MŰVELTETŐ SZERKEZET (Causative) ● A műveltetés azt jelenti, hogy valakivel, valamivel csináltatunk valamit. ● A műveltetés formái: HA NEM FONTOS, HOGY KIVEL VÉGEZTETJÜK A CSELEKVÉST MEGCSINÁLTAT valamit (általában professzionális munkát) (have sg. done) ► Felépítése: HAVE/GET (műveltető ige - minden igealakban használható)
+ tárgy, amit csináltatunk + az ige 3. alakja (a cselekvés tárgya)
(a cselekvés, amit csináltatunk)
(+by sy.) (akivel csináltatjuk)
pl. The boss is having the letter typed now. (A főnök most gépelteti a levelet.) Megjegyzés: A ”have” és a ”get” nem teljesen ugyanazt fejezi ki! A ’get’ használatos, amikor a) hangsúlyozni akarjuk, hogy valamit muszáj megcsináltatni pl. I must get my car repaired. (Muszáj megjavíttatnom az autómat.) b) valakit felszólítunk valami megcsináltatására pl. Get your hair cut. (Vágasd le a hajadat!) c) valamilyen sikerélmény fűződik hozzá pl. I managed to get the car fixed. (Sikerült megjavíttatnom az autómat.)
► Használata: Általában olyan cselekvés elvéheztetésére utalunk vele, amihez valamilyen szaktudás szükséges. ● Ha egyértelmű, kivel végeztetjük a cselekvést (általában, ha szakemberrel végeztetjük) pl. We will have the house painted. (Ki fogjuk festetni a házat.) – egyértelmű, hogy egy szakemberrel (festővel) fogjuk végeztetni ● Ha nem tudjuk vagy nem akarjuk megnevezni a végrehajtóját pl. I had my skirt shortened. (Lerövidíttettem a szoknyámat.) – nem fontos, vagy nem akarom megnevezni, hogy kivel végeztettem ► Ha mégis meg akarjuk nevezni, hogy kivel végeztetjük a cselekvést Ilyenkor a ”by” elöljárószóval kapcsoljuk a cselekvés végzőjét (aki általában valaki hozzáértő ember, de nem feltétlenül szakember) Így nyomatékot kap a cselekvés végrehajtójának megnevezése. pl. We will have the house painted by Peter. (Peterrel fogjuk kifestetni a házat.) – ki akarom emelni, hogy kivel fogjuk elvégeztetni (Peter valószínűleg nem szakember, de ért hozzá)
HA MEGNEVEZZÜK, HOGY KIVEL VÉGEZTETJÜK A CSELEKVÉST elvégeztet vmit, MEGKÉR, UTASÍT vkit vmi elvégzésére (have sy. do sg.) Ha a cselekvést úgy végeztetjük el valakivel, hogy arra őt utasítani kell, meg kell rá kérni. pl. The boss had the secretary type the letter. (A főnök legépeltette a levelet a titkárnővel.) – tkp. a főnök erre autasította a titkárnőt ► Felépítése: HAVE
+ akivel csináltatjuk +
(műveltető ige - minden igealakban használható)
az ige szótári alakja
tárgy, amit csináltatunk
(a cselekvés, amit csináltatunk)
(a cselekvés tárgya)
pl. The boss had the secretary type the letter. (A főnök legépeltette a levelet a titkárnővel.) elvégeztet vmit, RÁVESZ, RÁBESZÉL, MEGKÉR vkit vmi elvégzésére (get sy. to do sg.) Ha a cselekvést úgy végeztetjük el valakivel, hogy arra őt rávesszük, rábeszéljük (tkp. kerítünk vkit vmi elvégzésére). pl. Peter got his sister to type the letter. (Peter legépeltette a levelet a nővérével.) – tkp. Peter erre rávette/rábeszélte a nővérét ► Felépítése: GET
+ akivel csináltatjuk
(műveltető ige - minden igealakban használható)
+ az ige ”TO” + szótári alakja (a cselekvés, amit csináltatunk)
tárgy, amit csináltatunk (a cselekvés tárgya)
pl. Peter got his sister to type the letter. (Peter legépeltette a levelet a nővérével.) Megjegyzés: A ”get”-es a kevésbé direkt, enyhébb jelentésű szerkezet – sokszor a cselekvés végzője és végeztetője között barátibb jellegű kapcsolatról is árulkodik.
