Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan 2014
Sambutan Ketua Harian Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Kami menyambut baik atas terbitnya Program UNESCO ASPnet di Indonesia dan Buku Pedomannya yang akan diperlukan oleh sekolah-sekolah yang tergabung pada Jaringan Proyek Sekolah Berasosiasi dengan UNESCO (Associated School Project Network) atau sekolah yang ingin bergabung pada Jaringan tersebut. Tujuan utama ASPnet adalah untuk membangun budaya damai pada tingkat Sekolah dan komunitasnya, pada tingkat nasional dan internasional melalui kegiatan yang dilakukan bersama oleh siswa dipandu oleh guru dan orang tua murid. Informasi tentang ASPnet ini dapat memberikan panduan pada pelaksanaan kegiatan ASPnet pada tingkat sekolah. UNESCO sebagai suatu Badan PBB yang bertujuan untuk membangun Perdamaian bergerak dalam 5 bidang Sektor: Pendidikan, Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, Kebudayaan dan Komunikasi. Dalam rangka pencapaian perdamaian UNESCO mendirikan ASPnet sebagai model percobaan untuk mencapai budaya damai dengan mengangkat 4 tema yang saling berkaitan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatannya: Masalah Dunia dan Peran Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB); Perdamaian dan Hak Asasi Manusia, Belajar Antar Budaya, dan Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (ESD). Berbagai bahan belajar dan Best Practice dibuat UNESCO dalam rangka ASPnet seperti bahan belajar mengenai Human Rights Education, Biodiversity dan Climate Change Education dapat didownload pada website UNESCO: www.unesco.org. Dalam kegiatan ASPnet peran Kepala sekolah dan guru sangatlah penting karena mereka diharapkan untuk dapat membentuk karakter siswa/siswi yang mempunyai wawasan yang luas, tidak berpikiran sempit, mempunyai visi dan misi serta mau bekerja keras. Berkenaan dengan itu, diharapkan agar para Kepala sekolah dan guru mau mempelajari program kegiatan ASPnet serta buku pedomannya untuk dapat menularkan pengalamannya kepada sekolah-sekolah lainnya sehingga dapat menyebarkan program ASPnet ke seluruh Indonesia. Semoga informasi tentang Program UNESCO ASPnet ini dapat bermanfaat. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Jakarta, September 2014 Ketua Harian,
Arief Rachman
Program UNESCO ASPnet di Indonesia 1.
Indonesia mulai aktif sebagai anggota UNESCO ASPnet sejak tahun 2000. Para anggota UNESCO ASPnet Indonesia yang meliputi sekolah dasar dan sekolah menengah tersebar di seluruh Indonesia yang berjumlah 164. Tema UNESCO ASPnet adalah sebagai berikut: 1. The Role of UN and World Problems 2. Peace and Human Rights 3. Intercultural Understanding 4. Education and Sustainable Development Manfaat bagi sekolah yang menjadi anggota ASPnet antara lain sebagai berikut: Akses pada Pendidikan Global, Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan, Akses pada Informasi dan Teknologi Akses pada Pembelajaran Kolaborasi. Jaringan antar anggota UNESCO ASPnet di Indonesia dilakukan melalui Mailing List. Sedangkan untuk jaringan keanggotaan UNESCO ASPnet Internasional dilakukan melalui: Schoolnet dan Mondialogo yang didukung oleh UNESCO dan melalui iEARN Internasional Education and Resource Network didukung oleh Departemen Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat dan melalui Face to Faith yang didukung oleh Tony Blair Faith Foundation. Model program ASPNet terdiri dari: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Penyelenggaraan Pelatihan dan Lokakarya, Partisipasi pada pertemuan pertemuan/konferensi di dalam dan luar negeri, Penyelenggaraan Perayaan Hari PBB, Mengikuti Kompetisi pada tingkat Nasional atau Internasional Melakukan Pengabdian Masyarakat, dan Melakukan Kolaborasi On Line antar sekolah melalui berbagai proyek.
Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang UNESCO ASPnet di Indonesia dapat dibaca pada Pedoman ASPnet yang tercantum pada Lampiran 1.
2. Program UNESCO ASPnet Selain mengikuti program yang diberikan melalui UNESCO Paris UNESCO ASPnet Indonesia juga mengikuti program berikut: 2.1 iEARN Education and Resource Network EARN adalah sebuah organisasi non-profit yang terdiri dari 30.000 sekolah dan organisasi pemuda pada 140 negara. iEARN memberdayakan guru dan anak muda untuk bekerja sama secara online menggunakan Internet dan teknologi komunikasi. Sejak tahun 1988, iEARN telah mempelopori hubungan on-line antar sekolah untuk memungkinkan siswa terlibat dalam proyek-proyek pendidikan yang bermakna dengan rekanrekan di negara mereka dan di seluruh dunia.Indonesia mulai menjadi anggota iEARN sejak tahun 2004. 2.2 Face to Faith Tony Blair Foundation Face to Faith Tony Blair Foundation adalah salah satu program ASPnet yang inovatif untuk anak usia sekolah 12-17 tahun. Face to Faith menghubungkan siswa di seluruh dunia melalui situs www.tonyblairfaithfoundation.org di mana mereka melakukan dialogue yang difalitasi melalui video dan membahas isu-isu global dari berbagai perspektif. Melalui Face to Faith program, siswa memperoleh keterampilan dialog tentang budaya dan agama. Tony Blair Faith Foundation berkedudukan di Inggeris. Pada tgl. 11 September, 2014 Mr.Tony Blair berkunjung ke Sekolah Al-Azhar untuk bertemu dengan guru-guru dari 30 sekolah dan menyaksikan video conference yang dilakukan oleh siswa-siswi Indonesia dengan sekolah di India.Selain itu dilakukan pertukaran Letter of Intent antara Mr Tony Blair dengan Bapak Arief Rachman, Ketua Harian KNIU. 2.3 Arigatou International Arigatou International adalah Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat yang berkomitmen untuk membangun dunia yang lebih baik bagi anak-anak. Melalui program ini diharapkan untuk mengamankan hak-hak anak dan kesejahteraan mereka. Arigatou International berusaha untuk memaksimalkan potensi kerjasama antar agama, dan memberdayakan anak-anak dan remaja.Arigatou International berkedudukan di Geneva. Indonesia menyelenggarakan Workshop on Learning to Live Together pada tahun 2012 berdasarkan 4 nilai yaitu: Respect, Responsibility, Empathy dan Reconciliation
2.4. GigaPan Dialogue GigaPan dialog merupakan Proyek UNESCO ASPnet yang merupakan dialog antar budaya melalui Teknologi Komunikasi yang berkedudukan di Universitas Pittsburg, Amerika Serikat. Anggota dari GigaPan Dialog di Indonesia adalah: Sekolah Al-Izhar, Lab School Rawamangun dan Sekolah Yayasan Diponegoro. 3. Kegiatan Program UNESCO ASPnet 3.1 Kegiatan Program UNESCO ASPnet di Indonesia 2009 Providing Writing Competition on ESD for High School Student Community Youth Service by students of High School 2010 Training of Trainers on 12 Basic Values of Peace by Irfan Amalee and Eric Lincon 2010 Poetry Writing on HIV/Aids by High School Students 2010 Participation in GigaPan Dialogue USA An ASPnet Flagship Project on intercultural dialogue and inclusion through Communication Technology 2011 Organization A Workshop on Dialogue on World Issues 2011 Organization A Workshop on Dialogue on World Issues 2012 An Intercultural and Interfaith programmes for Ethics Education by Arigatou International 2013 Training on Face to Faith Tony Blair Foundation through video conference 2013 Training on Multiple Intelligence for Teachers and Tutors of Smart House 2013 Training on Multiple Approachers to Biodiversity through Difference Perspectives 2013 Training on Human Right Education 2013 Training on Teaching Respect for All 2014 Januari : 27-28 Januari Training on Climate Change 14 Maret Face to Faith Tony Blair Foundation 15 Maret Teaching Respect for All di Bandung
3.2 Keikut-sertaan pada pertemuan ASPnet/iEARN di Luar Negeri 3.2.1. Pertemuan iEARN yang ke 20 di Doha, Qatar Pertemuan iEARN ke 20 , 1-6 Juli 2013, Doha, Qatar “20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit” iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) merupakan organisasi nirlaba yang bergerak menghubungkan guru dan siswa untuk berinteraksi menggunakan jejaring teknologi komunikasi melalui website iEARN,untuk melaksanakan proyek kolaborasi bersama dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan pengertian antar budaya. Indonesia menjadi anggota iEARN sejak tahun 2004 dan jumlah anggota iEARN pada saat ini 150 sekolah tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Proyek kolaborasi ini meliputi bidang-bidang keilmuan yang tercakup dalam kurikulum sehingga pelaksanaan program dapat dilakukan dikelas. Saat ini negara yang menjadi anggota iEARN berjumlah 140 negara yang dapat berkomunikasi dalam 30 bahasa. Pada website iEARN terdapat forum guru dimana guru dapat berkomunikasi dengan guru dari negara lain dan siswa juga dapat berkomunikasi dengan siswa dari Negara lain. Siswa dapat masuk berinteraksi apabila didaftarkan oleh gurunya. Pada saat ini jumlah guru yang terdaftar sebagai anggota iEARN di seluruh dunia sebanyak 50.000 guru dan 2 juta siswa. Tema pertemuan adalah “ICT for Education : Reaching out , Building Bridges” Pada konferensi tahun ini Indonesia mengirimkan wakil terbanyak yaitu 56 peserta terdiri dari: 44 siswa, 9 Guru, dari SMA Labschool Jakarta, SMA Labschool Cibubur, SMAN 1 Bekasi, SMKN 27 Jakarta, SMP Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama Bekasi dan SMP Al Azhar 19 Makasar dan 2 orang dari Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO. Pengetahuan baru yang dipresentasikan oleh para nara sumber sangat bermanfaat untuk lebih lanjut dikembangkan di sekolah masing-masing. Misalnya pengetahuan tentang pentingnya ICT dalam pengembangan pendidikan yang disampaikan oleh Dr. Mohamed Ally dari Universitas Athabasca di Kanada yang antara lain menyampaikan pemakaian IPAD dalam mengajar. Selanjutnya dia menyatakan bahwa dengan pemakaian teknologi dan pendidikan jarak jauh dapat menghemat uang dan akan lebih efisien. Pada Konferensi ini siswa/siswi Indonesia ikut presentasi dalam beberapa proyek kolaborasi yang telah disiapkan sebelumnya dengan partner mereka diluar negeri dan pada malam culture night Indonesia juga ikut menyumbangkan beberapa tarian seperti Tari Piring, Tari Pendet, dan Tari Sajojo yang diperagakan oleh siswa/siswi dari Lab School Cibubur, sementara Tari Saman, Tari Amin Mamiri dipersembahkan oleh siswa/siswi SMP Al-Azhar 19 di Makassar. Laporan selengkapnya tercantum pada Lampiran 2. 4
3.2.2. Pertemuan International Forum for 60th Anniversary of UNESCO Associated School Project di Suwon, Korea, 6-9 September ,2013, diwakili oleh Hasnah Gasim, Koordinator ASPnet, Prof. Dr.Noor Endah, Koordinator ESD dan Santi Laila, Staf Sekretariat KNIU bidang Pendidikan. Tema Pertemuan adalah ‘UNESCO ASPnet for Global Citizenship: Peace Education and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)’. Tujuan dari Forum adalah untuk berbagi capaian ASPnet selama 10 tahun, 2003-2013, membahas tantangan pendidikan masa yang akan datang, dan mengusulkan rekomendasi untuk memperbaiki jaringan ASPnet dengan tema “Global Citizenship”. Hasil Pertemuan antara lain kesepakatan bahwa: The ASPnet is committeed to the advancement of global citizenship through education for peace and human rights, intercultural learning, education for sustainable development and the role of UN to address the world’s concern. Laporan selengkapmya tercantum pada Lampiran 3. 4. Publikasi UNESCO ASPnet 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Pedoman ASPnet untuk Sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia, 2014 Messages for Tsunami in Japan, 2011 Laporan Week End Workshop on Value Education, 2007 Laporan Workshop on Face to Faith Tony Blair Foundation,2012 Laporan Workshop on An Intercultural and Interfaith Programmes on Ethics Education didukung oleh Arigatou International, 2012 6. Laporan Workshop on World Issues dan Karya Tulis tentang Issu Dunia oleh siswa/siswi, 2011 7. Laporan Workshop on challenges in integrating HIV-Aids in Secondary School Curriculum through Innovative Approaches, 2010 8. Laporan Workshop on Community Youth Service, 2007 9. Laporan Workshop on the Benefit of Joining iEARN, 2007 10. Laporan Celebration UN Days, 2007 11. Laporan Workshop on Climate Change, 2014 12. Laporan Workshop on Biodiversity, 2013 13. Laporan Workshop on Multiple Intelligence, 2013 14. Laporan Workshop on Human Rights, 2013 15. Laporan Workshop on Teaching Respect for All, 2013 16. Laporan 20th International Conference of iEARN , Doha, July 2013 17. Laporan International Forum for the 60th Anniversary of UNESCO ASPnet Suwon, Korea, September 2013. Semua hasil publikasi UNESCO ASPnet dapat dilihat pada website ASPnet : www.aspnetind.org
Lampiran 1 Pedoman UNESCO-ASPnet
Jaringan Proyek Sekolah Berasosiasi dengan UNESCO
Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan 2014
Pedoman UNESCO-ASPnet 1. Pendahuluan Pedoman ini dibuat dalam rangka memberikan informasi tentang program UNESCOASPnet dan pelaksanaannya di sekolah-sekolah yang menjadi anggota UNESCO-ASPnet. Kegiatan dapat dilaksanakan oleh sekolah sesuai dengan tema yang dipilih oleh masingmasing sekolah. Pada pedoman ini akan dijelaskan mengenai tujuan pendirian UNESCO, tujuan pendirian ASPnet, kegiatan ASPnet, cara menjadi anggota ASPnet, peran koordinator ASPnet, peran guru dan Kepala sekolah pada program UNESCO-ASPnet, keuntungan menjadi anggota UNESCO-ASPnet, Daftar sekolah anggota UNESCO-ASPnet, serta formulir isian UNESCO-ASPnet
2. Tujuan Pendirian UNESCO Tujuan utama pendirian UNESCO adalah menyumbangkan kepada perdamaian dan keamanan dunia dengan cara meningkatkan kerjasama antar negara anggota UNESCO melalui kegiatan Pendidikan, Ilmu Pengetahuan, Kebudayaan dan Komunikasi agar dapat menghargai Keadilan. Hak Asasi Manusia, dan kemerdekaan masyarakat dunia tanpa melihat suku, jenis kelamin, bahasa dan agama. "To contribute to peace and security by promoting collaboration among the nation through education, science and culture in order to further the universal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the world, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion." Sejak berdirinya UNESCO ahli pendidikan yang bekerja untuk UNESCO menghasilkan banyak ide-ide dan saran-saran mengenai pendidikan untuk pengertian Internasional.
3. Tujuan Pendirian UNESCO-ASPnet UNESCO telah mendirikan Jaringan Proyek Sekolah Berasosiasi dengan UNESCO (UNESCO-ASPnet) pada tahun 1953 untuk memasukkan ide-ide UNESCO dalam program sekolah sebagai percobaan proyek UNESCO disekolah.Sampai dengan tahun 2012 telah ada 9000 institusi pendidikan pada 180 negara dari tingkat Taman Kanakkanak sampai dengan Perguruan Tinggi yang telah menjadi anggota ASP-net. Sekolah yang menjadi anggota ASPnet tersebut harus komit untuk meningkatkan cita-cita UNESCO dengan jalan melaksanakan proyek percobaan dalam mempersiapkan anak dan pemuda lebih baik dalam menghadapi tantangan dunia yang semakin komplek dan saling tergantung.
Rekomendasi Sidang International Conference for Education (IBE) yang ke-44 berbunyi demikian: "We, the Ministers of Education meeting at the 44th session of the International Conference on Education. Strive resolutely to intensify our efforts to: develop further, at the national and international levels, exchange of educational experience and research, direct contact between students, teachers, and researchers, school twinning arrangements and visit with special attention to experimental schools such as UNESCO Associated School Projects" Strategi dan rencana kerja ASPnet tahun 2004-2009 menekankan pemakaian konsep life long education dengan memakai 4 Pilar Pendidikan untuk abad ke-21 (learning to know, to do, to be, and to live together) dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan sebagaimana ditentukan oleh Rekomendasi Pertemuan Dakar (Dakar Framework of Action). Guru dan siswa ASPnet mempunyai banyak kesempatan untuk bekerjasama diluar kelas dalam mengembangkan pendekatan metode pendidikan, dan bahan belajar pada tingkat lokal sampai dengan global.
ASPnet melaksanakan kegiatan-kegiatan pada tingkat Nasional, Regional dan Internasional: 3.1 Pada Tingkat Nasional Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, diharapkan dapat mendirikan jaringan sekolah untuk melakukan kegiatan untuk peningkatan kualitas pendidikan, terutama dimensi etika, budaya dengan jalan mengembangkan pendekatan metode pengajaran yang efektif. Jaringan ini diharapkan untuk memberikan pengaruh kepada sekolah yang belum menjadi anggota UNESCO-ASPnet melalui informasi dari hasil yang didapat sehingga sekolah tersebut dapat melakukan kegiatan yang sama.
