Eenvoudig bedienbare simulatiesoftware om gelijktijdig meerdere fysische fenomenen te beschrijven: wat zijn de mogelijkheden?
Multiphysics simulations useful software, ready for use
Comsol BV – ir. Frank de Pont LL.B.
Industrial trends
• Industry needs innovation to stay in bussiness • Innovative trends include multifunctional designs
Multifunctional archetypes
• Smartphone for internet, GPS, messaging, camera, agenda, games, etc. • Power consumption and thermal management are typical innovative challenges
Innovative challenges
• Innovation = ideas + feasibility & design • Innovation = 10% inspiration + 90% transpiration
Feasibility & design tools
• Experiments: requires a lot of time and money tools • Analysis: requires skills in physics and mathematics
Experiments: traditional
• A lot of variables and equipment to control • Risk of wasting time and money on trial and error
Analysis: computer simulations
• proper software expands your skills in physics and math • Save time and money while getting better insight in your design
Proper software includes all physics
• Even when a design has a single function, the analysis is often multiphysics
Example: polishing metal with ECM
ECM is a multiphysics problem •Electric current heating up electrolyte (and product) •Electrolyte´s decreasing effectivity at high temperatures (boiling) •Process Cooling with a flow of the electrolyte
Proper software includes features Physics/math Complex
Software features • Intuitive GUI, flexible physics equations, import, export and interpolation of data • Support for unit systems, functions and operators, other productivity tools
Comsol Multiphysics Physics/math Complex
Software features • Specifically designed for multiphysics problems • Many essential scientific features in an intuitive GUI • Modules tailor the software to your physics needs
Example 1: ECM for shavers
• Demands for reduction of process steps and shorter time to market • Typical example of multifunctional design Images taken from 2008 Comsol Conference presentation by R. van Tijum and T. Pajak - Philips
Steps to create cap Cold forming
Holes and slits
Shine Images taken from 2008 Comsol Conference presentation by R. van Tijum and T. Pajak - Philips
Example 1: ECM for shavers
Idea electrode electrode
• Multifunctional: combine holes & slits formation with finishing step • Use software to quickly determine process parameters Left Images taken from 2008 Comsol Conference presentation by R. van Tijum and T. Pajak - Philips
Example 1: ECM for shavers
ECM physics
Example 1: ECM for shavers
Featuring Comsol Multiphysics
• Step 1 and 2: Geometry and Materials Example 1: ECM for shavers
Featuring Comsol Multiphysics
• Step 3: Physics
Example 1: ECM for shavers
Featuring Comsol Multiphysics
• A model is usually subject of multiple (different) studies Example 1: ECM for shavers
Featuring Comsol Multiphysics
• Bring in more physics and math when needed Example 1: ECM for shavers
• Electrode movement, eroded cap deflection and temperature distribution • All depending on electrolyte velocity, dissolved species, current density, topology and time Images taken from 2008 Comsol Conference presentation by R. van Tijum and T. Pajak - Philips
Example: ECM for shavers
Example 2: Lab on a chip
• Field measurements of water contamination Example 2: Lab on a chip
How to feed the flow?
• moving parts are unwanted on a micro scale Example 2: Lab on a chip
• Electro osmotic flow in series overcomes the need for high voltages • Battery operated, thus portable Example 2: Lab on a chip
Featuring Comsol Multiphysics
Example 2: Lab on a chip
Example 2: Lab on a chip
Capture the concept
Samenvatting •
Samenvoeging van meerdere functionele eigenschappen in één enkel product is een sterke industriële trend. Veelal gaat dit gepaard met een vraag naar hogere vermogens, nauwkeurigheid en reproduceerbaarheid. Voor een ontwerpteam betekent dit dat er voldoende accuraat inzicht moet zijn in gekoppelde fysische vakgebieden. Kijken we bijvoorbeeld naar samenvoeging van productiestappen in de metaalbewerking, dan is beheersing van de thermische huishouding van toenemend belang, waardoor inzicht in de stroming van koelvloeistof is benodigd.
Een dergelijke ontwerpuitdaging vereist simulatiesoftware die vanuit het oogpunt van bruikbaarheid meerdere fysische fenomenen gelijktijdig kan beschrijven. Vanuit het oogpunt van de bedienbaarheid moet eenvoud voorop staan. Aan de hand van twee voorbeelden (Electro Chemical Machining en Miniaturisering van een Meetinstrument) wordt getoond hoe deze conflicterende software-eisen zijn verenigd binnen COMSOL Multiphysics.