´csn´ Forga e Dajka Emese
´nyos o ¨ n´ Tudoma eletrajz
Szem´ elyi adatok N´ev: Lakc´ım: Telefon: E-mail: Sz¨ ulet´esi hely, id˝ o: Csal´ adi a ´llapot:
Forg´ acsn´e Dajka Emese 1117 Budapest, Bogd´anfy ¨od¨ on u. 7/b. (06-1) 385-2916
[email protected] Budapest, 1975. j´ unius 20. h´ azas
Tudom´ anyos fokozat Tudom´ anyos fokozat: Min˝ os´ıt´es: Int´ezm´eny: V´ed´es ideje: Doktori ´ertekez´es c´ıme: T´emavezet˝ o:
PhD (Fizika/R´eszecskefizika ´es Csillag´ aszat) summa cum laude E¨ otv¨ os Lor´ and Tudom´ anyegyetem 2004 Dinamikai v´altoz´ asok a Nap differenci´alis rot´ aci´ oj´ aban Dr. Petrovay Krist´ of
Iskolai v´ egzetts´ eg, nyelvismeret V´egzetts´eg: Min˝ os´ıt´es: Int´ezm´eny: V´egz´es ideje: Szint:
okleveles csillag´ asz ´es fizika tan´ar jeles E¨ otv¨ os Lor´ and Tudom´ anyegyetem Term´eszettudom´ anyi Kar 1999 allamilag elismert fels˝ ´ ofok´ u egyetemi oklev´el
V´egzetts´eg: Min˝ os´ıt´es: Int´ezm´eny: V´egz´es ideje: Szint:
informatikus ´es rendszerinformatikus jeles E¨ otv¨ os Lor´ and Tudom´ anyegyetem Term´eszettudom´ anyi Kar 1999 allamilag elismert fels˝ ´ ofok´ u szakk´epes´ıt´es
angol – szakmaival b˝ ov´ıtett C k¨oz´epfok francia – alapfok
Munkahelyek Munkahely neve: Poz´ıci´ o: Munkav´egz´es ideje:
E¨ otv¨ os Lor´ and Tudom´ anyegyetem Csillag´ aszati Tansz´ek egyetemi adjunktus 2005. szeptember –
Munkahely neve: Poz´ıci´ o: Munkav´egz´es ideje:
MTA Konkoly-Thege Mikl´ os Csillag´ aszati Kutat´ oint´ezet tudom´ anyos munkat´ars 2002. november – 2005. m´ajus
Munkahely neve: Poz´ıci´ o: Munkav´egz´es ideje:
ELTE TTK Csillag´ aszati Tansz´ek doktori ¨ oszt¨ond´ıjas 1999. szeptember – 2002. augusztus
Munkahely neve: Poz´ıci´ o: Munkav´egz´es ideje:
Het´enyi G´eza Eg´eszs´eg¨ ugyi Szakk¨ oz´episkola ´es Hum´ an Gimn´ azium informatika tan´ar 1997. szeptember – 1999. j´ ulius
Munkahely neve: Poz´ıci´ o: Munkav´egz´es ideje:
J´ ozsef Attila Gimn´ azium informatika tan´ar (megb´ız´asi szerz˝ od´es) 1995. szeptember – 1997. j´ ulius
´csn´ Forga e Dajka Emese Munkahely neve: Poz´ıci´ o: Munkav´egz´es ideje:
´nyos o ¨ n´ Tudoma eletrajz
KFKI R´eszecske ´es Magfizikai Int´ezet laborasszisztens 1993. k¨ozepe ´es 1994. k¨ozepe
T´ arsulati tags´ ag •
International Astronomical Union (IAU)
Magyar Tudom´ anyos Akad´emia K¨oztest¨ uleti Tag
E¨ otv¨ os Lor´ and Fizikai T´arsulat
Fenia Berz Award, Institute of Physics, London, European Physical Society aj´anl´ as´aval (2005)
Observatoire de Paris kutat´ oi ¨oszt¨ond´ıja (2004)
ELTE TTK Fizika Doktori Iskola ¨oszt¨ond´ıja (1999-2002)
Magyar Oktat´asi Miniszt´erium K¨ozt´ arsas´ agi ¨oszt¨ond´ıja (1997-1998)
XXIII. Orsz´ agos Tudom´ anyos Di´ akk¨or k¨ ul¨ond´ıja (1997)
Elismer´ esek, ¨ oszt¨ ond´ıjak
Szakmai tev´ ekenys´ eg ´ es tapasztalatszerz´ es Konferenciar´eszv´etel:
5th Postdam Thinkshop “Meridional flow, differential rotation, solar and stellar activity” (Astrophysical Institute of Potsdam, Germany, 24-29 June 2007 ) – poszter British-Hungarian-French N+N+N Workshop for Young Researchers “From Our Star to Far stars: Variation and Variability” (Budapest, Hungary, 15-17 January, 2007) – poszter
XXVIth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) (Prague, Czech Republic, 14-25 August 2006)
SOHO-17: 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond (Giardini Naxos, Italy, 7-12 May 2006) – poszter
4th Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy & Astrophysics (Budapest, Hungary, 11-13 January 2006) – el˝ oad´ as
8th MHD-Days 2005 (Astrophysical Institute of Potsdam, Germany, 28-29 November 2005 ) – el˝ oad´ as
