JI. Taman Suropati No. 2 Jakarta 10310
Phone/ Fax: (021) 31931392 Email:
[email protected]
Jakarta, April 9,2013
Ref. No.
Request for Quotation of "Video Production "Rencana Pengamanan Air (RPA)" Project: Water and Sanitation Policy and Action Planning Facility (Phase IU)/WASPOLA. World Bank-Grant TF 095502
Dear Bidders, Bappenas is seeking bids for the supply of Video Production '"Rencana Pengamanan Air (RPA)". Project '. Water and Sanitation Policy and Action Planning Facility (Phase III)IWASPOLA. Fa. this purpose you will find enclosed a sclledule for the service 10 be supplied You are requested to complete this schedule providing us your best offer and return this to us not later than April 15, 2013 at 2.00 pm in a sealed envelopes at above indicated on the envetope 'Water and Sanitation Policy and Action Planning Facility (Phase III)IWASPOLJ\. The outer envelope should contain two sealed envetopes with requested quotations and the best of your portfolio (VCO or DVD format). one marked original and one marked "copy'. and sent to the following address : Panitia Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa - PHLN, BAPPENAS
Ruang Sekretariat Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa PHLN
Gedung Madiun Lantai Basement, JI. Taman Suropati No.2, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Phone/Fax: (021)-31931392
[email protected]
Thank you for your kind attention. Please do nol hesitate to contact us if you have any queries .
Rudi Arifiyanto-,- S.Sos. MALJI.o1SL ChaIrman of Procurement Committee Cc- 1. Direktur Permukirnan dan Perumat1an 2 . PPK Dcpu\l Bidang Sarana dan Prasarana Bappenas
Attachment I ReL No.: 015/UND/PPBJ/PHLN/04/2013 :
Detailed description of the items Specifications Tittle
Video Production "Rencana Pengaman Air Minum (RPA)"'
Sosialization Rencana Pengamanan Air Minufll (RPA)
Semi documentary (indoor dan outdoor)
SI)ooting & Equipment
Pra ProductIOn and Pasca Production
Design of documentary video with narration/dubbing in Indonesian Language (Bahasa) and subt itling in English
Including the interview shots w ith some of related figurp.s, which support the delivery of message, including graphics, tithng (text) and image effects as traction
Editing Script, opening animation , design interfClce, sound lx, ilustration music (mixmg, release), Oubby VO, Full Color)
Duration of content Audio-Visua l tersebut maximum 15 (fIfteen) minutes
Editing Offline & Online
Using the equipment broadcast standart quality
Technica l
Total Price
Video out is PAL system
Output master Digital DVD HD
Duplication : 250 pcs DVD (Including design cover DVl)'s)
The app~ication of the concepts and methods of facilitation ;:Jnd assistance in the field 111 an Clltempl RPA prioritic7 to be one of the roadmap to Cl chieve the tar~et of drinking water In the future. This video contains information on how the Implementat ion of the RPA Clrplied in Clkvrundung , 8anjarmasin, Baknm and Ungga(8n
45 (fourty five) days
lOR 125,000,000
Perubahan iklim, mininlllya updya konservasi hulan dan, buruknya pl'ngelolaan sanltasi telah mengancam kctersedlaan llir baku air minum baik kuantias maupun kualitasnya . 01 sisi lain, minimnya akses tcrhadap sumber air rninum dan mahalnYll biaya pengolahan an minum di perkotaan menyebabkan ketidukterjungkauan masyarilkat bcrpen<]hilsilan
rendah untuk membeJi air minum. Layanan air minum yang berkualitas dan berkesinambungun merupakan salah satu sy,:lI
rnclalui pefpipaan dan non perplpaan. DJlzHn halsanitasi, khusUSllyd pclayanan air limhah dOll1estik, ditargetkan tNwujudnya kondisi STOP Suang f\ir Des
201/, .
