Materi 12
Electronic Commerce Systems
Management Information System Dr. Hary Budiarto
Virtual Company
Business Use of the Internet
Business Value of the Internet
Intranet Definition: A network inside an organization that uses Internet technologies to provide an Internetlike environment within the enterprise for information sharing, communications, collaboration, and the support of business processes
Business Value of Intranets
Communications and Collaboration – includes email, voicemail, paging, faxes, and groupware Web Publishing – easy, attractive and low-cost way of publishing and accessing multimedia business information Business Operations and Management – platform for developing and deploying critical business applications to support business operations and managerial decision making across the internetworked enterprise
Business Value of Intranets
Extranet Definition: Network links that use Internet technologies to interconnect the intranet of a business with the intranets of its customers, suppliers, or other business partners
Business Value of Extranets
Electronic Commerce
Layanan E-Commerce
Electronic Commerce (e-Commerce) adalah proses pembelian, penjualan atau pertukaran produk, jasa dan informasi melalui jaringan komputer e-Commerce mempunyai perspektif sebagai berikut: Komunikasi Proses bisnis Layanan Online Kolaborasi Komunitas
Layanan e-Commerce Jenis Bidang Usaha e-Commerce : Komputer dan elektronik Peralatan olah raga Perlengkapan kantor Buku dan musik Mainan Kesehatan dan kecantikan Pakaian Mobil Jasa
Kategori e-Commerce Pure EC: seluruh dimensinya adalah digital Organisasi yang seluruhnya online (virtual) Organisasi ekonomi baru Penjualan barang atau jasa hanya melalui jalur online Partial EC: kombinasi dimensi fisik dan digital Memanfaatkan aktifitas EC Bisnis utamanya masih dalam ujud fisik Pure vs. Partial EC: berdasar pada tingkat digitalisasi produk, proses, agen pengantaran
A Framework for EC Electronic Commerce Applications • Direct Marketing • Stocks, Jobs • On-line banking • Procurement and purchasing • Malls • Procurement • Auctions • Travel • On-line publishing • Customer Services • Intrabusiness Transactions
People: Buyers, Sellers, Intermediaries, Services, IS People and Management
Public Policy : Taxes, Legal, Privacy Issues, Regulations, and Technical Standards
Marketing and Advertisement: Market Research, Promotions, and Web content
Supply Chain: Logistics and Business Partners
Infrastructure (1) Common business services infrastructure (security, smart cards/authentication electronic payments, directories/catalogs
(2) Messaging and information distribution infrastructure (EDI, e-mail, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, Chat Rooms)
(3) (4) Multimedia content Network infrastructure and network (Telecom, cable TV publishing infrastructure wireless, Internet) (HTML, JAVA, World (VAN, WAN, LAN, Wide Web, VRML) Intranet, Extranet) Access (cell phones)
(5) Interfacing infrastructure (The databases, logistics, customers, and applications)
Market Distributors Non-Company Retailers Non-Company Manufacturers
Corporate Extranet
Corporate Intranet Head Quarter
Toys Inc Suppliers (Purchasing)
Professional Associations, large suppliers, competitors Toy Industry Extranet
Retail Stores
Other Extranets
Employees Liquidateors contractors
EDI, VAN Internet
Customers Travel agency Sales peoples and other mobile employees
Small retailers
Banks and other business partners
Government Small customers Small vendors
The network organization: How a company uses the Internet, and internet and extranet
Scope of e-Commerce
e-Commerce Technologies
Sifat Transaksi e-Commerce
Business to business (B2B): model EC dimana seluruh partisipannya adalah institusi bisnis Business to consumer (B2C): model EC dimana institusi bisnis menjual kepada pembeli individu Business to business to consumer (B2B2C): model EC dimana institusi bisnis menyediakan beberapa produk atau jasa kepada mitra bisnisnya, kemudian mitra bisnis mengelola pelanggannya melalui produk dan jasa yang disediakannya
Sifat Transaksi e-Commerce Consumer to business (C2B): seseorang yang menggunakan internet untuk menjual produk atau jasa kepada organisasi dan atau mencari penjual untuk menawar produk atau jasa yang dia butuhkan Consumer to consumer (C2C): konsumen menjual secara langsung ke konsumen lainnya
Sifat Transaksi e-Commerce
