BOOKS & Edited books - De Brouwer, A-M, C. Ku, L. van der Herik and R. Römkens (Eds). Sexual violence as an International crime: interdisciplinary approaches. Cambridge/ Antwerp/Portland: Intersentia (2013). - Römkens, R., Dijkstra, S. (Red.), Het omstreden slachtoffer. Geweld van vrouwen en mannen. ('The Contested Victim. Violence of Women and Men'). Baarn: Ambo, 1996. - Fuldauer, A., Römkens, R., Verrijn, Stuart, H., Wolleswinkel, R. (Eds), Gevangen vrouwen. Nemesis Essays over criminaliteit en detentie. ('Incarcerated Women. Essays on Criminality and Detention.'). Amsterdam: Nemesis, 1995. - Römkens, R., Gewoon geweld? Omvang, aard, gevolgen en achtergronden van geweld tegen vrouwen in heteroseksuele relaties. (Summary in English: 'Ordinary violence? Prevalence, Nature, Riskmarkers and Consequences of Violence against Women in Heterosexual Relationships'). Amsterdam/Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, 1992. - Römkens, R., Onder ons gezegd en gezwegen. ('Between us: On Violence against Women'). Rijswijk: Ministerie van Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Cultuur, 1989.
INAUGURAL ADDRESS Tilburg University - Römkens, R (2008), Met recht een zorg? Overdenkingen bij wet- en regelgeving over geweld in de privésfeer (With English summary: Rightly concerned? Reflections on legal regulation of violence in the private domain). Tilburg University: 12 december 2008.
Publications (after 2005)
2013 - Aa, van der, S and R. Römkens (2013), The state of the art in stalking legislation. Reflections on European developments. European Criminal Law Review (forthcoming/ accepted for publication) -Römkens, R (2013), Gender revisited: Global concerns. Reflections on domestic violence as gender-based violence in European legal developments. In: M. Mohamad & S. Wieringa Eds), Family Ambiguity and Domestic Violence in Asia. Concepts, law, and process, Brighton/Portland/Toronto: Sussex Academic Press, pp. 192-209. -Römkens, R . with De Brouwer, A-M, C. Ku, L. van der Herik (2013), Interdisciplinary approaches to recognizing, investigating and prosecuting sexual violence as an international crime. In: De Brouwer, A-M, C. Ku, L. van der Herik and R. Römkens (Eds). Sexual violence as an International crime: interdisciplinary approaches. Cambridge/ Antwerp/Portland: Intersentia (2013), pp. 3-13. -Römkens, R .with De Brouwer, A-M, C. Ku, L. van der Herik (2013) How to move forward? Interdisciplinary approaches to recognizing, investigating and prosecuting sexual violence as an international crime In: De Brouwer, A-M, C. Ku, L. van der Herik and R. Römkens (Eds). Sexual violence as an International crime: interdisciplinary approaches. Cambridge/ Antwerp/Portland: Intersentia (2013), pp. 373-388.
2012 -Leeuwen, F. van, Römkens, R. (2012), European human rights mechanisms on violence against women. Report for the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women -Awareness raising activities to fight violence against women and girls (VAWG) in the Netherlands.
2011 - Lahlah, E., Römkens, R. (2011), Particularly Violent. The discursive construction of Muslim culture as a risk factor. Published in: S. Condon. M. Schroettle, T. Ravi (Eds), Violence against women and ethnicity. Commonalities and differences. Barbara Buddrich Publishers, 79-96. - Hagemann-White, C., Kelly ,L., Meysen, T., Römkens, R. (2011), Realising Rights. Case studies on state responses to violence against women and children in Europe. Brussels: European Commission/Daphne Programme (220p). 11 (see under: 2011) -Römkens, R. , Sosa , L. (2011), Protection, Prevention and Empowerment. Case Study of Emergency Interventions across Europe to Protect Victims of Intimate Partner Violence. In: Hagemann-White, C, L. Kelly , T. Meysen, R. Römkens (2011), Realising Rights. Case studies on state responses to violence against women and children in Europe. Brussels: European Commission/Daphne Programme, 51-109. 11 (see under: 2011) - Römkens, R. (2011), Preface to S. Sharatt (2011), Gender, shame and sexual violence. The voices of witnesses and court members of war crimes tribunals. Farnham/Burlington: Ashgate. - Römkens, R. E. Lahlah (2011), Particularly violent. The discursive construction of Muslim culture as a risk factor. In: S. Condon. M. Schroettle, T. Ravi (Eds), Violence against women and ethnicity. Commonalities and differences. Barbara Buddrich Publishers, 79-96. -De Brouwer, A-M, Ka Hon Chu, S., Römkens, R. (2011), Survivors of sexual violence in conflict. Challenges in Prevention and International Criminal Prosecution. In: De Brouwer, A-M, R. Haveman R. Letschert, A. Pemberton (Eds), Victimological approaches to international crimes: Africa. Antwerp/Cambridge: Intersentia, 527-560. - Römkens, R., van der Aa, S., Lens, K., & Oskam, M. (2011). Interventies bij huiselijk geweld: Vergelijkend onderzoek naar het huisverbod en reguliere interventies in de regio’s Midden- en West-Brabant. Tilburg: Intervict.
