Cerem Publicaties / Publications 2005 • •
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‘De top-20 van Europese stedelijke regio’s 1995–2003; Randstad Holland in internationaal perspectief’, door W.J.J. Manshanden, A.C. Muskens, P.J.M. de Bruijn, O. Koops en J. Vlek, januari 2005 (TNO Inro, Delft). ‘Can firm age account for productivity differences? A study into the relationship between productivity and firm age for mature firms’, door Peter Brouwer, Jan de Kok and Pieter Fris, January 2005 (SCALES Scientific Analysis of Enterpreneurship and SMEs, Zoetermeer). ‘Employment differences in services: the role of wages, productivity and demand’, by Andrew Glyn (Oxford University, United Kingdom), Wiemer Salverda (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Joachim Möller (Universität Regensburg, Germany), John Schmitt (Economic Policy Institute, US) and Michel Sollogoub (University Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne), January 2005 (Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies AIAS, Amsterdam). ‘Kosten per SW-plaats’, door Peter van Nes, Hassel Kroes en Jaap de Koning, februari 2005 (SEOR, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam). ‘Innovation in Enterprise Clusters: Evidence for Dutch Manufacturing’, by Bert Diederen (Statistics Netherlands), Pierre Mohnen, Franz Palm, Wladimir Raymond and Sybrand Schim van der Loeff, April 2005 (University of Maastricht). ‘The productivity effects of internal and external R&D: Evidence from a dynamic panel data model’, by Boris Lokshin, April 2005 (Department of Organization and Strategy, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration University of Maastricht). ‘Complementarities in R&D cooperation strategies, by René Belderbos (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven en TU Eindhoven), Martin Carree and Boris Lokshin (Universiteit Maastricht), April 2005 (Department of Organization and Strategy, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration University of Maastricht). ‘Kwaliteit van ondernemerschap. Prestaties en kenmerken van ondernemers’, door Heleen Stigter, Dick Snel en Wim Verhoeven, april 2005 (EIM Onderzoek voor Bedrijf & Beleid). ‘Coordination mechanisms and e-metrics: A Conceptual Framework’, by Cees van Beers (Delft University of Technology), Harry Bouwman (Delft University of Technology) and Tom Poot (Utrecht University), May 2005 (Section Economics of Innovation, Delft University of Technology, Delft). ‘Physical indicators as a basis for estimating energy efficiency developments in the Dutch industry – update 2005’, by Maarten Neelis, Andrea Ramirez and Martin Patel, May 2005 (Copernicus Institute, Department of Science, Technology and Society, Utrecht University). ‘Arboproductiviteit. Een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen arbo- en verzuimmaatregelen en productiviteit in de bouw’, door Jos Blank, Bart van Hulst en Patrick Koot, juni 2005 (ECORYS Arbeid & Sociaal Beleid Rotterdam). ‘CO2 emissions and carbon storage resulting from the non-energy use of fossil fuels in the Netherlands, NEAT results for 1993–1999’, by M.L. Neelis, M. Patel and K. Blok, June 2005 (Copernicus Institute, Department of Science, Technology and Society, Utrecht University).
