Penentuan Kapasitas Penyerapan Zat Warna Tekstil Cibacron Red oleh Karbon Aktif
Penentuan Kapasitas Penyerapan Zat Warna Tekstil Cibacron Red oleh Karbon Aktif
(Determination of textile dye Cibacron Red adsorption capacity by active carbon)
DAFTAR ISI Program Studi Kimia
Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam ABSTRACT................................................................................................. ii Institut Teknologi Bandung ABSTRAK................................................................................................... iii UCAPAN TERIMAKASIH........................................................................ iv DAFTAR ISI................................................................................................ vi DAFTAR GAMBAR................................................................................... vii
Menerangkan bahwa skripsi dari : DAFTAR TABEL........................................................................................ viii DAFTAR LAMPIRAN............................................................................... ix
Nama : Faiz D. Fashridjal DAFTAR SINGKATAN............................................................................ x NIM : 10501040 BAB I PENDAHULUAN...........................................................................
1.1 Latar Belakang....................................................................................... 1 1.2 Tujuan Penelitian................................................................................... 2 1.3 Ruang Lingkup Kajian.......................................................................... 2 BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA................................................................. 3
telah disetujui sebagai persyaratan untuk mendapatkan gelar 2.1 Teknik Voltametri .................................................................................. 3 Sarjana Kimia 2.1.1 Voltametri pulsa normal...................................................................... 4 2.1.2 Voltametri pulsa diferensial................................................................ 5 2.1.3 Voltametri gelombang persegi............................................................ 6 2.2 Voltametri Lucutan Anodik................................................................... 8 2.3 Elektroda Kerja....................................................................................... 11
Pada tanggal . 2.3.1 Elektroda raksa.................................................................................... 11 2.3.2 Sistem elektrtoda amalgam................................................................. 13 2.4 Elektrolit Pendukung............................................................................. 14 2.5 Pengaruh Oksigen .................................................................................. 15 BAB III METODOLOGI PENELITIAN.................................................... 16 3. 1 Tahapan Penelitian................................................................................. 16
Drs. Saepudin Suwarsa MS 3. 2 Alat dan Bahan...................................................................................... 17 NIP. 130235118 3.2. 1 Alat..................................................................................................... 17
Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini: Nama : Faiz D. Fashridjal NIM
: 10501040
Menyatakan bahwa penulisan skripsi dengan judul: Penentuan Kapasitas Penyerapan Zat Warna Tekstil Cibacron Red oleh Karbon Aktif dibawah bimbingan Drs. Saepudin Suwarsa MS Adalah benar-benar skripsi hasil karya tulis berdasarkan hasil eksperimen/perhitungan/pemodelan penulis selama melakukan Tugas Akhir Sarjana di Program Studi Kimia FMIPA – ITB.
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Bandung, 10 September 2007
(Faiz D. Fashridjal)
The presence of dyes in textile industry waste can be fatal to water life. Active carbon has the strongest physical adsorption force of any material known to mankind. The adsorption capacity of the textile dye Cibacron Red by active carbon was determined. Initial steps in callibration and maximum wave length determination of the dye solution were performed. The effects of HCl concentration and duration of adsorption upon the adsorption of the dye by active carbon were sequentially studied. The amount of the dye adsorbed by active carbon was determined utilizing visible spectrophotometric methods. It was found that increasingly acidic conditions provide higher adsorption capacity. Increases ini adsorption duration also show an increase in adsorption. The result of the investigation yeild a adsorption capacity of 1.25 mg textile dye / 1 g active carbon. The findings of this study hopefully may be usefull for application in the textile industry.
Adanya zat warna di dalam air limbah industri tekstil dapat berakibat fatal bagi biota air. Karbon aktif memiliki daya serap tertinggi dari semua adsorben yang dikenal. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penentuan kapasitas penyerapan zat warna cibacron red oleh karbon aktif. Pertama ditentukan panjang gelombang maksimum yang diadsorbsi maksimum zat warna. Kemudian dilakukan pembuatan kurva kalibrasi larutan zat warna. Penentuan pengaruh konsentrasi HCl dan pengaruh waktu terhadap daya serap zat warna oleh karbon aktif dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Besarnya penyerapan ditentukan dengan alat spektrofotometer sinar tampak. Pada penentuan kondisi asam ternyata proses penyerapan akan semakin besar dengan bertambahnya keasaman. Semakin lama waktu penyerapan zat warna oleh karbon aktif semakin banyak yang diserap. Atas dasar hasil penelitian ini dapat diharapkan karbon aktif sebagai adsorben dapat digunakan untuk menghilangkan zat warna dalam air limbah tekstil tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini kapasitas penyerapan zat warna oleh karbon aktif adalah: 1,25 mg zat warna / 1 g karbon aktif.
Ucapan Terima Kasih
It has been a long enduring journey. Just two years ago it seemed that I was bound to fail in graduating from the chemistry program. Six years ago I set foot upon this campus with high hopes of scholastic success and swift completion. Reality unfolded to be harshly different, but that’s life. Obstacles lead to set backs, but through obstacles we become strong. My tenure has been a long journey upon which I have crossed upon many wonderful souls that urged me on when I started to tire and set me back upon the right path whenever I went astray. However first and foremost I would like to thank Allah SWT for his blessings and guidance. Every person I sequentially mention hereon is a person that He destined me to meet. I would like to thank my dearest family: Mom and Dad for emotional, financial and spiritual support. Thank you for perpetual belief in me and the constant character building over the years. I shall strive always to be a son worthy of your parenting. Thank you Freddy for being the best little brother a guy could ever have. You are a compassionate person destined for a wonderful future, I’m glad your at a high point in your life cuz you deserve it. Oh yeah, and thanks for the pleasure beating you at computer games gives me. Thank you Titi for being an ear to talk to through hard times and proving that even in complete disability one can be ecstatic with joy. Thank you. I would like to thanks to the lecturers of the chemistry program for the teachings. I wish I could have been more receptive. My sincere thanks to Drs. Saepudin Suwarsa for the patient guidance and understanding this past year. Sorry for constantly having to be guided step by step. Thank you for always being there for me after every step of my final project. iv
Thank you Dr. Lia D.J., under your guidance not only did I feel motivated but I felt cared for. I have always felt comfortable sharing the hardships of my life with you and that means a lot to me. I would like to thank Dr Bunbun Bunjali for his support and strength in helping his students. To my 2001 buds Aji, Amy, Angky, Dhanie, Ei, Faisal, Jo, Maming, Mbi, Mochtar, Uti and the rest I would like to thank you for being my befriending me during the lowest points of my life yet still believing in me. It’s a shame we ended up not being in the same class as much as I’d like. I extend deep thanks to Keni V. and Aditya Ardana. I pray to Allah SWT that these to individuals will be blessed in the future for they are selfless to say the least. For all the night long teachings I thank you. Truelly. I would like to thank my friends in the class of 2002 Wichitra for being such a trustworthy friend, Martha for pushing me to succeed, Liana, Frisda, Fika dll. for the moral support and many laughs. I would like to thank the class of 2003 for being so welcome to me. Thank you Amran for all the spirit you instilled in me and being a great friend, Sony for great talks and enjoying your speakers in the lab, Iman for being so receptive and willing to share…there are so many of you I could not possibly mention one by one. I would like to thank my fellow labmates under Pak Sae supervision: Kiki, Novita and Reny for all the advice and help throughout the process. I would like to thank my pal Isach for simply being my best friend. You always have been unbelievably supportive and helpful. I still remember studying till the wee hours of night at a chemistry friends kost then you would pick me up so I could stay at your place instead and get quality rest after studying. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had dude. I also would to thank all the workers at the chemistry department. Its amazing how friendly you all are. Bu Sony with the stressful job of TU akademik yet always being so nice and helpful. All of the Bapak2 lab, all of whom I are always full of smiles v
and I love to joke with. Lab work was full of smiles especially in the analytical chemistry research labs. Last but not least I thank Dian for her everlasting belief in me even when I have trouble believing in myself and for her teachings of being thankful for all of Allah’s blessings. Thank you boo. Wasabi.
Bandung, 10 September 2007
Halaman ABSTRACT............................................................................................................. ii ABSTRAK............................................................................................................... iii UCAPAN TERIMAKASIH........................................................................ .............iv DAFTAR ISI.............................................................................................................vii DAFTAR GAMBAR................................................................................................ix DAFTAR LAMPIRAN.............................................................................................x BAB I PENDAHULUAN......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Latar Belakang................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Tujuan Penelitian............................................................................................... 2 1.3 Ruang Lingkup Kajian.......................................................................... .............2 BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA................................................................. .............3
2.1 Karbon Aktif
........................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Jenis karbon aktif ........................................................................................... 4 Berdasarkan bentuk fisik................................................................ ............ 4 Bahan dasar pembuatan karbon aktif............................................. ............ 4 2.1.2 Pembuatan karbon aktif................................................................................... 5 2.1.3 Dampak terhadap lingkungan..........................................................................5 2.2 Zat Warna...........................................................................................................5 2.2.1 Klasifikasi Zat Warna......................................................................................5 2.2.2 Zat warna reaktif..............................................................................................6 2.2.3 Zat warna cibacron red....................................................................................7 2.2.4 Dampak zat warna terhadap lingkungan hidup................................................8 2.2.5 Proses produksi tekstil......................................................................................9 2.3
Metode Spektrofotometri Sinar Tampak......................................................... 12
2.3.1 Spektroskopi................................................................................................... 12 Absorbsi radiasi pada spektroskopi...............................................................12 Anallisis kuantitatif dengan metode absorpsi.............................................. 12 2.3.2 Spektrofotometri Sinar Tampak.......................................................................13 Komponen pada alat spektrofotometer UV-Vis........................................... 13 Keunggulan UV-Vis pada analisis kuantitatif.............................................. 14
BAB III METODE PENELITIAN........................................................................... 15 3.1.1
Tahapan Penelitian...................................................................................... 15
Alat dan Bahan............................................................................................ 15
Alat............................................................................................................ 15
Bahan.......................................................................................................... 15
Cara kerja.................................................................................................... 16
Pembuatan larutan baku zat warna cibacron red 1000 ppm........................16
Penentuan panjang gelombang maksimal zat warna cibracon red............. 16
Kalibrasi konsentrasi zat warna cibacron red.............................................16
Pengaruh waktu terhadap daya serap zat warna cibacron red oleh karbon aktif..........................................................................`..............16
Pengaruh asam terhadap daya serap zat warna cibacron red oleh karbon aktif........................................................................................ 16
Penentuan daya serap maksimal pada kondisi optimal.............................. 16
BAB IV HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN................................................................. 18 4.1
Penentuan zat warna.................................................................................... 18
Penentuan jenis karbon aktif....................................................................... 18
Penentuan panjang gelombang maksimal zat warna cibacron red.............. 20
Pembuatan kurva kalibrasi zat warna cibracon red.................................... 21
Pengaruh waktu terhadap daya serap zat warna cibacron red oleh karbon aktif........................................................................................ 22
Pengaruh asam terhadap daya serap zat warna cibacron red oleh karbon aktif.......................................................................................... 24
Penentuan daya serap maksimal ................................................................ 25
BAB V KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN.................................................................. 27 DAFTAR PUSTAKA...........................................................................................
LAMPIRAN........................................................................................................... 29
Gambar 1.1
Alat penjernihan air pada zaman firaun
Gambar 2.1
Foto karbon aktif menggunakan alat SEM pada pembesaran 4000x
Gambar 2.2
Karbon aktif granular
Gambar 2.3
Karbon aktif serbuk
Gambar 2.4
Struktur zat warna cibacron red
Gambar 2.5
Diagram alir produksi industri tekstil
Gambar 2.6
Sinar melewati medium
Gambar 2.7
Skematik peralatan spektrofotometer sinar tampak
Gambar 4.1
Hasil uji penyerapan larutan zat warna oleh karbon aktif granular
Gambar 4.2
Larutan zat warna cibacron red 1000ppm
Gambar 4.2
Penentuan panjang gelombang maksimum
Gambar 4.4
Grafik penentuan panjang gelombang maksimum
Gambar 4.5
Larutan-larutan standar yang digunakan pada pembuatan kurva kalibrasi
Gambar 4.6
Grafik kurva kalibrasi zat warna cibacron red
Gambar 4.7
Pengadukan pada setiap pengukuran daya serap zat warna cibarcon red oleh karbon aktif
Gambar 4.8
Grafik pengaruh waktu terhadap daya serap zat warna oleh karbon aktif
Gambar 4.9
Grafik pengaruh konsentrasi larutan asam terhadap daya serap zat warna oleh karbon aktif
Gambar 4.10
Larutan-larutan yang disiapkan pada penentuan daya serap maksimal
Gambar 4.11
Grafik penentuan daya serap maksimal dari 20-60 ppm
Halaman Lampiran A
Penentuan panjang gelombang maksimum larutan zat warna Cibacron Red.........................................................
Lampiran B
Pembuatan kurva kalibrasi larutan zat warna Cibacron Red 29
Lampiran C
Penentuan pengaruh kondisi asam....................................
Lampiran D
Pengaruh varian waktu..................................................
Lampiran E
Penentuan daya serap maksimum............................................35