PempnuhiJn layanan Clir minuill diln sanitasi
i:ldolah salal, S<1tu torget MDGs {Tujuan
T ,If 9(: t 10) di mana pe !TIer mtah 1ndonesia bpr komitmell untuk f1)C'nqur ongi setengah
proporsi penduduk yang t,dilk mendapatkan Clkses terlladap air rninum dan sanitasi dasar yany berkelanjutan padil t;)hun 201~. Dalam ditetllpkan dalom RPJMN
2010 2014
mt'mp.!\uhi turgct yilng telah
dan MOGs WIS. Pemerintah telah meng;>m;lT1atkan
ProgrCJrn Pro RakYLlt-Kldstcf 4. dengtln saliJl! satu program d;:Jlarn kla"H~r
'+ lCfscb"t ada!;)!.
rrogrilrn Air Bersih Untuk RllkY,lt Dalarn pclaksanaan program ini dlperiukan keq2sama sc\uruh pihLlk untuk dll["l
World /-lpn/til Orqa ntmtJOIl tclah melun(urk,"jJl InlslCl1.lf Water S.llt~ty Plan
(WSP) yang rnerupakan SUiltu kegiJtan p~nyusunan rencana pcnyediaan air mirlutn yang
bersandar pada pengamanan kuaiitas oir minum dengan pcnekallon kepada aspeK surveillance. SlIrvcillanlE: rtlclupak
y<.litu .1ktlVlt .lS IdentlfiblSI potensl rnv sab h (pOl(,IlCiullillzQrd identificatIOn) p.:\(I,) SlJ
Illulurn .yllng
am tiJ,lk tr!rp nuhinya ail
rTH~rUPdk.1l1 konsC'p penqamanan (lil rnmUln kllli'l p
sl~lc:rn Pl'IlYCdIJdfl.W
I\prdrlc"lrkdll p(·rl(jdl.llll.ill
P(·\.~y;II·I 'lil
elil flilnUIIl
fluill hi/if
wSP luga
J,,11 tll'rofl~'II:,l"i pildJ perbaikan
rn iJlll n l
I.!y .. k,
Ill'qala lain dan Juga
~)I'I upaya untuk
rI ;-]I-I111
(.IIH]I-:01 mencapal
III ng(·llIh,lIlqi:.lll kOll<; e p
Indonesia . Pengembangan WSP Inl gunJ dJpat menpmin pr laYilnan air minum yang memenuhi 4K, yaitu Kuantitos, Kualitas, Kontinyuitas, dan Keterjan9kauan harga air mlllum.
WSP dalam praktiknya di Indonesia telah banyak dilakubn terbit dcngiln program AMPL, baik yang ddllkukiln oleh pemerintah, pemerintah dil erah, penyeleng9aril llir milium, lembaga donor, lembaga swad<JYil masyarakat yilng SUdilh selesai atau yang sedang berjalan. pada dasarnya adalah merupakan komponen·komponcn pembentuk WSP yang bertujuan untuk rnenjamin pelayanan air minum . Dengan demikiilll, yang dlperlukdn saat ini adalah mensinergikan selurull pillOk, menyatukan visi. dan men9integrasikan bcrbagai mac()m progrllm dan kegiatan dalam suatu wadah konstelasi WSP Indonesia. WASPOLA F-acility dalam hal ini rnend
dan mcngadoodsi dalam konteks di Indonesia melalui program yang disebut Rencana
Pengamanan Air Minum (atau RPA) dalam rangka memberikan masukal1 kepada RP JMN
RPA harus mengakomodir berbagai kepentingan sektor-sektor terkajt AMPL,
dan ditujul
1015 - 2019.
kontinyuitas. dan keterjangkauan baqi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Beocrapa kegiatan
sejak kCSCpllkJtan dan kesepaharnCln dori segenap pihnk dan llIerurnuskdlHlya rOi'ldrnap
sesuJi dengiln kOlldls i dan keOlJtllhdll rakYdt Indonesi ll d':JI1 pcndarnpillyJl1 dl lokasi untuk upllya
mengarusutarnakon W5P duhrn program kerja multi scktor sejClk oari sumuN,
operator, sJllIpai dcngan komunitCl5 d ill) konsumen . OeUCrJPll lukilsi yang dijadibn pelcontohan maupun !-,cmbelajaran saill inl tengJh bcrlangsung dengdll beruagJi lllntangJn dan peluang yilng sangat rlIcnllfik scbagai suatu pembelajar,ln ke dcpan .
