lnovasi Pernbelajaran Berbasis Riset di Sekolah Dasar
ISBN: 978-602-17 125-8-0 Editor: Dr. Taufina Taufik, M.Pd Dr. Yanti Fitria, M.Pd Dr. Mardiah Harun, M.Ed Dr. Farida F, M.T, M.Pd Dra. Elfia Sukma, M.Pd Dr. Darnis Arief, M.Pd Editor Teknik: Tim Prosiding Design SampuI: Tim Prosiding Diterbitkan Oleh: Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Padang Dicetak Oleh: Sukabina Press H a k cip1a@?0 15 pada Penulir
Dilarang menpitip sebapian atau selunth isi buku ini denpan cara apapun. ter~nasukdengan cara mesin mesin fotocopy. tanpa izin sill dari penerbit.
SAiMBLiTAiV DEKAN FA1l;L;LTAS IL.Vll_r P E T D I D I K A S UNIVERSITAS NEGERI P A D A S G Puii dan syuki~ssenantiasa kit:) sampaikan kepada Allah S\l;*I' atas linlp;~linn ralirnat d i n hidayah-Nya. seliinpga kira dnpat bcnemu pada kegiatan ilniinh Seminar Nasional .lun~sanPGSD dengan tema "lnovasi Pelnbelajara~iBerbasis Riser di Sckolah Dasar". Seminar ini nierupakan kegiatan r i ~ t i ~tahunan i yany diselenggal-akan olcli Surusan PGSD Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Uni\:ersitas Negeri Padang. Selan-jutnya perkenankan saya ~nenyampaikanpenshargaan dan ucapan terima kasili ltepada Ketua panitia beserta seluruh jajaran kepaliitiaan seriiinar Kasio~ialS i ~ r i ~ s a ~ ~ PGSD FIP Universitas Negeri Padang yang telah nienipersiapkali tcrsclenggaran>,a kegiatan ini. Secara kliusus perkenankanlali saya menyampaikan terima kasili kcpada Bapak Prof. Dr Sugiyono (Guru Besar U~iiversitasNegeri Yogyakarta). Prof. Dr. Koor Azlan Ahmad Zanzali (Guru Besar Universitas Teknologi Malaysia). Dr. Suryanti. MPd. (Ketua Asosiasi PGSD). dan Dr. Tautina Taufik. M Pd. (Dosen Jurusan PGSD FIP Universitas Negeri I'adarig) yang telah berke~ianme~ijadipembicara kunci pada seminar nasional ini. Sebagai salah satu lembaza pendidikan tinggi. U~iiversitasNegeri Padang turut bertanggungawab d a ~ i berkewa-jiban untuk mengkaji dan niengenibangkan ilmu pengetahuan. teknologi. dan selii dengan sebaik-baiknya i~ntukken~ajuanbangsa dan negara. Pengembangan tersebut tidak terlepas dari penelitian dan pengabdim yang telah dilakukan oleh dosen, guru. maupun ma1i:lsis~~a dalam ranska meningkatkan pembelajaran di S D clan PGSD. Oleli karena itu. seminar nasional Iiarus niampu mendorong para dosen. guru, dan mahasis\\;a untuk meningkatkan pcnelitian. peligabdian pada masyarakat dan selali.jutnya dapat mengin~plernetasika~~ dalani pe~iibela-jarandi kelas. Karni. pimpinan dan keluarga besar Faki~ltasIlniu Pendidikan. :mengucapkan terima kasih yalig tulus kepada Rektor dan jqjal-an pinipinan Universitas Negeri Padang. Ketua lurusan PGSD FIP Universitas Negeri Padang. panitia penyelenggara. dan berbagai pihak yany telah menibantu terselen~garanya seminar ini. S e m o ~ asemua perhatian. bantuan. dan kerja keras kita seniua berfaedali dan ~iienjadianial slialeli di sisi Tuhati Yang Maha Esa. Akhir kata kami ucapkan '-Selaniat Dating di Ranah Minang dan Selalnat Berseniinar". Kiranya kita semua diberi ralimat dan hidayah-Nya. Amiin. j
i Padang. 30 Mei 201 5
Dekan FIP Prof. Dr. H. Firman. MS. Kons
Segalri pi!ji dan syukur dicuralikan kehadirat Tulian Yang blaha Esa karcna ber-liat ralirnat dan karunia-Nya serta izin-S!;a prosiding ini bisa diterbitkan. Prosiding ini diterbitkan sebagai realisasi dari Visi J~rnrsanPGSD FIP Unicersitas Negeri Padang yaitu "Mengliasilkan gunr Sekolali Dasar (SD) jxng pl-ofessional dan berkarnkter dengan berlandaskan iman dan taclwa. terdepan di ka\vasan Asia Tenggara pada taliun 2020". 'Tenla Seminar Nasional Jirrusan PGSD FIP Lni\:ersitas Negeri Padang adalali "lno~~ctsi Pcrnhcl~~jctr~tn Ber-ho.si.