Perancangan Kota menerapkan seni pada setiap detil bangunan kota dan wajah kota. Jembatan dan jalan, bangku yang ada di sepanjang jalan, halte bus, lampu penerangan kota, tandatanda-tanda lalu lintas.
Penerapan ini dilakukan untuk melindungi wajah kota dari kesemrawutan dan ketidak teraturan penataan perabot ruang luar.
Kualitas kota juga dipengaruhi oleh tingkat seni dekorasi dari segi bentuknya dan elemennya yang bisa temui di jalanjalan-jalan, di fasade bangunan dan di obyek komunal. Bentrok antar elemen yang tidak senada perlu dihindari
SISTEM INFORMASI (SIGNAGE SYSTEM) •Merupakan elemen visual yang penting di kota-kota •Bertujuan, menciptakan lingkungan yang informatif sehingga memudahkan pemakai kawasan berorientasi dan bersirkulasi
Di pandang dari sudut Perancangan Kota • Ukuran dan mutu desain papan-papan informasi harus diatur agar tercipta suatu keserasian. Sehingga dampak visual tidak berlebihan dan sekaligus mengurangi kesemrawutan akibat bersaing dengan rambu-rambu lalu lintas dan rambu-rambu publik yang memang diperlukan
Tanpa mengabaikan pentingnya sistem informasi bisnis di suatu daerah, kita juga harus memperhatikan kualitas dari lingkungan fisik yang harus dimiliki. Sistem informasi yang terdesain dengan baik turut mendukung karakter dari penampilan gedung sekaligus menghidupkan jalanan, selain memberikan informasi barang dan jasa pribadi
Desain dan ukuran tata informasi dapat memberikan dampak visual yang menguatkan maupun merusak
Panduan desain (design guidelines) dapat menggolongkan cara pengkomunikasian dengan memberikan perincian tentang identitas bisnis, lokasi, barang atau jasa yang dihasilkan.
Contoh : City of San Luis Obispo – Sign Regulations
Signage Guidelines Wall signs include most types of signage that are attached to the face of a building wall. These include channel letters made out of wood, metal or plastic. Wall signs may be painted on a wall, or on a board that is attached to a wall. Wall signs should be oriented to achieve balanced composition and harmony with other architectural elements of a building façade. Wall signs should be placed on a flat building surface and should not be placed over or otherwise obscure architectural building features.
1. Location and Number Permitted Wall signs must be located on a building face that has a public entrance. The maximum number of wall signs permitted is two per tenant space. 2. Size Wall signs may be a maximum of 100 square feet or 15% of the building face where the sign is attached, whichever is less. Wall signs with changeable copy are limited to 6 square feet. 3. Illumination Wall signs may be illuminated by any means consistent with Section 15.40.430 of these Sign Regulations. 4. Zoning Wall signs are allowed in all zoning districts.
Large Tenant Signage Criteria: • Large tenant signage calculations apply to tenants with more than 10,000 sq. ft. of leasable area. • Large tenant signage shall be integrated into the architectural features of the façade to which they are attached. • Maximum Signage Allowed 15% of storefront area for each side of the building. • This maximum shall not exceed 300 sq. ft. in total area for any single storefront. • Maximum area calculation may transfer to another storefront, leased by the same tenant, on other building elevations to increase tenant visibility to surrounding streets. • Each Pedestrian Street frontage is calculated separately. • “Storefront” is defined as first 12’ above each floor of lease area building frontage facing Pedestrian Street. Example: Storefront Area Dimensions: 12’x 90’ = 1,080 sq. ft. x 15% = 162 sq. ft. of signage allowable.
Signage Guidelines Window signs should be scaled to the pedestrian and oriented to window shoppers on the sidewalk, as opposed to vehicles passing by. Window signs should be limited to small graphics and text that serve to frame a window or to provide information. A window sign should not obscure the view into a store or place of business.