SJlah s,ltunya ddalah Sungai Clkapundung Banuung ulltuk
rembalajaran RPA Sumber sllmpili uengan konsumcll, kcmuulzH1 PDAM BanJ<1rrnclSin untuk penNaran RP/, Opr.Jtor dan kernuul:ln kelembag
dalarn mcl()lui per cncanaal1. implcl11enta'll, maupun rncll clptC:lbn
lillgkungan kondi<;11 I~PA melillul pel (lturan daelah, d
Scll()h satu llIedlu Iflforrndsl YJ rHJ dd:tif d1lTl
O('ng cH1 h'lik
<;('( , )f
oIurllO V l5Udi.
kclfHJlJI14 d,t1,.1n , )ll' lllb U'ltdfl VIOP() 1111 llle nek ,lIlkelaJal,," d,):1 rn,lni(),lt d
MU d tan
f~[>A .
mlolm""1d,lP;)t olk
<1d,ll .lil rneialul Dlfjltdl Vld(,o DI ( (DVD),
uqwrhhatk afl
h ,lq'lillldll.l
",lud SI slJlllb!'t
h.l kll
Ydtllj l!la m
langka, dan oagtlima konscp RPA (renc(}n"l pengamanan air rnmum) diuJicooakan dibeberapa wilayah agar rnenunjilog program AMPL maupun bagi kehidupan keseharian masyar akatnya . Kebcradaan video mi sangatlah penting, rn('nqingat key mess<>qe RPA sp.suiJi dengan rermasillahan kefangkaan air baku dan kebutuhan pemenuhan layanan air minurn yang rnakin lamil semakin terbatas, rnakll
pesan yang harus dlsarnpaikan dapat
divisualisasikan secara kuat alan rnarnpu mempengaruhi opini target sasllran/audiens yang dirnaksud. Berdasarkan hal tersebut diatas , maka milksud dan tujuan dari penyusunan "video pembelajaran RPA oi Inooncsia adalah sebagai bcrikut: 1.
Memperlihatkan situasi kelangki:llln ali baku karena pengaruh perubahan iklim dan perilaku rnanusia yang makin lilrna makin rnemburuk memperlakukan
sumber air minum mereka sendir"1 secar
Materi diqitill Audio-Visual, yaitu dalam bentuk tayangilf1 video documentf'r dengcln narilsl/dubbing dalam bahasa Indonesia, dan subtitling dalilffi bahas() Ingqris. Discrt"i shot-shot int('rVI('~'" dengan beberapa tokoh terkait, y':lng mendukung penyampaian pesan yang ingin disarnp0ikan, termasuk grafik, titling (teks)dclll efek gambar sl'baqal Jaya tarik. Durasl mJteri Audio-Visual ters('out tld
keplf1<J DVD,
Materi y,lIIg bOI,>iki1n tcntang pr'{lprdpan konsep Rf'A ddn Inetode
d,ln pendllfT1ping,lr1 di i.lpilrltFln ddl()rTI up,lya menqarusutZlnlilkdn RPA untuk menjadr salah Sdtu roadmap terciliJ,]lflY,) target air rnillum ke deporl. video inl beflsikan InformrlSI b(lgaim(lna impienwr1tJsl r~rA oltf'rapkan di Cik.lpundunqm 13iHlla I rnd ~i II,
Out( (J1ll('<, 'I,lI)q dd1.II'lpk'Hl d,1I1 k(~qr.JT,111 in; adalah : /,ddIlY,\ kp~!'1 ,HJ.lman penye baran IIlforrnasi meng enm program
1"'Il·llqk.It.1I11J1"lnahaman & pengetahuan tentang program RPI\
Peningkaton dukungan nan para pengarnhil utama
untuk penqatus
Ruang lingkup kegiatan terdiri utas kegiatan Pro ProrlUkSI, Produksi, dan Pascu Produksi. Pro Produksi 1.
Menyiapkan, menyusun, dan mengembangkiHl konsep program video RPA;
Screening Naskah Video Pembelajaran RPA
3. Penyusunan jadual kcgiatun/time planning
4 · Menentukan loknsi dan IlilrasumbernYilj serta
s. Koordinasi pelaksanaan produksinya dengan \,vililyah shooting Produksi 1. Pengambilan gambar scgala materi yang sudah dipersiapkan oJlam Pro Produksi, yaitu mengambil gambflr-gambar langsung pada 10kasinyJ yang telah ditentukan baik berupa stock shoot maupun statement yang diperlukan dalam rangka mendukung visualiasi gambar RPA. 2. Melakukan pencatalan pmgambilan gambdl (logging script) Pasca Produksi 1. Mernilah, rnemilih qarnuJ[ yt'ng akun digunakan dalam edIting suipt Mcnyusun gambur dari materi Stock Shot (ed iting on line), 3. Mernberi effect dan grapllic's, Illcl1gisi rlarasi rlan Ilustrasi music (Mixing; 4. Dulikasi hasil final cditin0 d oldll1 kcmusan Dlgit(l1 Video Disc (DVD) ~cJumlah 2.