3.2 Pada Tingkat Regional Pelaksanaan kegiatan pada tingkat sekolah dan pada tingkat nasional bisa berbeda tergantung pada sekolah masing-masing. Sedangkan pada tingkat regional bisa dibuat program bersama menurut kesepakatan antar sekolah berupa seminar atau workshop untuk koordinator, guru atau siswa.
3.3 Pada Tingkat Internasional Diusahakan mempermudah pertukaran informasi mengenai kegiatan ASPnet pada semua tingkat, membuat proyek flagship, kompetisi, campaigns dan saling berhubungan antar institusi yang menjadi anggota ASPnet.
4. Status Sekolah UNESCO-ASPnet Sekolah berasosiasi dengan UNESCO bukan sekolah yang berdiri sendiri dan bukan juga sekolah UNESCO. Sekolah ini akan memasukan kegiatan ASPnet pada sistem pendidikan yang sudah ada dan akan dipilih oleh Komisi Nasional UNESCO sebagai sekolah yang bereksperimen. Sekolah ASPnet berada pada 5 benua yaitu Afrika, Arab, Asia- Pasifik, Eropa, Amerika Latin, dan Karibia dengan budaya yang berbeda, dan perkembangan sosial dan ekonomi yang berbeda. Sekolah ASPnet bisa terdapat di desa atau kota pada tingkat dari Taman Kanak-kanak sampai Perguruan Tinggi. Yang paling penting bukan jumlahnya tetapi kualitas yang dicapainya dan peniruan oleh sekolah lain.
5. Tema UNESCO-ASPnet ASPnet diharapkan untuk melaksanakan pilot project pada salah satu dari 4 tema meliputi sub-topik yang saling berhubungan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan harus merupakan masalah yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan, aspirasi dan kepedulian siswa. Tema yang dipaparkan disini dapat dipakai sebagai dasar untuk dihubungkan dengan topik tertentu. 5.1 Masalah Dunia dan Peran PBB Dalam melaksanakan proyek bisa dipilih salah satu masalah dunia misalnya kemiskinan, kelaparan, penyakit, polusi, kependudukan, buta huruf, pengangguran atau masalah wanita dan masalah ini dapat dipelajari pada tingkat lokal, regional dan internasional. Pada waktu mencari solusi terhadap masalah tersebut perlu dikaji apa peran PBB dan agen-agennya pada masa sekarang dan masa yang akan datang. Peringatan UN Days dapat pula membantu siswa untuk mendiskusikan masalah ini yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan mereka pada saat ini dan masa depan. 5.2 Perdamaian dan Hak Asasi Manusia Pada umumnya sekolah memilih Universal Declaration of Human Rights, dan the Convention of the Rights of the Child, sebagai bahan diskusi. Diskusi harus dalam konteks pengalaman siswa dan mengenalkan mereka pada hak dan kewajiban serta tanggung jawab mereka. Pada umumnya topik-topik yang dipilih yang berhubungan dengan Hak Asasi Manusia adalah menghapus prejudice, rasis, dan memperkuat pendidikan demokrasi, saling menghargai, tanggung jawab kewarganegaraan, toleransi dan pemecahan solusi konflik tanpa kekerasan. 5.3 Belajar Antar Budaya Indonesia terdiri dari masyarakat yang multi-budaya dan multi-etnik sehingga memungkinkan siswa/siswi untuk belajar pengertian antar budaya dan etnik pada tingkat lokal dan nasional. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan siswa/orang tua siswa dari etnis yang berbeda. Dengan demikian siswa dapat memahami nilai-nilai, adat istiadat dan budaya dari berbagai etnis di Indonesia yang dapat dilakukan melalui diskusi.
5.4 Pendidikan untuk Pengembangan Berkelanjutan (ESD) Indonesia telah mencanangkan Pendidikan untuk Pengembangan Berkelanjutan pada tahun 2005 pada waktu Peringatan Hari Lingkungan Hidup Sedunia.Isu Dekade untuk Pendidikan untuk Pengembangan Berkelanjutan telah disepakati untuk kawasan Asia Pasifik sebagai berikut: 1. Information and Awareness (eco-media, media literacy, ICT) 2. Knowledge Systems (learning from local and indigenous knowledge, integrating traditional and modern technology) 3. Environmental Protection and Management (biodiversity, climate change, natural resources, conservation) 4. Peace and Equity (conflict resolution, peace, equity, appropriate development, democracy) 5. Local Context, (community development empowerement) 6. Transformation(rural transformation, urbanization, sustainable habitat, water, sanitation and other public infrastructure) 7. Culture (diversity and intercultural understanding) 8. Cross Cutting Issues and Themes (human rights, citizenship, gender equaliity, sustainable future, holistic approach, innovation, partnerships, sustainable production and consumption, governance) 9. Health (HIV/AIDS, malaria) 10. Environment Education
6. Penggunaan ICT untuk Proyek ASPnet Dalam rangka program ASPnet perlu dibuat proyek-proyek yang dikomunikasikan melalui ICT (Information Communication Technology). Suatu Program ICT yang telah dilengkapi dengan proyek-proyek untuk berpartisipasi telah dibuat oleh suatu NGO di Amerika yang bernama iEARN (International Education and Resource Network)yang beranggotakan 20.000 sekolah pada 105 negara. iEARN diciptakan untuk membantu guru dan siswa agar mereka sadar bahwa mereka dapat berbuat sesuatu untuk meningkatkan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan manusia di muka bumi ini melalui proyek-proyek yang dilakukan bersama antar sekolah. Dalam rangka program ini guru dan siswa akan belajar bermacam kecakapan hidup seperti: Kecakapan bahasa, pemecahan masalah, kecakapan untuk menganalisa, kecakapan berkomunikasi, kecakapan berorganisasi, kecakapan teknis memakai komputer, dan kecakapan membuat riset.
iEARN mengadakan pertemuan setiap tahun dan anggota iEARNdapat mengikuti pertemuan dengan biaya ditanggung sendiri. Sekolah yang menjadi anggota ASPnet bisa menjadi anggota iEARN danmereka yang akan menjadi anggota iEARN akan dilatih untuk mendalami hal-hal berikut: Mengenal website iEARN International Cara menjadi anggota iEARN
Cara berkolaborasi pada proyek iEARN Cara masuk pada forum guru dan siswa Cara memilih proyek iEARN sesuai kurikulum Cara membuat proyek iEARN
7. Logo UNESCO-ASPnet Logo ASPnet mengkonsolidasikan dan menyederhanakan simbol yang paling penting dengan arti sebagai berikut: Buku terbuka melambangkan pendidikan, Sayap burung merpati melambangkan perdamaian Bola dunia melambangkan dialog antar budaya.
8. Cara Menjadi Anggota UNESCO-ASPnet Sekolah yang ingin berasosiasi dengan UNESCO dapat mengirimkan permohonan kepada Komisi Nasional UNESCO dengan mengisi formulir yang telah disediakan. Dalam pengisian formulir perlu diisi proyek apa yang akan dilakukan berikut jumlah guru dan siswa yang ikut serta. Laporan tersebut ditulis dalam Bahasa lnggris dan dikirimkan kepada Koordinator ASPnet yang akan diteruskan oleh Komisi Nasional UNESCO ke UNESCO di Paris. Sekolah diharapkan untuk melaporkan kegiatan setiap tahun kepada Koordinator Nasional Jaringan Proyek berasosiasi dengan UNESCO tentang proyek yang dilaksanakan dan hasil evaluasi dari proyek tersebut.
9. Peran Koordinator UNESCO-ASPnet Koordinator ditunjuk oleh Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dan diharapkan memenuhi kriteria yang telah ditentukan UNESCO yaitu menguasai Bahasa Inggeris secara aktif, berpengalaman dalam melaksanakan program UNESCO serta mempunyai background ilmu keguruan. Peran Koordinator ASPnet adalah sebagai berikut: Mengkoordinir sekolah-sekolah ASPnet di Indonesia melalui koordinator ASPnet pada tingkat sekolah Memberikan informasi tentang program baru ASPnet Mencarikan program-program Internasional sesuai minat dan lingkungan siswa Memberikan pelatihan yang berhubungan dengan inovasi pendidikan/metode baru/program baru Menyampaikan registrasi keanggotaan ASPnet kepada UNESCO Paris Memberikan kesempatan kepada guru/siswa untuk mengikuti pertemuan/pelatihan/workshop yang diselenggarakan di Indonesia atau diluar negeri. Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa/guru untuk mengikuti lomba yang diselenggarakan oleh UNESCO atau organisasi lainnya. Memberikan kesempatan untuk berkolaborasi on line melalui website tertentu (iEARN, Face to Faith Tony Blair Foundation), dll.
Peran Guru UNESCO-ASPnet Guru dalam program ASPnet berperan sebagai agen perubahan untuk meningkatkan toleransi dan pengertian Internasional. Guru diharapkan untuk dapat membentuk karakter generasi baru yang mempunyai wawasan yang luas, tidak berpikiran sempit, mempunyai toleransi dan pengertian terhadap adanya perbedaan antar suku, agama, dan ras. Tidaklah gampang untuk menciptakan budaya damai di sekolah, rumah, dimasyarakat di dalam negara dan di dunia ini karena pekerjaan ini memerlukan keberanian, visi, kerja keras dan upaya yang dilakukan dalam kehidupan sehari- hari. Dalam hal ini guru perlu mengikut-sertakan siswa dalam diskusi yang mempunyai tantangan besar dalam masyarakat seperti pemakaian obat terlarang, perkelahian remaja, pencemaran lingkungan,dan lain-lain. Sedangkan siswa perlu belajar untuk berpikir global dan berbuat pada tingkat lokal sesuai dengan motto Sekolah Berasosiasi dengan UNESCO "Think Globally, Act Locally" Siswa dan guru diharapkan dapat bekerjasama untuk melakukan kegiatan ekstra kurikuler seperti membuat pertunjukan tarian, nyanyian dan drama atau riset dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan guru bertindak sebagai fasilitator.
11. Peran Kepala Sekolah dalam Kegiatan ASPnet Peran Kepala Sekolah sangat penting dalam meningkatkan upaya dan kegiatan jaringan ASPnet. Kepala Sekolah. Kepala Sekolah dapat mengarahkan sebuah proyek bersama siswa dan guru. Seperti layaknya sebuah lokomotif, peran Kepala Sekolah sebagai berikut: Membuat rapat dengan guru untuk menentukan suatu tema dan membahas rencana, pelaksanaan dan evaluasinya. Mengundang guru-guru untuk berpartisipasi dalam proyek tersebut Menyimpan hasil proyek UNESCO ASPnet di perpustakaan atau menginformasikan melalui majalah dinding. Merayakan salah satu Hari PBB. Mendistribusikan hasil proyek melalui media massa. Mengirimkan hasil laporan proyek kepada Koordinator ASPnet. Memakai logo ASPnet pada baju olah raga, poster, atau pada seragam sekolah.
Keuntungan Menjadi Anggota UNESCO-ASPnet Sekolah yang Berasosiasi dengan UNESCO dapat memperoleh keuntungan berikut: Mendapat bahan dari UNESCO atau Organisasi Internasional lainnya. Dapat berhubungan langsung dengan guru dari negara lain untuk lebih memahami pendidikan Pengertian Internasional. Dapat mengikuti program yang ditawarkan UNESCO termasuk program GCE (Global Citizenship Education). Dapat menyumbangkan pendidikan untuk perdamaian. Dapat menyebarkan hasil proyek yang dilakukan pada tingkat sekolah keseluruh dunia melalui buletin UNESCO yang diterbitkan dalam rangka ASPnet. Partisipasi dalam program ASPnet dengan memberikan kesempatan kepada guru, siswa, orang tua untuk ikut membangun perdamaian dalan hati dan pikiran anak dan pemuda yang akan menjadi pimpinan dan pembuat keputusan pada masa yang akan datang. Membuat jaringan antar sekolah untuk berkerjasama yang saling menguntungkan. Memberikan kontribusi secara aktif untuk memperkuat tujuan dan prinsip yang dicantumkan dalam program UNESCO. Mengembangkan dan memakai metode belajar yang baru dan diseminasi metode tersebut.
Daftar Sekolah Anggota UNESCO-ASPnet
Sekolah Dasar 1. SekolahDasarNegeriSabang Jl. Sabang No.2, Cihapit, Bandung Wetan, Bandung 40114 Telepon : +62 22-7208209
2. SekolahDasarNegeriPercobaan 58 Jl. Pajagalan No. 58, Cibadak, Astanaanyar Bandung 40241 Telepon : +62 22-4204858
3. SekolahDasarNegeriMerdeka 5 Jl. Merdeka No. 9, Braga, Sumur Bandung, Bandung 40111 Telepon : +62 22-4231251
4. SekolahDasarNegeri Banjarsari Jl. Merdeka No. 22, Bandung 40117 Telepon : +62 22-4214398
5. SekolahDasarNegeri Tunas Harapan 01 Jl. CijerahBandungkulon no. 116, Cijerah, Bandung Kulon, Bandung 40213 Telepon : +62 22-6073035
6. SekolahDasarNegeri Percobaan 01 Menteng Jl. Besuki No. 14, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat Telepon/Faksimili: +62 21-31926228
7. Sekolah Dasar Negeri 02 Menteng Jl. Tegal No. 10, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat Telepon/Faksimili: +62 21-31927136
8. Sekolah Dasar Negeri 03 Menteng Jl. Cilacap No. 5, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat Telepon : +62 21-3147961
9. Sekolah Dasar Negeri 01 Gambir Jl. Merdeka Timur No. 14, Jakarta Pusat Telepon : +62 21-3847124
10. Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah 05 Jl. Limao, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan Telepon : +62 21-7204683, 7393363, Faksimili : 7269454
11. Sekolah Dasar Islam Al-Azhar Kebayoran Jl. Sisingamangaraja No. 12, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan Telepon : +62 21-7200059, Faksimili: +62 21-7243933
12. Sekolah Dasar Negeri IKIP Jakarta (UNJ) Jl. Pemuda, Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur Telepon : +62 21-4701443
13. Sekolah Dasar Negeri 05 Mexico Jl. Hanglekir V/53, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan Telepon/Faksimili: +62 21-7254031
14. Sekolah Dasar Islam At-Taqwa, Pamulang Jl. Benda Timur, Pamulang I No. 15, Tangerang Telepon/Faksimili: +62 21-7498471
15. Sekolah Dasar Bani Saleh 5, Bekasi Jl. Kartini Raya No. 7, Bekasi Timur 17113 Telepon : +62 21-88343362, Faksimili: +62 21-8808300
16. Sekolah Dasar Islam Al-Izhar Jl. R.S. Fatmawati No. 49, Pondok Labu,Jakarta Selatan 12450 Telepon : +62 21-7695542, Faksimili : +62 21-7503662
17. Sekolah Dasar Tugu Ibu Jl. Sentosa Raya No. 2, Depok II Tengah 16411 Telepon : +62 21-77822937, Faksimili : +62 21-77820171
18. Sekolah Dasar Hangtuah IV Komplek Seskowal, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan Telepon : +62 21-7255775
19. Sekolah Dasar YADIKA 3 Cileduk Jl. Raden Saleh No. 11, Kel. Karang Tengah, Kec. Karang Tengah,Tangerang Telepon : +62 21-73446238, Faksimili: +62 21-7304780
20. Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah Kebayoran Lama Jl. Panjang, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan 12230 Telepon: +62 21-72792825, Faksimili : +62 21-7260628
21. Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah Pamulang Jl. Surya Kencana No. 29, Pamulang Barat 15417 Telepon/Faksimili: +62 21-7415327
Sekolah Menengah Pertama 1. Sekolah Menengah Pertama 3, Bandung Jl. Dewi Sartika No. 96 Telepon :+62 22-5207378
2. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Al-Izhar Pondok Labu Jl. RS Fatmawati Kav. 49, Pd. Labu, Jakarta Selatan 12450 Telepon :+62 21-7695542, Faksmili : +62 21-7503662
3. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Al-Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama Jl. Kemang Pratama Raya - Kemang Pratama Bekasi Kel. Bojong Rawalumbu, Kec. Rawalumbu, Bekasi 17116 Telepon :+62 21-82413970, Faksimili: +62 21-82421942
4. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Al-Ikhlas Cipete Jl. Cipete III No. 10 Cipete, Jakarta Selatan 12410 Telepon/Faksimili :+62 21-769 1571
5. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Labschool Kebayoran Jl. K.H. Achmad Dahlan No. 14, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan Telepon/Faksimili :+62 21-7208966
6. Sekolah Menengah Pertama 3 Bogor Jl. Malabar No. 6, Bogor, Jawa Barat Telepon :+62 22-321463
7. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Al-Azhar 1 Jl. Sisingamangaraja No. 12, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan Telepon :+62 21-7243933, Faksmili : +62 21-7200062
8. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 1 Jakarta Jl. Cikini Raya, Jakarta Pusat Telepon :+62 21-31922417, Faksmili : +62 21-3928683
9. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 216 Jl. Salemba Raya No. 18, Jakarta Pusat Telepon.: +62 21-31931857, Faksimili: +62 21-3922621
10. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 79 Jl. Dakota Raya, Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat Telepon :+62 21-4208740
11. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 30 Jl. Anggrek 4 Koja, Jakarta Utara Telepon :+62 21-491669
12. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 116 Jl. Sunter Permai Raya, Jakarta Utara Telepon :+62 21-6408125
13. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 89 Jl. Tanjung Duren Barat IV, Grogol Pertamburan, Jakarta Barat Telepon :+62 21-5672531, Faksimili: +62 21-56964483
14. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 45 Jl. Utama Raya No.45, Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat Telepon :+62 21-6191705, Faksimili: +62 21-54373201
15. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 49 Jakarta Jl. Raya Bogor, Kramatjati, Jakarta Timur Telepon: +62 21-8090200
16. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 75 Jl. Raya Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat Telepon :+62 21-5483496, Faksimili: +62 21-5483496
17. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 161 Jl. Delman Utama I, Tanah Kusir, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan 12440 Telepon : +62 21-7247127
18. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 115 Jl. K.H. Abdulah Syafe’I, Tebet, Jakarta Selatan Telepon :+62 21-8297511, Faksimili: +62 21-8282742
19. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 41 Jl. Harso RM, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan Telepon :+62 21-7814294
20. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 81 Jl. Monumen Pancasila Sakti, Lubang Buaya, Jakarta Timur Telepon :+62 21-8408656
21. Sekolah Menengah PertamaNegeri 214 Jakarta Jl. Rajawali Raya, Jakarta Timur Telepon :+62 21-8099021
22. Sekolah Menengah PertamaNegeri 131 Jakarta Jl. R.M. Kahfi II Sr. Sawah Telepon : +62 21-7270218
23. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Nasional KPS Balikpapan Jl. Sport No 1 PO BOX 321 Kel. Prapatan, Kec. Balikpapan Selatan, Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur 76111 Telepon :+62 542-421611 / 421611
24. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Plus Melati Samarinda Jl. H.A.M.M. Rifaddin Rt. 25 Kel. Harapan Baru, Kec. Samarinda Seberang, Samarinda Telepon :+62 541-7074603, Faksimili: +62 541-7268847 Email:
[email protected]
25. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 12 Makassar Perumahan Dosen Unhas Tamalanrea Telepon :+62 411-587181, Faksimili: +62 411-586678
26. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 36 Jakarta Jl. Pedati Raya, Jatinegara, Jakarta Timur Telepon :+62 21-8197363
27. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Labschool Cibubur Jl. Raya Hankam Kampus Labschool No. 15 – 20 Jatiranggon, Jati Sampurna, Bekasi, Jawa Barat Telepon :+62 21-8430 4140, Faksimili: +62 21-8430 4236 28. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 3 Depok Jl. Barito Raya, Depok II Timur 16418 Telepon/Faksimili : +62 21- 7709105