~Risct ~ l S'c.kol~t11 i Du.vtn. ". Tenia tersebut dipilili karena kami berpendapat b a h w liasil-liasil penelitian dan pengabdian kepada niasyarakat yang dilakukan oleh dosen. guru. dan niahasiscva selama ini belum dipublikasikan secara optinlal dan belu~ndimanfaattian di dalam proses pembela.jaran. Ridang ka.jian dalani se~ninar ini nieliputi bidang-bidang studi ke-SD-an. yaitu Bahasa Indonesia. Mateniatika. [Iniu Pengetahuan Alani. Pendidikan Ke~varganegaraan.Ilmir Pengetahuan Sosial, Seni. dan Strategi Pernbela-jaran serta bidang keguruan ber-basis ke-SD-an. Seniinar ini diselengparakan oleh Jurusan PGSD FIP Universitas Negeri Padang pada hari Sabtu-Minggu tanggal 30-31 Mei 2015 di Padang. Peserta seminar berasal dari besbagai unsur ).aitu dosen. alunini. maliasiscva. furu. kepala sekolah. tenaga kependidikan. pelabat dan pengelola leinibaga yang berkaitan denzan penyelen,,o ~ a r a a n pendidikan serta penicrliati pendidikan lainnya. Kami riiengucapkan terinia kasili atas kesediaan Bapak Rektor Uni\lersitas Negeri Padans. Bapak Dekan Frtkultas Ilmu Pendidikan. para narasuniber (Prof. Dr. Sugiyono. Prof. Dr. Noor Azlan Ahtiiad Zanzali. Dr. Suryanti. M. Pd. dan Dr. Taufina Taufik. M. Ptl). para ~rndangan. d a n , peserta yang telah berpartisipasi aktif dalani seminar ini. 'Tindak Ian-jut dari seriiinar ini adalali publikasi prosiding. kanii berllarap adanya pengenibangan kot~sep-konsep clan aplikasi yanz dapat digunakan oleh pemerintah khususnya dalani pendidikan i~liti~k meliingkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Akhirnya kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada sponsor. pinipinan iuiiversitas. fakultas. jurusan. paniti?. dan pihak-pihak yang belum tersebutkan nanlanya. tetapi banyak membantu terselenggaranya seminar dan ter\vxi.judnya prosiding ini. S e ~ n o g aTulian Yang Esa meridliai seniua langkah dan perjuangan kita ini. Alnin. Padang. 30 Mei 20 15
Metode Penelitian dan Pengembangan. Metode Penelitian Tindakan. Ole11 Prof. Dr. Sugiono, I M . P ~(Universitm Segeri Yogyakarta)
Penerapan Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Masalah di Sekolah Dasar. Ole11 Dr. S u q a n t i , I M . P ~( Universitas Negeri Surabaya)
Studi Penerapan Pendekatan Te~natik Trrpadu Dalan Rangka 24 Implemcntasi Kul-ikulum 2013 Di Sekolah Dasar Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota. :Ole11 Dr. Taufina Taufik, M.Pd (PGSD FIP Universitas Pu'egeri Padang)
Peninskata~~ Keterampilan Menyimak Intensif Siswa Kelas V S D Negeri 36 24 Palembang melalui Pendekatan PAKEM Berbahan Cerita Anak. Oleli I'utri Mindari, Asnimar dan Hairuddin (PGSD FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya)
Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Deskripsi dengan Menggunakan 44 Strategi .bli~?dilhrp di Sekolah Dasar. b l e h Rahrnatina & Elfia Sultrna (PGSD FIP Universitas Negeri !Padang)
Pengembangan Model Buku Kerja Siswa d a l a n ~Pembelajaran Menulis 52 Narasi untuk Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar. Oleli Dill-nis Arief (PGSD FIP Universitas Negeri Padang)
Pen~belilial-aanMenulis Laporan Percobaan dengan Pendekatan Saintifik 62 di Sekolah Dasar. Oleh Rizky Amelia, Elfia Sukma, dan Nur Asma (PGSD FIP Universitas Negeri Padang)
['engembangan Perangkat Pembela,iaran clalam Garnitan IiFcl;ti~.itns 70 Menibaca Berorientasi S t r a t c ~ iDRTA di kelas Vl Sekolali Dabas. Oleh Faisal (PGSD FIP I_'ni\.ersitas Negeri Medan)
Strategi Pembelajaran %l/lenulis Rerbasis PAKEM I'ada Siswa Kclas IV MI Azzaroofah Jakarta Timur. Oleh Gusti Yarmi (Universiti~sNegeri Jakarta)
10. Model Pen~bela-jaranSAVI (Somatic. Auditory. Visualization. Intelcktual) 95 Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Puisi: Sebuah Inovasi Ternbelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SD. Oleh Nini Ibrohim (Universitas Negeri ,Jakarta) 1 1.
Peningkatan Akti\:itas dan Keterampilan Membaca Pcniahaman Dengall Menggunakan Pendekatan Proses di Kelas 111 SD Negesi 15 Tanah Garam. Oleh Yossy Sufrida (SD Ncgeri 15 Tnnah Gzrarn Sololi)
12. Opening Firmament Bethinks Student In Writes Narasi With Animations Film Media at SDN 1 1 Kampung .laws. Ole11 Yuniarti (SD Negeri 11 Kampung Jaws)
13. Peningkatan Kreativitas Siswa Membuat Benda K'onstruksi dengan Pendekatan Konstruktivisrne di Kelas IV Sekolali Dasar. Oleh Harni (PGSD FIP Universitas Ncgeri Padang)
14. Peningkatan Kemanipuan Pelmahaman Konsep ~ A e l n a t i h a Dmpan Menggunakan Model M-A-S-T-E-R Pada Siswa Kelas VIII3 SMPN 2 Lubuk Basung. Oleh Asrina Mulyati (STKIP Adzkia Padang)
15. Kearifan Lokal Minangkabau sebagai Suniber Belajar Matematika dalani Pendidikan Dasar. Oleh Masniladevi d a n Yullgs Helsa (PGSD FIP ubiversit:,s Negeri Padang) !
