deník | pátek 3. 6. 2011 |
volný prodej 10 kč l řízená distribuce
káva za všechny peníze
Finanční prameny slábnou
Oblíbený nápoj zdražuje, protože produkce nevyrovná sílící poptávku
Stát by měl více podporovat komerční filmy, říká producent Vratislav Šlajer
» TÉMA str. 12–13
» ROZHOVOR str. 17–19
DAVID kLIMeš: CHRUp je ZACHRÁNěN. Komentář str. 16 ješTě TY LÁZNě, pROSÍM ČÍSLO 894
» UDÁLOSTI 2/3 » BYZNYS 4/7 » TÉMA 12/13 » ZAHRANIČÍ 14/15 » kULTURA 22
Věřitelský výbor Sazky zvolil pro zajištění chodu firmy finanční pomoc od společnosti Moranda, kterou kontroluje skupina PPF miliardáře Petra Kellnera. Ta poskytne úvěr půl miliardy korun.
Nové dělení daní: stát chce přidat nejchudším obcím
> Chrenek poslal TV
Jana Havligerová l Praha
> jednou větou
> Sazce půjčí peníze
na provoz kellnerova ppF
Barrandov 100 milionů
Částka, kterou skupina invesejbohatší města zchudnou, torů v čele s podnikatelem nejchudší obce zbohatnou. Tomášem Chrenkem doplní kapitál televize, půjde na provoz Léta se táhnoucí debata o tom, zda i výrobu nových pořadů. str. 4 stát spravedlivě rozděluje daně, už
má konkrétní odpověď. Ministerstvo financí připravilo novelu záko> japonská vláda na o rozpočtovém určení daní a ta si zatím udržela důvěru jasně říká: Praha, Plzeň, Ostrava Premiér Naoto Kan si pojistil a Brno přijdou o část dosavadních přežití kabinetu slibem, že odstoupí v dohledné době. str. 14 příjmů. „Čtyři velká města byla přeplácena. Neumím to hájit, a nebudu to hájit,“ prohlásil při představo> Rusko zastavilo vání návrhu šéf státní pokladny dovoz zeleniny z eU Miroslav Kalousek (TOP 09). PoMoskva splnila své varování a rozšířila zákaz dovozu čerstvé čítá s tím, že obrana velkých měst zeleniny na všechny země Evbude urputná. S jejich primátory ropské unie, důvodem je výskyt už se jednou sešel, a jak říká, jejich nebezpečné střevní infekce přístup k novele pochopitelně není v Evropě. str. 15 pozitivní. V novém systému přerozdělování daní by tato čtyři města dohromady STŘEDOEVROPSKÉ AKCIE přišla zhruba o pět miliard korun, 1 240 -0,47 % přes šest tisíc obcí by si polepšilo pX (CZ) ATX (AT) BUX (HU) DAX (DE) WIG20 (PL)
neobchodovalo se 23 375 0,33 % 7 074 -1,99 % 2 896 -0,20 %
KURZY ČNB str. 10
24,530 -0,030 Kč CZK/USD
16,965 0,03 8 Kč
01_E15_0306.indd 1
o 13,5 miliardy korun. Počáteční ztrátu by městům kompenzoval stát dotacemi. Například Praha, jejíž celkové příjmy činí kolem 41,5 miliardy, by dostala v prvním roce dvě miliardy, ve druhém 1,4 a dále 0,9 a 0,6 miliardy korun. V pátém roce už by si musela poradit sama. U ostatních měst by byly kompenzace nižší. „Jednat budu o novele se všemi čtyřiadvaceti primátory,“ slíbil Kalousek. Setkání se má uskutečnit 13. června. Diskuze nad novým návrhem nebude jednoduchá. Například ostravský primátor Petr Kajnar je přesvědčen, že stát se hodlá k velkým městům zachovat macešsky. „Ohrožená“ města vyzval ke společnému postupu a ráznému odmítnutí připravované novinky. Pražská vláda ODS a ČSSD má dokonce odmítnutí změn rozpočtového určení daní zapsáno v koaliční smlouvě. » události str. 3
Metro D má vyjet v roce 2018 Jan Šindelář l Praha Plány na výstavbu čtvrté trasy pražského metra nabývají konkrétnějších obrysů. Aktuálně začal proces posuzování vlivu stavby na životní prostředí. Podle oznámení v databázi EIA se první cestující svezou na trase D mezi Pankrácí a Novými Dvory v roce 2018. Stavba by měla začít o čtyři roky dříve. Dokument počítá s deseti stanicemi včetně konečných, kterými budou Depo Písnice a Náměstí Míru. Celková délka plánovaného „déčka“ je 10,5 kilometru.
Výstavba úseku mezi Pankrácí a Novými Dvory je první etapou, na kterou v roce 2017 naváže stavba z Nových Dvorů do Depa Písnice. Tady by první vlaky měly projet v roce 2021. Poslední fází bude část mezi Pankrácí a Náměstím Míru, poprvé se tady kopne v roce 2019, jezdit se začne o pět let později. Náklady se odhadují na 35 miliard korun. „O způsobu financování není rozhodnuto,“ uvedla mluvčí pražského dopravního podniku Ilona Vysoudilová. Časový harmonogram se podle ní může ještě změPokračování » byznys str. 6 nit.
Foto reuters
kulaté výročí. Světoví vůdci se včera sjeli
do Říma na oslavy 150 let od sjednocení Itálie. Mezi 80 vysokými zahraničními představiteli zavítal do italské metropole i český prezident Václav Klaus, ruský prezident Dmitrij Medveděv, americký viceprezident Joseph Biden či generální tajemník OSN Pan Ki-mun. Součástí oslav byla velkolepá vojenská přehlídka. Na snímku předvádějí svůj um letečtí akrobati ze skupiny Frecce Tricolori.
2.6.2011 18:57:50
mediakit 2011 15 minutes for economics & business
2011 mediakit The mission of Mladá fronta E15 daily
Moudrý byznys
O peníze jde až v první řadě? anebO je v sázce něcO víc? Manažeři hledají saMi sebe. Mládí Vpřed
FOtOgraF tOMáš železný zachytil svět Malých lOrdů
For four years has Mladá fronta E15 been regarded one of the best recognized opinion media in the Czech Republic. It is, together with , a complex and up-to-date source of news feed both from domestic and foreign economics, politics, business and finance. The format of the paper helps its popularity growth as it is printed in colour, the extent is 24 to 32 pages, with a thematic supplement twice a week.
23. 5. 2011, číslo 04
These supplements mostly focus on B2B issues. Since free-time activities are a crucial part of everyone’s life, travelling, health or lifestyle occur in every single issue of Mladá fronta E15. There is a special insert once a month – ZEN, a lifestyle magazine.
