Report launch-event NANSSI and exploitation-event EDAM in the Netherlands 20-5-2011
An expert-meeting called “Don’t drop the drop out” organised for 68 professionals Part 1:
Introduction by Jan van Zijl (chairman MBO Raad) Mr. Jan van Zijl pointed out that in both countries, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, the AOC and the MBO-Raad find it necessary to develop a project aiming to support vulnerable youngsters and adults to gain a qualification for the labour market. Although the un-employment rate of the Netherlands with 4.2% as well as the unemployment rate of the United Kingdom with 7.8 % are both less than the European average with 9.5 %, our organizations underline the importance of investment in strategies for vulnerable learners. If we don’t invest in prevention of school drop-out than we foresee a threat for our labour market in the upcoming years. This, because the school drop-out rate is risen across Europe. For some of us it becomes more and more difficult to gain a diploma after joining regular Vocational Education and Training. Our system doesn’t seem to fit the needs of every learner regarding the drop-out rate of the Vocational Education and Training. The first European scientific research concerning the outcome of education points out that nowadays specialized education for our target-group has a surplus-value. The project EDAM (Education Against Marginalisation) realized a European survey in order to find out if education can increase social inclusion for drop-outs. In 8 European countries an average of 44.2 % of participants report a better mastery of daily life and an increase of feelings of safety and happiness after joining education. Besides this 37.4 % participates more in society and get new contacts in their daily life. Earlier research pointed out that only 10% until 20% experienced an increase. So regarding to our nowadays educational system we’re achieving better results. Most important influence of the increase of social inclusion among the participants are the possibilities for transfer. Or in other words the possibilities to use the learned competencies in daily life. Our educational system should incorporate these possibilities in order to gain better results for our participants. That’s also our task: the development of better educational strategies for our learners to match the needs of daily life and the labour market in order to increase social and economic inclusion. We should increase the transfer of learning in order to match the needs of the labour market and daily life. That’s what our European project NANSSI is about and can use the expertise of the project EDAM.
Part 2:
Lecture by Drs. Maurice de Greef (in behalf of Prof. Dr. M. Segers) of results European research EDAM The results of the first European scientific research concerning outcome of education showed the surplus-value of adult education in 8 countries. Most interesting results were that after participating in adult education for approx. four months: 44.2% of the participants report a better mastery of basic life competencies (activation) and experience more feelings of happiness, safety and control (internalization); 37.4% participate in the community (participation) and experience social interactions (connection) more than before the program. These figures are very high in comparison with the 10-20% revenues of training programs as generally reported. Besides this most important influentials, which make adult education successful in enhancing social inclusion are: Offering opportunities and support to the participants to use what they have learned during the program in their daily life Organizing education that takes the daily life experiences of the participants as the starting point of learning, stimulates discussion and triggers to look at the learning contents from multiple perspectives. Support and recognition by the teacher For more information see:
Part 3:
Workshop tools of EDAM The group has been divided in two subgroups. One subgroup discussed the usability and possibilities for improvement of the evaluation of EDAM (see . The other group discussed the tool-kit of policy-making for EDAM and discussed how to use the outcome of the scientific research in daily practice.
Subgroup 1: Evaluation-tool EDAM
After the presentation of the tool the subgroups made an overview of recommendation for improvement of the tool. These are: There should be a possibility to give an overview of the results for specific groups; After using each tool you should have the possibility to give a report concerning the results; Important question is how to ensure the objectivity of the results; You should compare the results of different used tools; You should minimise the investment of time for evaluation; You should give a report for the financier after evaluation on level 3 and 4; A guide for teachers and professionals in how to use the tool is missing and should be added; There should be an intercultural perspective during evaluation; There should be a “button” for going to facebook or another e-environment; There should be an instrument for a pre-test; There should be a link to work-package 2 of EDAM and its used questionnaire.
Subgroup 2: Tool-kit for policy-making
After the presentation of the tool the subgroups made an overview in how to use and implement the success-factors of education in their daily work. The table underneath shows the outcome of the brainstorm-sessions.
