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0-49-6 lsBN978.979-851 Diselenggarakan oleh: JurusanTeknikMesin FakultasTeknik UniversitasLampung
oleh: Didukung
tp& @p
tlesin D3Teknik Lampung Univeaitas
Penanggung Jawab Ketua Wakil Ketua Sekretaris Bendahara
HarmenBtnhanuddin,ST, MT Dr. Eng. Shirley Savetlan4M.Met Ir. Herry Wardono,MSc A. Yudi EkaRisano,ST, MSc Ir. Arinal Hamni. MT
Dr.Eng.SuryadiwansaHaru;MT AhmadYahya TeguhPanuju,ST, MT Drs. Sugiyanto,M.T. Mei Hartanto Agus Rantaujaya Dwi Andri Wibowo
Dyan S, ST, MT Jorfri B. Sinaga,ST, MT Tarkono,S.T.,M.T. Yusi Adiansyah Chikal Noviansyah
Sie Acaradan Moderator
Dr. Asnawi Lubis, MSc Dr. Gusri Akhiyar Dr. YanuarBurhanuddin Dr. M. Badaruddin Lingea Aditya RabiahSuryaningsih
Zulhanif, ST, MT HarnowoSupriadi,ST, MT Agus Sugiri, ST, MT DadangHidayat NanangTrimono Tri Wibowo M.Todaro Galih Koritawa Pumomo DwiNovriadi Agus Rantaujaya RahmatRamadhan
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: Ahmad Suudi,ST, MT Martinus,M.Sc. Nafrizal,S.T.,M.T. Adi Nuryansyalr Rizal AhmadFadlil CecepTarrnansyah
: Novri Tanti, ST, Uf Anita Dewi AnisaRa&rman YayangRusdiana Bebi
KATA PENGAi\TAR PROBE 2012). EnergiTerbarukan danProduksi Nasbnal Betsih(SENTER di Seminar Selamatdatang sebagaitsnrumahdalamseminar ini.Seminar kelrcrmatan sefiang sekalimendapaU
TerimaKasih, SalamKami,
Dr.Eng. Savetlana, S.T.,M.Met. Shirley
SusunanPanitia Kata Pengantar Daftar Isi A. KeynoteSpeech Produksi Bersih untukMenfugkatkan Efisiensidan MencegahPencemarrn 1
Protl Dr.Ir. Purwanto.DEA B. Pemakalah
PcngaruhPerlakuanSpheroidircdAnneolsl0'C drn QuenchTempn60trC Terhadap Sifat Mekrnik dsn Strukfur Mikro Baja Perkakas Tbang UntukAplikasi Otomotif 4
AbdulAziz Optimalisasi Prnduksi Enzim SelulaseolehAspergitlasniger pada Limbah Bertignoselulosa
Kaji ProspekPemanfaatanTurbin Angin KecepatanRendahuntukPembangkit Energi Listrik di DesaLangi Kepulauan Simeulue 15
Anan Niazi
OptimasiDesainAlat Pengerilg Ikan Air Tawar denganKapasitas20 kg Memanfaatkan Enetgi Surya
Anhar Khalid
Pengeruh Kualitas Brilrct Penyela dan Pasokan Udara terhadap lVaktu Tahan Temperatur Tinggi pad* Pernbakar:an Briket 24
Anton Irawan
Kajian Awal Pengolahan Sekam Padi sebagai Bahan Bakar untuk Ketahanan Energi Nasional mel,alui Proses Torefaksi
Anton Irawan
Optimasi DeseinPembangkitListrik TcnagaAir Miknohidru denganDaya Nominal 12 kW denganMemanfaatkarArus SungaiSelatan,PnopinsiKalimantan Selatan BudiHartadi
Mechanical Design of PrpssureVesselforThree PhnseSeparatorUsing PV Elite Soffware Cokorda Pra$i Mahandari
Karaktertstik Perpindahan PanasPeleburan Parafln-Al2o3 SebagaiMaterial Penyimpan Panas Dailami
Analisa ProsesPerlakuan Panasterhadap Kekerasqn dan Mikrostruktur Bush 25 oEM & 25SH OnM FrendyLumbanBatu
Kajian PotensiPenggunaanLumpur Lapindo sebagaiPerekatBriket Arang Kayu sebegaiSumber Energi Altenatlf Terbarukan GabrielaAmandaGita Aristia Optimasi Sistim Pcmbangkit Listrik Hybrid TenagaSurya dan Angin dengan Kapasitas350W untukRumah Tangga Idzani Muttaqin
Perancangan,Pembuatan,dan PengujianPurvarupa Turbin Aliran Aksial Untuk Pembalgkit Energi Listrik Mikro Hidro Head Rendahdi Aeeh Irwansvah
Increasing Life-Time snd Maintainability of Chaln at Two Wheeled Vehicle with Using Chrln fighter lsman Harianda
Pengaruh Temperatur Tlrang serta Ukuran Ayakan Pasir terhadap Cacat Porositas dan Blowhole Coran Al-Si7 ]ang Dicor dengan Metode Evaporative Ivan Junaidv