Vzpomínky na Kubu
Controlled distribution is a toll that helps delivering information and advertisements to specific readers. Mladá fronta E15 is distributed to stands in chosen locations in Prague, Brno and Ostrava as a free paper.
Partnerka společnosti Deloitte Diana Rádl Rogerová dosáhla v Praze na vrchol, ale rodná zem jí pořád chybí Stylový měSíčník. vychází S deníkem mladá fronta e15
Since autumn 2010, Mladá fronta E15 is also sold at newsagents’ at certain locations. This helps us getting closer to those readers who cannot get to the places of free distribution very often.
15 minutes for economics & business 2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.
2011 mediakit Mladá fronta E15 = 62 000 readers, 60 000 copies distributed every working day daily newspaper > published since 2007 > 24 – 32 pages
Mladá fronta E15 daily offers the best advertising prices per distributed copy (CPC*)
Source: Media Projekt, 10/2010–3/2011; Deloitte Audit, 2011 *CPC = cost per copy
2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.
2011 mediakit Mladá fronta E15 daily is the most popular economical daily in Prague and in the central Bohemia
Source: Media Projekt, 10/2010 – 3/2011 Index = media suitability for given target group (100 = population of the Czech Republic)
2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.
2011 mediakit Mladá fronta E15 readers Target group: 28 – 55 years old managers, higher or upper-middle class 48 % 58 % 54 % 67 % 44 %
men women aged 28–55 socio-economic groups AB of managers and experts
Mladá fronta E15 readers live in households with the highest rates of net household monthly income (43 % more than 50 000 CZK)
Hospodářské noviny
Population in CZ
Source: Media Projekt, 10/2010 – 3/2011 Index = media suitability for given target group (100 = population of the Czech Republic)
2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.
2011 mediakit Households of Mladá fronta E15 readers belong to higher and upper-middle socio-economic class (AB)
Higher and upper-middle class (AB): E15 vs. competition
Source: Media Projekt, 10/2010 – 3/2011 Index = media suitability for given target group (100 = population of the Czech Republic)
2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.
2011 mediakit Mladá fronta E15 readers dispose or make decisions about the biggest financial amounts of their households (average purchasing power in the Czech population – level 100 = 14 000 CZK)
Class I – purchasing power index more than 181 Class II – purchasing power index 121–180 Class IIIa – purchasing power index 91–120 Class IIIb – purchasing power index 71–90 Class IV – purchasing power index 41–70 Class V – purchasing power index 40 Source: Media Projekt, 10/2010 – 3/2011 Index = media suitability for given target group (100 = population of the Czech Republic)
2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.
2011 mediakit Mladá fronta E15 readers are active Work and career
184 226 192 151 116
Professional growth is important for me. I want to the highest possible position in my career. I consider my job a career rather than just a work. Good job is crucial for lifetime happiness. Personal life is always more important for me than work. Free time and lifestyle
I like travelling
I choose my holiday in travel agent’s brochures.
207 151 135 159 141
I go for holiday several times a year. I like socialising. I like walking around shops. I like shopping. I like shopping in general.
High quality products are worth extra pay.
140 112
I prefer branded products. I like eating.
I like sports.
175 167
I like cooking. I like trying new meals.
255 272
I like trying new beverages. Our flat is too small, we need a larger one.
We are thinking of buying a new flat.
I get new furniture in my flat as often as I can.
186 219 160 186
I like buying new appliances. I am convinced of power of new technologies. I can drive. I drive 600 – 1 200 km a month.
Population in CZ index
Source: MML-TGI, 7–12/2010 Index = media suitability for given target group (100 = population of the Czech Republic)
2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.
2011 mediakit Mladá fronta E15 readers are active I am planning to buy in a year’s time:
a new car
home appliances
land, garden Fashion and cosmetics:
I am mostly step ahead of others.
I follow fashion trends.
I like shopping for clothes.
I prefer buying more expensive higher quality clothes.
Concerning clothes, I have got the style of the time. I like wearing fashionable accessories.
Good physical condition helps personal….
113 187
I am tempted by expensive perfumes or aftershaves.
Facial cosmetics is very important for me.
I spend a lot of money on toiletries and cosmetic products. Monthly I spend more than 300 CZK for…
decorative cosmetics
facial cosmetics
body cosmetics
hair cosmetics
men cosmetics
population of the Czech Republic Index
Source: MML-TGI, 7–12/2010 Index = media suitability for given target group (100 = population of the Czech Republic)
2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.
2011 mediakit Mladá fronta E15 readers and finance I use following banking products: current account
saving account
term deposit
184 775
foreign currency account
mortgage debit card
171 286
credit card
consumer lending building saving
151 1287
four o more plastic cards I am planning following bank services: 695
saving account
shares 1016
travel cheques 301
debit card I have following insurance: travel insurance
individual health insurance
household insurance population of the Czech Republic
160 100 index
Source: MML-TGI, 7–12/2010 Index = media suitability for given target group (100 = population of the Czech Republic)
2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.
2011 mediakit Thematic supplements Thematic supplements Several days a week there is a thematic supplement in the daily which shows new products or issues in various economically interesting fields. The content is served in a simple way to address wide common public but also experts.
Regular rubrics Every day there is a rubric bringing instructions, tips or information about lifestyle, travelling, health, etc. Monday > finexpert | society Tuesday > career & education Wednesday > gourmet | fashion Thursday > car reviews Friday > travelling | free time the first Wednesday every month > E15 menu (a gastronomy rubric)
2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.
2011 mediakit Special projects and other possibilities of advertising Cover page > It is possible to place your advertisement directly on the cover page (bleed, low right corner, column outer edge), fake cover (covering actual front page), advertising on the fourth page Non-traditional formats and placing > Placing an advertisement into an editorial part (advertisement in an article), advertising in thematic supplements, non-standard formats Inserting > Within controlled distribution – to stands at more than 400 locations in Prague, Brno and Ostrava > Inserting directly into the paper as such (individual pages, catalogues, leaflets, cards, envelopes, magazines). Pasting in > Cards, postcards, bookmarks.
2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.
2011 mediakit We are preparing… Marketing activities: > Series of economical forums “Mladá fronta E15 – Leading Minds Forum” Leading Minds Forum is a new space for sharing exclusive economic information and experiences. It is a non-political platform with ambition to join domestic and foreign economies together and play the role of negotiator when dealing with economic issues.
