FlavOnline Online magazine of Flavon max Club
Vol. 2. No. 1.
Besides many famous persons, our Founder and Chairman, László Gaál, also reserves a place among the TOP 100 Successful Hungarians. Please find the article below. The „TOP 100 successful Hungarians” is an almanac about successful businessmen and celebrities published by a prestigious Hungarian magazine.
2009. évkönyv
XII. évf. 131. szám 980 Ft
100 sikeres
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Gaál László Idén55voltam 55 this évesyear. . Iskolás I was years old 5 haskorom been my lucky number since I was a schoolboy, óta 5ös a szerencseszámom , and now I managed to double it. most sIkerült megdupláznom . I was even in my achildhood by the Márfascinated gyerekként elbűvölt filmek világa, world of films, wonderful scenes. I was wona gyönyörű helyszínek, az is felmerült bendering if I had been born to a wrong place, nem, hogy rossz helyre születtem, hisz a since no acquaintance of mine in közül my environkörnyezetemből, az ismerőseim senki ment has még ever azokban been to those cities, lands where nem járt a városokban, azokon I longed for. a tájakon, ahová én vágytam. I have always liked competing. Usually I was Mindig szerettem versenyezni. A matek the first one to submit my maths and physics és fizika dolgozataimat rendszerint én adtam tests. be As elsőként. an adult, after 10 years of employee statíz év státus és I tusFelnőttként and 10 years of alkalmazotti traditional enterprise, 10 év hagyományos vállalkozás után egy encountered with a business that seemed to be különlegesnek számító vállalkozásra találspecial. How didazallMLM. this happen? Like most of the tam, ez people, I made my decision basedaon partial Hogyan is történt: Én is, mint legtöbb information that I wouldalapján not be interested. So, ember, fél információk eldöntöttem, when me with hogy someone ez engemfound biztosan nem this fog opportunity érdekelni. in 1991, I did not long formegkerestek what he offered due Így, amikor 1991-ben vele, to the fact that the messenger was not successlátva, hogy nem elég sikeres a hírhozó, nem ful enough. vágytam arra, amit ő kínált. Two years later, in 1993, the messenger Két évvel később 1993-ban már más was a different person with another netvolt egy másik rendszerrel. work.a hír He hozója, was self-confident, had just Ő magabiztos volt, haza egy arrived back from a akkor journeyjött from abroad, külföldi sikeresnekhe he seemedútról, to be elégedettnek, satisfied and successful, látszott, olyan volt, amilyen én szerettem was just like I wanted to be. I joined him and volna lenni. Csatlakoztam hozzá és ezt a wanted to pursue this activity to the best of my tevékenységet is próbáltam a legjobb knowledge. I made a lot of contacts verytudásoon, first Hungary, later I Nagyon started tohamar travel more sominszerint végezni. sok and more to the neighboring countries. belül, ismerősöm lett, előbb az országon As my good job, my majdrecognition egyre többetofutaztam a szomszédos company of that time took me to holidays országokba is. Jó munkámat elismerve abroad every year. What I am the proudest of is minden évben elvitt akkori cégem külföldi that after a very difficult qualification in 1996 nyaralásokra. Legbüszkébb arra vagyok, there were only two couples who qualified for amikor 1996-ban egy nagyon kemény kvaa holiday in Hawaii, in the Hilton Hotel: our lifikációtand követően két házaspár el I sponsors we. It was a fantasticjutott period, Hawaiira a Hiltonba, szponzoraink mi. visited America more athan ten times, és I have Nagyon volt, mint tízszer seen the szép citiesidőszak and lands oftöbb my dreams every jártam Amerikában, rendre találkoztam time: Hollywood, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, városaival, tájaival: Hollywood, aálmaim luxurious ship tour on the Caribbean, just to Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Karib tengeri mention a some of them. I replaced my cars several times, which was partly because of my luxus hajóút, hogy csak néhányat soroljak. financial development and the lot ami of investSokszor cseréltem a kocsijaimat, részed On the average, benkilometers. anyagi fejlődésem, részbenI atraveled rengetegas much as 60-80 thousand kilometers. I earned beletett km következménye volt. Átlagosan as much in a month as I used to earn as an évente 60-80 ezer km-t utaztam. Annyit
Top 100 sikeres magyar
an employee every year. kerestem havonta, This could be the end of mint alkalmazottként my story, as it could be évente. Itt akár véget aisdream thatacomes true érhetne történet, for people.számára It does hiszmany sok ember have a next part, though. lehet ez egy megvalóI saw that the owners of sult álom, de van még the American company folytatása. and the emplo-yees who Láttam az work thereazt, are hogy not any amerikai tulajbetter than cégek we Hungardonosai, az otttodolgozó ians. I started wonder alkalmazottak nem about an own MLM-enterprise, whichmint couldmi be különbek, present in 50-100 countmagyarok. Elkezdtem ries as well asegy the saját comgondolkodni panies I had been MLM that vállalkozáson, familiar with and exaamely ugyanúgy ott mined every little lehetne 50-100tiny országelement of this industry. Thoughts were ban, mint azok a cégek, amelyeket megisfollowed by actions, and the distribution of mertem, tanulmányozva ennek az iparágnak Flavon max products was launched in 2004, minden csínját-bínját. A gondolatot tettek first in Hungary. követték és 2004-ben saját receptúra alapján elindult a Flavon max termékek forgalma-of The creation and continuous development zása először Magyarországon. A termékek products is conducted by a number of experts, kifejlesztését, folyamatos we also conducted research atfejlesztéseket the University számtalan segíti, of Debrecenszakember and the College of kutatásokat Nyíregyháza. Itvégeztetünk was the second time that Egyetemen we celebrated a Debreceni ésthe a birthday of ourFőiskolán. company in the Budapest ConNyíregyházi gress Center in the company of a2000 enthusiMár másodszor ünnepeltük Kongreszastic happy colleagues. szusiand Központban a születésnapunkat, több
