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Tematické okruhy pro opakování k maturitní zkoušce
číslo dokumentu: V-UDP-7491
Anglický jazyk nepovinně volitelný
Studijní obor: Název oboru a jeho zaměření, kód oboru: Mechanik seřizovač (23-45-L/002) Mechanik silnoproudých zařízení (26-42-L/001) Podnikání (64-41-L/524) Provozní technik (23-43-1/506) Elektrotechnik (26-41-1/503)
Školní rok: 2012 – 2013 1. Talking about myself, my friends -personal identification - characteristics of my friend - my future plans 2. Going to the cinema and theatre - visit of the cinema and the theatre, personal experience - comparison of the cinema and the theatre - talking about films and plays 3. Sports and games, physical education - attitude to sports
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Tematické okruhy pro opakování k maturitní zkoušce
číslo dokumentu: V-UDP-7491
- evaluation of P.E. lessons at school - sorts of sport activities 4. My daily programme, leisure time - daily routine sharing - spending of leisure time - weekdays x weekends 5. Great Britain - basic facts (capital,population, the largest cities, symbols) - land and climate, government, political system, economy - places of interest 6. In the countryside, in a town - advantages and disadvantages of living in the countryside and in a town - distinction of the countryside and a town, - places of interest in my region 7. The U.S.A. - basic facts (capital,population, the largest cities, symbols) - land and climate, government, political system, economy - places of interest 8. My hometown - information about the city/town/village where I live - population, history and development, cultural and sport facilities - sightseeing 9. Weather, seasons of the year - characterisation of seasons of the year - weather forecast - climate
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Tematické okruhy pro opakování k maturitní zkoušce
10. Holidays, festivals - celebrations and holidays, their course - Czech versus English speaking countries celebrations - the way how I celebrate 11.English speaking countries - examples of english speaking countries - what the english speaking countries are famous for - short description, comparison of the same aspects 12.The Czech Republic - basic facts (capital,population, the largest cities, symbols) - land and climate, government, political system, economy - places of interest 13.Prague, London - history, historical monuments - cultural life and places to visit - transportation, economy, tourism 14.My favourite English, American writer - different kinds of literature - analysis of my favourite book - analysis of a writer´s life and work 15.School and me - my attitude to school, my favourite subject - my typical day at school - description of school facilities 16.Health and diseases - types of illnesses
číslo dokumentu: V-UDP-7491
verze: 1.0 strana: 4/5 počet příloh: 0
Tematické okruhy pro opakování k maturitní zkoušce
číslo dokumentu: V-UDP-7491
- how to keep fit - at the doctor´s 17.Famous people of the world - experience with a celebrity - examples of famous people and their works/acts - character and appearance of a famous person 18.Food, at the restaurant - my eating habits - cooking – ways of cooking, food preparation - eating at a restaurant - international cuisine 19.Houses, household - description of the place where I live, my future plans about housing - rooms and their equipment - types of dwelling 20.Travelling, means of transport, in a hotel - different means of transport usage - accommodation - reasons for travelling, personal experience 21.Environment, problems of ecology - how to behave friendly to environment - basic ecological problems - how I contribute to better environment 22. Occupation, plans for the future -my career, my ideal job -getting a job
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Tematické okruhy pro opakování k maturitní zkoušce
číslo dokumentu: V-UDP-7491
- job opportunities 23. Television, radio, newspapers - ways of communicating - characteristics of modern technology - usage of television, radio and newspapers generally and in my life 24.My family - characteristics of family members - family celebrations - my future family 25.Shopping - types of shops - my approach to shopping - shopping in my town
Žďár nad Sázavou 7.11.2012 Zpracovala: Mgr. Bc. Veronika Zachovalová, Ph.D.