16. Improving The Students' Learning Acti\lities and Achie\;ement in learning mathematics by Using Cooperative Model Tipe .ligsaw at S. 1 PGSD FIP UNP. Oleh Mursal Dalais (PGSD FIP Universitas Negeri Padang)
17. Peningkatan Kreativitas Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas V Pada 158 Pembelajaran Matematika Model Prohlen? Based Leur-ning di SD 371111 Koto Tuo Kecamatan Depati VII Kabupaten Kerinci. Oleh Nia Amelia & Zulfa Arnrina (Program Studi Pendidikan G u r u Sekolah Dasar Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Bung Hatta)
13crn1atcn1arih. Berkarakter. OlcIi S!.:lft-i .-\hrn:~tl (PGSD FIP Uni\.crsit:~sNegcri Pzd:lng) Incl-casin? Student Studies Activity in Leal-ned Matlieniatics by use nt' Concept Repeat at SDN 03 Kampung Ja\.va. Oleh Yeni Elmina (SD Begeri 03 Kampung .Jaws) Opening 'Thinking Creati~rity in Concept Learning by use of Dernonstri~tionMetl~odat Klass VI SDN 19 Kampung Jawa Kecamatan I'anjung Harapan Kota Solok. Oleh Cirlto Buliah (SDN 19 Kampung Jawa Kecamatan Tanjung Harapan Kota Solok) Upaya Menana~nkanKasakter Jujur Bagi Siswa Ssekolah Dasar. Oleh Farida F (PGSD FIP Universitas Negeri Padang) I'erbcdaan I-lasil Belqiar IPA Antara blodel Pembelajaran Fi.shho~c*/ Dengan Model Pembelajaran Konvensional Siswa Kelas IV SDN Sesta.jaya 0 1 Cikarang Tin~ur. Oleh Rahmiati L! Wida Ningsih (PGSD FKIP-UHAMKA) Upaya Meningkatkan Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar IPA Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan C'onrextz~lrlTvucl?ing Ant/ Lecrrning ( C T L ) Di Kelas 111 Sekolah Dasar. Oleh Sri Arnerta (PGSD FIP UNP Padang) Meningkatkan Kemampuan Siswa dalan~ Metnecahkan Masalah pada Mata Pels-jaran IPA dengan Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar. Oleh Yosta Refena (SD Negeri Solok) Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Ipa Siswa Kelas V dengan Menggunakan Metode Inkuiri. Oleh Zaiyasni (PGSD FIP UNP Padang) Pen9gunaan Model PBL dalani Pembela-jaran IPA di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar X Taliah Datar. Oleh Silvinia (PGSD FIP Universitas Negeri Padang) Mengsapai Hasil Terbaik Pelnbelajaran IPA Dengan Menggunakan Model C . ~ O / ~ C ' I - N /Lec~rning ~IW Tipe STAD ~h Kelas IV SDN 0 1 Tanjung Paku Kota Solok. Oleh Yonhormaison (SD Negeri 01 Tanjung Paku Kota Solok)
38. Reaching IPA'S 1,earnt.d Rcsul~I..ighr 34a1c1-ial\\-it11 hl\/lodelC'oopcrnri\:e'h Learning STAD'S 'I'!.pc f . S / i ~ c / c ~ i ~ 7i.l1111.v t.v ,-fchie\:en~en/ c/i~.i.~io~i) a[ SL)K 20 Sinapa Piliang. Oleh Eva Sursanti ( G u r u SD Segcri 20 Sini~pilPiliang) 29.
Mencetak Karakter Calon Guru melalui Acli\:e Le~lrni~lg pada Perkuliahan Matel-i Pen~bela-jaranIPA. Oleh Panji Hidayat (L!nivcrsitas Ahmad Ilahlan)
30. Meningkatkan Motivasi Bela-jar Pembela.jeran Unti~kSiswa Kelas V SD Negeri 04 Pasar Pandan Air (PPA) Mati Solok Melalui Metoclc Inquiry. Oleh Mimi S u n a n i (SD Negeri 04 Pandan Air Mati Sololi) 31.
Pengaruh Metode Demonstrasi Teshadap Masil Bela-jar Siswa ICelns V Pada Pembelajaran IPA Materi Sifat-Sifat Caliaya di SDN 16 Bongonienie Kabupaten Gorontalo. Ole11 YIeylan Saleh (PGSD FIP Universitas Negeri Gorontalo)
Implenlentation bIodel Learning Innovation of direct Learning in Social Sciences at Elementarv School. By Elfi~(Teachers o f : P r i m a n School 21 a t Sikapak Barat)
Penerapan Model PI-ohlen~Bused Le~rrnii?gdalan~Ii~ovasiPembelajaran IPS di Sekolah Dasar Oleh Farida S (PGSD FIP Universitas Negeri Padang)
Pendekatan ~onteksiilal Dalarn Meningkatkan Ranah Kognitif Dan Afektif Siswa Pada Mara Pelajaran IPS Di Sekolah Dasar. Oleh Hakop Walangadi (PGSD Universitas Negeri Gorontalo)
35. Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Sisula Dalam Penlbelajaran IPS Dengan Menggunakan Model C'oo/)er~~/ir.e Learning Grozrp I17vestigulion Di Sd N 09 Air Pacah Kora pahang. Oleh Hamimah ( P G ~ D FIP Universitas Negeri Padang)
36. Penerapan Proses Pembela.jaran IPS SD Dengan Kooperaiif Learning Tipe Jigsaw di Sekolah Dasar. Oleh Zuardi (PGSD FIP Uni~vct-sitasNegel-i Padang)
37. -
In~proven~ent Of Social Studies Learning Results By Group Investigation Type (GI) Of The Cooperative Learning Model On Elementary School In Padang . Oleh Yalvema Miaz (Faculty of Education State University of
38. I'eningl<aran \ l ~ ~ s i Bela.jall Sisna l'ada Pembt.li!ial-an IPS dengan -:-?)' .Mcngpitnal.an Sno\~-h(rll7'l?r.o\!ir7g di Kelas VI SDh OS V Koto Ka~~ipiing Dalrtni Ole11 Syahri Tilawati Sr Nilsrul (PGSL) FII' I'ni\ersitas Segeri Padang) 39.
