GM ESD. Peresmian ini dihadiri oleh berbagai k a l a n g a n , s e p e r t i u n s u r Mu s p i d a , manajemen KPC, tokoh masyarakat, dan para guru di lingkungan YPPSB sendiri. Tidak ketinggalan, sejumlah siswa dengan berbagai atraksinya turut memeriahkan acara peresmian ini. Atraksi marching band,
paduan suara, dan tari yang dibawakan oleh para siswa SD dan SMP YPPSB memukau para tamu undangan.
Setelah upacara peresmian usai, Bupati Kutai Timur, Awang Farouk beserta hadirin yang lain meninjau kelas dan fasilitas lain yang tersedia di SD Prima School. (Zulfa)
Bupati Kutim, Awang Faroek Ishak menyalami Utoro, COO KPC, disaksikan harry Miarsono, GM ESD, Sam Alwie Alkaaf, GM HR, dan Ketua YPPSB Bambang Saptono usai menanda tangani prasasti SD III Prima School. Awang Faroek Ishak, Regent of East Kutai, shakes hand with Utoro, KPC COO, witnessed by Harry Miarsono, GM ESD, Sam Alwie Alkaaf, GM HR and Bambang Saptono, Head of YPPSB after signing the epigraphy of Elementary School III Prima School
Regent of East Kutai Inagurating Prima School “I respecfully welcome and express my gratitude to the development of this new school. I hope that this will become a modern school capable of producing qualified students,” Awang Farouk, Regent of East Kutai, said during his address last June on the inauguration of Elementary School 3 of YPPSB which is also known as Prima School. During this academic year, the Elementary School that is expected to achieve national and even international standard, is available for students of Grade I-IV only.
Utoro, Chief Operating Officer represeting KPC admitted that he was proud of the establishment of Prima School. “I expect that this school is not only amazing in terms of its building but also capable of realising a nationally and even internationally qualified model of education,” Utoro said in his speech. The Prima School building, which costs approximately Rp 6.5 billions to construct, constitutes an early stage of the overall existing construction plan. A total area of 3.4 ha has been made available for the whole building. Unlike Elementary School of YPPSB 1 and 2 where only the children of employees of PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) are elligible to attend, Prima School will also be available for the public. A total of 30-40 out of 360 available seats are to be allocated for the children of non-KPC employees. “We intend to wash away a perception that it is only children of KPC employees who are eligible for attending the school of YPPSB,” said Bambang Saptono, the Head of YPPSB Foundation. The presence of Prima School itself is a manifestation of KPC’s concern over the education sector in East Kutai. “The development of Prima School constitutes a part of KPC Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program on education sector,” said Harry Miarsono, GM ESD. This inauguration was attended by various parties, such as personnel from Muspida, KPC management, public prominent figures, and teachers of YPPSB. A number of students also took part in this event by presenting various performances to enliven this inauguration program. The student performances, which consist of marchingband, choir and dances and was presented by the students of Elementary School and Junior High School of YPPSB, successfully impressed the auduiences. After the inauguration concluded, Awang Farouk, the Regent of East Kutai together with another guests observed the classrooms and another facilities available at Elementary School of Prima School. (Zulfa) +6-:t"6(645