Studi Pemanfaatan Kulit Buah Naga Sebagai Materi Sel Surya Dengan MetodeDye Sensitized Solar Cell
Mendukung PenyediaanEnergi denganPemanfaatanSumber-SumberTerbarukan untuk Mendukung Pembrngunandi SulawcsiTenggara RidwavBalaka
Perancrngan Mcsin Conveyer Bclt BerbasisPLC SulisYulianto
The Constraint Of Intrcduction Of NuclearPowerPlant In Indonesia ljipta Suhaemi
Evaluasi Resiko OverpressureKetel Uap pada ProsesPembanghit Ltstrik Tenaga Uap di Pabrik Gula Kebon Agurg, MalangnJawa Timur WahyunantoAgungNugroho
PenerapanBriket Kokas Lokal Hasil Penelitian Guna Bahan SakarDalam Proses PengecoranLogam 100 DwiAries Himawanto PerbandinganPerjalananMenggunakanSepedaMotor dan Park & Ride untuk SistcmTransportasi PedesaanJawa Timur Ibnu Hisyam
PongolahanLimbeh Cair Industri Gula denganMenggunakanBioreaktor Anaerob Membran Rahmayetty
Pengaruh Ukuran dan Jarak Nozel terhadap Perubahan Putaran Ttrbin Pelton Rr. Sri Poernomo Sari
Benelit CostAnalsis of Using Landfill Gas for Bus (Case Study of Pancoran Mas Landfill, Depok) il9 Pengaruh Sudut Belokan T-Juttction terhadap Efisiensi Pemisahan Kerasene-Water dengan Diameter Sama Kernas Ridhuan
PercepatanPenerapanTehuologiBiognsBerbahanKotoran HewanUntuk Meningkatkrn Pertumbuhan IJMKM Di Kabupaten Pamckasan
The Effect of Harvesting Period and Volume aI TetraselmisChnii toAbsorb COz in Bubblc Photobiorcactor 133
AprillaAyu Ramasari SynthesisBioplastic ftom Gracilaria eoronopifolia Seaweedas Edible Film
Asih Isnaini
SynthesisBioplastic From Grucilarla Coronapifolia SeaweedAnd GclstincAs Edible Film 142
Meylina Influence Wlnshing Biodiesel With Spray'Washing Mcthod F'rcm Refined Palm Oil ( RPO )
To Biodieeel QuaHty
Jemmylgnatius Pemsnfiatan Zeolit AIem Teraktivasi Dalam Menghasilkan Biodlesel
Pada Preteatmenl
Goreng Bekas
Pemanfaatan Bentonit Alam Teraktivasi ?ada Pretreatment Minyak Goreng Bekas Sebagei Bshan Baku Biodiesel
Dian Wulan Sari
Decomposition Anaenobic of Mixed Waste Liquid Industry Using Reactor UASB Series 163
Vincentia Harlisfiani
Nonllnear Finite Element Analysis of Pressurized LPG Tonoidal Tank with NonRadirl Nozzle 170
Asrtawi Lubis
PemotonganPlat Baja Semiotomatis dengan Oksi-Asetilen pada Ketebalan Plat 2,4,6,8dan 10 mm 175
M. Yunus
Transesterifi cation Refined Palm OiI (RPO) to Biodiesel with Continuous Microwave Biodiesel Resctor {CMBR)
vl l
Terbarukan Proceeding & ProduksiBersih2012 SeminarNasionalfnergi Lampung(UNlLA),BandarLampung, 20 Juli2012 Universitas Nonlinear Finlte Elemeut Analysis of Pressurized LPG Toroidal Tauk with NonRadial Norde Asnadi Lubisr, Zrki Oktazari,endNovri Tenti Lampung JurusqnTebtikMesin,FahtltqsTebtih Universitos No.l, BandarLampung,35145,Indonetia Brojonegaro JalanProfessorSoemantri I 9, Fu: 072I -704947 Telp:072I-35555
AbsrrM Thispaper reparts a nonlfuearparametricfinite elementstu$r of pressurizedcircttlar twoidal tank with no*radial qilindrical nozzle.Followittg to previous study by one af the authors who showslhat radius rdio of 4 givesthe higlrest limit pressure, the study was extendedto determine tle position of non-radial cylinhical nozzle that gves the highest limit pressure. Toroidal tank hoving tlp sarne volwne as PERTAMNA LPG 3kg of 7.3 liter and radius rilio of 4 were wed in this sady. Cylindrical nonle of 12.5 mm diarneterand l0 mm leightwas attachedperpendicular to plane of the toroid- Thepositian of nozzlewas madevarious qlong a major radius of the torus,{ram introdos to intrsdos. Tle position of nonle was varied every 