Group → Successfactor of education (after research) ↓ Transfer
2D and 2E
Quality of contents (connection w ith daily practice) Quality of teacher support
To start and continue the contents that determine their daily life Seen as pedagogical quality, appreciation, respect and acceptation; “Moral enterprise”: To discuss the solutions that one chooses by
To use this factor if one develops a tender for projects; Stronger connection of languagelearning, work and apprenticeship To use this factor if one develops a tender for projects Still relevant if one works in bigger groups; To use this factor if one develops a tender for projects; More differentiation with amount of
his- or herself
Selfdirectedness in learning Overall reaction
During development of activities Decisions of policy-making and finances should be based on these factors
learners in a group To use this factor if one develops a tender for projects; To use good practices of abroad in our system; Connect different policies like Law of Participation (re-integration – education and integration) and Law of Societal Development
To acknowledge the soft outcome of education is important; This kind of information should be familiar for the policy-makers and the decisionmakers;
Part 4:
Introduction English-Dutch co-operation NANSSI by Ian Ashman (Hackney Community College) Mr. Ashman gave an overview of the development of English schooling and the system of Hackney Community College. Besides this he underlined the co-operation between the UK and the Netherlands concerning the project NANSSI.
Part 5:
Introduction project NANSSI by Maurice de Greef The Dutch project-leader of NANSSI gave an overview of the goals, target-groups, possible results and policy concerning the project NANSSI for the upcoming year.
Part 6:
Ideas for NANSSI by Cor Klein-Heerenbrink During an interactive session a lot of project-ideas have been gathered concerning the pilots, which have to be developed, for the project NANSSI (see appendix 2 and 3).
Part 7:
Follow-up for both projects The participants wrote a card to the consortia of both projects and told them which kind of follow-up they prefer, namely: Overview of surplus-value of good practices; Implementation of success-factors of education in Belgium, Germany and Denmark in the Netherlands; To make the ideas more SMART; Overview of different strategies to involve vulnerable adults and youngsters in education; Website and portal with all good practices; Successful project with possibilities for implementation in other places; Research concerning education for youngsters at risk and their outcome in languagedevelopment, work and participation; Opportunity to discuss ideas in more detail with a view to establishing a framework for new projects; To give lessons at the highschool in order to share the knowledge; Longitudinal research; To develop a national project;
To contact the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and discuss the possibilities to make education part of their department; To use ideas combined in a pilot in own situation; To involve vulnerable learners at the labour market, who have a job; Translation of the outcome of EDAM to “level of the neighbourhood” and to use the measures of social inclusion; To start new research after 4 or 5 years (EDAM); Translation of products EDAM, good practices and possibilities for implementation of projects; In order to increase participation we need to have trust in people instead of cutting of subsidises; To be informed about the follow-up; To share the knowledge in Europe; To measure the use of sports in order to prevent drop-outs; Report of quantitative results for companies, policy-makers, etc. New research concerning most effective learning-environment (non-formal versus formal); To develop a instrument or project; An interactive website with several good practices; Good practices; To use the evaluation-tool of EDAM and get more good practices;
M aurice de Greef
Appendix 1: Reflections and Dutch exploitation of EDAM Reflections Very interesting seminar into the EDAM project and Dutch policy around social exclusion Very interesting seminar Good opportunity to share practice I enjoyed the day Lots of good ideas Very interesting event, especially the comparison with England and the EDAM-project Program was dynamic Forms of exploitation for project EDAM
A. To improve educational projects and courses
Usage of contents during designing of educational projects Inspired in finding a good integration of learning and work Usage of materials for groups of illaterated people Usage of materials for groups of early school-leavers Usage of materials for groups of disabled people To generate ideas for the regular VET To use during coaching of my daughter in order to find a proper way of guidance for people at risk of 16 years and older Usage of materials as evaluation of learner and school To examine usage of success-factors of EDAM in current (educational) projects To start new courses for vulnerable people