Waktu peluks.:lnaan ke9i.:ttall ini Jdalah 45 (crnptlt puiuh IlIna) hZ)li, tedlltlJ lIg sejak dikeluillkannya SUf.:Jt Perintal, Keq<1 (SPK) L
PERK IRAAN BIAYA Pel kiraan bl.:lya untuk kegi'"ltan Ifll ad()lah sebesdl Rr 1) ~,OOO,ooo .· y.:l1l9 dialokasikan pada kcglaL:m Wa5pola Rr. ell DIP/\ Direk1.orat Pern,uklfnan dan Pelurnahan Bappenas
Iv'lCllql'lailui, Dlrd, ll)f r" 'rrnukilllan dall PellJl nahan
). 1'\ IJgroho Tri Utomo
Shopping Bidding Docume'nt
Purchasing of Grant Ref No.
Video Production "Rencana Pengaman Air" TF-095502
Water And Sanitation Policy And Action Planning Facility/ (WaspoJa Facility)
A. Introduction General' 1.1
"Day" means calendar day
B. Request for Quotations Contents of the Request for Quotations
2.1 The "National Shopping" document describes the shopping procedure, the services and the terms and condition of this GOnfract. It contains the following
a. Request for quotation b. Description and Quantity of the services c. Sample Letter of Quotation d. Sample forms of contract e. Table o( Comparison Quotations
2 .2 The supplier shall examine the instructions., sarnple documents and specificalions provided in ihe Request for Quotations
C. Preparation of Quotations Language 3.1 The Quotations and aU related correspondence shall be in English Quotation Documents 4,1 The Quotation shall contain the following documents
a. wriHen quotation letter, signed and dated b. price schedule and quantities, dated and signed c. Draft (arm of contract completed, dated and signed Quotation 5.1.
The supplier shall detail in the quotation letter the place of delivery and the nature of the price taxes and duties listed sepaTately. The supplier completes the price schedule and quantities furnished wilh the request for Quota ~ion, indicating the characteristics of the supplies in the required spec, the unit the total price for each item and the proposed delivery time to CQrry out the contract
5.2 The suppliers completes and signs the draft forms of contract
Currency of the Quotation 6.1 The price is quoted in Indonesian rupiah (lOR) Validity of the quotations 7.1
The quotations shall be valid for the periods stipulated in the request for Quotation
D. Submission of Quotation Sealing and marking of Qu otation 8.1 The suppliers shall place the original and one copy of their Quotation in a sealed envelope containing. two sealed envelopes. one marked "original" and one marked "copy" as follows a. Addressed to the Purchaser as indicated in the request for Quotation Panitia Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa PI-ILN, BAPPENAS Ruang Sekretariat Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa PHLN Gedung Madiun Lantai Basement, JI. Taman Suropat1i N:o. 2, Jakarta Pusat Telp/Fax: (021)31931392 Email: [email protected] b. Bearing the project flame (if applicable), the title and number of the quotation as indicated in the Request for Quotation Deadline for: the submissions of Quotation 9'.1 Quotations must 'be received by the purchaser at fhe address specified in paragraph 8.1 at the time and date specified in the request for quota!ions 9.2 Any Quotation received by the purchaser after the deadline for submission specified in paragraph 9.1 shall be returned unopened to the supplier
E. Opening and Evaluation of quotations
Opening of Quotation by the purchaser 10.1 The purchaser shall open tne quotation received before the deadline indicated in the request for Quotation at the same time in the date specified in the request for Quota.tion
Evaluation and comparison of Quotation 11'.1 The purchaser shall evaluate and compare the Quotation as follows Examine if the Quotation conforms to technical specifications and the deliver:y time Verify any arithmetical errors . For example, jf the quotations in figure are differeflt from the quotation in word, the amount in words shall prevail. If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and tbe quantity, the unit prices shall prevail and the total price shalt be connected
F. AWARD OF CON1RACT Award of contract 12.1' The Purchaser shall award the contract to the supplier whose Quotation has been determined to be substantially responsive to the requirements of the request for Quotation
Notification of award 13.1 Notification of the award shall constitute the formation of the contract. This notification shall be sent by registered mail inviting the supplier to deli-v er the services in accordance their the conditions of the Request for Quotations
Signing of the contract 14.1 Within fiheen (15) days following the notification of lhe award. The purchaser shan sign and date the form of contract and send it to tRe supplier
Fraud and corruption
15.1 The personnel' of the purchaser and the suppliers shall adhere to the highest ethical standards. Both during the selection process and throu.ghout the execution of the contract in pursuance of this principle, they shall abstain at all times from corruption Oli fraudulent practice. Corruption and· fraudulent practices are defined as follows:
·Corrupt practice" means the offering, giving receiving, or soliciting directly or indirectl.y, of anything of value to influence the action of public official in the selection process or in contract execution ii. "Fraudulent" practice means a misrepresentation or omission of fact in order to influence a selection process or the action of public official in the selection process or the execotion of a contract: m. "Collusive" practice" means a scheme or arrangement between two or more supplier with or without the knowledge of the borrower. Designed to established prices at artificial'. Noncompetitive levels iv. "Coercive practice" means hanning of threatening, to harm directly or indirectlfY. persons or their property to influence the. procurement proceedings, or affect the execution of a contract. 15.2 The purchaser shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the supplier recommended for award has.. directly or through an agent. engaged in corrupt. fraudul'ent collusive or coercive practices in competing for the contract in questiolil.
Jakarta, April 9, 2013 Ref. No.
o15/UND/PPBJ/PHLN/04/20l' 3
'R equest for Quotation of "Video Production uRencana Pengamanan Air (RPA)" Project : Water and Sanitation Po'l icy and Action PJ 11anning Facility (phase III)/WASPOLA, World Bank-Grant TF 095502 Please see the attached file
AUenNon to Dear Bidders,
Bappenas is seeking bids for the supply of Video Pmduction "Rencana Pengamanan Air (RPA)". Project : Water and Sanitation Policy and Action Planning Facility (Phase III)IWASPOLA. For this purpose you will find enclosed a schedule· for the service to be supplied . You are requested to compl'ete ,this schedule providing us your best offer and return this to us not later than April 15, 2013 at 2.00 pm in a sealed envelopes at above indicated on the envelope "Water and Sanitation Policy and Action Planning Facility (Phase 1I1)IWASPOlA. The outer envelope shoul'd contain two sealed envelopes with requested quotations and the best of your portfolio (VCD or DVD format). one marked original and one marked "copy", .and sent to the followrng address : Panitia Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa - PHLN, BAPPENAS
Ruang Sekretariat Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa PHLN
Gedung, Madiun Lantai Basement, JI. Taman Suropati No.2, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Phone/Fax: (021)-319'3 t392
Email: [email protected]
Thank you fOf your kind attention.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.
S.Sos. MA. MSE
SECTION III - SAMPLE FORMS l' - Quotation I!..etter (To be filled by supplier) Date Quotation number To Attn. Address
: Panitia Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa PHLN, Bappenas : Rudi Arifiyanto. S.Sos, MA, MSE, Chairman : Gedun9' Madiun Lantai Basement, JI. Taman Suropah No. 2, Jakarta Pusat
Having examine the documents regarding the request for quotation. the receipt of which hereby duly acknowledged, we the undersigned. offer to supply and deliver the Video Production "Rencana Pengaman Air" in conformity with the said request for quotations for the sum of [ 1or such other sum as may be ascertained in accordance with the schedule of prices attached and made part of the quotation We undertake if our quotation accepted, to deliver the services in accordance with the delivery schedure specifi'ed in the schedule of requirements We agree to abide by this quotation for the period specified in the request for quotations as of the date of the opening of ,the quotations and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that periods Until a formal contract is prepared and executed, this quotation together with your written acceptance there of and your notification of. a.ward shalll constitute a binding contract between us. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any other bids you may receive Dated this
day of .. ........ 2013
Signature In the capacity of.. Duly authorized
2 - Sample, Price Schedule
To Attn Address Quotation no: Date
Detailed descr,i ption of the items
Total Price
Sp,e oifications Tittle
Video Production "Rencana Pengaman Air Minum (RPA)"
Sosialization ReAcana Pengamanan Air Mirium (RPA)
Semi documentary (indoor dan outdoor)
Shooting & Equipment
Pra Production and Pasca Production
lDesign of documentary video with narration/dubbing in Indonesian I'anguage (Bahasa) and SUbtitling in English
Including the interview shots with some of related figures, which support ~he delivery of message, including graphics, titling (text) and image effects as traction
Editin g Script, opening animation, design interface, sound tx, ilustration music (mixing, release), Dubby VO, Full Color)
Duration of content Audio-Visual tersebut maximum IS (fifteen) minut,es
Ed'i ting Offli ne & Online
Using the equipment broadcast standart quality Techn i,cal SpeCifications
Video out li s PAl. system
Output maste.r Digital DVD HD Duplication: 250 pcs DVD (including design cover DVD 's)
IDR 125,000,000
The application of the cOQcepts ens methods of facilitat>ion and assistance in the field inan attempt RPA priorit,jez to be on~ of the road map to achieve the target of drinking water in the future . This video contains information on how the implementation of the IRPA applied in Cikapundung, Ba.njarmasin, Bakarn and Unggaran
45 (fourty five) days --
- --
- --
Tota'i in words : ......... .... ..... .......... . ... . ............ ....... . ..... . .... .... . .,. ....... . ,~ .• ... . ,.. . .. .. •.. ......