mint 2000 lelkes és boldog munkatársunk Our products and company és received numtársaságában. Termékeink cégünka több ber of national recognitions: Hungarian Proországos elismerést kapott: Magyar Termék duct Award – Recognized product, House Nagydíj Elismert termék, Minőség Háza of Quality award, Certificate of the Hungardíj, Venture Kockázati és Magántőke díj, and és elértük, ian Capital Association, we also hogy a régiónkban is elismertek bennünket, became recognized in the region, we received „Hajdú-Bihar megye Kitüntetett Minőségű the „Favoured Quality Product of Hajdú-Bihar Terméke” elismerést kaptunk és Északof county” and the Regional InnovationazAward Alföldi régió Innovációs Észak-Alföld in our category. fődíját ítélték nekünk kategóriánkban. OurVállalatainknak companies do not have any loans, and we nincsenek adóságai, egyre have an increasing number Magyarországon, of offices in Huntöbb irodával rendelkezünk gary and Poland. InAour head office in DebreLengyelországban. debreceni székházunkcen our customer service staff are happy to be ban 10 nyelven nemzetközi ügyfélszolgálat
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at the service of our colleagues who work over áll rendelkezésére a világban dolgozó munthe world in 10 different languages. Our conkatársaknak. A fogyasztói klubunknak ma sumer club has more than 50.000 registered már több mint 50.000 regisztrált tagja van, members and I do my best to help them realize és most azonand dolgozom, hogy egyre több their dreams aims. embert segítsek hozzá, hogy ők is elérjék álmaikat és céljaikat. It was very touching to see those 40 people Nagyon látnomwhen 2008. who receivedmegható a lifetimevolt experience we novemberében a negyven embert, recognized theirazt work in the frame of akik an all inclusive in November 2008,munwhile egy életretraining szóló élményt kaptak, mert they could also getallacquainted with the white kájukat elismerve inclusive körülmények sandy of Cancún, Mexico. meg töbközöttibeach képzésben ismerkedhettek bek között Mexikó fehér homokos cancúni Itengerpartjával. recommend this business opportunity to those who desire for more ezt thanazwhat have now, Azoknak ajánlom üzletithey lehetőséget, but they simply do not have enough capital to akik többre vágynak, mint ahol most tartastart a traditional business and would not like nak, de nincs elég tőkéjük egy hagyományos to go bankrupt. This enterprise is free from risk vállalkozás indításához, és nem and recompenses aptitude and skills.akarnak eladósodni hozzá. Ez a vállalkozás kockázatmentes és amax rátermettséget, ügyességet In the Flavon Club everyone has the honorálja. marshal’s baton in their own hand! A Flavon max klubban mindenki tarisznyájában ott a marsallbot! László Gaál Founder of the Flavon max Consumer Club Gaál László www.flavonmax.com A Flavon max fogyasztói klub alapítója www.flavonmax.com
[email protected]
Julianna Polgár
I was brought up in a very simple family in Gyergyóremete, Transylvania. My parents earned their bread with hard work. As a child, I noticed that they were always working and had little time for me and my sister. They taught me to respect money and that one can achieve things only by putting all the money together and saving up. I knew it even that time that I did not want to live this way. Sometimes we had battles of word with my parents, because I considered what they were doing pointless. I think they taught me how to work honestly with good manners. Although their family circumstances did not give them the chance for further study, they provided us with everything to attend university. They wanted their children to have an easier and happier life. When I was 10, I asked my mother to take me to the factory she was working at, because I wanted to see where she worked day by day. I could not hear my own voice as the power-looms were clattering where my mother worked in three shifts for 25 years. They took only 2 weeks holiday for rest over the whole year, they spent all the rest of their time with working. So, I studied diligently to have an easier life. I attended the University of Pharmaceutics, but I went to the United States of America for four months to work before graduating. I did not want to skip this opportunity. I worked in catering industry from dusk till dawn, which seemed to be fun due to the fact that it was only a couple of months. I bought a small flat with two rooms in Marosvásárhely from the money I had earned in the USA. That is where real LIFE – with capital letters – started. I found a job in a pharmacy in a couple of days. As a career-starter pharmacist I earned a sum that just enabled me to pay my bills and prevented me from starving to death. That’s when I suddenly realized that university is not enough to live abundantly.