2010 - Römkens, R. (2010), Omstreden gelijkheid. Over de constructie van on/gelijkheid van vrouwen en mannen in partnergeweld (summary in English, “Contested equality. On the construction of in/equality in intimate partner violence”). Justitiële Verkenningen. December 2010, 11-32.
- Lünnemann, K., Goderie, M., Tierolf, B., & Römkens, R. (2010),Geweld in afhankelijkheidsrelaties: Ontwikkelingen in vraag naar en aanbod van hulp en opvang. Utrecht: Verwey-Jonker Instituut. - Hagemann-White, C., Kelly, L., Römkens, R. (2010), Feasibility study to assess the possibilities, opportunities and needs to standardize national legislation on violence against women, violence against children and sexual orientation violence in the European Union. European Commission: Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union 2010 — 210 pp. 05MLT17038.pdf. Annexes: -Letschert, R, L. Sosa, C. Rijken, R Römkens (2010) Identifying Minimum Standards in the Field of Violence Against Women, Children and Sexual Orientation Violence. In: C. Hagemann -White, C., L. Kelly, R. Römkens (2010), Feasibility study to assess the possibilities, opportunities and needs to standardize national legislation on violence against women, violence against children and sexual orientation violence in the European Union. European Commission: Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union 2010, 127-151. 05MLT17038.pdf -Van der Aa, S, Römkens, R. (2010), National report on the Netherlands on measures in the fields of violence against women, children and sexual orientation based violence. Brussels: European Commission . - Rijken, C., Römkens, R (2010), Vulnerability in a globalised world: The case of human trafficking. In: R. M. Letschert & J. J. M. van Dijk (Eds.), The new faces of victimhood. Globalisation, transnational crimes and victims rights. New York: Springer, 73-99.
2009 - Lünnemann, K., Roos, T. de, Römkens, R (2009), Wie slaat die gaat! Kanttekeningen bij het huisverbod als nieuw instrument in de aanpak van geweld achter de voordeur (Reflections on the new barring order law to address domestic violence) Nederlands Juristen Blad, 940-946. - Lo Fo Wong, S., Wester, F., Mol, S., Hezemans, D., Lagro-Janssen, T., Römkens, R (2009). Mishandelde vrouwen over onthulling aan de huisarts: praten helpt echt. Huisarts & Wetenschap. 52(3), 122-129. - Römkens, R (2009), Met recht ’n zorg: Overdenkingen bij wet- en regelgeving bij geweld in de privésfeer. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 12(2), 28-39.
2008 - Römkens, R , Lünnemann, K (2008), Getting behind closed doors. New developments in legislation to prevent domestic violence. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. 32, 2, 173-194. - Römkens, R (2008) Ambiguous responsibilities. Law and conflicting expert testimony on the abused woman who shot her sleeping husband. In: E. Mertz (Ed), The Role of Law in Social Science. Hampshire (USA): Ashgate , 355-391; reprint of (2000). - (2008) Law as a Trojan horse. In: Michael D. Freeman (Ed.), Domestic Violence. Aldershot (UK): Ashgate Publishers, (reprint of 2001).