´ Ecole d’Ol´eron 2005 (Centre du CAES, Ol´eron, France, 5-9 September 2005) – megh´ıvott el˝ oad´ as
Physics, a Century after Einstein (University of Warwick, United Kingdom, 10-14 April 2005)
Magnetohydrodynamics of Stellar Interiors Workshop “Tachocline Dynamics” (Cambridge, United Kingdom, 8-12 November 2004) – megh´ıvott el˝ oad´ as
British - Hungarian N+N Workshop for Young Researchers “Computer processing and use of satellite data in astronomy and astrophysics” (Budapest, Hungary, 5-7 February 2004) – el˝ oad´ as
´csn´ Forga e Dajka Emese
Egy´eb el˝ oad´ asok:
´nyos o ¨ n´ Tudoma eletrajz
The 12th Meeting of the European Astronomical Society “New Deal in European Astronomy: Trends and Perspectives” (Budapest, Hungary, 25-30 August 2003) – megh´ıvott el˝ oad´ as The 10th European Solar Physics Meeting “Solar Variability: From Core to Outer Frontiers” (Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002) – megh´ıvott el˝ oad´ as
SOHO 11 Symposium“From Solar Min to Max: Half a Solar Cycle with SOHO” (Davos, Switzerland, 11-15 March 2002) – poszter
2nd Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy & Astrophysics (Budapest, Hungary, 10-11 January 2002) – el˝ oad´ as
National Postgraduate Reunion in Astronomy & Astrophysics (Budapest, Hungary, 16-17 November 2000) – el˝ oad´ as
SOHO 10/GONG 2000 Workshop“Helio- and Asteroseismology at the Dawn of the Millennium” (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain, 2-6 October 2000) – poszter
Bajai Nemzetk¨ ozi Csillag´ aszati Szimp´ ozium:“CCD-technik´ ak a csillagok fotometri´ aj´ aban” (Baja, Hungary, 28-30 April 1995)
ELTE F¨oldrajz- ´es F¨oldtudom´ anyi Int´ezet: “A F¨ old ´eve” nyit´ orendezv´enye (Budapest, Hungary, 07 February 2007) – megh´ıvott el˝ oad´ as
ELTE F¨oldrajz- ´es F¨oldtudom´ anyi Int´ezet: “F¨ oldtudom´ anyi disput´ ak d´elid˝ oben” (Budapest, Hungary, 16 March 2006) – megh´ıvott el˝ oad´ as
MTA KTM Csillag´ aszati Kutat´ oint´ezete: “Int´ezeti szemin´ arium” (Budapest, Hungary, 02 March 2006) – megh´ıvott el˝ oad´ as
Magyar Tudom´ anyos Akad´emia Fizika Tudom´ anyok Oszt´ alya: “Fiatal Kutat´ ok bemutatkoz´ o el˝ oad´ asa” (Budapest, Hungary, 25 February 2004) – el˝ oad´ as
British-Hungarian-French N+N+N Workshop for Young Researchers on From Our Star to Far stars: Variation and Variability (Budapest, Hungary, 15-17 January 2007) – SOC/LOC
4th Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy & Astrophysics (Budapest, Hungary, 11-13 January 2006) – SOC/LOC
PhD Conference on Astrophysics of Variable Stars (P´ecs, Hungary, 5-10 September 2005) – LOC
British-Hungarian N+N Workshop for Young Researchers on Computer processing and use of satellite data in astronomy and astrophysics (Budapest, Hungary, 5-7 February 2004) – LOC
3nd Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy & Astrophysics (Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 February 2004) – SOC/LOC JENAM 12th European Meeting for Astronomy & Astrophysics “New Deal in European Astronomy: Trends and Perspectives” (Budapest, Hungary, 25-30 August 2003) – LOC NATO Advanced Research Workshop “Turbulence, Waves, and Instabilities in the Solar Plasma” (Budapest, Hungary, 16-20 September 2002) – LOC
´csn´ Forga e Dajka Emese
Szakmai utak:
´nyos o ¨ n´ Tudoma eletrajz
2nd Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy & Astrophysics (Budapest, Hungary, 10-11 January 2002) – SOC/LOC
National Postgraduate Reunion in Astronomy & Astrophysics (Budapest, Hungary, 16-17 November 2000) – SOC/LOC