29. Sekolah Menengah Pertama YADIKA 3 Jl. Raden Saleh No. 11, Kel. Karang Tengah, Kec. Karang Tengah, Kota Tangerang Telepon : 7335689, Faksimili : 7304780
30. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 85 Jl. Margasatwa No. 8, Pondok Labu, Jakarta Selatan Telepon : 7657652, Faksimili : 7657348
31. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 11 Bali Jl. Tukat Punggawo, Desa Seragen, Denpasar Selatan, Bali Telepon : +62 361 – 7954901
32. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Bani Saleh 1 Bekasi Jl. R.A. Kartini No. 7, Bekasi Timur 17113 Telepon :+62 21-88343363
33. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Islam Amalina Jl. Raya Pondok Aren No. 8, Kec. Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan, 15224 Telepon : +62 21-7336910 Website : www.amalina.net
Sekolah Menengah Atas 1. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Jl.Budi Utomo No 7, Jakarta Pusat 10710 Telepon : +62 21-3865001, Faksmill : 3524489 Email :
[email protected] 2. Sekolah-Menengah Atas Negeri 6 JI. Mahakam I No.2 BIok C Jakarta, Selatan 12130 Telepon :+62 21-7211067, Faksimili : 7208762 Email :
[email protected] 3. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 8 JI.Taman Bukitduri, Tebet Telepon :+62 21-8295455, Faksmili : 8351782 Email :
[email protected] 4. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 13 Jl. Seroja No. 1, Jakarta utara 14320 Telepon :+62 21-4303675, Faksmili : 4304580 Email :serviceasmun13.com Website www.smunl3jkt.com 5. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 22 Jl. Kramat Asem Utan Kayu,Jakarta Timur 13120 Telepon :+62 21-8563352, 85903291, Faksmili :+62 21-85903290 Emai
[email protected] 6. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 28 JI.Ragunah Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12540 Telepon/Faksmili :+62 21-7806293 Email :
[email protected] Website :www.smun28.web.id 7. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 34 JI.Margasatwa Raya No.1, Pondok labu,Cilandak Jakarta Selatan 12450 Telepon/Faksmili :+62 21-7690064 Website www.smun34-jkt.sch.id 8. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 41 J l . R . E . M a r t a d i n a t a Ja k a r t a U t a r a 1 4 3 5 0 T e l e p o n : +62 21-6 5 1 8 8 4 0 9. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 47 JI. Delman utama 1, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan Telepon/Faksmili :+62 21-7221315 Email :
[email protected]
10. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 68 Jl. Salemba Raya No.18, Jakarta Pusat Telepon: +62 21-3142929, 3913212 Faksimili :+62 21-3919868 Email.:
[email protected] 11. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 70 JI.Bulungan I, KebayoranBaru, Jakarta Selatan Telepon :+62 21-7222667, Faksmili : +62 21-7221343 Website :www.smun70jkt.sch.id 12. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 81 Jl. KartikaEkaPaksi, Komplek Kodam, Jatiwaringin Jakarta Timur 13620 Telepon :+62 21-8629940 Faksmili :+62 21-86608034, 86601183 Email :
[email protected] Website :www.sman81.com 13. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 90 Jl. Sabar Petukangan Selatan, Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Selatan Telepon :+62 21-7341866, Faksmili : +62 21-7341889 14. Sekolah Menengah Atas Lab-School R awamangun Komplek UNJ (IKIP Jakarta) JI. Pemuda, Rawamangun, JakartaTimur 13220 Telepon :+62 21-47860038 ext : 3 Faksmili :+62 21-4897283 Email:
[email protected] Website : www.labschool-unj.org 15. Sekolah Menengah Atas Lab-School Kebayoran Jl. K.H.Achmad Dahlan No.14, Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12230 Telepon/Faksmili :+62 21-7208966
[email protected] Website : www.labschool-unj.org 16. Sekolah Menengah Atas Islam AI-Azhar Pusat JI. Sisingamangaraja No. 12, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan Telepon/Faksmili :+62 21-7269935 Email:
[email protected] 17. Sekolah Menengah Atas Islam Al-lzhar Jl. R.S Fatmawati Kay. 49, Pondok Labu, Jakarta Selatan 12450 Telepon :+62 21-7695542, Faksmilli:+62 21-7503662 Emall:
[email protected] Website www.al-izhar-jkt.sch.id
18. Sekolah Menengah Atas Bina Bangsa Sejahtera Jl. Arjuna Selatan Kav. 87 Kemanggisan, Jakarta Barat Telepon :+62 21-5361894, 5328833 Faksmili :+62 21-5361893, 5324376 Email :
[email protected] 19. Sekolah- Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Babelan, Bekasi Jl. Taman Kebalen Bahagia, Bekasi 17610 Telepon :+62 21-89132674 20. Sekolah Menengah Atas 1, Bogor Jl. Ir. Juanda 16 Bogor 16122 Telepon :+62 251-321758/081315892572 Faksmili : 0251 8337532 21. Sekolah Menengah Atas 6 Jakarta Telepon :+62 21-7208762/081806917470 Faksimili:021-7708752 22. Sekolah Menengah Atas 86 Jl. Bintaro Raya Komp. Depsos Telepon :+62 21-7378791/0817388442 Faks imili :+62 21-3919868 23. Sekolah Menengah Atas Diponegoro 1 Jl. Sunan Giri No. 5 Telepon :+62 21-4759164/081511936218 Faksmili :+62 21-4759162 Email :
[email protected] 24. Sekolah Menengah Atas Bina Bangsa Sejahtera, Bogor Jl. Raya Kampus IPB Km. 7 Dramaga Telepon :+62 251-622826/085691870866 Faksmili :+62 251-8420229 25. Sekolah Menengah Atas 2 Ngawi Jl. A. Yani Klitik Ngawi Trompol Pos 7, Jawa Timur Telepon :+62 2351-749293/085655606609 Faksmili :+62 2351-749293 26. Sekolah Menengah Atas 8, Pekan Baru Jl. Abdul Muis No. 14, Cinta Raja, Sail, Pekanbaru, Riau Telepon./Faksmili : +62 761-23073 Email :
[email protected] /
[email protected] Web: www.sman8pekanbaru.sch.id 27. Sekolah Menengah Atas 1 Padang Jl. Belanti Raya No. 11, Lolong, Padang Telepon :+62 751-7055004/08153500786
28. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 9 Semarang Jl. Cemara Raya Banyumanik Semarang Telepon :+62 24-7472812 Email :
[email protected] 29. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Subang Jl. H.O. Iskandar 4 Subang, Kuningan Telepon :+62 232-876622 30. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 3 Bandung Jl. Belitung No.8 Bandung 40113 Telepon: +62 22-4235154, Faksmili:+62 22-4214420 31. Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Jl. Gajahmada No. 100 Padang 25137 Telepon :.+62 751-55029 32. Sekolah Menengah Atas Bina Bangsa Sejahtera Jl. Raya Darmaga.KM,7 Bogor 16680 Telepon :+62 251-622826 Faksmili : +62 251-622851 33. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 3 Palu Jl. Dewi Sartika 104 Palu 94114, Sulteng Telepon :+62 451-482647 34. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Padang Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 1 Padang 25111 Telepon/Faksmili :+62 751-21809 35. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 2 Ambon Jl. Jan Paays Ambon 97174 Telepon:+62 911-352872 36. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 8 Yogyakarta Jl. Sidoballi Yogyakarta 55165 Telepon :+62 274-513493, Faksimili : +62 274-580207 37. Sekolah Menengah Atas Taruna Nusantara Jl. Raya Purw orejo K M.5 Magelang 56172 Telepon :+62 293-364195, Faksmili : +62 293-364047 Email :
[email protected] 38. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Tiga Raksa JI. Aria Jaya Sentika Telepon :+62 21-5990276 39. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 5 Surabaya Jl. Kusuma Bangsa No. 5 Surabaya 60272 Telepon/ Faksmili :+62 31-5345155 Email :
[email protected]
40. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Pamekasan Jl. Pramuka No.2 Pamekasan, Madura Telepon :+62 324-322697 Email :
[email protected] 41. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 2 Krakatau Steel Jl. Semang Raya No.1 Cilegon42435 Telepon :+62 254-384813 42. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Bantul Jl. Parangtritis KM 5 Yogyakarta 55187 Telepon :+62 274-374459 43. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Subang Jl. KH.Dewantara Subang 41212 Telepon :+62 260-411402 Email :
[email protected] 44. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Serpong Jl.Raya Serpong Tangerang 15314 Telepon :+62 21-7560956, Faksmili : +62 21-75872407 Email :
[email protected] 45. Sekolah Menengah Atas Muhammadiyah 2 Jl. Kapas No. 7 Yogyakarta 55166 Telepon: +62 274-540937, Faksmili :+62 274-562545 Email :
[email protected] 46. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 3 Pekalongan Jl. Progo No.28 Pekalongan 51116 Telepon :+62 285 421035 47. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 3 Malang Jl. Sultan Agung Utara No.7 Malang 65111 Telepon: +62 341-324768, Faksmili : +62 341-341530 48. Sekolah Menengah Atas Athirah Jl. Kajaolaliddo 22 Makassar Telepon :+62 411-330201/08124126696 Email :
[email protected] 49. SekolahMenengahAtas 6 Tangerang Jl. NyimasMelati No 2 NeglasariTangerang Telepon :+62 21-5587229/081584769200 50. SekolahMenengahAtas 1 Cibinong Jl. Mayor Oking J. No. 73 Telepon : 0818105283 Email :
[email protected]
51. Sekolah Menengah Atas 3 Gorontalo Jl. Ki HajarDewantara No. 43 Kota Gorontalo Sulawesi Utara Telepon :+62 435-821455/08520380980 52. Sekolah Menengah Atas 4 Banda Aceh Jl. PanglimaNyakMakam, Banda Aceh Telepon: 081187615 Email :
[email protected] 53. Sekolah Menengah Atas 5 Denpasar Jl. Sanifasi No.2 Denpasar Selatan Telepon :+62 361-720642/081338344934 Email:
[email protected] Web: http://smaneladenpasar.com/ 54. Sekolah Menengah Atas Al Azhar 2 Pejaten Jl. Pejaten Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan Telepon :+62 21-98729149 55. Sekolah Menengah Atas 6 Makasar Jl. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sutami 4 Makasar Telepon :+62 411-324171 Email :
[email protected] 56. Sekolah Menengah Atas 4 Denpasar JI. Gunung Rinjani, Denpasar, Indonesia Telepon: +62 361- 485363 Email : sman4dps.sch.id Websit e: www.sman4dps. sch.id 57. Sekolah Menengah Atas 1 Denpasar Bali Jl. Kamboja 4, Denpasar Telepon :+62 361-222044, Faksimili : +62 361-244621 58. Sekolah Menengah Atas Pangudi Luhur, Bantul Yogyakarta Jl. Wates Km. 12Rewulu, Argosari Sedayu Bantul Telepon: +62 274-7494179 Email:
[email protected] 59. Sekolah Menengah Atas 1 Sewon Bantul Yogyakarta JL. Parangtritis Km 5 Bangunharjo Sewon bantul Telepon: +62 274-7494622 Email :
[email protected] 60. Sekolah Menengah Atas 1 Gresik, Jawa Timur Jl. AriefRachman Hakim No. 1, Gresik Telepon: +62 31-3981887 Web: www.smansagres.info
6 1 . S ek ol ah M enengah At as 2 Ked iri J l . V et e r a n N o . 2 K e d ir i , J a w a T i m u r T e l e p o n : +62 3 5 4 - 7 7 1 1 2 1 E m a i l : s m a d a k d r @ y a h o o . c o m , W e b : w w w . sm a d a k e d i r i . s c h . i d 62. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri1 Jambi Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No 15, Telanai Pura Jambi 36122 Telepon :+62 741-63147, Faksimili : +62 741-61108 63. Sekolah Menengah Atas Titian Teras Jambi Jl. Jambi-Ma. Bulian Km.21 Pijoan, Jambi Telepon: +62 741 7551162, Faksimili: +62 741-27900 Website: www.sma-tt-jambi.com 64. Sekolah Menengah Atas1 Jayapura J1. Biak Abepura Jayapura, Jayapura Telepon: +62 967-581209 Web: www.smansajayapura.sch.id 65. Sekolah Menengah Atas 3 Makasar JL. Baji Gau III No. 17 Makassar, Indonesia Telepon: +62 411-854591 Email:
[email protected] 66. Sekolah Menengah Atas 3 Malang JI. Sultan Agung Utara no. 7, Kelurahan Klojen, Kec. Klojen Kota Malang Telepon: +62 341-324768 / +62 341-341530 67. Sekolah Menengah Atas 4 Malang JI. Tugu Utara 1 Malang Telepon :+62 341 325267 68. Sekolah Menengah Atas 8 Malang JL. Veteran 37 Malang Telepon:+62 341 551096 69. Sekolah Menengah Atas 2 Malang Jl. Laksamana RE Martadinata No. 84, Malang Telepon: +62 341-364357 70. Sekolah Menengah Atas 11 Malang Pelabuhan Bakahuni No.1 Kelurahan Bakalan Krajan Telepon :+62341-836330 71. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 5 Malang Jl. Tanimbar, No. 24 Malang 55117 Telepon :+62 341 364580, Faksimili :+62 341 348498 E-Mail:
[email protected] 72. Sekolah Menengah Atas 3 MATARAM Jl. Pemuda No. 63 Mataram Telepon: +62 370-622961 Email:
[email protected] , Web: www.smantimataram.sch.id
73. Sekolah Menengah Atas Sutomo 1, Medan Jl. Letkol Martinus Lubis No.7, Kota Medan Telepon: +62 61- 4564176, Faksimili: +62 61-4153229 74. Sekolah Menengah Atas 1 Medan JI. Teuku CikDitiroNo. 1 MEDAN Telpon: +62 61-4511765 Email:
[email protected] 75. Sekolah Menengah Atas 3 Medan Jl. Budi Kemasyarakatan No. 3 Medan Telepon: +62 61-6612198, Faksimili: +62 61- 6643316 Email:
[email protected] 76. Sekolah Menengah Atas 2 Padang Jl. Musi No. 2 Purus Atas Padang Telepon :+62 751-7051507 77. Sekolah Menengah Atas 12 Pekanbaru Jl. Garuda Sakti Km.3 Kelurahan Simpang Baru Kec. Tampan - Pekanbaru 28293 Telepon.:+62 761 7078912 78. Sekolah Menengah Atas 6 Pekanbaru Jl. Bambu Kuning No. 28. Kecamatan Tenayan Pekanbaru Telepon: 0761-20454 Email:
[email protected] 79. Sekolah Menengah Atas Santo Petrus, Pontianak Jl.KS Tubun No. 3 Pontianak Telepon: +62 561-731425/0561743744 Email:
[email protected] Web: www.smapetrus.net 80. Sekolah MA Tunas Bangsa Pontianak Jl. Arteri Supadio K m. 2 K ubu R aya, Pont ianak 78391 Telepon: +62 561-725555 81. Sekolah Menengah Atas Bina Utama Pontianak Jl. H.R.A. Rahman No. 65 Telepon :+62 561-6589967/733585/7506356 Email:
[email protected] Web: www.smkbinautama.dindikptk.net 82. Sekolah Menengah Atas 6 Pontianak Jl. Tanjung Raya II Gg. TaniKp. Saigon, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat Telepon: +62 561-747624
83. Sekolah Menengah Atas 3 Semarang Jl.Pemuda No 149Semarang Telepon:+62 24-354 4287 84. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 2 Semarang Jl. Sendangguwo Baru No. 1 (Majapahit) Semarang Telepon: +62 246-715994 Email:
[email protected] Web: www.sma2smg.com 85. Sekolah Menengah Atas Muhammadiyah 1 Semarang Jl.Tentara Pelajar No 91 Semarang Telepon: +62 24-8310302 Web: www.semamuh1-smg.sch.id 86. Sekolah Menengah Atas 2 Cilegon Jl. Semang Raya No. 1 Kompleks KS Cilegon Telepon:+62 25-439290/+62 254-384813 Faksimili: +62 254-398274 87. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Mataram Jl. Pendidikan 21 Mataram Telepon :+62 370-621803/085253890800 Email :
[email protected] Web: http://www.sman-1-mtr.sch.id 88. Sekolah Menenngah Atas Modal Bangsa, Banda Aceh Jl. Bandara Sultan Iskandar Muda Km. 12,5Desa Meulayo Kecamatan Blang Bintang, Kabupaten Aceh Besar Telepon/Faksimili: +62 651-32517 E-mail :
[email protected] Website: www.sman-modalbangsa.sch.id 89. Sekolah Menengah Atas Fons Vitae I Jl. Mataram RayaNo. 129, Jakarta Tirnur 13140 Telepon :+62 21-8510733, Faksimili : +62 21-85908687 Email :
[email protected]
90. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 10 Malang Jl. Danau Grati 1, Kec. Kedungkandang, Kel. Sawojajar, Malang, Jawa Timur 65139 Telepon : +62-341-719300 Website : www.sman10malang.sch.id
Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan 1. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 3 Jl. Garuda No. 63, Jakarta Pusat 10610 Telepon/Faksmili :+62 21 4209629 Email :
[email protected] Website :www.smkn3jkt.freeservrs.corn 2. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 27 JI.Dr.Sutomo No.1, Jakarta Pusat 204677 Telepon :+62 21 3845739, Faksimili :+62 21 3524973 Email :
[email protected] 3. Sekolah Menengah KejuruanNegeri 51 JI.Swadaya II Bambu Apus Cipayung, Jakarta Tirnur Telepon :+62 21 8444903, 8448696 Faksimili+62 21 8452062, 8443754 Email :
[email protected] 4. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan karya Guna Bekasi Jl. Cireon kompleks perumahan Duren Jaya Bekasi 17111 Telepon:+62 21 9190057 5. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 1 Kerawang Jl. Pangkal Perjuangan Karawang 41316 Telepon :+62 267 401651, Faksimili : +62 267-417258 6. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Diponegoro 1 Jl. Sunan Giri 5, Jati, Pulo Gadung Jakarta 13220 Telepon/Faksimili : +62 21 4702446 7. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan 3, Tangerang Telepon :+62 21-3098303 Faksmili : +62 21 755794918 8. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan 37 Jl Pertanian 3, Kebagusan, Pasar Minggu Jakarta 12520 Telepon : +62 21 7805787
9. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Kartini Jl. Kartini Raya No.26, Kartini, Sawah Besar Jakarta 10750 Telepon : +62 21-6597662
10. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Santa Maria Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.29, Kebon Kelapa, Gambir Jakarta 10120 Telepon : +62 21 3522146
11. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 1 Jakarta Jl. BUDI UTOMO NO.7, Pasar Baru, Sawah Besar Jakarta 10710 Telepon : +62 21-3813630
12. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 7 Jakarta Jl. Tenggiri I, Jati, Pulo Gadung Jakarta 13220 Telepon : +62 21 4704590
13. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 14 Jakarta Jl. PERCETAKAN NEGARA IIA Jakarta 10560 Telepon : +62 21-4240543
14. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 16 Jakarta Jl. Taman Amir Hamzah, Pengansaan, Menteng Jakarta 10320 Telepon : +62 21 3904112
15. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 38 Jakarta Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 98, Gambir Jakarta 10110 Telepon : +62 21 3441788
16. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Nasional Depok Jl Grogol Raya 2 RT 001/07DEPOK16435 Telepon : +62 21 77214832 Email :
[email protected]
17. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 1 Depok Jl. Gg. Bakti Suci No. 100 Tapos Email :
[email protected]
18. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 2 Depok Jl. Abdul Wahab Hp. 085240514116 Email :
[email protected]
19. Sekoiah Menengah Kejuruan4 Malang Jl. Tanimbar 22 Malang 65117 Telepon : +62 341 353798 20. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 1 Denpasar Bali Jl. Hos Cokroaminoto No. 84 Denpasar, Ubung, DENPASAR UTARA, KOTA DENPASAR 80116 Telepon:+62 361 422401
Formulir UNESCO-ASPnet
ED/BAS/ASP/2007/PI/1 Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) Application Form For completion by the school/college principal (Block capitals only, please) Please send to the ASPnet National coordinator in your country
Name of school/college
N°............... Street: .................................................................................................................................. Postal code: ............................... Town: ................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................. Province: .................................... Country: ..............................................................................................