1. Location and Number There is no specific location requirement or limit to the number of window signs allowed. A window sign is a sign that is painted on or attached to a window and located within 12inches of the face of a window. Window signs do not include business hours of operation or open/closed signs. Window displays, including merchandise displays, graphics and text, that are located more than 12 inches from the face of a window are not considered signs. 2. Size Window signs are limited to a maximum of 24 square feet or 15% of the window area, whichever is less. 3. Illumination Window signs may be illuminated by any means consistent with Section 15.40.430 of these Sign Regulations. 4. Zoning Window signs are allowed in all commercial zoning districts.
1. Location and Number Signs may be located on awnings subject to size criteria. One awning sign is permitted per tenant space and must maintain a minimum clearance of 8 feet above any public right-of-way or private sidewalk area.
Signage Guidelines Signs on awnings should be minimized and are only appropriate if there are no good alternatives for wall signs, projecting signs or hanging and suspended signs. Signage should be limited to the skirt of the awning and should not be on the awning face. Signs should only be considered for the awning face if there is no other adequate location for signage on a given storefront or property.
2. Size Signs on awnings shall not cover more than 25 percent of the main area of the awning, or exceed 25 square feet in size, whichever is smaller. 3. Illumination Awning signs may be externally illuminated consistent with Section 15.40.430 of these Sign Regulations. Back-lit, translucent awning signs are prohibited. 4. Zoning Awning signs may be located in all commercial zones. Installation of new awnings is subject to Architectural Review.
Signage Guidelines Projecting signs are attached to a building face and project out perpendicular to the building wall. Projecting signs are very effective when oriented to pedestrians on the sidewalk level. Appropriate materials include wood and metal with carved or applied lettering, or any other material that is architecturally compatible with the building that the sign is attached to. Multiple projecting signs should not be installed within 10 feet of each other if on the same property and should be separated from projecting signs on adjacent (berdekatan/berbatasan) properties by 10 feet to insure proper visibility.
1. Location and Number Projecting signs must be attached to building façades that have a public entrance and must maintain a minimum clearance of 8 feet above the public right-of-way or private sidewalk area. One projecting sign is allowed per tenant space. 2. Size Projecting signs may have a maximum area of 6 square feet in the O (Office), 12 square feet in the C-N (Neighborhood Commercial), C-D (Downtown Commercial), C-C (Community Commercial), and 24 square feet in the C-R (Retail Commercial) and C-T (Tourist Commercial) zoning districts. 3. Illumination Projecting signs may be illuminated by any means consistent with Section 15.40.430 of these Sign Regulations. 4. Zoning Projecting signs are allowed in the O, C-N, C-D, C-C, C-R & C-T zoning districts only.
Signage Guidelines Hanging signs, or suspended signs, are used to help define entries and identify business names to pedestrians. They are small and can hang over a building entry if the appropriate appropriate clearance is provided. Hanging signs can be particularly useful for storefronts that have multiple tenants. 1. Location and Number Hanging or suspended signs must be attached to building façades that have a public entrance and must maintain a minimum clearance of 8 feet above any public right-of-way or private sidewalk area. 2. Size Hanging signs may have a maximum area of 8 square feet. 3. Illumination Hanging signs and suspended signs may be externally illuminated, although ambient light is usually sufficient to light these small signs. 4. Zoning Hanging and suspended signs are allowed in all zoning districts.
1. Location and Number Permitted Monument signs berlokasi pada halaman jalan atau bangunan. Hanya diijinkan satu untuk setiap bangunan
Signage Guidelines Monument signs secara tipikal terletak pada area building setbacks, yang berorientasi dan didesain sedemikian rupa sehingga tidak memungkinkan tipes signage yang lain untuk berada di dekatnya, seperti wall signs. Monument signs harus dirancang sesuai dengan arsitektur bangunan dan site dimana bangunan itu berada. Monument signs berorientasi pada lebih dari satu sisi jalan, dan memberi kesempatan untuk meningkatkan nilai penampilan dari lanscape.