Also, my freedom was restricted, as I spent eight hours there every day, as well as my Saturday mornings. That’s how it happened that, while searching for opportunities, I moved to Budapest to work, where pharmacists were welcomed with open arms and high salaries. On April 26, 2007, I found the company, the product and the system that enables me to realize my wildest dreams. This was nothing other than the Flavon max Club. Up to this day I had not been interested in network marketing, but when Gabriella Fáklya introduced me in Cegléd what this product had to offer and what commissions Gaál és Sziklás Kft. paid, I immediately knew that this was for me. That’s when I realized that it is possible to earn a lot of money with decent and honest work. I became absolutely enthusiastic by seeing a system where one can earn money by sponsoring, that is helping, others. Now I know that this is one of the greatest professions on Earth, since I have learned a lot about people and myself for the last one and a half year. Network marketing is a great opportunity for those who have aims and like people. I realized it in the very first month that this job is about learning and teaching. I read that only those people would be successful in this business who does not give up and holds out until reaching the aims. Indeed, I had some very difficult months when it was not easy and we were doing our part with the same enthusiasm, because we knew WHY we were doing it. I must say a very special thank you for Gabriella Fáklya, who motivated me and gave me energy with her “fiery speech” even when I had some very difficult days. Network marketing means freedom for me. And freedom means that I do not have to do anything I do not fancy.
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FlavOnline I meet people day by day who I enjoy working with, and who give me love and positive energy. I wake up happily every morning and look forward to help even more people to reach their first successes. It is a fantastic feeling to see that we introduced light and big changes in people’s life with our “jam”. I suddenly realized that you can only be successful in this business if you make others successful as well. Great results can be achieved only in team, together. A huge team started in a small town of Hungary called Pásztó, and I taught and helped them ignoring tiredness. I must say thank you to Dr. Tibor Fölker and his team, since we achieved Elite rank together. This team is very close to my heart, because we proved with their help that this concept actually works and one can achieve such results in the short run that are impossible in any other business. I honestly admire Dr. István Imre, Dr. Éva Szalkai, Dr. Ildikó Késmárki, Gabriella Székely and Marietta Radetzky, since they reached the first leadership rank very quickly. Let me congratulate them here from the deepest of my heart and thank them for being and having been with us. I was building my business part-time for 10 months. I suddenly realized that I became responsible as a sponsor and I had to help them, because we would have success only this way. Since the team grew very big, it required full-time engagement, so I decided to work full-time.
I could afford going home to Transylvania and build the Flavon max network there as well. I visited Transylvania, Romania several times in summer and I experienced a lot of failures. But I introduced this business with the same swing, since I knew that my work would yield results. I am very happy, because we are at the beginning of building a huge team in Romania. We managed to find people who, similarly to me, recognized the possibilities of this concept. They invested a lot of energy in it from the very first moment, and significant successes have been achieved. I am very proud of Dr. László Kelemen, together with whom I started to research flavonoids, and it is a great pleasure for my that I can work with him, when flavonoids yield not only health but success as well. After more than one and half year I experienced that I must stand on more feet, keep on working on more branches, because the team will stay stable only if we have the proper swing continuously, as it is easier to have progress. If you want to be successful, you have to believe in yourself and people, you have to be patient and persistent, you have to learn continuously, you have to be open for new things and new experiences, you have to live in peace with yourself and others, and last but not least, you have to like people and all the things you do. GREAT THINGS ARE BORN BY NOT ONLY DREAMING BUT ALSO BY SETTING CONCRETE AIMS AND STARTING TAKING ACTION!!!