Observatoire de Paris – egy¨ uttm˝ uk¨od´es Tudom´ any ´es Technol´ ogiapolitika p´ aly´azat keret´eben (1 h´et, 2006, P´ arizs, Franciaorsz´ ag)
Observatoire de Paris – egy¨ uttm˝ uk¨od´es Tudom´ any ´es Technol´ ogiapolitika p´ aly´azat keret´eben (3 h´et, 2005, P´ arizs, Franciaorsz´ ag)
ESMN School on Solar Magnetometry and Solar Magnetism (1 h´et, 2004, Tatranska Lomnica, Szlov´akia)
Indian Institute of Science, Department of Physics – egy¨ uttm˝ uk¨od´es Tudom´ any ´es Technol´ ogiapolitika p´ aly´azat keret´eben (2 h´et, 2004, Bangalore, India)
Observatorio del Teide/Instituto de Astrof´ısica de Canarias – ´eszlel´es a THEMIS napfizikai teleszk´ oppal (1 h´et, 2000, Tenerife, Spanyolorsz´ ag)
Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare/Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso – Borexino project (10 nap, 1996, Gran Sasso, Olaszorsz´ag)
Egyetemi oktat´ asi tev´ ekenys´ eg Jelenleg oktatott (˝ oszi szemeszter):
Jelenleg oktatott (tavaszi szemeszter):
Kor´ abban oktatott:
V´ alogatott fejezetek a HD/MHD t´emak¨ or´eb˝ ol (el˝ oad´as – Fizika Doktori Iskola)
Csillag´ aszati informatika halad´oknak I. – Numerikus m´odszerek (el˝ oad´as – Fizika Doktori Iskola)
Bevezet´es a csillag´ aszatba I. (el˝ oad´as – fizika BSc)
Csillag´ aszat (el˝ oad´as – f¨oldtudom´ anyi BSc)
Informatika a csillag´ aszatban (gyakorlat – csillag´ asz MSc)
Csillag´ aszati szemin´arium IV. (gyakorlat – csillag´ asz MSc)
Csillag´ aszati informatika halad´oknak II. – K´ep- ´es adatfeldolgoz´as (el˝ oad´as – Fizika Doktori Iskola)
Asztrofizika IV. – Csillagszerkezeti egyenletek ´es csillagfejl˝ od´es (el˝ oad´as – csillag´ asz MSc)
Bevezet´es a csillag´ aszatba I. (el˝ oad´as – fizika BSc)
Informatika a csillag´ aszatban (gyakorlat – csillag´ asz MSc)
Csillag´ aszati szemin´arium IV. (gyakorlat – csillag´ asz MSc)
Csillag´ aszati szemin´arium III. (gyakorlat – csillag´ asz MSc)
A csillag´ aszat elemei (el˝ oad´as – fizika tan´ar MSc)
Sz´ am´ıt´ astechnika I. (gyakorlat – csillag´ asz MSc)
Sz´ am´ıt´ astechnika II. (gyakorlat – csillag´ asz MSc)
´csn´ Forga e Dajka Emese
´nyos o ¨ n´ Tudoma eletrajz
Bevezet´es a csillag´ aszatba I. (gyakorlat – csillag´ asz MSc)
Bevezet´es a csillag´ aszatba II. (gyakorlat – csillag´ asz MSc)
Csillag´ aszati megfigyel´esi gyakorlatok (gyakorlat – fizika tan´ar MSc, fizikus MSc)
23 tudom´anyos k¨ozlem´eny (kumulat´ıv impakt faktor: 41.279)
6 konferenciak¨ onyv (szerkeszt˝ok´ent)
2 ismeretterjeszt˝o k¨ozlem´eny
56 f¨ uggetlen hivatkoz´as
Publik´ aci´ os tev´ ekenys´ eg
Budapest, 2008. m´arcius 06. Forg´ acsn´e Dajka Emese
´csn´ Forga e Dajka Emese
´cio ´ s jegyz´ Publika ek
1. E. Forg´ acs-Dajka & K. Petrovay, 2001, ,,Can an inverse Λ-effect explain the thin tachocline?”, In: Proceedings of the SOHO 10/GONG 2000 Workshop: Helio- and asteroseismology at the dawn of the millennium, 2-6 October 2000, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife, Spain., Edited by A. Wilson, Scientific coordination by P. L. Pall´e. ESA SP-464, Noordwijk: ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-697-X, p. 301-304 2. E. Forg´ acs-Dajka, 2001, ,,The Thin Tachocline Problem”, In: Proceedings of the National Postgraduate Reunion in Astronomy & Astrophysics, PADEU, Eds. E. Forg´ acs-Dajka and Zs. S´ andor, 11, p. 71 3. E. Forg´ acs-Dajka, 2001, ,,A possible model for the fast solar tachocline”, In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy & Astrophysics, PADEU, Ed. E. Forg´ acs-Dajka, 12, p. 7-12 4.