2. Size Monument signs memiliki luas maksimum 24 square feet. The maximum height of a monument sign is 6 feet. In the C-R (Retail Commercial) and C-D (Downtown Commercial) zoning districts, the maximum size of a monument sign is 12 square feet and the maximum height is 4 feet. Where two or more uses are located on the same premises, the sign area for monument signs must be shared. The largest single sign face is used to calculate the area of monument signs. 3. Illumination If illumination of monument signs is desired, then external illumination or halo lighting is preferred. Internally-illuminated cabinet signs must have a dark background with light lettering, per Section 15.40.430 of these Sign Regulations. 4. Zoning Monument signs are allowed in all commercial and public facility zoning districts.
Signage Guidelines • Free-standing post signs digunakan pada fungsi perkantoran atau fungsi campur kantor dan hunian komersial. • Terdapat kemiripan dengan monument signs, perbedaanya terletak pada orientasi dimana post signs hanya berorientasi pada satu sisi pandangan saja. • Warna dan materials harus sesuai dengan peraturan pembangunan yang sudah disepakati • Hurup harus diukir dan diwarna 1. Location and Number Berlokasi pada halaman depan bangunan 2. Size The maximum sign area for free-standing post signs is 20 square feet. Free-standing post signs shall not be taller than 6 feet, measured from the ground to the top of the sign structure. Where two or more uses are located on the same premises, the sign area for free-standing post signs must be shared. 3. Illumination Free-standing post signs may be externally illuminated consistent with Section 15.40.430 of these Sign Regulations. 4. Zoning Free-standing post signs are allowed in all zoning districts.
Signage Guidelines Pole signs are primarily intended to communicate with people in automobiles. The sign structure is typically located on a single pole, but other types of supports may be used.
1. Location and Number Pole signs are located along arterial streets 2. Size Pole signs may have a maximum height of 16 feet and a maximum area of 72 square feet. Where two or more uses are located on the same premises, the sign area for pole signs must be shared. 3. Illumination Pole signs may be illuminated by any means consistent with Section 15.40.430 of these Sign Regulations, and subject to ARC approval of the lighting design. 4. Zoning Pole signs are allowed in the C-R (Commercial Retail), C-S (Commercial Service) and C-T (Commercial Tourist) zones only, subject to the approval of the Architectural Review
Commission( ARC).
Signage Guidelines Sandwich-board signs (papan tanda sisipan) can be effective for certain types of uses, such as markets, restaurants or bakeries that have changing specials and menus. These sign may have rewritable surfaces, such as chalk boards or dry-erase boards. 1. Location and Number Sandwich-board signs are prohibited in the public right-of-way and must be placed on private property. Sandwich-board signs may be located in required street yards for any given zone, subject to the approval of the Community Development Director. Only one sandwich-board sign is permitted per tenant space. 2. Size Sandwich-board signs may have a maximum area of 8 square feet and a maximum height of 4 feet, measured from the ground to the top of the sign structure. 3. Illumination Sandwich-board signs may not be illuminated. 4. Zoning Sandwich-board signs are allowed in all commercial zones.
Signage Guidelines Certain building walls present opportunities for murals (lukisan pada dinding). Murals should not contain text or any specific commercial message. Murals that do not contain text or any specific commercial message can be considered public art.
1. Location and Number Murals may be located on any building wall. There is no specific limit on the number of murals permitted. 2. Size Murals may be any size, subject to the approval of the ARC. 3. Illumination Murals may be externally illuminated, consistent with Section 15.40.430 of these Sign Regulations. 4. Zoning Murals may be located in all zones, subject to the approval of the Architectural Review Commission (ARC).
Signage Guidelines Electronic message centers (EMCs) come in different shapes and sizes and typically have a scrolling message. Some EMCs have interactive computer screens.
1. Location and Number Electronic message centers may be incorporated into pole signs, mounted or free standing. One EMC is permitted per premises. 2. Size The allowable size of an electronic message center is determined as part of Architectural Review. If part of a pole sign, the electronic message center may only constitute 10% of the overall sign area. If mounted on a building or if free standing, the maximum area is 8 square feet. 3. Illumination EMC’s may be illuminated, consistent with Section 15.40.430 of these Sign Regulations. 4. Zoning EMC’s may be located in all commercial zoning districts, subject to Architectural Review.
