ENGLISH TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS IN HOMESCHOOLING (A Descriptive Study to The Seventh Grade Students at Homeschooling KakSeto Solo in Academic Year 2015/2016) THESIS
Submitted as a partial Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana inIslamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty
Subject : NurulMunfaridah SRN
: To : The Dean of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty IAIN Surakarta
Assalamu’alaikumWr.Wb. After reading thoroughly and giving necessary advices, herewith, as the advisor, we state that : Name : NurulMunfaridah SRN
HOMESCHOOLING (A Descriptive Study to The Seventh Grade Students
Homeschooling KakSeto
Academic Year
2015/2016)” Has already fulfilled the requirements to be presented before the board of examiners (Munaqosah) to gain Sarjana Degree in Islamic Education and English Faculty. Thank you for the attention. Wassalamu’alaikumWr.Wb. Surakarta, December 27th 2016 Advisor,
Novianni Anggraini, M.Pd. NIP. 19830130 201101 2 008
I proudly dedicate this thesis especially for: 1. My beloved father (Moh.Sholeh) and mother (TitikHidayati) 2. My beloved brother (Ahmad Mubarok) 3. My beloved grandfathers ( MbahJuremi and MbahSukrin) 4. My beloved grandmothers ( MbahSulastri and MbahSuadah) 5. My lovely families. 6. All my friends.
صبَ َرظَفِ َر َ َم ْن Whoever be patient must be obtainable
Verily, with every difficult, there is a relief (Al-insirah: 6)
Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah, the single power, the lord of the universe, master of the day of judgment, God all mighty, for all blessings and mercies so the researcher was able to finish this thesis entitled “ENGLISH TEACHING
Descriptive Study to The Seventh Grade Students at Homeschooling KakSeto Solo in Academic Year 2015/2016)”.Peace be upon Prophet Muhammad SAW, the great leader and good inspiration of world revolution. The researcher is sure that this thesis would not be completed without the helps, supports and suggestions from several sides. Thus, the researcher would like to express her deepest thanks to all of those who had helped, supported, and suggested her during the process of writing this thesis, this goes to: 1. Dr.MudhofirM.Pd, as the Rector of the State Islamic Institute of Surakarta. Thanks for giving permission for the researcher‟s research. 2. Dr. H. Giyoto, M. Hum, as the Dean of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty. Thanks for giving permission for the researcher‟s research. 3. Dr. ImroatusSolikhah, M.Pd, as the Head of English Education Department of Teacher Training and English Education Faculty. Thanks for giving permission for the researcher‟s research. 4. Novianni Anggraini,M.Pd, as the advisor who has given his time to guide the researcher until this thesis finished. Thanks for the advice, suggestion, and guidance.
5. All the lecturers and officials employees of the English Department of Teacher Training and English Education Faculty of State Islamic Institute of Surakarta. Thanks for giving the service and time during the researcher‟s study. 6. The family of Homeschooling KakSeto Solo. The headmaster Supriyati, the HRD Heny Erna Setyawati, and the English tutor Kak Mimi, KakHeru, KakNindy, thanks for permission to conduct the research and collect the data. 7. My teacher religion KH. Muh. Mahbub, M.Si and Dr. Hj. KamilaAdnani, M.Si who always support and prays me to finish this thesis. 8. The researcher‟s parents (Muh. Sholeh and TitikHidayati) thanks for the guide, endless love, support, and prayers in every step researcher makes. 9. The researcher‟s brother (Ahmad Mubarok) thanks for the support and prayers to the researcher. 10. The researcher‟s grandfather and grandmother (Juremi, Sukrin, Sulastri, Suadah) thanks for support, struggle, prayer, blessing and everything. 11. My special one (BintangAjiPermana C), thanks for your care, helps, support, and your prayers for my success. 12. My beloved best friend SitiBadriyah (Ist), thanks for your motivation, help, prayers, and who always support me to finish this project soon. Also for beloved sister (UmiSolikah), thanks for your support and prayers. 13. The researcher‟s beloved friends in English education 2012, especially mbIza, mbRatih, Qurnia, Qoirina, Ririn, Rahayu, mbNuril, Insiyah, Ida,Retno, Rapita, Risa, „Ain, and all member of the G class, thanks for togetherness and cooperation. Also thanks for beloved friends in Islamic Boarding House(Ponpes Al-Fattah), especially for Ust. Azam, Ust. Willy, Rozak, Siwil, viii
Qomariah,Ria,Oiq,DekShol, Hervinda, Susi, Uun, Riska, Anisfatmawati, Nelaoktavia, EmaKrismon,WahyuNur S,Uyun, Maryam, Ihdathanks for your supporting and pray until this thesis is finish. You are my best friend, I never forget all of you anytime and anywhere. The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. The researcher hopes that this thesis is useful for the researcher in particular and the readers in general.
Surakarta, January 26th 2017 The researcher
NurulMunfaridah SRN.
ABSTRACT Nurul Munfaridah. 2016. ENGLISH TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS IN HOMESCHOOLING (A Descriptive Study to The Seventh Grade Students at Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo in Academic Year of 2015/2016)
: Novianni Anggraini, S.Pd, M.Pd
Key Words
: Speaking Skill, Teaching learning, Homeschooling.
This research is aimed to describe the English teaching and learning process in the seventh grade Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. There are three objectives in this research, they are, 1) describing the material used by the tutor to teach homeschoolers, 2) describing the strategies used by the tutor to teach the homeschoolers, 3)describing the problems faced by the English tutor and the homeschooler when they are teaching and learning English. This research used qualitative method that the approach was descriptive form. It was done in Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. The subject of this research is seventh grade in Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. They were seventh students in the class. They were five homeschoolers who are normal and two homeschoolers who have hearing impairment, so that they wear hearing aids. The techniques of the collecting the data used by the researcher are observation, documentation, and interview. The researcher tried to verify the data based on data reduction, data presentation, and then drawing conclusion. In this study, the researcher used method triangulation. The result of this research shows that: (1) the material used by the tutor were procedure text, giving & asking for help, expression sorry & gratitude, and present continuous, (2) the teaching strategies that were used by the teacher were direct instruction teaching strategy, interactive teaching strategy, experiential/empirical teaching strategy, independent teaching strategy (3) there some problems faced by the teacher and the students during the teaching and learning process.
TITLE ..............................................................................................................
ADVISOR SHEET ..........................................................................................
RATIFICATION ..............................................................................................
PRONOUNCEMENT ......................................................................................
DEDICATION ................................................................................................
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..............................................................................
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................
LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................
CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study............................................................................
B. Identification of the problem......................................................................
C. Limitation of the Problem
D. Problem Statements ...................................................................................
E. The Objective of The Research ..................................................................
F. The Benefit of the Research .......................................................................
G. Definition of Key Terms ............................................................................
CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED THEORIES A. Definition of Teaching Learning................................................................
B. Teaching Learning Process ........................................................................
1. Definition of Teaching Learning Process ............................................
2. The Component of Teaching Learning Process ...................................
3. The Procedures of Teaching Learning Process ....................................
4. The Strategy Used in English Teaching ...............................................
C. Teaching Learning English ........................................................................
D. Principles of English Teaching .................................................................
E. The Nature of Speaking ............................................................................
1. The Definition of Speaking ..................................................................
2. The Components of Speaking ..............................................................
F. Teaching Speaking ....................................................................................
1. The Definition of Teaching Speaking .................................................
2. The Classroom Techniques of Teaching Speaking ............................
3. The Problems of Speaking Skill .........................................................
4. Micro Skill of Speaking ......................................................................
5. The Assessment of Speaking Skill ......................................................
G. Review on Non Formal Education ............................................................
1. The Nation of Non Formal Education ................................................
2. The Characteristic of Non Formal Education ....................................
H. Homeschooling .........................................................................................
1. Definition of Homeschooling ..............................................................
2. Characteristic of Homeschooling ..........................................................
3. Terms Implementations of Homeschooling ..........................................
4. The History of Homeschooling .............................................................
5. The Types of Homeschooling ...............................................................
6. The Responds of Choosing the Homeschooling ...................................
7. The Curriculum and The Evaluation of Homeschooling ......................
8. Homeschooling KakSeto Solo ..............................................................
Previous Related Study .............................................................................
CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Method ........................................................................................
B. Place and Time of Research .......................................................................
C. Source of Data ............................................................................................
D. The Research Instrument............................................................................
E. The Technique of Collecting Data .............................................................
F. The Data Analysis ......................................................................................
G. The Trustworthiness of the Data ................................................................
CHAPTER IV : RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Introduction ................................................................................................
B. Research Finding........................................................................................
1. The Material Used by The Tutor to Teach Homeschooler in Homeschooling KakSeto Solo in Academic Year 2015/2016 ............. xii
2. The Strategy Used by The English Tutor to Teach the Homeschoolers in Homeschooling KakSeto Solo in Academic Year 2015/2016 .............
3. The Problems Faced by The English Tutor and the Homeschooler When They are Teaching and Learning English in Homeschooling KakSeto Solo in Academic Year 2015/2016...............................................................
C. Discussion ................................................................................................
CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ................................................................................................
B. Suggestion ..................................................................................................
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................
APPENDICES .................................................................................................
Field Note ................................................................... 100
Interview .................................................................... 106
Documentation of teaching learning process ............. 128
This chapter presents about background of the study, identification of the problem, limitation of the problem, problem statements, the objective of the research, the benefit of the research, and definition of key terms. A. Background of the Study Language is a communication means tool that is very important in human life in a sociable fellow, in scientifically, language can be understood as an orderly arrangement, which is patterned to form a meaningful whole or function. Thus it can be understood that the language has a regular nature, patterned, meaning and function. Harmer (1998:4) states that language is an intensely political issue since it is bound up with identity and power. As a consequence of its lingua franca status, English sometimes finds itself in conflict with more local languages, such as Welsh in Wales, or French in parts of French-speaking Canada. Brown (2000:5) states that, “language is a system of arbitrary conventionalized vocal, written, or gestural symbols that enable member of a given community to communicate intelligibly with one another.” Pinker in Brown (2000:5) also gives statement that language is a complex, specialized skill, which develops in the child spontaneously, without conscious effort or formal instruction, is deployed without awareness of its underlying logic, is qualitatively the same in every individual, and is distinct from more general abilities to process information or behave intelligently. 1
From the statements above, it can be concluded that language is a special and complex skill acquired by children spontaneously and unconsciously. It is used by all people to communicate each other intelligible by using a system of sounds, written, gestural symbols or even the children use language in their social interaction”. English is one of many languages in this world. English as an Internationallanguage and it isspokenby many peoplearoundthe world.English is important to learn and to teach. In Indonesia, English is taught since elementary school until high school and university. It means that students in Indonesia have learned English for years. English is required to be learnt by student in searching of knowledge such as in the rehabilitation schools, boarding schools and home schools or homeschooling. In Indonesian, the translation of homeschooling is "home school". This term is used officially by the Ministry of National Education to mention homeschooling. In addition, homeschooling is sometimes translated by the term independent school. Homeschooling is an alternative educational model which is other than in school. The common understanding of homeschooling education modeling in which a family chooses to be solely responsible for the education of their children and educate their children by using the house as a base of education. Parents should be responsible on their children's education. Responsible means the full involvement of parents in the process of education, starting in determining the directions and purposes of education, values which are to be developed, intelligence and skills that would be achieved, curriculum and learning materials to the learning methods and
practices which will be learnt by their children everyday.Sumardiono (2007: 36). It can be implied that the process of homeschooling is centered in the home, but the process is not just homeschooling generally takes place at home. The homeschooling parents typically use whatever, and anywhere for homeschooling of their children education. Mulyadi (2007:48) adds that homeschooling will take the children to learn in the real world, in nature. Homeschooling can free the children to learn anything of interest and things he likes. According to Sisdiknas, the establishment of Homeschooling is a legal activity which is certified by the law based on Undang-UndangRepublik Indonesia Number. 20 Year 2003 about National Education System (UU Sisdiknas No. 20/2003),Article 1 Paragraph 1: "Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process, so that learners are actively developing their potential to have the spiritual, self-control, personality, intelligence, character, and skills that needed by themselves and their society , nation and state". Equality Education Director, General Directorate of School Education Department of National Education, Yulaelawati mention Homeschooling is an informal educational system where the study results can be compared. The learners can move through informal system to non formal system with credit transfer competence. If students want to follow the national exam equality (for Elementary School is a package A, Junior High School is package B, and Senior High School is package C), The students‟ learning outcomes
homeschooling can be recognized from the report card, portfolio, CV (curriculum vitae), certification, and various forms of other achievements and the placement test Mulyadi(2007: 14-15). The government does not regulate the standards of the content and the process of informal education services. However, the results of this informal education can be recognized at the formal and non formal education, if the family wants equality of votes. It is appropriate to Pasal 27 inUU 20/2003 “1)The informal education activities conducted by the family and the environment to create
independent learning activities, and (2) the results of informal education is recognized as same as the formal and non-formal education after the students pass the exam which is appropriate to the national education standard”. HomeschoolingKakSeto Solo was inaugurated on May 15, 2010 by Ir.H.JokoWidodo as the mayor of Solo. Homeschooling KakSeto Solo was established on the basis of the condition of education development for 20072009 is still not able to accommodate a child model or criteria for children with uniqueness of each and with the direction of KakSeto Solo, in Solo Homeschooling need to be established. Homeschooling KakSeto Solo is a non-formal education. Non-formal education is an organized educational activity outside the established-schooling system, committed intentionally to serve learners in order to achieve specific learning goals. Coombs in Abdulhak (2012:19).Homeschooling
namely;Community, Distance Learning, and Semi community.Community is a learning process where participants gathered in a classroom to learn and socialize with their friends. In this community, the schedules of studying are
determined by Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. Distance Learning is a learning process where homeschoolers learn at home or another places accompanied by their parents as the main tutor. Parents can use the tutors‟ services from Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. Semi Community is a system of learning in which participants learn at home, and adopt the learning system of gathering in a class. It is forming a group with instructional time remains like a community. The levels of schools in Homeschooling KakSetoSolo are started from elementaryschool,juniorhigh school,senior high school
and in every class
wasfilled by maximum 10students.Homeschooling KakSeto Solo also has the portfoliotask. Portfolio task is an escort assignment for the enrichment of students, the task was given on the early months such as on the date 3-5 and the children submit it on the 28 of each month. Homeschooling KakSeto Solo itself also has extracurricular.The first,there
swimming.The second,there areextracurricular in junior high school; drawing, swimming, futsal, photography. The third, there are extracurricular in senior high school; drawing, swimming, futsal, photography, and dance. The Implementation of the swimming extracurricular is Agas Hotel, while the implementation of photography is appropriate with the necessary depending on the tutor it self. Learning time is started from 07:30AM to 12:00AM. After that, the homeschooler do extracurricular or intra-curricular. Both of the activities include into portfolio. Using rapport in the Homeschooling KakSeto Solo is similar with formal school as final test. There are regular
homeschooler and non-regular homeschooler in Homeschooling KakSeto Solo. The
Subjects in Homeschooling KakSeto Solo are
natural science, social science, Indonesian, English, PKN, while the intracurricular are religion, culture and art, TIK, Sport. In English, there are four skills of reading, listening, speaking, and writing. But the researcher is interested to study one of the four skills, it is speaking.Because speaking in Homeschooling KakSeto Solo is more superior than the other skills and there are most seventh grade homeschooler are active in speaking. The curriculumapplied by Homeschooling KakSeto Solo in teachinglearning to the seventh grade homeschooler is Kurikulum Tingkat SatuanPendidikan (KTSP) or in other terms is the Curriculum of 2006 and it is mixed by using curriculum of KakSeto Solo itself. There are 11 students in the seventh grade, consisting of 7 students attend Community programs, while 4 students attend Distance Learning program. The programs above are based on homeschoolers differentiation.Therefore, the researchers chose to conduct a study to the Community program of the seventh grade homeschoolers. Based on the pre observation in the Community program of the seventh grade homeschoolers, the researcher found some phenomena happened there. The first phenomena came from the homeschoolers. There are many types of homeschoolers in the school, there are two homeschoolers in a class who non-regular homeschoolers. They are deaf homeschoolers who wear hearing aid. Even though they wear the hearing aid, they not always study well in class. Like other homeschoolers, each homeschooler has different ability
such as, incompatible with the formal education system, difficult to follow formal education, disturbances in learning. Although the seventh grade homeschoolers in Community program have different problems, they are active in teaching and learning process especially speaking skill. They are better in learning than eight grade and nine grade. The second phenomenon come from the teaching learning process, the teaching learning process that happened in this school used non-formal education. The teaching and learning process in Homeschooling KakSeto Solo more fun, more familiar, to avoid the monotonous teaching. To avoid monotonous teaching and learning process, the students usually study in the classroom and outside of the classroom, the outside of the classroom is as in Balekambang. In Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo, the homeschoolers wear the free dress. It is different with formal education which is obligated wear uniforms. The strategy used by the tutor is also interesting. The tutor gives the topic and the homeschoolers say a sentence in the topic repeatly. It can make the homeschoolers are fluent in speaking, in order to search for the required vocabulary, learning of direct practice appropriate with the material. Additionally, in Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo the homeschoolers also are given the question and game that related material on that day. HomeschoolingKakSeto Solois more focus on each individual. In the learning, the homeschoolers also use a handbook from Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. In the teaching and learning process, the media that is used is the whiteboard, markers, mobile phones, etc. Mobile is used as a dictionary and BBM multi-chat (the learning process using the BBM application). Multi chat
that is used homeschoolers to answer all of the questions from the tutor and the condition in the classroom atmosphere is silence. At the teaching and learning process, there are homeschoolers who are active and there are also homeschoolers who are less active. When tutor give material that is taught that day, there are homeschooler who directly understand with the material, and there are also homeschoolers who must be guided to understand with the material. The teaching and learning process in Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo is begun from a praying, repeating the material that was taught yesterday, giving the new material and closing. At the closing process usually teachers give the questions related to the material that is taught that day, its function is to determine whether the homeschoolers understand with the material that is taught or not. At the teaching learning process, the homeschoolers are given
tasks that appropriate with the
different level
because the ability of each individual is different. The evaluation of the teaching learning process is the direct practice of each individual. After learning, the students write down the material that taught in communication book. In Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo has five meetings in a month. The day of the meetings is Friday and Thursday but on Thursday in the second week in every month. The time used in english teaching learning process is shorter. It is started at 7:30 till 8:30 pm. Based on description above, the researcher conduct a research entitled “ENGLISH TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS IN HOMESCHOOLING” ( A Descriptive Study to The Seventh Grade Students at Homeschooling KakSeto Solo in the Academic Year of 2015-2016)
B. Identification of The Problem The are some difficult on teaching learning process of speaking skill at seventh grade in Community program Homeschooling KakSeto Solo : 1. Tutor must find out strategy to teach English in order to make homeschooler interested not bored. 2. To find the problems faced by the English tutor and the homeschooler when they are teaching and learning English?
