Minitab – vznik a historie MINITAB vzniká na Pennsylvania State University
(Dr. Thomas A. Ryan, Jr., Dr. Barbara F. Ryan, Dr. Brian L. Joiner)
Zahrnout do výuky statistiky použití počítačů.
rychlost - oproti ručním výpočtům s kalkulačkami,
studenti se mohli koncentrovat na podstatu – na statistické koncepty.
MINITAB se používá na 4 000 vysokých škol na světě.
MINITAB se stal též vedoucím softwarem pro zlepšování podnikových procesů, návrh a výrobu produktů.
MINITAB je také doporučován hlavními konzultačními firmami pro oblast zlepšování kvality.
Minitab na akademické půdě Je používán na více než 4000 významných vysokých škol a univerzit.
Brigham Young University California State University Carnegie Mellon University Cornell University Dade County Public schools Dartmouth College Duke University Edinburgh University
Fairfax County Public School District
Georgetown University Harvard University Johns Hopkins University London School of Economics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
McMaster University
National Graduate School of Quality Management
National University of Ireland, Galway
New York University Nottingham University Oxford University Penn State University Princeton University Rochester Institute of Technology Stanford University State University of New York Tennessee Technological Institute University of Chicago University of Florida University of Notre Dame University of Warwick Vanderbilt University Yale University
Minitab v průmyslu
Automobilový průmysl a doprava Elektrotechnický průmysl Energetika Farmaceutický průmysl Finanční služby Letecký a kosmický průmysl Obalový průmysl Technika pro zdravotnictví Telekomunikace Výzkum
Minitab v průmyslu
ABB American Express BAE SYSTEMS Bombardier, Inc. BP British Airways British Telecommunications Deutsche Bahn AG Ericsson AB Flextronics Honeywell Jaguar Johnson & Johnson
Nissan Nokia Corporation Philips Electronics Renault Rolls-Royce plc Siemens AG Siemens Medical Solutions Tetra Pak Toshiba Vodafone Volvo Group Wyeth Zurich Financial Services
Ocenění Minitabu 2005 MINITAB receives the Scientific Computing and Instrumentation's Reader's Choice Award for Statistical Software. 2004 MINITAB receives the Scientific Computing and Instrumentation's Reader's Choice Award for Statistical Software. 2003 Minitab named the #1 Best Place to Work in the State of Pennsylvania among employers with fewer than 350 employees. 2002 MINITAB receives the Scientific Computing and Instrumentation's Reader's Choice Awards for Quality Assurance/Quality Control Software and Statistics Software and is a finalist in the Data Analysis Software category. 2001 MINITAB receives the Scientific Computing and Instrumentation's Reader's Choice Award for Statistical Software. 2000 Minitab President and CEO Dr. Barbara F. Ryan named 1999 Entrepreneur of the Year by the Chamber of Business and Industry of Centre County, Pennsylvania. 1999 Minitab receives the Pennsylvania Governor's Export Excellence Award. MINITAB receives the Scientific Computing and Instrumentation's Reader's Choice Award for Quality Assurance/Quality Control Software and is a finalist in the Statistical Software category. MINITAB receives the Scientific Computing and Instrumentation's Reader's Choice Awards for Quality Assurance/Quality Control Software and Statistics Software and is a finalist in the Data Analysis Software category. 1997 Minitab Ltd. receives a National Languages for Export Award. 1990 Minitab named "Employer of the Year" by the Pennsylvania Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs in recognition of our organizational climate. 1989 MINITAB named "Editors' Choice" as the best statistical software package in the "Basic Statistics" category by PC Magazine. 1987 Minitab named as a finalist for the Arthur Young/VENTURE Magazine "Entrepreneur of the Year" award in the emerging business category. 1986 MINITAB receives Pennsylvania Society of Professional Engineers "Governor's New Product Award" in the small business category.
Minitab na akademické půdě
Výrazné slevy pro akademické zákazníky. –
školy, ústavy, pracoviště, učebny, laboratoře
studenti (studentské licence, e-academy)
akademičtí pracovníci (lektoři, výzkumní pracovníci)
Trvalé licence Minitabu.
Síťové roční licence.
Autoři publikací, učebnic, skript – zdarma účast v Author Assistance Program.