Selected Publications reviewed papers Gervain, Judit and Gabor Zemplen. 2005. "Focus-raising: A paradigmatic example of the treatment of syntactic variation". In: Leonie Cornips and Karen P. Corrigan (eds.): Syntax and Variation: Reconciling the Biological and the Social. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 123-145. Gervain, J. 2005. „Resumption and Movement in Hungarian Focus-Raising Constructions”. In: Kenesei, I., Siptár, P., Piñón, C. (eds.): Approaches to Hungarian 9. Budapest:Akadémiai Kiadó. Gervain, Judit. 2004. "The Syntax and the Semantics of the Resumptive Dependency in Hungarian Focus-raising Constructions". In Benjamin Shaer, Werner Frey, Claudia Maienborn (eds.): Proceedings of the Dislocated Elements Workshop (ZAS Berlin, November 2003), ZAS Papers in Linguistics, 35:1, 111-131. Gervain, J. and Pléh, Cs. 2004. „Igevonzatok a magyar mondatmegértésben” [Verbal complements in Hungrian sentence processing]. In: Pléh, Cs. and Gervain, J. (ed.). to appear. Láthatatlan megismerés [Invisible science papers in cognitive science from the students of the Invisible College], Budapest: Osiris. Gervain, J. 2003. “Where is the Lexicon?”. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26(6): 678-679. Gervain, J. 2003. “Syntactic microvariation and methodology: Problems and Perspectives”. Acta Linguistica Hungarica, 50 (3-4): 405434. Gervain, J. 2002. „Az olvasás gyönyöre? ” [The pleasure of reading? A state of the art report on dyslexia research]. Pszichológiai Szemle [The Hungarian Review of Psychology], 57:3, 435-464. Gervain, J. 2001. „Adaptáció, exaptáció vagy csoda?” [Adaptation, exaptation or miracle?] In: Kampis, Gy and Ropolyi, L. (eds.): Evolúció és megismerés [Evolution and Cognition]. Budapest: Typotex, 123-132. Gervain, J. 2001. „When Chomsky meets Searle” In: Kertész, A. (ed.): The pragmatics of scientific discourse, Frankfurt-am-Main: Lang Verlag, 113-133. other papers Zemplén, G. and Gervain, J. forthcoming. „Az elefántcsonttorony átépítése: a normativitás mint a generatív nyelvészet módszertani és episztemológiai problémája” [Rebuilding the ivory tower: normativity as a
methodological and epistemological problem in generative grammar]. In: Kelemen, J. (ed.): Proceedings of the Conference „Norma, kijelentés, cselekvés” [Norm, propositions, acts: annual conference of the Hungarian Philosophical Association]. Gervain, J. 2002. „Focus-Raising in Hungarian: Resumption and Movement”. In Alberti, G., Balogh, K., Dekker, P. (eds.): Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Logic and Language. Pécs. Gervain, J. 1999. „Minimalista-e a nyelv?” [Is language minimalist?]. Tudomány és Lélek, 2:4. talks Gervain, J. 2004. „Learning the discrimination and the order of morphemes: A cross-linguistic comparison”. Talk presented at the „Symbols and Connections” Workshop, 29th-31st October 2004, Venice (San Servolo), Italy Gervain, J. 2003. „Resumptive pronouns: traces or variables?” Talk presented at the ESSLLI’03 Student Session, 18th29th August 2003, Vienna, Austria. Gervain, J. 2003. „Language Variation and Linguistic Methodology”. Talk presented at the 2nd International Conference on Language Variation, 12th-14th June, 2003, Uppsala, Sweden. Gervain, J. 2003. „Nyelvevolúció újra: Chomsky megtért?” [Language evolution revisited: Chomsky’s conversion?]. Talk presented at the XI. Makog [11th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Cognitive Science Society], 30th January-1st February, 2003, Pécs, Hungary. Gervain, J. and Zemplén, G. 2002. „Az elefántcsonttorony átépítése? Normativitás a generatív nyelvészetben” [Rebuilding the ivory tower: normativity in generative grammar]. Talk presented at „Norma, kijelentés, cselekvés” [Norms, propositions, acts], the annual conference of the Hungarian Philosophical Association, 26th-28th October 2002, Budapest, Hungary. Gervain, J. 2002. „Resumption and Movement in Hungarian Focus-raising Constructions”. Talk presented at the 6th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian, 12th-13th September 2002, Düsseldorf, Germany. Gervain, J.2002. „Focus-Raising in Hungarian: Resumption and Movement”. Talk presented at the „Seventh Symposium on Logic and Language”, 26th-29th August 2002, Pécs, Hungary. Gervain, J. 2001. „A képességzavarok és részképességzavarok élettani alapjai: a diszlexia esete” [The biological bases of specific cognitive deficits: the case of dyslexia] Talk presented as part of an advanced specialization course for junior