C. Limitation of The Problem There are some aspects that could be analyzed in this research activities. Therefore, so to avoid the large scope of discussion. The researcher makes limitation to the both of subject and object of the research. 1. Subject Limitation The subject of this research is the seventh grade homeschoolers in Community program of Homeschooling KakSeto Solo. Because the researcher interviewed the first time, the interviewee said that the seventh grade is more active than the other grade. 2. Object Limitation The object of this research is English teaching-learning process in Homeschooling. Speaking English skills, will be researched to know the process of teaching and learning in the Homeschooling. With views of the materials and strategies used by tutor to teach homeschoolers in the seventh grade, and the problems faced by homeschoolers when they learn English.
D. Problem Statements Based on the background of the research above, the researcher states the research problem as follow: 1. How is the English teaching and learning process in Homeschooling KakSeto Soloin Academic Year 2015/2016? a. What are the materials used by the English tutor to teach the homeschoolers? b. What is the strategy used by the English tutor to teach the homeschoolers? c. What are the problems faced by the English tutor and the homeschoolers when they are teaching and learning English?
E. The Objective of The Research. From the research problems above, the objectives of the research as follows: 1. To describe the English teaching and learning process for the seventh gradehomeschoolers inHomeschooling KakSeto Solo in the Academic Year 2015/2016. a. To know the materials used by the English tutor to teach the homeschoolers. b. To know the strategy used by the English tutor to teach the homeschoolers. c. To know the problems faced by the English tutor and the homeschoolers when they are teaching and learning English.
F. The Benefit of The Research. In this research, the researcher expects that the research has benefits both theory and practice as follow: 1. Theoretically. The theoretical benefits of this research are to fulfill the requirement of getting SarjanaPendidikanBahasaInggris (S. Pd) and become references for the next research for English teaching and learning process for the seventh grade homeschoolers in Community program HomeschoolingKakSeto Solo. 2. Practically. The result of this research can help the educators or the tutor to understand clearly the English teaching and learning process for the seventh grade homeschoolers in Community program Homeschooling KakSeto Solo.The tutor come to know the materials which arelearned by the homeschoolers. They also can choose a suitable strategy, so that their pupils can understand it the well. Tutor also can resolve the problems faced by homeschoolers when learning English. For Homeschooling homeschoolers, they can be more comfortable to learn English for learning more attention. Homeschooling curriculum that is different from the public school curriculum, making them better understand easily because the curriculum is in conformity with the standards of student competence.
G. Definition of Key Terms 1. Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions of learning. Brown (2000:7) 2. Learning is lasting change in behavior, or the capacity to behave in a certain way, resulting from practice or other forms of experience. Schunk (2012:5) 3. Teaching learning process is a process containing a course which conducted by teachers and students on the basis of reciprocal relationships that takes place in an educational situation in order to achieve certain goals. Uzer (1990: 1) in Suryosubroto (1997: 19). While the Handbook Islamic Education Teachers published depag RI in Suryosubroto (1997: 19) teaching learning process is teaching learning as a process that contains of two terms, namely a series of stages or phases in learning something, and it also means a series of planning activities which are planned by teachers , implementation of activities until the evaluation and the follow-up program. 4. Homeschoolingis a process of education services in elementary, organized, and directed by parents/families in their homes or other places, where teaching and learning can take place in a conducive atmosphere with the goal of keep any unique potential of child which could be optimally developed (YayahKomariah, 2007: 4-5)
A. Definition of Teaching Learning. Brown (2000:7) states that teaching means guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions of learning. Leo (2013:1) teaching is stand for treat, encourage, activate, coordinate, heighten, infuse, nurture, and guarantee. Sardiman (2001: 46) explains that teaching is organizing an activity or setting the environment as well as possible and connecting with the child, resulting in a process of learning. He also says, teaching is an effort to create a conducive condition for ongoing learning activities for students. Meanwhile, according to Nasution (1982) in Suryosubroto (1997: 18) teaching is an activity to organize or manage the environment as well as possible and connect with children, resulting in learning and teaching. Kimble & Garmezy in Brown (2000:7) learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice. Cronbach in thobroni (2012:20) learning is shown by a change in behavior as result of experience. According Spears in thobroni (2012:21) Learning is to observe, to read, to imitate, to try something themselves, to listen, to follow direction. While according Schunk (2012:5) learning is lasting change in behavior, or the capacity to behave in a certain way, resulting from practice or other forms of experience. From the definition above, it can be concluded that teaching is an
interaction process of knowledge from the teacher to the students. The teacher as a facilitator and guiding them to learn.If they do not understand about the material.
B. Teaching Learning Process 1. Definition of Teaching Learning Process According to Uzer (1990: 1) in Suryosubroto (1997: 19) the learning process is a process containing a course which conducted by teachers and students on the basis of reciprocal relationships that takes place in an educational situation in order to achieve certain goals. While the Handbook Islamic Education Teachers published depag RI in Suryosubroto (1997: 19) the learning process is learning as a process that contains of two terms, namely a series of stages or phases in learning something, and it also means a series of planning activities which are planned by teachers , implementation of activities until the evaluation and the follow-up program. From both opinions, it can be concluded that the learning process is series of activities, ranging from planning, implementation to evaluation and follow-up program which took place in an educational situation to achieve certain objectives, namely teaching. Teaching-learning process is part of education that cannot be separated from each other. There is a relationship between teaching and learning. Teaching is one of transferring knowledge systems and learning is learning the knowledge which cannot be separated from each others. Teaching learning process can be defined
as process of transferring knowledge through giving and asking through interaction between teacher and learner who study about certain subject in the certain place in order to transfer knowledge directly. 2. The Component of Teaching-learning Process According to Hamalik in Komara (2014: 35) that learning as a means to an entire system of components that interact and interrelate between each other and with the whole itself to achieve the learning objectives which has been designated. Learning as a system that its components consist of: a. Students Teaching can not be done in a room which is not clear, no students, no purpose, no teaching materials. b. Teacher. According to Sardiman (2001: 109) in Endang Komara (2014: 35) The teacher is a profession. c. Objectives. Objectives should be understood by teachers include national education goals, institutional objectives, curricular goals, the general purpose of learning to specific goals of learning. d. Materials Learning materials in a broad sense is not only contained in textbooks that are required, but also includes the overall learning materials. Each teaching-learning activities there should be material.
Good instructional materials are an important part of the process of instruction Richards (1997:15).He also stated that the effective instructional materials in language teaching have the following characteristics: 1) They are based on theoretically sound learning principles. 2) They arouse and maintain the learners‟ interest and attention. 3) They are appropriate to the learners‟ needs and background. 4) They provide examples of how language is used. 5) They provide meaningful activities for learners. 6)
They provide opportunities for communication and authentic language use.
e. Method Methods of teaching is a method or technique to deliver the learning material. That must be mastered by the teacher. Teaching methods are set based on the objectives and learning materials, as well as the characteristics of the child. f. Means/tools. Learning tools can be real thing, imitation, images, charts, graphs, tabs and so forth in the media. The media can be an electronic device, printing equipment, and imitation. Using the tool or tools should be adapted to the purpose of learning, children, materials and teaching methods. Therefore we need the teaching staff who have the ability and skills which were adequate according to Asnawir in Komara (2014: 36)
g. Evaluation. According to madjid in Komara (2014: 37) with evaluation, it can be seen a basic competences, materials, or people who do not achieve mastery. h. Environment / context. Learning environment is a component of the learning process which is very important to the success of student learning. This environment includes the physical environment, social environment, natural environment, and psychological environment during the learning process takes place. Sudjana (1998:30) states that, the prominent components of teaching learning process are: a. The objectives of teaching-learning process b. The material of teaching c. The methods and medias of teaching d. The evaluation and assessment of teaching-learning process The objectives of the teaching-learning process should be firstly arranged in the process of teaching-learning as the indicator of the teaching success. Those are the formula of behavior and ability that should be achieved by the students after they finished the learning activity in the teaching-learning process. The objectives of the teaching-learning process contain the expected output of the teaching-learning process. Based on the explicit objectives, the material of the teaching learning process can be determined. The material is expected to contribute
the objectives of the teaching-learning which should be reached by the students. The methods and the instruments used in the teaching learning process are picked out based on the objectives of the teaching-learning process. Their function is as the medium of the teaching material to its objectives. The methods and the instruments should be efficient and effective. The assessment and evaluation process play the important role to judge whether the teaching-learning process succeeds or not. They are used to measure the attainment of the objectives. In conclusion, the four components interrelate and influence each other. The effective teaching learning which have the optimal output, absolutely have the all right coordinating the principle components of teaching-learning process. 3. The Procedures of Teaching-Learning Process Sudjana (1998: 147-152) states that, there are three main principals in teaching strategies, there are pre-instructional, instructional, and followup phase. The pre-instructional is the phase which should be done by a teacher when he starts the teaching-learning process. some activities are: a) the teacher checks the students‟ attendance, b) the teacher reviews the last material and asks the students the questions which related to the last material, c) the teacher gives chance to the students to ask about the last
material that they do not understand yet, d) the teacher observes the students‟ knowledge by asking about the new material. The instructional phase is the core phase. It is when the teacher explains the new material that arranged by the teacher before the lesson. Generally, it can be identified as: a) the teacher explains the objectives of the teaching that should be reached by the students, in order to the students understand what should they reach through the lesson; b) the teacher writes the main topic of the material which will be given, it can be sorted from the textbook which is appropriate to the syllabus and the objectives of the teaching; c) the teacher discusses the main topic which written before. The discussion can be deductive or inductive; d) the teacher gives the concrete example for every sub topic. The teacher must involve the students during the teaching process by asking question related to the topic; e) the teacher should reply the explanation, when he gets the students do not understand the material yet; f) the teacher may use the teaching instruments during explaining the material, such model, pictures, slides, and so on; g) finally, the teacher concludes the discussion from the main topic. It will be better, if the teacher writes the conclusion on the blackboard. The last phase is the assessment and evaluation. It functions to measure the success of the instructional phase. The activities of this phase are: a) the teacher asks the students about the new topic which explained by the teacher. It can be written or oral; b) when the students mostly cannot answer the question, it shows that they do not understand yet about
the material, so that the teacher should reply the explanation; c) the teacher gives the homework to the students to enrich the students‟ knowledge; d) before the teacher ends the lesson, he informs the students about the new topic, in order to they study it firstly before the explanation. 4. The Strategy Used in English Teaching a. Definition of Teaching Strategy Strategies are steps or actions taken for the purpose of winning a war, other definition of strategy is an effort to achieve of success goal. In education context, David in Majid (2014: 8) stated that strategy is a plan, method, or series of activities designed to achieve a particular educational goal. Teaching strategy has been defined by several experts, such as: Kemp in Majid (2009:7) stated that teaching strategy is a teaching activities that must done by the teacher and the student so that the purpose of teaching reached effectively and efficiently. The other definitions stated by Kozma in Majid(2014: 7), Kozma stated that teaching strategy means an every selected activity, that can give a facility or assistance to the student to reach certain teaching purpose. Another definition comes from Gerlach and Ely in Majid (2014: 7), they stated that teaching strategy is the ways which selected to extend teaching material in certain teaching environment. Furthermore, they explained that teaching strategy cover its characteristic, range, arrangement, of teaching activity that give a study experience to the students. Then Dick and Carey in Majid (2014:7) explained that
teaching strategy consist of whole component of teaching material and procedure or stage of study activity that used by the teacher to help the students reach certain teaching purpose. Based on definition by the experts above, it can be concluded that teaching strategies is plan which prepared by the teacher to achieve certainly educational goal. b. Classifications of Teaching strategy According to Hamruni (2009: 8-9), teaching strategy classified into five kinds, there are: 1) Direct Instruction teaching strategy Direct instruction teaching strategy is teaching that directed by the teacher. This strategy is effective to determine information or to build a skill step by steps. The direct instruction usually has deductive character. The superiority of Direct Instruction Teaching Strategy is this strategy so easy to be planned and used, while the core important weakness in the developing ability, the process and the attitude that needed in critical idea and interpersonal relation also learn. 2) Indirect Instruction teaching strategy Indirect instruction teaching strategy often referred as inkuiri, inductive, problem solving, decision making and invention. Contrary with direct instruction teaching strategy. Indirect instruction teaching strategy usually places students as centers,
though the two strategies can equiping each other. In this strategy the teacher role shift from a speaker become facilitator. The teacher manage learning environment and give the students an opportunity to involve in the environment. The superiority of Indirect instruction teaching strategy are: a) Pushing interest and curiosity of the students b) Creating the alternative and solving the problem c) Pushing creativity and developing interpersonal skill and the other ability d) Better understanding e) Expressing understanding This strategy needs long time, outcome difficult to predict. This strategy is incompatible if the students require remember items swiftly 3) Interactive teaching strategy Interactive teaching strategy emphasizes on discussion and share between the learners. It will encourage of learner to create new an idea or concept, reacting on experiences, approach and developing alternative mindset. The superiorities of interactive teaching strategy are students can improve their social skill and their ability, developing of rational argument. The weaknesses of this strategy is depend on the creativity of teacher to arrange and develop the group dynamics
4) Experiential/ empirical teaching strategy Empirical teaching strategy has orientation in inductive activities. Students are centers. Self reflection about their experience, formulation of planning to reach implementation based on context. The superiority of this strategy are improving of students‟ participation, improving of students‟ analytical aspect. The weaknesses of this strategy are the result is the big goal, high cost, need a long time. 5) Independent teaching strategy The
strategy are
developing of individual initiative, self independent, and self developmental. Students must be active learner. The superiority of this strategy is creating students‟ respect, while the weakness is difficult implementation for young learner.
C. Teaching Learning English English is the most famous language in the world. Brown(2000:5) states that language is a system o arbitrary conventionalized vocal, written or gestural symbol that enable members of given community to communicate intelligibly with one other. It means that language is a set of systematic arbitrary symbols and the symbols can be the form of vocal or visual that conveys a meaning. Based on all the definitions above, English a system of arbitrary conventionalized signs, vocals, sounds or marks through gestural, oral or
written symbols that enable people communicate intelligibly with one other. In the teaching this language includes four skills; reading, writing, listening, and speaking. 1. Listening, one of the means of language communication is used most widely in people‟s daily lives. In addition, teaching the learners a lot of listening activities is a good way of enlargement their vocabulary. On the other hand, it also helps the learners improve their listening comprehension. For instance, people know that the largest difference between mother language learning and foreign language learning is the environment. For a foreign language, we can meet it only in formal place and classes. Training and practicing the oral reading is not a day‟s work. Practice is important. Only through the practice can the learners improve their listening comprehension. Micro and Macro skill of listening According to Richards in Brown (2003:121-122) there are some principles of micro and skill listening: a. Discriminate among the distinctive sounds of English. b. Retain chunks of language of different lengths in short term memory. c. Recognize English stress patterns, words in stressed and unstressed positions, rhythmic structures, intonation contours, and their roles in signaling information. d. Recognize reduced forms of words. e. Distinguish word boundaries, recognize a core of words, and interpret word order patterns and their significance.
f. Process speech at different rate of delivery. g. Process speech containing pauses errors, corrections and other performance variables. h. Recognize grammatical word classes (noun, verb, etc) systems, partner, rules, and elliptical forms i. Detect sentence constituents and distinguish between major and minor constituents. j. Recognize that a particular meaning may be expressed in different grammatical forms. k. Recognize cohesive devices in spoken discourse l. Recognize the communicative function of utterance, according to situations, participants, goal. m. Infer situations participants, goals using real word knowledge n. From event ideas, etc, described, predict outcomes, interlinks and connections between events, deduce causes and effect and detect such relations main idea, supporting idea ,new information, given information, generalization, and exemplification o. Dustings between literal and implied meanings p. Use facial, kinesics, body language, and other non verbal clues to decipher meaning. q. Develop and use a battery of listening strategies, such as detecting key word, guessing the meaning of word from context appeal for help and signaling comprehension or lack thereof
2. Speaking is often connected with listening. For example the two way communications makes up for detect in communicative ability in the traditional learning. Two way means the relationship of the communications between the teacher and students at school. This relationship is connected with the communicative activities between people. It create a fresh environment for speaking language. The two way communication can lighten the dialogue limitlessly. This is its advantage. At the same time, if the speakers want to give the correct response, they have to think hard, the sentences is not easily forgotten which is created by themselves through thinking, sometimes with the teacher‟s hint. They can talk freely and express themselves as well as they can . 3. Writing is one way providing variety in classrooms procedures. It provides a learner with physical evidence of it achievements and it can measure his improvement. It helps to consolidate to grasp of vocabulary and structure, and complements the other language skills. Sentence is the best of an article. So he should begin his writing with sentences. For example translations, sentence pattern exchanging and text shortening and rewriting. It helps to understand the text and write compositions. It can fosters the learner‟s ability to summarize and the language freely. Micro Skill Writing According to Brown (2003:221) there are some principles of writing micro skills : a. Produce graphemes and orthographic patterns of English b. Produce writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose
c. Produce an acceptable core of words and use appropriate word order patterns d. Use acceptable grammatical systems, patterns and rules e. Express particular meaning in different grammatical forms f. Use cohesive devices in written discourse. g. Use theoretical forms and conventions of written discourse h. Appropriately accomplish the communicative function of written text function of written text according to form and purpose i. Convey links and connections between events and communicative such relations in main idea new information given information generalization and exemplification j. Distinguish between literal and implied meaning when writing k. Correctly convey culturally specific references in the context of the written text l. Develop and use Battery of writing strategies such as accurately assessing audients interpretation using prewriting devices writing with fluency in the first draft using phrase and synonyms soliciting peer and instructor feedback and using feedback for revising and editing. These all four skills are they basic skill in English. In academic fields pupils are demanded mastery in all of skill but the most principle one in mystery speaking. Speaking is direct implementation that needs person‟s braveness to make a communication. When producing the voice people will think about what they to convey, the respond of
communication that they listen and something automatically from their mind. 4. Reading is an important way of gaining information in language learning and it is a basic skill for a language learner. There are a lot of reading exercises in a examination today. But all these reading must be done in limited time. So learner asked to read them correctly and with certain speed. For instance, someone reads word by word. Someone reads with his finger pointing to the words or with his head shaking. Those are all bad habit. They should read phrase by phrase. Do not blink eyes so often and shake head. Just move the eyeball. That is enough: if they want to get more word information, there must be a proper distance between their eyes and reading material. Micro skill of reading According to brown (2003:187-188) there are some principles of reading micro and macro skills : a. Discriminate among distinctive graphemes and orthographic patterns of English b. Retain chunks of language different lengths in short term memory c. Process writing at an efficient rate to speed to suit purpose d. Recognize a core of words, and interpret word order patterns and their significance. e. Recognize grammatical words classes (noun, verb, etc) systems, patterns, rules, and elliptical forms
f. Recognize that a particular meaning may be expressed in different grammatical forms. g. Recognize cohesive devices in written discourse and their role in signaling the relationship between and among clauses h. Recognize the rhetorical forms of written discourse and their significance for interpretation. i. Recognize the communicative function of written text, according form and purposes j. Infer context that is not explicit by using background knowledge. k. From described events, ideas, itc. Infer links and connection between events, ideas, etc deduce, causes and effects, and detect such relations as main idea, supporting idea, new information, generalization, and exemplification. l. Distinguish between literal and implied meanings m. Detect culturally specific references and interpret them in a context of appropriate cultural schemata n. Develop and use a battery of readings strategies such as scanning and skimming, detecting discourse, markers, guessing, the meaning of words from context, and activating schemata for the interpretation of text.