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Non-linear Investment and Labour Adjustment Dynamics, by Michael Polder, Dissertation University Maastricht, 16 June 2005. ‘Innovatie in Brabantstad’, door P.J.M. de Bruijn, juni 2005 (TNO Inro, Delft). ‘A2: Samenhang in Dynamiek’, door P.J.M. de Bruijn, O. Koops en A.C. Muskens, juni 2005 (TNO Bouw en Ondergrond, Delft). ‘Innovatie in de bouw’, door P.J.M. de Bruijn en N. Maas, juni 2005 (TNO Bouw en Ondergrond, Delft). ‘Cultuur en creativiteit naar waarde geschat’, door Gerard Marlet (Stichting Atlas voor gemeenten) en Joost Poort (SEO Economisch Onderzoek), juni 2005 (SEO Economisch Onderzoek Universiteit van Amsterdam). ‘Greasing The Wheels of Trade: A Profile of the Dutch Transaction Sector’, by Hendrik P. van Dalen and Aico P. van Vuuren, De Economist 153, No. 2 (2005), 139165. Performance Effects and Complementarity of Internal Cooperative and External R&D, by Boris Lokshin, Dissertation University Maastricht, 7 September 2005. Monitoring Energy Efficiency in the Food Industry, by Andrea Ramírez Ramírez, Dissertation Utrecht University, 22 September 2005. ‘Competition and Quality in the Notary Profession’, by Richard Nahuis and Joëlle Noailly, CPB Document No. 94, September 2005 (Centraal Planbureau). ‘Internet technologies and performance: the Dutch travel industry’, by Cees van Beers and Harry Bouwman, October 2005 (Delft University of Technology, Delft). ‘Detailuitwerking CIS3 en CIS3,5. Detailuitwerking van de innovativiteit binnen de bouwinstallatie’, door Jeroen Segers, oktober 2005 (Dialogic, Utrecht). ‘Measuring competition in Dutch industries. Comparing three indicators over the period 1993–2001’, by Harrold Creusen, Bert Minne and Henry van der Wiel, CPB Document, November 2005 (Centraal Planbureau). ‘More competition in Dutch industries?’, by Harrold Creusen, Bert Minne and Henry van der Wiel, CPB Document, November 2005 (Centraal Planbureau). ‘General model for automated diagnosis of business performance. A case study in cooperation with Statistiscs Netherlands’, by Emiel Caron and Hennie Daniels, November 2005 (Easmus Research Institute in Management (ERIM), Erasmus University, Rotterdam). ‘Technology and the Size Distribution of Firms: Evidence from Dutch Manuafacturing’, by Orietta Marsili, November 2005 (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam). ‘Innovation Premium and the Survival of Entrepreneurial Firms’, by Elena Cefis (University of Bergamo and Utrecht School of Economics) and Orietta Marsili (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam), November 2005. ‘De innovativiteit van verschillende sectoren in de Nederlandse agrovoedingsindustrie. Een longitudinale studie van 1997 t/m 2003’, door M.H. Batterink, E.F.M. Wubben en S.W.F. Omta, november 2005 (Werkdocument Leerstoelgroep Bedrijfskunde van de Wageningen Universiteit, Wageningen). ‘The Relation Between Geographic Distance and the Success of New Product Development in SME’s’, by Ivo van Alphen , November 2005 (Master Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam). ‘Connectivity and co-location in innovation processes of Dutch firms’, by Pieter J.M. de Bruijn and Frank G. van Oort, submitted for publication in Creative Regions. December 2005.
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‘Testing for Complementarity and Substitutability in Case of Multiple Practices’, by Boris Lokshin, Martin Carree and René Belderbos, February 2004 (Department of Organization and Strategy, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Maastricht University). ‘The Timing of Investment Episodes in the Netherlands’, by Julian Fennema, Wilko Letterie and Gerard Pfann, February 2004 (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Maastricht University). ‘Clusters geen Walhalla voor innovatie’, door Pieter de Bruijn, Jos Muskens en Walter Manshanden (TNO Inro), Economische en Statistische Berichten, no 4428, maart 2004. ‘ICT, Innovation and Business Performance in Services: Evidence for Germany and the Netherlands’, by Thomas Hempell, George van Leeuwen and Henry van der Wiel, in The Economic Impact of ICT. Measurement, Evidence and Implications (OECD, Paris, 2004). ‘Cooperative R&D and Firm Performance’, by René Belderbos, Martin Carree and Boris Lokshin, April 2004 (Department of Organization and Strategy, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Maastricht University). ‘Dynamics of Labour and Capital Adjustment – A Comparison of Germany and the Netherlands’, by Michael Polder and Sher Verick, April 2004 (Department of Quantitative Economics, Maastricht University). ‘Uitdieping diensten CIS3. Quick scan naar het effect van bedrijfsgrootte en branche op innovativiteit’, door Jeroen Segers, Tom Poot en Pim den