elvégeztet vmit, KÉSZTET, KÉNYSZERÍT, RÁVESZ (make sy. do sg.) ● Ha valakit valamilyen cselekedetre késztetünk/kényszerítünk/ráveszünk (= ’arra késztet / kényszerít vkit, hogy…’; ’Eléri, hogy…’) pl. The teacher made us translate long sentences. (A tanár hosszú mondatokat fordíttatott le velünk.) – tkp. a tanár erre kötelezett The guests made Ben play the piano. (A vendégek rávették Ben-t, hogy zongorázzon.) – tkp. a vendégek erre rábeszélték, elérték, hogy megtegye I will make him do my homework. (Meg fogom csináltatni vele a házi feladatomat.) - tkp. erre fogom rávenni The bank robber made everyone lie on the floor. (A bankrabló mindenkit arra kényszerített, hogy a padlóra feküdjön.) ● Ha valakiből valamilyen érzelmet váltunk ki (vmilyen érzelmi megnyilvánulásra késztetjük) pl. You make me laugh. (Megnevettetsz.) – tkp. arra késztetsz, hogy nevessek The film made her cry. (A film megríkatta. / Sírt a filmen.) – tkp. a film arra késztette, hogy sírjon I tried to make her smile, but I couldn't. (Próbáltam megmosolyogtatni, de nem tudtam.) – tkp. rá akartam venni, hogy mosolyogjon ● „Valamilyenné tesz” jelentésben (…-ít) (Vigyázat! A magyar mondatban ilyenkor néha nem ismerjük fel, hogy az angolban műveltetés kell!) pl. It makes you look fatter. (Ez kövérít. / Ebben kövérnek látszol.) Let's make our voice heard. (Hallassuk a hangunkat!)► Felépítése: MAKE (műveltető ige - minden igealakban használható)
+ akivel csináltatjuk +
az ige szótári alakja
(a cselekvés, amit csináltatunk)
tárgy, amit csináltatunk (a cselekvés tárgya – ha van)
pl. The boss made the secretary type the letter. (A főnök legépeltette a levelet a titkárnővel.) Megjegyzés: a ”make”-kel való műveltetés esetén nem feltétlenül kell, hogy a cselekvésnek legyen tárgya! A szerkezet szenvedővé is átalakítható. Ez esetben a cselekvést ’to’-val kell kapcsolnunk! pl. My boss made me work hard. → I was made to work hard (by my boss).