- Lo Fo Wong, S., Wester, F., Mol,S., Hezemans, D. Lagro-Jansen, A., Römkens, R (2008) Talking matters: Abused women’s views on disclosure of partner abuse to the family doctor and its role in handling the abuse situation. Patient Education and Counseling, 70, 386–394. - Naezer, M & R. Römkens (2008) Overheidsbeleid inzake geweld tegen vrouwen: van gezondheids- tot veiligheidsprobleem. In: J. van Mens-Verhulst en B. Waaldijk (Red), Vrouwenhulpverlening 1975-2000.Beweging in en rond de gezondheidszorg. Bohn, Stafleu en Van Loghum, 66-78. - Balogh, L.J. van Haaf & Römkens, R (2008) Tot hier en niet verder. De effectiviteit van AWARE in vergelijking met een 112+ aanpak van belaging. IVA/Universiteit Tilburg. - Balogh,L., M., Bruinsma, J. van Haaf & Römkens, R. (2008) De mogelijke meerwaarde van AWARE voor de politie. Ervaringen met een nieuwe aanpak van belaging door ex-partners. IVA/Universiteit Tilburg. 2007 - Römkens, R , R. Letschert (2007) Feasibility study for a convention against domestic violence. Council of Europe Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs. (co-authored with (2007). .pdf - Lo Fo Wong,S. F. Wester, S. Mol, A.. Lagro-Jansen, Römkens, R (2007), Utilisation of health care by women who have suffered abuse: a descriptive study on medical records in family practice. (co-authored with). British Journal of General Practice. 57, 2007, 538, 396-401. - Eysink Smeets, M., Lier, L van , Römkens, R., Egelkamp, M., Ditzhuijzen, J. van (2007), Escort revisited. Een beeld van de Amsterdamse escortbranche anno 2007. Amsterdam: Directie Openbare Orde en Veiligheid. (Escort revisited. A portrait of the Amsterdam escort business in 2007). -Römkens, R., A. van Kalmthout, H. Moors, with the assistance of I. Durnescu (2007), Strengthening the Romanian forensic expertise system. A research based advice. Tilburg University/IVA. (Department of Justice). (Published in Romanian as CONSOLIDAREA SISTEMULUI DE EXPERTIZE JUDICIARE DIN ROMÂNIA. -Römkens, R., J. van Poppel (2007), Bruikbaarheid van het risicotaxatieinstrument huiselijk geweld . Een eerste verkenning (The usefulness of a risk assessment tool for domestic violence. A first exploration). IVA/Tilburg University
2006 - Römkens, R (2006), Protecting Prosecution. The powers of criminal law to protect victims of stalking. Violence Against Women. 2, (2006), 160-187. - Lo Fo Wong, S., A. de Jonge, F. Wester, S. Mol, A. Lagro-Jansen,Römkens, R (2006), Family doctors discussing intimate partner abuse: does physian’s gender really matter? A focus group study. Family Practice Advanced Access, April, 2006. - Römkens, R & . van Popppel (2006), Preliminary study on domestic violence in the Netherlands. Literature review of research methods and findings on prevalence, determinants, consequences and help-seeking behaviour.
Veenma, K., Pardoel. K., Römkens, R., Bouwman, K., en J. van Poppel (2006d), Preventiebeleid 2001-2004: een terugblik. Tilburg: IVA, 2006. (Evaluation of policies on prevention of juvenile criminality). Bergh. M. von, R. Römkens (2006c). Evaluatie bruikbaarheid Quick Scan Reclassering. Tilburg: IVA (Evaluation Quick Scan Offender Rehabilitation). Römkens, R., (2006b), Gendermainstreaming? Analyse van de beleidsdossiers mensenhandel en huiselijk geweld (Gender mainstreaming in the policy-field of domestic violence and human trafficking). Paper presented at the Conference on Gendermainstreaming. The Hague: Department of Justice, September 2006. Römkens, R., J. van Poppel (2006a), Geweld onder intimi. Vooronderzoek over methodiek en resultaten van onderzoek over prevalentie, determinanten, gevolgen en hulpzoekend gedrag bij huiselijk geweld. (Violence among intimate partners. Preliminary study on methodologies and results of prevalence research) Tilburg: IVA.