Social Science - Based Learning Inno\wtion Strategy in Primary Sct1001 347 Social Inquiry. By Syahnur Sr Elma Alwi (PGSD FIP Univcrsitas 3egeri Yi~dang)
h4eningkatkan Pendidiltan Karakter Anak Kesulitan Belajar Molalui Metode Bercel-ita Pada Mata Pela-jaran PPKn di SDN 09 Padang. Oleh Fatmawati (PLB FIP Universitas Neger-i Padang)
4 1. Penerapan Pembela.jaran Keterampilan Pe~necahanMasalah Sosial Untuk Menitigkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran PKtl di SD Kecamatan Lenibah Segar Kota Sawahlunto. Oleh Reinita (PGSD FIP Universitas Negeri Padang)
Peningkatan Hasil Bela-jar Siswa dalan~Pembela.iaran PKN dengan Model N H T di SD Kartika 1- 1 1 Padang. Ole11 Asnul Rahman & NIansyur Lubis (PGSD FIP Universitas Negeri Padang)
Upaya Meningkatkan Prestasi Dan Motivnsi Belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam Pada Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 04 Pasar Pandan Air (PPA) Mati Solok Melalui Strategi Brlajar Tuntas. Ole11 Ycmfimer Rahmi (Guru SD Negeri 04 Pandan Air Mati Solok)
Peningkatan Proses Pen~belajaranTematik klenggunakan Media Ani~nasi1389 di Kelas 111 SDN 01 Pakan Rabaa Solok Se!ntan. Oleh Afrimon (SD Negeri 01 Pakan Rabsa Sololc Selatan)
Menyqapai Hasil Belajar Senam Terbaik Dengall Menggunakan Metode ' 4 1 3 Demontrasi Di Kelas I1 SDN 19 Tatiah Gal-an~Kota Solok. Oleh J a s n i z ~ (SD r Negeri 19 Tanah Gnram Kota Solok)
Pendekatan Saintifik dalam Penibela~jamndi SD. 422 Oleh Irzal Anderson & Suci Hayati (PGSD FKIP Universitas Negeri Jambi)
Pengen~banganPerangkat Pembelajaran Tetnatik Berorientasi Pendekatan 430 Saintifik Dalam Upaya Membangun Kecerdasan Siswa Di Kelas I Sekolah Dasar. Oleh Mayarnimar (Dosen PGSD FIP Universitas Negeri Padang) xiii
-IS. C'ollabosati\:e Learning Model 1-0s I~npso\ingResults
Learning 01' 445
1-cnrning. Oleh Rr~sminHusain (Uni\;crsit;ls Scgeri Gal-ontalo) 49.
Kontribusi KI-eatillitas dan Supt.s\,isi Kepala Sekolnh Terhadap Kineria 457 (iuru S M P Negeri Palupuh Kabuparen Aganl. Oleh Yunisrul (PGSD FIP Universitas Neget-i P i ~ d i ~ n g )
Kemanipuan Berbicara Pesel-ta Didik Kclas 111 dengan Metode Bern~ain 465 Peran di S D 05 Koto Tangah Kccamatan Tilatang Kamang. Oleh Zainal Abidin (PCSD FIP Universitas Negeri Padang)
5 1. I'endidikan Seni Musik Humanis (Suatu T i ~ j a u a nKonseptual) Oleh Desyandri (PGSD FIP Universitas Negeri Padang)
Meningkatkan Hasil Bela-jar IPS Melalui Metode Cooper.ct/i\v Leorning 491 'ripe T#'O STA Y TO STRA Y Tentang Masalah Sosial Pada Siswa Kelas IV SDK Karet 06 Pagi Setiabudi Jakarta Selatan Oleh Ajat Sudrajat dan Septi Yanti (PGSD FIP Universitas Negeri Jakarta)
Inovasi Pembelajaran: Pemanfaatan Website sebagai Media dan Sumber 501 Belajar IPA Siswa Sekolah Dasar Oleh Esti Susiloningsih dan Apit Fathurohman (PCSD F K I P Univesitas Sriwijaya, Palembang - Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang - Program Doktor Falsafah Pendidikan Fizik FSM UPS1 Malaysia)
In~provementOf Social Studies Learning Results By Group In\,cstigation Type (Gi) Of T h e Cooperative Learning .Model On E l e m e n t a n School In Padang Yalvema Miaz Faculty of Education State University of I'adang
Abstract This research is motivated by Social Studies learning by Elementary School students in I'adang. At that tinie, learning process is no: so attractive by tlie students because it \\.as centered on the teacher. and tlie students were merely act as listeners. Teachers more often lecturing students with a little question and answer session. and teachers rarely use certain learning model. The purpose of this study was to describe tlie learning outcome of the Social Studies students by using Group Investigation (GI) type of the Cooperari\.e Learning Model in the Primary School. This nod el provides the opportunit!. for the students to search and find information froni a variety of sources inside and outside tlic classroom. The type of this research is the Classroom Action Research (CAR) using qualitative and quantitative approaches. The subjects were teachers and 35 students of class V. The research procedures includes planning. implementation. observation. and reflection. The implementation co~isistsof two cycles. If in the cycle I cve ha1.c not gained the maximum result. then proceed to the cycle 11. Each cycle consists of t\\-o stages of lear~iing.The results showed all increase in student learning outcomc.~in the first cycle has increased in the second cycle with excellent qualifications. Fro111 tlie learning plans assesnlent result, in the first cycle was found 75%. and increased in tlie second cycle into 96.42%. Frotn the observation in teacher aspect. an incrcase of 71.63% to 93.1 8% in tlie second cycle, while the aspect of students also increased horn 71.50% to 93.18% in the second cycle. Student leanling outconies by using the GI t!.prl of the Cooperative Learning Model in Social Sdudies learning is also increased. namel!. the class avemse value of 72.21 in the first cycle increased to 88 in the second c!:clc. Key\vords: Social Studies, Learning Outcomes, G r o u p Investigation T?.pc of Cooperative Learning Model.