HALADÓKNAK Egyéb szerkezetek: AZT OKOZZA, HOGY…; … miatt … Alakja: a cselekvés okozója + CAUSE + akinek okoz vmit + to + szótári alak (amilyen cselekvésre késztet) pl. The disgusting smell caused me to leave. (Az undorító szag miatt távoztam.) - a szag okozta, hogy távozzak The rain caused the match to be cancelled. (Az eső miatt törölték a meccset.) - az eső okozta, hogy törölték a meccset AZ ALANYRA VISSZAUTALÓ MŰVELTETÉS Alakja: make + visszaható névmás + az ige 3. alakja (Visszaható névmások: myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves) pl. He can't make himself understood. (Nem tudja / bírja megértetni magát.) NEED TO + MŰVELTETÉS Amikor a műveltetés párosul a ’need (to)’ igével, a szerkezet bonyolultságát az angolok leegyszerűsítik azzal, hogy a műveltetés helyett az ige –ing-es alakját használják, és a megcsináltatandó dolgot a mondat alanyaként használják. pl. You need to have your hair cut. Your hair needs cutting. Egyéb tudnivalók: Gondot okoz, hogy a két nyelv igen eltérő módon gondolkodik az ilyen fajta eseményekről és körülményeikről. Sokszor a magyar műveltető szerekezetet használ, az angol azonban nem, és persze fordítva: a) Néha egy angol mondatban műveltető szerkezet van, de ha magyarul műveltetésként (-tat, -tet) fordítjuk le, nem lesz jó. Ilyenkor ne erőltessük, fordítsuk másképp! pl. I had my tooth knocked out at the bus stop. Ezt ha "Kiüttettem a fogam a buszmegállóban" mondatra fordítjuk, elég félreérthető eredményt kapunk. A jelentése egyszerűen " Kiütötték a fogam a megállóban", esetleg "Én marha hagytam, hogy kiüssék a fogam a megállóban" lesz. Ugyanígy a "She had her car stolen" esetén. Nem ő lopatta el a saját kocsiját, biztosítási csalás folyamán, hanem egyszerűen ellopták. b) Vannak olyan mondatok is, melyek a magyar változat alapján műveltetést igényelnének, az angolban viszont nem műveltető szerkezet kell. (Úgy is értelmezhetjük, hogy az angolban bizonyos igék eleve visszaható jelentésűek is lehetnek) pl. walk (sétáltat) employ (foglalkoztat) run (futtat, folyat) Peti, sétáltatsd meg a kutyát! → Peter, walk the dog! Folyass nekem egy kis meleg vizet! Run some hot water for me. Futtatsd le a vírusírtó programot! Run the anti-virus programme. Majd tudatom veletek, ha megjön. I will let you know when he arrives.
CAUSATIVE HAVE/GET 1) Fill the gaps with "have" and the verb given in the first sentence in their correct forms. I am a very busy woman and therefore always short of time. I have my job, my children and the housework. I always have a lot to do. Unfortunately I'm not as lucky as my friend Mrs. Rich. She is a very lucky woman. She is married to such a rich man that she doesn't have to do any housework herself. She has all the housework done by her charwoman. e.g. I have to polish the shoes. Mrs. Rich has the shoes polished. 1) I wash up all the dishes every day. Mrs. Rich ........................................................ . 2) I iron all the clothes. Mrs. Rich ........................................................ . 3) I clean the windows. Mrs. Rich ........................................................ . 4) I mend the car. Mrs. Rich ........................................................ . 5) I cut the grass. Mrs. Rich ........................................................ . 6) I dust the furniture. Mrs. Rich ........................................................ . 7) I hoover the carpets. Mrs. Rich ........................................................ . 8) I cook all the meals. Mrs. Rich ........................................................ . 9) I water the plants. Mrs. Rich ........................................................ . 10) I feed the pets. Mrs. Rich ........................................................ . 2) Use the verbs in brackets with the correct form of ”have” to make a causative sentence. e.g. My skirt is too long. I will … (shorten) I will have it shortened. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Your foot is very swollen. You should …. (x-ray) The roof of the house is leaking. We need to … (mend) I badly need this article. I am going to …. (copy) Betty did not like the colour of her hair so she decided… (dye) It is a small house. We are going to … (enlarge)
3) Fill the gaps with the correct form of ”have” and the verb in brackets to make a causative sentence. 1. We .......................... the roof .......................... last year. It cost us a fortune. (mend) 2. The house is in chaos. We’re .......................... the kitchen ........................... (redecorate) 3. The government .......................... the whole island .......................... yesterday. (evacuate) 4. I must .......................... my hard drive .......................... for a bigger one as soon as possible. (change) 5. After the plague of fleas, my father .......................... the pantry ........................... (disinfect) 6. Have you .......................... that painting I bought you .......................... yet? (frame) 7. When did you last .......................... the airconditioner ..........................? (service) 8. I .......................... the brakes .......................... three times a year. (check)