D. Principles of English teaching. In the implementation of English learning. Each educational unit may use people of Education brown (2000:55-68) who notes there are some principles that must be considered in the English language teaching. There are: 1. Cognitive principles It consists principles. They are : a. Automatically The efficient of second language learning involves a timely movement the second control of the few language forms in the automatic processing on the relatively unlimited number of language, thinking to much about that its forms, and consciously lingering on rules of language all tend to impede the graduation to automaticity. b. Meaningful learning Meaningful learning will lead toward better long – term retention than rote learning c. The Anticipation of reward Human beings are universally driven to act or behave by anticipation of some sort of reward that will ensues as result of the behavior. d. Intrinsic motivation The most powerful rewards are those that are intrinsically motivated within the learners e. Strategic investment Successfulmastery of second language will be due to a large extent to a learner‟s own personal „investment‟ of time,effort, and attention to the
second language in the form of an individualized battery of strategies for comprehending and producing the language. 2. Affective Principles a. Language Ego Human being learn to use a second language. They also develop a new mode of thinking, feeling and acting. The new
language ego;
intertwined with second language , can easily create within the learner a sense of fragility a defensiveness a rising of inhabitation b. Self Confidences Learners‟ belief that they indeed are fully capable of accomplishing a task is at least partially a factor in their eventual success in attaining the task. c. Risk Taking d. The language-culture connection 3. Linguistic principles It consists of some principles, they are: a.
The native language effect
Inter Language.
Communicative competence.
E. The Nature of Speaking 1. The Definition of Speaking In teaching English, there are four important skills. Those are reading, listening, writing, and speaking. According Bygate (1987) in Nunan (1991:40) speaking is that oral interactions can be characterized in term of routines, which are conventional (and therefore predictable) ways of presenting information which can either focus on information and interaction.In additional, Tarigan (2009:15) says that “Speaking is the ability to pronounce articulation of sounds or words for expressing, stating, and conveying thought, ideas and feeling.” Based on all the definitions above, Speaking is not only to communicate with other people but by speaking we can get new information or we can share our idea with other people. Language just possessed by human being to interact each other. Communication can be done at least by two people, there are speaker and hearer. The hearer must listen and understand what speakers say, and then give a response. Speaking is often connected with listening. For example the two way communications makes up for detect in communicative ability in the traditional
communications between the teacher and students at school. This relationship is connected with the communicative activates between people. It create a fresh environment for speaking language. The two way communication can lengthen the dialogue limitlessly. This is its advantage. At the same time, if the speakers want to give the correct
response, they have to think hard, the sentences is not easily forgotten which is created by themselves through thinking, sometimes with the teacher‟s hint. They can talk freely and express themselves as well as they can . 2. The Components of Speaking Every skill has a component to fulfill its need. Speaking also needs many components. According to Vanderkevent (1990:8) there are three components in speaking. a. The speakers Speakers are people who produce the sound. They are useful as the tool to express opinion or feelings to the hearer. So, if there are no speakers, the feeling or opinion will not be stated. b. The listeners Listeners are people who receive or get the speakers‟ opinion or feeling. If there are no listeners, speakers will express their thought through writing. c. The utterances The utterances are words or sentences, which are produced by the speakers to state the opinion. If there is no utterance, both of the speakers and the listeners will use sign. Meanwhile, according to Syakur (1987:3) there are five components of speaking skill concerned with comprehensions, grammar, vocabulary ,pronunciations, and fluency.
a. Comprehensions for oral communications, comprehension certainly reqires a subject to respond to the speech well as to initiate it. b. Grammar Grammar of a language is the description of the ways in which words can change their forms and can be combined into sentences in the language. If grammar rules are too certainly, creating a good grammar rule is extremely difficult. Grammar is one important aspect of speaking because if an utterance can has different meaning if the speaker uses incorrect grammar. c. Vocabulary Vocabulary means list of the words with their meaning. One cannot communicate effectively or express their ideas both oral and written from if they do not have sufficient vocabulary. Without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. d. Pronunciations Pronunciation is the way for students to produce clear language when they speak. Pronunciations is an essential aspect of learning to speak a foreign language. If a student does not pronounce a word correctly, it can be very difficult to understand him/her. On the other hand if students make grammatical mistakes e.g. in averb tense, the listener still has a idea of what being said. So it can be seen that good pronunciation is vital if a student is to be understood.
e. Fluency Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluency and accurately, fluency is a speaking is the aim of many language learners. Signs of fluency include a reasonably fast speed of speaking and only a small remember of pauses and “ums” or “errs. Three sign indicate that the speaker does not have spend a lot of time searching for the language Items needed to express the message.
F. Teaching Speaking 1.
The Definition of Teaching Speaking Nunan (1992:23) states teaching speaking is a very important part of second language learning. The ability to communicate in a second language. Clearly and efficiently contributes to the success of the learner in school and success later in very phrase of life. Therefore it is essential that language teacher pay great attention to teaching speaking. Ruther than leading students to pure memorizations, providing a rich environment where meaningful communication takes place is desired. In this case formulates what is meant by teaching speaking : a. Produce the English speech sounds and sound patterns b. Use word and sentence stress, intonations patterns and the rhythm of the second language c. Select
appropriate words and sentences according to the proper
social setting, audience, situations and subject matter d. Organize their thought in meaningful and logical sequence.
e. Use language as a means of expressing values and judgments f. Use the language quickly and confidently with few unnatural pauses called as fluency 2.
The Classroom Techniques of Teaching Speaking. The classroom techniques and tasks of teaching speaking can be such as: a. Information gap: is a useful activity in which one person has informationandthe other has lack information. They must use the target language to share that information. For the example, one student has the directions to a party and must give them to a classmate. b. Jigsaw activities: are bidirectional or multidirectional information gap. Each person in a pair or group has some information and the other person need. For instance, one student has a timetable for train travel in Canada. Another has a map of Canada. Without showing each other the visual information, they must speak English to plan one-week trip. c. Role plays: are also excellent activities for speaking in the relatively safe environment of the classroom. In role-play, students are given particular roles in the target language. For example, one student plays a tourist telephoning the police to report his wallet stolen. The other plays the role of a police officer trying to help the tourist file a report. Role-plays give learners practice speaking the target language before they must do so in a real environment. d. Simulations: are more elaborate than role plays. In a simulation, props and documents provide a somewhat realistic environment for language
practice. So for instance, in a language lesson about the grocery store, a teacher might bring in “products” for the students to buy (a box of crackers, coffee, a jar of jam) and even play money for making their purchases. A check-out counter would be set up for the students to practice transactional speaking with the cashier. Brown (2000:297) 3.
The Problems of Speaking Skill According to Ur (1995:121) in Aleksandrzak (2011: 39): there are some problems faced by the learners in speaking activities. The problems include inhibition, lack of theme to be spoken, the low participation, and the use of mother tongue. Those problems can be explained as follows: a. Inhibition Unlike reading, writing and listening activities, speaking requires some degree of real time exposures to an audience. Learners are often inhibited about trying to say things in a foreign language in the classroom, such as worried about mistakes, fearful or criticism, or shy the attention that their speech attracts. b. Nothing to say Even if they are not inhibited, you often hear learners complain that they cannot think of anything to say, they have no motive to express themselves beyond the guilty feeling that they should be speaking. c. Low or uneven participation Only one participant can talk at a time if he or she is to be heard, and in a large group, this means that each one will have only very little
talking. This problem is compounded by tendency of some learners to dominate, while others speak very little or not at all. d. Mother tongue use In classes where all, or a number of the learners share the same mother tongue, they may tend to use it because it is easier, because it feels unnatural to speak to one another in foreign language, and because they feel less „exposed‟ it they are speaking their mother tongue. If they are talking in small groups it can be quite difficult to get some classes-particularly the less disciplined or motivated ones- to keep to the target language. 4.
Micro Skill of Speaking According to Brown (2000:272) there are some principles of speaking micro skill a. Produce differences among English phonemes and allophonic variants. b. Produce chunks of language of differentlengths c. Produce English Stress patterns, words in stressed and unstressed positions ,rhythmic structure and intonations contours. d. Produce reduced forms of words and phrases e. Use an Adequate number of lexical units (words) to accomplish pragmatic purposes f. Produce fluent speech at different rate of delivery g. Monitor one‟s own oral productions and use various strategic devices – pauses, fillers , self corrections, backtracking – to enhance the clarity of the message
h. Use grammatical word classes (noun, verb. Etc) systems word order, patterns, rules, and elliptical forms. i. Produce speech in natural constituents in operate phrases, pause group, breath group, and sentences constituents j. Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms k. Use cohesive devices in spoken discourse l. Accomplish appropriately communicative function according to situations , participants, and goal m. Use appropriate registers, implicative, pragmatics, conventions, and other sociolinguistics features in face to face conversations. n. Convey links and connections between events and communicate such relation as main idea, supporting idea, new information, generalization, and exemplification o. Use facial features, kinesthetic, body language and other nonverbal cues long with verbal language to convey meaning. p. Develop and use a battery of speaking strategies, such as emphasizing key words, rephrasing, providing a context for interpreting the meaning of words, appealing for help and accurately assessing how well your interlocutor is understanding you. 5. The Assessment of Speaking Skill. According to Brown (2003:144), there are six categories of speaking assessment tasks. They are: a. Imitative. One of types of speaking performance the ability to imitate a word or phrase or possibly a sentence. While this is purely phonetic
level of oral production, lexical and grammatical properties of language may be included in the criterion performance. It is not important whether the test-taker can understand the meaning or not. b. Intensive. A second type of speaking frequently employed in assessment contexts is the production of short stretches of oral language designed to demonstrate competence in a narrow band of grammatical, phrasal, lexical, or phonological relationships (such as prosodic elements- intonation, stress, rhythm, juncture). The speaker must be aware of semantic properties in order to be able to respond. Examples of intensive assessment tasks include directed response tasks, reading aloud, sentence, and dialogue completion; limited picture-cued tasks including simple sequences; and translation up to the simple sentence level. c. Responsive. Responsive assessment tasks include interaction and test comprehension but at the somewhat limited level of very short conversations, standard greetings and small talk, simple requests and comments, and the like. d. Interactive. The difference between responsive and interactive speaking is the length and complexity of the interaction, which sometimes includes multiple exchanges or multiple participants. Interaction can take two forms of transactional language, which has the purposes of maintaining social relationships. In interpersonal exchanges, oral production can become pragmatically complex with the need to speak
in a casual register and use colloquial language, ellipsis, slang, humor, and other sociolinguistics conventions. e. Extensive (monologue). Extensive oral production tasks include speeches, oral presentations, and story-telling, during which the opportunity for oral interaction from listeners is either highly limited (perhaps to nonverbal responses) or ruled out altogether. Language style is frequently more deliberative (planning is involved) and formal for extensive tasks. But if informal monologues, it cannot be ruled out such as casually delivered speech (for example, my vacation in the mountains)
Review on Non Formal Education 1.
The Nation of Non Formal Education Nowadays the need of English Education is being improved. It caused by the big willingness of society toward language mastery. The awareness of the important of learning English as a means of world communication gives many chances for non-formal education, UU Sisdiknas Number 20 Year 2003 Article 26 stated that non formal education is held for the society who need educational service, which has function as substitution, addition and or complement of formal education in supporting lifelong education. Coombs and Ahmed (1974:8) in Roger Non formal education is any organized, systematic, educational activity carried on outside the framework of the formal system to provide selected types of learning to
particular subgroups in the population, adult as well as children. While Kleis (1973:6) in Etllng explains the definition of non formal education, as any international and systematic educational enterprise (usually outside of traditional schooling) in which content is adapted to the unique needs of the students (or unique situation) in order to maximize learning and minimize other elements which often occupy formal school teachers ( i.e. taking roll, enforcing discipline, writing reports, supervising study hall,etc) United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1997 define non formal education as “any organized and sustained educational activities that do not correspond exactly to the definition of formal education”. In addition, course and training are held for people who need knowledge, skill, life skill and self development, profession development, work, entrepreneurship, and or continuing higher education. Based on those definition, non formal education can be defined as an alternative education, which supplements the formal education. 2.
The Characteristics of Non Formal Education. UNESCO‟s Asia-Pacific Program of Education for ALL (APPEAL) in 1990 propose that the innovative Non-Formal Education should have following characteristics: a. Non Formal Education Program emerges as an innovation to solve pressing problem in a given society. b. Therefore it is goal and purpose oriented not certificate oriented.
c. It emphasizes on tackling specific problems and rather than learning abstract subject matters. d. It may help to initiate a program or a project after an experimental phase. e. It is flexible, learner centered, and participatory. f. It is more practical rather than theoretical. g. Autonomy at the program level and less chance for external control. h. More economical because it could use existing facilities. i. It is continuing life long process. Fordham (1993) in Smith (2009) suggest that in the 1970‟s, four characteristics came be associated with non formal education: a. Relevance to the needs of disadvantaged groups. b. Concern with specific categories of person. c. A focus on clearly defined purposes. d. Flexibility in organization and methods. Etllng (1993) explains the characteristics of non formal education differentiated with formal education.Non formal Education (NFE) is more learner centered than most formal education. Learners can leave anytime they are not motivated. NFE tends to emphasize a cafeteria curriculum (options, choices) rather than the prescribed, sequential curriculum found in schools. In NFE human relationships are more informal (roles teachers and students are less rigid and often switch) than in school where student-teacher and teacher administrator roles are hierarchical and seldom change in the short term. NFE focuses
on practical skills and knowledge while schools often focus on information which may have delayed application. Overall NFE has a lower level structure (and therefore more flexibility) than schools. The characteristics of non formal education can be summarized are as follow; (1) practical, (2) learner centered, (3) flexible, (4) more economical, (5) have clear objectives.
H. Homeschooling 1. Definition of Homeschooling Homeschooling is commonly called the house school, basically it is already implemented almost throughout the family. It can be seen from how the mothers teach their children to talk, walk, read, and even count. From this process means that the home school has been applied since the first.Home school is not only moving the school into the home institution. In the process of the journey there is also a process of learning and teaching. Each member of the family should be a teacher and student. Parents do not always become teachers, sometimes they became students. Parents should act as a tour guide, instructor, facilitator, rather than as a teacher who steer their children. kho (2008: 18). According Hatul (2009) in Asmani (2012: 47) homeschooling or home education (school house) is an activity to send the children fully in home. In general, homeschooling is a process of education services in elementary, organized, and directed by parents / families in their homes or
other places, where teaching and learning can take place in aconducive atmosphere with the goal of keepany unique potential of child which could be optimally developed. Yayah Komariah( 2007: 4-5). 2. Characteristic of Homeschooling. In general the characteristics of homeschooling education can be identified as follows: a. The orientation of education emphasizes on personal character and development of potential talent, and the child's interest in nature and specific. b. The learning activities can occur independently, together with parents, along with tutors, and in a community. c. Parents play a major role as a teacher, motivator, facilitator, motivator, friend and discussion partner in determining the learning activities and in the process of learning. d. The presence of a teacher (tutor) is to function as mentors and guides the child's interest in the subject which he likes. e. There flexible scheduling of learning activities. (Learning activities can be done in the morning, afternoon, or evening) f. The flexible number of meeting for each subject matter. (The discussion will not move to another topic, if the children do not mastered.Yet, The children are given the opportunity more broadly to define the discussion topic for each meeting) g. The learning approach is more personal and humane.