5 mm,from ll5 mm to 210 mm. The mmitmtm applied internal pressurewas 1.5 timespressuneto yield. limits presEunewere obtained via nonlinear Jinite element analysis using the well-known NewtonRaphsonalgorithmwith lorge deformation It wasfound that ile bestdesignfor nozzleposition" indkated hy the highestlimit pressure,is located betweencrown atd *trados and close to extrados.This result conforms to tlp membranetleary tlwt the highest stressaccursot the intrados and wzzle shall not be located tzextto that loeation. Ke;rnrords:pressurizcdtoroidal tank, Iirnit pressure,Jinite elemenarnlysis.
Introduction In order to reducethe consumsionof kerosine in Indonesianhorrsehold,the govemmentof Indonesia initiate a programofkerosine to LPG conversionin 200?. The target of the program is to reduce the kerosine consumtion by 9.9 million kilo liters in 2012. This was done by distibr{ing into household I-PG 3-kg storage tank ard valve, free of charge, included its gascontentand accesofies. In running the program, however, there were many accldentseausedby burst type foilure of the LPG tank. These accidents result in corvErsion program run unsmooth. There were mauy pwple then, reflrse to follow the convsrsionprograrn. One of the reasonis concemingthe safsty factor of the tank. Imageamongthe peopleisthat the quality of the tank is bad and the possiblity of accident ie very high. The LPG storagetank used is cylindrical in fornr with semi elliptical head at both ends. If the conv9rsioll program of kmosine to LPG to be
continued beyond 2012, bredctlnough is neededin addition to intensive edurtion program to the pe0ple.Here, toroidal tank is proposedto substitute the gurrentcylindrical shapeusedfor LPG The study of static dan dynamic behaviour of toroidal shell had been carried out by many researchers,Frce vibration analysisi of two toroidal shell hiadbeen canied out by Tzou dar V/ang[] to control the vib'rationof toroidal shell $tructur€and to enhanpe its accuracy and reliability. Jiang dan Redekop [2] carried out analysis of static dan dynamic pharecteristics or orthotropic toroidal shells of variablp thickness and obfained solution basedon the shell equationsofSanders.Budiansky. Experimental limit external pres$uretests had been carried out on three toroidal tanks by Btachut [3], two of the tanks were fabricatedfrom mild steel by spinning two part of toroidal and welded at its inhados and eirilados, while another one was fabricated by welding circrrnferontially four 90degree elbows. Stress and strain analysis of LPG tanks had beerrcarrlod out by Velickovic [4] using finitp element method. Kisioglu [5] is one of few resemcherswho had carried out investigatiort on limit pressureof toroidal ta* of LPG storage for vehicle in Turkey.To the best ofauthors knowledge itwas not found in literaturesa comprehensivestudy of strength design of toroidal tarfts for LPG 3-kg,
ProceedingSeminarNasionalEnergiTerbarukan& ProduksiBersih?012 Lampung{UNILA), BandarLampung20 Juli2012 Universitas particulaly for using in Indonesianhousehol4 apart from a finite elementpammetricstudy by Lubis [61 to find the radius ratio oftoroidal tank that giveuthe highest limit pressure.Toroidal tanks ussd in his study were without rtozzle,thereforeonly membmne effect was included, Thie paper reports results of nonlinear finite element parametric study of of toroidal taoks with non-radial flush nozzle to find the highestlimit presnne.
