kindergarten/ nursery (school)
primary/ elementary school
általános iskola
secondary school/ high school
secondary grammar school
vocational school
szakiskola, szakmunkásképző
state school
állami iskola
private school
boarding school
bentlakásos iskola
National Curriculum
Nemzeti Tanterv
compulsory subject
kötelező tantárgy
optional subject
választható tantárgy
arts subjects
humán tárgyak
science subjects
reál tárgyak
academic/ school year
open ceremony
tanévnyitó ünnepség
school-leavers’ ball
szalagavató ünnepség
graduating students’ ceremony
final exam/school-leaving exam
érettségi vizsga ( in Hungary)
GCSE (exam)
érettségi vizsga (in GB)
„A” (Advanced) level
emeltszint, felsőfok
jegy, osztályzat (in Hungary)
osztályzat ( in GB)
school report
certificate of secondary education
érettségi bizonyítvány
USEFUL PHRASES head teacher/ headmaster deputy head teacher form teacher teaching staff staff room staff meeting teacher-student relationship do well at school do a project learn by heart study hard do one’s best study by fits and starts IT (Information Technology) / ICT (Information and Communication Technology) (interactive) whiteboard be present/ absent miss lessons do a course solve a problem prepare for exams take an exam do well/ badly in an exam pass/ fail an exam resit an exam leave school college/ university entrance exam get into university graduate from (a unversity)
igazgató igazgató-helyettes osztályfőnök tanári kar tanári szoba tanári értekezlet tanár-diák viszony jól tanulni projektmunkát végezni kívülről megtanulni keményen tanulni a legjobbat hozza ki magából időnként tanul, időnként nem számítástechnika (interaktív) tábla jelen lenni/ hiányozni hiányozni órákról tanfolyamra járni problémát megoldani vizsgákra készülni vizsgázni jól/ rosszul teljesíteni a vizsgán átmenni/ megbukni pótvizsgázni befejezni az iskolát főiskolai/ egyetemi felvételi bekerülni az egyetemre elvégezni (egyetemet)
QUESTIONS: 1. At what age do children start primary school in Hungary? 2. When did you start your secondary school? 3. What is the name of your secondary school? 4. What type of school is it? 5. Where is this school situated? 6. Which class are you in? 7. Do you do well at school? 8. What are your favourite subjects? 9. What are your weak points? 10.How do you get on with your classmates? 11.Who is your form teacher? 12.What does he/she teach? 13.What is he/she like? 14.What is the teacher - student relationship like in your school? 15.What is a good teacher like to your mind? 16.What time do the lessons start and finish? 17.How many lessons do you have a day? 18.Which is your hardest and easiest school day? Why? 19.What are your most important school subjects? 20.How many English lessons do you have a week? 21.What do you do in the English lessons? 22.What is your school building like? 23.What can you see downstairs and upstairs? 24.What out-of-class activities can you do? 25.What are your main interests? 26.Would you like to study further? Where?
USEFUL PHRASES feel like doing sg
kedve van vmihez
look forward to sg
nagyon várni vmit
spend time outdoors
szabadban lenni
a stay-at-home (type)
otthon ülő (típus)
go on trips
kirándulni járni
make friends
barátságot kötni
lead a healthy way of life
egészségesen élni
manage one’s time
beosztani az idejét
go on holiday
elmenni üdülni
holiday maker
üdülő személy
hang around
sightseeing tour
városnéző kirándulás
individual tour
egyéni kirándulás
it’s worth seeing
érdemes megnézni
have fun
jól szórakozni
go backpacking
hátizsákos túrára menni
spending time outdoors
playing table tennis
staying at home / watching TV
playing some musical instrument
going on a boat trip
going to a concert
taking a dog for a walk
riding a bike
QUESTIONS: 1. What outdoor and indoor free time activities do you know? 2. Which hobbies are typically for women/ men? 3. Why do you think people take up hobbies? 4. What are your hobbies? 5. What animals can people keep as a pet? 6. Have you got any pets? / Did you use to have any pets? 7. Tell me about your pet. 8. How can you spend your free time if you are a stay-at-home type? 9. What can people collect? 10. Why is reading a good hobby? 11. Do you like reading? 12. What kind of books do you like? 13. What are your reading habits? 14. What kinds of sport people like doing as a hobby? 15. What can you do in your free time if you live in a big town? 16. How often do you go to museums/ theatres/ art galleries? 17. What do you like doing in summer? 18. What are your favourite TV programmes? Why? 19. What kind of films are you interested in? 20. Does your school offer any free time activities? 21. What programmes are they? 22. How do you take part in these programmes?