The learning process carried out at any time, along with anyone and anywhere it is (not glued to the existence of the classroom and the magnificent house).
i. The learning opportunities for children is respectively according to their interests, needs, speeds and intelligences. j. The national final examination can be carried out anytime,adjusting the readiness of each child through an equivalency test package A, B, and C which is implemented by the Directorate General of PLS. k. No child is failing a grade, all children can ride to the next class according to their own pace. Rohmadi (2011: 104-105) 3. Terms implementation of Homeschooling. There are some requirements that need to be fulfilled by the parents who want to implement homeschooling education in order to it runs in accordance with the purpose of homeschooling education itself: a. Loving children. b. Being creative. c. Being patient and friendly with children. d. Understanding the children‟s needs and wishes. e. Know the capabilities and interests of children. f. Want to listen and negotiate. g. Want to change, being flexible, and responsive. h. Understanding the physical, psychological, and mood of children.
i. Have a willingness know the contents of the competency standards and national curriculum standards that have been recognized and endorsed by the National Education Standards. j. Has a commitment to learn with the children. Rohmadi (2011: 106) 4. The history of Homeschooling Homeschooling is a relatively new term in the world of education in Indonesia. Even there are some people who do not know this term. The another term used to describe Homeschooling is school at home, home education, home based learning, and so forth. In Indonesian, the term that is introduced by the Ministry of National Education is the house school. This term is also used by the association named ASAH (Asosiasi Sekolah Rumah dan Pendidikan Alternatif Indonesia). In common terms, homeschooling is a learning model which is used by adults to get an appropriate information or skills for their needs. Homeschooling also referred to self-study or self-teaching learning. although there are many people refer it as "home school". Although in general, the terms do not matter, Because the more important is the content and essence, but, the use of the appropriate term is necessary to help the people to gain a clearer understanding. In homeschooling, the parents and their children are actively involved to determine what they want to learn. They decide it themselves, not the teachers and the school system. If they are not satisfied with the methods or sources, they may move to the other methods or sources. Saputro (2007:11-12)
Because homeschooling comes from the children‟s needs or interests, in homeschooling, they should learn to be independent. They began to recognize what is in touch with himself (interests, strengths, weaknesses, learning styles), to the other things that are in their surrounding. So that the children are trained to find their need. Of course there will be a level in homeschooling. It starts from the tight mentoring until the children‟s independence in identifying their needs to find the source of knowledge or skill. Concerning about the place of learning, there is no restrictions for homeschooling to take place for teaching and learning, it can be anywhere, whether in physical place or virtual space (internet). The homeschooling learning process is not only at home. It also can use seminars, training, and the tutorial as the place of learning. Homeschooling is civilizing. This means that homeschooling is a long process, continual repetition, and inculcation of positive habits that lasts for many years. If parents and families have a learning culture, the children will absorb the values of it. This is more effective than just advising and ordering them without obvious model. So that, in order to the children learn with pleasure, they should see the model from their parents. If their parents enjoy the learning process, the children absolutely enjoy the learning process too. Then, the learning culture gradually will grow on them. If the learning culture has fused to the children, the big problem of children‟s education is resolved.
Before there were a modern educational system (school) As it‟s known at this time, the education were carried out by home-based education. Apprenticeship system is a model of education which is very well-known by the public. Similarly, the self-teaching-learning were still done. Even the nobles in the past could invite a tutor to teach their children. That‟s the emergence of homeschooling in the first period. Saputro (2007:12-14) Since the development of the industrial revolution, it appeared a process of education systematization and learning process. The development of philosophy and science as well as an effort to maximize the learning process for many - centuries later resulted an evolution of the education system, that we know as school. School is the solution to overcome the family‟s constraining educating their children consciously and deliberately. Although school were an educational institution that was proved to benefit humanity, but the process of finding the best education system never stopped. Various philosophies and thoughts grew and interacted to the social conditions. In the United States the first phase of homeschooling occurred in the 1960s. At that time there was an idea that children learn better if there is no instruction as in schools (John Holt). Many thoughts questioned the effectiveness of the school which carry out the educational function. Besides Holt, another initiator at that time was Dr. Raymond Moore, a developmental psychologist and education researcher. At the end
of 1970s, Holt published a newspaper “Growing Without School” it were Homeschooling support at that time. After that, homeschooling continued to grow for various beliefs, this growth was also driven by dissatisfaction to the education system in schools. The condition of social relationships in schools that are not healthy also contributed to the growth of homeschooling. Although initially regarded as conservative and isolative group (isolationist). Homeschooling continued to grow and proved itself as an effective system and could be run. Its practitioners are increasingly varied. They chose this way for various reasons by the diversity of social backgrounds (religious secular, rich, middle class, poor, suburban, rural) and professions (doctors, government employees, private employees, business owners, and even public school teachers).Saputro (2007:11-15) 5. The Types of Homeschooling Kembara (2007: 30-31) There are three homeschooling types developed in the community, they are: a. Single Homeschooling Homeschooling usually involves only a single parent family without relying each other. Parents should really take on the role as a mentor, a friend of learning, as well as assessors. b. Compound Homeschooling. Compound means more than one, is concluded by two or more families for certain activities, while the main activities are conducted by each parents.
Families who decide to join this compound homeschooling usually have needs that can be compromised in the activities. For example, the curriculum of the consortium, the sports activities (family athlete tennis), the membership of music / arts, the social activities, and the religious activities. c. Community Homeschooling. Community Homeschooling is a combination of several compound homeschooling constructing and syllabus, teaching materials, the main activities (sports, music/art, and language), facilities / infrastructure, and learning schedule. Mulyadi (2007: 38) 6. The Reasons of Choosing the Homeschooling. There are many reasons for who choose home education track (homeschooling) is. Such as: a. It provides moral or religious education. In home schooling, parents freely give specific educational material in accordance with moral and religious reference. b. It provides a social environment and better learning atmosphere. In the home school the children can socialize better, because it is not constrained by school friends, their friends everywhere, even with a different age. c. It provides more flexible learning time Learning time is not bound, to make the learners flexible to continue the learning.
d. It Provides warmth and protection in learning. At school, home warmth and psychiatric relationships are developed to support their learning. e. To avoid the social ills. Home school may be a way to filter the children from the social ills that recently has been difficult to be controlled. f. It provides special skills. Homeschooling can provide special skill, which is appropriate to the children‟s interest. The parents trust them to decide what they want to learn& when they want to learn. g. it provides direct, contextual, thematic and nonscholastic learning which are not isolated by the limits of science learning is based on a topic, then the children learn it deeply. Komariah (2007:16-19) 7. The Curriculum and The Evaluation of Homeschooling. According to Kembara (2007: 86) instant homeschooling curriculum content generally consists of the: teaching manual for parents, one year lesson plan for all lessons, instructional videos, arts and crafts supplies and portfolio binder (portfolio folder). For the evaluation of homeschooling using portfolio sheet. The portfolio is one of the most popular choice for the documentation of the children who attend school at home. Basically a clipping, a portfolio is an article
accordingKembara (2007: 89) in Rohmadi (2011: 115-116) the components of the portfolio contents are as follows:
a. Home school Worksheets (some samples or whole) b. The list of books that have been read. c. The list of magazines or newspapers which are regularly read. d. A list of software / CD / DVD / Video, which was used as a medium of learning. e. Trip Field (documentation and report) f. Field trip I've ever done (documentation and report) g. Books / essay / essay / poem which are ever written. h. Works of art / skill. i. Audio / video recording: vocal ability, the music which are ever played, songs which are ever composed, the ability to read the news, read a poem, became announcer / reporter, playing drama, navigation, and others. j. The club which they followed: eg, football, dance, music, drama, language and so on. k. The courses that have been followed such as: cooking, sewing, distance learning chemistry course, rainforest golf, diving and others. l. The award that have ever been obtained. m. The organizations which involved the Homeschooling children. n. Work practices: the name of the company / entity, length of employment, the job description. o. Entrepreneurship: sell / trade, babysitting, pet care, car washing, fish farming, ornamental, and others. p. Social work (community service): once helped an orphanage, a donation, etc.
Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo a. The description of Research Location Home Schooling Kak Seto Solo is an educational institution located at street Cocak 1 Number. 4 Sidorejo, Mangkubumen, Banjarsari, Surakarta. The boundaries of the region surrounding are as follows: North
: Elementary school Pangudi Luhur Surakarta
: Kindergarten Pengudi Luhur Surakarta
: Human Settlements
East : Human Settlements (Observations, May 20th 2016) b. The Profile of Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo Homeschooling Kak Seto (HSKS) Solo was inaugurated on May 15, 2010 by the Mayor of Solo, Ir, H. Joko Widodo. Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo is a non-formal education under the auspices of the Equality Education Directorate, General Directorate of School Education, and Ministry of National Education by the Operational Permit Letter from the Head of Surakarta city Dikpora Drs. Rachmat Sutomo, M.Pd No: 4311.34 / 011 / PNF / 2010. Homeschoolig Kak Seto Solo opened the level degree of education for elementary school, junior high school and senior high school. Each the level degree of education acquires the learning material that based on KTSP 2006. It was mixed with its own curriculum Homeschooling Kak Seto itself.
Homeschooler will obtain a diploma equivalence which issued by Ministry of National Education. The certificate of this education can be used to continue for higher education and even for education in another country. Homeschooling kak seto solo has good place and has comfortable learning facility. It was designed like own house. It is suitable with the philosophy of "Learning can be done anytime, anywhere, and with anyone". After graduating from Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo, homeschoolers can be the smart kids in science and technology development, insightful and broad-minded and have the strength in the management of talent, life skill interests and the character building. In the profile of Homeschooling Kak Seto, there are history of the homeschooling, Vision and Mission, programs of the Homeschooling, organizational structure, educators, learners, and facilities. 1)
The History of Homeschooling Kak Seto The history of establishment and development of Home Schooling Kak Seto Solo was caused by idealism from the some founders, they are Yanti, Heni Evi, and Ana. They noticed that the condition of education in 2009 still had not been able to accommodate a child model with their uniqueness respectively. Moreover, there was not a Homeschooling in Solo and by the guideline from Kak Seto Solo, Homeschooling is necessary in Surakarta. The first step was introduction to the public by
spreading leaflets or testimony to the institutions that exist in Solo such courses and formal education institutions, and also because of the condition of education development for 20072009 models still cannot accommodate the children model or children criterion with their uniqueness respectively and by the guideline from Kak Seto that it needs to be established a Homeschooling in Solo. 2)
Vision and Mission of Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo a) Vision of Homeschooling Kak Seto Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo as one of the institutions of high education of children, provide educational programs for children to have the skills, life skill, and a strong character as the future leaders fo the future b) Mission of Homeschooling Kak Seto (1) Creating a conducive learning and fun environment for students according to their needs, learning styles, strengths and their limitations. (2) Helping students to find their interests and talents, and developing talents and interests of learners optimally. (3) Forming learners to become lifelong learners who have a high social concern and strong character. (4) Facilitating learners to acquire the relationship of the lessons learned to the real life.
(5) Overcoming the limitations and weaknesses of learners by doing a personal approach. 3) The Programs of Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. a) Community Community is a learning process where participants gathered in a classroom to learn and socialize with their friends. In this community, the schedules of studying are determined by HSKS Solo. b) Semi Community Semi Community is a system of learning in which participants learn at home, and adopt the learning system of gathering in a class. It is forming a group with instructional time remains like a community. c) Distance Learning Distance Learning is a learning process where homeschoolers learn at home or another places accompanied by their parents as the main tutor. Parents can use the tutors‟ services from HSKS Solo. 4) Organizational structure The organizational structure of Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo in Academic Year 2015/2016, are as follows: a) Patrons
: Dr. Seto Muladi, Psi, Mpsi
b) Director
: Agus Ahmadi
c) Commissioner
: 1. Agus Ahmadi
2. Donni Sandjaya 3. Gatot Budi Wibowo d) General Manager
: Anna Widyati
e) Operations Manager & Principal
: Supriyanti
f) Manager Personnel & Counseling
: Heny Erna Setyawati
g) Finance & Curriculum
: Evy Febri Artanti
h) Manager Development & Public Relations: Anna Widyawati 5) Educator There are 16 educators in Homeschooling Kak Seto. The English teacher in the seventh grade of Homeschooling Kak Seto is Mrs. Mimi. Beside Mrs.Mimi is a teacher, she is also as a staff development 6) Learners The majority learners of Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo are came from
Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo is 25 children, while the total learners in seventh grade are 7 children. 7) Facilities The facilities in homeschooling Kak Seto solo are mosque, library, cafeteria, PC, classrooms. amount of the classrooms in the second home has 6 rooms, at the third home has 9 rooms, while at first home has 1 room. It contains the executive room, the director room, and the audio room.
Previous Related Study The title Homeschooling in the Czech Republic with Regard to ELT by Andrea Hanáčková This thesis examines the process of teaching English in homeschooling. In this thesis the authors involve parents to speak English, because the homeschooling us English as a second language. In this research the authors collected the data by an interview with the homeschooling parents. The interview questions are how to teach English to their children and how it goes. In contrast, this thesis which examines the process of teaching the English language that has only the been studied in homeschooling. The researcher will conduct the interview to the teachers and students. Latar Belakang dan Sikap Siswa Homeschooling terhadap Mata Pelajaran Matematika (Studi Kasus pada Homeschooling Kak Seto (HSKS) Solo) by Ika Rahmawati, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta in 2012. The result of Ika‟s thesis arethe background of parents whose their child learn at “HOMESCHOOLING KAK SETO SOLO” come from middle class that 95% having profession as an entrepreneur and a high education level. The reason why the parents choose homeschooling such as students activities in non-academic aspect, physical barriers, health disturbance, learning more flexible and dissatisfied with formal school system. The students able to appreciate the benefit of mathematic in daily life, independent and there is no difficulty in having social contact with social environment.The distinction between Ika‟s thesis and this research is Ika‟s thesis analyzed about background of the parents and the students
attitude toward mathematic whereas this research descriptive about English teaching learning process. The similarity between Ika‟s thesis and this research are the place for research equally in “HOMESCHOOLING KAK SETO SOLO”.
This chapter includes research method, place and time of the research, source of the data, the research instrument, technique of collecting data, the data analysis, and the trustworthiness of the data. A. Research Method. In this study the researcher will use a descriptive qualitative approach. Qualitative methods according to Kirk and Miller (1986) in Moleong (2004: 3) is a certain tradition in social science that is fundamentally dependent on the observations in humans both in the region and in their terminologies. Meanwhile, according to Bogdan and Taylor (1975) in Moleong (2004: 3) qualitative methods is a procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of words written or spoken of people and behaviors that can be observed. Prastowo states that, descriptive approach (2012: 24) method of qualitative research is a research method that systematically utilized to evaluate or examine an object on the natural background without any manipulation in it and without any hypothesis testing, with methods that naturally as a result the research is expected to not generalize based on measures of quantity, but of meaning (in terms of quality) of the observed phenomena. Based on the opinion above , the approach of qualitative research is a research technique that produces data to describe the phenomenon that occurs in the study with no evidence either orally, writing or observed behavior as a whole. In this research, the approach of the study is a qualitative descriptive. It is a collecting data in the form of words written or spoken of people andobserved behavior, especially regarding the implementation of the teaching and learning process in the seventh grade Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. 61
B. Place and Time of Research 1. Place of research The researcher chooses Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. It is located in Cocak 1 No. 3 & 4 Street, Sidorejo, Mangkubumen, Banjarsari Surakarta, telp. 0271-721124, 0271-9341124. 2. Time of Research. This observation would be conducted on Marc-December 2016. The planning list: No
1 2
Create proposal Pre-research Interview Examination of proposal Observation Interview Arranges thesis Examination of munaqosah
3 4 5 6 7
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 3 4 2 34 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
C. Source of Data The source of the data in this research includes event, informant, document. 1. Event The event in this research is English teaching learning process in Homeschooling, and the researcher concludes the tutor and the homeschooler of the seventh grade Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. 2. Informant The informant is a person who gives information about the people who provide the information required by the researcher Arikunto (2002: 122). The informant in this research is the school headmaster, HRD, tutorand the homeschoolers of the seventh grade Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. 3. Document The documents in this research are lesson plan, the communication book, the material, and the photos.
D. The Research Instrument The instrument of this research is the researcher herself because the research is the descriptive qualitative research. The researcher has the main role in looking for the data or information related to the teaching learning process that researcher focused on.
The researcher also uses some supporting instruments, like lesson plan, the communication book, the material, and the photos to support in collecting data from the research field.
E. The Technique of Collecting Data The data of this research are collected by using some techniques of qualitative
documentation. 1. Interview. The interview is a conversation with a purpose. The conversation was conducted by two parties, the interviewer (interviewer) who asked questions and interviewed (the interviewee) providing answers to the questions Moleong (2004: 135). Meanwhile, according Sugiyono (2007) in Prastowo (2012: 212) interview is a meeting of two people to exchange information and ideas through questions and answers that can be constructed meaning in a particular topic. Sugiyono (2015:195-199) states that there are two types of interview. Those are structured interview and unstructured interview. Structured interview is used as the collecting data if the researcher has known about the information will be gotten. While the unstructured interview is free interview from the respondents. It means that the answer is not limited by the respondents. In this study, the researcher uses unstructured interview because the researcher ask the respondents by giving opinion.
Interview techniques used for the process of teaching and learning in English class V11 Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. The researcher will conduct the interview to the tutor, school headmaster ,HRD, and homeschooler in the seventh grade. 2. Observation According to Sutrisno Hadi in Prastowo (2012: 220) Explained that observation is the systematic observation and recording of the symptoms seen in an object of research. Meanwhile, according to Nasution (1988) in Sugiyono (2015: 310) observation is the basis of all science. Scientists can only work based on the data, the facts about the world of reality obtained through observation. The researcher would use observation to obtain data geographical location, infrastructure, and the implementation of strategy used by English teacher inseventh grade in Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. 3. Documentation. According Moleong (2004: 161) documentation has long been used in research. Documentation is used as a source of data that can be used to examine, interpret and even to assess the validity of the data. Meanwhile, according to Prastowo (2012: 227) Documentation is basically a recording that is written or a movie, it is an event that has already passed. So the document is not a record of events that occurred today and the future, but the past record.
Documentation used this research about the history of the Homeschooling Kak Seto, organizational structure, the condition of tutor andhomeschoolers , and the lesson plans.