June 2011 > Media partnership – Business & Information Forum > Media partnership – Art Prague > Media partnership – DIGImedia > Media partnership – Business Forum > Media partnership – Money expo and Broker of the Year > Media partnership – Gartner IT Leadership Trend > Media partnership – Summer Shakespeare Festival > Media partnership – Reach the World –Jiří Kolbaba July/August 2011 > Media partnership – Summer Shakespeare Festival > Media partnership – Reach the World –Jiří Kolbaba September 2011 > Advertising campaign – TV sponzoring, radio, print, outdoor, Internet > Media partnership – Fleet Day > Media partnership – Summer Shakespeare Festival > Media partnership – Reach the World –Jiří Kolbaba > Leading Minds Forum
2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.
2011 mediakit Regional Advertising
Mladá fronta E15 daily Publisher Mladá fronta a.s. Mezi Vodami 1952/9 143 00 Praha 4 – Modřany Identifi cation no.: 49240315 | Tax No. CZ49240315 Bank: Raiffeisenbank a.s. Hvězdova 1716/2b 140 78 Praha 4 Account no.: 1031017002/5500 Swift Code: RZBCCZPP IBAN: CZ32 5500 0000 0010 3101 7002 Internet Mladá fronta E15 daily Business Department Pod Kotlářkou 3 155 00 Praha 5, Košíře Tel.: 225 347 256 Fax: 225 347 260 Advertising Mladá fronta E15 daily Pod Kotlářkou 3 155 00 Praha 5, Košíře Tel.: 225 347 256 Fax: 225 347 260 e-mail:
[email protected] Business Terms and Conditions The Publisher’s (Mladá fronta a.s.) General Business Terms and Conditions for advertising in the periodical press apply. The Price List applies to commercial advertisements. The Publisher sets prices for non-commercial advertisements for charities and foundations in a special Price List.
Contractual Prices The Publisher reserves the right to set contractual prices.
Cena za mm sloupce 1 mm/column Pargue
CZK 99
Invoice Due Date Invoices are payable within 14 days of the taxable supply date.
CZK 29
CZK 29
Bohemia, excl. Prague
CZK 29
Closing Date for Orders 3 working days before publication Closing Date for Submitting Advertising Material 3 working days before publication
Published every Monday
Cancellation Fees 7–4 working days before publication ...............................50% 3 working days or less .......................100% Printing Printing machine ...........newspaper rotary ...........offset – heatset Resolution ..................................... 300 dpi Paper ............................newsprint, 45g/m² Colour .......... 4 colour (CMYK) on all pages Binding .........................V1 (pasted/sewn) ICC profi le ............ ISOnewspaper26v4.icc Page Format number of columns .................................5 mm per page .....................................1380 column width ........................................ 40 space between columns ...........................3 number of columns 1 2 3 4 5 width in mm 40 83 126 169 212 minimum advertisement size 1/8 page (170mm) Live Area 1/1 page trim .......212mm (w) x 276mm (h) 1/1 page bleed ....225mm (w) x 297mm (h) 2/1 page trim ......436mm (w) x 276mm (h) 2/1 page bleed ... 450mm (w) x 297mm (h)
Calculating the Advertising Price Calculating the Advertising Price The price of advertisements is calculated by multiplying the number of columns of the trim size advertisement by the height in millimetres by the price per mm/column according to the current Price List. After adding all surcharges, discounts are deducted. The price of trim size advertisements is the same as the price of bleed size advertisements! The minimum size of the regional advertising is set to 620 mm.
Surcharges For a fi xed position and consecutive formats ....15% For page 1 and fl oating advertisements ...........350% For page 2 and 3 and the last page .....................50% For the editorial page ......................................... 25% Floating Advertisements This is an advertisement in the news section, surrounded by copy on at least three sides Minimum size .................................... 60mm/column Maximum size ....................................140mm/column Minimum Size of Advertisements News section .......................................................... 1/8 Regional advertising ...............................................1/4 Job advertising .....................................................1/16 Discount for Repeat Publication 3x ........................................................................... 6% 6x ...........................................................................9% 12x .........................................................................12% 24x .......................................................................18% 48x ....................................................................... 24% Financial Volume Discounts from CZK 300,000 ................................................. 5% from CZK 600,000 ............................................... 10% from CZK 1,200,000 ..............................................15% from CZK 2,400,000 ............................................20% from CZK 4,800,000 ........................................... 23% from CZK 9,600,000 ............................................ 26% from CZK 19,200,000 ...........................................29% Financial Volume Discounts When calculating an advertising price fi nancial volume is the gross price, i.e. the price after adding all surcharges and deducting all discounts, not including VAT. Discounts are not combined VAT All prices are quoted without VAT
2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.
2011 mediakit Mechanical specifications
Column (outer edge) 1 col. x 60 mm 40 x 60 mm mirror Price 47 790 CZK
Column Horizontal 5 col. x 50 mm 212 x 50 mm mirror 225 x 62 mm bleed Price 199 125 CZK
Right Bottom Corner
2 col. x 60 mm 83 x 60 mm mirror 90 x 72 mm bleed Price 95 580 CZK
Double Column Horizontal 10 col. x 58 mm 436 x 58 mm mirror 450 x 70 mm bleed Price 282 315 CZK
Double Half-page Horizontal 10 col. x 136 mm 436 x 136 mm mirror 450 x 148 mm bleed Price 180 540 CZK
Junior Page A 4 col. x 220 mm 169 x 220 mm zrcadlo Price 155 760 CZK
Junior Page B 3 col. x 167 mm 126 x 167 mm mirror Price 88 677 CZK
Half-page Horizontal 5 col. x 136 mm 212 x 136 mm mirror 225 x 148 mm bleed Price 120 360 CZK
All bleed formats are mentioned in clear dimension after cropping. 5m for cropping needs to be added to the net bleed dimensions. Bleed advertisements are possible only with those formats which introduce this dimension. Letters at least 3mm from the edge. Prices in red are upon agreement (better prices compared to the standard ones). Data technical specifications
Bleed cover (front page + p. 2 + p. 31 + p. 32) 20 col. x 276 mm 436 x 276 mm (height at the front page 218 mm) 450 x 297 mm (bleed, height at the front page 230 mm) Price 683 928 CZK
Double Third-page Horizontal 10 col. x 91 mm 436 x 91 mm mirror 450 x 103 mm bleed Price standard 161 070 CZK
1/1 Full Page 5 col. x 276 mm 212 x 276 mm mirror 225 x 297 mm bleed Price 244 260 CZK
Third-page Horizontal 5 col. x 91 mm 212 x 91 mm mirror 225 x 103 mm bleed Price 80 535 CZK
> We accept only complete data in PDF > CMYK colours, in grey, no spot colours > resolution of the final dimension of data from 300 dpi to 350 dpi.