International code: ................... Local number: .......................................................................................
International code: ................... Local number: .......................................................................................
Website (if applicable)
Type of school/college (please tick)
■ Preschool ■ Primary ■ Primary and secondary ■ Secondary ■ Teacher training ■ Technical/vocational education ■ Other (please specify) ..........................................................................................................................
■ Mr
■ Ms
Surname: ...............................................................
First name: ............................................................
Person acting as contact person for ASPnet in your school/college: Surname: ............................................................... ■ Ms
First name: ............................................................
■ Mr
Number of students enrolled in your school/college: .................
Age: from ......... to .........
Number of teachers: .......................
Preferred language for UNESCO documentation: ■ English ■ French ■ Spanish ■ Arabic Please note that due to limited funds, some documents are available in English and/or French only. When you become a UNESCO Associated School, you undertake to organize activities in your school/college and to deliver an annual report to the ASPnet National Coordinator in your country. The ASPnet themes are listed below. Please tick the theme(s) that you wish to work on this year with your students.
■ World concerns and the role of the United Nations system (please specify: ..................... .............................................................................................................................................................)
■ Education for sustainable development ■ Peace and human rights ■ Intercultural learning
In my capacity as principal, I undertake to ensure that the contact person for ASPnet in my school/college sends the completed annual school report form to the ASPnet National Coordinator in my country before the end of each school year. Failure to do so for two consecutive years will entail cancellation of my school’s/college’s ASPnet membership.
Signature of principal
UNESCO, Education Sector, ASPnet, 7 Place Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France
Date : ...................................................................
Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) Annual Report Form for ASPnet Schools This form must be completed by the School’s designated contact person for ASPnet. The School’s project results should be attached, together with the best photos illustrating the year’s activities, and the form and attachments returned before the end of the school year to the ASPnet National Coordinator or National Commission for UNESCO – and under no circumstances to UNESCO Headquarters directly.
Report for school year : ..................... – ....................... Country : ......................................................................
1. Details of ASPnet contact person in your school
■ Mr
■ Ms
2. Details of school/college Name Type
Complete address
■ Preschool ■ Primary ■ Primary and secondary ■ Secondary ■ Teacher training ■ Technical/vocational education ■ Other (please specify) ........................................................................................................................... N°:............... Street: ................................................................................................................................. Postal code: ............................... Town: ...................................................... Province: ........................... Telephone: ............................................................
Fax: .......................................................................
Email (where applicable): .................................................................................................................................................................. Website (where applicable):................................................................................................................................................................. Student participation in ASPnet activities: Age group: from ......... to .........
Number of girls: ........... / Number of boys: ........... (approx.)
3. Activities carried out Which ASPnet study theme did you choose for your activities this year?
■ World concerns and the role of the United Nations system (please specify: ....................................................................................) ■ Education for sustainable development ■ Peace and human rights ■ Intercultural learning Title(s) of ASPnet flagship project(s) in which your school participates:
4. Results Brief description of results obtained:
Type of results attached to this report
■ Written documents/publications (2 maximum) ■ CD-ROM ■ Photos (with details on the back) (2 maximum) ■ Works of art (2 maximum) ■ Drawings (2 maximum) ■ Exhibitions ■ Other (please specify): .................................................................................................................................................................. In which field(s) did you work during project execution?
■ Pedagogical innovations and experimentation with innovative materials (please specify):
■ Study visits linked to a chosen theme:
■ Exchanges/twinning partnerships with a school/college in another country. Specify the country and whether the school/college is part of ASPnet:
■ Celebration of International Days, Years or Decades observed by UNESCO and the United Nations. Describe the events that you organized and on what occasion.
Activity implementation: ■ During lessons ■ During extracurricular activities ■ As a UNESCO Club activity in your school Describe how you have been able to incorporate into your school programme activities towards the global objective of quality education.
To help us assemble the best practices of Associated Schools in terms of quality education, please describe your project(s) of the past year and its/their impact:
Are you satisfied with the results obtained? ■ very satisfied ■ moderately satisfied ■ not at all satisfied
2 | Annual Report Form for ASPnet Schools
5. Obstacles/Support Did you encounter difficulties? If so, how did you overcome them?
■ Yes ■ No
Did you obtain support of any kind? If so, from whom and in what form?
■ Yes ■ No
Have you created local partnerships (other schools, local authorities, private sector, etc.)? Did you organize fundraising to finance your project(s) this year?
■ Yes ■ No ■ Yes ■ No
6. Impact Describe briefly the impact of your project(s) on: Students: have you noticed changes of attitude among your students ( e.g., more tolerance, respect, etc.)? — If so, of what kind?
■ Yes ■ No
— What kind of capacities have they developed (e.g., researching, teamwork, communication skills)?
ASPnet teachers and contact person: Which aspects of project execution held special interest for you? Were you able to involve your colleagues and/or the school’s non-teaching staff or were you able to share your experiences with them?
Parents and when applicable the community (describe briefly the involvement of your community in your ASPnet activities):
The Ministry of Education or other government authorities in your country:
Annual Report Form for ASPnet Schools | 3
7. Visibility of ASPnet Describe the visibility that you give to your affiliation with UNESCO (notice board, Website, etc.)? What would you suggest to improve this visibility?
Describe any media coverage that the school has obtained: press, radio or television (if possible with proof):
8. Relations with the ASPnet National Coordinator Have you been in contact this past year with the National Coordinator of ASPnet in your country? If so, how many times and for what purpose(s)?
9. Participation in ASPnet Meetings Has your school participated in a national, regional and/or international meeting organized within the framework of ASPnet? If so, which meeting and when?
■ Yes ■ No
10. Future Projects List your project(s) for the coming school year:
11. Other comments and/or suggestions:
Name and signature of the author of this report:
.................................................................................................................. Date : ...................................
UNESCO, Education Sector, ASPnet, 7 Place Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France 4 | Annual Report Form for ASPnet Schools
Lampiran 2 Pertemuan iEARN ke-20 1-6 Juli 2013, Doha, Qatar “20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit”
Laporan Pertem Pertemuan iEARN ke -20 1-6 6 Juli 2013, Doha, Qatar “20th Internation ional Conference & 17th Youth th Summit”
Komisi Nasio asional Indonesia untuk UN UNESCO Kementerian ian Pendidikan dan Kebuday udayaan 2013
Laporan Pertemuan iEARN yang ke -20 di Doha, Qatar Tanggal 1-6 Juli 2013 “20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit”
iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) merupakan organisasi nirlaba yang bergerak menghubungkan guru dan siswa untuk berinteraksi menggunakan jejaring teknologi komunikasi melalui website iEARN,untuk melaksanakan proyek kolaborasi bersama dalam rangka pendidikan dan pengertian antar budaya.
meningkatkan kualitas
Proyek kolaborasi ini meliputi bidang-bidang keilmuan yang tercakup dalam kurikulum sehingga pelaksanaan program dapat dilakukan dikelas. Saat ini negara yang menjadi anggota iEARN berjumlah 140 negara yang dapat berkomunikasi dalam 30 bahasa. Pada website iEARN terdapat forum guru dimana guru dapat berkomunikasi dengan guru dari negara lain dan siswa juga dapat berkomunikasi dengan siswa dari negara lain.Siswa dapat masuk berinteraksi apabila didaftarkan oleh gurunya. Pada saat ini Jumlah guru yang terdaftar sebagai anggota iEARN sebanyak 50.000 guru dan 2 juta siswa. Pada tahun 2013 iEARN tepat berusia 25 tahun dan bertepatan dengan itu pula diadakan konferensi dunia yang memang menjadi agenda tahunan iEARN. Atas permintaan iEARN Qatar yang didukung oleh Qatar Foundation dan ROTA (Reach Out to Asia) dan beberapa sponsor yang lainnya. iEARN pada tahun ini diselenggarakan di Doha, Qatar, pada tanggal 1 - 6 Juli 2013 dengan tema “ICT for Education :Reaching out , Building Bridges” Pada konferensi tahun ini Indonesia mengirimkan wakil terbanyak yaitu 56 peserta terdiri dari: 44 siswa, 9 Guru, 2 orang staf Sekretariat Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO dan Koordinator iEARN Indonesia, Hasnah Gasim, selaku Ketua Rombongan. Jumlah peserta keseluruhan adalah 700 peserta dari 53 negara.
Sekolah Indonesia yang hadir dalam konferensi tahun ini adalah SMA Labschool Jakarta, SMA Labschool Cibubur, SMAN 1 Bekasi, SMKN 27 Jakarta, SMP Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama Bekasi dan SMP Al Azhar 19 Makasar. Jumlah peserta dari masing-masing sekolah tercantum pada lampiran 1. Indonesia menjadi anggota iEARN pada tahun 2004 dan setiap tahun selalu aktif mengirimkan delegasi. Para guru di Indonesia menganggap program iEARN ini sangat membantu dalam mendapatkan sertifikasi dan juga dalam pengajaran dikelas. Hal ini terbukti dari testimoni yang disampaikan oleh beberapa guru yang telah mengikuti program iEARN sejak 2004, tercantum pada lampiran 2. Perlu diketahui bahwa Konferensi iEARN diselenggarakan pertama kali di Argentina pada tahun 1994 dan sejanjutnya diselenggarakan di beberapa negara sebagai berikut : Australia (1995), Hungaria (1996), Spanyol (1997), Amerika Serikat (1998), Puerto Rico (1999), Cina (2000), Afrika Selatan (2001), Rusia (2002), Jepang (2003), Slovakia (2004), Senegal (2005), Belanda (2006), Mesir (2007), Maroko (2009), Kanada (2010), dan Taiwan (2011). Konferensi yang diadakan di Qatar National Convention Centre (QNCC) tahun ini sangat mewah dengan dukungan fasilitas dari Pemerintah Qatar dan banyaknya para pemateri yang diselenggarakan. Pada pemateri Plenary ada 5 nara sumber yaitu: Peter Copen sebagai pendiri iEARN, Dr. Essam Heggy seorang ahli Planet dari Universitas Caltech, Dr. Judy Harris, Ahli ICT dan membuat riset untuk pemakaian ICT dalam pengajaran. Dr. Mohamed Ally seorang ahli Distance Learning dan Mobile Learning dari Universitas Athabasca di Kanada dan Julie Lindsay ahli Global Education dari Australia. Profil para nara sumber tercantum pada lampiran 3. Selain Plenary juga banyak presentasi proyek melalui kelas paralel sehingga memungkinkan para siswa dan Guru untuk memilih proyek/tema yang kiranya dapat dikembangkan di sekolah masing-masing.Selain mengikuti sessi Workshop pada taggal 3 Juli diadakan Cultural Tour yang diselenggarakan oleh penyelenggara Tour dengan biaya dari masing-masing peserta. Agenda International Conference dan Youth Summit tercantum pada lampiran 4. Pengetahuan baru yang dipresentasikan oleh para nara sumber sangat bermanfaat untuk lebih lanjut dikembangkan di sekolah masing-masing. Misalnya pengetahuan tentang pentingnya ICT dalam pengembangan pendidikan yang disampaikan oleh
Dr. Mohamed Ally dari Universitas Athabasca di Kanada yang antara lain menyampaikan pemakaian IPAD dalam mengajar.Selanjutnya dia menyatakan bahwa dengan pemakaian teknologi dan pendidikan jarak jauh dapat menghemat uang untuk gedung dan akan lebih efesien. Uraian yang disampaikan tercantum pada lampiran 5. Di sela konferensi pada tanggal 2 Juli 2013 rombongan dari Indonesia mendapat kehormatan untuk bertemu dengan Bapak Deddy Saiful Hadi, Duta Besar Republik Indonesia untuk Qatar beserta staf KBRI di Wisma KBRI di Doha, Qatar. Pada pertemuan yang berlangsung selama 3 jam tersebut dibahas beberapa hal yang menjadi isu terkini terutama peningkatan kerjasama di bidang pendidikan dan budaya antara Indonesia dengan Qatar. Ditambahkan juga oleh pak Dubes bahwa Indonesia dikenal dalam mengirimkan tenaga kerja wanita yang cukup besar,pada saat ini jumlah TKI di Qatar 20.000, sedangkan tenaga professional sekitar 1000 saja. Beliau mengharapkan agar Indonesia dapat mengirimkan tenaga kerja yang lebih terdidik untuk tahun –tahun mendatang . Selanjutnya, beliau cukup bangga bahwa Indonesia dapat mengirimkan peserta cukup besar walaupun dibiayai oleh orang tua masing-masing. Hal ini berarti bawa masyarakat Indonesia memandang bahwa pendidikan sangat penting. Sangat diharapkan agar para guru dan siswa dapat melanjutkan program kolaborasi ini di sekolah masing-masing dengan sekolah diluar negeri dengan cara memilih proyek yang diminati. Melalui keikutsertaan dalam konperensi ini diharapkan proyek yang direncanakan bersama sekolah partner di luar negeri dapat berjalan lebih baik karena kesempatan untuk membahasnya pada waktu mereka bertemu sehingga kolaborasi akan berjalan lebih lancar. Pada Konferensi ini siswa/siswi Indonesia ikut presentasi dalam beberapa proyek kolaborasi yang telah disiapkan sebelumnya dengan partner mereka diluar negeri dan pada malam culture night Indonesia juga ikut menyumbangkan beberapa tarian seperti Tari Piring, Tari Pendet, dan Tari Sajojo yang diperagakan oleh siswa/siswi dari Lab School Cibubur, sementara Tari Saman, Tari Amin Mamiri dipersembahkan oleh siswa/siswi SMP Al-Azhar 19 di Makassar.