F. The Data Analysis Data analysis is the process of organizing and sorting data into pattern, category, and the basic outline of the unit so you can find the theme and can be formulated as working hypotheses suggested by the data Moleong (2016: 280). In essence, data analysis in qualitative research is a process that implies that its implementation should have started from the stage of data collection in the field and then intensively after the data is collected or in other words, performed in conjunction with the data collection process. Mechanical analysis carried out by using interactive data analysis techniques proposed by Miles and Huberman (2007) in Prastowo (2012: 241) says there are three grooves activities going on simultaneously: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion (verification). 1. Reducing the data Data reduction is the selection process, focusing and simplification, abstraction and transformation of raw data that emerged from the written records on the field. This data reduction takes place during the research carried out, from the beginning to the end of the study. In the reduction process, researchers are really looking for the valid data. When the
researchers watches the correctness of the obtained data, it must be rechecked by other informants perceived researcher knows better. Data reduction is done as the selection process, focusing, simplification and abstraction of field notes. At the time of the study, data reduction is done by making a summary of the obtained data from the field by making coding, and determining the focus theme. Data reduction is a form of analysis that sharpens, directs, disposes of unnecessary, and organizes data such that the final conclusions can be drawn and verified. 2. Presenting the data Presenting the data is a set of structured information that gives the possibility of drawing conclusions and taking action. This stage is an attempt to reassemble all the data obtained from the field during the activity. The data which is taken during the activities of simplified data in the data reduction. Presentation of data is done by assembling information organization. The description in narrative form which allows the conclusion of this research can be done by arranging sentences logically, systematically and making it easy to be read and understood. 3. Drawing conclusion In this phase, researchers began searching for the meaning of objects, noting regularities, patterns, explanations, configurations are possible, the flow of causation and propositions. So the researchers to formulate propositions related to the principles of logic, appointed him as the findings of the study, followed by repeatedly reviewing the existing data, organizing the data that has been formed and the proposition has
been formulated. The next step is to report the results of exhaustive research, with new findings that differ from existing findings. Picture interactive data analysis techniques proposed by Miles and Huberman in Prastowo (2012:243).
Data display
Data collection
Data reduction Conlusion Drawing Figure 1 G. The Trustworthiness of the Data In a qualitative descriptive study, to determine whether they are truly scientific or accountable then carried out a technical examination of the validity of data. Mechanical validity of the data used in this research is triangulation. Triangulation is a technique that utilizes data validity, checking something else beyond the data for the purposes of checking, or as a comparison of the data Moleong (2016: 330). According Putra (2012: 189) the term of triangulation is known to check and re-check the data using a variety of sources, techniques, and time. Meanwhile, Patton in Sutopo (2006:92) distinguished triangulation technique into four, namely: data triangulation (source triangulation), research triangulation, method triangulation, and theory triangulation.
1. Data Triangulation Data triangulation is also called as source triangulation. Data triangulation is a kind of triangulation that directs the researcher to obtain data by getting the information from one certain source such as from the document that contains the data which has closely relationship with the problem which is needed by the researcher. 2. Triangulation Method Triangulation method is done by the researcher to collect the similar data by using different methods or techniques of data collection. In this study, the triangulation methods is done by using observation, documentation, and interview. 3. Triangulation Researcher Triangulation researcher technique is the result of research, whether data can be valid or not by the other researchers. 4. Triangulation Theory Triangulation of this type carried out by using more than a theory. For example, an event that occurs in a community, not only examined by the perspective of social theory, but also used the perspective of other theories, such as theory of cultural, political, or economic. In this study, the researcher uses triangulation method namely observation, documentation, and interview. It aims to know howis the English teaching learning process in Homeschooling Kak Seto Soloby interviewing with the tutor, the headmaster, HRD, and the homeschoolers
in the seventh grade.Based on the research, the researcher finds the source information about English teaching learning process. Then, the interview is compared with observation and documentation of English teaching learning process in Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo.
This chapter covers introduction, research finding and discussion. The chapter present the result of the research that was conducted English teaching learning process in Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. The researcher would like to answer the research problems about English teaching learning process in Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. The elaboration of the answer to the research problems will be answered in the research finding then completed in the discussion. A. INTRODUCTION This research will describe about English teaching learning process. The research was conducted in Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. The subject of this research is homeschooler in seventh grade of Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. There are three objectives in this research, they are, 1) describing the material used by the tutor to teach homeschoolers, 2) describing the strategies used by the tutor, 3)describing the problems faced by the English tutor and the homeschooler when they are teaching and learning English. In this research, the researcher found the data from observation, interview, and documentation. The data includes the description of the speaking teaching-learning process and the results of interview to the English tutor and the homeschoolers at the seventh grade homeschoolers of Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo in the academic year 2015/2016. The data description consists of the data from classroom observation in the speaking
teaching-learning process, and also the data from interview to the English tutor and also thehomeschoolers at the seventh grade of Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo in the academic year of 2015/2016. The researcher also joined the class to get field notes. In this research, the researcher only focuses on the teaching and learning process in speaking skill.
B. RESEARCH FINDING The research finding was taken from what happened in the teaching and learning process from the beginning until the last of teaching and learning process done in this research. 1. The Material Used by The Tutor to Teach Homeschooler in Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo in Academic Year 2015/2016 Teaching material are very important instrument tohelp the learner take part in the teaching and learning process. The material in the teaching including procedure text, giving & asking for help, expression sorry & gratitude, and present continuous. The media used in the classroom like a white board, module, camera, role card, laptop. In the teaching procedure text, they make paper boat and banana pancake. Paper boat is making boat from paper folded, while banana pancake made of bananas and eggs, and the media used pans, stove, bowls, forks. In the teaching giving & asking for help the tutor give the video to the homeschoolers, then instruct the homeschoolers to come forward to respond to the dialogue about asking and giving for help. For the teaching expression sorry & gratitude the tutor taught the
homeschoolers used role play and the tutor explains how to express sorry and gratitude expressions, then distributes role cards and condition. Then the homeschoolers come forward to practice how to express sorry and gratitude expression by distributing the role cards with the theme “what will you say if…”, and the tutor asked about what activities will be undertaken now, then the homeschoolers answered one by one by using the formula of present continuous correctly. The curriculum applied by Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo in teaching-learning to the seventh grade homeschoolers is Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) or in other terms is the Curriculum of 2006 and it is mixed by using curriculum of Kak Seto Solo itself. The material used by the tutor is based on the syllabus and lesson plan. 2. The Strategy Used by The English Tutor to Teach The Homeschoolers in Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo in Academic Year 2015/2016 In seventh grade of Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo, the teaching and learning process used direct teaching strategy, empirical teaching strategy, interactive teaching strategy and independent teaching strategy. In the teaching learning process, the researcher observed as many as six times of meeting in the class. a. The first observation Based on the classroom observations, the researcher concludes that the English tutor in the class used empirical strategy. It was seen from the tutor who began the teaching with the practice in teaching learning process. The material was taught in order to the homeschoolers
are able to understand the text before it was practiced as procedure text make paper boat.
Picture 4.1 the homeschoolers make paper boat From the picture, the homeschooler make paper boat from instruction the tutor. Before practicing how to make paper boat, the tutor read the steps first up to finish, then the homeschoolers understand the text. It was appropriate to the observation field note: “ Before practicing how to make paper boat, the tutor read the steps firt up to finish, then the tutor understand the text. After that, the tutor and homeschoolers practice how to make paper boat. When practicing the material, the tutor read the instruction and the homeschoolers imitate and practice how to make paper boat.” (Fied note 1) The tutor used media for teaching about paper folded. The tutor also used the gesture to explain the material about paper boat, like stated based on observation that understand the text. After that, the tutors and homeschoolers practice how to make a paper boat. When practicing the
material, the tutor read the instructions and then the homeschoolers imitate and practice how to make a paper boat. The problem faced by the English tutor was some homeschoolers did not understand the material in English teaching-learning. The tutor said,“Kesulitannya adalah ada beberapa homeschooler kalau diajarkan sulit memahami materi dan ketika pas praktek membuat paper boat ada sebagian homeschooler yang tidak paham dengan intruksi saya kak.”. (Interview with Mrs.Mimi, Friday, June, 10th 2016) Evaluation of the material in teaching English is reviewing the material by giving the questions to the homeschoolers about procedure text orally. The tutor said, “untuk bentuk evaluasi ditiap-tiap materi, biasanya saya beri pertanyaan-pertanyaan secara lisan materi yang sudah saya ajarkan tadi”(Interview with Mrs.Mimi, Friday, June, 10th 2016) The solution of the problem above is the tutor guide. The tutor has to teach the homeschoolers well in order that they can understand the material, because the ability of each homeschooler is different. The tutor said, “Biasanya saya dekati mereka satu persatu ,saya sanya sudah paham dengan materi tersebut apa belum, kalau belum paham saya tuntun supaya bisa paham dengan materi yang saya ajarkan” ( Interview with Mrs. Mimi, Friday, June, 10th 2016) b. The second observation From the observation, the researcher concludes that the English tutorused empirical teaching strategy. It is because of the tutor did not
exactly translate the vocabularies into Indonesian, but she practiced directly how to make banana pancake. In another hand, the tutoralso explained the material by using Hand-phone for the media, then the steps was sent via BBM chat. The English tutorsaid, "Untuk langkah-langkahnya ketika mau praktek saya kirim via BBM chat yang sebelumnya saya terangkan terlebih dahulu”( Interview with Mrs.Mimi, Friday, June, 10th 2016) Based on observation in the class, medias of learning that used are hp, pan, stove, bowl, forks, bananas, and eggs.
Picture 4.2 The homeschoolers make banana pancake in procedure text. From the picture, The tutor explain the steps how to make banana pancake to the Homeschoolers first by reading, then the time when practicing. the tutor also explained the material about step to make banana pancake by using Hand-phone for the media, then the steps was sent via BBM chat. For the evaluation, the tutor asked the homeschoolers whether already understand with the material or not. Then the tutor instructed the homeschoolers to pronounce the steps of how to make banana pancake.
It was appropriate to the observation field note: After the practice is finish, the tutor asks the homeschoolers whether they already understand with the material banana pancakes and practice it. Then the homeschoolers try to mention the steps of how to make banana pancake and write in the book. ( Field note 2) Based on observation, the problem faced by the homeschooler when the Homeschoolers practice make banana pancake, there is some the homeschoolers confused make banana pancake. For the evaluation, the tutor asked the homeschoolers whether they already understood with the material or not. Then the tutor instructed the homeschoolers to pronounce the steps of how to make banana pancakes. The
menerangkan langkah-langkah bagaimana cara membuat pancake dengan lisan. Dari situ saya bisa mengambil nilai speaking mereka”( Interview with Mrs.Mimi, Friday, June, 10th 2016) c. The third observation Based on the observation, the tutor taught the Homeschoolers by using interactive teaching strategy. In that day, the tutor gave video to the Homeschoolers about giving and asking for help then they respond and practice it in front of the class. The tutor also said, “Saya memberikan video kemudian saya suruh maju untuk merespon dialog tersebut)” (Interview with Mrs. Mimi, Friday, June, 10th 2016)
Picture 4.3 The homeschoolers practice the dialog in front of class From the picture above, the homeschooler practice the dialog in front of class before watch the video. It was appropriate to the observation fieldnote: “The tutor, Mrs Mimi, gives the topic about Giving and asking for help.,then they respond and practice it in front of the class. For the evaluation, after the lesson has finished, the teacher asks the students whether they have already understood with the material or not”. For the material the tutor taught about giving and asking for help, and how to respond it. According to the English tutor, the problems faced by her in the teaching-learning process are the homeschoolers who have lack vocabulary mastery and the differences in homeschoolers‟ skill. It was stated in the interview the tutor said, “masalah yang ada dalam proses belajar mengajar adalah ketika pada waktu pelajaran ada sebagian homeschooler yang vocabnya lemah karena ketika di tanya tidak tahu artinya dan tidak bisa menjawab. Ini bisa dilihat kalau kemampuan
homeschooler berbeda-beda.Ada yang speakingnya bagus, ada juga yang writingnya bagus namun speakingnya lemah, dan ada juga yang vocabnya lemah juga sehingga tidak berani untuk tampil didepan kelas.”(Interview with Mrs. Mimi, Friday, June, 10th 2016) The evaluation that used by the English tutor in class was dialogue. The tutor also said, “ Untuk evaluasinya, setelah pelajaran selesai, tutor menanyakan kepada homeschooler apakah sudah paham dengan materi yang di ajarkan pada hari ini apa belum, dan memberikan pertanyaan dari materi yang di ajarkan, dari situ tutor dapat mengambil nilai speakingnya ”(Interview with Mrs. Mimi, Friday, June, 10th 2016) d. The fourth observation Based on the observation, the tutor taught the homeschoolers used interactive teaching strategy.
It was appropriate to the field note of
observation that the tutor explains how to express sorry and gratitude expressions, then distributes role cards and condition. Then the homeschoolers come forward to practice how to express sorry and gratitude expression by distributing the role card.
Picture 4.4 The homeschooler in front of class and play the card about expression sorry and gratitude. From the picture, the homeschooler in front of the class.The teacher gives the material about expression sorry and gratitude. It was appropriate to the observation field note: The teacher gives the material about expression sorry and gratitude. Then the tutor gives the role cards and condition. Then the tutor come forward to practice how to express sorry and gratitude by distributing the role cards. (Field note 4) The tutor also said in the interview,”Saya menerangkan bagaimana caranya
homeschooler maju kedepan kelas berperan dengan expression “what will you say if………”(Interview with Mrs. Mimi, Friday, , 10th 2016)
Based on observation, the English tutor used role cards. The tutor said, “saya menggunakan kartu peran sebagai media kak”(Interview with Mrs. Mimi, Friday, June, 10th 2016) According to the English tutor, the problem that faced by her in the teaching-learning process is the homeschoolers have lack vocabulary mastery. The tutor said “Kalau kesulitan dalam mengajar yang saya alami itu karena ada beberapa homeschooler yang belum banyak menguasai kosakata Bahasa Inggris jadi kadang mereka masih bingung kalau ditanya.”.”(Interview with Mrs. Mimi, Friday, June, 10th 2016) The evaluation system that was used by the English tutor in class was dialogue. It was stated by the English tutor in the interview, the tutor said, “Untuk evaluasinya, saya mengajak mereka dialog satu persatu, tentang what will you say if…….sesuai dengan kartu peran kak, kemudian mereka meneruskan dengan cara menjawab pertanyaan yang saya berikan, dari situ saya bisa mengevaluasi sejauh mana homeschooler memahami materi yang saya sampaikan dan saya bisa mengambil nilai speaking mereka dari percakapan tersebut ”(Interview with Mrs. Mimi, Friday, June, 10th 2016). To solve the problem above, the tutor gave an additional guidance to the homeschoolers who have lack vocabulary. It was stated in the interview, the tutor said, “Kalau untuk homeschooler yang minim vocabnya biasanya mereka tanya kesaya artinya apa kak, tetapi tidak langsung saya jawab soalnya biar mereka
mandiri dan tahu artinya apa, dan saya suruh mereka membuka kamus kak. (Interview with Mrs. Mimi, Friday, June, 10th 2016)
e. The fifth observation From the fifth observation, the researcher concludes that the English tutor taught the homeschoolers by using direct teachingstrategy. In this strategy, the tutor taught in the front and explained to the homeschoolers about the material at that day. In the meeting, the tutor taught about verb-ing. She drilled the homeschoolers about the sentences which is using verb –ing. Then, she changed the subject of the sentences, and asked the homeschoolers to speak the correct subject. She also asked the homeschoolers to do short conversation after drilling. The tutor asked about what activities that are continuing happen, then the homeschoolers answered one by one by using the pattern of present continuous correctly.
Picture 4.5 The tutor give the material about present continuous and the homeschoolers make sentence using present continuous. From the picture, the tutor taught in the front and explained to the homeschoolers about the material present continuous. The tutor asked about what activities that are continuing happen, then the homeschoolers answered one by one by using the pattern of present continuous correctly. It was appropriate to the observation fieldnote: “ Tutor menerangkan materi tentang present continous, kemudian homeschooler memahami materi tersebut dan tutor menanyakan aktifitas yang sedang di lakukan oleh homeschooler kemudian homeschooler menjawab aktifitas yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan presnt continuous.” (Fieldnote 5) While according to the homeschoolers the problems that they faced in learning English speaking are the grammatical structure, the meaning of words, and its pronunciation. The tutor said, “ kesulitan yang di alami mereka yaitu seperti ada sebagian homeschooler susah memahami rumus kak, ada beberapa homeschooler sulit untuk mengartikan kedalam bahasa inggris dan ada juga yang prounounnya masih belum bagus.” For the evaluation, the English tutor said that she took the score every meeting. The tutor said Kalau evaluasinya ada evaluasi tertulis ada evaluasi lisannya, kalau evaluasi tertulis misalnya setelah diterangkan, diberi pertanyaan secara tertulis, lalu homeschooler mengerjakan, setelah selesai dibahas bersama, kalau yang evaluasi lisan, bisanya langsung
bercakap-cakap langsung dengan homeschooler.(Interview with Mrs. Mimi, Friday, June, 10th 2016).
f. The sixth observation From the observation, the researcher concludes that the English tutor in this class used empirical teaching strategy. Because of the Homeschoolers are expected to be able to do creativity by making the procedure text based on the main idea of thetutor . The problem was English teaching learning process in evaluation of procedure text, there is some homeschooler when di tanya apa itu procedure text, ada sebagian yang paham dan ada beberapa yang belum paham.the tutor said, “ Ketika pada waktu pelajaran tentang evaluasi procedure teks, ada beberapa homeschooler yang paham dengan procedure teks dan ada ada yang belum paham kak, akhirnya saya menjelaskan lagi materi tentang procedure teks yang sudah di pelajari kemarin-kemarin dan akhirnya mereka paham, kemudian saya suruh untuk membuat procedure text maju satu persatu kak”. .(Interview with Mrs. Mimi, Friday, June, 10th 2016). For the evaluation, the homeschoolers make procedure text which was helped by the tutor to determine the main idea and then come forward to the class. The tutor said, “Evaluasinya homeschooler maju kedepan kelas satu persatu kemudian mengungkapkan procedure text
apa yang telah
dibuat.Ada yang maju membawa text ada yang tidak membawa text.Dari situ sayabisamengambil nilai speaking mereka.(Interview with Mrs. Mimi, Friday, June , 10th 2016)
3. The problems faced by the English tutor and the homeschooler when they are teaching and learning English in Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo in academic year 2015/2016. The problems faced by the tutor when teaches speaking in seventh grade homeschooler in Homeschooling Kak Seto Soloas follow : a. The tutor problems Based on observation, the researcher show that the English tutor was difficult when she taught the material to the seventh grade homeschooling Kak Seto Solo.Because there are two the hearing aids homeschoolers in seventh grade. The English tutor often touch them more detail individually. Based on interview, the tutor said“ terkadangsaya mengalami miss komunikasi antara materi yang saya ajarkan dengan pemahaman homeschooler kak”. (Interview with Mrs. Mimi, Friday, May, 27th 2016) Moreover, many homeschoolers are shy to come forward in front of class. They are also cool in the class. If they present their task in front of class, their voice is too slow. In fact, the problems that faced by the tutor are: 1) The tutor has to give instruction repeatedly.