2/1 – Double Page Spread 10 col. x 276 mm 436 x 276 mm mirror 450 x 297 mm bleed Price 366 390 CZK
Third-page Vertical 2 col. x 276 mm 83 x 276 mm mirror 90 x 297 mm bleed Price 97 704 CZK
¼A 3 col. x 136 mm 126 x 136 mm mirror 133 x 148 mm bleed Price standard 72 216 CZK
Half-page Vertical 3 col. x 276 mm 126 x 276 mm mirror 133 x 297 mm bleed Price 146 556 CZK
Quarter-page Horizontal 5 col. x 68 mm 212 x 68 mm mirror 225 x 80 mm bleed Price standard 60 180 CZK
2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.
Mladá fronta E15 daily Job Advertisements
2011 mediakit
Advertising Formats and Prices
Job Advertisements Cena za mm sloupce 1 mm/column CZK 90 Published every Tuesday
> kariéra & vzdělání Electronic Bidets
E15: Kde vznikl nápad začít podnikat s elektronickými bidety? DE: Před pěti lety přivezl manžel ze služební cesty v Jižní Koreji rodině netradiční dárek v podobě elektronického bidetu, jenž je v Koreji samozřejmou součástí téměř každé toalety. Praktičnost a výhody bidetu si nejprve vyzkoušela má rodina, později jsme dovezli další kusy pro širší příbuzenstvo a známé. Neoficiální testování dopadlo velmi dobře, proto jsme se začali poohlížet po trhu a hledat odpověď na otázku, zda má elektronický bidet v ČR šanci uspět. V prodeji byly jen drahé bidety s menším množstvím funkcí, proto jsme vsadili na design, vysokou účelnost a hlavně dobrou cenu bidetů DIB. IK: V okamžiku, kdy jsem hledala nový směr svého pod-
Česká společnost je výhradním dovozcem a prodejcem jihokorejských elektronických bidetů značky DIB. Firma začala podnikat v loňském roce a dnes je její zboží kromě vlastního internetového obchodu v prodeji v řetězcích Bauhaus a SIKO koupelny v České republice, na Slovensku a v Maďarsku. Electronic Bidets jedná o vstupu na slovinský a chorvatský trh.
Foto pentacle consulting
aniela Eiseltová a Ilona Kumžáková se pracovně potkávají již více než deset let. Teprve před rokem, v době, kdy se začala naplno ozývat ekonomická recese, se ale pustily do společného podnikání. Zboží, jež se rozhodly nabídnout českým zákazníkům, nalezly netradičně na toaletě. Elektronický bidet slaví na trhu úspěch a podnikatelkám se daří šířit i osvětu v intimní hygieně. „Našemu podnikání se navzdory krizi daří dobře. Svou úlohu na našem úspěchu hrají také nemalé investice do marketingu, jež se řada podnikatelů rozhodla s ekonomickou krizí spíše omezit,“ říká jednatelka firmy Electronic Bidets Ilona Kumžáková (na snímku vlevo).
nikání, mě Daniela oslovila, abychom se staly výhradními prodejci korejských elektronických bidetů. Naše iniciativa se u výrobce setkala s kladným ohlasem a my nato založily společnost Electronic Bidets. E15: Oproti prodejcům v jiných evropských státech se vám podařilo přesunout bidet výhradně z e-shopu také do prodejní sítě Bauhausu. Byl to pro váš byznys zásadní okamžik? IK: Rozhodně byl. Tím, že jsme vsadily na marketing a budovaly povědomí o značce i produktech a nastavily dobrou cenovou politiku, se nám po čase ozval řetězec Bauhaus. Bylo to určitě velké štěstí, toto se nestává každý den. Naše spolupráce s Bauhausem trvá
již rok a hodláme ji rozšířit i do dalších evropských zemí. Novinkou je prodej bidetů DIB v síti SIKO koupelny, kde bude zboží v prodeji od poloviny října. I zde nám pomohla reference a výsledky prodejů u našeho partnera. E15: Takže Electronic Bidets už po roce své existence expanduje mimo hranice ČR? DE: Získaly jsme výhradní zastoupení také pro Slovensko a máme za sebou vstup na maďarský trh. V obou státech jsou bidety k dostání právě v síti Bauhaus, na Slovensku je budou prodávat také obchody SIKO koupelny. Máme licenci na prodej bidetů i ve Slovinsku a Chorvatsku, ale tam je zatím vše ve stadiu příprav. Nyní se do-
mlouváme s naším obchodním partnerem na možnosti prodeje zboží v Rakousku a Německu. Na rozšiřování obchodní sítě ale stále pracujeme i v Česku, jež je naším výsostným územím. E15: Start v době ekonomické krize vaše podnikání nijak neohrozil, vložené investice se vám vrátily a firma dál roste. Setkaly jste se i s nějakou překážkou? IK: Všechny překážky jsou od toho, aby se zdárně překonávaly. Nicméně pokud bych řekla, že jsme se s ničím překvapivým nesetkaly, lhala bych. Měly jsme spoustu nápadů, jaké zákazníky bychom měly oslovit, ale ne všude se naplnila naše očekávání. Zařízení jako hospice nebo domovy s pečo-
vatelskou službou jsou bohužel závislé na dotacích a na dovybavení koupelen bidety zkrátka chybějí peníze. Nicméně jsme se dohodly na spolupráci s jednou z vyhlášených pražských porodnic, kam věnujeme několik bidetů jako sponzorský dar. DE: Obchody v tuto chvíli stojí hlavně na individuálních zákaznících, ale do budoucna bychom chtěly oslovit hotely nebo lázeňská a wellness zařízení. Zpočátku jsme také bojovaly s tím, že lidé pořádně nevěděli, co to elektronický bidet je a jaké zdravotní problémy dokáže řešit. Proto bylo nutné začít také s osvětou. Podařilo se. Lidé už vědí, co elektronický bidet je, a přijali ho za každodenní součást své intimní hygieny. Autorka je publicistka
> lidé
Jan Prachař
Gutmann Společně s Jarmilou Pfeiferovou bude mít v rakouské privátní bance na starosti oblast private banking pro české klienty. Naposledy pracoval čtyři roky jako ředitel privátního bankovnictví v bance Deutsche Bank Österreich (dříve Sal. Oppenheim) v Praze. Předtím zastával různé pozice v oblasti obchodování s cennými papíry a v privátním bankovnictví v HVB Bank ČR a Bank Austria Creditanstalt. Vystudoval VŠE a na Sheffield Hallam University získal titul MBA.
Eric Schmid
Tetra Pak Danube Stal se generálním ředitelem skupiny. Pro společnost Tetra Pak pracuje 22 let. Během této doby získal zkušenosti na různých pozicích v Evropě, Severní Africe a na středním východě. Je absolventem politologie na univerzitě v Lausanne.
