Mata Kuliah: Entrepreneurship Kelas Hari Senin Malam Babi 6: Strategi Pemasaran Program: Kelas Internasional Oleh: Diana Sinamoi NIM 14014005
1. Marketing activities should produce a win-win solution. Obviously not what is meant by this statement. Give an example of the real business! Pemasaran adalah proses perencanaan dan pelaksaan konsepsi, penetapan harga, promosi, dan distribusi atas ide, barang dan jasa untuk menciptakan pertukaran agar dapat memuaskan kebutuhan pelanggan dan perusahaan sekaligus. (page 162) For instance medical clinic provides medical services. A patient who is seek requires medical assistance and will go to the clinic for medical check. The patient will receive treatment at the clinic and in exchange for the service will pay a medical fee. So the clinic receives an income and the patient is treated. That is a win-win solution. 2. If you are a manufacturer of a product, marketing strategy what would you do to win the increasingly fierce competition? Give examples of products and strategies that real! Informasi Pemasaran: Pada aspek ini aktivitas yang mugkin di perlukan adalah: • Mendesain dan melaksanakan eksperimen-eksperimen pemasaran • Mengobservasi dan menganalisis perilaku pembeli • Mengembangkan dan melaksanakan survei-survei konsumen • Menganalisis dan menafsirkan secara rutin informasi yang terkumpul, seperti data penjualan, dan sebagainya • Melakukan ujian-ujian pasar, mengevaluasi kesempatan-kesempatan pasar dan • Menyediakan informasi bagi manajer dalam bentuk yang paling cocok untuk pengambilan keputusan Produk. Pada aspek ini aktivitas yang mungkin diperlukan adalah: • Mengembangkan dan mencoba menguji penjualan (Test market) produk-produk baru • Memodifikasi produk-produk yang ada dan menghapus produk-produk yang tidak sesuai dengan keinginan konsumen • Merumuskan nama-nama merek dan kebijaksanaan dengan jaminanjaminan • Merencanakan kemasan-kemasan termasuk di dalamnya bahan-bahan, ukuran, bentuk warna serta desainya Distribusi. Pada aspek ini aktivitas yang mungkin diperlukan adalah: • Menganalisis macam-macam tipe saluran distribusi • Merencanakan saluran distribusi yang tepat • Merancan program yang efektif untuk hubungan-hubungan dengan agen. • Menganalisis metode-metode transportasi • Minimisasi biaya-biaya distribusi dan • Menganalisis lokasi pabrik dan saluran grosir dan penjual eceran Promosi. Tindakan yang perlu dilakukan adalah:
• Menggariskan sasaran-sasaran promosional • Menetapkan tipe-tipe promosi pokok yang akan dimanfaatkan • Memilih dan menetapkan waktu media pengiklanan • Mengembangkan pesan-pesan iklan • Menyiapkan dan menyebarkan berita-berita publisitas dan • Merekrut dan memilih tenaga penjual Harga. Beberapa tindakan yang perlu dilakukan dalam kaitannya dengan penetapan harga: • Menganalisis harga-harga produk pesaing • Merumuskan kebijakan-kebijakan harga • Menentukan metode yang dipakai dalam penetapan harga-harga • Menentukan potongan-potongan harga untuk macam-macam tipe pembeli 3. Marketing oriented to customer satisfaction. Do you think all customers is unnecessary maintained? Customers are important and should be maintained. Customer satisfaction, Experimental marketing, Dreaming marketing, New generation marketing, intelligent marketing dll. Semua ini tidak lepas konsep marketing yang paling yaitu berusaha memproduksi barang/jasa untuk memenuhi selera konsumen baik bersifat tangible maupun intangible Therefore, “Relationship marketing berkembang dalam dunia bisnis karena pelaku bisnis menyadari bahwa untuk mengembangkan dan mempertahankan suatu bisnis, tidak hanya dengan mendapat pelanggan yang banyak tetapi juga bagaimana caranya mendapatkan pelanggan memeliharanya dan mempertahankan pelanggan tersebut.” (page 165) 4. Make example sentences attractive advertising or jargon that is earcatching for the business of a restaurant! • • • • • •
Start your day with a Coffee! Devoted to Pizza Tie the knot with a $10 Pizza box Delicious harmony made for you Take it slow, Savor Every Second of this Indulgent Mocho Blis I’m Loving It!
5. If you have a clothing business, try to explain market segmentation which one would you choose and why? Segmentasi pasar dipengaruhi oleh empat variabel penting: • Geografis: banyak keputusan pembelian dipengaruhi oleh tempat • Demografis: Terkait usia, pendidikan, status perkawinan, suku, agama, pendapatan per tahun, ras, kebangsaan, jenis, kelamin. • Psikografis:
karakteristik konsumen, seperti gaya hidup, pendapatan, minat, dan sikap. Perilaku: Cara-cara konsumen menggunakan produk manfaat yang mereka harapkan dari produk tersebut, alasan mereka membelinya, dan kesetiaan mereka terhadap produk tersebut
To sell the product Clothes, I will have to consider all of the market segmentation because If I sell warm clothes I will consider the geography of which regions will be provide a suitable weather for the clothes I will sell. Demographics in terms of age range, gender and consider the agama of the region. Are these clothes relevant to the understanding of the target client. Etc. Take example insert: Market segmentation for Apparel sales are driven by economic conditions, demographic trends, and pricing.