2) The tutor has to get closer to that students, to explain more about the material. 3) The learning duration is washed. 4) The tutor has to give motivation repeatedly in order to the students come forward to speak in front of class. b. The Homeschooler Problems 1) Inhibition Unlike reading, writing and listening activities, speaking requires some degree of real time exposures to an audience.Based on the observation the homeschooler are shy to speak in front of class about the material. Although, one of them is clever but he is shy to speak in public. 2) Nothing to say Even if they are not inhibited, you often hear learners complain that they cannot think of anything to say, they have no motive to express themselves beyond the guilty feeling that they should be speaking. Based on observationthe researcher found that one of the hearing aid homeschoolers can‟t speak English well, because she has problem with her ear. She also should be motivated by tutor to come forward in front of class. Based on the interview, the homeschoolers said that “saya tidak terlalu suka dengan pelajaran bahasa inggris, karena kendala yang saya alami sulit untuk berbicara”.Interview with the homeschoolers, Friday, May, 20th 2016)
3) Low or uneven participation Only one participant can talk at a time if he or she is to be heard, and in a large group, this means that each one will have only very little talking. Based on observation, some homeschoolers have little contribution because most of them the know the meaning and less grammatical structure. 4) Mother tongue use In classes where all, or a number of the learners share the same mother tongue, they may tend to use it because it is easier, because it feels unnatural to speak to one another in foreign language, and because they feel less „exposed‟ it they are speaking their mother tongue.Based on observation, some homeschoolers used Indonesian language when asking and giving response.
C. DISCUSSION 1. The material that used by the tutor to teach the homeschoolers In the Seventh grade class, the material that used by the tutor are procedure text, giving and asking for help, expression sorry and gratitude and present continuous. That material taken from the Kak Seto‟s Hand book.That book taken from KTSP curriculum that is mixed with ACP (Acuan Pembelajaran). After that, Homeschooling Kak Seto make the syllabus from that curriculum. So, Homeschooling Kak Seto make the syllabus by themselves.
In teaching English, the tutor is not only take the material from the Kak Seto‟s Hand book. Sometimes, the tutor uses the material from “English on Sky 1 for Junior High School Students”. It is aimed for the teaching material have a lot of references. The other references, the tutor takes the material from internet, youtube, newspaper, or work sheet that make by them selves. 2. The strategy used by the tutor to teach speaking The process of speaking teaching-learning in Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo run communicatively in the target language. The tutor speaks English when explaining the subjects and asking the homeschoolers to do something, after explaining by using English language, tutor also explains by using Indonesian so that the homeschoolers understand what the material that have been taught by the tutor. The strategy applied by the English tutor are almost same. In seventh grade of Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo, the teaching and learning process used direct teaching strategy, empirical teaching strategy, interactive teaching strategy and independent teaching strategy. The first strategy used in teaching and learning process is direct teaching strategies. In this strategy, the tutor taught in the front and explained to the homeschoolers about the material on that day. In this strategy the tutor explained to homeschoolers about the present continuous tense. After that, the tutor gave assignments to the homeschoolers to make sentences using the present continuous with the theme of "what is our activities".
The homeschoolers were given an individual assignment to makea text using the present continuous and then they read it out one by one.That appropriates with the theory. Based on the theory, Hamruni (2009: 8) direct teaching strategy : “Direct instruction teaching strategy is teaching that directed by the teacher. This strategy is effective to determine information or to build a skill step by steps. The direct instruction usually has deductive character”. The second strategy the tutor uses empirical teaching strategy. Based on the theory Hamruni (2009:8-9), Empirical teaching strategy has orientation in inductive activities. Homeschoolers are centers. Self reflection about their experience, formulation of planning to reach implementation based on context. The superiority of this strategy are improving of homeschoolers participation. In this strategy the tutor explained to homeschoolers aboutthe procedure text (in the procedure text,the tutor taught how to make a paper boat and banana pancake) and the homeschoolers to practice make banana pancake. The third strategy used interactive teachingstrategy, in this strategy the tutor give material about expression sorry & gratitude and giving & asking for help. For the material about expression sorry and gratitude, the tutor explains how to express sorry and gratitude expressions, then distributes role cards and condition, and the material about giving and asking for help the tutor givevideo to the homeschoolers about giving and asking for help, then they respond and practice it in front of the class. Based on the theory Hamruni (2009)Interactive teaching strategy
emphasizes on discussion and share between the learners. It will encourage of learner to create new an idea or concept, reacting on experiences, approach and developing alternative mindset. The superiorities of interactive teaching strategy are homeschoolers can improve their social skill and their ability, developing of rational argument. The fourth strategy used Independent teaching strategy, in this strategy the tutor gave independent tasksto the homeschooler, such as making clippings and portfolio assignment sheet.In Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo, portfolio usually gave to the homeschoolers on the early month. The homeschoolers have to submit it on the last month. That appropriate with the Hamruni‟s theory. According to Hamruni (2009: 9) The purposes of independent teaching strategy are developing of individual initiative, self independent, and self developmental. Students must be active learner. The superiority of this strategy is creating students‟ respect, while the weakness is difficult implementation for young learner. 3. The problems that faced by English tutor and the Homeschoolers Based on findings, the problems that faced by the tutor are the tutor has to give instruction repeatedly, the tutor has to get closer to that students, to explain more about the material. The other problems are the learning duration is washed and the tutor has to give motivation repeatedly in order to the students come forward to speak in front of
class. It caused in the seventh grade class has different personality from each homeschoolers. There are two homeschoolers that have problem in their hearing sense. So, they are helped with hearing aid. Even though, they use hearing aid but sometimes the tutor still has difficult to teach them. That makes the tutor has to give instruction repeatedly. The other homeschooler, actually he is smart but when the tutor asks him to come forward to speak in front of class he is shy and he has low voice. That makes the tutor has to motivation him. Based on findings, there are also problems that faced by the homeschoolers. There are inhibition, nothing to say, low or uneven participation and mother tongue use. That appropriates with the theory from Ur (1995:121) in Aleksandrzak (2011: 39). Based on the observation one of the problem is inhibition. The homeschooler feel shy to speak in front of the class. It is caused the homeschooler afraid if they make mistake and un confidence. The other problem is mother tongue use. The homeschooler still use Indonesian. It causes they feel difficult to speak English. When the tutor explains in English the homeschoolers have difficult to understand, so the tutor has to use Indonesian.
This chapter presents about conclusion towards the result of the research, implication and suggestion. A. Conclusion Refering to the data analysis in the previous chapter which coberes research finding and discussion, the researcher draws some conclusion. 1.
The first point about the material that used by the tutor to teach the homeschooler are procedure text, giving & asking for help, expression sorry & gratitude, and present continuous. The material taken by Modul book seventh grade student in Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. The material which is taught to the student is based on the lesson plan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) or the Curriculum of 2006. It is mixed by using curriculum of Kak Seto itself.
The second point is about the strategies used by the tutor to teach the homeschooler in Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. The strategies in teaching and learning process used direct learning strategy, empirical learning strategy, interactive learning strategy and self-regulated learning strategy. The tutor implements some specific strategies to teach homeschooler. The implementation of specific strategies is aimed to make the homeschoolerunderstand the material and help them to speak English correctly. The specific strategies used by the tutor such as to deliver the material. The tutor taught in the front and explained to the students about 92
the material on that day. Sometimesthe tutor gavethe cards and video to teach the material, thenthe tutor explained thehomeschooler aboutthe material and instructed them to practice make it. 3.
The third point is about the problem faced by the tutor and homeschooler when teaching learning process. The problem faced by the tutor such as the English tutor was difficult when she taught the material to the seventh grade homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. Because there are two the hearing aids homeschooler in seventh grade. The English tutor often taught them more detail individually and sometimes there ismiscommunication between
understanding. Moreover, there are some problems faced by the homeschooler such as inhibition, nothing to say, low or uneven participation, and mother tongue use. The problem solving to overcome the homeschooler problem such as askthe homeschooler to open dictionary when learn English. The tutor motivates them in order that they are not shy to speak English in class.The last, the tutor gives more pay attention to non regular homeschooler.
B. SUGGESTION Based on the research, the researcher in this opportunity would like to give some recommendation to the activity in English conversation club. Hopefully, the recommendation will be useful for the tutor, homeschooler, and institutions.
For the tutor. The English tutor should use the appropriate strategies to teach their homeschooler. The English tutor have to realize that there are two homeschooler hearing aids. They should more pay attention to them. By giving more attention to them, they get high motivation to learn English. The English tutor should be more creative in managing the class. They should find creative way to teach speaking such as having new class situation, input some game in the technique and others attractive way that able to make the homeschooler feel exciting.
For the homeschoolers. Homeschoolers should encourage themselves to learn more, ask more and more in the learning process. They should give their speaking ability and create it as well as possible. In another way, the homeschoolers should take an equal portion in learning grammar, vocabulary and other skills as well as speaking skill. They should practice their speaking in a good manner including all elements speaking. For the homeschoolers who are shy speaking to the learning process in Homeschooling Kak Seto, should always be active in the learning process and remove the fear that is not ashamed to come forward. Moreover for the two homeschoolers hearing aids, they should ask if they feel confused. They also do not ashamed to explore their knowledge in speaking skill.
For the institutions Emphasize the English teacher to use the appropriate strategies in teaching learning process.It had been better when the Homeschooling Kak
Seto Solo increased the English learning process by using media. It can more improve to homeschoolers speaking skill. Many practices in English learning make the homeschoolers more understand.
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FIELD NOTE Code Title Informant Place Day/Date
: 01 : Observation : Tutor and Homeschoolers : The third of homeschooling. :Friday , March 18th 2016
For the first time, the researcher conduct observation in the class in Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. It is located in Cocak 1 No. 3&4, Sidorejo, Mangkubumen, Banjarsari, Solo. The English teaching and learning process started at 7:30 in the morning. The Tutorin the English teaching and learning process is Mrs. Mimi. There are seventh Homeschoolers in the class. They are Zaky, Alan, Rafi, Nova, Nessa, Inesta, Maryam. Because the researcher comes for the first time, the researcher do introducing herself in front of the class. Then the researcher observe how the teaching and learning process in class. First the Tutor, Mrs. Mimi greets the student, “Selamat pagi” The homeschoolers answered “pagi” then she continuous, to open our meeting today, please pray together. Then Mrs. Mimi give The homeschoolers topic about procedure text. The Tutor explained about paper boat, before practicing how to make a paper boat, The Tutor read the steps first up to finish, then The homeschoolers understand the text. After that, The Tutor and homeschoolers practice how to make a paper boat. When practicing the material, The Tutor read the instructions and then The homeschoolers imitate and practice how to make a paper boat. It is finished at 8:30 in the morning. After looks the teaching learning process in that day, the researcher go outside from the class.
Code Title Informant Place Day/Date
: 02 : Observation : Tutor and Homeschoolers : The third of homeschooling : Friday, April, 1st 2016
In the second observation, the researcher arrived in the class at 07.00 am as usual The Tutoris Mrs. Mimi. The homeschoolers arrived five people because two student permit. The homeschoolers join in the class they are Nova, Afim, Inesta, Nessa, Zaky. Mrs. Mimi give the topic about procedure text (let‟s make it banana pancake). The first, The Tutor explains the step how to make banana pancakes to Homeschoolers by reading, then when the time of practicing, The Tutor send the steps through BBM chat. Medias of learning that used are only hp, pan, stove, bowl, fork, bananas, and egg. After finishing the practice, The Tutor asks The homeschoolers whether they have already understood with the material or not. Then The homeschoolers try to mention the steps of how to make banana pancakes and write in their book. The teaching and English process takes place in the third canteen house. Because the teaching and the learning process have finished, the researcher goes to home.
Code Title Informant Place Day/Date
: 03 : Observation : Tutor and Homeschoolers : The third of homeschooling :Friday, April, 8th 2016
In this day, the researcher arrived in the third of Homeschooling Kak Seto at 07.00 am. Then the researcher sees that The homeschoolers are accompanied by their parent to come the homeschooling. The Tutor, Mrs Mimi, gives the topic about Giving and asking for help. The Tutor give the video to The homeschoolers about giving and asking for help, then they respond and practice it in front of the class. For the evaluation, after the lesson has finished, The Tutor asks The homeschoolers whether they have already understood with the material or not. The Tutor also gives the question from the materials that have been taught. After following the teaching and learning process, the researcher goes to the first home to meet the headmaster of the homeschooling. The researcher interviews with the headmaster about Homeschooling. After that the researcher asks permission and goes home.
Code Title Informant Place Day/Date
: 04 : Observation : Tutor and Homeschoolers : The third of homeschooling : Friday, April, 15th 2016
In the fourth observation, the researcher arrived in homeschooling at 07.15 A.M. The Tutor gives the material about expression sorry and gratitude. The Tutor explains how to express sorry and gratitude. Then The Tutor gives the role cards and condition. Then The homeschoolers come forward to practice how to express sorry and gratitude by distributing the role cards. For the evaluation, The Tutor call them to make dialogue one by one about “what will you say if ......”.Then they continue by answering a question that The Tutor gave. From this activity The Tutor can evaluate how far The homeschoolers understand the material that she taught. The lesson has finished at 09.00 A.M and the student pray together based on their belief.
Code Title Informant Place Day/Date
: 05 : Observation : Tutor and Homeschoolers : The third of homeschooling : Friday, May, 13th 2016
In this day, the researcher arrived at 07.00 A.M in the third of Homeschooling Kak Seto. Then the researcher sees The homeschoolers are accompanied by the parent to come in homeschooling. The Tutor, Mrs.Mimi, gives the material about present continuous. The Tutor asks about what activities that they are doing, then The homeschoolers answered one by one by using the pattern of present continuous correctly. The Tutor goes around the class by asking about present continuous individually.
After finishing the class, the researcher interviews with the English Tutor about teaching and learning process. Then the researcher permits to go home.
Code Title Informant Place Day/Date
: 06 : Observation : Tutor and Homeschoolers : The third of homeschooling : Friday, May, 20th2016
The last observation, the researcher arrived at 09.00 A.M in the third of Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo. The homeschoolers of the seventh grade are Nova, Afim, Ines, Nessa, Maryam, and Alan. The Tutor gives material about evaluation procedure text. The Tutor asked student who is remember about procedure text. Then The homeschoolers answer the definition about procedure text. The English Tutor used board marker and whiteboard to explain more about it. For the evaluation, The homeschoolers make procedure text which is guided by The Tutor to determine the main idea and then come forward to the class. After finishing the class, the researcher interviews with The homeschoolers about the English teaching and English learning process. Then the researcher permits to go home.
RESULT OF INTERVIEW Date of Interview Place Interviewer Interviewee
: Wednesday, 10thFebruary 2016 : The third of Homeschooling : Nurul Munfaridah : Kak Heni
: Assalamualaikum, maaf kak mengganggu waktunya sebentar, saya mau tanya-tanya tentang Homeschooling kak. Kak Heni : Waalaikum salam, iya kak, mau tanya-tanya tentang apa ya kak? Interviewer : Kak maaf, kenapa orang-orang memilih di Homeschooling kak? Apakah enak, pengajarannya asyik, langsung menangani anak satu persatu. Kak Heni : iya seperti itu kak, disini pembelajarannya enak menarik tidak monoton, dan kalau proses belajar mengajar tutor mendekati perindividu kak. Interviewer : Karakternya sendiri bagaimana ya kak, menurut kakak? Kak Heni : karakternya yang masuk di Homeschooling sini kebanyakan tidak bisa di sekolah umum, tidak bisanya itu karena bermacam-macam kak, seperti tidak bisa karena orangtuanya sibuk, berkebutuhan khusus, bisa juga karena tidak cocok dengan sekolah formal, bisa juga gangguan dalam belajarnya, bisa juga dia lebih enjoy dengan sistem seperti ini tidak pasif tetapi lebih focus kepada masingmasing individu. Interviewer : bedanya sistem komunitas dengan sekolah umum apa ya kak ? Kak Heni : kalau disini muridnya itu lebih sedikit yaitu maksimal 10 anak, kalau di kelas formal sampai 40 anak, jam pelajarannya juga tidak terlalu banyak lebih sedikit di banding jam sekolah formal kak. Interviewer : kalau bahasa inggrisnya berapa jam kak? Kak Heni : bahasa inggrisnya 1 jam dalam 1 minggu. Interviewer : oh yaudah itu dulu geh kak, besok saya mau ijin tanya-tanya lagi geh kak, matursuwun…Assalamu‟alaikum, Kak Heni : oh geh kak tidak apa-apa, sami-sami kak,, waalaikum salam. Date of Interview : Thursday, 18th February2016 Place : The third of Homeschooling Interviewer : Nurul Munfaridah Interviewee : Kak Heni Interviewer Kak Heni
: Assalamu‟alaikum, kak maaf mengganggu waktunya sebentar, saya mau tanya lagi soal tindak lanjut kemarin kak. : waalaikum salam, iya kak tidak apa-apa.