Mladá fronta E15, deník pro ekonomiku a byznys | Adresa redakce a obchodního oddělení Pod Kotlářkou 3, 150 00 Praha 5 | Internet | Redakce > Šéfredaktor Tomáš Skřivánek Zástupci šéfredaktora Igor Záruba, Tereza Zavadilová a Jan Žižka | Vedoucí vydání Kateřina Baumgartnerová a David Mařík | Kontakty na redakci Kristýna Šperlingová, sekretariát |
[email protected], tel.: 225 347 452 | Vydává Mladá fronta a. s., Mezi Vodami 1952/9, 143 00 Praha 4 | Ředitel divize E15 Jan Plamínek | Inzerce Martin David, ředitel inzerce |
[email protected], tel.: 225 347 250 | Distribuce Kateřina Piškulová, vedoucí distribuce |
[email protected], tel.: 225 347 429 | Marketing Hana Holková, ředitelka marketingu |
[email protected], tel.: 225 276 276 Kontakt na jednotlivé zaměstnance
[email protected] | Číslo registrace deníku E15 – Ministerstvo kultury ČR E 17948 | deník E15 vychází od listopadu 2007 každý pracovní den | Přetisk a jakékoli šíření povoleno pouze se souhlasem vydavatele. Nevyžádané příspěvky se nevracejí | Tisk Europrint Praha | Předplatné Mediaservis,
[email protected], 541 233 232
Salans Byl jmenován partnerem mezinárodní advokátní kanceláře v Praze. Do Salans nastoupil v roce 2004 po předchozím pětiletém působení v pražské kanceláři Weil, Gotshal
Petr Zajíc
TNT Express ČR Byl jmenován do funkce country sales & marketing manager. Do TNT Express nastoupil před sedmi lety po absolvování VŠE v Praze.
Petr Skopalík
Martin Tolar
Microsoft Obsadil pozici ředitele obchodní divize pro malé a střední firmy. Obchodu a marketingu se věnuje 13 let. Před příchodem do Microsoftu pracoval na pozici country manažera ve společnosti Tech Data Distribution. Další manažerské zkušenosti získal na pozicích ředitele FutureLAB Holding a manažera rozvoje obchodu ve společnostech Johnson & Johnson či Pfizer. Vystudoval strojní fakultu Vysokého učení technického v Brně.
Petr Bursík
CA Technologies Rozšířil český tým na pozici business development manager pro ČR a Slovensko. Profesní kariéru zahájil na pozici sales specialist v IBM ČR. Následně působil ve společnostech Compaq Computer, Hewlett-Packard, Autocont a Cisco Systems. Vystudoval Fakultu elektrotechnickou na ČVUT.
Jiří Stržínek
½ vertical 126 x 261 mm zrcadlo Price CZK 70 470
1/3 horizontal 212 x 85 mm zrcadlo Price CZK 38 250
1/3 vertical 83 x 261 mm zrcadlo Price CZK 46 980
¼A 126 x 129 mm zrcadlo Price CZK 34 830
1/6 126 x 63 mm trim Price CZK 17 010
1/8 83 x 63 mm trim Price CZK 11 340
1/16 83 x 30 mm trim Price CZK 5 400
& Manges. Zaměřuje se na oblast financování realit a projektového financování.
Přestupy ve dvou větách
Kateřina Bártová | Praha
½ horizontal 212 x 129 mm zrcadlo Price CZK 58 050
Ilona Kumžáková: Vsadili jsme na marketing a vyšlo nám to
1/1 trim 212 x 261 mm Price CZK 117 450
Patricia Jakešová
Pivovary Staropramen Stal se ředitelem marketingu. Absolvent VŠE v Praze dříve působil v oblasti marketingu ve společnostech Plzeňský Prazdroj či Unilever.
Tereza Kučerová
Achour & Hájek Přijala místo marketingové ředitelky advokátní kanceláře. Vystudovala Českou zemědělskou univerzitu v Praze a má zkušenosti z fungování státní správy a čerpání fondů EU.
společnosti patřící do skupiny NSG Morison. Dalšími jednateli se stali Petr Šíma a Richard Etrych.
a Společnosti Online, které patří společně s WPB Capital do holdingu WPB Group.
Martin Šimek
Česká spořitelna Ujala se vedení úseku řízení bilance. V bankovním sektoru pracuje od roku 1993, naposledy zastávala funkci ředitelky divize kontrolingu a reportingu v Erste Bank Ukraine.
Cushman & Wakefield Rozšířil tým správy nemovitostí na pozici key account manager. Do C&W přišel ze společnosti Multi Mall Management Czech Republic, kde pracoval od roku 2004 jako ředitel a jednatel.
Anna Glasová
Milan Bušek
Pavel Kvasil
SOLUS Člen představenstva společnosti Cetelem ČR byl zvolen místopředsedou Rady sdružení. Na činnosti sdružení SOLUS se účastní již od roku 1998.
Karel Pluhař
ČNB Stal se šéfem nového samostatného odboru finanční stability. Na činnost nového útvaru bude dohlížet člen bankovní rady a vrchní ředitel ČNB Kamil Janáček.
Okin Group Stal se vedoucím servisního střediska. Dosud působil v České spořitelně, kde byl zodpovědný za veškeré aktivity v oblasti facility managementu.
WPB Capital Přijal místo PR manažera spořitelního družstva. Kromě práce Martin Novotný pro WPB Capital bude zajišťoNSG Morison Znalecký ústav Byl jmenován jednatelem dceřiné vat PR pro firmy Office House E15_126x136.pdf 1 1.10.2010 10:47:01
Jan Frait
i n zerce
Albert Byla jmenována ředitelkou oddělení trvanlivých potravin. Do Alberta přišla ze společnosti Tesco, kde zodpovídala za nákup impulzních trvanlivých potravin. Manažerské pozice zastávala také ve společnostech Delvita nebo Eureca Shops. Je absolventkou Vysoké školy finanční a správní, oboru marketingová komunikace. C
Bruno Rivoallan Y
Gefco CM Česká MY republika Stal se generálním ředitelemCY logistické společnosti. Od roku CMY 2008 zastával pozici generálního ředitele maďarské pobočky. K V oboru logistiky působí 16 let. Pro společnost Gefco pracuje od roku 2004, kdy začínal v pařížské centrále na pozici koordinátora evropských silničních přeprav. Absolvoval Fakultu Transportu & Logistiky na univerzitě v Mulhouse.
Změnilo se něco ve vaší společnosti? Pište na
[email protected]
Please note: Job advertisement formats differ from standard advertisement formats in the news section.
2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.