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleli pembelajaran Ilniu Pensetaliuan Sosial (11's) Sekolah Dasar. PernbeIajaran masih kurang rntmarik karena aktivitas belajar lian!-a terpusat kepada guru. peserta didik lebih ballyak pasif. Guru lebih domirian clan berceramali dan sedikit taiiya j a w b dengan pesrta didik. Guru belum ban!.ak menggimakaii model pem bela.jaran \lariatif. Suasana pembelajaran di SDS Luhuk Minturiin Padang masih b e l i ~ ~ nkondusif. 'Tujuan penelitian ini adalah i~ntuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan proses dan aktvitas hasil belajar peserta didik tlalam pembela.jaran Ilmu Pengetaliuan Sosial dengan ~nenggunakanCooperative Learning tipe G'r.ozrj>In\?es/i,yc/.vi (GI). Model ini memberikan kese~npata~i kepada peserta didik untuk mencari dan 111e1iemukaninfor~iiasidari berbagai Iiiacani sumber di dalatn dan di luar kelas. .lenis penelitian adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ( P T K ) dengun
mcnggunakan perpadi~an pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Sub.jek peneli~ianini adalah guru dan 25 orang peserta didik kelas V. I'roscdur pcnelitian nieliputi. perencanaan. pelaksanaan. pengamatan. dan refleksi. I'claksanaannya terdiri atas dua sikli~s.Apabila patla siklus I belun~niempe1.ole1i liasil maksimal. mnkn dila~i.iutkan kepada siklus 11. Sctiap sijili~sterdiri dari 2 tahap penibelqjaran. I-Iasil penelitian menunjukkan adan!:a peningkatan proses dan liasil belr1,iar peserta didik pada siklus I telah nieningkat pada siklus 11 dencan kualifiknsi sangar baik. Sela~i.jutnya liasil penilaian trrliadap rencana pelaksanaan pembela.jal-an oleh gurii pada siklus I didapat 75?/b. dan meningkat pada siklus I1 11ie1i.jadi96.4?_0/;,.l Iasil pengamatan pelaksanaan pembelgiaran pada aspek guru meningkat dari 71 -63% (siklus I) men-jadi 93.1 8% pada siklus 11. sedangkan pada aspek peserta didik akti\,itas juga.meningkat dari 71.50% men.jadi 93.1 8% pada siklus 11. Hasil belajar peserta didik didapat 72.2 1 pada siklus I nirningkat nienjadi 88 pada siklus 11.
Kata kunci: 11171~1P ~ ~ I ~ ~ I SOS~OI. N ~ ~ IPI-ose.r C I I I~ / ( I I IHosil Bclcgcir-. !l.!oc/el Koopet-cr/i/' Tipc. GI-orlp 117r.esligulion
Introduction Social Studies learning in elementary school aims to enable students to have a simple insight about the basic concepts of the Social Studies and hun~a~iities that will form the learners to become citizens and responsible citizens. Mastery of concepts in a learning is a must. In everyday life. social concepts are used in almost every side of h~unaulife. If this concept has not been mastered by the students. it is difficult for children to to understand no re things that are associated with its opera~ions. Social science. is a sub-ject that examines social issues relating to Iiurnan life that involves all the behavior and life. According to tlie Minist!-y of Education (2006) tliat the Social Studies esaniines a set of events. facts. concepts. generalizations relating to social issues. It seeks and applies theories. concepts and principles of the Social Studies to esa~nine[lie esperiences. events, symptoms. social problenis which significantly occur in tlie life of societ!.. Social Studies sub.jects. in primary school is not merely rote. but students are espected to have knowledge and insight into the basic concepts social. Therefore. students are espected to have skills and good attitirde in solving problenis in tlie comples and challenging community life. 'l'he purpose Social Science learning by the Llinistr!. oi'Education (2006) is tliat students have the following capabilities: 1 ) Kno\\. the concepts related to tlie life of the comniunit): and tlie environment. 2) have the basic abilit!, to think logically and critically. curiosit!.. inquiry. and problerli solving skills in social liti.. 3 ) have tlie aM;areness and commitment to social \!alucs and humi~nit\..4) 1iai.e the ability to comniunicate. cooperate and conlpetent in a pluralistic socitt!. at tlie local. national and global. [,earning Social Studies will produce some advantages and value in tlie de\.clopment of learners potential (Stahl. 2005) are: ( 1 ) increase tlie sense of responsibilit> of tlie indi\.idual. (2) foster positi\le interdependence. (3) allow on buildi~igrelationships that are open. (4) allows the development of social skills in an optimal and ( 5 ) train students to live in a society. Based on tlie above description is very clear. that tlie goal is to educate and provide basic si~ppliesto the student's ability to develop themsel\~esaccording to their
talents. interests. abilities. and is responsible in solving tlir problems I'acccl I,! rht. social enviro~iment. In order to realize tlie purpose of leal.ning. the teaclier can usc modcls !liar \at-! in learning. so tliat it can form the students to critical thinkilig. acti\.e. and e11ga~c.di r i learning. so that learning becomcs meaningful. interesti~igand Sun. In tlie learning process the teacher should be able ro create a leanling atniospliere so rliat stitdents actively ask. capable of solving prohletiis 2nd dare express an idea or ideas. In developmental psycliology. elementary school students categorized as being in early stages of develop~nentof' concrete thouplit. In response. gi\.en tlir social studies concepts i s a broad and abstract concept. it is necessary to find a n.ay to educate students so tliat they can understand the concept. To understand tlie concepts and theories in Elementary School. one t!.pc of cooperati\:e learning model that is suitable for use in teaching Social Science is a type Group Investigation (GI). u.liicli is one of tlie cooperative learning niodels tliar can empower students' ability ro tliink. Cooperative learning stems from a philosophical view of the learning concept. John Dewey in his book entitled "De~nocrac!of Education" (Nur. 2006). the concept of education said that the class should be a niirror of society and serves as a laboratory for learning about real life. De\.vey suggested that the teacher creates a learning environment. that is characterized by democratic social en\:ironnient and the scientific process. The responsibility of' a teacher is to motivate students to work cooperatively and thinking about social issues tliat take place in learning. In addition of' [lie efforts to solve the problem in a cooperati1.e group. li.oni day to day students learn the principles of deniocracy through interaction among peers and conimunity. Group Investigation cooperative learning n~odelcan train students' ability to think independently, in whicli there is a situation in which students interact and comm~tnicatewith each other wit11 a variety of iniorniation and do \c.ork in groups to plan tlie topics. condclct an investigation. rnake a report. presenting atid c\,aluate the activities that have been carried out. h4odel i n ~ e s t i ~ a t i ogroup n has ad\.anragt.s. which this model combines academic research. social integration. and tlie process of' social learning. The stages of learning by applying cooperati\.e learning approach GI t!,pe can be seen in the followina, table (Sla\,in.201 0). Phase opportunities to iI Identify tlie topic and j contribute about \vliat \\.ill be learned. 'I'lie r ! divide students into ; cli\.ision groups is heterogeneous groups I I 1 1)latininy tlie in\.estigatioll in tlie groi~p.! i tlie <[.hegroup split s~tb-topicsto all members Planning Phase , investigation in tlie g r o i t ~j ~of the group. Then niake a plan ot' the i i probleni to be in\.estigated. j I l l i Students collect. analyze and e~aluatej information. niake co~iclusiotisarid apply i Carr" out investigations I i part of' their duties to the new kno\vledge j I I in achieving solutions group problenis IV I Prepare a final report. Each group prepares j Phase j the tinal project to be presen~ed ro tlie j Prepare a final report i class.