Hertog, april 2004 (Dialogic, Utrecht). ‘Uneto-VNI Detailuitwerking CIS3. Detailuitwerking van de innovativiteit binnen de bouwinstallatie’, door Jeroen Segers en Pim den Hertog, mei 2004 (Dialogic, Utrecht). ‘Interrogating the ILC: The Link between Types of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics’, by Orietta Marsili, Toke Reichstein and Ammon Salter, May 2004 (Rotterdam School of Management, Rotterdam). ‘Searching for Structure: The Distribution of Firm Growth Rates in the Netherlands’, by Orietta Marsili, Toke Reichstein and Ammon Salter, May 2004 (Rotterdam School of Management, Rotterdam). ‘An Empirically-Based Taxonomy of Dutch Manufacturing: Innovation Policy Implications’, by Wladimir Raymond, Pierre Mohnen, Franz Palm and Sybrand Schim van der Loeff, May 2004 (University of Maastricht). ‘Concurrentiekracht en innovatie in Zuid-Holland’, door P. J. M. de Bruijn en W. J. J. Manshanden, Notitie, mei 2004 (TNO Inro, Delft). ‘ICT and Productivity’, by Henry van der Wiel and George van Leeuwen, in Fostering Productivity, Patterns, Determinants and Policy Implications. Contributions to Economic Analysis no. 263, Elsevier Publishers, Amsterdam, June 2004. ‘Informatie en communicatietechnologie in Noord-Nederland. Onderzoek in opdracht van de Noordelijke Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij (NOM)’, door Pieter de Bruijn en Walter Manshanden, juli 2004 (TNO Inro, Delft). ‘The Effect of Firm Dynamics and Differences Between Firms on Productivity in the EU and US’, by Eric Bartelsman, July 2004 (Netherlands’Ministry of Economic Affairs).
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‘Innovation and Jobs: a Micro-and-Macro Perspective’, by Bart Verspagen, June 2004 (Eindhoven Centre for Innovation Studies, Eindhoven University of Technology). ‘The ‘Inequality’ of Innovation: Skewed Distributions and the Return to Innovation in Dutch Manufacturing’, by Orietta Marsili and Ammon Salter, July 2004 (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam). ‘Factor Adjustment Spikes and Interrelation: An Empirical Investigation’, by Wilko A. Letterie, Gerard A. Pfann and J. Michael Polder, Economics Letters 85 (2004), 145150. ‘Physical Indicators as a Basis for Estimating Developments in Energy Efficiency in the Dutch Industry’, by Maarten Neelis, Andrea Ramirez and Martin Patel, August 2004 (Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation, Utrecht University). ‘Economische prestaties van technostarters’; Resultaten, door Niels Bosma, Carolien van de Graaf en Wim Verhoeven, augustus 2004 (EIM Onderzoek voor Bedrijf & Beleid). ‘Foreign Direct Investment and Science and Technology Infrastructure in Small Countries: Evidence from Finland and the Netherlands’, by Cees van Beers, Elina Berghäll and Tom Poot, September 2004 (Section Economics of Innovation, Delft University of Technology). ‘Mapping innovation: regional dimensions and networking in the Netherlands’, by Pieter de Bruijn (TNO Inro), Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 95 (2004), 433-440. ‘Non-linear Investment Dynamics and Labor Adjustment’, by Michael Polder, Gerard Pfann and Wilko Letterie, October 2004 (Department of Quantitative Economics, Maastricht University). ‘Beloningsverschillen tussen de marktsector en collectieve sector in 2001’, door Arjan Heyma, Ernest Berkhout, Wiemer Salverda and Maarten Biermans, september 2004 (Stichting voor Economisch Onderzoek (SEO), Universiteit van Amsterdam). ‘Kennis op de kaart. Ruimtelijke patronen in de kenniseconomie’, door Otto Raspe (RPB), Frank van Oort (RPB) en Pieter de Bruin (TNO Inro), november 2004 (Ruimtelijk Planbureau, Den Haag). ‘A Matter of Life and Death: Innovation and Firm Survival’, by Elena Cefis and Orietta Marsili, December 2004 (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam). ‘The Role of Codified Sources of Knowledge in Innovation: Empirical Evidence From Dutch Manufacturing’, by Stefano Brusoni, Orietta Marsili and Ammon Salter, December 2004 (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam). ‘Real Estate Prices and Innovation’, by Pieter de Bruijn (TNO Inro) and Otto Raspe (Netherlands Institute for Spatial Research), Property NL Research Quarterly 3, 4 (2004), 10-15. ‘Adding Apples and Oranges. The Monitoring of Energy Efficiency in the Dutch Food Industry’, by C.A. Ramirez, K. Blok, M. Neelis and M. Patel (Copernicus Institute, Utrecht University), December 2004, forthcoming in Energy Policy. Determinanten van kennisintensieve onderzoeks- en ontwikkelingssamenwerking, door A.P. Poot, Dissertatie Technische Universiteit Delft, 20 december 2004. ‘Innovatiekracht in kaart’, door Pieter de Bruijn (TNO Inro) en Frank van Oort (RPB), Bijlage C2 in Kennis en Economie 2004 CBS (nog te verschijnen).