2011 mediakit Mladá fronta E15 daily Supplements
Special Advertising Formats and Prices
» page format: 225 x 297mm » number of columns: 4 » column width: 50mm, space between columns 4mm » no. pages: basic content 8 pages » binding: V1 pasted » paper: UPM Brite 45g/m² » printing: rotary off set/heatset » live area: 1/1 page trim – 212mm (w) x 276mm (h) 1/1 page bleed – 225mm (w) x 297mm (h) Add 5mm on each side for cropping » min. advertising format: ¼ page » closing date for orders: 10 working days prior to publication date » closing date for advertising material: 7 working days prior to publication date
Partner přílohy
malé a střední podnikání
special_E15_2508.indd 1
24.8.2010 20:13:07
1/1 page 212 x 276 mm zrcadlo 225 x 297 mm spad Price CZK 130 000č
Page 2 nebo 3 strana obálky 212 x 276 mm zrcadlo 225 x 297 mm spad Price CZK 160 000
Back cover 212 x 276 mm zrcadlo 225 x 297 mm spad Price CZK 180 000
Central Page 104 x 137 mm zrcadlo Price CZK 114 000
1/2 horizontal 212 x 136 mm zrcadlo 225 x 148 mm spad Price CZK 74 000
1/2 vertical 104 x 276 mm zrcadlo 111 x 297 mm spad Price CZK 74 000
1/3 horizontal 212 x 91 mm zrcadlo 225 x 103 mm spad Price CZK 54 000
1/4 Vertical 104 x 136 mm zrcadlo 111 x 148 mm spad Price CZK 40 000
1/4 Horizontal - Foot 212 x 68 mm zrcadlo 225 x 80 mm spad Price CZK 44 000 2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.
Mladá fronta E15 daily Technical Specifications for Production and Submitted Advertising Material
(for paper and supplements)
Data format We only accept press-ready material in PDF format Data Specifi cations CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW in ISO 9600 or Mac format. As well as CD/DVD media, please supply an actual size printed control copy with the corresponding colour, with the date(s) of publication. The size of the advertisement must correspond precisely to the size specifi ed in the order. Advertising material on ftp; deník e15 fi le user name: inzerce password: inz123 If placing advertising material on ftp, please send an information e-mail to
[email protected] Advertising Material by E-Mail Advertising material can be sent to
[email protected] Please include the publication date and the ordering party/ advertiser’s name in the subject of the e-mail Technical Requirements for Advertising Material > CMYK colour model, grey scale, with no direct colours > Resolution of pictorial data for resulting size opt. 300dpi, max. 350dpi > Letters converted to curves or attached in PDF, recommended minimum letter size is fi ve points
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General Business Terms and Conditions Mladá fronta a.s. General Business Terms and Conditions (hereinafter “General Business Terms and Conditions”) 1. Scope a/ These General Business Terms and Conditions govern the publication of advertising and advertising supplements (hereinafter jointly referred to as “Advertising”) in periodicals pub¬lished by the publisher, Mladá fronta a.s. (hereinafter the “Publisher”). b/ The Publisher’s current price lists are an integral part of these General Business Terms and Conditions. 2. Orders and Confi rmation a/ The Publisher accepts Advertising through a written order submitted by the Advertiser; a written order is also understood to mean an order sent by fax or email. b/ The order must include all the necessary requisites of the ordering party. For corporate entities this is the company’s name, registered offices and invoice address, if this is differ¬ent to the company’s registered offi ces, identification number, tax number, bank details, the name, position and signature of the ordering party’s authorised representative and contact person, including their telephone number and email address. For private individuals, this is the person’s name and surname, personal identification number or date of birth, address or correspondence address, if this is different to the person’s residential address, bank details and signature. For individuals conducting business through a trade licence or other business permit, this also includes their place of business and business identification number, if al¬located. The order must also include all the necessary requisites for Advertising, i.e. the title of the publication in which the Advertising is to be placed, the type of Advertising (display advertising, classified advertising, advertising supplement) and any other information about carrying out the order (e.g. publication date, number of repeats, unit of coverage, position, time of publication, column, brand, colour) and manner in which the advertising material will be submitted. If the ordering party is an intermediary mediating the publication of Advertising for a third party, the order must also include information about the third party (according to the above specifications) and information on who will pay the advertising price, i.e. the order¬ing or third party. c/ The order is produced in duplicate. The Publisher and the ordering party receive one copy each. d/ An advertising contract is concluded between the Publisher and the ordering party when the order is confi rmed. Confirmation of the order is confirmation by the Publisher’s authorised employee in writing, either directly on the order or confirmation of the order sent by fax or email. If the Publisher does not confirm the order and the Advertising is published, the con¬tract is understood to have been concluded on the day the Advertising was published. 3. Advertising Material for Publication a/ The ordering party must submit all the material required for publishing the Advertising to the Publisher (see Technical Specifi cations for Advertising or the current Price List) by the designated deadline, and if this date is not specified, without unnecessary delay after order confirmation. If the submitted material is not complete or correct, the ordering party must submit complete and correct material at the Publisher’s request without unnecessary delay on receiving this request and no later than by the deadline designated by the Publisher. If the ordering party insists on using incomplete or incorrect material, the Publisher is not liable for any defects in the published Advertising because of the incomplete or incorrect nature of this material, and the Publisher has the right to withdraw from the contract, with entitlement to a cancellation fee in accordance with the current
2011 mediakit Price List. b/ Final layouts of dummy copies of Advertising supplements must be correctly and punctu¬ally delivered to the Publisher for approval in printed or electronic form. If this obligation is breached, the Publisher has the right to refuse to insert them. c/ If the ordering party is late in submitting complete and correct advertising material, the Publisher has the right to compensation for damages caused by this delay or it has the right to withdraw from the advertising contract. d/ If the ordering party is submitting press-ready material, it must submit this material in its final graphic layout. e/ The Publisher is only obliged to return material submitted for publishing the Advertising by the ordering party on a specific written request. The Publisher is not obliged to keep this material. f/ The ordering party is responsible for the correctness of the Advertising content and for ensuring that this content complies with the legislation and does not contravene third party rights. If a third party makes any claims based on the published Advertising, the ordering party is liable for these claims. 4. General Agreement a/ If the ordering party plans to publish Advertising of a given scope or financial volume over a particular period, the ordering party can conclude a “general agreement” for publishing Advertising of a predetermined scope with the Publisher, which entitles the ordering party to certain discounts. A general agreement can be concluded for a maximum of 12 months and must be produced in writing to be valid. b/ The general agreement must include a fixed time period during which Advertising of the given scope or financial amount will be published, the applicable discounts based on this peri¬od, the title/s in which the Advertising is to appear and any other arrangements, if applicable. c/ Based on agreement between the parties, the general agreement can also include any Ad¬vertising already carried out in the 12 months prior to the expiry of the general agreement, provided that this Advertising was correctly and punctually paid. The only condition is that the price of this previous Advertising is less than 50% of the total amount of Advertising specifi ed in the general agreement. If, as a result of including previous Advertising in the general agree¬ment in accordance with this paragraph, the ordering party is entitled to a discount on this Advertising, this discount will be paid after the expiry of the general agreement and will only be paid prior to this if the amount of Advertising stated in the general agreement is fi nished. d/ The publication of individual Advertising based on the general agreement is also carried out through individual orders. e/ Discounts from the general agreement will only be provided if the Advertising of the agreed scope is correctly and punctually paid within the set time period in accordance with the cur¬rent Price List (or other agreed amount); in all other cases, entitlement to a discount lapses. f/ The amount of Advertising agreed in the general agreement can be increased by bilateral agreement, even repeatedly. If, as a result, the ordering party becomes entitled to a higher discount than that agreed in the general agreement, the Publisher will issue a credit note to settle the amount after the expiry of the general agreement without unnecessary delay. g/ If, during the set period, Advertising of the agreed scope is not published for reasons for which the Publisher is not responsible, the ordering party undertakes to pay the Publisher the difference between the price for the agreed and actual amount of Advertising published. This difference will be reduced by any discounts for the financial volume of Advertising actually published.