Foto Kegiatan: Pembukaan
Pidato Pembukaan oleh Menteri Pendidikan dan Sekolah Tinggi Qatar
Sambutan oleh Direktur ROTA
Pidato oleh Dewan Eksekutif iEARN
Pidato oleh Dewan Eksekutif iEARN
Sambutan oleh RasGas, Gold Sponsor
Pertunjukan Tarian Tradisional Qatar
Sambutan oleh Penemu iEARN, Peter Copen
Sambutan dari perwakilan pemerintah Jepang
Presentasi pada acara Pleno
Presentasi oleh Dr. Mohamed Ally tentang Pendidikan Jarak Jauh dengan memakai ICT
Presentasi oleh Dr. Essam Heggy tentang Planet Luar Angkasa.
Presentasi oleh Julie Lindsay tentang Flat Classroom
Presentasi pada sesi Workshop
Presentasi tentang Tari Saman oleh SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi
Melatih peserta belajar Tari Saman oleh SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang
Presentasi oleh Kaharman Hamed, Palestina tentang pengajaran bahasa Inggris melalui program iEARN
Exhibition peserta Qatar
Kunjungan ke Kedutaan KBRI di Doha
Pemberian Souvenir kepada Ibu Duta Besar di Qatar oleh Ibu Hasnah Gasim, KNIU
Foto bersama Duta Besar RI di Qatar dengan seluruh peserta Konferensi di Wisma KBRI
Pementasan Tarian oleh siswa/siswi dari Indonesia
Tari Saman oleh SMP Isam Al Azhar 9 Kemang Bekasi
Tari Amin Mamiri oleh SMP Isam Al Azhar 24 Makasar
Tari Piring oleh SMA Labschool Cibubur
Tari Pendet oleh SMA Labschool Cibubur
Tari Enggang oleh SMA Labschool Cibubur
Tari Yamko Rambe Yamko oleh SMA Labschool Cibubur
Foto bersama para penari dari masing-masing negara pada acara Cultural Night
LAMPIRAN 1 DAFTAR PESERTA iEARN QATAR No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.
Nama Hasnah Gasim
Jabatan Koordinator iEARN Indonesia, Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO Dewi Koralina Staf sekretariat Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO Salwa Muchsin Staf sekretariat Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO Fauzi Rahman Guru SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar Ni Made Sulianderi Guru SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar Nurseha Saleh Guru SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar Dian Novrini Nurman Guru SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi Moch Noor Rochman Guru SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi Ira Damayanti Fasa Wakil Kepala Sekolah Bidang Akademik SMA Labschool Cibubur Suparno Sastro Suwarno Wakil Kepala Sekolah Bidang Akademik SMA Labschool Rawamangun Febby Angraeni Syamsunar Guru SMA Labschool Cibubur Revia Ayunindyasari Budiyono Guru SMA Labschool Cibubur Herdika Praga Adya Perkasa Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Bekasi Nurhana Wisnu Hardono Siswa SMK Negeri 27 Jakarta Vera Nautika Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar Aminah Dokumalamo Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar Erwin Dokumalamo Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar Ahmad Umlati Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar Ibtita Ibrahim Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar Nurul Halim Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar Qushai Idris Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar Ratih Ismail Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar Muhammad Assyurah Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar Ayuni Widya Kusuma Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi Annisha Rizkyanti Putri Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi Andari Handa Kusuma Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi Aisyah Rais Talia Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi Hilwa Zahwa Nadira Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi Aulia Cipta Hadipranata Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi Farah Widasari Ningrum Waluyo Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi Rizky Annisa Yasmine Daulay Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi Dafa Muhammad Hafiz Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi Muhammad Kenzo Baskoro Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi Daffa Muhammad Fauzan Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi Sulistiyo Naufal Noor Mulya Putra Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi Tiara Kartika Priyaninggar Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi Ade Olivia Ananda Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur Ananda Carissa Haswin Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur
No 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.
Nama Arya Nugraha Susanto Audra Sekar Arum Samodra Audynita Larasati Aziz Ismail Dede Rizki Suharyadi Diva Anggaramukti Verdiar Faraz Rachmat Asikin Farrel Maulana Insan Faza Agra Wisanggeni Muhammad Ilham Muhammad Adnan Elseno Niko Satrio Pinandito Rahmita Sashikirana Damayanti Rianto Bagus Dwimakara Rimma Zulva Nezra Salsabila Rizkita Shofura Naufal Rifiera Tissa Ramadhani
Jabatan Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur
LAMPIRAN 2 TESTIMONI GURU iEARN INDONESIA iEARN INDONESIA, 2013 Remarks by Hasnah Gasim, National Coordinator of ASPnet /iEARN Indonesia on the Benefit of Joining iEARN Internet is a tool that can create and support an online learning environment. Its ability to promote computer mediated communication, that is the use of computer networks to allow learners in different geographical locations to interact with one another. The opportunity for reflective interaction is encouraged and supported through online collaborative project work. Online collaborative learning is a very enriching process, both for teachers and students. It is rewarding that students learn by themselves, feel more involved and more dedicated, become independent learners, and become better citizens of the world. iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) has provided a network to enable teachers and students to use the Internet and other technologies to collaborate on projects that enhance learning and make a difference in the world. Please find below some Remarks by some Indonesian Teachers on the Benefit of Joining iEARN.
THE BENEFIT OF JOINING IEARN Wiwi Rosario SMA 1 Padang 08153500786
[email protected] d IEARN, a global network providing a number of various projects designed to make a difference in the world, has given a contribution in empowering the people around the world, especially teachers and youth. This forum has given many valuable things for me as a teacher in my beloved city“ PADANG”. Frankly speaking, there are several
benefits I obtain due to the involvement in this
Second, IEARN has developed my creativity through Project Based Learning implemented in my class. Through the harnessing of technology used by IEARN, it enables me to be engaged in several meaningful educational projects with different themes such as culture, environment, health, etc. Thus, I can learn more about how to integrate this internet technology into my teaching and learning process appropriately.
forum. First, IEARN has truly motivated me to improve my competence in technology such as my computer
skill. By joining IEARN, I am encouraged to figure out several problems dealt with computer like in creating a web site, a blog site which is used to publicize the projects which have been conducted. So, I learn more about computer technology that can assist me in getting and transferring my ideas.
Third, IEARN has enriched my teaching techniques and has helped me in driving my students to give more attention to the lesson through various activities that have been implemented and contributed to the students’ life. For instance, I tried to ask my students to watch a movie in form of legend instead of reading a text book related to a story. I could motivate students to write a narrative text based on the short movie that they had seen. Besides, I asked my students to review
this short movie they had watched. So, I’m not only focused on the book they students have, but also through the audio visual tool available at my school used in teaching, particularly in motivating students to write a text. In addition, my involvement in IEARN, has inherently broaden my perspective and I become more concerned with the latest global issues which can stimulate my thinking skill with the existence of different projects at www.iearn.org / www.iearnindonesia.org. Honestly, IEARN has provided me the experience in investigating,
analyzing, evaluate, and reflect ideas. Furthermore , IEARN as a forum for teachers and students has improved my foreign language skill, because in IEARN we have several foreign languages such as English, Spanish, French, and so forth. So, I can practice using
these foreign languages to keep in touch with the people around the world. At last but not least, by joining IEARN, I can promote my culture and the interesting places that can be visited by foreigner in my country that can give the income to my country if the someone in IEARN interested to go the places that I and my students have promoted. Through IEARN, I also got an opportunity to visit foreign country directly like partaking in international conference in Egypt, 2007. This activity truly has given me a valuable experience contributing to my professional skill. To put something in a nutshell, I believe that IEARN as an interactive network, has provided me worthy experience pertaining to several aspects of my life including my teaching strategy. So, it’ll be useful if all the teachers in our beloved country Indonesia, join IEARN.
Ahmad Wahyudi SMP Islam Al Azhar 2 Jakarta 021-7971451/ 02198729149
[email protected] I know that I can get many teaching resources from internet and taking it into my class as my presentation material. Then, I got the information about iEARN so I know that through it, we are also able to widen our teaching learning activities. More challenging, interesting, and moreover it takes us out off our daily teaching learning process. I believe that program demand us to be able to operate computer’s programs as well as the use of internet. It increase our ability of using internet so we have to learn it we get no other ways but to learn how to use it. As an outcome we get a linkage with the foreign countries. It broadens not only our teaching learning resources but also
qualifies our skill in teaching. iEARN connects us to other school around the world doing a certain subject. It gives us a change to know one to another through the subject matter we are working on it. We can share ideas of the way we learn as well as to teach. Besides, students can communicate with their peers from other countries using English. Surely it is the best change for them in practicing as well as improving their English skill in a real situation.
As we know, anyone-specially students- are more curious and more interesting working with strangers somewhere else oversees. As a result they do this activity eagerly and seriously. These make them more responsible in doing the task based on the schedule given. Mostly the topics in iEARN are group work assignment. The students absolutely should be able to work with their classmates otherwise they cannot fulfill the project on time. Students are learning how to express their ideas as well as to try to understand their peers’ ideas. Here they learn
how to find the solution from the ideas that come from many heads. Moreover, they study how to cooperate with others in getting the best result of the project. The projects are working out with the students from all over the worlds. Even this is only a limited subject, but when they doing the subject they interact with the ones with the different background. Here they gain knowledge of new value, custom, and culture. The situation controls the students with the better understanding of their background. That’s why the activity will increase their sense of tolerance, the willingness of seeking to understand rather than to be understood.
Drs. A. Suarta Senior High School 1 Bogor 0251-321758/ 081315892572
[email protected] The first time I joined iEARN, I felt so happy to think about having new friends, knowing much about teacher as a profession from the other perspective of life from people all over the world, and sharing problems we had in our own school in iEARN Teacher’s Forum. I never thought it could be more than that. I never imagined what iEARN could give to us, until I conducted a project and explored more about the website.
ways of learning. They were so happy to be able to express their ideas, to write better in English using the right grammatical orders and the right composition, and the important thing is that they could share and communicate with other students around the world through the project which was being conducted at that time.
The effect was not only what I mentioned above. The result of their study especially for English lesson also showed a better improvement, they could pass the national examination with satisfying grade and they could be accepted in a notable Before joining iEARN, I did my work as teacher just university. like the other teachers. I came to school, delivered the materials and went home. It was boring and I’ve been more and more aware that there are not challenging. Working as a teacher was just a many things I can do in many aspects for my routine activity day by day. school improvements after becoming a member of iEARN. I have learned many things through iEARN that I can apply in my class activities to make my lessons more interesting and enjoyable, using new methods and techniques that we have learned on every Saturday meeting (Multiple Intelligence, Habits of Mind, Project Based Learning, Livelong Guideline, Inquiry Learning, etc). I can improve my students’ ability in writing and reading skills, I read “Teacher’s Forum” and I found out that so they are more confident in communicating there were many dedicated teachers from all over with other students through internet. the world sharing many aspect of education. It was very inspiring, why I never asked myself about I also could share what I’ve learnt to my fellow what I could contribute to my students for their teachers. In other words, iEARN can improve the progress in achieving a better result of study, or way we teach our students in our school. The what I could share to my fellow teachers to make bigger result is that my school which has been the lessons more interesting and easy to be learnt appointed to be an international standard school by our students, or even what I could contribute to has met the requirements to apply some methods my school to increase its quality. of teaching which are used internationally. In 2005, I got the invitation to attend an iEARN workshop. I met other members of iEARN in Pitagiri hotel, Jakarta. It was such a great happiness for me to meet new people with the same profession, and the situation was even better when I registered myself to be a member of iEARN.
Suddenly my point of view about my profession changed. Being a member of iEARN was a kind of a “wake up call” for me to do something for my school. I conducted an HIV/Aids project, and it brought my students to a new atmosphere of study. They were so excited to find out the new
There are many more benefits that I can’t mention here. Basically, I’m very grateful being a member of iEARN and I never want to loose any chances which are provided by iEARN to make my duty as a teacher more successfully, and general to improve the quality of education.
Dra. Numalina ZA SMA N 3 Banda Aceh ‘0811687615
[email protected] iEARN is an interactive Forum. I knew this forum from Ibu Hasnah who visited some Senior High Schools in Banda Aceh that hit by Tsunami disaster. The Schools were SMAN 3, SMAN 7, SMAN 6 and SMA Modal Bangsa. Knowing the fact, Ibu Hasnah gave her attention to help especially education to the teachers who cannot operate computer even internet. Three months after her visit in Banda Aceh, we were invited to attend a ‘Workshop’ related to ASPnet in Cisarua Bogor for two days. Since then, Ibu Hasnah registered us as a member of iEARN. As a member I was advised to collaborate with other teachers and also my students. iEARN has an interactive forum, how interesting it was. The follow up of the workshop was the participants should prepare its project. I chose ‘Nation-
al Disaster’ as my project that I myself had already got that experience. Mr Suparno, the teacher of Lab School in Jakarta asked me to join his program. Luckily, we were invited to attend a symposium in Wakayama, Japan entitled ‘National Disaster Reduction’. Mr. Suparno and I accompanied 4 of our students. It was an unforgettable experience I’ve never dreamt before. As a teacher, going to Japan with my own fund is impossible. Apparently, by joining iEARN program I could go to Japan without paying anything. In Japan I met other teachers from ASEAN countries, Thailand, Philippines, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Japan as the host. Furthermore iEARN has enlarge my knowledge, to get the recent information easily and quickly. iEARN not only gives the benefit of on-line collaborative but also gives current information needed.
Hanny Atie Sumarni SMA DIPONEGORO 1 Jakarta +622181511936218/021 4757826 Fax. 0214759164
[email protected] D i p o n eg o r o 1 h i g h school is being introduced to iEARN on April 2007. I was one of the participant at that time. On May I became a member of iEARN. But still I was not doing anything yet, just browsing on iEARN site. I went to the teacher interactive forum. It opened my mind that a lot of teacher outside Indonesia are willing to give ideas, suggestion, and information.
with the problem. The suggestion from other teachers about controlling and managing large class helps me a lot.
I learn a lot from the interactive forum. It motivates me to become a better teacher. For example, I read about how to “Manage a Large Class”. In Diponegoro High School we have a large class. One class has 40 students. This is my fifth year in Diponegoro but still I don’t know the strategy how to manage a large class. From the forum, I realize that I’m not alone dealing
Back to my school, I began to concentrate starting a project. And than I have got chance to participated in “ONLINE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSE”. I choose Social Studies for this course.
On July 2007, iEARN Indonesia has given me a chance to go abroad. I went to Egypt attended iEARN 14th International Conference. I met a lot of nice people there and also learnt much from them. I also knew there are a lot of interested projects in iEARN. I started picking a project. I’m quite interested in “Year 1945” project.
iEARN ONLINE Course makes my step easier because I began to know iEARN much more.
The Benefits of joining iEARN for me are as follows : Make my English better (because I’m not an English teacher and I never take an English courses It improves my writing skills Get ideas and information from teacher interactive
I started to contact other teachers from the online course to work in a project. I get through working in my project step by step correctly.
The Local History become my first project. I choose the project because it fits to our local history and anthropology, my major curriculum. So it
forum and also online course
Enrich my materials Meet a lot teachers from around the globe Face to face workshop enables me to meet better
is very suitable to enrich my materials and also make my students actively involve in iEARN project.
teachers and it motivates me to be a better teacher
Khairan Deslina SMKN 27 Jakarta 081318648286/70904464 deslina 70 @gmail.com As a new participant, after following this workshop of course I have known much about iEARN, so I plan to choose my students especially International Class Students to be involved in iEARN, but I am still thinking what project which is suitable for them. So I have to browse very often first to see and learn more about what other people have done. I’m very pleased to get the suggestions from the coordinator and facilitators about a good project to be involved in iEARN for my students. I am an English teacher at Vocational High School in Tourism Course. The students are Hotel Accommodation and Food & Beverage Course, so they have two skills to study and
consists of 17 students. As an English teacher, I am interested in language, but I want to relate it to my students’ major. I try to choose “Culture Recipe Book” as my project in my school. But if this project is not available anymore, I would like to change it with“ Future Citizens”. After I know much about iEARN, I intended to do something involving my students to make them know many things. As we know that Vocational High School students tends to be considered as low economic level students. But I want to try to make them realize that they are also potential and able to do something to show to the world.