B. To influence policy-makers and financiers
Usage of research-results in policy-making for education Usage as argument to influence policy-making Confirmation of realisation of good education as meant in the Law of Basic Education Usage of research-results towards companies and communities To show results of education to the policy-makers To discuss it with communities In future usage of report for communities and other financiers To discuss it with policy-makers To persuade community of importance of adult education To show communities and policy-makers the results and figures of education To justify the use of education towards the communities
C. To disseminate results
Dissemination of tools among relevant organisations Explain it to students of the High school in order to use this contents as a future professional To show the result of the progression to the learners themselves To make a connection with the European Centre of Excellence (Centre of Expertise) for Second Chance Education To disseminate it among colleagues (mentioned several times) To discuss results with communities To disseminate the materials and results among the national inspection of education To inform the city-council To use these results in our province
D. To use tools for own projects in own organisation
Try to translate contents to Community Arts (informal learning-environment) (for example for artists, housing companies or organisations of welfare) To use different tools, for example the questionnaires and interviews with learners Usage of instrument of measuring educational outcome by the evaluation of language-courses To use it in project-proposals To start own ways of evaluation To use this way of research in my own projects in neighbourhoods
Usage of materials in development of educational projects and advising local and regional organisations Usage of methods among projects To keep it in mind and use it in other projects To use these methods in current (European) projects To use the research-tool after discussion with our management To use tools of evaluation for internal evaluation To use the materials of EDAM as a kind of guide To use the materials of EDAM as a kind of a “examination”
E. To start up new or own research
Realisation of research concerning outcome of education To use the research-instrument towards financiers
F. To think about usage of tools
To follow the information on the website Just look if I can use it after reading it more closely Not pretty clear by now, but I will make something up To study the possibilities of usage of the materials in our organisation (mentioned several times) I still have to find out how to use it
Appendix 2: Dutch overview current projects for NANSSI (In Dutch)
ROC Mondriaan (Den Haag): “Stamtafel”voor ex-daklozen, ex-psychiatrische patiënten met laagdrempelige opvang op de werkplek; Eerst werken dan startkwalificatie; Warme overdracht met integrale intake; Geïntegreerde trajecten; Learning on the job; Rotterdam: Wijkschool voor jongeren vanaf 16 jaar (bijvoorbeeld klussen en “wat had ik willen worden…”); “Pak je kans”: Voor jongeren in Drenthe (Wet WIJ) om ze toe te leiden naar opleiding of ene derde project (70% reeds succesvol toegeleid); Leerwerktraject voor een ieder zonder werk en zonder startkwalificatie; Activeringscursus “Taal en computer” om door te stromen naar BE; Young mothers drop off children and take English classes at their children’s school (project in UK); Online-leermaterialen en digitale begeleiding; Land lords collecting rents form social housing tenants refer people to learning (project UK); “Zorgtaal”: Een niveau-2 opleiding combineren met additionele trajectbegeleiding en taal en inburgering (intercultureel); Een project met ouders, basisonderwijs, bibliotheek en educatie; Wijkschool; Uitval via gemeente, school, GGZ, RMC etc. in combinatie als voortraject MBO (m.b.t. Nederlands, Rekenen en Sociale Vaardigheden); Stichting ETV: Op laagdrempelige wijze basisvaardigheden aanleren via sociale media; “Guide me”: Website voor kwetsbare volwassenen die (ander) werk willen; “Futchal “(Suidi) Chabab:Integratie door middel van sport- en huiswerkbegeleiding; Maatschappelijk coachen; Individuele begeleiding (bijvoorbeeld job- en onderwijscoaching); “Laptop-project”: Laaggeletterden werken aan ICT-vaardigheden, waarbij men na voldoende deelname de laptop mag houden; Voortraject naar “entree-opleiding” (m.b.t. basisvaardigheden); Jonge moeders in de wijk opvangen, begeleiden