S1 - Informatics Engineering Software Engineering Analysis Modeling (1)
By: Egia Rosi Subhiyakto, M.Kom, M.CS Teknik Informatika UDINUS
[email protected] +6285740278021
SYLLABUS until Final exam 8. Review and Remedial Mid Exam 9. Analysis Modeling (1) + SRS Assignment 10. Analysis Modeling (2) + SRS Assignment 11. SRS Presentation 12. Design + Design Document Assignment 13. Testing 14. Design Document Presentation
Analysis Modeling 1. Why Requirement Analysis 2. Definition of Requirements Analysis 3. Step-by-step analysis of Requirements 4. Model Analysis Approach
Why Requirements Analysis
Definition of Requirements Analysis "Unraveling the requirements of a whole into its component parts with a view to identify and evaluate the problems and obstacles that can be proposed
Definition of Requirements Analysis
Focus on What not How
Step by step Requirements Analysis 1. Identification 2. Comprehension 3. Modeling (Core of Analysis) 4. Preparation of the report
Step by step Requirements Analysis 1. Identification Activities aimed to choose which problems to be solved of the necessity obtained
2. Comprehension Studying the manual procedures that will be used as the basis for system modeling
Step by step Requirements Analysis 3. Modeling (Core of Analysis) Forming a result of understanding the needs of being models (tools) software requirement analysis that will
be used as the basis for the design of software 4. Preparation of the report Preparing reports with a standard format that contains the results of each step needs analysis
Approach Requirements Analysis 1. Structured Analysis / Process Oriented
The analytical approach focusing on engineering processes and data
2. Object-Oriented Analysis / OO
The analytical approach that focuses on engineering objects (attributes and methods) and their relation
Definitions Structured Analysis 1. Assumes data and processes change the data as a
separate entity 2. The data object is modeled by defining attributes and relationships that are owned 3. Process-prose that manipulate data objects modeled by describing how these processes change the data as an
object flow through the system
Analysis systems that were Runs 1. Problem analysis 2. Analysis Procedures Manual 3. Document Flow Analysis Manual 4. Business Rules Analysis
Definition of Problem Analysis "Collect and sort out the issues at the core of the idea of software development"
Illustration of Problem Analysis for ECommerce
Pengadaan Barang
Penjualan Barang Laporan Penjualan Barang
Definition Analysis Procedure Manual "Scenario Writing about the applicable procedures. Manual not necessarily procedures that do not use computers as a tool ".
Sample Analysis Procedure Manual Procedures Sale of Goods 1. Buyers choose the goods on the counter and then hand it to the
cashier. 2. Cashier sales data recorded in the cash register. Cash register displays information on the number of payments to the cash
register. 3. The cashier tells the amount of payment to the buyer for later buyers pay according to the amount of the payment. 4. The cashier records the data in the payment of the cash register. The cash register will print the bill of sale goods that contain information the sale of goods. [Etc ...]
Definition Document Flow Analysis Manual "Recording and modeling groove manual documents used in a procedure manual. Tools that can be used is Flow map ".
Definition of Business Rules Analysis "The identification and recording of rules, written or verbal prevailing in the system environment to inform and influence the development of the system".
Examples of Business Rules Analysis Business Rules Sale of Goods 1. 10% discount will be given if the payment amount> = 1,000,000.00.
2. Special discounts will be given on items labeled sale every month 3. Payment can be made in cash or by credit card bearing the Visa or MasterCard
Examples of Other Business Rules Analysis 1. Fines will be imposed if the return of overdue books 3
days of supposed [IS Library] 2. Goods worth of returns is physically defective goods, wrong delivery, or any of models and colors. [ECommerce] 3. Complaint given by the customer to be served a maximum
of 1x24-hour [CRM]
Steps Before Making Flowmap
Flow map: Rules of Thumb 1. Modeling the flow of documents in the system is running 2. The shape of the document can be manually or in the form of computer files 3. One flow stream consists of an input document -> process > output
4. If there are conditions imposed groove at 3 points remain to be addressed 5. There should be no missing documents in the sequence of the process
Flowmap: SIMBOL (1)
Flowmap: SIMBOL (2)
Example Flow map (Product Sales) a.
Buyers look of the update product catalog to choose products to buy.
b. Officers distributions checking product inventory if the product to be purchased is available or not. c.
If the product to be purchased is available, the officer noted in the memorandum distribution sales and calculate the total price to be paid by the buyer.
Example Flow map (Product Sales) d. Officers tell distributions total price to be paid to the buyer and receive a cash payment from the buyer. e. Distribution officer noted in a memorandum of sale as much as threefold. The first double handed over to the buyer's white, yellow
second copy is archived by officers distributions, and then recorded to selling books and copies to be submitted in three colors pink distributions owner. f. Officers distro to update the stock of products.
Flow map Flowmap Prosedur yang sedang berjalan Pembeli
Petugas Distro
Pemilik Distro
Katalog produk update
3 Nota Penjualan
Menentukan produk yang akan dibeli A4 Produk yang akan dibeli
Produk yang akan dibeli
Stok Produk
Pengecekan Persediaan
Katalog Produk Update Tidak
Ya Tersedia
Daftar Produk yang tidak tersedia
Daftar Produk yang tidak tersedia
Daftar Produk yang tersedia Stok Produk
Stok Produk Pengecekan promosi produk
A2 A2 Daftar produk yang tersedia
Pembuatan Nota Penjualan
3 2
1 Nota Penjualan
Nota Penjualan
Mencatat data produk terjual
Buku Penjualan
Nota Penjualan Update stok produk
Uang Pembayaran
Stok Produk
Melakukan Pembayaran
Stok Produk Update
Uang Pembayaran
A2 = Arsip Stok Produk A3 = Buku penjualan A4 = Arsip nota penjualan untuk pemilik distro
Example Flow map (Reporting) 1.
Officers distributions create sales reports from book sales and stock reports from the archive product stock products.
2. Reports product sales and stock reports made two copies. The first double put on file and copies given to the owner of the two distributions. 3. Own distributions received reports monthly sales and stock reports from officers distribution products.
Flow map Flowmap prosedur laporan Petugas Distro
Pemilik Distro
2 Laporan Penjualan
Laporan Stok produk
Buku Penjualan Stok produk
Pembuatan Laporan Penjualan dan laporan stok produk
2 Laporan penjualan 1 Laporan Penjualan 2 Laporan stok produk 1 Laporan stok produk
A5 = Arsip Laporan penjualan untuk petugas distro A6 = Arsip Laporan penjualan untuk pemilik distro A7 = Arsip Laporan stok produk utk petugas distro A8 = Arsip Laporan stok produk utk pemilik distro
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