R. Imran Hamid English teacher of SMKN 4 Malang
[email protected] 081334490684
No one of us – both teachers and students of SMKN 4 Malang – had ever imagined a new teaching and learning process which was totally different from what we had done for years: teachers show exercise books to students, while the students had to study the topics in the books and did the exercise Students who did the exercises were considered diligent and smart while those who did not were considered lazy and of course this condition affected their mark for the related subject. What made the situation – learning process – became worse and worse was even an English teacher asked the students to write. Once a week, four periods of time, students were assigned to write tenses, vocabulary,
grammar, elliptical structures, question tags, adjective clauses, and many other English topics that ended in the students’ books. Although there were teachers providing new learning environment for students by using ICT, they still used their old style: they took the material recourse from internet to be practiced in the classroom without considering that students needed to confront with their real world, not an
artificial one they found in the classroom. In this condition, teachers were not really considered innovative teachers. Since there was fast growth of Information Communication technology (ICT), many forums es-
tablished debating the importance /significance
of using network media into students’ learning process. “I am worried that students will get accustomed to the copy and paste habit without involving filtration process for every information they get”, said a physics teacher teaching an international program in SMKN 4 Malang. Another argument arose when this learning innovation was offered to a very senior entrepreneur teacher who would retire in no time. “Why should I bother myself doing such kind of complicated things? I will retire in two years. I just want to spend the remaining time enjoying my job”. The other interesting opinion also came up from a part time teacher who had not been promoted into government employee. He said,” Why should I force myself trying new learning process? I have tried to find out new challenging environment for my students to learn but I still remain a part time teacher for years”. This condition had happened in our school for years. We almost decided that this “style” of teaching and learning process was the only thing we could provide to students. Moreover, the school did not pay much attention to English teachers since they had not won any prestigious prizes for English, even in Malang. However, God seems doesn’t let this declining process happened continuously. He wants to remind the teachers what they are assigned for. “Where there is a will, there is a way”. The way for our innovation started with iEARN. iEARN provides teachers and students a new environment to interact with people all around the world directly
by using English while at the same time both the teachers and the students are trying to make the earth into a better place to live in. Projects such as “let’s live without problems”; “electronic school magazine”; “side by side”; “music around the world”; “my country”; and others are presented in more interesting way and let the teachers and the students all over the world cooperate ourselves to make the earth a better place. iEARN reminds us, teachers, and students of SMKN 4 Malang, that knowledge is important, but what is more important is the chance for us to apply our knowledge into our real life. Through iEARN, we will learn responsibility, confidence, cooperativeness, and commitment. We will make the earth become a better place that what we have thought before. Through iEARN we will reach the highest stage of learning, understand. “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will know. Involve me and I will learn”. There are no promises we give to the policy makers of iEARN. However, let us see what we can do after this workshop. Let us do our best, and God will do the rest, for iEARN, for our better future.... Let’s make a better place... . For you, for me, and the entire human race.... There arent people dying if we care enough for their living..... Make a better place for you and for me... For you and for me... (Song by Michael Jackson)
Ani Rohaeni SMAN 2 Cibinong – Bogor
[email protected] 0818105283 I attended iEARN in Bumi Karsa Hotel, Jakarta because I really want to know what is iEARN and what is the benefits of joining iEARN, not only for me but also for my students and my school. After getting information about iEARN from other participants who have experiences, and listening their testimony from iEARN teachers and students, I got many informations that there are many benefits in joining iEARN. According to me, iEARN is: DA network in which teachers and students can communicate on line throughout the world. D Enable us to develop our English skills especially in reading and writing.
D A media of discussion and sharing about any kind of subject/project like language, culture, art, science, environment, technology and so on. DTo develop our project ideas D Give us a chance to go abroad, meet participants from other countries and know them closely. Knowing that more benefits that we will get from joining iEARN, I’m very much interested in integrating iEARN into my class. I’ll share the programs of iEARN to my teacher mates, not only English teachers. I’ll collaborate my school activities with iEARN especially for The Indicator Class (the best class). Because I’m a new comer, I’m eager to know more about iEARN by keeping in touch with other participants in Indonesian and other countries. I hope one day I and my students will be able to go abroad through iEARN programs.
Wiwin Herawati SMA Negeri 3 Bandung Jl. Belitung 8 Bandung (022)4235154 fax (022)4214420 Bandung 40113
The question why I join iearn program is because I like the new things in improving the way I present materials to my students. I explore the methods which are essential in learning teaching
strategy. I sometimes find teaching a static and exhausted activities more over I have to teach more than 24 hours a week with no day off. When I was introduced to iEARN projects it is so challenging although I am not so active in participating in this work. And I have some activities to handle the students’ extra curricular out of class in the afternoon and it takes time as they have taken part in competitions. And it is time consuming as well. Some obstacles I got in connecting to the internet and lack of my knowledge in operating it. But now I have collaborated in my hero.com. I have
upload some students’ works there. It works well as they appreciate what they have done. I always try to encourage my students to see my blog that I have kept my students’ works. I have collected my student’s works and I want to upload them in some projects in iEARN. When I got the book distributed by the committee, it empowers me to do so. I want to invite my students to join the project again. As it gives some benefits in
teaching and learning process. The problems that I find is when I want to invite my students to do the works using computer they have to skip their class or they have to do out of class. I do it in the afternoon and some of my students get extra lesson. Now, I teach in an accelerated class consists of 23 students. It makes me easier to conduct my work.
NUR ARIFAH DRAJATI Sma Labschool Jakarta iEARN is a new Energy of Teaching and Learning. The benefits of joining iEARN are as follows: 1. I have a vision to the future 2. It gives bridge to new world, not only about English but I can learn about other subjects 3. I learn to manage students 4. I learn to make use of computer 5. I have a dream to be a better teacher Learning is not only read and write. Learning is also take and give something valuable Through iEARN, I may get the best for myself, my family, and my students.
[email protected] My name is Nazirawati from SMA Diponegoro I Jakarta. My school, especially my friend; Hany has been registered and active in IEARN. But frankly speaking, I did not know much about it because of a classical reason, being busy. I am a teacher of 2 different schools and teach 2 classes as well. Hany has also many activities, so we had no more time to talk about IEARN comfortably. But deep in my heart, I have a great desire to know and to take part in IEARN. And thank to God, I got invitation from Indonesian Commission for
UNESCO to join this workshop where I could gain many information and which makes my unclear description and image of IEARN really clear, because the facilitators having more experiences elaborated their projects they have done, answered questions and problems we might have when we are on line. Now, I know what IEARN is and also its objectives. And the most impressive thing I felt is my meeting with other teachers all over Indonesia. We can share, not only about IEARN but also about problems in our school. It makes me realize that I am nothing among others. The workshop also motivates me to learn more and more. It really enables me to better improve my
way of teaching. Direct consultation with Mrs. Hasnah emphasizes my understanding. Before I joined this workshop, I thought IEARN was complicated. But this moment, after reading some papers we got, it seems to me that it is really visible to do. Now I have an idea how to develop iEARN in my school. One of IEARN’s projects “ GOOD DEEDS “ attracts my interest. There are so many little things we can do and they can be regarded as good deeds. I can inform my students about this. “GOOD DEEDS“ are around us, even at school. Keeping everything clean, throwing rubbish or even used candies plastics into proper place are among good deeds. So simple. “GOOD DEEDS“ is in harmony with my school effort to create nice, friendly and clean school.
Salhan Astuti Ibrahim SMA 3 Gorontalo , 085250380890
[email protected] Firstly, I knew iEARN from my friend who followed the ICT workshop. Mrs. Elok gave me Mrs. Hasnah phone number and then my school was invited to join the workshop of iEARN at Pitagiri – 2006. It is a nice and useful workshop that I join, because I can enlarge my knowledge and got much experience. At that online workshop my school which included in the PEACE Group, get the project “Domestic Abuse”. My students are very interested for this program and thanks to the God Almighty that we have done the project until the publication phase even though we have many problems on the internet connection. The internet connection in my region is still in bad condition. Hopefully, what the Indonesian Coordi-
nator said yesterday that the Ministry of National Education will make all schools connected to internet free of charge, will come true. So our program will run well. After we joined the workshop at Pitagiri, my friends and I who joined the workshop made the socialization of iEARN in my school. First, for all the teachers in my school and then we invite the English and IT teachers from the other school and finally we have a chance to socialize iEARN to all the headmasters in senior high school in my province in one of their meetings. I just want to inform you that my headmaster support us in joining this program, I hope that iEARN will always exist in my region.
iEARN 2013 – Conference Keynote Speakers Peter Copen - Conference Opening Keynote Peter Copen was President of an international textile corporation from 1964-1975. He was a big brother to five different boys, which confirmed his passion to help young people. In 1977 he co-created a national, awardwinning alternative school, The Walkabout Program, which focused on building self esteem and teaching skills for life and career. He directed it, was a teacher in the program and was nominated for teacher of the year in New York State. Walkabout is now in its 36th year. In 1980, he founded The School Improvement Project that helped school districts to create a shared vision for their future and then implement it. In 1988 he founded both The Copen Family Fund and iEARN. The Fund won The 2007 Critical Impact Award from The U.S. Council on Foundations for its work with iEARN. Peter has a beautiful wife, Nancy, four children, five grandchildren and an old dog. He lives in San Diego, California, but sadly does not surf.
Dr. Essam Heggy Dr. Essam Heggy is a Planetary Scientist at Caltech University. Heggy obtained his Ph.D. in astronomy and planetary science in 2002 with distinguished honors from the Paris VI University in France. His main science interests in space and planetary geophysics covers Mars, the Moon, icy satellites and Near Earth Objects. His research involves probing structural, hydrological and volcanic elements in terrestrial and planetary environments using different types of radar imaging and sounding techniques as well as measuring the electromagnetic properties of rocks in the radar frequency range. He is currently a member of the science team of the MARSIS instrument aboard the Mars Express orbiter (2003-present), the Mini-SAR experiment aboard Chandrayaan-1, the Mini-RF experiment on board the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (2008present), the CONSERT radar experiment on board the Rosetta mission (2004-2015) and the RIME experiment Onboard JUICE mission for Jupiter Icy Satellites. Heggy is the Principal Investigator of the NASA Earth Venture Mission Concept OASIS. He is also a contributing scientist to several proposed planetary and terrestrial radar imaging and sounding experiments. Heggy also taught academic classes and mentored several postdocs and graduated students in UCLA, Caltech, Cambridge University, Paris VI & Paris VII universities, Institut de Physique du Globe, École Normale Supérieure, University of Houston, Trento University and Colombia University.
Dr. Judi Harris Dr. Judi Harris is a professor and the Pavey Family Chair in Educational Technology in the School of Education at the College of William & Mary, where she coordinates the Curriculum and Educational Technology doctoral program. Dr. Harris’ research and service focus upon K-12 curriculum-based technology integration and teacher professional development. During the past 32 years of her work in educational computing, she has authored more than 225 research and pedagogical publications on curriculum-based applications of educational technologies. Judi’s work is used by teachers, technology specialists, and teacher educators internationally; especially her “activity structures” method for designing curriculum-based learning activities that incorporate use of online
tools and resources. She and colleague Mark Hofer have adapted this notion to introduce contentbased “activity types” as instructional planning aids that help teachers integrate the full spectrum of digital and nondigital tools and resources into learning experiences in ten content areas to date.
Dr. Mohamed Ally Dr. Ally is Professor in Distance Education and a researcher in the Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute at Athabasca University in Canada. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Alberta, Canada. His current areas of research include mobile learning, e-learning, distance education, and use of information and communication technology in training and education. Dr. Ally is Past-President of the International Federation of Training and Development Organizations (IFTDO) and is one of the Founding Directors of the International Association of Mobile Learning (IamLearn). He was also on the board of the Canadian Society for Training and Development. Dr. Ally chaired the Fifth World Conference on Mobile Learning and co-chaired the First International Conference on Mobile Libraries. He recently edited four books on the use of mobile technology in education, training and libraries and is currently editing five additional books. His book “Mobile Learning: Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training” won the Charles A. Wedemeyer Award for significant contribution to distance education. Two of his research papers won the best research paper award at national and international conferences. Dr. Ally has published in peer-reviewed journals, chapters in books and encyclopedia and served on many journal boards and conference committees. He has presented keynote speeches, workshops, papers, and seminars in many countries.
Julie Lindsay Global Educator, Innovator, Teacherpreneur, Leader. Julie has led the way in global education and technology-infused connections and collaborations across six countries. Originally from Melbourne, Australia where she was a music educator and innovator in music technology, she has since taught and led the use of educational technology in schools at Zambia, Kuwait, Bangladesh, Qatar, and China. As an IT Director in international schools, she implemented 1:1 learning and worked with teachers from K-12 on pedagogical applications for mobile and ubiquitous computing. She also developed a unique approach to global collaboration using Web 2.0 tools and connected learning approaches. Julie is now based back in Australia as a consultant, presenter and workshop leader and is currently Director of Learning Confluence, Director and co-founder of Flat Classroom ® and Global Collaboration Consultant for THINK Global School. She is also co-author of Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds: Move to Global Collaboration One Step at a Time, Pearson 2012. As a global educator she has delivered workshops, supported school technology and pedagogy development and organised conferences in various parts of the world. Julie is a highly effective and sought-after educational consultant due to her ability to understand different global contexts and to bring experience and opportunities to others through her passion for learning and ‘teacherpreneur’ approach. Julie has had a long association with iEARN, including attending the Melbourne conference in 1995 and participating in Learning Circles while working in different countries. iEARN provided the inspiration to her more recent work with Flat Classroom and global collaboration through demonstrating clear cultural and social benefits to joining students and teachers across the world.