9. He normally .......................... his suit dry .......................... before a wedding. (clean) 10.The headmaster .......................... all the lockers .......................... for the missing footballs the other day. (search) 1. Charles ........................... his house ........................... last week. (paint) 2. They ........................... their TV ........................... yet. (not / fix) 3. Lisa ........................... her hair ........................... tomorrow. (cut) 4. Susan ........................... a picture ........................... at the moment. (draw) 5. I am going ........................... a dress ........................... for the party. (make) 6. Helena wasn’t at school last week so she .......................... her photo .......................... with the class. (not / take) 7. John ...................................... his hair ............................. last week. (cut) 8. The girls ...................................... their bicycles ...................................... yet. (not / fix) 9. Jane ...................................... her eyes ....................................... (should / check) 10. Pam ...................................... her house ...................................... at the moment. (paint) 11. The car is dirty. We ................................. it .................................... today. (must / wash) 12. Ann ...................................... her house ...................................... every day. (not / clean) 4) Fill in the spaces using the prompts given. e.g.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
I went to the hairdresser's this morning to have my hair cut. (hair/cut) "Did John repair your roof?" "No, we had it done by the builder who he knows." (it/do/builder)
I __________________________________ right now. (my car/service) My brother ____________________ by a vandal last month. (his bike/damage) The boss _____________________________ next week. (our office/paint) They _______________________ as soon as possible. (the carpets/clean) We _______________________ recently. (a rose garden/plant) I ____________________ by the end of the week. (the kitchen/redecorate) John ________________________ every month. (his hair/cut) You should take your car to the mechanic to __________________________. (brakes/repair) 9. For their wedding anniversary, Mary __________________________ which they ate at a large party. (big cake/make) 10. I have to __________________________, otherwise I can't work on my thesis. (computer/repair) 11. We __________________________ and he said it was worth over a thousand dollars. (statue/value/art expert) 12. We should __________________________ before the summer begins. It looks dirty. (pool/clean) 13. The local council want all dog owners to __________________________ to reduce the problem of strays. (dogs/tag) 14. I broke the heel of my shoe this morning and now I need to __________________________. (it/repair) 15. After the car accident, Cynthia __________________________ and looked as she did before. (nose/reshape/famous plastic surgeon)
5) Put the sentences in order. 1. her / is / going to / get / cut / hair / Helen / in the next few days. _____________________________________________________
2. Mary / photo / has / had/ taken / her. ____________________________________________
3. nails / her / had / Barbara / has / never / done. ____________________________________________________
4. Martha / portrait / had / once / her / painted. ________________________________________________________
5. her / Angela / car / get / needs to / repaired. ____________________________________________________
6. Irene / her / regularly / eyes / gets / tested. __________________________________________________________
7. her / Nora / fortune / had / told / at some time in her life. _____________________________________________________
MIXED 6) Tick the correct answer. 1. I'm going ............ at the new hairdresser's to get my hair cut to cut my hair 2. She needs to ........ have her car repairs have her car repaired
3. I really must get ....... the central heating somebody to fix somebody fix 4. They ought to have ........ replace the broken windows somebody to somebody 5. I .......... my phone repaired after I dropped it had to had 6. It took ages to get ........... somebody do it somebody to do it 7. I'll ....... John to do it when he arrives get have 8. She ......... on the underground last week had her purse stolen got her purse stolen 9. He .......... tickets sent to his home address yesterday has had had 10. You should .......... a long time ago have it fixed have had it fixed 11. They couldn't .......... anyone to fix their burst pipes get have 12. They had it ....... by the same person who decorated their old house to do done 7) Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. The doctor made the patient ………………………….in bed. (stay) Mrs. Crane had her house …………………………. (paint) The teacher had the class …………………………. a 2000-word research paper. (write) I made my son …………………………. the windows before he could go outside to play. (wash) 5. Don got some kids in the neighborhood …………………………… out his garage. (clean) 6. I went to the bank to have a check ……………………………….. . (cash) 7. Tom had a bad headache yesterday, so he got his twin brother Tim ………………………. to class for him. The teacher didn’t know the difference. (go) 8. When Scott went shopping, he found a jacket he really liked. After he had the sleeves …………………………, it fit him perfectly. (shorten) 9. My boss made me ………………………. my report because he wasn’t satisfied with it. (redo) 10. Alice stopped at the service station to have the tank …………………………. . (fill) 1. 2. 3. 4.
