Předkola 17. Národní výběrové konference – instrukce Organizační informace Předkola probíhají mezi 23. a 26. lednem, a to konkrétně v pátek 23. ledna v Brně a 24.–26. ledna (od soboty do pondělí) v Praze. Každá škola obdržela informace o tom, který den se má na předkola dostavit. Berte na vědomí, že je delegacím zakázáno navštěvovat jiné dny předkol, než jim byly přiděleny. Konkrétní rozpis a časový plán jednotlivých dní naleznete níže. Program začíná vždy v 9:00 a předpokládaný konec je v 16:30. Prosíme všechny delegace, aby byly přítomny na místě konání jejich předkola 15 minut před začátkem programu, aby mohla předkola začít včas. Také prosíme delegáty, aby se oblékli formálně, tedy oblek pro pány a šaty nebo sako pro slečny. Na programu každého dne bude oběd formou bagety a coffee break s drobným občerstvením. PŘEDKOLA V BRNĚ Místo konání: Administrativní a školicí centrum Cejl, adresa: Cejl 530/73 601 82 Brno. Popis cesty: Z hlavního nádraží nebo AN u hotelu Grand, popřípadě AN Zvonařka, je nejlepší nasednout na tramvaj č. 2, 4 nebo x9 a jet do zastávky Körnerova (2 zastávky). Pěšky je to zhruba 15 minut, tramvají kolem 3 minut. PŘEDKOLA V PRAZE Místo konání: Magistrát hl.m.Prahy, adresa: Mariánské nám. 2, Praha 1, 110 00. Z hlavního nádraží je nejlépe jet metrem C na Muzeum a tam přestoupit na metro A a vystoupit na zastávce Staroměstská. Z autobusového nádraží na Florenci je ideální jet metrem B do stanice Můstek a přestoupit na metro A do stanice Staroměstská. Obě cesty metrem zaberou kolem 15 minut, o víkendu bývají delší intervaly přestupu, tedy počítejte raději s 25 minutami. Magistrát se nachází vedle městské knihovny a naproti národní knihovně. V případě jakýchkoliv problémů s cestou či dotazů se obraťte na Kristýnu Stejskalovou (732 150 837).
Úkol delegace Každá delegace dostala zadanou rezoluci, kterou má obhajovat. Jsme si vědomi toho, že se s rezolucí nemusí delegace ztotožňovat. Účelem je, aby se delegáti vcítili do rezoluce a snažili se ji obhájit, jako by to bylo jejich vlastní dílo. Rezoluce jsou připojeny v tomto dokumentu. Pořadí debat určují předsedající. Konkrétně mají členové delegací za úkol připravit si jednotlivé projevy a podněty do diskuse k ostatním rezolucím. Také by se měli zamyslet nad slabinami vlastní rezoluce, aby byli schopni pohotově reagovat na Attack Speech a podněty z Open Debate. Názory jednotlivých členů delegace na ostatní rezoluce se mohou lišit. EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR, z.s. Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 |
[email protected] IČO: 690 56 765
stránka 2 z 20
Prosíme delegace, aby si donesly vlastní kopie brožury s rezolucemi, vytištěné brožury na místě nebudou.
Hodnocení poroty Kompletní postup, kterým se porota na předkolech 17. Národní výběrové konference bude řídit, je k nalezení na stránkách Základní soupis nabízíme i zde. • • • • •
Připravenost delegace – zda si delegace dokázala obstojně připravit práci na své vlastní rezoluci a zároveň materiály a fakta pro debaty o ostatních rezolucích, Konstruktivnost argumentů – aneb hloubka argumentů; zdali si delegace dokázala připravit i konstruktivní řešení k daným problémům, Spolupráce v týmu – zdali práce delegace nestojí pouze na jednom aktivním členovi, ale opravdu se všichni rovnoměrně zapojují, Jazyková vybavenost – je potřeba základní úrovně angličtiny, aby byli delegáti schopni zvládnout se bez problémů zapojit do debat, Kvalita odevzdané eseje.