I \Phase I
: ,
Phase I Presenting ; repon I Phase / e~:aluation
V / Students present tGir \vorli. Another group final j still follo\v i VI ! Evaluation is done 1 sub-topics that have been presented.
Based on obser\ations made by the author in State Prin~arySchool 10 Lubuk Minturun. the city of Padang. in Novernber 2014. i t appears that the results obtained studying Social Science students are still lo\v. It was observed tliat the teachers in implementing the learning process Social Studies:. 1 ) teachers are still doniinant discourse model in the delivering niaterial content. so it is less encouraging attention. interest and motivation of the students in learning. 2) teachers rarely use models that make students active learning in the classroom . 3) teachers rarely involve students in the leaniing process and interaction. 5 ) the teacher does not train students to find their own answers to the proble~nsfaced. The problem of aspects of the teacher impact on student aspects. namely: 1 ) students are more into the listener. making it less visible attention. lack of interest and moti\*ationof students in learning. 2) students are rarely grouped into subjects resulting in less social skills. 3) in the students' learning is not gain esperience of learning. 4) students are not trained in finding the answer to the problems encountered in learning. Based on the abo\:e issues. it is kno\vn that the Social Studies student learning outconies are less satisfactory. \+.ith an average of just 64.1 8. and has not met the ~nininiunistandards master!: criteria set by the school. namely 75. To solve the problem. this study tries to apply the cooperative learning model in teaching Social Studies ill the fifth grade of the Elementary School. According to Sharan (in Is.joni, 2007). students that learn by using cooperative learning niodel will have a hif-h motivation because aided by peers. Leaniing also results in improved academic skills. improve critical thinking skills. establish friendly relationsr receive a variety of information. learning to use manners. increasing student motivation. learning to reduce the unfavorable behavior and help students to appreciate the main ideas of others. Cooperative learning niodel tliat was used in the study in the5tli grade Elenientary Scliool is the Group Investigation (GI) type. which is one of the teachins model of cooperative learning that etnpowcrs students' ability to think. This model pro\'ides the opportunity for students to search for and find information froni a variety of sources inside and outside the classrooni. Sla\.in (2010) states that: An important aspect in the model group investig;ation is cooperative planning students on cvhat is required of then-r. Me~i~bers of the group took part in the pla~iningof various dimensions and the demands of their prqjects. Together they determine what they want to investigate in connection with their efforts to "resolve the problems they face; what resources they need: who \\,ill do an!*tliing: nntl hou- they will display their finished projects presented to the class. Usually there is a clivision in the group assignments tliat encoilrase positive interdependence among group members. Rased on the above. the Group Investigation type of Cooperative Learning model can train students to cultivate the ability to think independently. Active student invol\~ementcan be seen fiom the first stage to the final stage of learning. and has a sood ability to conin~unicatewell i11 a group process skills. L
Based on the abo1.e. this stilcl!- describes specifically. ( 1 ) Social Studies lesson plan using the Group In\-estigation t!.pe of tlie cooperati\/e model of in Elementary ol'tlie Social Sruc.lies learning ~lsingthe (if cot~perati\:e Schools. (2) thc' i~iiple~iietitation models and (3)u.liat is the Social Stitdies learning outcomes by imple~iientingthe GI type cooperative model. The pill-pose ol' this study was to describe the Social Studies learning. and to inipro1.e student lea~iiing outcomes in learning using cooperative learni~igmodel of type Group In\:estigation (GI). Methodology This is a Class Action Researcli study. \vhicl~ conducted by education practitioners who wants cliange and improvement of the learning process. As noted Kunaiidar (2008) "Class Action Research is a reflection of activities perfomled b!: actors of education in educational situations to improve the rationality and justice of (a) tlie educational practices. (b) their understandin~gof these practices. (c) a situation in which tlie implemented practices and research-based to class ". The approach used in this study is a qualitative and quantitative. Accordi~ig Emzir (201 1). a qualitative approach is primarily use knowledge based constructi\~ist paradigm. Furtherniore. according Sugi!anto (20 1 1). quantitative research rnetliods can be interpreted as a researcli method that is based on tlie philosophy of positivism. used to examine the population or a particular sample. data collection techniques using research instruments, quantitati\:e data analysis/statistics with the aim to rest the hypothesis which 1ia1.e been set. The sub.jects were students in srade 5 with a number of 37 people. includirig 16 boys and 21 girls. The source of'data tliat used in this study is a learning process tliat consists of the planning. esccution. and leanling outcomes. The research data was collected using the results o!'obser\:ations and test results. In this study. the instrument used in the forni ol' sheets of the obsel-vation of tlie lesson plan. the sheet on the observation ol'aspects of teachers and students as well as aspects of the test results. Data , research directly. The data obtained is processed collected by researchers b ~conducting by 4 stages (Arikunto 2006). ie stage I ) planning. 2) tlie implementation 3) observation. 4) reflection. Kesul t
The fit-st cycle: The results of the study in the first cycle colisists ol' the implementation of tlie Cil cooperati1.e model and tlie activities of students d u r i n ~the learning process that takes placc in accordance with the coniponents available 011 the observation slieet. alid rcsirlts of student learning tests conducted every meeting. 'Tlie experiment was concl~rcteclas much as 2 meetings. Planning at the lirst stage. the use ot' learnins models in GI type Cooperati~.r learning arranged in the Ibl-m of' lessori plans in which already included tlie steps oftlie GI type. Learning mutcrial was taken based on the 2006 National Curriculuni. Social Studies sub-iects in cle~iiclitary schools for fifth grade. The standard otlearninrr... competence is. "Appreciate 'l'hc Role Of' Our I-Iero And The Cornmunit). 111 Preparing And Maintaining The Independence Of Indonesia". Co~l~petenceis basically. "Appreciate services and tlie role of leaders in preparing Indonesia's independence struggle".