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‘Investment and Financing Decisions when Liquidation is Costly’, by A. Bruinshoofd and W. A. Letterie, January 2003 (Research Department, De Nederlandsche Bank / Department of Management Sciences, Maastricht University). ‘Loont het investeren in het personeel?’, door Jasper van Loo en Andries de Grip, januari 2003 (Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt, Universiteit Maastricht). ‘Relatie ICT en productiviteit: Een analyse met Nederlandse bedrijfsgegevens’, door George van Leeuwen en Henry van der Wiel, CPB Memorandum 57, februari 2003 (Centraal Planbureau). Verkorte versie in CPB Report 2003/2. ‘ICT, innovaties en productiviteit: Een analyse met Nederlandse bedrijfsgegevens’, door George van Leeuwen en Henry van der Wiel, CPB Memorandum 61, maart 2003 (Centraal Planbureau). Verkorte versie in CPB Report 2003/2. ‘Comparative Analysis of Firm Demographics and Survival: Micro-Level Evidence for the OECD Countries’ by Eric Bartelsman, Stefano Scarpetta and Fabiano Schivardi, Working Paper No. 348, January 2003 (Economics Department, OECD). ‘The Regional Dimension of Co-operation Aimed at Innovation; A Quantitative Exploration’, by P J. M. de Bruijn, A. C. Muskens and B. Kuipers, TNO Inro report 200322, April 2003 (TNO Inro, Delft). Corporate Investment and Liquidity Holdings, by Allard Bruinshoofd, Dissertation University Maastricht, 15 May 2003. ‘The Impact of Computers on Productivity in the Trade Sector: Explorations with Dutch Microdata’, by L. Broersma, R. H. McGuckin and M. P. Timmer, De Economist 151 (2003), 53-79. ‘Stability and Turbulence in the Size Distribution of Firms: Evidence from Dutch Manufacturing’ by Orietta Marsili, May 2003 (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam). ‘Improvement of CO2 emission estimates from the non-energy use of fossil fuels in the Netherlands’ by Maarten Neelis, Martin Patel and Marga de Feber, Report NW&S-E2003-10, April 2003 (Copernicus Institute, Universiteit Utrecht). ‘Competition in the Netherlands and Belgium. An Empirical Analysis of the Service Sector’ by Jeroen Dikker Hupkes, Graduate Thesis, May 2003 (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Maastricht University). ‘Internationalisering van innovatie: een verkenning van twee gegevensbronnen’, door Robert Goedegebuure, in Kennis en economie 2002 (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Voorburg/Heerlen, 2003). ‘Innovative Behaviour and Productivity in Dutch Logistics Industries’, by Lourens Broersma and Jeroen Segers, May 2003 (Department of Economics, University of Groningen / Dialogic, Utrecht). ‘The Measurement and Decomposition of Productivity Change: Exercises on the Netherlands’ Manufacturing Industry’, by Bert M. Balk and Ellen Hoogenboom-Spijker, May 2003, Discussion paper 03001 (Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg/Heerlen). ‘Are Dutch Services Industries Becoming More Productive? Explorations on Micro-data’, by Jacco Daalmans, May 2003, Discussion paper 03002 (Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg/Heerlen). Human Resource Management in het Midden- en Kleinbedrijf, door Jan de Kok, Dissertation Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 26 juni 2003. ‘Provinciale benchmark voor innovatie; een pilotstudie voor de provincie Zuid-Holland’, door P. J. M. de Bruijn, 18 juni 2003, Notitie (TNO Inro, Delft).