Mobile commerce (m-commerce): transaksi dan aktifitas EC yang dikelola dalam lingkungan nirkabel (wireless) Location commerce (l-commerce): transaksi commerce yang ditujukan untuk individu dalam lokasi tertentu pada waktu tertentu Intrabusiness (organizational) EC: kategori EC yang berada dalam internal organisasi meliputi, pertukaran barang, jasa atau informasi dari berbagai unit dan individu dalam organisasi
Pengembangan e-Commerce
Essential e-Commerce Processes
Access Control and Security Definition: E-commerce processes must establish mutual trust and secure access between the parties in an e-commerce transaction by authenticating users, authorizing access, and enforcing security features
Profiling and Personalizing Definition: Processes that gather data on you and your website behavior and choices, and build electronic profiles of your characteristics and preferences. These profiles are then used to recognize you as an individual user and provide you with a personalized view of the contents of the site, as well as product recommendations and personalized Web advertising
Search Management Definition: Efficient and effective search processes provide a top e-commerce website capability that helps customers find the specific product or service they want to evaluate or buy
Content and Catalog Management Content Management – software that helps e-commerce companies develop, generate, deliver, update, and archive text data and multimedia information at e-commerce websites Catalog Management – software that helps generate and manage catalog content
Workflow Management Definition: Software that helps employees electronically collaborate to accomplish structured work tasks within knowledgebased business processes
Event Notification Definition: Software that notifies customers, suppliers, employees, and other stakeholders of their status in a transaction based on events initiated by one of the parties
Collaboration and Trading Definition: Processes that support the vital collaboration arrangements and trading services needed by customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders
Electronic Payment Processes
Web Payment – credit card payment processes Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) – use IT to capture and process money and credit transfers between banks and businesses and their customers Secure Electronic Payments – security measures including encrypting data passing between customer and merchant, encrypting data passing between customer and company authorizing the credit card transaction, and taking sensitive information off-line
What is Electronic Payment System? Financial exchange Takes place electronically (online) Facilitated by some form of digital financial instrument Backed by a bank, an intermediary or by legal tender
Why e-payment? E-commerce – Dematerialisation – Speed and Automation Global reach – Easy accessibility Business gain and efficiency – Cost and time
Sistem Pembayaran Online
Contoh Model Pembayaran Online (1)
Contoh Model Pembayaran Online (2)
Jasa penyalur dana (PayPal)
How an Online Credit Card Transaction Works Processed in much the same way that in-store purchases are Major difference is that online merchants do not see or take impression of card, and no signature is available. Participants include consumer, merchant, clearinghouse, merchant bank (acquiring bank) and consumer’s card issuing bank
How an Online Credit Transaction Works
e-Commerce Trends
e-Commerce Success Factors
Selection and Value – attractive product selections, competitive prices, satisfaction guarantees, and customer support after the sale
Performance and Service – fast, easy navigation, shopping, and purchasing, and prompt shipping and delivery
e-Commerce Success Factors
Look and Feel – attractive web storefront, website shipping areas, multimedia product catalog pages, and shopping features
Advertising and Incentives – targeted web page advertising and e-mail promotions, discounts and special offers, including advertising at affiliate sites
e-Commerce Success Factors Personal Attention – personal web pages, personalized product recommendations, Web advertising and e-mail notices, and interactive support for all customers Community Relationships – virtual communities of customers, suppliers, company representatives, and others via newsgroups, chat rooms, and links to related sites
e-Commerce Success Factors
Security and Reliability – security of customer information and website transactions, trustworthy product information, and reliable order fulfillment