2005 - Römkens, R (2005), In the shadow of no law. Navigating cultural legitimacy and legal protection of women against violence in Afghanistan. In: R. Wolleswinkel (Ed.) (2005), Violence in the domestic sphere. Antwerpen: Intersentia, 71-98. - Römkens, R (2005) Law as a Trojan Horse. Unintended Consequences of Rights-Based Interventions to Protect Battered Women. In: D. Rhode & C. Sanger (Eds), Gender and Rights. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishers, 383-408). Earlier publications English - Römkens, R et al., Battered Women & Feminist Lawmaking. Journal of Law and Policy. Vol. X, 2002, 313-372 - Römkens, R (2001) Law as a Trojan Horse. Unintended consequences of rights-based interventions to support battered women. Yale Journal on Law and Feminism. Winter 2001, Volume 13, 265-290. - Kelly, L., Römkens, R & Stanko, B. (2001), Introduction to European Perspectives on Violence. Special issue - Violence Against Women. Vol. 7, No.7, 727-731. - Römkens, R (2000), Ambiguous responsibilities. Law and conflicting expert testimony on the abused woman who shot her sleeping husband. Law & Social Inquiry. Vol. 25, nr. 2, Spring, 355392. - Römkens, R & S. Mastenbroek (1998) Budding happiness. On psychodynamics of the abuse of girls and young women by their boy friends. In: R. Klein (Ed), Multidisciplinary perspectives on family violence. London: Routledge. 1998: 58-75. - Römkens, R (1997), Prevalence of wife abuse in the Netherlands. Combining quantitative and qualitative methods. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 12, 1, 99-125. Dutch
- Over cultuurbarbarij gesproken. In: R. Holtmaat (Red.), Een verdrag voor alle vrouwen. Verkenningen van de betekenis van het VN-vrouwenverdrag voor de multiculturele samenleving. Den Haag: E-quality, 2002, 41-56. - Geweld in de huiselijke sfeer, In: I. Boerefijn, M van der Liet-Senders en T Loenen (Red.), Het voorkomen en bestrijden van geweld tegen vrouwen. Een verdiepend onderzoek naar het Nederlandse beleid in het licht van de verplichtingen die voortvloeien uit het Vrouwenverdrag. ‘s Gravenhage: Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, juli 2000: 107-174. - De paradox van bescherming en bestraffing. Dilemma’s bij bescherming van belaagde vrouwen Nemesis. Tijdschrift voor Vrouwen en Recht. 2000, 3 (Mei/juni): 79-88. - Dan hoor je de vissen ademen. Evaluatie van het AWARE-project van de politie Rotterdam . Ministerie van Justitie, 1999. (On intervention methods to curb stalking and domestic violence) (with S. Mastenbroek). - Niets menselijks is ons vreemd. A. Meulenbelt (Ed), Bootje in de storm. Amsterdam: De Rode Hoed, 1998. - Het slachtoffer als janushoofd. Inleidende notities over geweld, vrouwelijkheid en mannelijkheid. In: Römkens, R., en S. Dijkstra (red.), Het omstreden slachtoffer. Geweld van vrouwen en mannen. Baarn: Ambo, 1996, pp. 11-22. - 'Zwei Seelen in einer Brust.' De partnerdoodster als slachtoffer en dader. In: Römkens, R., en S. Dijkstra (red.), Het omstreden slachtoffer. Geweld van vrouwen en mannen. Baarn: Ambo, 1996, pp. 77-100. - Mastenbroek, S., Römkens, R., Pril geluk. De relatiedynamiek van mishandeling van meisjes en jonge vrouwen door hun vriend. Comenius. Wetenschappelijk forum voor opvoeding, onderwijs en cultuur. 1996, 4, pp. 417-432. - De partnerdoodster als statistische rariteit. In: A.Fuldauer et al. Gevangen vrouwen. Nemesis Essays over criminaliteit en detentie. Amsterdam: Nemesis, 1995, pp. 44-57. - Wie is bang voor geweld? Over dwang en drang tot zwijgen en dilemma's in het feministisch denken over geweld. In J. Da Lima (red.) Het klappen van de zweep. Utrecht: J. van Arkel, 1994, pp. 127-142. - Geweld in partnerrelaties. In: Dumon, W.A., J. van Acker, Relaties en seksualiteit. Jaarboek 1994. Leuven: GIDS, 1994, pp. 107-119. - Slachtoffers tot het bittere eind? Nemesis. Tijdschrift over vrouwen en recht. 1992, 6 (nov/dec), pp. 10-15. - Geschonden grenzen. In: Spruyt, E. (red.), Psychologie van het gezin. Zicht op huwelijk en relaties. Utrecht: Teleac, 1991, pp. 136 - 158. - Het onbehagen over geweld tegen vrouwen: projectie en internalisering van verantwoordelijkheid en schuld. In: P.B. Defares, J. D. van der Ploeg, Agressie: determinanten, signalering en interventie. Van Gorcum: Assen/Maastricht, 1991, pp. 211-227. - Croes, M., Huijts, G., Mastenbroek, S., Römkens, R., Opvangvoorzieningen en mishandelde vrouwen. Een onderzoek naar vormen van begeleiding. Utrecht: NIZW/ WOSG, 1990.