Conference Program Overview Monday, July 1st 2013 9:00am12:00pm
Opening Ceremony LUNCH – Conference Hall
12:00-1:45pm 2:00- 2:50pm
Sessions: 1. Making a difference in the world...with mobile devices. How to build an iEARN project for cell phones and tablets- 215-216 2. Global Connectedness: An Interdisciplinary Approach- 217 3. Films and Digital Stories in Education: the vision of the MY HERO Project- 218 4. Touchable Earth in iEARN schools- 219-220 5. Community Service: at the heart of the post- revolution education- 237 6. Fostering Active Citizenship via Project-Based Learning-238 7. Egyptian Experience with ICT in Education Practice and Impact- 239 8. ICT in the Classroom: Building a Classroom Blog- 241
3:00- 3:50pm
Sessions: 1. Students as Content Creators in the 21st Century- 215-216 2. Building Bridges across Cultures: Telecollaboration in an EFL Classroom in Taiwan217 3. World Youth News: Re-launched and Revitalized- 219-220 4. Establishing iEARN Clubs in Schools- 232 5. Machinto- 238 6. Using Greenscreen Effects in Media Making (3-6pm)- 241
4:00- 4:50pm
Keynote: What iEARN Teachers Learn: Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) for Online Projects – in Theater
By Dr. Judi Harris 5:00- 5:50pm
Follow up informal talk: What iEARN Teachers Learn: Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) for Online Projects – in Theater
By Dr. Judi Harris Others: 1. Using Greenscreen Effects in Media Making (3-6pm)- 241 2. Preparation for Exhibit- Conference Hall 3. Free Time 6:00- 6:50pm
7:00- 9:00pm 9:00-10:00pm
Others: 1. Preparation for Exhibit- Conference Hall 2. Free Time Dinner – Conference Hall Activity: 1. Projects Exhibit – VENUE Conference Hall 2. iEARN Got Talent Photo Exhibit – VENUE Conference Hall
Tuesday, July 2nd 2013 9:00- 9:50am
Keynote: ICT: Building Bridges and Solving Educational Divide – in Theater Dr. Mohamed Ally Keynote: Space science as a motor to build and inspire future generations – in Theater Dr. Essam Heggy
Sessions: 1. Plenary: From Peer Learning to Peer Assessment; there’s a world to win in education! – Theater 2. Games as an Educational Technology- 215-216 3. BYkids Screening/Workshop: Youth Media and Taking Action (90m)- 217 4. The Project Based Learning from Classroom to TPD to Global Learning Environment- 218 5. Blended Learning: Educational Implications for the 21st Century Classroom- 219220 6. Educommunication Projects in Language Learning- 237 7. A session for iEARN country coordinators on how to use Salesforce.com for managing educator accounts- 241
Sessions: 1. Meeting for interested in "Km2 /square mile" pilot phase of the project. (Mobile Learning)- 215-216 2. BYkids Screening/Workshop: Youth Media and Taking Action (90m)- 217 3. Canada and Taiwan Cultural Exchange- Teddy Bear Project meet- 218 4. Using Movie Makers with Young Elementary Children- 219-220 5. WeVideo Soccer Story: Students in 3 countries make 1 video ONLINE- 232 6. Using Web 2.0 Tools to Enhance Language Skills- 236 7. When the West meets the Eeast-- Case Study of 2012-2013 NSLI-Y Students School Visits in Taiwan- 237 8. From Peer Learning to Peer Assessment; hands-on workshop- 241
LUNCH – Conference Hall
2:00- 2:50pm
Sessions: 1. Connecting Globally via Twitter & the #globalclassroom Chats- 215-216 2. iTeach with iPads- 217 3. Photojournalism 2.0 Images of Social Change- 218 4. Empowering Women & Youth: Ancestral Education in Rural Latin America, West Africa, Middle East...the World- 219-220 5. Talking Kites all over the world- 237 6. A study of learning attainment targets through International Intercultural Mural Exchange- 238
3:00- 3:50pm
Sessions: 1. Challenges of interactive teaching ϼΗϓΎѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧόϠϳ ϼѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧΗόϠϳϣ ΕΣΩѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧϳΎΗ - 215-216 2. “Anne Frank Meet & Learn” Project, and Current Condition Since Post 3.11 - 217 3. Messages beside You -JEARN's Activities for 2011 Earthquake Sufferers- 218 4. Humanity and Conflict Resolution Learning Circle enhanced by the TC2 Critical Thinking Tools- 219-220 5. Getting started with iEARN- 232 6. MY HERO Global Learning Circles 2013- 236
7. Spotlight in Taiwan- 237 8. Photoshop Elements: Altering Images and Special Effects (3-6 pm)- 241 4:00- 4:50pm
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5:00- 5:50pm
Plenary: Tear Down the Walls of Your Classroom- Theater Esplori: Video Access for All- 215-216 Connecting through SMS- 219-220 GameWerks, a constructionist model for integrating game design in education- 232 Integrating ICT in After School English Language Programs- 236 Photoshop Elements: Altering Images and Special Effects (3-6 pm)- 241
1. Photoshop Elements: Altering Images and Special Effects (3-6 pm)- 241 2. Mural Preparation (5:00-7:00pm) – VENUE Conference Hall 6:00- 6:50pm
1. Mural Preparation (5:00-7:00pm) – VENUE Conference Hall 2. Free Time
7:00- 8:30pm 8:00-9:00pm
Dinner – Conference Hall Evening Activity:
1. Projects Exhibit – VENUE Conference Hall 2. Adobe Youth Voices Festivals – in Theater
Wednesday, July 3rd 2013 9:00-
Cultural Tours – ALL DAY
View website: http://iearn2013.org/content/cultural-tours 7:00- 8:30pm
Dinner – Conference Hall
Thursday, July 4th 2013 9:00- 9:50am
Keynote speech– in Theater By Julie Lindsay
10:00- 10:50am
1. iEARN Global Learning Circles 2013- 215-216 2. Impact of using Project based learning with integration of ICT in learning English as a second language- 218 3. Educational Expeditions- 219-220 4. Project Based Learning in mountain region youth in Georgia- 236 5. Building an effective lesson plan with ICT - Design by climbing down the ladder (90m)- 239 11:00- 11:50am
1. Youth Media and Campaigning- 215-216 2. General meeting for iEARN project facilitators- 218
3. The success of blogging and wikis to support IEARN projects / Making Connections through the Travelling Scrapbook Project - 219-220 4. Voyage for the Making of a Better World: From the Practice of Local Youth Volunteering to the Possibility of International Volunteering Collaboration- 238 5. Building an effective lesson plan with ICT - Design by climbing down the ladder (90m)- 239 Aك..111 ,..l., A.4-1.)1 ,=cul--: c$4111 641.)-11 t9.)14 241 LUNCH — Conference Hall
12:00-1:45pm 2:00- 2:50pm
Sessions: 1. Adopting an Action Researcher Perspective as You Engage in iEARN Projects- 215216 2. Incorporating iEARN projects into classroom activities (90m)- 217 3. Paternal and maternal deprivation of students academic needs- 218 4. Engaging Educators New to Online Collaboration through the CSYN Program- 219220 5. The S.P.O.T. = A Harlem Classroom Model for Pull-Out and "Chill-Out” /Introduction of Design For Change School Challenge- 232 6. Futuristic Educational Tool- 241
3:00- 3:50pm
Sessions: 1. Useful Tools for Teachers to Teach Digital Natives- 215-216 2. Incorporating iEARN projects into classroom activities (90m)- 217 3. Using ICT in Chemistry lab-The International Boiling Point Project- 218 4. The role of Multiple intelligences & Life skills on Education- 232 5. Adobe Youth Voice in Taiwan- 237 6. Intercultural pedagogy and ICT, a case study in Qatar- 238 7. Stop Motion Animation (3-6pm)- 241
4:00- 4:50pm
Sessions: 1. Passport to the World: Wondering and Wandering the Globe- 215-216 2. Teachers’ Perceptions and Beliefs the Instructional toward Technology with Project-Based Learning in iEARN International Community / A Study on iEARN teachers’ Perception of PBL and Their Teaching Approach - 218 3. A Tour and Demo of the ‘iEARN Collaboration Centre’- 219-220 4. Project Based Learning – Ingredients in Spanish Culture: Exploring SpanishSpeaking History Through iEARN's: Food for Thought: Recipe Book- 237 5. Stop Motion Animation (3-6pm)- 241
5:00- 5:50pm
Sessions: 1. Stop Motion Animation (3-6pm)- 241 2. Mural Preparation (5:00-7:00pm) – VENUE Conference Hall
6:00- 6:50pm 7:00- 8:30pm 8:00-11:00pm
1. 2.
Mural Preparation (5:00-7:00pm) – VENUE Conference Hall Free Time Dinner — Conference Hall
Evening Activity: 1. Projects Exhibit – VENUE Conference Hall 2. Cultural Night – in Theater
Friday, July 5th 2013 9:00- 10:20am
Social Media tools in Education – in Theater By Khitam Al –Utaibi, Rebecca Hodges, Andrew Nassar, Mohamed Manoufali & Michael Graffin
10:30- 11:20am Sessions: 1. Global Learning Space – Arabic/English- 215-216 2. Teach & learn recycling in our schools- 218 3. Adobe Youth Voices Coordinator and Trainer Meeting- 219-220 4. Community Service Initiatives- 236 5. Daffodils and tulips- 237 6. Education is for everyone - Empowering Disabled Women using ICT- 238 11:30-2:15pm 2:30- 3:20pm
Prayer and Lunch Break – Conference Hall Sessions:
1. A Study of Improving Students’ Motivation of International Education by iEARN Projects in Taiwan- 217 2. Integrating iEARN projects into school curriculum- 218 3. US Teachers' Meeting- 237 4. Find Good Practices From Diversified Standpoints Regarding Utilization of ICT- 238 3:30-4:30pm 4:30- 8:00pm 8:00- 10:30pm
Closing Ceremony – in Theater 1. Free Time Closing Dinner – Conference Hall
Youth Summit Program Overview Monday, July 1st 2013 9:00am12:00pm
Opening Ceremony
12:00-1:45pm 2:00- 2:50pm
LUNCH – Conference Hall Keynote: Exploring Mars and the Moon: a journey to understand our own planet – in Theater By Dr Essam Heggy
3:00- 3:50pm
1. Running a Successful Social Media Campaign- 105 2. The Use of ICT in the Class to Promote Cultural Diversity - Folk Costumes project between traditional and modernism- 106 3. Global Slam Poetry- 218 4. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop (2- 6pm)- 225 4:00- 4:50pm
1. Leading Global Citizen - 105 2. Educatement Arts and Crafts workshop- 106 3. Connecting New York Muslim Students to International Arabic Heritage- 237 4. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop (2- 6pm)- 225 5:00- 5:50pm
1. Preparation for Exhibit – VENUE Conference Hall 2. Free Time 6:00- 6:50pm
1. Preparation for Exhibit – VENUE Conference Hall 2. Free Time 7:00- 9:00pm 9:00-10:00pm
Dinner – Conference Hall Activity:
1. Projects Exhibit – VENUE Conference Hall 2. iEARN Got Talent Photo Exhibit – VENUE Conference Hall
Tuesday, July 2nd 2013 9:00- 9:50am
ICT: Building Bridges and Solving Educational Divide – in Theater Dr. Mohamed Ally Keynote:
Space science as a motor to build and inspire future generations – in Theater Dr. Essam Heggy
10:00- 10:50am Sessions: 1. About Rota- 105 2. A global view on the Arab world- 106 3. Introducing the Traditional Dance from Indonesia - Saman Dance (in Arabic)- 236 4. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop (9am6pm)- 225 11:00- 11:50am Plenary: MY HERO International Student Film Showcase – in Theater By Cheikh Seck, Barry S. Kramer & Mali Bickley
12:00-1:45pm 2:00- 2:50pm
LUNCH – Conference Hall Sessions:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Community Service Initiatives- 105 Preparation of training packages- 106 iEARN Experience: Youth Power in Taiwan- 224 Bridging Music, Environment, Technology, and Science through Audio and Video Production- 241 5. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop (9am6pm)- 225 3:00- 3:50pm
1. R3 - Recycle- Reuse- Reduce (In Arabic)- 105 2. Empowering, Educating, Effecting- 106 3. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop (9am6pm)- 225 4:00- 4:50pm
1. Qatari and Japanese Traditional Games- 105 2. Arabic Calligraphy (4-6pm)- 106 3. Student Collaborative Video Presentations- 237 4. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop (9am6pm)- 225 5:00- 5:50pm
1. Arabic Calligraphy (4-6pm)- 106 2. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop (9am6pm)- 225 3. Mural Preparation (5:00-7:00pm) – VENUE Conference Hall 6:00- 6:50pm
1. Mural Preparation (5:00-7:00pm) – VENUE Conference Hall 2. Free Time
7:00- 8:30pm 8:00-9:00pm
Dinner – Conference Hall Evening Activity:
1. Adobe Youth Voices Festivals – in Theater
Wednesday, July 3rd 2013 9:00- ...
Cultural Tours – ALL DAY View website: http://iearn2013.org/content/cultural-tours Dinner – Conference Hall
7:00- 8:30pm
Thursday, July 4th 2013 9:00- 9:50am
Keynote speech– in Theater By Julie Lindsay
10:00- 10:50am
Sessions: 1. About ROTA’s International programs- 105 2. A World for Better Education System with Technology- 106 3. Importance of failure for success / An iEARNer that learned iEARN for less than a year- 237 4. Reading across the Globe- 241 5. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop (9am6pm)- 225
11:00- 11:50am
Panel: Film in Education – in Theater By Claudia Batista, Cathy Healy, Ahmed Mamdouh Farid, Salman Al-Muhannadi, Justin Kramer & Ben Robinson LUNCH – Conference Hall
12:00-1:45pm 2:00- 2:50pm
Plenary: Intercultural Dialogue by Utilizing Online Facilitation – in Theater By Mohamed Manoufali
3:00- 3:50pm
Sessions: 1. Let’s take care of the planet (in Arabic) - 105 2. Computer refurbishing- 106 3. Service learning- 227 4. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop (9am6pm)- 225
4:00- 4:50pm
Sessions: 1. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop (9am6pm)- 225 Others: 1. Free time for youth to work on their various activities th 25 anniversary mural Cultural night
• • 5:00- 5:50pm
Qatari-Japanese Games Folks Costumes
1. Mural Preparation (5:00-7:00pm) – VENUE Conference Hall 6:00- 6:50pm
1. Mural Preparation (5:00-7:00pm) – VENUE Conference Hall 2. Free Time
7:00- 8:30pm 8:00-11:00pm
Dinner – Conference Hall Evening Activity:
1. Cultural Night – in Theater
Friday, July 5th 2013 9:00- 10:20am
Social Media tools in Education – in Theater By Khitam Al –Utaibi, Rebecca Hodges, Andrew Nassar, Mohamed Manoufali & Michael Graffin
10:30- 11:20am
1. Community Service Projects- 105 2. Customary Fashion in South Sulawesi and it’s philosophy & 4 ethnics traditional dance- 106 3. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop (9am3pm)- 225 11:30-2:15pm 2:30- 3:20pm
Prayer and Lunch Break – Conference Hall Sessions:
1. How to create your best business green idea (in Arabic)- 105 2. The Timeline of Change- 106 3. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop (9am3pm)- 225 3:30-4:30pm 4:30- 8:00pm 8:00- 10:30pm
Closing Ceremony – in Theater 1. Free Time Closing Dinner – Conference Hall
Lampiran 3 International Forum for the 60th Anniversary of UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) Suwon, Korea, 6-9 September 2013
LAPORAN International Forum ffor the 60th Anniversary of UNESC SCO Associated Scho chools Project Network (ASPnet) Suwo on, Korea,6-9 September 2013
Komisi Nasi sional Indonesia untuk UNESC NESCO Kementeria ian Pendidikan dan Kebuda ayaan
Laporan Pertemuan International Forum for the 60th Anniversary of UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) Suwon, Korea,6-9 September 2013 1. Pendahuluan Dalam rangka perayaan 60 tahun ASPnet, Komisi Nasional Korea menyelenggarakan International Forum for the 60th Anniversary of UNESCO Associated Schools ProjectNetwork (ASPnet) pada tgl 6-9 September di Suwon, Korea.Tema pertemuan ‘UNESCO ASPnet for Global Citizenship: Peace Education and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)’.Pada saat ini terdapat 10,000 sekolah di 181 negara.Tema ASPnet adalah The Role of UN and World Concern, Peace Education and HumanRights, Education for Sustainbale Development and Intercultural Learning.Tujuan dari Forum adalah untuk berbagi capaian ASPnet selama 10 tahun, 2003-2013, membahas tantangan pendidikan masa yang akan datang, dan mengusulkan rekomendasi untuk memperbaiki jaringan ASPnet dengan tema “Global Citizenship”. 2. Peserta Jumlah peserta forum tersebut 250 dari 74 negara terdiri dari Koordinator ASPnet, Guru, perwakilan dari Kementerian Pendidikan, dan expert bidang pendidikan. Indonesia diwakili oleh : Dra. Hasnah Gasim, Koordinator ASPnet, Koordinator Education for Sustainable Development, Prof. Dr. Noor Emdah Mochtar, Santi Laila Tartila, Staf Bidang Pendidikan Sekretariat KNIU dan Ibu Niken Asih Santjojo Kepala Sekolah SMAN 10 Malang. Daftar peserta tercantum pada lampiran 1. 3. Tempat dan Agenda Pertemuan Pertemuan diselenggarakan di Suwon, salah satu Kota Bdaya, kira-kira 2 jam perjalanan dari Seoul.Pertemuan dibuka oleh Menteri Pendidikan Korea.Pada pembukaan ikut menyambut Koordinator Internasional ASPnet,Ms Livia Saldari dan Sekretaris dari Komisi Nasional Korea untuk UNESCO. Kegiatan Forum diselenggarakan dalam 3 hari melalui sidang pleno dan kelompok.Agenda pertemuan tercantum pada lampiran 2. 4. Partisipasi Indonesia Indonesia diminta menjadi pemateri untuk berbagi pengalaman dan capaian Indonesia dalam program ASPnet selama 10 tahun yang diwakili oleh Sr. Hasnah Gasim, Koordinator Nasional ASPnet.Capaian Indonesia tercantum pada lampiran 3. 5. Hasil Pertemuan Hasil pertemuan berupa rekomendasi yang dibuat oleh drafting Committee terdiri dari beberapa negaraBahrain, Bhutan, Denmark, German, Jepang, Korea, Philipina,. New Zealand, Trinidad & Tobago, Ghana dan Canada Hasil pertemuan tercantum pada lampiran 4.
Foto Kegiatan
Foto bersama Koordinator Internasional Ms. Livia Saldari
Foto bersama Delegasi Indonesia
Foto bersama presenters dari Oman dan Jepang
Diskusi Kelompok
Jamuan Makan di Sekolah Sawlmun, ASPnet Korea
Musik Pembukaan
Lampiran 1 Daftar Peserta
Lampiran 2 Agenda Pertemuan
International Forum for the 60th Anniversary of ASPnet Provisional Time Table
DAY 1: September 7, 2013 (Saturday) Time
Programme Title
ENTRANCE Opening remarks Welcoming remarks
Opening Ceremony Congratulatory remarks Video Clip 60 Years of ASPnet— Our Journey of 60 Years (working title)
Video Clip & Opening Performance Opening performance
General introduction of the forum Agenda, objectives, and other procedures 10:30
Orientation & Vote Election of rapporteurs for each Working Group
Keynote Lecture
DAY 1: September 7, 2013 (Saturday) Time Programme Title 12:30
Lunch Working Group I: Review of key achievements ASPnet’s contribution to global citizenship on subregional/regional/international level Parallel Discussion Examples of flagship projects ※Coffee Break: 15:00-15:30 Working Group II: Review of key achievements ASPnet’s contribution to global citizenship on school/national level End of Session/break
Preparation for Welcoming Dinner
Drafting committee I
1 meeting of drafting committee for recommendation st
Cocktail reception Welcoming Dinner Official dinner Anniversary celebration & entertainment
Committee members only
DAY 2: September 8, 2013 (Sunday) Time
Programme Title
Video Clip
Plenary Session I
Plenary Session II
Coffee break
Plenary Session III
Plenary Session IV
Coffee Break
Plenary Session V
My Definition of Global Citizenship (working title) Summary/Presentation of Working Group results
ASPnet Evaluation Report
Panel discussion: Implementation on the regional/international level
Panel discussion: Implementation on the national/school level
Revision of Recommendation
Drafting Committee II 2 meeting of drafting committee for recommendation
ASPnet Festival
Return to hotel
Moving to Suwon Foreign Language High School
Visit to Suwon Foreign Language High School and Entertainment
Suwon Foreign Language High School
Committee members only
DAY 3: September 9, 2013 (Monday) Time 09:30
Programme Title
Details rd
Drafting Committee III 3 meeting of drafting committee for recommendation
Committee members only
Presentation of Youth Forum results Plenary Session VI
Adoption of Recommendation
Closing Ceremony
Farewell Lunch
Closing remarks Ramada Hotel
Lampiran 3
ASPnet as A UNESCO Vehicle for Peace and Teachers as Peace Navigators By: Dra. Hj. Hasnah Gasim, National Coordinator ASPnet 1. Introduction Indonesia has been active as a member of ASPnet since the year2000. The members of ASPnet Indonesia covering primary schools and secondary schools spread all over Indonesia. More and more schools joined ASPnet through the recognition that by joining ASPnet , they will have the following benefits:ACCESS TO GLOBALEDUCATION,IMPROVE QUALITY EDUCATION,ACCESS TO INFORMATION and ACCESS COLLABORATIVE LEARNING. The Networking among ASPnetmembers are done through Mailing List for the Indonesian ASPnet schools and through international network such as:Schoolnet andMondialogo supported by UNESCO and iEARN International Education and Resource Networksupported by US State Department. Modalities of Action of ASPNetProgrammes include:Exchange of Teachers and Students, organizing Trainings and Workshops , participation in Meetings / Conferences abroad, Celebration of UN Days,Organizing Essay Writings,Conducting Community Service, and Online Collaborative Learning . It is required that ASPnet schools in Indonesia to implement the following approaches: Interdisciplinary, project-based, and research-driven; thematic, and integrated; and the use of on line collaborative learning with other students around the world thorugh various projects.