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‘Heterogeneity in R&D Cooperation Strategies’, by René Belderbos, Martin Carree, Bert Diederen, Boris Lokshin, and Reinhilde Veugelers, 30 June 2003 (Department of Organization and Strategy, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Maastricht University). ‘Greasing the Wheels of Trade: Measuring the Dutch Transaction Sector with Occupational Data’, by Hendrik P. van Dalen and Aico van Vuuren, 1 July 2003 (Department of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam). ‘WBSO nader beschouwd. Onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van de WBSO’ door Erik Brouwer, Pim den Hertog, Tom Poot, en Jeroen Segers, juni 2002, EZ Onderzoeksreeks 4 (Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Den Haag). ‘Een verkenning van internationale kennistransfers’, door Frank Bongers, Robert Goedegebuure, Pim den Hertog en Jeroen Segers (Dialogic, Utrecht). ‘Naar een meetlat voor wisselwerking’, door Frank Bongers, Pim den Hertog, Rens Vandeberg en Jeroen Segers, oktober 2003 (Dialogic, Utrecht). ‘Nulmeting Projectmatig SamenwerkingsInstrument’, door Erik Brouwer, Pim den Hertog, Tom Poot en Jeroen Segers (Dialogic, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, TUDelft). ‘Op zoek naar productiviteitsgroei. Effecten van ICT en innovatie op bedrijfsniveau in Nederland’, door Henry van der Wiel en George van Leeuwen, CPB Document No. 41, december 2003 (Centraal Planbureau). ‘Survivers: The Role of Innovation in Firms’Survival’, by Elena Cefis and Orietta Marsili, November 2003 (University of Bergamo and Utrecht School of Economics, Rotterdam School of Management), Discussion Paper 03-18 Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute, Utrecht School of Economics. ‘Auteursrecht, economische lust of last? Een empirische studie naar de economische aspecten van het auteursrecht in het Nederlandse multimediacluster’, door Rudi Bekkers, Barbara Baarsma e.a., september 2003 (Dialogic, Utrecht / SEO, Amsterdam). ‘ICT en TFP: levert ICT spillovers in Nederland?’, door George van Leeuwen en Henry van der Wiel, CPB Memorandum 80, 10 november 2003 (Centraal Planbureau). Verkorte versie in CPB Report 2003/3. ‘Do ICT Spillovers Matter? Evidence from Dutch Firm-Level Data’, by George van Leeuwen and Henry van der Wiel, CPB Discussion Paper No. 26, November 2003 (Centraal Planbureau). ‘ICT, ruimte en mobiliteit. De gevolgen van de opkomst van ICT voor ruimtegebruik en transport’, door MuConsult, oktober 2003 (Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer). 2002
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‘Het belang van handelsberoepen in Nederland’ door Aico van Vuuren (Afdeling Algemene- en Ontwikkelingseconomie, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). Empirical Analysis of Job Search Using Novel Types of Data, by Aico van Vuuren, Dissertation Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 22 January 2002 (Research Series no. 267, Tinbergen Institute). ‘On the Contribution of Innovation to Multi-Factor Productivity Growth’ by George van Leeuwen and Luuk Klomp, Research paper no. 0201 (Methods and Informatics Department, Statistics Netherlands). ‘Linking Innovation to Productivity Growth Using Two Waves of CIS’ by George van Leeuwen, Research paper no. 0202 (Methods and Informatics Department, Statistics Netherlands).