Invitational lectures - international (English) -European Paradoxes. International legal developments to protect women and girls against violence. Invitational lecture at the YSAV (Youth Sexual Aggression Victimization) conference “Acting against youth sexual aggression and victimization in Europe”. Amsterdam, 20-28 March, 2013.
-European Paradoxes. A regional perspective on legal developments in violence against women as a crime or a human rights violation. Invitational lecture at the European Conference ‘Form a chain break the circle’. Hasselt, 27 September 2012. - Opportunities and challenges. Reflections on the Council of Europe Convention on combating and preventing violence against women and domestic violence. Invitational lecture at the 2nd World Conference of Women’s Shelters. Washington DC, February 27-March 1, 2012. - Awareness raising activitities of fight violence against women and girls (VAWG). European developments on awareness raising and prevention of VAWG. European Commission Expert meeting. London, 7-8 February 2012. - Standardising National Legislation on Intimate Partner Violence? A European Comparative Analysis. Key-note lecture. International Conference on “Intimate Partner Violence Against Women and the Response of the Criminal Justice System”. Bologna: Istituto Carlo Cattaneo, December 14-15, 2011. - Developments in International legislation on Violence against women. Invitational lecture. University of Cape Town/Law School. Cape Town: October 6, 2011. - Violence against women as a human rights concern. Key-note lecture at the 21st International Conference of the Iranian Women’s Studies Association. Amersfoort, June 24, 2011. - Emergency barring order legislation across Europe. An Introduction. Opening lecture at the European Expert meeting on barring orders across Europe (EC/Daphne ). Amsterdam: ALETTA/MOVISIE and INTERVICT Tilburg University, June 23-24, 2011. - Intersectionality under pressure. VAW as subject of gender neutralization and culturalisation. January 26, 2011. Roehampton University (London), Symposium Gendered Violence and Intersectionality. - Gender equality in domestic violence Reflections on current European Developments and debates. Key note lecture. Asian Research Institute/ National University of Singapore. Conference ‘Domestic violence in Asia: the ambiguity of family as private-public domain’. October 7-8, 2010. - A balancing act. On violence against Turkish migrant women in the Netherlands. Berlin: Humbold Universität. Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences. January 22-23, 2009. - EU developments in legislation in the field of violence against women. Invitational lecture for the UN Expert Meeting on good practices in legislation on violence against women. Vienna:UNDAW/ UN - ODC, May 26-28, 2008. -Violence against women: policy, politics and the need for data. Invitational key note lecture. International Conference ’10 Jahre Gewaltschutzgesetz in Österreich’. Vienna, November 5-7, 2007. - Who’s in charge? The proactive role of the police in preventing domestic violence and assisting the victim. Invitational key note lecture. Council of Europe. Regional Seminar on legal measures to combat violence against women, including domestic violence. Skopje, September 11-12, 2007. - Tried and tested: on limits of research data. Council of Europe. Invitational key note lecture at Joint Conference of National Focal Points and Contact Parliamentarians. Strasbourg, June 4-5, 2007. - Challenging Law. Monitoring and evaluating legal measures to combat domestic violence. Council of Europe. Invitational key note lecture. Regional Seminar on legal measures to combat violence against women, including domestic violence. The Hague: February 22, 2007. -From figures to f/acts. Wife abuse and its implications for medical health care. Key-note Lecture for the conference ‘Women abuse and the role of the Family Physician’ University Medical Center. Nijmegen: Radboud University. April 16, 2002.
