NAME: Gábor Bakos
BOOKS, BOOK CHAPTERS Az európai KGST-országok külkereskedelmi mechanizmusa (Mechanism of foreign trade management in European CMEA-countries), 93 p. MTA KTI, Budapest 1973 A szocialista országok gazdasági mechanizmusa (Economic mechnism of socialist countries) (Ed. N.P.Fedorenko), 330 p., pp.23-52, 110-143, 265-294, Budapest 1984, Moscow 1982, Prague 1988 A komparatív elınyökrıl (On comparative advantages), 172 p., MTA KTI, Budapest 1985 New Regional Developments in Post-Communist Europe: Free Trade Zone in Central Europe?, Japanese Capital in Central Europe, in: Economic Transformation in Eastern Europe: Privatization and Foreign Investments (I.Zloch ed.), 241 p., Bank Austria 1993, pp.165-184, 195-214 Japán csoda (Japanese Miracle), 211 p., Dunakönyv, Budapest 1995 Hungary’s Road to Privatization, New Regional Developments in Post-Communist Europe: Free Trade Zone in Central Europe?, Magyar Suzuki: Case Study of Japanese Investment, in: Privatization and Foreign Investments in Eastern Europe (I.Zloch ed.) 254 p., Praeger 1995, pp. 95-106, 157-182, 197-214 Transition in Hungary, in: Chutoo (Central Eastern Europe, in Japanese) (K.Morita ed.) 251 p., Dobunkan, Tokyo 1996, pp. 13-30 Magyar Suzuki and the Emergence of Japanese Direct Investment in Central Europe, in: Japan and the European Periphery (J.Darby ed.), 265 p., MacMillan 1996, pp. 244-254 CEFTA: A Free Trade Zone in Central Europe? In: Trade and Payments in Central and Eastern Europe’s Transforming Economies (L.Orlowski ed.), 380 p., Greenwood Press 1997, pp. 237-260 Can Japanese Experience be Useful for Transforming Economies? In: Eastern Europe and the World Economy (I.Zloch ed.) 293 p., Elgar 1998, pp. 200-229 Hungary to Introduce the Euro (in Japanese), in: Post-Socialist Countries in Transition (H.Yoshino ed.), 182 p., Asia Economic Research Institute (Tokyo), 2004, pp. 61-93 Euro and the Budget Deficit Problem, the Hungarian Case (in Japanese), in: Reform and Development in Transitional Economies (H.Yoshino ed.) 184 p., Asia Economic Research Institute (Tokyo), 2005, pp. 95-111 EU and EU Enlargement (in Japanese), in: Gendai Shakairon (N.Kamo ed.), 362 p., Sekai Shisosha, Kyoto 2006, pp. 284-301
ARTICLES The Connection between External and Home Market Prices in CMEA Countries, Acta Slavica Iaponica, 1985 III., Sapporo, pp. 80-105 Economic and Political Reform in Hungary, Bulletin of Hitotsubashi University, 1988 June Eastern European Reforms at Turning Point (in Japanese), Toyo Keizai, 1991 March The Problem of International Values, Mainly from a Hungarian and Japanese Perspective, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 1992 June, pp. 69-93 Japanese Capital in Central Europe, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 1992 December, pp. 149-168 Eastern Europe after the Collapse of COMECON (in Japanese), Heiwa Keizai, 1993.3. pp. 23-39 Turning away from Russia and towards Democratization (in Japanese), Toyo Keizai, 1993 May, pp. 48-55 Foreign investments in Eastern Europe (in Japanese), Japan Institute for Overseas Investment, 1993 May Privatization in Hungary (in Czech), Politická ekonomie, Prague, 1993 No.5, pp. 45-67 Das Projekt Magyar Suzuki, Münchner Japanischer Anzeiger, 1993 No.3, pp. 20-34 Magyar Suzuki, The Hungarian Quarterly, 1993 Summer, pp. 81-86 After COMECON: Free Trade Zone in Central Europe?, Europe-Asia Studies 1993 No.6, pp. 1025-1044 Hungarian Transition After 3 Years, Europe-Asia Studies 1994 No.7, pp. 1189-1214 Japanese Direct Investments in Eastern Europe, Chukyo Shogaku Ronso, 1995. No.1, pp.4762 Seed Money Approach in Japanese Technology Policy, Hikone Ronso, 1997.No.7, pp. 75-104 Új tendenciák a japán kutatás-fejlesztésben (New Developments in Japanese Science and Technology Policy), Közgazdasági Szemle 1997 No.10, pp. 916-934 Japanese Technology Policy: Lessons for Central Europe (in Russian), Voprosy Ekonomiki (Moscow) 1997. No.9, pp.98-113 Privatizing and Liberalizing Electricity, the Case of Hungary, Energy Policy, 2001 Vol.29, pp. 1119-1132 Peace and Development, Gendai Shakai Kenkyu, 2003 No.3, pp. 29-52 Hungary’s Banking Reform and Introducing the Euro (in Japanese), Gendai Shakai Kenkyu, 2004 No.7, pp. 19-43