2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.
General Business Terms and Conditions 5. Publishing Advertising a/ The Publisher will only send proof copies of Advertising to the ordering party if requested. If the ordering party makes no comment on the submitted proof copy in the prescribed period, it will be understood that the proof copy is approved. b/ If the ordering party does not order a specific type, size, position or date for the Advertising, the Publisher can make this choice, and the ordering party will pay the advertising price for the Advertising actually published. The Publisher will then publish the Advertising at its own discretion, taking into account the current potential of the periodical. c/ If the Advertising is to be published on a designated date, in a certain position, an order specifying these requirements must be delivered to the Publisher in time, so that the Pub¬lisher can publish the Advertising in accordance with these requirements. d/ If the ordering party wants the Advertising to appear in a specific position, the Publisher has the right to determine the publication date when the Publisher can publish the Advertising in this position. e/ If the ordering party orders Advertising in a format that does not correspond to the live area, page divisions/ columns or which cannot be published in the given periodical for other reasons, the Publisher will adjust the Advertising to the nearest similar standard format of the periodical. f/ The Publisher reserves the right to label the Advertising “COMMERCIAL PRESENTATION, ADVERTISEMENT” or in another similar manner, as well as the allocated advertising number. g/ The Publisher is not liable for damages incurred by the ordering party if it fails to meet its obligations, if the reason for the Publisher’s breach of the obligation was not its fault. h/ The Publisher guarantees standard print quality according to the technology used for indi¬vidual periodicals and depending on the quality of the material supplied by the ordering party. 6. Advertising Prices a/ Advertising prices in individual periodicals are specified in detail in the Publisher’s current Price Lists. Price Lists include basic prices, without discounts or surcharges. b/ A special Price List is set for non-commercial publication. The Publisher assesses whether or not the Advertising is of a commercial nature. c/ Prices for inserted Advertising or inserted product samples are calculated individually, ac¬cording to the ordering party’s requirements and after consultation with the specifi c periodical producer. d/ The Publisher reserves the right to have an advance paid on the advertising price prior to publication of up to 100% of the advertising price. If the ordering party is advertising in titles published by the Publisher for the first time or has not advertised in these titles for more than 24 months, the first order will always be paid in advance. e/ If justified doubts about the ordering party’s solvency arise and the required advance has not been paid, the Publisher reserves the right to refuse to publish other Advertising without further notice or withdraw from the contract.
General Business Terms and Conditions 7. Payment Terms a/ The ordering party must pay the advertising price through a tax document – an invoice is¬sued by the Publisher. The Publisher will issue a tax document – invoice no later than 15 days after the taxable supply date. The ordering party must pay the advertising price by direct debit to the Publisher’s account or in cash within 14 days of the issue of the tax document – invoice, unless a different due date has been set for this specific case. The Publisher will also send the ordering party a document about publishing the Advertising together with the invoice, if re¬quested. Depending on the type and scope of the order, relevant clippings, pages or complete copies will be provided. If these documents cannot be obtained, the ordering party will receive an Advertising publication confirmation from the Publisher. b/ The obligation to pay the advertising price, through a bank, is met when the amount of the advertising price is credited to the Publisher’s account. c/ If the ordering party is overdue in paying the advertising price, the parties agree on contrac¬tual overdue interest of 0.05% for each overdue day. d/ If the ordering party is overdue in paying the advertising price, the Publisher has the right not to accept further orders from the ordering party, i.e. terminating advertising contracts with the ordering party or publishing other Advertising ordered by the ordering party, until the ordering party pays the full overdue advertising price. e/ The ordering party must pay the advertising price even if it has notified the Publisher of defects in the published Advertising and has submitted a claim for the defects. If the Publisher subsequently acknowledges defects in the Advertising and provides the ordering party with a discount on the advertising price, the Publisher will refund the amount of the discount on the advertising price. f/ When the ordering party (especially advertising and media agencies) orders Advertising for third parties, the advertising amounts for these parties cannot be combined in order to determine the provided discount. g/ The Publisher provides discounts on the advertising price in accordance with these General Business Terms and Conditions, or based on individual agreement between the Publisher and the ordering party. h/ If the ordering party pays the advertising price prior to the publication of the Advertising and delivers a payment document to the Publisher at least two weeks before publication, the ordering party will be entitled to a 3% discount on the advertising price. i/ If the ordering party was entitled to a discount on the advertising price, which was provided, but then is overdue on paying the advertising price, the Publisher has the right to a contractual fine equal to the discount provided on the overdue advertising price. j/ The Publisher will inform ordering parties who have a general agreement pursuant to point 4 of these General Business Terms and Conditions, of any changes in the current Price Lists, at least one month before these changes come into effect. If the Publisher fails to comply with this period, the prices in the original Price List will continue to apply for the ordering party for one month after the change in Price Lists.