2. ASPnet Programmes in Indonesia The ASPnet structure UNESCO.
in Indonesia is under the Indonesian National Commission for
In 2002 , I was appointed as National Coordinator . Starting 2003 , I started to choose the schools which were located in Jakarta with the criteria that these schools were already equipped with computer lab and the principals of the schools are willing to support ASPnet activities in their school .At first 20 schools were selected at High School Level.Each school should appoint a school coordinator who will plan all activities related to ASPnet /projects and programmes within his/her school in teamwork with other teachers.At this time the members of ASPnet are about 150 members spread all over Indonesia.
3. Training Teachers on the ASPnet Themes Themes of ASPnet: The Role of UN and World Problems, Peace and Human Rights,Education for Sustainbale Development(ESD) and Intercultural Understanding. 3.1 Peace Education and Human Rights The Preamble to the Constitution of UNESCO declares that ‘since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed’. Since its beginning, UNESCO Associated Schools have been carrying out activities for the promotion of peace and human rights, tolerance and democratic citizenship. Human rights education promotes a rights-based approach to education. which includes both “human rights through education” and “human rights in education”. This implies: learning about human rights and the practice of human rights by using a combination of cognitive, creative and innovative learning approaches.In cooperation with University Lecturers, we train Peace Education and Human Rights. Teachers and students were encouraged to make experimental projects on the issues of Peace and Human Right education. In order the ASPnet teachers have acessed to UNESCO Publication in Indonesiaan language, we have translated some UNESCO Publication such as World Heritage in the Young Hands, A Manual of Human Rights Education, Teaching Human Rights etc. Aside from that in cooperation with Curriculum Department we translated the book on Learning: The Treasure Within and train teachers on the Four Pillars of Education for the 21 st Century.
Activities relating to training in peace education and human rights are aimed at: Eliminating all manifestations of racism, xenophobia, exclusion, discrimination and intolerance Strengthening education for democracy, civic responsibility, critical thinking, tolerance and non-violent conflict resolution Raising awareness of human rights in theory and practice, sensitizing students to their own rights and responsibilities, including the rights of others The following trainings on Peace and Human Right education were organized: 3.1.1 Training on ICT and Value Education,2005 Training carried out for 20 teachers who were selected to join the weekend workshop every Saturday and Sunday for three months.The content of training is Life long Guidelines and Life Skills by Susan Kovalik, Multiple Intellgence , Project Based Learning, Cooperative Learning, Inquiry Learning, Habits of Mind, Performance Assessment and Writing Projects. Teachers should understand and implement the universal shared values based on: Life Long Guidelines and 18 Life Skills. Life Long Guidelines •
Trustworthiness: to act in manner that makes one worthy of trust and confidence
Truthfulness: to act with personal responsibility and mental accountability
Active listening: to listen attentively and with intention to understand
No put-downs: to never use words, actions, and/or body language that degrade, humiliate, or dishonor others
Personal best: to do one's best given the circumstances and available resources 18 ife Skills
Caring: Common Sense: Cooperation; Courage; Curiosity; Efforts; Flexibility; Friendship. Initiative;Integrity;Organization;Patience;Perseverance;Pride;Problem Solving;Resourcefulness;Responsibility;Sense of Humor.
12 Basic Values of Peace by Peace Generation, byIrfanAmalee and Eric Lincoln, 2010 1. Proud to be me,2. No suspicion, No prejudice,3. Different Cultures but still friends, 4. Different faiths but not enemies, 5. Men and women both are human being, 6. Rich but not proud poor but not ashamed,7. Gentlemen do need to be Gangsters, 8. The Beauty of Differences, 9. Conflict can help you grow,10. Use your brain, 11. Not too proud to admit mistakes, 12. Do not be stingy offering forgiveness.
3.1.3 Learning to Live Together by Arigatou International 2012 on Four Values: Respect, Responsibility, Empathy and Reconciliation.
3.2 Training in Education for Sustainable Development ( ESD) Climate change, the global food crisis and the ongoing financial and economic crisis are examples of sustainability issues our societies have to cope with in a globalized world. In conducting pilot projects to better prepare children and young people to tackle effectively the challenges of an increasingly interdependent world, ASPnet schools have an important share in the United Nations Decade for Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014). ESD is a broad teaching and learning process that encourages an interdisciplinary and holistic approach and promotes critical and creative thinking in the educational process. In fact, ASPnet plays a vital role in pilot-testing, developing and implementing ESD methods that are eventually documented and provide examples of good practices for other schools.Education is the foundation for sustainable development and a key instrument for bringing about changes in values and attitudes, skills, behaviours and lifestyles consistent with sustainable development within and among countries. 3.2.1 ESD is implemented through the concept of school environment friendly Through the implementation of Adiwiyata ( Environment –Friendly) Schools Since the year of 2005, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Environment haveestablished Environment-Friendly School named Adiwiyata which have the following criteria: 1. School policy on program on environment;2.The adoption of environment in their curriculum, 3.Students activities concerned with the preservation of environment ASPnet schools are required to implement Adiwiyata concept.Each year there is a competition of Adiwiyata Schools. The best Enviroment–Friendly schools received Adiwiyata Award from the President of the Republic of Indonesia
3.2.2 The Implementation of Life Skill and Vocational Education The implementation of life skill and vocational education in ASPnet schools is conducted through the vocational village approach bringing the concept of environment and local human resources potentials optimalization to strengthen the economy of the village without neglecting the environment preservation. It can produce learners who are skilled in obtaining livelihood, sensitive to local cultural values, and protective to the environment as a source of life. Thus, there will be a harmony between social and economic environment for a more prosperous society. 3.3 Intercultural Learning ASPnet teachers and students are rising to the challenge of entering into contact with each other, transcending borders, continents, cultures and languages. They encourage research on the students’ own origins and promote exchange with students of other countries. The Intercultural learning are carried out through exchanges, twinning, partnerships in intercultural projects among schools and countries.The intercultural learning is aimed to:
Deepen the knowledge, understanding of and respect for other cultures; Enable young people to learn more about their own culture, to deepen their cultural roots and to reaffirm their identity; Raise awareness of the need for international cooperation to tackle today’s global problems. 4. The USE of E-Learning in ASPNET The USE of ICT forum in ASPnet Schools in Indonesia through the following networks: 1.School net supported by UNESCO Bangkok 2.International Education and Resource Network (iEARN). 3. Face to Faith Tony Blair Foundation through video conference. Schoolnets promote the development of knowledge societies by connecting school to internet, building connection among students, teachers and school, sharing information and resources and supporting e-learning through online. iEARN is a Network of educators and students from 20.000 schools over 140 countries.
Learning and Teaching through iEARN is aimed to: •
Improve learning and teaching practices
Engage students in complex real world issues
Learn and apply interpersonal skills as they work cooperatively
Integrate technology in the curriculum in meaningful projects.
The Main Goal of iEARN Indonesia iEARN Indonesia was established in 2004 wih its main goal to create Knowledge Societies by implementing on Line Collaborative Learning among participating Schools.Most of ASPnet schools participated in iEARN.
5. ASPnet Programmes/Projects Implemented in Indonesia 2003-2010 2003 the activities were as follows: Choosing the schools to be members of ASPnet;Request schools to nominate school coordinators;Make a network with school coordinators; and enhancing teachers to participate in ASPnet projects -2004, Organizing training in the 4 themes of ASPnet -2005, Celebration of UN Days The celebration of International Days provides students with opportunities to discuss the issues concerned in their local as well as globalcontexts. -2005, Training Teachers on Weekend Workshop on ICT and Value Education -2007, Workshop on Integrating HIV-Aids in Secondary School curriculum through innovative approachers -2009, Providing Writing Competition on ESD for High School Students Community Youth Service by students of High School -2010,Training of Trainers on 12 Basic Values of Peace Poetry Writing on HIV/Aids by High School Students -Participation in GigaPan DialogueUSA An ASPnet Flagship Project on intercultural dialogue and inclusion via innovative Information and Communication Technology -2011, Organization A Workshop on Dialogue on World Issues -2012, Training in Multiple Intelligence -2012, An Intercultural and Interfaith programmes for Ethics Education by Arigatou International -2013, Training on Face to Faith Tony Blair Foundation through video confrence, Training on Multiple Intelligence Training on MultipleApproachers to Biodiversity through Difference Perspectives Training on Human Right Education and Training on Climate Change Education
6. ASPnet Publication: Manual of ASPnet Indonesia Messages for Tsunami in Japan Report on Week end Workshop on Value Education Report of Workshop on Face to Faith Tony Blair Foundation Report of Workshop on An Intercultural and Interfaith Programmes on Ethics Education by Arigatou International Report of Workshop on World Issues
Papers on World Issues by Students Workshop on challenges in integrating HIV-Aids in Secondary School Curriculum through Innovative Approaches Report of Workshop on Community Youth Service Workshop on the Benefit of Joining iEARN Celebration UN Days 7. Conclusion The success of ASPnet Programmes depend very much on Teachers’ Supports .Teachers are key change agents as well as Peace Navigators in ASPnet Schools.They have the potential to bring changes within educational system that will shape the knowledge and skill for the future generations. Good quality education necessarily demands qualified teachers.The pivotal role of teachers at all levels should be adequately recognized and appreciated.Therefore,we must place teachers where they truly belong toby recognizing their status and increasing their welfare. For the future of ASPnet I suggest that there should be a Regional Coordinator of ASPnet located at UNESCO Office Bangkok so that we can plan together regional activities yearly in order to support the professionalism of teachers as Peace Navigators as well as Contributers to Sustainable Development Goals. 8. Country Contact Dra.Hj. Hasnah Gasim,National Coordinator,ASPnet Indonesia, Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO,Ministry of Education and Culture Building C, 17 th Floor,Jakarta.Phone/Fax: 62-21-5709425 Email:
[email protected]/hasnah
[email protected] Jl Jenderal Sudirman, Senayan, Jakarta ASPnet Website:www.aspnetind.org
Lampiran 4 Hasil Pertemuan
International Forumfor the 60th Anniversaryof the UNESCO ASPnet A Recommendationfor Strategy and Plan of Action 7-9 September 2013, Suwon, Republic of Korea Founded in 1953, UNESCO’s Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet), commonly referred to as UNESCO Associated Schools, is a global network of some 10,000 schools in 181 countries (ranging from preschool and primary to secondary schools and teacher training institutions), working to support quality education in practice. Purpose of the Document This document summarizes the key points of discussion shared during the three-day International Forum for the 60th Anniversary of ASPnet, organized by the Korean National Commission for UNESCO (KNCU) and Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education, in collaboration with UNESCO and the Korean Ministry of Education.It also provides key recommendations for developing a new Strategy and Plan of Action for UNESCO ASPnet (20142021).
Summary of the Meeting The International Forum for the 60th Anniversary of ASPnet, under the theme ‘UNESCO ASPnet for Global Citizenship: Peace Education and Education for Sustainable Development’, was held on 7-9 September 2013 at Hotel Castle in Suwon, Republic of Korea. Some 250 participants from 74 countries gathered to promote global citizenship and underscore ASPnet’s ongoing importance in supporting UNESCO priorities. Most of the participants were ASPnet representatives—national coordinators, teachers or government officers—from UNESCO member states. They assessed the key achievements and lessons learned from the network at each level (school, national, regional and international) and discussed new approaches for developing a recommendation for a new Strategy and Plan of Action (2014-2021). Prior to the forum, the keynote speech was delivered by Hans van Ginkel, former Rector of UN University. The title of the speech was ‘Our Common Future: Contributions of ASPnet to Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development in World 5.0’. Following the opening, plenary and parallel sessions were held to review the key achievements and share good practices of ASPnet at both the international/regional and national/school levels. The participants adopted the following key recommendations:
T h e m e f or UNE S CO AS Pn et 2014- 2021 :UNESCO ASPnet for Global Citizenship “As the world is facing global challenges which require global solution, it is not enough for education to produce individuals who can read, write and count. It must be transformative and bring shared values to life and must cultivate an active care for the world and for those with whom we share it. Therefore Education must fully assume its central role in helping people to build more just, peaceful, tolerant and inclusive societies. It must give people the understanding, skills and values they need to cooperate in resolving the interconnected challenges of today.”- Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations
Vision & Mission Vision Statement In line with the UN Secretary-General’s emphasis on global citizenship through the Global Education First Initiative, as well as the overall need for global citizenship to meet the challenges of education in the 21st century, the participants agreed to adopt ‘global citizenship’ as the main theme for UNESCO ASPnet for the period of 20142021. Based on this agreement, the participants developed the following vision statement: “The UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) as a beacon for promoting global citizenship” Mission Statement Based on ASPnet’s vision for global citizenship, the participants outlined a mission statement underlining four sub-themes of ASPnet activities for 2014-2021: Peace and Human Rights; Intercultural Learning; Education for Sustainable Development (including Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change and Biodiversity); and the role of the UN in addressing the world’s concerns. These sub-themes are a revision of the former four main themes of study for ASPnet schools—Human Rights and Democracy; Intercultural Learning; Environmental Issues; and World Concerns and the UN System—thereby reflecting the changes and developments of the 21st century. “The ASPnet is committed to the advancement of global citizenship through education for peace and human rights, intercultural learning, education for sustainable development and the role of the UN to address the world’s concerns.”
A Recommendation for Strategy and Plan of Action : UNESCO ASPnet for Global Citizenship Based on the above vision and mission statements, the following recommendations were made for ASPnet at the international, regional, national and school levels:
ASPnet at the International Level: Strategy 1 Plan of Action 1
Strategy 2 Plan of Action 2 Strategy 3 Plan of Action 3
Strengthen networking and collaboration through various ICT platforms Develop an online network of ASPnet schools from different countries as an avenue for collaborating and exchanging good practices Position ASPnet as a key agent for promoting global citizenship Implement ASPnet flagship programmes to engage member-schools to actively participate at the international level Enhance the skills and capacity of ASPnet national coordinators and other key stakeholders Provide training to build capacities of ASPnet national coordinators and other key stakeholders at the international level
ASPnet at the Regional Level: Strategy 1
Plan of Action 1 Strategy 2
Plan of Action 2 Strategy 3 Plan of Action 3
Strengthen networking and collaboration through various regional programmes for ASPnet national coordinators, administrators, teachers and students Organize training programmes, conferences, workshops and similar activities at the regional level Maximize ASPnet’s participation in programmes initiated by the UNESCO Regional Field Offices, UNESCO-related centres, UNESCO Chairs and other UN agencies Participate in programmes organized by UNESCO Field Offices, UNESCO-related centres, UNESCO Chairs and other UN agencies Coordinate ASPnet programmes and flagship projects at the regional level Create an ASPnet regional coordinating structure
ASPnet at the National Level Strategy 1 Plan of Action 1 Strategy 2 Plan of Action 2
Establish partnership between ASPnet schools and other organizations, both public and private Organize programmes to initiate partnership between ASPnet and other organizations (e.g., government, non-government, private) Improve coordination of ASPnet schools through the national coordinators and the National Commissions for UNESCO Organize annual or bi-annual conferences for ASPnet school
Strategy 3 Plan of Action 3
coordinators, administrators, teachers and students Promote a distinctive ASPnet brand to ensure visibility and national recognition Plan of Action 3 Expand membership; develop national ASPnet websites and social network accounts; involve the media
ASPnet at the School Level Strategy 1
Plan of Action 1 Strategy 2 Plan of Action 2 Strategy 3 Plan of Action 3
Develop partnerships by organizing relevant joint programmes with teacher-training institutions, local government units, community associations, non-government organizations and the private sector Organize joint programmes to form partnerships between ASPnet and other organizations, both public and private Promote global citizenship by participating in national and/or regional ASPnet flagship programmes Create annual plan of action that includes the school’s participation in international, regional and/or national ASPnet flagship programmes Promote a whole-school approach for ASPnet activities Engage the entire school (i.e., administration, teachers, students, parents) in ASPnet activities to stimulate the ASPnet experience at the school level
DRAFTING COMMITTEE Members Chairperson: Ronald Allan MABUNGA
Members: Kefaya Habib ALANZOOR Udhim SUBBA Nils-Georg LUNDBERG Brigitte Claudia WILHELM IWAMOTO Wataru YU Cheol Vicki SOANES Monica Yula Dolores REGISFORD-DOUGLIN Apollonius Osei-Akoto ASARE Jimmy UNG
(Bahrain) (Bhutan) (Denmark) (Germany) (Japan) (Korea) (New Zealand) (Trinidad & Tobago) (Ghana) (Canada)
Facilitator: Heew Kim
(Korea Natcom)
Komisi Nasional Nasi Indonesia untuk UNESCO (KNIU) IU) Kemen menterian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Gedung C Lt. 17 Jl. Jenderal Sudirman - Senayan Jakarta 10270
Tel. (+62-21) 5709425 Fak. (+62-21) 5733127 Email.
[email protected] Website. www.aspnetind.org