The locatiorts of non-radial flush nozzle af 12.5 mm diamster and l0 mm height was studied parametrically to obtain the highest lirtrit pressure. The nozle was pldced along the major radius of totus, varisd from somedistanceto intados to $ome distance to sr(tados. Table I below shows the location of the nozzle, measuredfrom the csnter of the toroidal plme:
NNITEELEMENMETIIOD Table 1 Incation of noale measuredfrom centerof The modcl of toroidal tankproposedhefe is based on the LPG 3kg of PERIAMINA used nowadaysin Indonesianhouseholdwith the following data: '
Operatingpressure:2.1 MPa
2,1 GeometryModelling
The volume of a toroidal tank is calculated as follows:
V = ttrzh= rr2.2i&.=2n2r2R
Geometry modeling was done in toroidal coordinate.Tbrupgeometrywas obtainedby rotating a circle of radiusr aboutan ar
wher€, r is the radlus oftoroidal sross-sectionand R is major radiusof toroidal.
i* ''
Ifpdrrameterp =R/r is introduced,equation(l) oart be written as follows: Y =2r2rt
j!. ,,.i
Hence, the radius of cro$$-sectionfor different value ofradius ratio is calculatedas follows
'7 ;l
(v)/' -
Lubis [6] has shown that toroidal tank having radius ratio of 4 gives the higtest limit pressure. Therefore, cross-section radius of the tank was calculateda$followel 11,3x 106\1/3 = 4 '-* 5 .2 mm r= l -l \ Sttz I The oonespondingradius ofcrurvaturerlras 180.9 rlm.
Fig.l Geomety modelingat totoidal coordinate 22 Maerial propeaies The current LPG 3 kg cylindrical shell is made from steel shed tilde) of PT Klakatau Stccl Teith specific*ion IIS G3ll6 SC-295, and 2.3 mm thickness. Cilbon steel with specification G3l0l SS42, thicknsss of ?.5 mm is used fot handguad anrdfootring also &om PT Krakatau Steel. While welding wire us€d for cirstmferential joint is supplied&om Cina with spesificationEM 12 K [9],
ProceedingSeminarNasionalEnergiTerbarukan& ProduksiBersih2012 Universitastampung {UNltA),BandarLampung20Jull2012 The material propertiesneededfor linit pr€$surc Zto. ( ,-l ) (4) fnite element studies are Young's rnodulus, yield D" =rt r \2P-'1 I stengtb and Poisson'sratio of 207 GPa 295 MPq and 0.3 respectively t9l. In this uralysis it was assumed ttrat the toroidal tank is fabricated by Usingthc valueof r of 45.2mm,thicknessof 2.3 welding four 90o elbows circumferentially. I( was mm,yield gfressof 295MPa rrd radiusrmio of 4" atso as$msd thd the circrrrlfermtial joint is defect pressure to yield wssobtainedasfoloows: fice (ioint efficienoy = l)- Other ossumtionwas thc thicknessof tbe shell is uniform werywhere. 2 x2.3 x295x3 * \2.866MPa PY=
2"3Finite Element(Meshing) Finite olementswere diyided both circumferentially and longitudinally. Elernen q/pc nscs was SlmLL28l from the ANSYS element library. This elemEnthas eight nodeswith sh degreeof freedom at every node; fianslation in the -& -y, and -z direction and rotation about the -x, -y, and -z axis. The number of element$ in longiardinal and circurnferrntial direction w€re 180 and 36 respectively.The number of elemefts for the nozde ar.e'120.The total numberof olententsare 6637 wittr correspording nodes of 20014. Typical finite elernentnodel is shownin Fig.Z.
