SCI ENTIFIC BASED OF ACUPUNCTURE AS ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT OF DIABETES MELLITUS Koos nad i Saputra,1 Suharining sih,2 RTS Adikara,3 Sagiran,2 Felix Tirtakusmana h3
ABSTRACT Background: Acupuncture its traditional form is based upon the stimulation of well defined points on the body by msertion of metal needles, such needling is considered necessary influenced biological mechanism by intrinsic and extrinsic activation after acupuncture points stimulation. Many clinical reporl therapeutic effect acupuncture treatment of Diabetes Mellitus especially Non Insulin dependent, the effectiveness of mild or middle type of disease is better that severe one and accompanying With controlling diet and doing more exercise will contribute recovery. Methods : Modem research indicates that acupuncture treatment can control blood sugar level, mainly by adjusting insulin molecular level, enhance insulin secretion and re control insulin by regulating central nervous system. Of the all, the improved function of the receptor of msulin target cells is probably the most important one. Results: The basic research approach to anima/laboratory (rabbit, rat and mice) by electro stimulation, streptozotocin and alloxan monohydrate injection visualizing correlation 13 cell pancreas morphofunction, insulin receptor and electrical profile of specific pancreas point in body surface. Conclusion: Relationship between biophysical, morphology and physiological study of acupuncture points in diabetic animal and diabetic patient to base acupuncture model as alternative treatment to diabetes mellitus. K ey w ords: acupuncture, alternative treatment, diabetes mellitus ABSTRACT Bentuk tradisional akupunktur didasarkan pada rangsangan titik akupunktur pada tubuh dengan menyisipkan jarum logam, tusuk jarum merupakan mekanisme biologis yang dapat memengaruhi aktivasi intrinsik dan ekstrinsik setelah stimulasi titik akupunktur. Beberapa penelitian efek pengobatan terapi akupunktur klinis Diabetes Mellitus terutama Non Insulin tergantung efektivitas tipe berat atau ringannya penyakit, pengaruh itu akan lebih baik blla dikombinasi dengan mengendalikan diet dan melakukan latihan lebih akan mempercepat pemulihan. Penelitian modem menunjukkan bahwa terapi akupunktur dapat mengontrol tingkat gula darah, terutama dengan menyesuaikan tingkat molekul insulin, meningkatkan sekresi insulin, mengontrol kembali, dan mengatur sistem saraf pusat. Dari semua fungsi yang paling penting peningkatan reseptor sel sasaran oleh insulin. Pendekatan dasar penelitian untuk laboratorium hewan (kelinci dan tikus) oleh stimulasi elektro, streptozotocin dan injeksi aloksan monohidrat korelasi morphofunction memvisualisasikan sel 13 pankreas. reseptor insulin dan profillistrik tilik pankreas tertentu di permukaan tubuh. Hubungan antara biofisik, morfologi dan studi fiswlogis titik akupunktur pada he wan diabetes dan pasien diabetes untuk dasar model akupunktur sebagai pengobatan altematif untuk diabetes mellitus.
Kata kunci : akupunktur, terapi altematif, kencing manis Submit: 30 Mei 2010. Review 1: 7 Juni 2010. Review 2. 7 Juni 2010, Eligible articles: 15 Juni 2010
INTRO DUCTION The phenomena of stimulus transmission from one area cannot be separated from the existence of stimulus transmission after given some treatmen t on the area. These ph enomena are called signals
tran sd uction. The formation of the signals from cell collection whose specific activity can be explained by biophysics and biology molecular approaches because of the existence of electric changes and the concentration from several molecules as well as the condition of the cells partitions.
Research Laboratory in Health Services - Centre of R~search and D_evelopment of ~ystem and ~eal~h Policy. Science and Mathematic Faculty- Veterinarian Faculty A1rlangga Un1vers1ty- Med1cal Faculty Gajah Mada Un1vers1ty Correspondence: E-mail:
[email protected]
1 2 3Acupuncture