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FlavOnline Dr. Sándor Turzó Phd - scientific advisor:
Ginseng (panax ginseng) Ginseng root has been used in the Far East for centuries. Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) is member of the Araliaceae family, which includes American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) as well and the Siberian ginseng called eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus). Due to its positive effects it has officially been cultivated for more than 400 years. A characteristic feature of the plant is that it grows only in shadow, and does not prefer sunny places.
It comes from the high mountains of the Northern part of the Korean peninsula and the Northeastern part of China (Manchuria), but sometimes occurs in lower areas as well. It is member of the ginseng genus that embraces six Southeast Asian and North American species. It has a height of 40-60 cm, but can grow as high as 1 meter. Its straight stem has a reddish colour, on whose top a leaf compound of five reversed-egg-shaped leaflets is situated. Its inflorescence is umbelliferous, bright, pea-size fruits develop from its pink flowers. It has bifurcate roots, thicker side-shoots and rootlets branch off the primary root. Ginseng root was recognized as the symbol of health and long life in Asia, so only kings and emperors had the right to use it. Ginseng was even more valuable than gold this time. In Chinese language ginseng root is called „Jen Shen”, in English it means the following: „power of the soil in human shape”. It used to be called “the root of life” in Korea, it is higly esteemed even today. It appeared and became popular in Europe in the 17th century. It was spread by Dutch sailors this time. Much earlier on, it was brought in to the Moorish areas of the Iberian peninsula, but it did not get acclimatized. Ginseng was recognized as an herb only as late as the 19th century.
Ginseng contains a lot of kinds of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B12, C and folic acid), enzymes (amilase, phenolase), amino acids, proteins, sterines, fat acids, volatile oils and ginsenosides of high effective agent content belonging to the group of saponines that express their effects on the synapses of the cerebrum. Ginseng is extraordinarily rich in many minerals and trace elements. It contains selene, maltol and germanium from the so-called “natural detoxifiers.” The significance of germanium in the human body is probably greater than previously assumed. When modern science started to research the background of the positive effects of ginseng, it became apparent that its complex effect can only be caused by the simultaneous presence of a number of effective agents. Naturally, several biologically active materials found in ginseng root, from which those major materials were extracted that cause the mentioned effects. These are the so-called ginsenosides that became famous in the meanwhile and belong to the group of saponines. Chemically, ginsenosides belong to the group of saponines that has long been known. Further types of saponines were found in ginseng that had never been detected in any other plants before. However, the most significant thing concerning ginseng is not the amount of effective agents but their diversity and distribution in the root, which has a special effect to the whole body. In the case of products made of ginseng, it is very important that they have proper effective agent content. These are guaranteed by the applied quality control systems and the positive results of product examinations conducted by different authorities.
The development of ginseng as of the age of two. Its root can be gathered in at the age of seven the earliest.
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Jim Rohn:
Change Begins With Choice
Any day we wish; we can discipline ourselves to change it all. Any day we wish; we can open the book that will open our mind to new knowledge. Any day we wish; we can start a new activity. Any day we wish; we can start the process of life change. We can do it immediately, or next week, or next month, or next year. We can also do nothing. We can pretend rather than perform. And if the idea of having to change ourselves makes us uncomfortable, we can remain as we are. We can choose rest over labor, entertainment over education, delusion over truth, and doubt over confidence.
They need the whole truth. And they need nothing but the truth. We cannot allow our errors in judgment, repeated every day, to lead us down the wrong path. We must keep coming back to those basics that make the biggest difference in how our life works out. And then we must make the very choices that will bring life, happiness and joy into our daily lives. And if I may be so bold to offer my last piece of advice for someone seeking and needing to make changes in their life - If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree.
The choices are ours to make. But while we curse the effect, we continue to nourish the cause. As Shakespeare uniquely observed, “The fault is not in the stars, but in ourselves.” We created our circumstances by our past choices. We have both the ability and the responsibility to make better choices beginning today. Those who are in search of the good life do not need more answers or more time to think things over to reach better conclusions. They need the truth.
You have the ability to totally transform every area in your life - and it all begins with your very own power of choice. To your success, Jim Rohn Jim Rohn’s Weekly E-zine – November 2008
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