⋆ Forg´ acs-Dajka, E., Petrovay, K., 2001, ,,Tachocline Confinement by an Oscillatory Magnetic Field”, Solar Physics, 203, p. 195-210, Impact Factor: 2.103 SCI id´ezetek: 1. Ossendrijver, M., 2003, ,,The solar dynamo” The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, 11, p. 287-367, Impact Factor: 3.600 2. Trimble, V., Aschwanden, M. J., 2003, ,,Astrophysics in 2002” The Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 115, p. 514-591, Impact Factor: 3.529 3. Durney, Bernard R., 2004, ,,The Contribution of Sound Waves and Instabilities to the Penetration of the Solar Differential Rotation Below the Convection Zone” Solar Physics, 219, p. 231-250, Impact Factor: 2.006 4. Sharif, B. W., Jones C. A., 2005, ,,Rotational and magnetic instability in diffusive tachocline” Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 99, No. 6, p. 493-511, Impact Factor: 0.829 5. Lillo, R., Mininni, P. D., G´ omez, D. O., 2005, ,,Toward a dynamo model for the solar tachocline” Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 349, p. 667-674, Impact Factor: 1.332 6. Brun, A. S., Zahn, J.-P., 2006, ,,Magnetic confinement of the solar tachocline” Astronomy and Astrophysics, 457, p. 665-674, Impact Factor: 3.971 7. Tobias, Steven M., Diamond, Patrick H., Hughes, David W., 2007, ,,β-Plane Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence in the Solar Tachocline” The Astrophysical Journal, 667, p. L113-L116, Impact Factor: 6.119 (2006) Id´ezetek m´as forr´ asb´ ol: 8. Spruit, H. C., 2003, ,,A Dynamo in the Radiative Interior” In: Turbulence, waves, and instabilities in the solar plasma, NATO Sci. Ser., Ed. Erd´elyi et al., 124, p. 3-21 9. Garaud, P., 2006, ,,Magnetic confinement of the solar tachocline” In: The Solar Tachocline, Cambridge University Press, Eds. D. W. Hughes, R. Rosner and N. O. Weiss, Chapter 9
5. E. Forg´ acs-Dajka, 2002, ,,The role of active regions in the generation of torsional oscillations”, In: Proceedings of the SPM-10 Symposium on Solar Variability – From Core to Outer Frontiers, 9-14 September 2002, Prague, Czech Republic. Edited by A. Wilson, ESA SP-506, Noordwijk: ESA Publications Division, Vol. 2., p. 823-826 6. E. Forg´ acs-Dajka, 2002, ,,Dynamics of the fast solar tachocline”, In: Proceedings of the SOHO 11 Symposium on From Solar Min to Max: Half a Solar Cycle with SOHO, 11-15 March 2002, Davos, Switzerland. A symposium dedicated to Roger M. Bonnet. Edited by A. Wilson, ESA SP-508, Noordwijk: ESA Publications Division, p. 79-82 7.⋆ Petrovay, K., Forg´ acs-Dajka, E., 2002, ,,The Role of Active Regions in the Generation of Torsional Oscillations”, Solar Physics, 205, p. 39-52, Impact Factor: 1.875 SCI id´ezetek:
´csn´ Forga e Dajka Emese
´cio ´ s jegyz´ Publika ek
10. Trimble, V., Aschwanden, M. J., 2003, ,,Astrophysics in 2002” The Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 115, p. 514-591, Impact Factor: 3.529 11. Gizon, L., 2004, ,,Helioseismology of time-varying flows through the solar cycle” Solar Physics, 224, p. 217-228, Impact Factor: 2.006 Id´ezetek m´as forr´ asb´ ol: 12. Shibahashi, H., 2004, ,,Solar cycle variations of the internal structure and dynamics of the Sun” In: Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity, Proceedings IAU Symposium, Eds. A.V. Stepanov, E.E. Benevolenskaya & A.G. Kosovichev, No. 223, p. 23-32 13. Gizon, L., Birch, A. B., 2005, ,,Local Helioseismology” Living Reviews in Solar Physics 2, 1. URL: http://solarphysics.livingreviews.org/Articles/lrsp-2005-6/ 14. Murak¨ ozy, J.; Mez¨ o, G.; Ludm´ any, A.; Gy¨ory, L., 2005, ,,Search for Possible Connections of Sunspot Features and Torsional Waves” Hvar Observatory Bulletin 29, p. 31-37