Note: In ca,se of discrepancy between unit price and tOlal , uM price shall prevail.
Dated this, " day of.. ........2013
Signature In the capacity of Duly authorized to sign th'is quotation, for and on behalf of.....
3 - Schedule of Requirement Delailed technical specifications of the services (10 be completed solely by Ihe purchaser) To Alln Address Dale Quatation No No
Detailied description of the items
1 !Specifications TiHle
Videa Productian "Rencana Pengaman Air Minum (RPA)"
Sosialization Rencana Pengamanan Air Minum (RPA)
Semi dacumentary (!indoor dan autdaor)
Pra Production and Pasca Production
Design of dowmentary video with narration/dubbing in Indonesian language (Bahasa) and subtitling in English
Shooting & Equipment
Editing Offline & Online
Including the interview shots with same of related figures, which suppart the delivery of message, including graphics, titling (text) and image effects as traction
Editing Script, opening animation, design interface, sound fx,
ilustratian music (mixing, release). Dobby VO" Full Color) Duration of content Audio.-Visual tersebut maximum 15 (fifteen) minutes
Using the equipment broadcast standart quality
Video out is PAL system
Output master Digital DVD HD
Duplication: 250 pcs DVD (including design cover DVD's)
The aplllication of the concepts and methods of facilitation and assistance in the field in an attempt RPA prioritiez to be one o,f the roadmap to achieve the target of drinking water in the future . This video contains informatian on how the implementation of the RPA applied in Cikapundung, B
45 (fourty five) days
Technical Speci ficat ions
(. ........ . . . ... .. ..... . , '
.. ..
.. ... )
Name of Director Name of Company
Note' in case of discrepancy betwoen unit price and total. unit price shaff prevail
4 • Contact Forms This agreement made the ... ....... Day of ......... ... . 2013 between 8appenas hereinaf1er called
"the purchaser" and .. ... .. ..... ... ........... of[address of supplier] hereinafter called the supplier"
Whereas the purchaser invited quotations for the supply of certain services [and ancillary services] and has accepted' a quotation by the supplier for the supply of those goods and services in the sum of [contract price in words and figures] (hereinafter cal'led the contract price) Now this agreement witness as follows: 1. The following document shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this agreement: a. The request for quotations sent to the supplier b. The price schedule submittedl by the supplier (and the delivery periods], and c. Schedule of. requirements (technical specification) 2. In consideration of the payments to be made by the purchaser to Ihe supplier as hereinafter mentioned. The supplier hereby covenants with the purchaser to provide the goods and services and to temedy defects therein in conformity with the provisions of the contract 3. The purchaser hereby covenants to pay the supplier lin consideration of ~he provision of the goods and service and the Iremedying of defects therein the contract price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the con~ract. [methods of payment: by bank transfer within 30 days on satisfactory installation and provision of warranties] IN witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed in accordance with their respective laws the day and year first above written.
Signed. sealed delivered by Signed, sealed delivered by
[for the purchaser]
(for the supplier]
5 - Comparison of Quotations -
No .
Respo Jilsivencss of Quotation
Name o(
SU'p plier
f olal Price Yes
Ranking No
I 4