“The company plans to target males between the ages of 20 and 40 with a combined household income of more than $40,000. Within this group, there are no color barriers, and customers have diverse backgrounds. The New Look customer is a versatile man who can fit into any environment and is willing to pay a high price for quality clothing. The company's target group is seen as having enough disposable income to spend on high priced quality clothing. From 1984 to 1991, for example, disposable personal income grew at a healthy average annual of 7.0%. Apparel and footwear expenditures increased at a strong .2% annual rate during the same period. In the 1990s, however, growth in personal income slowed somewhat and so did apparel expenditures. From 1991 to 1998, disposable personal income rose at an average annual rate of 4.7%, while apparel and footwear expenditures grew 4.5% per year. According to S&P's, in the men's apparel segment, much of the growth in spending is being driven by consumers with annual household incomes of more than $60,000. Spending in this segment increased by approximately 13% in 1998. Apparel purchases by men from households with incomes between $40,000 and $59,999 grew by 7% in 1998. Men's apparel sales at department stores and off-price retailers grew at double-digit rates in 1998.
As growth slows in the mature U.S. apparel and footwear markets, companies are increasingly looking overseas for growth opportunities. American brands translate well internationally, and many expanding economies overseas are interested in buying U.S. products. International business has therefore become a focus of some U.S. companies. Many apparel and footwear manufacturers see Europe, with a population of 350 million, as an attractive market. Tommy Hilfiger and Polo Ralph Lauren recently opened flagship stores in London in an effort to build up their brands in Europe. Expansion in Asia, however, has been sidelined by economic troubles. In other parts of the world, footwear company Payless ShoeSource Inc., has been performing well in Canada and South America.”
( analysis_summary_fc.php) 6. Suppose you are a manufacturer of a brand drinks, try to give an example of how you modify your products in order to remain a leadingedge product!
Whenever consumer spending is slowing down, you need to defend your market position and maintain your competitive edge. Tom Whitney shows you how to stay ahead of your rivals Know the competition. Find out who your competitors are, what they are offering and what their unique selling point (USP) is. This will identify the areas you need to compete in, as well as giving you a platform for differentiating yourself. Know your customers. Customer expectations can change dramatically when economic conditions are unstable. Find out what matters to your customers now - is it lower price, more flexible service, the latest products? Revise your sales and marketing strategy accordingly. Differentiate. It's essential to give your customers good reasons to come to you rather than a rival. Your USP should tap into what customers want and it should be clear and obvious - no-one should have to ask what makes you different. Step up your marketing. Make more effort to tell people who you are, what you sell and why they should buy from you. It doesn't have to be expensive; marketing can range from posters in your window and leaflet drops through to advertising campaigns in local media.
5. Update your image. Simple steps such as painting the front of your premises can make your business look more modern and inviting. But look also at business cards, stationery, your website, branded packaging, clothing and so on. Does your image reflect your USP? 6. Look after your existing customers. They will be your competitors' target market. Provide bettercustomer service by being more responsive to their needs and expectations. If feasible, consider offering low-cost extras such as improved credit terms, discounts or loyalty schemes - remember, it's cheaper and easier to keep customers than to find new ones. 7. Target new markets. Selling into a greater number of markets can increase your customer base and spread your risk. Consider whether you can sell online or overseas, for example. Are there groups you've never targeted before who might be interested in your offer? Don't waste time marketing to people who won't be interested, however. 8. Expand your offer. What related products or services might your customers be interested in? You might even consider diversifying into another area many cafes have successfully offered Internet access, for example. 9. Be the best employer. Skilled, motivated staff underpin vibrant, growing businesses. But attracting them means more than paying a competitive wage people are often more impressed by a good working atmosphere and benefits such as flexible working and structured career development. 10. Look to the future. Businesses that plan for growth are more successful than those that are happy to stay still. Keep up with developments in your sector, follow consumer trends, invest in new technology and - crucially - have a clear idea of where you want to be in one, three and five years' time. ( 7. Make a SWOT analysis of the business of your dreams in the future! SWOT Analysis of my online shop STRENGTHS Ø Web interface is well laid out & easy to use Ø Web interface is user friendly Ø First time clients/customers are guided through the shop step by step to complete their purchase quick & easily Ø Once the desired items are in the cart, customers can choose between the various secure payment options. Ø Payments can be made by invoice, direct debit, prepayment or credit card Ø Each customers receive a tracking number to follow up their order until delivery
Ø Fast shipping (orders are shipped out the same day ) Ø Customers can qualify for FREE delivery when the minimum basket size of RM75 is met Ø Accept return of shoes & clothing within 30 days of delivery Ø There is a customer service live chat on the web interface on any queries or questions Ø There are big brands such as Nike, American Apparel, New Look, etc. Ø Low Cost Leader (goods marketed are of low prices Rp0 – 500) Ø Business reputation of being innovative WEAKNESS Ø Long subscription progress Ø Poor Mobile optimization Ø Complaints from many customers & clients about the service at shopping online Ø Shop online is quite slow Ø Email confirmation of purchase orders is slow Ø Mischievous manipulation of data acquisition by employees Ø Employees do not report the offense Ø Number of potential customers who can buy through internet is still not enough Opportunities Ø Speed in loading Ø New ways to retain users visit Ø High demand on product or similar merchandise Ø Able to compete with any type of online business especially with decision to build a technology Ø Seasonal high demand of the product 8. Who is the toughest competitor of the business of your dreams in the future! My business plan is to create an e-Agriculture center and my competitors or those that may be threats to my business plan are: • Other Tech companies that may create a similar system to mine • Other Agri businesses who may pull my clients away by offereing a better service This is new idea, so at the moment there are not much threats or competitors at this stage. 9. How to get customers to your business strategy are you? • • •
Market Penetration Strategy Market Development Strategy Product Development
10. Identify examples of products that are booming at the moment and what do you think that bring these products captured the attention of consumers? Products booming – Samsung mobile phones, Sony products, Nike Shoes. • • • • • •
Customer Orientation Quality Convenience Innocation Speed or Time Compression Management – Customer Response time Customer Service and satisfaction