Learning niaterials chosen are about cliaractess who play a rolc in preparing tlie independence of Indonesia lor the first cycle of the first meeting. then these fi,"ill-es efforts in preparing the independence of Indonesia for the tisst cycle of'meetings 11. 1'0 assess tlie perforniance of teachers provided obser\~ationsobscr\.-a~ion sheet to he lillecl learning activities. Obsemations include (a) the clarity of the form~ilationof learning objectives. (b) the selection of teaching materia.1~.(c) the organization of teaching niaterials. (d) the selection of tlie source I instructional media. (e) Clal-ity of tlie learning process. ( f ) learning technique. (g ) co~npletenessof the instl-unient. Learning implementation in the first cycle is adapted to (;I type Cooperative models steps in accordance with tlie steps that was set out by Sla\/in (2010). 1 ) Identify the topic and organize students into groups. 2) Planning for tlie task to be learned. 3 ) Carry out an investigation. 4) Prepare tlie final report. 5 ) Present tlie final report. and 6) e\.aluation. In order to observe tlie students' learning outcomes. conducted tlirougli an assessment of the three domains. namely the assessment of cognitive. affective and ps>-chomotor. According to Gagne (in Agus 2010) learning outcomes are. 1)) \.erbal intormation. ie the capability of espressirig knowledge in the for111of language. both oral and written: 2) intellectual skills is tlie ability to present the concept and symbol: 3) cognitive strategies that channeling and directing skills cognitive activity itself: 4 ) motor skills is the ability to perform a series of physical movenients in the affairs and coordination. to realize autoniatism physical motion; and 5 ) the attitude is the ability to accept or re-ject the ob-ject based on the assessment of tlie ob-ject. Student lealning outcomes in the first cycle is apparently not a masimum. \\.Iiese the results of cognitive assessnient conducted on tlie tirst cycle the average values obtained 70.29 student affective ratings with an average value of 74.58 and ps>chomotor assessment with an average value of 71.17 . Overall student learning outcomes in the first cycle obtained an average score of 72.21 and a mastery level achieved was 5 1.35%. Observations on the first cycle of the 2 meetings. the implementation of learning obtained in the first cycle the first meeting. the percentage of tlie average score is 66% of teacher activity and the percentage of the a\.erage score of student activity is 68.18%. In the first cycle of the second meeting. the percentage of the a\;erage score is 77.72% of teacher activity and the percentage of the average score of student activity is 75%. Reflection, based on the obse~vationsand the results of tests conducted. i t can be concluded that tlie learning outcomes have not reached the expected success category c\.Iien compared con~pleteliesscriteria specified. Thus tlie study continued to cycle [ I . Second cycle: continue to use the procc~ss01' iniplenientation of GI type 01' Cooperative learning model in accordance with the steps that have been determined. As follows. Planning. At this stage. structured lesson plan. Planning in tlie second cycle is organized by the allocatio~iof 3 x 35 minutes. Learning niaterial taken based on the Xational Curriculu~nfor Social Studies sub.jects for fifth grade Elementary School. Assessment of tlie planning and implementation of a teacher who made the assessment is carried out through the sheet consists of. (a) the t'ormulation of clear learning ob.jectives. (b) the selection of teaching materials. (c ) organizing teaching materials. (d) the selection of the source I instructional media. (e) Clarity of the learning process. (1) learning tecliniques. ( y ) tlie c o ~ i ~ p l e t e ~ of ~ e sthe s instrument. Based on obser\:ations
~nadt.on the second cycle percentaze score is 96.32% with very good criteria. Tliis show has been the efforts of teachers to enhance the learning of the previous meeting. Implenientation. in the second cycle also refers to the type Cooperati\.e Group In\estig;~tion (GI). In order to observe the students' learning outcomes. conducted through an assessment of t l ~ ethree domains. namely the assessment of cognitive. at'fective and psychomotor. Student learnins outcomes in the second cycle is reached has increased from tlie previous meeting. tlie results of assessment of cognitive domains \\it11 an average value of 83.78 students. affective assessment with an a\:erage value of 92.05 and psychomotor assessment ~ . i t han average value of 86.03 . Overall student learning outcollies in the second cycle obtailied an averaze score of 88 \\.it11 good criteria and the level of liiastery is achieved is 97.30%. Observations, in the second cycle of observations made to find the learning implementation in tlie second cycle is the percentage of teacher activity score 93.1 8% and the percentage of the average score of studen! activity is 93.1 8%. Tliis sugsests that the criteria for successf~~l implementatiotl included in the category of learnitig is very good. Reflection. based on the results of obser\/ations and test results of tlie students who do. i t can be concluded that the learning or.1tcoriies have reached tlie category of very good success versus completeness criteria specified learning outcomes of school is 75. Thus the learning outcome of Social Studies students in tlie fifth grade esisting basic improvement.