- Undoing pain. Rights for battered women and its wrongs. Invitational lecture for the International Conference “Women and the Welfare State”. Jerusalem: Hebrew University/School of Social Work, June 5-6, 2000 English paper presentations (after 1995) - Empowering technology. Enhancing victim protection in high risk cases of intimate partner violence. American Society of Criminology. Annual meeting, San Francisco: 17-20 November 2010. - Effective protection of victims of stalking. AWARE as best practice. Paper presented at the Daphne Conference on Implementing EU Directives on Violence against women. Ljubljana, 20-22 march, 2009. - What's special about women? Developments in international lawmaking on violence against women. Paper presented at the XV World Congress of the International Society for Criminology, Barcelona, Spain. (2008, 20-25 July). -The paradox of Trust. Paper presented at the Intervict International Symposium on Trust. Tilburg: May 29, 2008. - Behind closed doors. Dutch intervention model to prevent domestic violence. Paper presented at the International Conference of Law & Society. Montréal, May 30 – June 2, 1, 2008. - Victim impact. Consequences of legislation to prevent domestic violence. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the American Society of Victimology. Fresno, March 5-7, 2008. - Under construction. On the conceptualization of the ’vulnerable in victim’ in international legal documents. Feminist Legal Theory Conference, University of Colorado Law School (Boulder, Colorado) in collaboration with Emory Law School, (Houston, Texas).March 7-8, 2008. - The price to pay: reflections on the impact of legal subjectivity of victims. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the World Society of Victimology, Orlando: Augustus 20-25, 2006. - Women’s right and human rights in Afghanistan’ Paper presented at the European Conference on Socio-legal Research. Onati (Spain): July 5-8, 2005. - In the vanguard. Same sex marriage regulation in the European Union. Invitational key note lecture. Contemporary Families Conference. New York University: May 7-8, 2004. - The unruly quest for meaning. The changing characteristics of first person narratives on female victimization. Paper presented at the International Conference of Law & Society. Pittsburgh, June 5-8, 2003. - The Paradox of Protection. Paper presented at the Conference ‘Subversive Legacies’. University of Texas, Austin. November 22-24, 2002. - Protecting Prosecution. Paper presented at the International Conference of Law & Society. Budapest, July 4-7, 2001. - The Trojan horse. Unintended consequences of rights based interventions to support battered women. Hartford: University of Connecticut Law School, December 7, 2000 (invitational lecture). - The un/deserving victim. The paradox of legal protection and support for battered woman. Paper presented at the International Conference of the Law & Society Association. Miami, May 26-29, 2000. - Ambiguous responsibilities. The powers of forensic and legal experts. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Toronto, November 1999. - The Legal Rhetoric of Objectivity. Paper presented at the International Conference of Law & Society. Chicago: May 27-30, 1999. - Beauty and the beast. Representations of battered women who kill. Paper presented at the International Conference of Law & Society. Aspen: June 4-7, 1998.
- Spouse-killing: the (re-)construction of responsibilities. Paper presented at the international Conference of the Law & Society Association. St. Louis: May 28-June 1, 1997. - Ambivalencies reconsidered: on consent and force in heterosexual encounters. Howard University/School of Social Work, Washington D.C., June 3, 1997. - Prevalence of wife abuse: reflections on methodology of survey research. Paper presented at the European Social research Council/Expert meeting on Gender and Social Equality. Dublin: July 6-9 , 1997. - Gender relations and the use of theoretical concepts of in- and exclusion. Presentation at the University of the Western Cape for the conference on 'Strategizing in diversity and multiculturalism'. Cape Town, August 28-29, 1997. - The sexual identity of the murderess. Presentation at the symposium 'Sexual violences, violent sexualities'. SISWO/University of Amsterdam: October 3 , 1997. - Contested identities. Analysis of Dutch criminal court cases on women who killed their spouse' Paper presented at the International Conference of the Law & Society Association. Glasgow, July 10-15,1996. - Psychological disorders among battered women: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as contested issue. Lecture in the series 'Aftermath of victimization'; University of Western Cape/Cape Town (Bellville). August 17, 1995. - Psychodynamics of wife abuse: implications for treatment and counseling. Invitational lecture for FAMSA - Society for Marital Counseling. Cape Town, July 27, 1995.