high school and high school teachers, 7th November 2001, Budapest, Hungary Gervain, J. 2001. „Adaptáció, exaptáció vagy csoda?” [Adaptation, exaptation or miracle?] Talk presented at the 9th Annual Conference of the Hungarian Cognitive Science Society, 1st-3rd February 2001, Visegrád, Hungary Gervain, J. 2000. „Vonzatelvásárok a magyar mondatmegértésben” [Expectations on complementaton in Hungarian sentence processing]. Poster presented at Pszichológia 2000 (Annual Conference of the Psychological Association), Budapest, 31st May-2nd June, 2000. book reviews Gervain, J. 2002. „Hol tart ma a generatív nyelvészet?” [Generative linguistics: a state of the art report — book review on Noam Chomsky. 2000. New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind. Cambridge: CUP.]. Pszichológiai Szemle [The Hungarian Review of Psychology], 57:3, 509-512. Gervain, J. 2002. „Madár-madarak, tanár-tanarak?” [book review on Pléh, Cs. and Lukács, Á. 2001. A magyar morfológia pszicholingvisztikája. Budapest: Osiris. Pszichológiai Szemle [The Hungarian Review of Psychology], 57:2, 371-388. Gervain, J. 2002. book review on Pléh, Cs et al. (eds.): Lélek és evolúció [Mind and evolution]. Budapest: Osiris, 2001. Magyar Tudomány [Journal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences], 1, 126-127. Gervain, J. 2001. „A szándék a fontos” [It is intention that matters — book review on Michael Tomasello.1999. The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP]. Pszichológiai Szemle LVI: 2, 335-340. Gervain, J.2001. book review on Hommage à Iván Fónagy. (special issue of Journal of French Studies. 1999. Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest) Modern Nyelvoktatás 7: 2-3, 98101. Gervain, J. 2000. „Ösztön-e a nyelv?” [Is language really an instinct? — book review on the Hungarian translation of Steven Pinker's Language Instinct]. Magyar Tudomány. 2000: 2. Gervain, J. 2000. book review on A magyar nyelv az informatika korában ([Hungarian in the age of informatics – strategic research programs of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences] Glatz, F. (ed.). 1999. Magyar Tudományos Akadémia: Budapest.) Modern Nyelvoktatás 6: 2-3, 9596.
Editing co-editor to Pléh Cs. and Gervain J. (ed.). forthcoming. Láthatatlan nyelv [Invisible language - papers in linguistics and the psychology of language from students and tutors of the Invisible College], Budapest: Gondolat. co-editor to Pléh Cs. and Gervain J. (ed.). 2004. Láthatatlan megismerés [Invisible cognition - papers in cognitive science from students and tutors of the Invisible College], Budapest: Gondolat. assistant editor to Kenesei, I. and R. M. Harnish (eds.). 2001. Perspectives on Semantics, Pragmatics and Discourse. Festschrift for Ferenc Kiefer. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. proof-reader to Szécsényi T. (ed.). 2000. LingDok 1. Nyelvészdoktoranduszok Dolgozatai [Papers from the 1st LingDok, National Conference of PhD Students in Linguistics]. Szeged: JATEPress. proof-reader and technical editor to Kenesei, I. (ed.). 1999. Crossing Boundaries. Advances in the Theory of Central and Eastern European Languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. assistant editor, linguistic consultant and proof-reader to Pálfi Gy. et al. (eds.). 1998. Tuberculosis: Past and Present [Trilingual proceedings from ICEPID 2, International Conference on Epidemic and Infectious Diseases]. Szeged–Budapest: Tubekulózis Alapítvány and Golden Book.
Translations Mehler, Jacques, Dupoux, Emmanuel, Gervain Judit. forthcoming. Ember születik [working title]. Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó. (original: Jacques Mehler and Emmanuel Dupoux. 1990. Naître humain. Paris: Odile Jacob.) Canguilhem, Georges. forthcoming. A normális és a kóros [working title]. Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó. (original: Georges Canguilhem. 1966. Le normal et le pathologique, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.) Piaget, Jean. 2005. Szociológiai tanulmányok. Budapest: Osiris. (original: Jean Piaget. 1965. Ecrits sociologiques. Droz: Geneva.) Tomasello, M. 2002. Az emberi gondolkodás kulturális gyökerei. Budapest: Osiris. (original: Michael Tomasello. 1999. The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP.)
Harnad, S. 2002. “Az elme magyarázata: kemény dió”. In Vizi E., Sz. et al. (eds.). Agy és tudat [Brain and Consciousness]. Budapest: Books-in-Press. Dutour, O. et al. 2002. French-English Bilingual Abstract Book of ICEPID 4 (International Conference on Epidemic and Infectious Diseases). Marseille: Presse de l’Université de la Méditerranée. Changeux, J.-P.2000. Agyunk által világosan. Homo neuronalis. Budapest: Typotex. (original: Changeux, J.-P. 1984. L'homme neuronal. Paris: Fayard.)