en scholen; “Ei van Columbus”; “Tandem”: Jongeren en ouderen (migrante) burgers leren samen om te voorkomen dat jongeren uitvallen en ervoor te zorgen dat ouderen naar de arbeidsmarkt worden toegeleid; “Mini-onderneming”: Een traject om ondernemersvaardigheden te ontwikkelen en aan loopbaanontwikkeling te doen; “Kunstjaar” in Groningen: Werkloze jongeren “verleiden tot school”; “Graafschap scoren”: Time-out en sport- en loopbaanontwikkeling binnen een sportsetting en met betrokkenheid van de club; Jongeren krijgen een programma van 10 weken aangeboden op het terrein van FC Twente Heracles (buiten school) met als doel om daarna weer naar school te gaan; “Taalscreening aan de poort” bij bijvoorbeeld het jongerenloket en SOZA; Niet-verbale technieken; “Sports academies”: Engaging through football, wherby coaches visit the club (project in UK);
Appendix 3: Dutch project-ideas for NANSSI (In Dutch) Numbers between brackets refer to participating organisation
“Ei van Columbus” (3) Functional literacy (4) Nieuwe leerders tv als soap (4) Stredent (?) writing as learning material (4) “Ei van Columbus”: ouders en kinderen leren lezen en schrijven (5) Jongerenloket Zeist taaltest: verbreding naar sociale zaken (5) Taalscreening aan de poort (6) Samenwerking met voetbalclub of sportvereniging (6) VSV’ers toeleiden naar werk en dan na 1 à 2 jaar toeleiden naar startkwalificatie, waarbij begeleiding essentieel is (8) Het “Ei van Columbus” van Amsterdamse basisscholen i.s.m. het Stadsdeel van DWI (9) Maatschappelijke coachen (11) Zorgtaal: Niveau 2-opleiding combineren met additioneel traject taal (11) Ik wil graag meewerken op projectbasis aan het opzetten en uitvoeren van good practices (12) Ik wil met MBO Raad overleggen over samenwerking in het kader van Centre of Excellence van ROC Arcus College in Heerlen (13) Multimediamaterialen op het gebeid van basisvaardigheden (embedded met taal en rekenen) blijven aanbieden, maar er liggen mogelijkheden voor aansluiting van dit nonformele en informele materiaal op formele trajecten van het reguliere onderwijs. Dit verder vormgeven (14) Het “Ei van Columbus” (15) Wil graag internationaal project Tandem implementeren i.s.m. MBO Raad, CINOP, of workshop op Nedwerkdag (16) In de achterstandswijken speelt sociale stijging en wederkerigheid (iets terug doen voor een ander) een grote rol. Naast fysieke ingrepen en economische impulsen is het sociale programma van groot belang. Naast individuele ontwikkeling zoek ik naar bruikbaarheid van de principes van “sociale inclusie” en “transfer” die werken in het krachtenveld van de wijk. Zou graag pilot in de wijk Crabbehof voorstellen, die daar op inspeelt. (20) Sport PR inzetten om VSV te voorkomen en dat toetsen met methodiek van EDAM (21) Goede docenten die in staat zijn achter het gedrag van de jongeren te kunnen kijken (21) Scoren door scholing met FC Twente: Drop-outs weer naar school (21) Assits Heracles: Drop-outs weer naar school (21) Pak je kans met amateurclubs: Drop-outs weer naar school (21) Taalscreening aan de poort: Guide Me Website ( (23) Leer-werktraject voor een ieder zonder werk en startkwalificatie i.s.m. gemeente, SWbedrijf, ROC en bedrijfsleven (24) Voortraject voor AKA, BBL, functie BBL: Toeleiding naar scholing en werk bij ROC Leiden, waarbij koppeling gelegd wordt tussen geld, aanbod en kennis in d eregio (24) “Kunstjaar in Groningen” (25) Maatschappelijke coachen (25) Ontwikkel een integraal diagnose-instrument (voor sociale diensten) in het kader van de nieuwe wet “Werken naar Vermogen”, waarbij bijvoorbeeld in de laatste ronde de gepresenteerde taaltoets wordt opgenomen (27) Invoeren van werkscholen (28) Pedagogische vaardigheden versterken (28) Relatie leggen met woningcorporaties en inrichten van leerwerkplaatsen (28) “Ei van Columbus” (29) Wijkschool (29) Project sportstewards (29) Bij jongerenloket aan de poort screenen (30) Kunst en jongeren vanuit Groningen (30) Pak je Kans: Cursus van 8 weken om jongeren in WIJ toe te leiden naar werk of beroepsopleiding (hoog slagingspercentage) (31) Interesse in tandem (31) Methodiek IQ-Coaches linken aan regulier (volwassenen)onderwijs (32)
Organisations: 1. IVIO Didactiek 2. IVIO Didactiek 3. HAN 4. Stichting ABC 5. Stichting Lezen & Schrijven 6. Da Vinci College 7. CINOP 8. Ministerie van SZW 9. CVE 10. Kellebeek College Via 11. ROC Eindhoven 12. ROC Zadkine 13. CESO 14. Stichting Expertisecentrum 15. Rijn IJssel 16. ROC Nijmegen 17. ROC Horizon College 18. CINOP 19. De Nieuwe BV 20. P2 Managers 21. ROC van Twente 22. Ministerie van OC&W 23. ROC Midden-Nederland 24. ROC Leiden 25. Graafschap College 26. ROC Mondriaan 27. DIVOSA 28. Rotterdams Offensief 29. ROC ID College 30. ROC ID College 31. Alfa College 32. IQ Coaches Boxtel