Výsledek hlasování o jednotlivých rezolucích nebude mít vliv na hodnocení poroty. Výsledky předkol budou k dispozici na webových stránkách nejpozději 28. 1. 2014.
Procedura Valného shromáždění Vůle promluvit je indikována zvednutím plakátu s názvem komise. Jednacím jazykem předkol je angličtina. Autorita předsedajících je absolutní. Z časových důvodů nebudou během Valného shromáždění na programu Points of Information, takže prosíme delegáty, aby si význam veškerých zkratek a pojmů, které neznají, zjistili dopředu. DEFENCE SPEECH Tento projev v maximální délce 3 minut slouží k vysvětlení a obhajobě hlavních myšlenek rezoluce. Cílem je ostatní delegáty přesvědčit, že navrhovaná řešení jsou správná. ATTACK SPEECH Člen jedné z ostatních delegací přednáší Attack Speech, který nesmí být delší než 2 minuty. V něm shrne názor delegace na rezoluci jako takovou a přednese stanoviska k jednotlivým bodům. Attack Speech nemusí být nutně kritikou celé rezoluce, ale může také vyzdvihnout body, které daná delegace podporuje.
EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR, z.s. Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 |
[email protected] IČO: 690 56 765
stránka 3 z 20
RESPONSE TO ATTACK SPEECH V tomto minutovém projevu člen obhajující komise zareaguje na body zmíněné v Attack Speech a dále podpoří danou rezoluci. OPEN DEBATE Během tohoto bloku mají všichni delegáti šanci vyjádřit se k dané rezoluci – nabídnout návrhy na zlepšení nebo kritizovat jednotlivé body. Open Debate bude probíhat ve dvou až třech kolech, z nichž každé tradičně sestává ze čtyř až pěti podnětů. Na konci každého kola člen obhajující komise zareaguje na každý z podnětů. Poslední kolo otázek je zodpovězeno z pódia, spolu s přednesením Summation Speech. Během debaty je možno použít plakáty, které budou mít všechny delegace k dispozici. Pokud bude delegace cítit potřebu vyjádřit se okamžitě k poslednímu podnětu řečenému v debatě, může k tomu využít plakát Direct Response. Plakát Point of Personal Privilege lze využít v případě, že některý delegát neslyší osobu, která právě mluví. SUMMATION SPEECH Tento projev je přednášen po zodpovězení posledního kola otázek. Na pódium tedy jdou v tuto chvíli dvě osoby – první delegát zodpoví otázky a druhý přednese Summation Speech. Dohromady se jejich vystoupení musí vejít do 3 minut. Úkolem tohoto projevu je znovu zdůraznit silné stránky rezoluce a pokusit se přesvědčit shromáždění, aby pro ni volilo. VOTING PROCEDURE V této poslední části projednávání rezoluce Valné shromáždění hlasuje o přijetí či nepřijetí rezoluce. Každý delegát se zde může rozhodnout sám za sebe, zda pro rezoluci hlasovat, či nikoliv. Výsledek hlasování o rezoluci komise nebude mít vliv na rozhodování poroty.
Zkratky názvů komisí Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) Culture and Education (CULT) Legal Affairs (JURI) Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR, z.s. Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 |
[email protected] IČO: 690 56 765
stránka 4 z 20
Industry, Research and Energy I (ITRE I) Industry, Research and Energy II (ITRE II) Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs I (LIBE I) Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs II (LIBE II) Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs III (LIBE III) Security and Defence (SEDE)
Rozdělení dní a rezolucí Pátek 23. 1. Brno – začátek 9:00 Škola (delegace)
Obhajuje (Proposing committee)
Napadá (Has Attack Speech on)
Gymnázium Brno, Slovanské náměstí
Gymnázium a Jazyková škola Zlín 2
Gymnázium Kroměříž
Gymnázium Brno-Řečkovice
Gymnázium Frýdlant nad Ostravicí 1
Arcibiskupské gymnázium v Kroměříži
Gymnázium a Jazyková škola Zlín 1
Obchodní akademie, Ostrava-Mariánské Hory
Gymnázium Frýdlant nad Ostravicí 2
Gymnázium Uherské Hradiště
EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR, z.s. Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 |
[email protected] IČO: 690 56 765
stránka 5 z 20
Sobota 24. 1. Praha – začátek 9:00 Škola (delegace)
Obhajuje (Proposing committee)
Napadá (Has Attack Speech on)
Gymnázium Písek 2
Gymnázium Pierra de Coubertina
Gymnázium J. V. Jirsíka České Budějovice
Gymnázium J. Vrchlického, Klatovy 1
Gymnázium Písek 1
Gymnázium Vincence Makovského
Masarykovo gymnázium Plzeň 1
Gymnázium Lipník nad Bečvou
Táborské soukromé gymnázium, s.r.o.