8) Circle the correct answer. 1. She has to get her hair ……………………………… . a) to do b) do c) done d) did 2. Our teacher is going to make us …………………………… a tape. a) listen to b) listened to c) to listen to d) listen 3. They had to have him …………………….. their summer house. a) painted b) paint c) to paint d) painting 4. Do you know where I can get my car …………………………….. ? a) washed b) to wash c) wash d) washes 5. The comedian was not able to make us ……………………………. . a) laughing b) to laugh c) laugh d) laughed 6. You can’t get that man ……………………. your radio. a) fix b) to fix c) fixed d) fixing 7. I can never make her ………………………her mind. a) change b) to change c) changed d) changing 8. We had two pictures ………………………… . a) take b) taken c) to take d) took 9. When are you going to have your father …………………… a book? a) bought b) to buy c) buy d) buying 10. Please have the maid ……………………… my room. a) clean b) cleaned c) to clean d) cleaning 11. I know he stole the money. We’ll get him ………………………. . a) talk b) talking c) talked d) to talk 12. We had to hire a few men to get the trees ………………………… . a) cut down b) to cut down c) cutting down d) cutted down 13. Jim ____ to drive him to work last night. a) has a friend b) had a friend c) got a friend 14. Next week I ____ make a dress for me. a) am having my aunt b) am getting my aunt
c) have my aunt
15. You shouldn’t ____ type the letters for you. a) be getting Tina b) have Tina to
c) get Tina to
16. Will you ____ your hair for the party? a) get someone done b) get someone to do
c) have someone to do
17. How does he ____ so hard? a) have her to study b) get her to study
c) has her study
18. Let’s get dad ____ us shopping. a) to take b) take
c) taking
19. I ____ my father drive me to work in the mornings. a) have b) get
c) am having
20. We should ____ the dentist check our teeth once a year. a) get b) got c) have 21. Our teacher ____ to write a test. a) has just got us b) has just had us
c) had just got us
22. I ____ to fix my computer tomorrow a) am having my cousin b) had my cousin
c) will get my cousin
9) Fill in the blanks with appropriate verbs from the list given below. Use the verbs in one of these two patterns: “have somebody do something” or “get somebody to do something”. clean check
type repair
install erase
shine rewrite
e.g. Mr. Smith had one of the secretaries type the letter. 1. My mother has our maid the house regularly. 2. I will get the shoe shining boy my shoes. 3. The teacher got Jack his composition. 4. I had the phone man the oven in the kitchen. 5. You’ve got to have your lawyer this contract before you sign it. 6. We’d better have the plumber the leak in the kitchen. 7. The teacher had one of the students the board. 10) Rewrite these sentences using “have somebody do something” or “get somebody to do something”. e.g. The mechanic changed the oil in my car. I had the mechanic change the oil in my car. 1. The hairdresser cut my hair in a completely different style. ____________________________________________________________ 2. A decorator has repainted our house. ____________________________________________________________ 3. A friend of mine, who´s an electrician, is going to repair my DVD player next week. ____________________________________________________________ 4. My jacket is being cleaned at a specialist cleaner´s. ____________________________________________________________ 11) Choose the right expression. 1. You should ... you with the housework. a) have your daughter helped b) get your daughter helped c) make your daughter helped d) make your daughter help 2. Did you ... your skirt ...? a) have / shortened b) get / shorten c) make / shortened d) get / to shorten 3. Would you ... it? a) have him repeated b) make him repeat c) get him repeated d) have him to repeated