2011 mediakit
8. Withdrawing from the Advertising Contract, Cancellation Fees a/ The ordering party has the right to withdraw from the advertising contract. b/ Withdrawal from the advertising contract must be done through a written withdrawal no¬tifi cation, delivered to the Publisher in the manner specifi ed for submitting orders. The with¬drawal from the contract is not valid without a written receipt confirmation from the Publisher. c/ If the ordering party withdraws from the advertising contract after receiving an order from the Publisher, the Publisher has the right to cancellation fees. The amount and conditions for cancellation fees are stated in the current Price List. d/ If the ordering party withdraws from the advertising contract, the Publisher has the right to a refund of bulk discounts for repeat Advertising or bulk discounts for the ordered amount of Advertising to which the ordering party’s entitlement lapsed on its withdrawal from the contract. At the same time, the Publisher also has the right to compensation for costs incurred in relation to the ordering party’s withdrawal from the advertising contract. 9. Right to Refuse Advertising a/ The Publisher has the right to reject an order or to withdraw from a concluded contract if the content or form of Advertising breaches the legislation or contravenes third party rights, or if the Advertising damages the Publisher’s good name or violates the Publisher’s business plans or other interests. The Publisher is not obliged to give the ordering party reasons for rejecting an order, but can simply notify the ordering party on learning of this fact in writing, without delay. b/ The Publisher is not liable for any damages incurred by the ordering party as a result of rejecting an order or withdrawing from the advertising contract for the reasons specifi ed in paragraph 9.1. 10. Claims, Liability for Defects a/ The Publisher is only liable to the ordering party for demonstrable defects in the Advertising and only where the contract was seriously breached. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the ordering party only has the right to the republication of the corrected Advertising. b/ For repeat publication of Advertising with the same content, the ordering 10. Claims, Liability for Defects a/ The Publisher is only liable to the ordering party for demonstrable defects in the Advertising and only where the contract was seriously breached. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the ordering party only has the right to the re-publication of the corrected Advertising. b/ For repeat publication of Advertising with the same content, the ordering party must check its correctness and completeness immediately after the first publication. The Publisher is not liable for repeated publication of the same defect, if this defect was not reported to the Pub¬lisher immediately after the fi rst publication. c/ The ordering party agrees that the Publisher is not liable for variations in the size of the printed
Advertising of up to 0.5% of the required size because of the technological process used to produce the relevant title. Similarly, the Publisher is not liable for technological er¬rors in the Advertising that causes a defect in less than 1% of the specific printed Advertising or missing inserts of less than 1% of the ordered number of inserts in the given issue. These defects are not considered as defective performance and cannot be the subject of claims. d/ If force majeure occurs, the Publisher is absolved of liability to fulfil its obligations and provide compensation for resulting damages. e/ The Publisher reserves the right to default on the ordered and confirmed placement or pub¬lication date of the Advertising for serious operating reasons. In this case, the Publisher will not invoice the relevant surcharge. The ordering party is not entitled to a claim. 11. Confi dentiality a/ The Publisher and the ordering party undertake to keep all facts learned in relation to con¬cluding the advertising contract, meeting their obligations under this contract and other facts relating to either of the parties learned through their position as business partners in strictest confidence. The Publisher and the ordering party undertake not to disclose these facts even after the expiry of the advertising contract, even if the advertising contract or a part of it, is, or proves to be invalid or ineffective in the future. b/ The Publisher and the ordering party are responsible for ensuring non-disclosure according to the previous paragraph by all persons coming into contact with the above facts through them in any way, in particular, persons who will be acquainted with the above facts when carrying out their contractual obligations to either of the parties, i.e. particularly, employees and other persons used by either of the parties to meet their obligations under the advertis¬ing contract. 12. Final Provisions a/ Different arrangements specified in the order take precedence over the wording of these General Business Terms and Conditions. b/ Legal relations not expressly addressed in the General Business Terms and Conditions or order will be governed by Act No. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code, as amended. c/ The Publisher has the right to change the General Business Terms and Conditions at any time. The full and current wording of the General Business Terms and Conditions is posted on the Publisher’s website at If the ordering party does not express its explicit disa¬greement with changes in the wording of the General Business Terms and Conditions within 30 days of the publication of the full and current wording of the General Business Terms and Conditions, the new wording of the General Business Terms and Conditions becomes binding for the concluded contractual relationship as a change to the originally agreed terms and con¬ditions of the contractual relationship, effective from the date of publication.
2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.
2011 mediakit
mladá fronta E15 invasion of regional capitals
15 minutes for economics & business
2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.
2011 mediakit The strengths of the portfolio The publishing house Mladá fronta a.s., ranks among the most powerful publishers in the Czech Republic. It publishes 25 social, professional and IT magazines, 1 regional weekly, 1 daily newspaper and it also manages 20 websites. The Books division publishes over 200 titles annually, 180 which are latest releases. Annually Mladá fronta organizes many important social events. > Sestra roku (the Nurse of the year) – A competition for nurses and other nonmedical health workers. > Agentura roku (the Agency of the year) – AKA awards are supported by “Strategie” monthly magazine. > Debuts and autography events of new books. > Mladá fronta is considered a socially responsible company, it is aware of the importance of quality and development of the environment both in narrow and wide scope. For many years it has paid attention to charity especially to help for children: > Free of charge advertising spots for many charity projects; a dozen million Czech Crowns. It regularly supports “Pomozte dětem” (Help the children), an event, organized by the Czech Television. > Internal charity project – four selected projects organized by their guarantors –support of children in orphanages, support of education of children in India, support of animals in havens, and blood donates. The intention of this internal charity project is organising particular activities, where a unique knowhow of employees (education experts, minority groups, health
care or other social issue) can be offered. Depending on their preferences, time possibilities, and will to help, everybody can be involved in these projects. Mladá fronta publishing house will double the amount of money that all its employees contribute. This whole project is carried out with the support of Markéta Nováková, the head of the board of directors. Bricks helped to handicapped ones – the weekly Mladá fronta Sedmička buys five hundred bricks within charity fund-raising campaign “Akce cihla”. These bricks were for example used for construction of sidewalk in protected apartment area “Na Vyhlídce”. Remote adoption – Archdiocesan charity Prague – titles for children like “Sluníčko” and “Mateřídouška” contribute to education of Indian children. With actual issues of “Sluníčko” and “Mateřídouška” magazine we bring happiness to many small patients at the department of oncology in the Motol University Hospital. The remmitences of the magazines is provided to orphanages, hospitals, mother’s centers, schools, public associations usually on the occasion of children’s days, carnivals, Christmas shows, and children summer camps.
2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.
2011 mediakit
Contacts Tomáš Skřivánek
Jonáš Havlíček
Kristýna Šperlingová
Head of E15 division phone +420 225 347 290 gsm: +420 602 469 143 e-mail:
[email protected]
Regional Advertising Manager phone +420 225 347 274 gsm: +420 724 303 450 e-mail:
[email protected]
Assistant of the sales department phone +420 225 347 452 gsm: +420 602 475 570 e-mail:
[email protected]
David Korn
Michaela Brodecká
Olga Houzarová
Head of sales department phone +420 225 347 250 gsm: +420 725 729 877 e-mail:
[email protected]
Data and advertisement planning phone +420 225 276 298 gsm: +420 725 084 084 e-mail:
[email protected]
Invoicing phone 225 276 472 gsm: +420 736 752 707 e-mail:
[email protected]
Deník Mladá Fronta E15 Mladá fronta a. s. Pod Kotlářkou 3 150 00 Praha 5–Košíře 2011 © Mladá fronta a. s.