DISCUSSION PAPERS Az európai KGST-országok külkereskedelmi mechanizmusa (Mechanism of foreign trade management in European CMEA-countries), 165p., Institute of Economics, Budapest 1972 A világpiaci változások hatása a KGST-országok gazdasági növekedésére (The impact of world market changes on the economic growth of CMEA-countries) 34p., Institute of Economics, Budapest 1977 A külkereskedelem elınyeirıl (On the advantages of foreign trade) 109 p., Institute of Economics, Budapest 1979 A nemzetközi csere és a gazdasági fejlıdés néhány összefüggése (Some interrelations between international trade and economic development) 107 p., Institute of Economics, Budapest 1981 Komparativ elınyök és szocialista külkereskedelmi mechanizmus (Comparative advantages and socialist foreign trade mechanism) 401 p., Institute of Economics, Budapest 1983 A komparatív elınyökrıl (On comparative advantages) 230 p., (Dissertation for the PhD) Institute of Economics, Budapest 1985 Four Lectures on CMEA-trade, 54 p., Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, 1984 A nemzeti mechanizmusok és az integrációs mechanizmus kölcsönhatása (The interaction of national mechanisms and the mechanism of integration) 25 p., Institute of Economics, Budapest 1986 A KGST-országok nemzeti mechanizmusreformjai (Reforms of national mechanisms in CMEA-countries) 50 p., Institute of Economics, Budapest 1987 A KGST-országok gazdaságpolitikai egyeztetésének kérdései (Problems of harmonizing economic policy between CMEA-countries, - in Russian), in: Formirovanie soglasovannoi ekonomicheskoi politiki stran-chlenov SEV, MIEP MSS (International Economic Institute of CMEA), Moscow 1988 A japán nagyvállalat (The Japanese big enterprize) 24 p., Institute of Economics, Budapest 1988 A csehszlovák reform és külgazdasági reorientáció (Czechoslovakian reform and reorientation of external relations) 60 p., Institute of Economics, Budapest 1990 Proposal for the convertibility of the Soviet Rouble, 20 p., Institute of Economics, Budapest 1990 Economic Reform and the Evolution of the Political System in Hungary, 25 p., Institute of Economics, Budapest 1990 Free Trade Zone in Central Europe, 20 p., in: Proceedings of the Sixteenth European Conference, University of Nebraska, 1991 Japanese Capital in Central Europe, 20 p., The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo 1992
Japan and Central Europe: New Subregional Formations and Japan’s Presence, Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Institute for East-West Trade, 40 p. Turku 1993 Governmental Guidance in Japanese Innovations, 55 p., The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo 1993 Japanese R&D Centers to Help Regional Industries (The Brain Program), 35 p., The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo 1994 Foreign Direct Invetments in Central Europe, focussing on Japan’s Role, 41 p., Economic Research Center, Nagoya University 1995 Japanese R&D: new tendencies of the late 1990s, 40 p., International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto 1996 Japanese technology policy: in search of lessons for Eastern Europe, 40 p., International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto 1996 Forecasting technology in Japan, 35 p., International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto 1997 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Magyar-Japán, Japán-Magyar gazdasági szótár (Hungarian-Japanese, Japanese-Hungarian Economic Dictionary) (with: I.Papp), 488 p., Szent István Egyetem, Budapest 2000
MEDIA PRESENCE Economic Reform and East-West Relations, The Japan Times, 13 March 1988 Eastern Bloc Seeks Reform, The Daily Yomiuri, 25 March 1988 Problems of Privatizing Eastern Europe, The Japan Times, 24 February 1991 Hungary is Waiting for Japan (in Japanese), Yomiuri Shimbun, 25 March 1993 Netárháború Japánban (Price-war of net providers in Japan), Népszabadság, 23.05.2002 Molekulamemória (Molecule-memory), Népszabadság, 26.09.2002 Széles sáv és ingyentelefon (Broadband and free phone), Népszabadság, 31.10.2002 A japán net rakétasebességen (Japanese net rocketing), Népszabadság, 20.03.2003 Auranet Japánban (Aura-net in Japan), Népszabadság, 12.12.2003 Netalapú ingyen hálózat (Net-based free network), Népszabadság, 29.04.2004 Ahol harminchétfelé válogatják a szemetet (Where garbage is selected to 37 sorts), Népszabadság, 10.05.2004 Zsugorodó japán óriás (Japanese giant shrinking), Népszabadság, 08.10.2004 Adó a felmelegedés ellen (Tax on global warming), Népszabadság, 27.11.2004
Új internet Ázsiából? (New internet from Asia?), Népszabadság, 04.02.2005 Netes öngyilkosság (Internet suicide), Népszabadság, 06.05.2005 Lehozzák nékünk a Napot is... (Even the sun will be brought to us..., the ITER project), Népszabadság, 21.05.2005 Japán: élesedı médiaharc (Media fight heats up), Népszabadság, 03.06.2005 Háztartási erımő (Home power station), Népszabadság, 22.12.2005 Termálvízbıl áramot (Electricity from hot spring), Népszabadság, 16.01.2006 Napra forgó napelem (Sun led solar battery), Népszabadság, 31.07.2006 Széles sáv a villanyvezetéken (Broadband on power line), Népszabadság, 16.10.2006 BBC correspondent on Japan, 1991-1993