Interviewer Kak Heni
Interviewer Kak Heni Interviewer Kak Heni Interviewer Kak Heni Interviewer Kak Heni Interviewer Kak Heni Interviewer Kak Heni
Interviewer Kak Heni
: kak, kalau di sini itu programnya apa saja ya kak ? : Kalau di sini itu ada program Community, Distance learning, dan semi komunitas kak. Kalau Komunitas merupakan proses pembelajaran dimana peserta dikumpulkan dalam sebuah kelas untuk belajar sambil bersosialisasi dengan teman-temannya. Dalam komunitas jadwal belajar ditentukan oleh HSKS Solo, kalau Distance Learning merupakan proses pembelajaran dimana homeschooler belajar dirumah atau tempat lain didampingi oleh orang tua sebagai tutor utama. Orang tua dapat menggunakan jasa tutor dari HSKS Solo ataupun pihak-pihak yang diperlukan. Sedangkan Semi komunitas merupakan system pembelajaran dimana peserta belajar dirumah mengadopsi system pembelajaran berkumpul didalam kelas .yaitu membentuk kelompok dari waktu pembelajaran yang tetap layaknya komunitas. : berapa jumlah siswa kelas 7 yang ada di homeschooling kak? : kalau DL sama semi komunitas ada 2, kalau yang komunitas ada 7 kak. : kalau di kelas 7 itu lebih menonjol di speaking, writing, reading, apa listeningnya ya kak? : kalau di kelas 7 itu lebih menonjol di speakingnya kak : kalau saya mau meneliti enaknya itu di kelas berapa ya kak? : di kelas 7 aja, soalnya di kelas 7 tersebut speakingnya rata-rata bagus. Meskipun masing-masing mempunyai corak tersendiri. : biyasanya paling sering kelas 7 itu memakai metode apa kak? : biyasanya kelas 7 itu paling sering menggunakan metode converstation kak : kurikulumnya kelas 7 itu memakai kurikulum apa kak ? : kalau di sini kurikulumnya masih menggunakan KTSP dan di campur dengan kurikulum Kak Seto Sendiri Kak : kalau anak-anaknya itu antusias dalam pelajaran bahasa inggris tidak kak? : kalau kelas 7 di sini pada dasarnya anak-anaknya pada suka bahasa inggris kak , kalau menjawab pertanyaan itu kebanyakan mereka bisa kak dan anaknya juga banyak yang aktif. : apakah di kelas 7 itu ada anak yang menonjol? : yang menonjol itu zaki, tapi zaki disini itu pendiam sekali, kalau speaking itu mungkin dia tidak terlalu aktif.
Date of Interview
: May, 20th2016
: Nurul Munfaridah
: Nova
The third of Homeschooling
Interviewer : halo, namanya siapa? Nova
: Halo juga kak, nama saya Nova.
: Nova dapat pelajaran bahasa inggris sejak kapan?
: Sejak kelas 1 SD kak.
: Apakah Nova suka dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris?
: iya suka kak.
: coba perkenalan dengan bahasa inggris.
: Menurut Nova mata pelajaran bahasa inggris yang enak itu apa? bagaimanadengan speaking ?
: I think speaking, because speaking is my hobbies.
: yang mengajar bahasa Inggris kan Kak Mimi, menurut Nova cara pengajarannya gimana?
: its great not bad.
: Apa yang menjadi kendala atau kesulitan dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris?
: I think is grammar, also not great grammar, so I will try it. Because I good in speak.
: bagaimana cara menanguulangi kesulitan tersebut?
: I study hard
Date of Interview : May, 20th2016 Place
: The third of Homeschooling
: Nurul Munfaridah
: Alan
: Halo namanya siapa?
: Alan kak
: Alan rumahnya mana?
: jalan patimura no.97 kak
: Alan suka bahasa inggris?
: suka
: Alan bisa memperkenalkan diri dengan bahasa inggris?
: my name is Alan , my hobby is game, study, watching TV
: dalam bahasa inggris pelajaran yang sulit itu apa?
: kalau di bahasa inggris itu mudah
: kalau di speakingnya?
: kalau di speakingnya juga mudah
: menurut Alan, kak mimi kalau mengajar sudah memahamkan apa belum ?
: sudah memahamkan.
Date of Interview : May, 20th2016 Place
: The third of Homeschooling
: Nurul Munfaridah
: Rafim
: Rafim suka bahasa inggris sejak kapan?
: sejak kelas 6 SD kak, tapi pas kelas 1-5 SD saya belum suka pelajaran bahsa inggris.
: yang sukar dalam pelajaran bahasa inggris itu apa?
: semua suka, tapi yang tidak bisanya cuma ngomonginnya,
: coba tolong perkenalkan rafim dengan bahasa inggris.
: my name is Afim ,my hobby is play music especially drum, Iam 13 years old,
: selain kendala tadi, apa yang menjadi kendala dalam speaking?
: nginget-nginget pelajaran, hari ini pelajarannya apa terus besok lupa, selain itu bisa dikit-dikit dalam bahasa inggris.
: cara menanggulanginya gimana?
: cara menanggulanginya belajar terus.
Date of Interview : May, 20th2016 Place
: The third of Homeschooling
: Nurul Munfaridah
: Maryam
: namanya maryam, rumahnya mana?
: Majawetan , Solo
: Apakah Maryam suka bahasa inggris ?
: Suka
: masalah dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris apa ?
: tidak ada, suka semua
: Maryam juga suka speaking?
: iya saya suka
: Maryam bisa memperkenalkan dengan bahasa inggris?
: my name is Maryam, iam 13 years old
: tetapi dalam bahsa inggris yang susah itu apa?
: gak ada yang susah dalam bahasa inggris.
: Mata pelajaran apa yang sudah diajarkan dalam bahasa inggris ?
: Banyak ?
: Apasajacontohnya ?
: Membuatprocedure teks how to take a bath
: terus alat yang di butuhkan apa saja?
: towel, soap, water, wash,
:Apakah Maryam sangatmenyukaibahasainggris?
:Akusangatmenyukaibahasainggrisdarimenonton film kartun yang berbahasa inggris dan mendengarkan music
Date of Interview : May, 20th2016 Place
: The third of Homeschooling
: Nurul Munfaridah
: Nessa
: haloo, tadi namanya siapa? Nessa ya??
: iya kak, he
: Nesaa suka dengan bahasa inggris gak?
: Nessa sudah mempelajaribahasainggrissejakkapan ?
:waktu kecil, waktu SD
: dalampelajaranbahasainggrisapakahada yang tidakdisukai ?seperti pelajaran speakingnya?
: tidak bisa ,nek ngomong pakai bahasa inggris itu aku tidak paham
: tapi paham ya kalau di terangkan pas waktu pelajaran?
: gak paham,
: Bagaimanacaranesamenyelesaikanmasalahtersebut ?
Date of Interview : May, 20th2016 Place
: The third of Homeschooling
: Nurul Munfaridah
: Inesta
: Namanya tadi Inesta ya?
: Iya kak,
Interviewer l : Inesta sudah di jemput orang tua belum? Inesta
: Belum kok kak.
: inesta suka dengan bahasa inggris?
: suka,
: menurut inesta yang sulit dalam mata pelajaran bahasa inggris itu apa?kayak sulit memahami rumus apa ngomongnya sulit?
: kalau yang sulit itu mengartikannya, sebenarnya kalau menghafal itu gampang, sebenarnya aku itu tidak hafal tapi di pahami aja.
: kalau berbicara bahasa inggris bisa to?
: bingung bacanya apa, ya bisa tapi ngawur gitu lo,
: tapi bisa mencontohkan dengan memperkenalkan diri gak?
: iya bisa kak, my name is inesta arfani my hobby is drawing, to become people success.
: tapi yang susah itu mengartikannya ya ?
: iya kak
: terus dalam menanggulanginya gimana?
: kalau susah mengartikannya ya buka kamus kak,
: tapi bisa to speakingnya, ini tadi nyatanya bisa inesta. Tapu hanya kurang PD
: tapi malu itu kak,
: tidak usah malu, nyatanya tadi inesta juga bisa tapi cuma kurang percaya diri aja.
: hehe, iya kak .
: terimakasih ya a tas waktunya.
: iya kak, sama-sama .
Date of Interview : May, 27th2016 Place
: The first of Homeschooling
: Nurul Munfaridah
: Kak Mimi
: Assalamualaikum, maaf kak mengganggu.
Kak Mimi
: Waalaikum salam kak, iya tidak apa-apa kak.
: Saya mau tanya-tanya sebentar kak soal proses belajar mengajarnya.
Kak Mimi
: oh iya kak, silahkan.
:Apa yang dipersiapkan sebelum memulai pembelajaran ya kak ?
Kak Mimi
:Mempersiapkan materi yang sesuai dengan RPP kak.
: Apakah RPP yang digunakan menggunakan kurikulum KTSP ?
Kak Mimi
: Iya , disini menggunakan kurikulum KTSP yang disesuaikan dengan kurikulum Kak Seto.
:Berarti Kak Seto mempunyai kurikulum sendiri ?
Kak Mimi
: Iya tetapi juga mengikuti pemerintah juga tetapi terdapat modifikasi sehingga tidak murni KTSP.
:Bagaimana cara membuka kegiatan belajar mengajar ya kak ?
Kak Mimi
: Dengan berdoa terlebih dahulu dan memperkenalkan materi yang akan diajarkan
: Bagaimana cara mengajak/ membujuk siswa supaya dapat belajar secara efektif ?
Kak Mimi
: Siswa disini tidak perlu diajak atau dibujuk kak karena mereka akan tahu sendiri apa yang akan mereka pelajari melalui judul materi.
: Strategi pembelajaran apa yang digunakan ?
Kak Mimi
: Strategi yang digunakan beda-beda.
Kak Mimi
: Strategi yang digunakan melalui mind mapping, presentasi dan games tetapi lebih sering menggunakan mind mapping karena siswa dapat belajar secara mandiri serta praktek.
: Media pembelajaran apa yang paling sering digunakan ?
Kak Mimi
:Media pembelajaran yang sering digunakan pada kegiatan belajar mengajar bahasa inggris adalah papan tulis , kadang memakai handphone yang dimana handphone selain berfungsi sebagai kamus siswa, selain itu handphone juga dapat digunakan belajar berinteraksi melalui multi chat media social yang ada didalam handphone.
: Apakah siswa di Homeschooling Kak Seto Solo aktif dalam mengikuti pelajaran bahasa inggris ?
Kak Mimi
: tidak semuanya aktif, terkadang siswa disini harus dipancing terlebih dahulu agar aktif, tetapi menurut saya tidak terlalu aktif tidak apa – apa yang penting siswa paham.
: Bagaimana menangani siswa yang sulit dalam memahami materi?
Kak Mimi
: di gali terus kak dengan cara melalui memberi latihan kepada siswa
memberikan pemahaman agar dia lebih tahu dari yang kemarin tidak tahu, jadi pencapaiannya tidak sama. Interviewer
: bagaimana factor penunjang speaking agar lebih baik?
Kak Mimi
: Dengan cara terus berkomunikasi melalui bahasa inggris dalam kegiatan sehari-hari, tidak terlalu banyak tutor ngomong di depan, karena kalau tutor ngomong di depan murid cuma dengerin makanya harus ada feedback dari murid
: apakah ada target yang ditentukan homeschooling dalam speakingnya tadi?
Kak Mimi
: mereka bisa mengungkapkannya dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris.
:Jika ada yang belum memahami pelajaran speaking apakah ada sanksi yang diberikan kepada murid ?
Kak Mimi
:Tidak ada sanksi yang diberikan kak, hanya saja murid harus mengerti dan memahami pelajaran speaking yang diberikan.
: bagaimana cara mengetahui bahwa murid telah berhasil mempelajari pelajaran speaking ?
Kak Mimi
: Cara mengetahuinya adalah jika murid sudah dapat memahami apa yang kita tanyakan dan bisa menjawab dan dapat mengungkapkan apa yang ada di pikiran mereka menggunakan bahasa inggris.
: Masalah-masalah apa yang terdapat dalam mata pelajaran speaking ?
Kak Mimi
: Terkadang terjadi miss komunikasi antara guru dan murid, terkadang saya pingin memakai bahasa inggris terus tetapi anakanak tidak paham, dan tidak ada penilaian khusus untuk speaking tetapi melalui komunikasi sehari-hari.
: Bagaimana cara menyelesaikan masalah tersebut ?
Kak Mimi
: Cara menyelsaikan masalah tersebut adalah dengan banyak membuka kamus kak dengan membuka kamus homeschooler dengan
berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris maka dengan sendirinya masalah tersebut dapat terselesaikan karena pembelajaran di Homeschooling bukan pembelajaran yang kaku dan memotivasi homeschooler supaya tidak takut maju ke depan kelas, dan memberikan perhatian yang khusus pada dua homeschooler yang mempunyai pendengaran berkurang Interviewer
: Apakah murid-murid mengahafalkan kosa kata agar komunikasi dalam bahasa inggris terlihat lebih natural ?
Kak Mimi
: disini biar bisa menggunakan speaking biasanya muridnya suka menonton film yang barat-barat, mendengerin lagu barata-barat. Tidak perlu mengahafal cukup dengan membuka kamus secara terus- menerus maka siswa akan hafal dengan sendirinya.
; kalau pronounciationnya udah jelas apa belum ya kak tadi?
Kak Mimi
; ada yang sudah bagus ada yang belum bagus.
; evaluasinya sendiri gimana kak?
Kak Mimi
: kalau evaluasinya itu menggunakan pelajaran sehari-hari, jadi gak ada tugas khusus untuk speaking.
Date of Interview Place Interviewer Interviewee Interviewe Kak Mimi
Interviewer Kak Mimi Interviewer Kak Mimi Interviewer Kak Mimi
Interviewer Kak Mimi
Interviwer Kak Mimi
Kak Mimi Interviewer Kak Mimi
: : : :
June, 10th2016 The first of Homeschooling Nurul Munfaridah Kak Mimi
: waktu pembelajarannya sendiri itu jam berapa kak? : dari jam setengah 8 sampai jam setengah 9 kak, pada hari jumat, kalau hari kamis itu waktunya 75 menit di laksanakan 1 bulan sekali dan di pekan ke dua. : materinya yang di ajarkan di Homeschooling Kak Seto itu apa saja kak? : materinya ada procedure text, simple continuous, asking and giving for help, expression sorry and gratitude. : scoring speakingnya itu gimana kak? : scoring speakingnya itu menggunakan angka. : kalau standar speakingnya di katakana bagus itu kayak apa kak? : standar speaking di katakana bagus kalau bisa mengungkapkan apa yang di fikirkan, terus sesuai dengan temanya dan sesuai dengan pelajaran pada hari itu,karena kan penilaiannya speaking pada setiap hari jadi korelasinya dengan materi, dan dia bisa jelasin lagi kalau di tanya bisa mengerti sudah dia dapat nilai. : apakah habis setiap pelajaran mengisi buku komunikasi kak? : iya semua pelajaran mengisi buku komunikasi kak, karena setiap pelajaran ada laporannya itu belajarnya apa, trus evaluasi dari tutor ke anak itu apa, karena setiap anak kan mempunyai buku yang berbeda-beda dan dari anak responnya dari pelajaran itu apa. : apa ada penilaian khusus dalam speaking? : karena speaking kan setiap hari, jadi masuk nilai harian itu, jadi tidak ada nilai khusus bahasa inggris kayak speaking, jadi semuanya itu langsung jadi paket penilaian dalam 1 hari seperti ketepatan, kerjasama, kreatifitas, dan kehadiran. : kalau kesulitan yang selain miss komunikasi, kadang kakak penfen memakai bahasa inggris terus, kesulitan selain itu apa kak? : Kesulitannya adalah ada beberapa murid kalau diajarkan sulit memahami materi : Kalau evaluasinya sendiri seperti apa kak? : kalau evaluasinya itu langsung praktik kak, dan tidak ada PR. Terus setiap habis pelajaran itu evaluasinya saya tanya tentang pelajaran yang sudah saya terangkan tadi kak. : kalau solusinya sendiri gimana kak?
Kak Mimi
Interviewer Kak Mimi Interviewer Kak Mimi Interviewer Kak Mimi
Interviewer Kak Mimi
Interviewer Kak Mimi Interviewer Kak Mimi
Interviewer Kak Mimi
Interviewer Kak Mimi
: Biasanya saya dekati mereka satu persatu ,saya sanya sudah paham dengan materi tersebut apa belum, kalau belum paham saya tuntun supaya bisa paham dengan materi yang saya ajarkan : kalau cara membuat banana pancake kemarin intruksinya memakai BBM chat ya kak? : Untuk langkah-langkahnya ketika mau praktek saya kirim via BBM chat yang sebelumnya saya terangkan terlebih dahulu : untuk pelajaran asking and giving for help itu di kasih video ya kak? : Saya memberikan video kemudian murid-murid saya suruh maju untuk merespon dialog tersebut : kalau permasaahannya sendiri pada proses pembelajaran ini apa kak? : masalah yang ada dalam proses belajar mengajar adalah ketika pada waktu pelajaran ada sebagian murid yang vocabnya lemah karena ketika di tanya tidak tahu artinya dan tidak bisa menjawab. Ini bisa dilihat kalau kemampuan anak-anak berbeda-beda. Ada yang speakingnya bagus, writingnya bagus namun speakingnya lemah, dan ada yang vocabnya lemah juga sehingga tidak berani untuk tampil didepan kelas : kemarin pas pelajaran expression sorry and gratitude kak Mimi menerangkan dulu ya kak? : Saya menerangkan bagaimana caranya mengespresikan expression sorry and gratitude dan murid maju kedepan kelas berperan dengan expression “what will you say if………” : kalau medianya kemarin menggunakan kartu peran ya kak? : iya kak, untuk media kemarin menggunakan kartu peran. : kalau evaluasinya sendiri bagaimana kak? : Untuk evaluasinya, saya mengajak mereka dialog satu persatu, tentang what will you say if…….terus mereka meneruskan dengan cara menjawab pertanyaan yang saya berikan, dari situ saya bisa mengevaluasi sejauh mana anak-anak memahami materi yang saya sampaikan” : kalau kesulitannya sendiri kak? : Kalau kesulitan dalam mengajar yang saya alami itu karena ada beberapa anak yang belum banyak menguasai kosakata Bahasa Inggris jadi kadang mereka masih bingung kalau ditanya. : untuk polvingnya sendiri giman kak? : Kalau untuk anak yang minim vocabnya biasanya Tanya kesaya artinya apa kak, tetapi tidak langsung saya jawab soalnya biar mereka mandiri dan tahu artinya apa, dan saya suruh mereka membuka kamus kak.