4. How many photos have you ... ? a) had taken b) make taken c) get taken d) have taken 5. You want to ... I was the first for you. a) have me believed b) get me believed c) take me believe d) make me believe 6. I have to ... the corridor ... a) get the corridor wash b) have the corridor wash c) have the corridor washed d) make the corridor washed
7. I ... my husband ... my food-processor. a) got / to repair b) have / to repair c) get / repair d) made / repaired 12) Use the following verbs in the appropriate tense to fill in the blanks. make
1. I can't believe she__________ you look at her vacation pictures again last night. We have to look at those stupid pictures every time we go to her house. 2. I don't know how you convince your children to clean up their rooms. I couldn't __________ my children to clean up their rooms if my life depended on it. 3. Professor Yu __________ each of her students write an essay describing their future goals in life. 4. Debbie's husband hates the opera. But after days of nagging, she finally __________ him to go to the new production of La Boheme. 5. Sally __________ me take off my shoes before I went into her house. She said she wanted to keep the carpet clean. 6. Susie __________ her son take out the trash before he went to the park to play soccer. 7. How did you __________ the doctor to make a house call? I haven't heard of a doctor actually going to a patient's house in years. 8. My boss __________ me get him coffee, pick up his dry cleaning and buy presents for his wife. He can't do anything by himself! 9. Tommy didn't want to go to his cousin's birthday party, but his mom __________ him go. 10. Cheryl didn't want to wash her car, so with a little smooth talk she __________ her boyfriend to wash it for her. 11. Jack found a fly floating in his coffee, so he __________ the waiter bring him a new cup. 12. The news coverage of the recent tornado was incredibly moving. The interview with the little boy who lost his family in the tragedy __________ everyone cry. 13) Choose the right option for each gap to fill. A Bad Day Yesterday I had a really bad day. I (1)_____ at half past five, because I had to leave home early. I had to take my car to the garage to (2)_____. I couldn't (3)_____ the children to school, because she had already arranged to (4)_____ that morning before work. Having to (5)_____ that early (6)_____, but as you can see, I couldn't help it. Of course, they weren't very happy, to say the least. Then, they (7)_____ them eggs for breakfast, which took quite long, because our cooker is not in perfect order. I should have (8)_____ long ago, but somehow I never had the time. My wife started complaining again when she saw me struggling with the cooker that I can never (9)_____. It just (10)_____, but it didn't improve anything. Then I spilt some hot oil on my hand, which (11)_____ round the kitchen, cursing and banging on everything. We were running short of time and I had to (12)_____ their breakfast in a hurry. The weather forecast warned us that it would be cold so I (13)_____ two pullovers. Jenny couldn't find her favourite blue pullover and it (14)_____. I (15)_____ the whole wardrobe upside down to find it, but of course it was no good. We were running twenty minutes behind schedule when we left the house. In the car, Tony asked me if I had (16) _____. This might (17)_____ that I'm a careless father, but I hadn't. I told him that I had