Gymnázium J. Vrchlického, Klatovy 2
Masarykovo gymnázium Plzeň 2
Gymnázium Strakonice
Škola (delegace)
Obhajuje (Proposing committee)
Napadá (Has Attack Speech on)
Gymnázium Jiřího Gutha-Jarkovského 1
Gymnázium Christiana Dopplera 1
Gymnázium Omská 2
Akademické gymnázium, škola hl. m. Prahy 2
Gymnázium Oty Pavla
Gymnázium Omská 1
VOŠ, SOŠP a Gymnázium Evropská
Gymnázium Duhovka s.r.o.
Akademické gymnázium, škola hl. m. Prahy 1
Gymnázium Šumperk
Gymnázium Christiana Dopplera 2
Gymnázium Jiřího Gutha-Jarkovského 2
Neděle 25. 1. Praha – začátek 9:00
EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR, z.s. Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 |
[email protected] IČO: 690 56 765
stránka 6 z 20
Pondělí 26. 1. Praha – začátek 9:00 Škola (delegace)
Obhajuje (Proposing committee)
Napadá (Has Attack Speech on)
Gymnázium Nad Kavalírkou 2
Gymnázium Voděradská 1
Gymnázium Budějovická, Praha
První soukromé jazykové gymnázium v HK 2
Gymnázium Jana Nerudy
Gymnázium Dašická
Gymnázium Nad Kavalírkou 1
Gymnázium J. K. Tyla
OA, SOŠ a JŠ Hradec Králové
Gymnázium Voděradská 2
Gymnázium U Balvanu
První soukromé jazykové gymnázium v HK 1
Gymnázium a SOŠPg Čáslav
EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR, z.s. Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 |
[email protected] IČO: 690 56 765
stránka 7 z 20
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS From the people, for the people, by the people: With the voter turnout for the 2014 election of the European Parliament reaching an all-time low, what measures should the European Union take to revitalise the culture of democratic participation and ensure the democratic legitimacy of its Parliament? The European Youth Parliament, A. Noting with deep concern the steady decline in voter turnout for the elections to the European Parliament, B. Deeply concerned that young citizens tend to be less involved in the democratic process, C. Alarmed by the lack of information about the European Union (EU) in media and educational systems of Member States, D. Taking note of the influence lobbying has on the legislative procedure of the EU, E. Recognising the need to improve accessibility of voting to increase voter turnout;
Encourages the European Parliament parties to expand their online campaigns on national level through the promotion of informative online platforms, such as;
Requests Member States to offer free political education in secondary schools to: a)
improve understanding of the EU amongst youngsters,
encourage youngsters to get involved in the democratic life of the EU;
Calls for informative media campaigns to provide further information about the EU and the means of democratic participation available to European citizens;
Recommends an annual review of lobbying activities within the EU to ensure transparency and legality;
Invites Member States to increase voting accessibility by: a)
enhancing postal voting and advance voting for the 2019 elections,
implementing e-voting for the 2024 elections.
EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR, z.s. Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 |
[email protected] IČO: 690 56 765
stránka 8 z 20
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON CULTURE AND EDUCATION As the e-learning and social networking continuously increase, how can institutions of higher education meet the demands of digital generation, while guaranteeing academic relevance and meeting educational standards at the same time? The European Youth Parliament, A. Welcoming the effort the European Commission puts into supporting e-learning, which has resulted in establishing the Opening up Education Initiative, Open Educational Europa portal and Open digital badges, B. Noting with concern the differences in the field of providing ICT equipment in each one of the Member States, C. Fully alarmed by the obstacles connected with e-learning, such as: i)
unspecific and insufficient legal framework regarding producing, using, reusing and sharing educational content online,
ii) security threats coming with usage of the Internet and other computing technologies, iii) reduced social and cultural integration, iv) doubtful reliability of educational content, D. Deeply concerned by the fact that a significant number of EU Member States has recently decreased the amount of the GNP expenditure on education, E. Having studied the decentralised power in the field of e-learning being connected with the speculations if all the stakeholders are in fact invited to take part in the decisions-making;
Invites further promotion of the European Commission’s e-learning programmes and more frequent updates of their portals or databases;
Authorises the European Commission to control the impact of both the EU funds and Member States’ investments in the field of providing educational institutions with resources to have sufficient ICT environment;
Declares accordingly that the rest of the resources needed for education in those Member States is going to be paid from different than educational funds from Horizon 2020;
Calls for the creation of a new EU agency, named the ICTs in Culture and Education Agency (ICTCEA) in order to create a complete overview of e-learning and other connected topics;
Encourages the European Commission to suggest creation of a new legislation for centralising the power and the competences under the body of the EU in cooperation with the ICTCEA.
EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR, z.s. Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 |
[email protected] IČO: 690 56 765
stránka 9 z 20
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON LEGAL AFFAIRS The plague of corruption: not only an economical problem, but also a threat to democracy. How should the member states of the European Union (EU) suppress corruption and renew public trust in democratic institutions? The European Youth Parliament, A. Guided by the fact that corruption is morally wrong, B. Fully aware of the long existence of corruption as a mean of personal enrichment, C. Believing that those with decision-making power, such as politicians, are both subject to and guilty of bribery. D. Taking into consideration the lack of transparency in public tenders, E. Deeply concerned by the lenient penalties for corruption within the criminal codes of the EU Member States;
Encourages anti-corruption organisations to create media campaigns in order to raise awareness about the consequences of corruption;
Requests that Member States agree upon common penalties for corruption by implementing the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption;
Recommends abolishing parliamentary immunity in cases when corruption is suspected, to facilitate proper investigation and create the potential for prosecution;
Suggests online publishing budgetary information regarding the awarding of public tenders;
Calls for harsher penalties for officials convicted of corruption, such as: a) b)
resignation from all public positions, unconditional imprisonment.
EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR, z.s. Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 |
[email protected] IČO: 690 56 765
stránka 10 z 20
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC AND MONETARY AFFAIRS With the United States Department of Justice declaring Bitcoin to be a legitimate financial instrument, the state media of China giving attention to the virtual currency as well, and the recent volatility of the value of the Bitcoin, what stance should the European Union take on the matter, opportunities and dangers of digital currencies? The European Youth Parliament, A. Fully aware that crypto currencies are not fulfilling the first two of three standards for generally accepted currencies which is, inter alia, leading to the inability to trace the highly increasing number of crime related transactions, B. Concerned that the European Union (EU) has not adopted a strategy to investigate and eliminate major illicit activity platforms on the Dark Web, C. Noting with deep concern the dissatisfaction of EU citizens with the current banking system, combined with their lack of knowledge concerning the dangers of crypto currencies, D. Recognising that crypto currencies may have a negative impact on the EU economy as a result of: i)
high volatility due to the fact that the value is purely based on the trust of its users,
ii) the absence of an insurance scheme that will refund money if the currency collapses, iii) the lack of consumer protection against any form of theft, E. Deeply concerned by the lack of cooperation between Member States on the subject of crypto currency recognition and regulation, which could result in global trading conflict;
Calls upon the European Commission to investigate the use of crypto currencies in illegal transactions;
Encourages the European Commission to ensure that the Internal Security Strategy programs will focus on eliminating internet platforms that host illegal trading using crypto currencies;
Endorses the creation of an EU-wide informative website for potential consumers in order to provide them with reliable information about crypto currencies;
Advises all the Member States’ national banks to not issue crypto currencies until the European Commission is satisfied with their stability, safety and outlook;
Urges the European Central Bank (ECB) to host a conference for Member States’ national banks in order to: a)
address the risks of using crypto currencies,
exchange knowledge on this new phenomenon,
start collaboration in applying the positive mechanism of crypto currencies to the conventional banking system.
EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR, z.s. Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 |
[email protected] IČO: 690 56 765
stránka 11 z 20
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS Equality on labour market. Which measures and policies should the European Union adopt in order to create equal job opportunities for people with disabilities? The European Youth Parliament, A. Observing the lack of job opportunities for people with disabilities, B. Bearing in mind that people with disabilities might often suffer from discrimination or social exclusion, C. Taking into account such employees might need assistance or special equipment, D. Disturbed by the general view on people with disabilities as less efficient workers, E. Realising that many people with disabilities may not be determined to find a job, mostly because of the discouraging view on them as a workforce;
Calls for wider job opportunities regarding people with disabilities in both public and private sector;
Encourages Member States to cooperate with NGOs regarding disabled people in order to strongly support their inclusion into society;
Recommends Member States to set minimum standards for those needing further assistance or medical equipment;
Emphasises the need to open the job market to every group of people without any of them being considered any less efficient;
Supports the European Commission in finding stakeholders dealing with inclusion of disabled people to motivate them to seek workplace.
EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR, z.s. Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 |
[email protected] IČO: 690 56 765
stránka 12 z 20
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT, PUBLIC HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY With the reporting stage of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) presenting a bleak outlook for European waters and coastlines, what more should be done to lessen the damaging impact of overfishing, littering, and climate change on Europe’s seas? The European Youth Parliament, A. Deeply concerned by the damage done to European waters and coastlines by human actions that have particularly resulted into: i)
loss of biodiversity through overfishing,
ii) littering, iii) climate change, B. Convinced that EU’s 2030 goals are not enough to combat climate change, C. Noting with concern that the potential of Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) may go unfulfilled due to the fact that: i)
the targets of each Member State in their Marine Strategies lack ambition,
ii) different countries within the same marine region may vary in their definitions of Good Environmental Status (GES), iii) the Member States’ willingness and ability to both set and achieve GES targets is dependent on domestic political and economical factors, D. Alarmed by the lack of NGOs included in the discussions about the MSFD and GES, E. Regretting the absence of comprehensive and up-to-date data on the marine environment in Europe;
Recommends that the European Commission implements higher 2030 climate and energy goals;
Calls upon the European Commission to initiate a revision of the MSFD to include different but specific definitions of GES for each marine areas;
Proposes to invite all stakeholders, NGOs, and experts to an annual conference to discuss coordinated issues;
Calls for the European Commission Directorate-General of the Environment to set guidelines for Member States to perform the necessary scientific research and data collection in order to: a)
set quantitative criteria for GES,
monitor the implementation of measures to achieve GES,
ensure concrete and complete reporting.
EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR, z.s. Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 |
[email protected] IČO: 690 56 765
stránka 13 z 20
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON WOMEN’S RIGHTS AND GENDER EQUALITY Achieving gender equality – have we succeeded, or is there still a long way to go? What measures should the European Union take in order to reach such goal? The European Youth Parliament, A. Noting with regret the on-going existence of gender stereotypes in our society, B. Observing the lack of willingness to employ women that is caused by the stereotypes, C. Disturbed by the existence of Gender Pay Gap (GPG), D. Aware of the lower number of women in political or managing careers, E. Believing that domestic violence on women is mostly caused by the existing gender stereotypes;
Recommends to strengthen penalties for those employers that base their decision of not hiring women on gender stereotypes;
Supports Member States in overcoming the GPG and setting up standardized equal pay;
Calls upon the Member States to set gender quotas in all managing and political careers;
Urges Member States to decrease stereotypes, and prevent gender-based crimes and domestic violence through: a)
increased punishments for violators.
EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR, z.s. Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 |
[email protected] IČO: 690 56 765
stránka 14 z 20
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON INDUSTRY, RESEARCH AND ENERGY I Energy from the East: What measures should the European Union (EU) take to minimise its increasing energy dependency on Russia? The European Youth Parliament, A. Alarmed by the increasing EU’s energy dependency on Russia, B. Noting with regret EU’s political and economical dependency on Russia, C. Bearing in mind the lack of alternative energy suppliers caused by: i)
insufficient use of financial resources,
ii) disagreements between the EU and the suppliers, iii) political instability in several supplier countries, D. Deeply disturbed by the insufficient use of renewable energy, E. Fully alarmed by Russia’s intention to control prices of oil in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC);
Approves the existence of oil and gas research projects;
Requests from the Member States to start negotiations and improve relations with potential suppliers;
Calls for constructing pipelines from the Arab and the Central Asian countries;
Encourages Member States to search for alternative energy resources by:
financially supporting green and renewable energy,
supporting research on international level;
Urges for the cooperation between OPEC and the EU in order to avoid the creation of a petroleum cartel.
EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR, z.s. Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 |
[email protected] IČO: 690 56 765
stránka 15 z 20
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON INDUSTRY, RESEARCH AND ENERGY II Knowledge is power: With Horizon 2020, the EU framework Programme for Research and Innovation aiming at leading Europe out of the crisis; which other steps can the European Union take to support Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and to stimulate financial investments in a knowledge-based economy? The European Youth Parliament, A. Recognising Horizon 2020 as the largest funding programme of the European Union (EU), aiming to improve research and innovation by supporting the transfer of ideas from laboratories to the global market, B. Noting with deep concern that the Euro Crisis has resulted in decreased spending on ‘Research and Development’, C. Viewing with appreciation that SMEs are the backbone of European economies, considering their great potential to secure and enhance employment in the EU, D. Convinced that SMEs’ limited competitiveness in global markets is caused by the lack of both public and private funding, E. Fully aware of the difficulties SMEs face in obtaining financial resources due to the potential risk, vastly associated with investing in SMEs;
Endorses the creation of a pan-European database accessible to researchers, SMEs, and potential investors;
Encourages the initiation of European competition for subsidies, based on a range of sustainability criteria including the expected profitability of the business plan;
Requests improving the appeal of researcher positions on the European Single Market by enhancing lower taxes and increased mobility;
Further requests tax reductions for: a)
newly founded innovative SMEs within their first five years,
private investors, accordingly to the amount of money invested, and until their investment reaches maturity;
Calls for improvement of the appeal of researcher positions on the European Single Market by enhancing lower taxes and increased mobility;
Urges the responsibilities of the European Research Council in order to evaluate SMEs projects based on their innovative ideas, rather than focusing solely on the monetary output.
EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR, z.s. Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 |
[email protected] IČO: 690 56 765
stránka 16 z 20
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON CIVIL LIBERTIES, JUSTICE AND HOME AFFAIRS I Catalonia, Basque Country, Scotland and many others – what steps should the European Union take towards the regions seeking independence within its Members States? The European Youth Parliament, A. Observing the recent increase of regions calling for independence due to the economic crisis, B. Taking into account the existing risks of forming new states, such as possible economic instability, C. Alarmed by the possible raise of violence in the regions seeking independence as a mean of attracting international attention, D. Fully aware of the Member States’ reluctance towards the separation of such regions , E. Keeping in mind that the newly-formed states would consequently lose their EU membership:
Calls upon the European Commission to create funds helping the economically weak regions in order to prevent the raise of calls for separation caused by the currently weak economy;
Recommends the individual Member States to cooperate with the independence-seeking regions in order to evaluate whether the separation would cause an economic damage or not;
Calls for strengthening prevention of violence and rioting in the critical areas;
Encourages Member States to begin dialog with the regions concerning their separation;
Considers encouraging the possibly newly-formed states to enter the European Union as soon as they pass the Copenhagen Criteria.
EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR, z.s. Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 |
[email protected] IČO: 690 56 765
stránka 17 z 20
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON CIVIL LIBERTIES, JUSTICE AND HOME AFFAIRS II Unity in diversity: in light of the growing anti-Schengen sentiment, what is the best balance between a sustainable migration strategy and freedom of movement in Europe? The European Youth Parliament, A. Bearing in mind the importance of European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), especially Article 2 of the Protocol No. 4 – Freedom of movement, B. Fully alarmed by employers hiring illegal immigrants, this further leading to or supporting: i)
trafficking of illegal immigrants,
ii) spread of criminal businesses, C. Aware of the differences in labour markets of Schengen Zone countries that result in inconsistent immigration strategy, D. Concerned by the ineffective social integration of refugees and legal immigrants, E. Horrified by the xenophobic acts throughout Member States;
Emphasises the importance of stricter overseeing of implementation of Article 2 of the ECHR and enhancing financial penalties in cases of its violation;
Requests the Member States to further monitor businesses, and provide more forces for detecting the criminals who hire illegal immigrants;
Urges Member States to consider the issued visa application materials for every travel purpose separately, by implementing the same list of required documents and application fees;
Calls upon the governments and NGOs to improve the situation of refugees by:
increasing the financial support of Refugee Council;
facilitating integration of refugees within their respective local communities;
Further invites media to serve as a tool of social integration for refugees and legal immigrants by advertising social and multicultural events.
EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR, z.s. Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 |
[email protected] IČO: 690 56 765
stránka 18 z 20
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON CIVIL LIBERTIES, JUSTICE AND HOME AFFAIRS III The future of embryonic stem cell research: How can the European Union and its Member States strike a balance between protecting embryos for moral reasons and protecting freedom of research? The European Youth Parliament, A. Recognising the differing and often contradicting views on utilising embryonic stem cells for research, especially with regards to: i)
defining the beginning of human life,
ii) the fact that embryonic cell use is by some considered murder, iii) Taking into consideration that there is no common legal framework for cooperation between Member States regarding the embryonic stem cell research, B. Taking into consideration that there is no common legal framework for cooperation between Member States regarding the embryonic stem cell research, C. Deeply concerned by the lack of organs available for transplantations to people in need of thereof, D. Deeply disturbed by the general misconceptions about stem cells, E. Drawing attention to the existence of costly private stem cell banks, which make storing stem cells for future use more difficult;
Designates a new EU consortium to organise different fora concerning the possibilities of embryonic stem cell research;
Calls for the European Parliament to suggest creating a new common legal framework for Member States to work together on the embryonic stem cell research;
Considers the alternative types of stem cells that have the potential to be developed into different types of any human cells, such as the adult stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells;
Recommends the creation of an EU-wide informative website in order to eradicate the false image of embryonic stem cell research;
Further invites the European Commission to reconsider public funding for embryonic stem cell research.
EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR, z.s. Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 |
[email protected] IČO: 690 56 765
stránka 19 z 20
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON SECURITY AND DEFENCE With the rising number of cybercrimes and advancing methods to access personal data, what steps should the European Union take in order to prevent such crimes and guarantee the Internet security for its citizens? The European Youth Parliament, A. Alarmed by the rapidly spreading software that enables hackers to gain access to credit card data and bank accounts, B. Recognising big corporations as highly valued and therefore potential targets of cybercrimes, C. Noting the lack of public knowledge concerning cyber-security, D. Taking into account there are different legislatures concerning cybercrimes throughout Member States, E. Alarmed by the raising difficulty to track down the perpetrators of cybercrimes;
Calls upon Member States to cooperate in research of the newest trends in cybercrime software, eventually developing software capable of resisting them;
Encourages the big corporations to not underestimate the threat of cybercrimes;
Recommends introducing the basic software protection standards lessons to school curricula;
Urges Member States to adopt common Internet security policy in order to raise the defence against and exchange experience with cybercrimes at the same time;
Supports Member States in cooperation with the police and in further research in the field of security in order to create better software capable of tracking down the criminals.
EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR, z.s. Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 |
[email protected] IČO: 690 56 765
stránka 20 z 20