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‘Size and Causes of the Occupational Gender Wage Gap in the Netherlands’ by Judith M. P. de Ruijter, Anneke van Doorne-Huiskes and Joop J. Schippers, 18 February 2002 (Department of Sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam). ‘Gender Composition Effects in the Netherlands: A Multilevel Analysis of Occupational Wage Inequality’ by Judith M. P. de Ruijter and M. L. Huffman, 20 February 2002 (Department of Sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam). ‘The Role of Codified Sources of Knowledge in Innovation: Empirical Evidence from Dutch Manufacturing’ by Stefano Brusoni, Orietta Marsili and Ammon Salter, February 2002 (ECIS, Eindhoven University of Technology). ‘Technology and the Dynamics of Industrial Structures: An Empirical Mapping of Dutch Manufacturing’ by Orietta Marsili and Bart Verspagen, Industrial and Corporate Change 11 (2002), 791-815. ‘Synergie door interne kapitaalmarkt’ door A. Bruinshoofd, B. Diederen en W. Letterie, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 8 maart 2002. ‘The Impact of Computers on Productivity in the Trade Sector: Explorations with Dutch Microdata’, by L. Broersma, R. H. McGuckin and M. P. Timmer, March 2002 (Department of Economics and Department of Spatial Science, University of Groningen). ‘Technology and the Size Distribution of Firms: Evidence from Dutch Manufacturing’ by Orietta Marsili, March 2002 (ECIS, Eindhoven University of Technology). ‘Rapportage Onderzoek Loonkosten Zorgsector t.b.v. Evaluatie OVA’, 19 april 2002 (Micromacro Consultants, Den Haag). Absorption of Immigrants in European Labour Markets. The Netherlands, United Kingdom and Norway, by Aslan Zorlu, Dissertation University of Amsterdam, 23 May 2002 (Research Series No. 279, Tinbergen Institute). ‘Sectorale loonverschillen voor algemene en categorale ziekenhuizen’ door A. Hoogendoorn en A. G. C. van Lomwel, juni 2002 (Center Applied Research, Tilburg). ‘Cultuur op het web. Het informatieaanbod op websites van musea en theaters’ door Jolijn Broekhuizen en Frank Huysmans, Werkdocument 84, juni 2002 (Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau). ‘On Growth Frontiers and Labour Market Policies’, by Adriaan van Zon and Mark Sanders, May 2002 (MERIT, Maastricht University). ‘Factor Adjustment Spikes and Interrelation: An Empirical Investigation’, by Wilko A. Letterie, Gerard A. Pfann and J. Michael Polder, September 2002 (BIRC, Maastricht University). Occupational Wage Differences: A Gender Approach, by Judith de Ruijter, Dissertation Erasmus University Rotterdam, 15 November 2002. ‘The Impact of Firm-Provided Training on Production; Testing for Firm-Size Effects’, by Jan de Kok, International Small Business Journal 20 (2002), 271-295. ‘Internal Capital Markets in Dutch Firms’, by Allard Bruinshoofd, Bert Diederen and Wilko Letterie, Kredit und Kapital 35 (2002), 437-459. ‘Kruissubsidiëring in de familiepraktijk. Een empirische studie naar de kosten en opbrengsten in de familiepraktijk van het notariaat’, door Maurice Dykstra en Rob Aalbers, december 2002 (SEOR bv, OCFEB). ‘Using Firm Data to Assess the Performance of Equilibrium Search Models of the Labor Market’, by G. J. van den Berg and A. van Vuuren, Annales d’Economie et de Statistique 67/68 (2002), 227-256. 2001
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‘On the Identification of Nonlinearities in Equipment Investment Expenditures’, by Wilko Letterie and Gerard A. Pfann, March 2001 (Business Investment Research Center, Maastricht University). ‘Does Proximity Matter for Knowledge Spillovers in the Netherlands’, by S. Beugelsdijk and M. Cornet, Research paper no 0111 (Methods and Informatics Department, Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg). ‘Technological Regimes and Innovation: Looking for Regularities in Dutch Manufacturing’, by O. Marsili and B. Verspagen, April 2001 (ECIS, Eindhoven University of Technology). ‘Innovation in the Dutch Construction Cluster’, by P. den Hertog and E. Brouwer, OECD Cluster Focus Group Workshop January 2001. ‘Ethnicity and Gender in the Dutch Labour Market’, by A. Zorlu, January 2001 (Department of Economics, University of Amsterdam). ‘Labour Market Competition Between Native Dutch and Ethnic Minorities’, by A. Zorlu and J. Hartog, May 2001 (Department of Economics, University of Amsterdam). ‘Samen Innoveren, een Onderzoek naar Publiek-Private en Private Kennisrelaties in Nederland’, door A. P. Poot en E. Brouwer, Beleidsstudies Technologie Economie 