(18)_____ to the watchmaker's, but it wouldn't be ready till Friday. Then Jenny tried to (19)_____ faster because she enjoys speed. We were late anyway, so I obliged. But only till the next corner, where I (20)_____ by a police car. They (21)_____ a breath test and fined me for speeding. When I arrived at the office, I found that my assistant hadn't been able to (22)_____ my letters. That was the end. I decided I had had enough. I simply (23)_____ me a cup of coffee and told her to (24)_____ for that day. I sat down to my coffee and spent the rest of the morning reading the papers. 1. a) made the kids to get up b) got the kids get up c) made the kids get up d) had the kids to get up 2. a) have serviced it b) have it serviced c) serviced it d) make it serviced 3. a) get my wife take b) make my wife to take c) get my wife to take d) get my wife taken 4. a) have her hair dyed b) have had her hair dyed c) have dyed her hair d) have her hair to dye 5. a) have the children to get up b) get the children get up c) make the children to get up d) make the children get up 6. a) made me feel guilty b) made me to feel guilty c) got me feel guilty d) had me to feel guilty 7. a) got me fry b) made me fry c) had me to fry d) made me to fry 8. a) had it repaired b) got repaired it c) made it repaired d) had repaired it 9. a) have done anything b) make anything do c) get anything to do d) have anything done 10. a) got me feel bad b) made me feel bad c) had me feel bad d) made me to feel bad
11. a) had me running b) had me to run c) got me run d) made me run 12. a) get the kids finish b) make the kids to finish c) make the kids finish d) have the kids to finish 13. a) made the children put on b) made the children to put on c) had the children to put on d) got the children put on 14. a) made her to cry b) made her crying c) got her cry d) made her cry 15. a) got Tony turning b) got Tony turn c) got Tony to turn d) had Tony to turn 16. a) had his watch repaired b) made his watch repair c) got his watch repair d) got his watch repairing 17. a) make you to believe b) get you believe c) have you believing d) make you believe 18. a) had my assistant take it b) had my assistant to take it c) made my assistant to take it d) got my assistant take it 19. a) get me to drive b) get me drive c) had me to drive d) had me driving 20. a) was forced to stop b) was forced stopping c) was forced stop d) was got stopped
21. a) got me taking b) forced me take c) had me to take d) had me take 22. a) get the typist type b) get the typist to type c) make the typist to type d) have the typist to type
23. a) had my secretary to bring b) made my secretary to bring c) got my secretary to bring d) got my secretary bringing 24. a) have cancelled all my meetings b) get all my meetings cancel c) get all my meetings to cancel d) have all my meetings cancelled
14) Translate the sentences into English. 1. Az asztalossal javítattam meg a bejárati ajtóm a minap. 2. A takarítómmal tisztíttatom meg az ablakaimat évente kétszer. 3. A jövő héten lenyíratom a füvet a kertben. 4. Még nem javíttattuk meg a csöpögő csapokat. 5. Hamarosan csináltatok néhány új könyves polcot. 6. Mindig a férjemmel üríttetem ki a hamutálat. 7. Mikor cseréltetted le a kocsikerekeket? 8. Egyszerűen nem tudom rávenni a férjem, hogy cserélje le az olajat a kocsimban. 9. Foglalkoztathatom a fiad részmunkaidőben a nyári szünidő alatt. 10. Rávettem a lányom, hogy segítsen a házimunkában. 11. Megvetettem a jegyeket a barátommal. 12. Friss kávét csináltatok a titkárnőmmel. 13. Rávettem a szomszédot, hogy javítsa meg a biciklimet. 14. Éppen most mosatja Mr Brown az autóját. 15. Kifestetem nyáron a lakást. 16. Már megjavíttattam a cipőm sarkát. 17. 1980-ban csináltattam egy csinos szoknyát magamnak. 18. Utasítottuk a kertészt, hogy vágja ki az öreg fát az udvaron. 19. Ki kell meszeltetnem (to whitewash) a konyhát. 20. Jövőre majd meg kell újíttatnom az útlevelem.
KEY: 1) 1) Mrs. Rich has the dishes washed up. 2) Mrs. Rich has the clothes ironed. 3) Mrs. Rich has the windows cleaned. 4) Mrs. Rich has the car mended. 5) Mrs. Rich has the grass cut. 2) 1. You’ d better have it x-rayed. 2. We need to have it mended. 3. I am going to have it copied.
6) Mrs. Rich has the furniture dusted. 7) Mrs. Rich has the carpets hoovered. 8) Mrs. Rich has all the meals cooked. 9) Mrs. Rich has the plants watered. 10) Mrs. Rich has the pets fed.
4. 5.
…so she decided to have it dyed. We are going to have it enlarged.