Bookreviews - The ethics of crime. Review of: T. Pitch, Limited responsibilities. Social movements & criminal justice. New York/London: Routledge, 1995. In: European Journal of Women's Studies. 1997, 3, pp. 403-405. - Report on Conference 'Gender & colonialism'; Cape Town/University of Western Cape, 13-15 Jan. 1997. In: European Journal of Women's Studies. 1997, 3, pp. 398-400. - The violence of rethoric. Review of: Kappeler, S., The will to violence. The politics of personal behavior. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1995. In: European Journal of Women's Studies. 1996, 4, pp. 461-464. - Lady killers: On the verge of femininity? Review of: H. Birch (Ed), Moving targets. Women, murder and representation. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994. In: European Journal of Women's Studies. 2, 1995, 4, pp. 551-553.
Supervision of dissertations - Dijkstra, S., Met vallen en opstaan. Eburon, 2000 (Urecht Universiteit/Sociale Wetenschappen) (Child abuse and interngenerational transmission) - Zeegers, N., Instemming en dwang in heteroseksuele relaties. Thela thesis, 1999 (Utrecht Universiteit/ Sociale Wetenschappen). (Forced and consensual sex in heterosexual relationships) - Lünnemann, K., Vrouwenmishandeling. Strafrechtelijk afgedaan? Deventer: Gouda Quint, 1996. (Universiteit van Maastricht/Juridische Faculteit). (Wife abuse – criminal law as the solution?)
Dutch lectures (after 2005) - Op zoek naar samenhang.Europese ontwikkelingen in beleid en aanpak van geweld tegen vrouwen (‘Looking for coherence. European developments in policy and regulation of violence against women’). MOVISIE Congres ‘Aanpak huiselijk geweld en kindermishandeling’. Ede: May 9, 2011. - Symmetrie onder de loep. Partnergeweld en systematische vertekening. Hera Vrouwenopvang. Arnhem: November 22, 2010. - Omstreden kwetsbaarheid. Over de constructie van on/gelijkheid van vrouwen en mannen in partnergeweld. Opening lecture Vereniging voor de Sociale bestudering van het Reecht, June 25, 2010. - Gewoon geweld? Overdenkingen over ontwikkelingen in onderzoek in aanpak van geweld in relaties. Lezing t.g.v. het symposium ‘Met stomheid geslagen’van de vereniging van Vrouwelijke Nederlandse Artsen. Utrecht, march 29, 2009. Europese ontwikkelingen in regelgeving inzake huiselijk geweld: over criminalisering en zorg. Universiteit Antwerpen/UCSIA, 20 november 2008. - Tot hier en niet verder! AWARE en 112: Alarmsystemen voor slachtoffers belaging en huiselijk geweld. Research presentation at the "Tot hier en niet verder" conference, Amersfoort, Netherlands. 29 september, 2008. - Van straf naar zorg. Ontwikkelingen in de aanpak van huiselijk geweld. Pompe-Kairos 20th Anniversary Conference. Nijmegen: 25 September, 2008. - Naar een grootstedelijke integrale aanpak van huiselijk geweld. (Presetantion for the G4 municipalities on the occasion of the launching of a joint programme to address domestic violence). Den Haag: 9 juni 2008 - Overdenkingen over de verantwoordelijkheid van de overheid voor aanpak van huiselijk geweld. Presentation in the context of the public debate on domestic violence. Nijmegen: Lux, 12 Juni 2008. - Aware: uitdaging en kans. De Bocht: Tilburg. December 2007. - History in the making. Ontwikkelingen in het wetenschappelijk debat over geweld in de privesfeer (Opening lecture Master Class on Domestic Violence). Hogeschool In-Holland (Rotterdam), December 2007. - De juridisering van het slachtoffer. Openingslezing tgv Jubileum Symposium 50 jaar IVA. Tilburg , 27 February 2007. - Onderzoek naar preventie criminaliteit van jongeren: een heikele kwestie. Lezing t.g.v. het symposium Doorpakken. Preventie van crminaliteit onder jongeren. Utrecht: Forum, 29 juni 2006. - Wat is er met de macht gebeurd? Lezing voor de Nederlandse Vereniging Vrouw en Recht. Den Haag: September 2005. - Met het oog op de toekomst.Verschuivingen in het beleid inzake geweld in de privé-sfeer. Lezing t.g.v Symposium 10 jaar Transact. Utrecht: 15 December 2005.