NIEUWSBRIEF TTO en FLE September 2015
Nieuwsbrief september 2015
Welkom Terugblik studiereis 6 FLE Belangrijke data TTO/FLE 2015-2016 Programma 3TTO-reis Norwich
Welkom! Hierbij ontvangt u de nieuwsbrief voor Tweetalig Onderwijs (TTO) en Fast Lane English (FLE). Met deze nieuwsbrief houden wij leerlingen, ouders en personeel op de hoogte van onderwerpen rondom TTO en FLE op onze school.
1. Terugblik Studiereis 6FLE In week 35, 24th – 29th August Pius X 6 FLE went to London for the annual workweek. Here are a few extracts from their reports on this trip. Getting there Of all the ways to traval we used a coach, then the ferry followed by national rail services and the London Underground. During the week in London we received an Oyster card by which you could travel by bus or underground in central London. I liked this way of travelling a lot; the journey to and fro was very pleasant and the Oyster card was incredibly useful and gave us a lot of freedom to see London for ourselves in our spare time.
Accommodation The hostel in which we stayed was reasonable regarding the rooms, but breakfast there was delicious. I would not describe the accommodation as unpleasant, but the rooms/beds were not very comfortable. Also, some of us weren’t able to stand upright under the shower.
Highlights One of the highlights of the excursion was the musical performance of The Lion King. Not only were the music and the acting of high quality, it also left the group with a sense of nostalgia, which caused all of us to return to the hostel in a wonderful mood. Jack the Ripper tour: I had done this before, but I still had a lot of fun and the story was still interesting.
The Museums On Wednesday we went to two museums for the presentations. I loved the British Museum. There were a lot of interesting things to see. I had hoped for more free time there, but unfortunately the presentations took a lot of time. Maybe next year there can be a better division between the presentations at the British Museum and those at the Science Museum. The presentations themselves were good. Mine worked out as I thought it would. It wasn’t too noisy, so I could make myself understandable.
Stamford Bridge tour The tour in the Chelsea Stadium was surprisingly interesting, even for those who are not football fanatics. It wasn’t too long and the guide was charismatic and funny. The fact that students got involved in the tour and got to visit places of the stadium usually only seen by players or coaches created an exciting atmosphere. Conclusion All in all, I think the trip was really enjoyable and a big success.
2. Belangrijke data TTO/FLE schooljaar 2015-2016
Zondag 11 t/m vrijdag 16 oktober Excursie naar Norwich klas 3TTO Woensdag 4 november Avondvoorstelling “Othello” van Shakespeare Theater Hof 88 (vrijwillige deelname) Eind november Studiemiddag ter voorbereiding van de examens CAE en CPE Woensdag 2 december Schriftelijke examen CAE op het Canisius Donderdag 3 december Schriftelijk examen CPE op het Canisius
Op dit moment is er nog geen datum bekend van de mondelinge examens. Naar verwachting zullen deze in de week voorafgaand aan de schriftelijke examens plaats vinden op het Canisius (locatie Slot).
Donderdag 4 februari
Woensdag 23 maart Woensdag 30 maart
Vrijdag 1 april
Donderdag 14 april
Maandag 30 mei Dinsdag 21 juni
“WW I Poets”: culturele activiteit voor leerlingen van 5FLE “Little Victorians”: culturele activiteit voor klas 1TTO Pip Utton plays “Popes”: culturele activiteit klas 3TTO 4 en 5 FLE English Theatre Company: Culturele activiteit klas 1 en 2 TTO Feestelijke uitreiking Cambridge certificaten CAE en CPE. Examen FCE klas 3TTO Feestelijke uitreiking TTO Junior Certificaten
Aanvulling: er wordt nog gezocht naar een (culturele) activiteit voor de leerlingen van klas 2TTO. Bovenstaande foto’s zijn van de culturele activiteit 5 en 6 FLE “Deadly Punch” welke plaatsvond op 16 september jl.
3. Programma 3TTO-reis Norwich Het programma voor de reis naar Norwich met klas 3TTO is als volgt: Sunday October 11 4.30 pm departure from Pius X in Almelo 7.30 pm arrival at port in Hoek van Holland and check in 9.30 pm departure from the ferry Monday October 12 6.30 am start disembarking in Harwich 9.00 am arrival in Cambridge Spare time 11.00 am guided tour through Cambridge city centre including a visit to Queens College 0.30 pm lunch 1.30 pm departure from Cambridge 2.00 pm arrival “Imperial War Museum” in Duxford 4.00 pm departure for Norwich 6.00 pm arrival at Eaton Vale Activity Centre 7.00 pm dinner and spare time 10.00 pm bed time Tuesday October 13 8.00 am breakfast 9.00 am start programme at Open Academy Peer shadowing; Writing instruction; Biology project and Sport activity 0.30 pm lunch together with English peers 3.00 pm end of programme 3.30 pm spare time in Norwich 5.30 pm dinner at Pizza Hut 7.00 pm cinema 9.00 pm return to Eaton Vale 10.00 pm bed time Wednesday October 14 7.30 am breakfast 8.30 am continuation programme at Open Academy 0.30 pm lunch 1.30 pm continuation programme 3.00 pm return to Eaton Vale 5.00 pm dinner and outdoor activities: wall climbing and archery 10.00 pm bed time 4
Thursday October 15 7.00 am 7.30 am 10.30 am 0.30 pm 3.00 pm 5.30 pm 7.30 pm 9.30 pm Friday October 16 2.00 am 5.00 am 12.00 pm
breakfast departure for London arrival London and start guided walk through city centre and its highlights lunch at Trafalgar Square spare time in Covent Garden dinner musical departure for Dover
departure ferry for Calais arrival in Calais arrival at Pius X College in Almelo
4. Praktische informatie Vragen over TTO of FLE? Neem dan contact op met de TTO/FLE-coördinator. Benieuwd naar de gezichten achter de namen van de verschillende mensen? Een overzicht:
FLE-coördinator: Victor Pirenne (
[email protected])
Docent Engels Elly Scheepmaker-Jansen
Docent Engels Maarten Hermanussen 5