Interviewer Kak Mimi
Interviewer Kak Mimi
Interviewer Kak Mimi
Interviewer Kak Mimi Interviewer Kak Mimi Interviewer Kak Mimi Interviewer Kak Mimi Interviewer Kak Mimi Interview Kak Mimi Interviewer
: kalau evaluasi untuk present continuous sendiri seperti apa kak? : Kalau evaluasinya ada evaluasi tertulis ada evaluasi lisannya, kalau evaluasi tertulis misalnya setelah diterangkan, diberi pertanyaan secara tertulis, lalu murid mengerjakan, setelah selesai dibahas bersama, kalau yang evaluasi lisan, bisanya langsung bercakap-cakap langsung dengan murid. : kalau pas evaluasi procedure text sendiri seperti apa kak? : Evaluasinya murid-murid maju kedepan kelas satu persatu kemudian mengungkapkan procedure text apa yang telah dibuat.Ada yang maju membawa text ada yang tidak membawa text. Dari situ saya bisa mengambil nilai speaking mereka. : apakah di Homeschooling ada raport atau fortopolio? : ada kak, di Homeschooling ada raport yang isinya bukan langsung nilai tapi ada juga ada keterangannya, perkembangannya kayak apa seperti perkembangan akademik dan perkembangan non akademik, kalau portopolio itu tugas bulanan jadi setiap bulan itu homeschooler dapat tugas yang di kasih di awal bulan mereka kerjakan dan di kumpulin pada akhir bulan. Nanti ngerjainnya tergantung homeschoolernya ,ada yang di tulis tangan, ada yang di ketik, ada yang di buat makalah, ada yang di buat mading, jadi tergantung perintah portonya itu seperti apa. : kalau menurut kakak sendiri itu lebih menonjol speakingnya apa writingnya ya? : tetap speaking kok kak, seperti maryam itu, bisa ngomong tapi tidak bisa nulis. : kalau ekstranya sendiri itu seperti apa kak? : kalau ekstranya itu seperti gambar, video photo grapy, video editing, tari, renang, dan futsal. : kalau pembelajaannya itu seperti yang formal biyasa ya kak? : iya tapi tidak murni di dalam kelas, terkadang praktik di luar kelas. : kalau methodenya sendiri yang paling sering di gunakan itu apa kak? : yang paling sering di gunakan itu method main mapping. : kalau kurikulumnya sendiri itu KTSP apa campuran kak? : kalau kurikulumnya itu ngikutin dari pusat dan modifikasi dari Kak Seto sendiri. : bagaimana cara mengatasi siswa yang berkebutuhan khusus menurut kakak tadi? : caranya ya di dekatin di bantu biar bisa, kan kalau seperti itu udah di anggep beda dengan yang normal biyasa. : apakah kemampuan berbeda-beda?
Kak Mimi
Interviewer Kak Mimi
Kak Mimi
Interviewer Kak Mimi
: iya , kemampuannya berbeda-beda yang ini masih bintang dua yang ini sudah bintang lima caranya adalah di kasih soal perlevel jadi misalkan level 1 dia bener-bener yang tidak punya ide jadi saya membantu ide tersebut. Contohnya kemarin Maryam, maryam di bantu ide seperti Maryam kalau mandi gimana, stepnya gimana aja, jadi dia bisa tinggal mindah ke bahasa inggris. Kalau bahasa inggrisnya tidak tahu nanti ya saya bantu. : apakah standar penilain speaking sama ya kak ? : standarnya adalah dia bisa melampaui apa yang sudah dia punya sebelumnya. Kayak kemarin kan bingung to bagaimana caranya membuat procedur text itu kayak gimana , trus saya bantu dengan cara mendekatinya, caranya mandi, yang di butuhin ap astepnya gimana, setelah itu kalau udah tahu stepnya apa lha dari situ udah dapat nilai. Kayak si Rafim , Nova itu levelnya sudah beda lagi, itu sudah butuh sesuatu yang lebih kreatif. Tidak yang simple banget, kayak saya beri pertanyaan caranya membuat fried egg, kalau membuat fried egg aja kan sudah terlalu gampang kan buat dia, jadi saya kasih pertanyaan selain pake fried egg pas lagi break fast ada lagi gak? Ada, kemudian dia jelasin cara membuatnya juga. Jadi sesuai kemampuannya masing-masing, tetapi jangan sampai kelihatan di anak-anak. : kan katanya Kak Mimi kemarin kan writingnya juga bagus, kayak nulis di BBM sosmed itu kak, tapi meurut kakak itu tetap menonjol speakingnya apa gimana kak? : iya tetap menonjol di speakingnya, ada beberapa yang tidak berani ngomong, kayak Nessa, itu wajib di support dulu agar mau ngomong, dan kalau di suruh maju mau maju, sedangkan kalau Zaki itu kalau nulis bisa lengkap banget benar semua, tapi kalau di suruh ngomong itu malu-malu. Menurut saya ya tetap menonjol di speakingnya, karena setiap mengajar saya memakai speaking. Seperti pas present continuos, kita sekarang lagi ngapain sih “ what are doing now?” ada yang menjawab we are studying, we are sitting, we are learning. : kalau di Homeschooling sini manggilnya teacher ya kak? : gak kak, kalau di Homeschooling sini manggilnya kakak tutor dan manggil anaknya dengan sebutan nama aja karena pembelajaran di Homeschooling Kak Seto biar lebih fun, akrab, dan meninggalkan momok sekolah yang monoton yang murid harus nurut banget pada guru,tetapi kalau di homeschooling kak seto guru itu ngarahin. : untuk ijazahnya gimana kak?
Kak Mimi Interviewer Kak Mimi Interviewer Kak Mimi
Interviewer Kak Mimi
Interviewer Kak Mimi
Interviewer Kak Mimi
Interviewer Kak Mimi
: Untuk di sini itu ijazahnya menggunakan ijazah kesetaraan, untuk SD opaket A, untuk SMP paket B, dan untuk SMA paket C. : kalau ujian nasionalnya gimana kak? : kalau ujian nasionalnya bareng-bareng, kalau nonformal yang ada di Solo itu di tahun ini ujiannya di SMP 4 : kalau di Homeschooling Kak Seto itu non formal apa informal kak? : di sini itu nonformal kak, (informal itu di lakukan di keluarga jadi mandiri sedangkan kalau lembaga itu non formal untuk ujian kesetaraan itu melalui rapot fortofolio itu mengajukan ke dinas ). Homeschooling informal itu seperti Homeschooling keluarga seperti contoh kak Nurul punya anak dan di ajar sendiri oleh Kak Nurul dan tidak ikut ketentuan sekolah, UTS yang buat kak Nurul sendiri. Jadi informal adalah belajar sendiri, penilaian juga dari orang tua sendiri. : Di Homeschooling Kak Seto sendiri itu mempunyai program apa kak? : Kalau di sini ada communitas, distane learning, dan semi komunitas. Kalau komunitas itu tempatnya di kelas, kalau distance learning itu tempatnya di rumah, kalau semi komunitas itu anak distance learning belajar bareng dirumah. Seperti contoh anaknya kak Nurul distance learning dan anak Kak Mimi juga distance learning terus umurnya sama maka belajar bareng di rumah itu namanya semi komunitas. : Materinya apa sama dengan sekolah formal biasa kak? : Iya , materinya sama dengan sekolah formal biasa tetapi sudah di modifikasi dengan kurikulum Kak Seto tersendiri karena ACPnya dengan menggunakan ACP pusat Kak Seto. Tetapi jam pembelajarannya lebih sedikit. : Alasan orang tua menyekolahkan anaknya di Homeschooling kenapa ya kak? : Biasanya tidak cocok dengan sekolah formal, tidak cocoknya karena dia tidak bisa mengikuti teman-teman yang ada di sekolah formal. Ada juga yang dia biasa aja dan tidak di perhatikan oleh guru, ada juga yang kemampuannya lebih cepat dan lebih rendah, dan ada juga yang dari fisiknya terbatas. : Apakah di sini mempunya tutor ekstrakulikuler sendiri? : Ya disini mempunyai tutor ekstrakulikuler sendiri, seperti contoh guru olahraga ya ngajarnya olahraga, seni juga ngajarnya seni.
Date of Interview
: June, 17th2016
: Nurul Munfaridah
: Kak Yanti
The first of Homeschooling
: Kemarin kan berdirinya tanggal 15 mei 2010 ya kak, Apa Latar Belakang di dirikan dari HS Kak Seto Solo ?
Kak Yanti
: Latar belakangnya bermula dari idealisme dari beberapa pendiri yaitu Kak Yanti, Kak Heni, Kak Evi, dan Kak Ana melihat kondisi pendidikan di tahun 2009 masih belum bisa mewadahi semua model anak dengan keunikannya masing-masing, serta memang belum ada HS di Solo dan dengan arahan kak seto memang perlu ada HS
di Solo.
Pertama dengan perkenalan
dengan masyarakat dengan cara menyebar brosur atau testimony kelembaga- lembaga seperti lembaga bakat minat yang ada di Solo dan lembaga kursus seperti gilang ramadhan, bakat music, bakat nari seperti itu kita masukkan. Selain itu di sekolah formal dengan orang tua dan anak-anak ketertarikannya sangat bagus di sana . akhirnya kita dirikan Homeschooling ini, serta juga karena sekolah formal dirasa belum dapat mewadahi minat dan bakat siswa jadi dari inisiatif kita atas arahan kak seto di dirikan HS pada 15 Mei 2010. Interviewer
: Di HS Kak Seto Solo apakah terdapat pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kualitas guru ?
Kak Yanti
: Kalauuntukpelatihandiselenggarakandua kali pertama di internal HS dipantau melaluiobservasi, evaluasi selama menjadi tutor disini seperti method-methode apa yang sudah kakak tampilkan dan methode apa yang berhasil di pakai danakandiolahlagi, yang keduaolehdinaspendidikan
padasetiaptahunterdapatpelatihankhusus buat tutor-nonformal ada yang di paket A, paket B, maupun paket C, pelatihan itu biasanya
kita mewakilkan salah satu tutor untuk melakukan pelatihan terkadang diSemarangataudikota Solo,pelatihannya biasanya 3 sampai4 hari. Pelatihannya seperti mengajar, pembuatanmetode pelajaran, pembuatan soal buatsemesteran, penjaminanmutuserta workshop. Interviewer
: Apa system evaluasi yang ada di HS ?
Kak Yanti
: Evaluasipembelajarandilaksanakansetelahselesaipembelajaranden gancaramengisi data tertentuseperti hari ini kelas tujuh yang masuk siapa dan sikapnya bagaimana terus ada juga tadi si Rafim telat karena bannya bocor kemudian di laporkan ke wali kelas ketika closing.
: Berapa lama alokasiwaktupembelajaran yang ada di HS kakSeto Solo ? apakahadaperbedaandengansekolah formal ????
Kak Yanti
: Dasar
Pengaturanwaktu 1 jam berapa menit itu adalah
operasional dari pendidikan nonformal sendiri, jadi di pendidikan di nonformal ini tidak sepadat dengan pendidikan formal. Jikadipendidikan formal 1 jam itu bisa 35sampai 45 menit tergantung levelnya, tapijika di Homeschooling Kak Seto menghabiskanwaktu 75 menit dalam 1 jam. Untuk intensitas pembelajaran di sekolah formal 1 mata pelajaranbisa sampai 2 jam
akan tetapi di Homeschooling Kak Seto sendiri 1 mata
pelajaran itu 1 jam dan dilaksanakan pada setiap seminggu sekali, walaupun begitu di Homeschooling Kak Seto dilengkapi dengan tugas portofolio.
Tugas portofolio adalah tugas pendamping
untuk pengayaan homeschooler
itu sifatnya tugas perbulan,
pemberian tugas di awal bulan dan pengumpulannya di akhir bulan. Interviewer
: ApaEkstrakulikuler yang ada di HS ?
Kak Yanti
menggambar, renang, futsal, dan fotografi, sedangkan tingkat SMA ada menggambar,renang, futsal, fotografi dan tari.
: kalau ekstrakulikulernya itu juga ada tutornya sendiri-sendiri kak?
Kak Yanti
: iya kak, kalau renang itu di Hotel Agas, kalau fotografi itu tergantung tutornya sendiri kak.
: untuk pembelajarannya sendiri di mualai kapan kak?
Kak Yanti
: Untuk proses belajar mengajarnya itu di mulai dari jam 07.3012.00 AM. Habis itu ada kegiatan ekstra atau intra kak.
: kalau intrakulikulernya sendiri di mulai kapan kak?
Kak Yanti
: Intrakulikuler untuk SMP harinya itu selasa sama kamis , untuk hari selasa itu jamnya pukul 10:15 AM akan tetapi kalau hari kamis itu jam 10:45 AM.
:apakah untuk intrakulikuler juga ada tutornya sendiri kak?
Kak Yanti
:Untuk tim intrakulikuleritu dari kakak - kakak tutor tetapi kalau ada tema tertentu yang harus kitabutuhkan seperti ahli-ahli tertentu seperti puskesmas atau dinas-dinas terkait itu akan kita undang mereka. Tapisecarahariankitamemakaitim intra yang terdiridarikakak tutor sendiri.
:Apakurikulum yang digunakan ?
Kak Yanti
: Kurikulum disini dari arahandinaspendidikan nonformal adalah KTSP kak sedangkan methodenya dan modifikasinya dari kita internal kita sendiri dan Jadi KTSP itu kita olah lagi karena lebih focus ke Ujian Nasional.
: Mengapa HS KakSeto Solo diminatiolehmasyarakat?
KakYanti :Tertariknyamasyarakatkarenakegiatanpembelajarannyame narikdanpembelajarannyatidak formal dan ada anak yang di pendidikan formal itu mereka tidak bisa , seperti tidak bisa dalam hal pembelajaran karena orang tua pindah dinas terus, kayak pindah dinas dari Solo pindah ke Papua otomatis kan anak harus ikut ya kak, dalam hal ini kan sekolahnya tidak bisa fleksible nah di Homeschooling dapat memfasilitasi itu kak, jadi orang tua pindah dinas maka bisa memakai sistem distance learning, dengan pantauan pembelajaran kita e learning aktif, secara kemampuan
IQ tinggi itu tidak bisa di atasi dengan sekolah formal karena itu harus penanganan individual, karena di sekolah formal dengan 40 siswa itu perlakuannya sama, ada juga anak-anak yang mempunyai keunikan sendiri misalkan ada yang indigo, dia anaknya pintar, ketika di kelas formal indigo itu kan bisa melihat sesuatu ketikasekolah tidak bisa menangani dengan baik maka dia kan tidak akan nyaman di situ, punya bakat minat tersendiri. Jadi dengan keunikan dan bakat minat masing-masing anak tadi kita dapat memenuhi kebutuhan mereka. Jadi menyeimbangan antara akademik dan kognitifnya mereka. Interviewer
:Kenapa di HS tidakmenggunakanseragam ?
Kak Yanti
: iya karena pendidikan non formal dan pendidikan formal itu kan standar operasionalnya berbeda kak, untuk formal standar operasionalnya sudah teratur dengan waktu 1 minggu berapa jam dan memakai sragam, yang membedakan standar operasionalnya disini adalah pelaksanaannya dan pakaiannya tidak usah memakai seragam, tapi secara targetnya dan pencapaiannya itu setara dengan formal.
: Buku komunikasi sendiri itu apa kak?
Kak Yanti
: Buku komunikasi itu tujuannya untuk mengetahui proses pembelajaran pada hari itu seperti apa, dan di tujukan ke wali kelas, kepala sekolah, dan orang tua.jadi di buku komunikasi itu ada tanda tangannya wali kelas, tutor,orang tua wali murid. Tujuannya adalah apabila kita tidak bisa menghubungi orang tua via SMS ataupun BBM maka dengan buku tadi orang tua bisa tahu kegiatan yang di lakukan anak mereka. Buku komunikasi sifatnya setiap hari di isidan di bawa pulang kak.
:Bagaimanadenganraportsiswa ?
Kak Yanti
:sesuaidengan pendidikan nonformal, raportmenyesuaikandengan yang diberikandinaspendidikan non formal. Isi raport yang ada di Homeschooling itu nanti tidak ada yang kurang dan tidak ada
yang lebih. Dan untukportofolio di bagikanpadasaatpengambilan raport.
Documentation of Teaching Learning Process
The First of Homeschooling
The Second of Homeschooling
The Third of Homeschooling
The Homeschooler in front of Class and Play the Card about Expression Sorry and and Gratitude
The Homeschooler make paper boat
The Homeschoolers practice dialog in front of class
The tutor give the material about present continuous and the homeschooler make sentence using present continuous
The homeschoolers make banana pancake in procedure text
Interview with Kak MImi
Interview with Kak Heni
Interview with Kak Mimi
The Raport of Homeschooling
The Program of Homeschooling Kak Seto
Personal Detail Full Name
: Nurul Munfaridah
Place and Date of Bird : Grobogan, 20 Oktober 1992 Nationally
: Indonesia
: Islam
: Krajan Rt.002/Rw.003, Bandungsari, Ngaringan, Grobogan
Phone number
: 085743656805
[email protected]
Educational Background 1999
: Kindergarten in TK Dharmawanita Bandungsari
: Elementary School in SD N 4 Bandungsari
: Junior High School in Mts N Wirosari
: Senior High School in MAN Purwodadi
: Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty, The State Islamic Istitute of Surakarta