In this analysis, internal pressure load of l.5py was applied. To obtain the limit pr6surs, int€rnal prcs$ure load was rarnped in single load step. Newton-Raphsonalgorithrn for nonlinear solution was implemetrted. RESUL?S AIID DISCUSSION Figure 3 showstypical str€s$oontourplot when limit prc$sur€ is achieved. It was plotted for wwle position of 4.49d, where d is cross.sectiondiameter of ths toraidal tank. The limit pressure for this nozzleposition is 14.23NFa
Fig"3 Typicel stre$scontourfor limit condition
Fig.2 FE Modet ofToreidal Tdrk 2.4 Bomdty ConditionsandLaading For finite elemenmodel as shownin Figure 2 with internal prressureloadrng boundary conditions that need to be applied is zero displacemerr in longitudtnal direction of all nodes located at 45 degreelongituditrally ofthe toroidal plane.
Figure 4 shows oondfunensionallirtit pressrnefor different nozzle position, measurd fiom intrados radial to exfados. It cm be sesnfiom the figure that the highestlimit pressureis
Intemal pressrue load (MPa) that need to be applied to obtain limit pressurecan be estimatedby calorlating the interrml pres$urenesdedfor yielding py. For material pmpe,rtiesof LPG tank nS G3ll6 SC-295 {ay * 295 MP$, itrtsrnal pr€ssure for yielding carrbe calculatedapoordingto the followirg equation:
P, =l-142P,
Proceeding SeminarNasionalEnergiTerbarukan & Produki Bersih2012 Universitas Lampung(UNllA),BandarLampung20Juli2012 Figure 6 slows the value of plastic limit strain plotted againtsnozzleposition. Figure 6 again shows &at thc best design for nozde position is close to octrados, x : 0.767 times the diameter of cmsssegtion.
laa : !tr5 i laa : nt u2' '
e1tl 6ro
t07 LS;
o:: 1S
z 03
I qr'
Fig.4 Limit pressureLPG toroidal tank
os o& 0 2 0 3 0 4 so !4 f6 0 !
From equation(4),pv:12.868 MPa so thatps: 1.142x 12.E68MPa* 14.7MPa
Fig.6 Plastic limit srain for toroidal tank Lubis et al Fl samisdout finit€ elementstu$ on limit pressure of cunent LPG Tank 3kg of PERIAMINA, and found the value of 6.54 MPa Comparing this value with results from the present analysis,it can be ssenthat strengthof torodal tank is more than twice. Lubis [6] has also shown that limit pressurefor the same toroidal tanh but without nozzle is 14.8 MPa. The preser$ results indicated that nozzle in toroidal tank reducethe limit pressureslightly, with only srnall bendingeffect. Figure 5 shows nondimensional medmum stressesplotted against nozzle position measured from intrados.It can be seenthatmodmum stressoL becomelower as the noale movesclose to extrados. This result confirms fin membranotheory that the lowest pressure located at Xheextrados. However, there is slightly fluctuation both in intrados and extrados rvgion. This probably would not be expectedfor radial nozzle and will be presentedin anotherpaper. la
CONCLUSION From the foregoing discussion of pararnetric studiosto obtain the limit pressureof totoidal shell, the following conclusioncan be drawn: (l) the best designoftoroidal tarft for LPG 3kg is toroidal tank having radius ratio of4. (2) For toroidal tank having non-radial flush nozzlq such nozzlE should be locatedcloseto exkados.
12S : 1ro
{€ rs
, -
"f f il
fi-.; -
:- _
.i.--i:..-.1:: :
_ ':
. , 'r l
t* 1 uls
Having e$tabli$hedthe best design based on radius ratio (p = 4) and non-radial flush nozzlg the noxt stepsareto designfor radial flush nozzle,radial portrude twzzlg, non-radial protrude nozzleo and toroidal elliptic/oval with non-radial nozzle. These aspcctswill bc analyzedfintha elsewhere
From figure 4, 5, and 6, it was then depided to choose toroidal tank having a non-radial nozzle locatedto e)drados,i.e.,0,767 timesthe diameterqf cro$s-sectioL
The authorswould like to acknowledgeFakultas Teknik Universitas Larnpng for partially fi.urding this researchin DIPA FT ttNIIA 2012. REFEREIYCTS [].
i ----. -.....a€
MGO6dU d&trFbd4ild
Fig.5 Limit $kessintensity (Tresca)
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