35, Februari 2001 (Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Den Haag). Samenvatting in Kennis en economie 2001 (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Voorburg/Heerlen, 2001), par. 6.2. ‘Clustering en Industriële Clusters in Nederland’, door J. J. M. Rats, doctoraalscriptie (Algemene Economie, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam). ‘Productivity and Firm Dynamics: Evidence from Microdata. A Progress Report’, Working Party No. 1 on Macroeconomic and Structural Policy Analysis, March 2001 (Economics Department, OECD, Paris). ‘Buitenlandse Bedrijven en Kennisintensiteit, Hoofdstuk 3’ door E. Brouwer, Rapport 01 5N 51471 082, April 2001 (TNO Inro, Delft). ‘Een expertonderzoek naar de waarde van beroepen (An expert research on occupational ‘worth’)’ door Judith de Ruijter, Mens en Maatschappij 76, nr. 4 (december 2001). ‘Comparative Analysis of Firm Demographics and Survival: Micro-Level Evidence for the OECD Countries’ by Eric Bartelsman, Stefano Scarpetta and Fabiano Schivardi. Paper presented at the International Conference on Comparative Analysis of Enterprise (micro) Data, 8-10 October 2001, Aarhus, Denmark. ‘Investment Spikes and Labor Demand’ by Wilko Letterie, Gerard Pfann and Michael Polder, October 2001 (Business Investment Research Centre, Maastricht University). ‘Marktwerking en Productiviteit’ door Flóra Felsö, Marie-Louise Kok en Jules Theeuwes, oktober 2001 (Stichting voor Economisch Onderzoek der Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam). ‘Linking Innovation and Firm Performance: A New Approach’ by Luuk Klomp and George van Leeuwen, International Journal of the Economics of Business 8 (2001), 343364. ‘Innovation and Productivity in Services’ by Henry van der Wiel, CPB Report 2001/1, 2936. ‘Innovation in ICT Services: Explorations with Micro Data for The Netherlands’ by Lourens Broersma and Erik Brouwer, September 2001 (Department of Economics and Spatial Science, University of Groningen). ‘Innovatie en economische prestaties’ door Luuk Klomp, George van Leeuwen en Ronald van der Stegen, in Kennis en economie 2001 (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Voorburg/Heerlen, 2001).
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‘The Innovative Process in Commercial Services and its Proper Climate; Assessing the Facts for The Netherlands’ by Lourens Broersma, August 2001 (Department of Economics and Spatial Science, University of Groningen). ‘The Role of Services in Innovative Clusters’ by Lourens Broersma, October 2001 (Department of Economics and Spatial Science, University of Groningen). 2000
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‘Modelling Returns to R&D: An Application on Size-Effects’, by Peter Brouwer and Henry Nieuwenhuijsen, Research Report 9908/E, January 2000 (EIM Small Business Research and Consultancy, Zoetermeer). ‘Scale Efficiency and Productivity Change’, by Bert M. Balk, Research paper no. 0001 (Department of Statistical Methods, Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg). ‘Determinants of Days Lost from Work due to Illness: A Microanalysis on Firm-Level Data’, by Martin Boon, Research paper no. 0007 (Department of Statistical Methods, Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg). ‘Creation and Analysis of Linked Employer-Employee Microdata’, by Martin Boon, Research paper no. 0011 (Department of Statistical Methods, Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg). ‘The Impact of Firm-Provided Training on Production: Testing for Firm-Size Effects’, by Jan M. P. de Kok, Discussion paper TI 2000-073/3 (Tinbergen Institute Rotterdam). Technological Change and the Dynamics of Industries, by Machiel F. van Dijk, Thesis, October 2000 (University Maastricht). ‘The Effect of Labor Market Search Frictions on Wages’, by G. J. van den Berg and A. van Vuuren, December 2000 (Department of Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). ‘Comparative Advantages in Estimating Markups’, by F. A. Hindriks, H. R. Nieuwenhuijsen, G. de Wit, Research Report 0003/E, June 2000 (EIM Small Business Research and Consultancy, Zoetermeer). ‘Measuring Competition: How are Cost Differentials Mapped into Profit Differentials?’, by J. Boone and J. Weigand, Working Paper no. 131, November 2000 (CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, The Hague). ‘Innovation in Services: Explorations with Micro Data of Retail Trade and Technical Engineering in the Netherlands’, by L. Broersma and E. Brouwer, Conference on Innovation in Services, Lille, June 2000. ‘Innovation Indicators for the Retailing Industry: A Meso Perspective’, by P. den Hertog and E. Brouwer, December 2000 (Dialogic, Utrecht). ‘Innovation Indicators for the Technical Engineering Industry: A Meso Perspective’, by R. Bilderbeek and E. Brouwer, November 2000 (Dialogic, Utrecht). ‘Key Data on the Dutch Information and Communication Cluster’, by E. Brouwer and P. den Hertog, OECD Cluster Focus Group Workshop May 2000. ‘Impact en Gebruik Instrumenten Technologiebeleid’, door E. Brouwer en P. den Hertog, December 2000 (Dialogic, Utrecht). ‘Fiscale Instrumenten Effectief in Stimulering van Milieugerichte Innovatie, Deel 3’, Projectnr. 