8.⋆ Forg´ acs-Dajka, E., Petrovay, K., 2002, ,,Dynamics of the fast solar tachocline I. Dipolar field”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 389, p. 629-640, Impact Factor: 3.781 SCI id´ezetek: 15. Ossendrijver, M., 2003, ,,The solar dynamo”, The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, 11, p. 287-367, Impact Factor: 3.600 16. Trimble, V., Aschwanden, M. J., 2003, ,,Astrophysics in 2002”, The Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 115, p. 514-591, Impact Factor: 3.529 17. Cally, P. S., 2003, ,,Three-dimensional magneto-shear instabilities in the solar tachocline”, Monthly Notice of the Royal Astronomical Society, 339, p. 957-972, Impact Factor: 4.993 18. Thompson, M. J., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Miesch, M. S., Toomre, J., 2003, ,,The Internal Rotation of the Sun”, Annual Review of Astronomy & Astrophysics, 41, p. 599-643, Impact Factor: 16.000 19. Dikpati, M.; Cally, P. S.; Gilman, P. A., 2004, ,,Linear Analysis and Nonlinear Evolution of Two-Dimensional Global Magnetohydrodynamic Instabilities in a Diffusive Tachocline”, The Astrophysical Journal, 610, p. 597-615, Impact Factor: 6.237 20. Durney, Bernard R., 2004, ,,The Contribution of Sound Waves and Instabilities to the Penetration of the Solar Differential Rotation Below the Convection Zone” Solar Physics, 219, p. 231-250, Impact Factor: 2.006 21. Krivodubskij, V. N., 2005, ,,Turbulent dynamo near tachocline and reconstruction of azimuthal magnetic field in the solar convection zone” Astronomische Nachrichten, 326, p. 61-74, Impact Factor: 0.871 22. Sule, A.,Ruediger, G., Arlt, R., 2005, ,,MHD theory of the solar tachocline with meridional flow” Astronomy and Astrophysics, in press, Impact Factor: 4.223 23. Dikpati, M., Gilman, P. A., MacGregor, K. B., 2006, ,,Penetration of Dynamo-generated Magnetic Fields into the Sun’s Radiative Interior” The Astrophysical Journal, 638, No. 6, p. 564-575, Impact Factor: 6.119 24. Miesch, M. S., Brun, A. S., Toomre, J., 2006, ,,Solar Differential Rotation Influenced by Latitudinal Entropy Variations in the Tachocline” The Astrophysical Journal, 641, No. 1, p. 618-625, Impact Factor: 6.119 25. Brun, A. S.; Zahn, J.-P., 2006, ,,Magnetic confinement of the solar tachocline” Astronomy and Astrophysics, 457, p. 665-674, Impact Factor: 3.971 26. Gilman, P. A.; Dikpati, M.; Miesch, M. S., 2007, ,,Global MHD Instabilities in a Threedimensional Thin-Shell Model of Solar Tachocline” The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 170, p. 203-227, Impact Factor: 8.627 (2006) 27. R¨ udiger, G., Kitchatinov, L. L., 2007, ,,Structure and stability of the magnetic solar tachocline” New Journal of Physics, 9, p. 302, Impact Factor: 3.754 (2006) Id´ezetek m´as forr´ asb´ ol: 28. Nandy, D., Choudhuri, A. R., 2003, ,,Insights on Turbulent Flows in the Solar Interior from the Behaviour of Dynamo Generated Magnetic Fields”, In: Nato Advanced Research Workshop - Turbulence, waves, and instabilities in the solar plasma, PADEU, Eds. E. Forg´ acs-Dajka, K. Petrovay and R. Erd´elyi), 13, p. 21-26
´csn´ Forga e Dajka Emese
´cio ´ s jegyz´ Publika ek
29. Kerekes, A., 2003, ,,Effect of Meridional Flow on Parker’s interface dynamo”, In: Nato Advanced Research Workshop - Turbulence, waves, and instabilities in the solar plasma, PADEU, Eds. E. Forg´ acs-Dajka, K. Petrovay and R. Erd´elyi), 13, p. 37-41 30. Miesch, Mark S., 2005, ,,Large-Scale Dynamics of the Convection Zone and Tachocline”, Living Reviews in Solar Physics 2, 1. URL: http://solarphysics.livingreviews.org/Articles/lrsp-2005-1/ 31. Zahn, J.-P., 2005, ,,Processes competing with atomic diffusion: mass loss, turbulence, rotation, etc.” In: Element Stratification in Stars: 40 Years of Atomic Diffusion, Eds. G. Alecian, O. Richard and S. Vauclair, EAS Publications Series, 17, p. 157-166 32. Garaud, P., 2006, ,,Magnetic confinement of the solar tachocline” In: The Solar Tachocline, Cambridge University Press, Eds. D. W. Hughes, R. Rosner and N. O. Weiss, Chapter 9 33. R¨ udiger, G.; Kitchatinov, L. L., 2006, ,,Structure and stability of the magnetic solar tachocline” In: The Solar Tachocline, Cambridge University Press, Eds. D. W. Hughes, R. Rosner and N. O. Weiss, Chapter 9 ´ 9.⋆ Borkovits, T., Erdi, B., Forg´ acs-Dajka, E., Kov´acs, T., 2003, ,,On the detectability of long period perturbations in close hierarchical triple stellar systems”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 398, p. 1091-1102, Impact Factor: 3.843 SCI id´ezetek: ¨ 34. Ozdemir, S., Mayer, P., Drechsel, H., Demircan, O., Ak, H., 2003, ,,Refinement of third body parameters and new photometric results for the early-type multiple system IU Aurigae”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 403, p. 675-681, Impact Factor: 3.843 35. Agol, E., Steffen, J., Sari, R., Clarkson, W., 2005, ,,On detecting terrestrial planets with timing of giant planet transits”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 359, 567, Impact Factor: 5.352 36. Ford, E. B., Holman, M. J., 2007, ,,Using Transit Timing Observations to Search for Trojans of Transiting Extrasolar Planets”, The Astrophysical Journal, 664, L51, Impact Factor: 6.119 (2006)
10.⋆ Forg´ acs-Dajka, E., 2004, ,,Dynamics of the fast solar tachocline II. Migrating field”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 413, p. 1143-1151, Impact Factor: 3.694 SCI id´ezetek: 37. Petrovay, K., 2003, ,,A Consistent one-Dimensional Model for the Turbulent Tachocline” Solar Physics, 215, p. 17-30, Impact Factor: 1.875 38. Krivodubskij, V. N., 2005, ,,Turbulent dynamo near tachocline and reconstruction of azimuthal magnetic field in the solar convection zone” Astronomische Nachrichten, 326, p. 61-74, Impact Factor: 0.871 39. Trimble, V., Aschwanden, M. J., 2005, ,,Astrophysics in 2004”, The Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 117, p. 311-394, Impact Factor: 3.350 40. Dikpati, M., Gilman, P. A., MacGregor, K. B., 2006, ,,Penetration of Dynamo-generated Magnetic Fields into the Sun’s Radiative Interior” The Astrophysical Journal, 638, No. 6, p. 564-575, Impact Factor: 6.119 (2006) 41. Petrovay, K., 2007, ,,On the possibility of a bimodal solar dynamo” Astronomische Nachrichten, 328, p. 777, Impact Factor:1.399 (2006) Id´ezetek m´as forr´ asb´ ol: 42. Petrovay, K., 2003, ,,Turbulence and its Sources Below the Convective Zone”, In: Turbulence, waves, and instabilities in the solar plasma, NATO Sci. Ser., Eds. Erd´elyi et al., 124, p. 23-32 43. Brun, A. S., 2004, ,,3-D MHD Simulations of the Solar Convection Zone and Tachocline”, In: Proceedings of the SOHO 14 / GONG 2004 Workshop (ESA SP-559). ”Helio- and Asteroseismology: Towards a Golden Future”. 12-16 July, 2004. New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Editor: D. Danesy., p.271 44. Miesch, Mark S., 2005, ,,Large-Scale Dynamics of the Convection Zone and Tachocline”, Living Reviews in Solar Physics 2, 1. URL: http://www.livingreviews.org/lrsp-2005-1
´csn´ Forga e Dajka Emese
´cio ´ s jegyz´ Publika ek
45. Zahn, J.-P., 2005, ,,Processes competing with atomic diffusion: mass loss, turbulence, rotation, etc.” In: Element Stratification in Stars: 40 Years of Atomic Diffusion, Eds. G. Alecian, O. Richard and S. Vauclair, EAS Publications Series, 17, p. 157-166 46. Garaud, P., 2006, ,,Magnetic confinement of the solar tachocline” In: The Solar Tachocline, Cambridge University Press, Eds. D. W. Hughes, R. Rosner and N. O. Weiss, Chapter 9 47. Turck-Chi´eze, S. et al., 2006, ,,The Magnetism of the Solar Interior for a Complete MHD Solar Vision” In: 2005 ESLAB Symposium Trends in Space Science and Cosmic Vision 2020 ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 19-21 April 2005
11. E. Forg´ acs-Dajka, 2004, ,,Structure of the solar tachocline: confrontation of theoretical models with SOHO/MDI helioseismic constraints”, In: Proceedings of the British-Hungarian N+N Workshop for Young Researchers On Computer processing and use of satellite data in astronomy and astrophysics and 3rd Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy & Astrophysics, PADEU, Eds. E. Forg´ acs-Dajka, K. Petrovay and R. Erd´elyi, 14, p. 177-185 12.⋆ Forg´ acs-Dajka, E., Major, B., Borkovits, T., 2004, ,,Long-term variation in distribution of sunspot groups”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 424, p. 311-315, Impact Factor: 3.694 SCI id´ezetek: 48. Trimble, V., Aschwanden, M. J., 2005, ,,Astrophysics in 2004”, The Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 117, p. 311-394, Impact Factor: 3.350 49. Temmer, M., Ryb´ ak, J., Bend´ık, P., et al., 2006, ,,Hemispheric sunspot numbers Rn and Rs from 1945-2004: catalogue and N-S asymmetry analysis for solar cycles 18-23”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 447, p. 735-743, Impact Factor: 4.223 (2005) 50. Nandy, D., Martens, P. C. H., 2007, ,,Space Climate and the Solar Stellar connection: What can we learn from the stars about long-term solar variability?”, Advances in Space Research, 40, p. 891-898, Impact Factor: 0.706 (2005) 51. Chang, Heon-Young, 2007, ,,Stochastic properties in North South asymmetry of sunspot area”, New Astronomy, 13, p. 195-201, Impact Factor: 2.220 (2006)
13.⋆ Borkovits, T.; Forg´ acs-Dajka, E.; Reg´ aly, Zs., 2004, ,,Tidal and rotational effects in the perturbations of hierarchical triple stellar systems. I. Numerical model and a test application for Algol”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 426, p. 951-961, Impact Factor: 3.694 Id´ezetek m´as forr´ asb´ ol: 52. Mazeh, T., 2008, ,,Observational Evidence for Tidal Interaction in Close Binary Systems” In:”Tidal effects in stars, planets and disks”, M.-J. Goupil and J.-P. Zahn (eds.), EAS Publications Series, in press
14. Borkovits, T., Forg´ acs-Dajka, E., Reg´ aly, Zs., 2005, ,,The combined effect of the perturbations of a third star and the tidally forced apsidal motion on the O–C curve of eccentric binaries”, In: Third Granada Workshop on Stellar Structure, Eds. A. Claret, A. Gim´enez, J.-P. Zahn, ASP Conference Series, 333, p. 128 Id´ezetek m´as forr´ asb´ ol: 53. Mazeh, T., 2008, ,,Observational Evidence for Tidal Interaction in Close Binary Systems” In:”Tidal effects in stars, planets and disks”, M.-J. Goupil and J.-P. Zahn (eds.), EAS Publications Series, in press
15. Forg´ acs-Dajka, E., Borkovits, T., 2006, ,,Searching for common mid-term variations in different aspects of solar activity”, In: Proceedings of SOHO 17 – 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond, Giardini Naxos, Sicily, Italy; 7-12 May 2006; ESA SP-617, July 2006
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16.⋆ Ol´ ah, K., Korhonen, H., K˝ ov´ ari, Zs., Forg´ acs-Dajka, E., Strassmeier, K. G., 2006, ,,Study of FK Comae Berenices. VI. Spot motions, phase jumps and a flip-flop from time-series modelling”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 452, p. 303-309, Impact Factor: 3.971 Id´ezetek m´as forr´ asb´ ol: 54. Innis, J. L.; Coates, D. W.; Kaye, T. G., 2007, ,,Rapid Changes in the Light Curve of the Active, Late-Type Subgiant CF Octantis” Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, 5762, p. 1
17. K˝ov´ ari, Zs., Bartus, J., Ol´ ah, K., Strassmeier, K. G., Rice, J. B., Weber, M., Forg´ acs-Dajka, E., 2006, ,,Doppler Imaging of Stars with Roche-geometry”, In: Binary Stars as Critical Tools and Tests in Contemporary Astrophysics, International Astronomical Union. Symposium no. 240, held 22-25 August, 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic, S240, p. 212 18.⋆ Forg´ acs-Dajka, E., Borkovits, T., 2007, ,,Searching for mid-term variations in different aspects of solar activity - looking for probable common origins and studying temporal variations of magnetic polarities”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 374, p. 282-291, Impact Factor: 5.057 (2006) SCI id´ezetek: 55. Donner, R., Thiel, M., 2007, ,,Scale-resolved phase coherence analysis of hemispheric sunspot activity: a new look at the north-south asymmetry”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 475, p. L33L36, Impact Factor: 3.971 (2006)
19.⋆ Marschalk´o, G., Forg´ acs-Dajka, E., Petrovay, K., 2007, ,,Molecular cloud abundances and anomalous diffusion”, Astronomische Nachrichten, 328, p. 871-874, Impact Factor:1.399 (2006) 20.⋆ Ballai, I., Forg´ acs-Dajka, E., Marcu, A., 2007, ,,Dispersive shock waves in the solar wind”, Astronomische Nachrichten, 328, p. 734-737, Impact Factor:1.399 (2006) 21.⋆ Forg´ acs-Dajka, E., Ballai, I., van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., 2007, ,,Editors’ note”, Astronomische Nachrichten, 328, p. 725, Impact Factor:1.399 (2006) 22.⋆ K˝ov´ ari, Zs., Bartus, J., Svanda, M., Vida, K., Strassmeier, K. G., Ol´ ah, K., Forg´ acs-Dajka, E., 2007, ,,Surface velocity network with anti-solar differential rotation on the active K-giant σ Geminorum”, Astronomische Nachrichten, 328, p. 1081-1083, Impact Factor:1.399 (2006) 23.⋆ Borkovits, T., Forg´ acs-Dajka, E., Reg´ aly, Zs., 2007, ,,Tidal and rotational effects in the perturbations of hierarchical triple stellar systems. II. Eccentric systems - the case of AS Camelopardalis”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 473, p. 191-206, Impact Factor: 3.971 (2006) Id´ezetek m´as forr´ asb´ ol: 56. Mazeh, T., 2008, ,,Observational Evidence for Tidal Interaction in Close Binary Systems” In:”Tidal effects in stars, planets and disks”, M.-J. Goupil and J.-P. Zahn (eds.), EAS Publications Series, in press
´csn´ Forga e Dajka Emese Tudom´ anyos k¨ozlem´enyek sz´ ama: 23 Refer´ alt foly´oiratban megjelent publik´ aci´ ok sz´ama: 14 Konferenciakiadv´ anyban megjelent publik´ aci´ ok sz´ama: 9 Kumulat´ıv impakt faktor: 41.279 F¨ uggetlen hivatkoz´asok sz´ ama: 56 Hivatkoz´asok kumulat´ıv impakt faktora: 140.368 SCI hivatkoz´asok sz´ ama: 35 Egy´eb hivatkoz´asok sz´ ama: 21
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