3) 1. We had the roof mended last year. It cost us a fortune. 2. The house is in chaos. We’re having the kitchen redecorated. 3. The government had the whole island evacuated yesterday. 4. I must have my hard drive changed for a bigger one as soon as possible. 5. After the plague of fleas, my father had the pantry disinfected. 6. Have you had that painting I bought you framed yet? 7. When did you last have the airconditioner serviced? 8. I have the brakes checked three times a year. 9. He normally has his suit dry cleaned before a wedding. 10.The headmaster had all the lockers searched for the missing footballs the other day. 13. Charles had his house painted last week. 14. They haven’t had their TV fixed. yet. 15. Lisa will have her hair cut tomorrow. 16. Susan is having a picture drawn at the moment. 17. I am going to have a dress made for the party. 18. Helena wasn’t at school last week so she didn’t have her photo taken with the class. 19. John had his hair cut last week. 20. The girls haven’t had their bicycles fixed yet. 21. Jane should have her eyes checked. 22. Pam is having her house painted at the moment. 23. The car is dirty. We must have it washed today. 24. Ann doesn’t have her house cleaned every day. 4) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
I am having my car serviced right now. My brother had his bike damaged by a vandal last month. The boss will have our office painted next week. They will have the carpets cleaned as soon as possible. We have had a rose garden planted recently. I will have had the kitchen redecorated by the end of the week. John has his hair cut every month. You should take your car to the mechanic to have the brakes repaired. For their wedding anniversary, Mary had a big cake made (had had a big cake made) which they ate at a large party. (big cake/make) I have to have the comuter repaired, otherwise I can't work on my thesis. We had the statue valued by an art expert and he said it was worth over a thousand dollars. We should have the pool cleaned before the summer begins. It looks dirty. The local council want all dog owners to have their dogs tagged to reduce the problem of strays. I broke the heel of my shoe this morning and now I need to have it repaired. After the car accident, Cynthia had her nose reshaped by a famous plastic surgeon and looked as she did before.
5) 1. Helen / is going to get her hair cut in the next few days. 2. Mary has had her photo taken.
3. Barbara has never had her nails done. 4. Martha had her portrait painted once. 5. Angela needs to get her car repaired. 6. Irene regularly gets her eyes tested. 7. Nora had her fortune told at some time in her life. 6) 1. 2. 3. 4.
to get my hair cut have her car repaired somebody to fix somebody
5. 6. 7. 8.
had somebody to do it get had her purse stolen
9. 10. 11. 12.
had have had it fixed get done
7) 1. stay 2. painted 3. write
4. 5. 6.
wash to clean cashed
7. 8. 9.
to go shortened redo
10. filled
8) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
a b c a d a
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
c a c b b a
19. 20. 21. 22.
a c a c
3. 4.
to rewrite install
5. 6.
check repair
c a b a c b
9) 1. clean 2. to shine 10) 1. 2. 3. 4.
I had the hairdresser cut my hair in a completely different style. We had the decorator repaint our house. I got a friend of mine, who´s an electrician, to repair my DVD player next week. I am having a specialist cleaner clean my jacket.
11) 1. d 2. a
3. b 4. a
12) 1. had 2. get 3. made
4. 5. 6.
got made made
7. 8. 9.
get has had
10. got 11. had 12. made
13) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
b) a) d) b) d) b)
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
a) d) c) a) d) a)
19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
a) b) c) a) d) a)
5. d 6. c
7. a
a) a) d) b) c) d)
14) 1. I had the carpenter repair my front door the other day. / I had my front door repaired by the carpenter the other day. 2. I have my cleaner clean my windows twice a year. / I have my windows cleaned by my cleaner twice a year. 3. I will have the grass in the garden cut next week. 4. We haven’t had the leaking taps repaired yet. 5. I will (/am going to) have a new bookshelf made soon. 6. I always have my husband empty the ashtray.
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
When did you have the tyres of the car changed? I simply cannot get my husband to change the oil in my car. / I simply cannot make my husband change the oil in my car. I can employ your son in a part time job during the summer holiday I got my daughter to help me with the housework. / I had my daughter help me with the housework. I got my friend to buy the tickets. / I had my friend buy the tickets. I’ll have my secretary make fresh coffee. I got the neighbour to repair my bicycle. Mr Brown is having his car washed now. I’ll have the flat repainted in the summer. I have had the heels of my shoes repaired. I had a pretty skirt made for myself in 1980. We had the gardener cut all trees in the garden. I have to have the kitchen whitewashed. I will have to have my passport renewed next year.