488224.01, Rapportnr. 00.007, Juni 2000 (PricewaterhouseCoopers, Den Haag). ‘Switching Regression Models and the Identification of Investment Spikes’, by Wilko Letterie and Gerard A. Pfann, November 2000 (Business Investment Research Center, Maastricht University). 1999
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‘Productivity and Efficiency in the Dutch Construction Industry’, by P. Brouwer, Research paper no. 9916 (Department of Statistical Methods, Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg). ‘R&D-uitgaven van bedrijven: feiten en verklaringen’, door P. Donselaar en A. Knoester, Beleidsstudies Technologie Economie 34, December 1999 (Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Den Haag). ‘Labour Productivity in Dutch Business Services: The Role of Entry and Exit’, by H. van der Wiel, CAED’99 cdrom (Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg). ‘The Impact of Computers on Productivity in the Trade Sector: Explorations with Dutch Microdata’, by L. Broersma and R. H. McGuckin, CAED’99 cdrom (Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg); Research Memorandum GD-45 (Groningen Growth and Development Centre, 1999). ‘Conduct and Performance in Dutch Manufacturing’, by F. A. Hindriks, H. R. Nieuwenhuijsen and A. J. van Stel, Research Report 9904/E, July 1999 (EIM Small Business Research and Consultancy, Zoetermeer). ‘Productivity and Specificity in Factor Inputs’, by Eric J. Bartelsman, in Micro- and Macrodata of Firms, edited by S. Biffignandi (Physica-Verlag, 1999). ‘The Bond Market: The Effect of Reputation on Internal Funds’, by M. van Leuvensteijn, CAED’99 cdrom (Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg). ‘Corporate Liquidity Demands in the Netherlands’, by A. Bruinshoofd, CAED’99 cdrom (Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg). ‘Determinants of Mark-ups in Dutch Construction Firms’, by J. Meijaard and M. H. C. Lever, CAED’99 cdrom (Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg). Benchmarking the Dutch Electricity Network Utilities’, by M. Dykstra and A. Hoen, August 1999 (IOO bv, Den Haag). ‘Distinguishing between Productivity and Demand Effects of R&D’, by George van Leeuwen and Henry R. Nieuwenhuijsen, Research paper no. 9905 (Department of Statistical Methods, Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg). ‘The Importance of Innovation for Firm Performance’, by Luuk Klomp and George van Leeuwen, Research paper no. 9936 (Department of Statistical Methods, Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg). 1998
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‘The Impact of Competition on Productivity in Dutch Manufacturing’, by M. H. C. Lever and H. R. Nieuwenhuijsen, Strategic Study, July 1998 (EIM Small Business Research and Consultancy, Zoetermeer). ‘R&D en Bedrijfsprestaties’, door G. van Leeuwen en H. R. Nieuwenhuijsen, Strategische Verkenning, Augustus 1998 (EIM Small Business Research and Consultancy, Zoetermeer). ‘Efficiency and Productivity Measurement, an Application’, by Sonja Greve, Research paper no. 9813 (Department of Statistical Methods, Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg). ‘Parametric estimation of technical and allocative efficiencies and productivity changes: a case study’, by B. M. Balk and G. van Leeuwen, Research paper no. 9820 (Department of Statistical Methods, Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg). ‘Determinants of Employee Training in Dutch Manufacturing Firms’, by Martin Boon, Research paper no. 9821 (Department of Statistical Methods, Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg).
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‘Employee training and productivity in Dutch manufacturing firms’, by Martin Boon and Ben van der Eijken, Research paper no. 9716 (Department of Statistical Methods, Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg).