Script Algoritma Genetika Optimasi Pencarian Nilai Konstanta Sliding Mode Controller/Pengendali Modus Luncur Oleh: Ahmad Riyad Firdaus Teknik Elektro Politeknik Batam I. Program Utama clear; clc; format long; rand('state',0); %% %Simulasi Perancangan Model Pengendalian Motor DC %========================================================================== % Parameter Algoritma Genetika %========================================================================== pcross=0.8; %Probabilitas crossover pmut=0.05; %Probabilitas Mutasi L=12; %panjang bit kromosom (12 bit x2) bits=[L L L]; maxgen=100; %maksimum iterasi (menghasilkan generasi baru) siz=30; %Jumlah populasi tiap satu generasi sea=3; %Ada 2 parameter yang akan dicari bounds=[0 15;1 10;1 10]; %Batas range variabel yang akan dicari nilainya (nilai k) %========================================================================== %Parameter motor %========================================================================== Rf=120; %Rf=field resistance (ohm) Lf=20; J=1; f=0.5; K2=68.5; %========================================================================== %Ruang Status sistem %========================================================================== A=[0 1;-(Rf*f/Lf) -(Rf*J/Lf+f)]; B=[0;K2/Lf]; C=[1 0]; D=0; %========================================================================== %Inisial status dan status referensi %========================================================================== x0=[0 0]'; xr=[1 0]'; %% %========================================================================== %Mengenerate nilai k dan Sf secara random dengan populasi size %========================================================================== k_Sf=init_ga(bounds,siz,sea); k=k_Sf(:,1); c1=k_Sf(:,2); c2=k_Sf(:,3); Sf=[c1 c2]; %========================================================================== %Gain Ekivalen %========================================================================== for r=1:siz K(r,:)=-inv(Sf(r,:)*B)*(Sf(r,:)*A); end %========================================================================== %Mengubah variable phenotif dari float menjadi biner (dinamakan gen)
%========================================================================== for m=1:siz gen(m,:) = f2b(k_Sf(m,:),bounds,bits); end; %========================================================================== %Mengevaluasi semua kemungkinan nilai k yang digenerate %========================================================================== [fitness,object]=evaluasi_smc_dcmotor(K,k,A,B,Sf,x0,xr,siz); [best_fit(1),index]=max(fitness); best_gen=gen(index,:); best_k_Sf=k_Sf(index,:); [worst_fit(1),index1]=min(fitness); worst_cur_gen=gen(index1,:); worst_cur_k_Sf=k_Sf(index1,:); avg_fit(1)=0; for m=1:siz avg_fit(1)=avg_fit(1)+fitness(m); end; avg_fit(1)=avg_fit(1)/siz; fprintf(1,'%f ',best_k_Sf); fprintf('\n'); fprintf(1,'Terbaik: %f |Terburuk: %f Rata-rata:%f \n fprintf('\n');
',best_fit(1), worst_fit(1), avg_fit(1));
%% %========================================================================= %Melakukan seleksi, reproduski, crossover, mutasi dan evaluasi dari %generasi baru. Object yang memiliki nilai maksimum pada setiap generasi %akan disimpan pada best_cur_obj dan setiap k yang dipilih pada setiap %generasi akan disimpan pada best_cur_gain. Best_cur_obj pada setiap %generasi akan disimpan pada object_array %========================================================================= for i=1:maxgen gen=reproduksi(gen,fitness); gen=mate(gen); gen=xover(gen,pcross); gen=mutate(gen,pmut); for n=1:siz k_Sf(n,:)= b2f(gen(n,:),bounds,bits); end; k=k_Sf(:,1); c1=k_Sf(:,2); c2=k_Sf(:,3); Sf=[c1 c2]; for r=1:siz K(r,:)=-inv(Sf(r,:)*B)*(Sf(r,:)*A); end [fitness,object]=evaluasi_smc_dcmotor(K,k,A,B,Sf,x0,xr,siz); [best_cur_fit,index]=max(fitness); best_cur_gen=gen(index,:); best_cur_k_Sf=k_Sf(index,:); [worst_fit(i+1),index1]=min(fitness); worst_cur_gen=gen(index1,:); worst_cur_k_Sf=k_Sf(index1,:); avg_fit(i+1)=0; for m=1:siz avg_fit(i+1)=avg_fit(i+1)+fitness(m); end; avg_fit(i+1)=avg_fit(i+1)/siz; if(best_cur_fit < best_fit(i)) k_Sf(index1,:)=best_k_Sf; gen(index1,:)=best_gen; object(index1)=best_fit(i);
best_fit(i+1)=best_fit(i); elseif(best_cur_fit>=best_fit(i)) best_k_Sf=best_cur_k_Sf; best_gen=best_cur_gen; best_fit(i+1)=best_cur_fit; end; k(i+1)=best_k_Sf(1); Sf((i+1),:)=[best_k_Sf(2) best_k_Sf(3)]; fprintf(1,'Iterasi ke -%3.0f \n',i); fprintf(1,'k: %f Sf: [%f %f] ',k(i+1),Sf((i+1),:)); fprintf(1,'Best Fitness ------>%f\n ',best_fit(i+1)); fprintf('\n'); fprintf(1,'Terbaik: %f |Terburuk: %f |Rata-rata: %f\n ',best_fit(i+1),worst_fit(i+1),avg_fit(i+1)); fprintf('\n'); fprintf('\n'); end %% xx=1:maxgen+1; figure(1); plot(xx,best_fit,'k');%,xx,worst_fit,'r');%,xx,avg_fit,'g'); title('Histori Nilai Fitness Terbaik'); grid; k=best_k_Sf(1); c1=best_k_Sf(2); c2=best_k_Sf(3); Sf=[c1 c2]; K=-inv(Sf*B)*(Sf*A); %% %========================================================================== %Pengujian nilai k dan Sf apakah sesuai dengan kriteria yang diinginkan %dengan hitting time tertentu %========================================================================== u=0; x=x0; dx=0; dt=0.01; for i=1:1000 x=x+dx; xs(:,i)=x; xe=x-xr; us(i)=u; dx=(A*x+B*u)*dt; s=Sf*x-Sf*xr; ss(i)=s; %Control Law Ueq=K*x; Un=-k*inv(Sf*B)*sign(s); u=Ueq+Un; end; %% %========================================================================== %Menghitung kembali nilai hitting time %========================================================================== %a=xr(1); %Nilai referensi (merupakan batas hitting time) a=xr(1)-0.01*(xr(1)-x0(1)); %toleransi 1% dari nilai referensi t=1; stop=0; while stop==0 if xs(1,t)
end; if t==length(xs) stop=1; end; t=t+1; end; ts=t*dt; %ts pada kondisi mulai steady state %% if ts<4 %menguji apakah hitting time sesuai dengan yang diinginkan t=t+200; for m=1:100 x_steady_array(m)=xs(1,t); %nilai state dari mulai ts sampai ts10 t=t+1; ts10=t*dt; end; x_array=x_steady_array; %array steady state samapi ts10 x_steady_min=min(x_steady_array); %nilai minimum state pada kondisi steady state x_steady_max=max(x_steady_array); %nilai maximum state pada kondisi steady state CH=x_steady_max-x_steady_min; end; %========================================================================== %% disp('********************************************************************'); disp('********* Data-data Hasil Optimasi Algoritma Genetika **************') disp('********************************************************************'); HT=ts; %Hitting Time fprintf(1,'Nilai Settling Time : %f secon\n',HT); fprintf(1,'Nilai k terbaik : %f\n',best_k_Sf(1)); fprintf(1,'Nilai konstanta Sliding Surface terbaik : [c1=%f c2=%f]\n',Sf); u_rata=mean(us); ue=us-u_rata; fprintf(1,'MSE Input Kendali : %f\n',mse(ue)); xe1=xs(1,:)-xr(1); fprintf(1,'MSE Keluaran State (x1) : %f\n',mse(xe1)); xe2=xs(2,:)-xr(2); fprintf(1,'MSE state x2 : %f\n',mse(xe2)); fprintf(1,'Error Steady State (ess) : %f\n',CH); disp('********************************************************************'); %% %========================================================================== %Menggambarkan respon state terhadap waktu %-------------------------------------------------------------------------figure(2) for j=1:length(xs) t(j)=j*dt; end; plot(t,xs(1,:),'k'); grid on;hold on; o=1; plot(t,o,'k--');xlabel('time (secon)');legend('Kecepatan aktual','Kecepatan referensi') %-------------------------------------------------------------------------figure(3) plot(t,xs(2,:),'k');xlabel('time (secon)');legend('Percepatan'); grid on; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------figure(4); plot(t,us,'k'); xlabel('time (secon)'); ylabel('u'); legend('Masukan Kendali'); grid on; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------figure(5) m=-0.5:0.02:(xr(1)+0.5); for n=1:length(m) y(n)=-Sf(1)*(m(n)-xr(1)); end;
plot(m,y,'r'); grid on; hold on; plot(xs(1,:),xs(2,:),'k'); xlabel('x1 (speed)'); ylabel('x2 (acceleration'); hold off; %%
II. Program Inisialisasi Algoritma Genetika function phen=init_ga(bounds,siz,sea) for i=1:siz phen(i,:)=(bounds(:,2)-bounds(:,1))'.*rand(1,sea)+bounds(:,1)'; end
III. Program Evaluasi function [fitness,object]=evaluasi_smc_dcmotor(K,k,A,B,Sf,x0,xr,siz) for p=1:siz u=0; x0; xr; x=x0; dx=0; dt=0.01; %% for i=1:1000 x=x+dx; xs(:,i)=x; us(i)=u; dx=(A*x+B*u)*dt; s(p,:)=Sf(p,:)*x-Sf(p,:)*xr; ss(i,:)=s(p,:); %Control Law Ueq=K(p,:)*x; Un=-k(p,:)*inv(Sf(p,:)*B)*sign(s(p,:)); u=Ueq+Un; end; %% %menentukan nilai hitting time a=xr(1); % Jika state tidak sampai pada batas a, maka x_steady_array akan indices exceeds matrices dimension karena t nya % sudah sampai maksimum 1000, kemudian pada for m=1:10 % x_seady_state nya sudah tidak ada lagi. t=1; stop=0; while stop==0 if xs(1,t)
HT(p,:)=ts(p); %% u_rata=mean(us); ue=us-u_rata; u_err(p,:)=mse(ue);
%Hitting Time
xe1=xs(1,:)-xr(1); x_err(p,:)=mse(xe1);
%bobot untuk optimasi u_const=10; xe_const=1e7; c_ht=1; %Fungsi Object dan Fungsi Fitness object(p)=c_ht*(HT(p,:)^2)+u_const*(u_err(p,:)^2)+xe_const*(x_err(p,:)^2); %object(p)=c_ht*(HT(p,:)^2)+xe_const*(x_err(p,:)^2); fitness(p)=1/(object(p)+1); end
IV. Program Konversi Biner ke Float function [fval] = b2f(bval,bounds,bits) % function [fval] = b2f(bval,bounds,bits) % % Return the float number corresponing to the binary representation of bval. % % fval - the float representation of the number % bval - the binary representation of the number % bounds - the bounds on the variables % bits - the number of bits to represent each variable % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Binary and Real-Valued Simulation Evolution for Matlab Copyright (C) 1996 C.R. Houck, J.A. Joines, M.G. Kay C.R. Houck, J.Joines, and M.Kay. A genetic algorithm for function optimization: A Matlab implementation. ACM Transactions on Mathmatical Software, Submitted 1996. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. A copy of the GNU General Public License can be obtained from the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
scale=(bounds(:,2)-bounds(:,1))'./(2.^bits-1); %The range of the variables numV=size(bounds,1); cs=[0 cumsum(bits)]; for i=1:numV a=bval((cs(i)+1):cs(i+1)); fval(i)=sum(2.^(size(a,2)-1:-1:0).*a)*scale(i)+bounds(i,1); end
V. Program Konversi Float ke Biner function [bval] = f2b(fval,bounds,bits) % function [bval] = f2b(fval,bounds,bits) % % Return the binary representation of the float number fval.
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
fval bval bounds bits
the the the the
float representation of the number binary representation of the number bounds on the variables number of bits to represent each variable
Binary and Real-Valued Simulation Evolution for Matlab Copyright (C) 1996 C.R. Houck, J.A. Joines, M.G. Kay C.R. Houck, J.Joines, and M.Kay. A genetic algorithm for function optimization: A Matlab implementation. ACM Transactions on Mathmatical Software, Submitted 1996. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. A copy of the GNU General Public License can be obtained from the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
scale=(2.^bits-1)./ (bounds(:,2)-bounds(:,1))'; %The range of the variables numV=size(bounds,1); cs=[0 cumsum(bits)]; bval=[]; for i=1:numV fval(i)=(fval(i)-bounds(i,1)) * scale(i); bval=[bval rem(floor(fval(i)*pow2(1-bits(i):0)),2)]; end
VI. Program Mate function [new_gen,mating]=mate(old_gen) [junk,mating]=sort(rand(size(old_gen,1),1)); new_gen=old_gen(mating,:);
VII. Program Mutate function [new_gen,mutated]=mutate(old_gen,pmut) mutated=find(rand(size(old_gen))
VIII. Program Reproduksi function [new_gen,selected]=reproduksi(old_gen,fitness) norm_fit=fitness/sum(fitness); selected=rand(size(fitness)); sum_fit=0;
%probabilitas fitness %membangkitkan secara random nilai fitness
%melakukan seleksi menggunakan rolute wheel for i=1:length(fitness) sum_fit=sum_fit+norm_fit(i); %nilai komulatif dari probailitas fitness index=find(selected<sum_fit); %jika nilai yang dibangkitkan lebih kecil dari sum_fit(i) maka akan diambil sum_fit(i) sebagai induk selected(index)=i*ones(size(index));%induk yang dipilih adalah index ke-i dari sum_fit(i) yang diambil end new_gen=old_gen(selected,:); %phenotif/chromosome baru hasil proses seleksi
IX. Program XOVER function [new_gen,sites]=xover(old_gen,pcross) lchrom=size(old_gen,2);
sites=ceil(rand(size(old_gen,1)/2,1)*(lchrom-1)); sites=sites.*(rand(size(sites))