I! i I
!, i i
' I
Discussion From the results of the implementation of this study. in the tirst cycle. both tlie implementation and the activities of teachers and students as well as test results have not been up and has not been as expected. there are Iiian!f students who do not understand it well so there are still some students who have not completed. We cet-tainl> wish that students are liiore active and interested, more to ask. and can answer questions with a good teacher. In tlie learliing plan by tlie teacher. the teacher must be able to plan learning activities to be acconiplished attention and hold it well and result expected learning ob-jectives beforehand. Fro111 the analysis of the research in the tirst cycle. students' learning outcomes obtained with tlie average score is 72.21 with a percentage of 5 1 3 5 % mastery learning outcomes. Still far compared with 75% criteria. Thus. learninp in the first cycle is not successfi~l.Based on the observed data exposure to the first cycle. it is planned to carry out repairs on the second cycle of learning. Planning in the second cycle with very good success. In eeneral in this second cycle ol'lcarning has been going on as expected. This indicates that the Social Science learning using Group Investigation of the Cooperative learning model carried out have been ef'ective. because many students learn acti\lel!. w.ork in teams. dare to espl-css an opinion in that lesson learning ob.jecti\res and competencies that are espected to be acliie\.ed. This is evidenced by the increasing student learning outcomes than in the tirst cycle is 72.21 \vliile in tlie second cycle had gone up to 88. Based 017 the researchers obser\:ed data obtained from the planning aspect of learning for teachers aspects and aspects of Social Studies students in learning by using a model of Cooperative Learning GI type. seen an increase in each cycle. This increase can be seen in the following graph 1 .:
Graph 1 . Improved Planning ilnd Irnplemcntation Group In\.cstigstion 4Iotlel ( ( ; I ) ('>,clc.I :~ntl('>.clc I I
. . I,.
. (
While student learning outconics impro\;emt.nt on both nslxcts 01' cognitive. aff'ective. and psqcliomotor learning ~tsingGI rb.pe ol' coopel-ati\.c learning in Social Scicnce can be seen in tlie follon.ing graph 7 . : Graph 2. Inipt-ovetl Social Studirs Students Learning Olttcotncs 1-1:. Investigation 310dcl (GI) C ~ , c l Ie and C:?,cle I 1
('sing Group
Basecl on the abow st-aph. i t can hc tlcsct-ibcd that ail inc~.t.asc in student learning outcomes of both aspects ot' cognitive. nl'f'ecti\.t'. and ps!.chornotor from tlie first cycle to tlit: second c!.clc. C'ogniri\.c learliing ui~rcomesin tlic lirst c!.cle. 70.29 inclmse in cycle I1 to 83.78. Afli.cti\e learning ooutcomss in the tirst c!.cle 74.58 increase in c!;cle I1 to 92.95. Ps!.cliomotor learning oiltcumes in the lirst cycle 7 1.17 increase in c!.clc 11 to 86.0-3.
'I'Ii~-oi~~li this classroom action research. i t is demonstrated that tlic' use 01' C;roi~p I n\!estigation type ol' tlic Cooperati\.e Learning Models can impro\,e student Icarning outcomc.~in socirll stitclics si~ljects.l-lere tlic stildet~ts1ial.e been able to tlc.\~~~lop stutlcnts' critic~~l tliinliing sliills 10 1iaj.e darcd to espress their opinio~isi n [he gt.ot~l> and to t~.:\it~ stitdcnts 10 lilid theit own ansn.ers to the problems they are l'acitig. Tli~ls.tlic application of' learning niodels of' type Group In\~esti~ation Cooperati\.e lenrning can niake students active. intcrestecl and bold a r ~ u e din the group to learn. Cor~clusionsAnd Iiecommendations Br~seclo n rescarcli data and discussion on improving student learning outcomes using GI type of' cooperati\.e learning. it can be concluded that tile niodel used cnn imgro\.e stutlent learning outcomes. From the aspect of teachers. lesson planning Social Studies is composed of constituent components consist of competency stalidards. basic conipetencies. indicators. Iearming objectives. learning niaterials. learning. learning nictliods. tnedia and learning resources. as \veil ;IS tlic assessment of learning. has also been very good. nar~iely.initially in tlie tirst c!;cle 75% increase in cycle I1 to 96.49?'0. Tlie obser\sation of the Iearni~iginiplemerltation is increased on teachers aspecrs. originally from 7 1.63% to 93.18% in the second c\,cle. while the aspect of students also increased fro111 71 30% to 93.18% in tlie second c!cle. Fro111 tlie evaluation resi~ltsscen an increase in the average \!slut. of the class of 72.21 in the tirst cycle to 58 in tlie second cycle. Based 011 the conclusions that liave been obtained in this stud!.. proposecl some suggestions to consider. Teachers should make Social Scietice learning plan \\.ell. \vith tlie necessary learning tools. 7'he implementation of cooperati\re learning lessons G1 type s l i o ~ ~ lbe d (lone consistently by the steps that have been determined so that tlie studcnts become active. creative learnins tin. GI type of learning cooperari\.e learning slioi~ldbe at esperimented also on other classes in elementar\. school.
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