Signage Guidelines Shopping center identification signs should be compatible with the design theme of the development. They may identify multiple tenants, but larger shopping centers with more than 5 tenants. The sign structure should contain elements of the design theme of the buildings in the center.
1. Location and Number One shopping center identification sign may be located on each major street frontage of a development. 2. Size The size of the sign shall be subject to the approval of the ARC and the height is limited to 16 feet. 3. Illumination Shopping Center Identification signs may be illuminated consistent with Section 15.40.430 of these Sign Regulations. 4. Zoning Shopping Center Identification signs may be located in the C-S, C-C or C-R zoning districts only, subject to the approval of the Architectural Review Commission (ARC).
Signage Guidelines The purpose of residential subdivision signs is to identify the name of a subdivision, provided the subdivision is not an in-fill project within an established neighborhood. They are usually monument signs or wall signs placed on a wall feature in a landscaped open space area at the entry of the development. 1. Location and Number One residential subdivision sign is allowed at each major street frontage of a subdivision. They must be located within a landscaped area that is maintained by a homeowner’s association. 2. Size Each sign may be up to 20 square feet and have a maximum height of four feet. 3. Illumination Residential subdivision signs may not be internally illuminated. 4. Zoning Residential subdivision signs are allowed in all zones, subject to the approval of the ARC.
1. Location and Number Flag poles shall be located outside of required setback areas. Only one flag pole is permitted per premises. 2. Size The size of the flag shall commensurate with the height and diameter of the pole, per recommended industry standards. The maximum height of the flag pole is the same as the maximum height for structures, as provided in the Zoning Regulations unless the ARC determines that additional height is necessary to achieve architectural compatibility with the proposed flagpole location and surrounding buildings.
3. Illumination Flags may be illuminated by any means consistent with Section 15.40.430 of these Sign Regulations, and subject to ARC approval of the lighting design. 4. Zoning Official flags (Federal, State, local) may be located in all zoning districts, subject to Architectural Review. Flag signs are allowed in the C-R, C-S and C-T zones only, subject to the approval of the ARC.
Signage Guidelines Directory signs are used for multi-tenant buildings to provide a directory of tenant locations within the building. They may also serve as the address sign for the property. Directory signs are small scale and are oriented to pedestrians. 1. Location and Number Directory signs may be free standing, or may be fixed on an exterior wall if the building has no setback. One directory sign may be permitted per premises. 2. Size Directory signs may be no larger than 12 square feet in area, and individual letters may not exceed 6 inches in height. 3. Illumination Directory signs may be illuminated by any means consistent with Section 15.40.430 of these Sign Regulations. 4. Zoning Directory signs are allowed in all zoning districts.
Petunjuk Khusus • Penggunaan papan informasi sebaiknya mencerminkan sifat-sifat khas dari daerah tersebut • Jarak antar papan informasi harus dapat menjamin terjadinya visibilitas sekaligus menghindari kesemrawutan dan overcrowding adanya pengaturan terhadap papan-papan informasi yang terlalu besar dan bengkak • Papan-papan informasi yang digunakan harus sesuai dengan arsitektur tempatnya berdiri • Harus ada batasan untuk papan-papan informasi bercahaya, kecuali bagi penggunaan khusus seperti teater dan tempat-tempat hiburan • Melarang pemasangan papan-papan informasi raksasa yang mendominasi pemandangan dari daerah-daerah pejalan kaki seperti taman dan lapangan-lapangan
• Bollards merupakan alat yang digunakan sebagai penanda yang melarang kendaraan melalui suatu area
Contoh bollards yang terbuat dari iron (besi)
Batasan yang memberikan informasi hanya untuk pejalan kaki
Batasan untuk tempat sampah dan taman
Sebagai pembatas area parkir dan area lainnya
Sebagai pembatas area jalur pejalan kaki daerah retail dan umum
Sebagai pembatas jalur pejalan kaki dan daerah sungai / danau
Bentuk lain, sebagai pembatas daerah pejalan kaki dan kendaraan
Sebagai pembatas area Trolley parks
Sebagai pembatas parkir sepeda
Sebagai hanging the gate