Martin Surya Putra
(Staf Pengajar MKDU Politeknik Negeri Samarinda) Abstrak
Every language is unique and is bound to the culture of the people through which the language is being used. Translating from one into another language is confronted not only to the content but also to the implicit meanings that involve culture, expressions of feelings and emotion which cannot be exactly the same in the source language and in the target language. Translating from English into Indonesian has always been confronted to a common problem where the Indonesian version would normally result in longer text than the English due to the Indonesian language characteristics. In fact such a problem should not happen and can be avoided if we know the secret i.e. by making linguistic adjustments in Indonesian. Analysis on the translated material taken from an International hotel has proved that such adjustments work very well and very efficiently making the translated text much neater, readable and understandable without losing the message conveyed. Kata kunci: Lingustic, Translate, Assistence, Syntactic adjustment.
INTRODUCTION Translation from a source language to the target language is unavoidable although some people would not agree with the translated version due to the loss of sense in the translated version. Not only can it be seen from two totally different languages such as English and Indonesian, but also within the closely related languages like Indonesian and Javanese. The puppet shows locally known as wayang kulit which have commonly been performed in Javanese would definitely lose its sense when they are performed in Indonesian. This is because every language is unique and expressions in one language is not always the same in another language although they come from the same root of language family. Translation, according to Bell (1991; 5) is the expression in another language (or target language) of what has been expressed in another,
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source language, preserving semantic and stylistic equivalences. Transferring into the target language, the components involved in translation are: the source language, the target language, texts (written or oral). Translation from the source language to the target language is unavoidable in our everyday life. With so many translation providers offering their services: certified and sworn-in translators in the capital city, Jakarta, it means that this sector is expanding quite rapidly. The Jakarta Local Government has also been trying to put a requisite on the growing translation providers that they have to be enlisted, certified or sworn-in. For this purpose the Jakarta Government has established a co-operation with the State University of Indonesia, located in Depok to set exams for anyone who wishes to pursue his translating qualifications: certified or sworn-in every year from any source languages into Indonesian and vice versa.
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The intention of certification is obviously to improve the quality of translations made by translation providers to be able to provide more accurate translations either from the source language into Indonesian and vice versa. Unfortunately, however, the idea of certification is not well-known in other parts of Indonesia. In addition to the fact that the rest of provincial governments throughout the archipelago have not thought of the importance of getting the translation providers certified due to a limited number of translation providers available in their areas. This could have affected the output of translated versions into Indonesian that sometimes formal texts are found to sound not only translationese but also in accurate in the sense that the meaning intended to get across in the source language is not the same as that in target language, in this case in Indonesian. Misleading translated versions have often occurred due to restricted knowledge owned by the translators that they are now aware what should be done in the target language, as Brislin in Nida (1970; 47) proposes that translators should be familiar with: “Translators should know both the source and the receptor languages, should be familiar with the subject matter and have some facility of expression in the receptor language. Beyond these basic requirements there is a little agreement on what constitutes legitimate translating and how the science of linguistics, or even the knowledge of language structures, can and should be applied.” In addition, the Directorate General of Higher Education, as quoted by Sakri (1989; 1) emphasizes that a lecturer who wishes to translate any teaching books is required to: 1. Master the materials to be translated; 2. Master the source language of the book to be translated. 3. Master Indonesian (the target language) well. 4. Master the translating techniques. Scale of formality in a language is something that a translator should pay attention to as suggested by Newmark (1992; 14): The consumption of any nutriments whatsoever is categorically prohibited in this establishment Official The consumption of nutriments is prohibited. You are requested not to consume food in this Formal establishment Neutral Eating is not allowed here Informal Please do not eat here Colloquial You can’t feed your face here. Slang Lay off the nosh Taboo Lay off the fucking nosh. Further, Newmark (1992; 45-47) divides the translation methods into: a. word-for word Officialese
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translation, literal translation, faithful translation, semantic translation, adaptation, free translation, idiomatic translation, communicative translation and comments that only semantic dan communicative translation fulfill the two aims of translation: accuracy & economy. He (1992; 51) also suggested that it is often dangerous to translate more than a sentence or two before reading the first two or three paragraphs. His theory is obviously is based on contextualization that a word is dependent upon a sentence and a sentence depends on a paragraph and a paragraph depends on the whole context. A translator could lead to a wrong interpretation towards the message to be conveyed in the source language by just reading one or two sentences and jump on translating them without first of all looking at the whole context. The most crucial principle in translation is obviously „meaning‟. Meaning could be lexical grammatical, textual, contextual or situational and sociocultural (Suryawinata; 34). Further he provides examples of each meaning and the use of hand in English such as Hand me your papers and „tangan‟ in „anak muda itu sekarang menjadi tangan kanan pimpinan perusahaan‟. An example of the local Javanese culture addressing a friend who has just arrived from somewhere else with “Endi oleholehe?” (37) would certainly have to be translated as “Did you have a good time?” in English as such culturally-loaded expression cannot be transferred directly into the target language. So is „tumben‟ in Javanese (37) which does not exist in English has to be translated by quite a long definition. Once the writer heard „What‟s blown you here?” uttered by a Malay to a native English-speaking Australian to ask him what brought him to come to his house? Although it is not commonly expressed in English. The same thing applies to an expression such as arisan, tahlilan, jum‟atan, 7-bulanan, which are culturally-specific words that have to be translated with definitions due to the non-existing equal words in English. RESEARCH METHOD The research subject taken in this study comes from an international hotel in Malang whose name not revealed in this study. As a commonly international hotel in Indonesia, things are presented both in English and Indonesian for their customers in two columns as below. Both texts were analyzed and it was found out that that the Indonesian translated version is much longer than the English one making the column unbalanced in proportion. The Indonesian translated version was also found out to be more complicated, unnatural and to sound translationese in trying to get the message across compared to the English one. The revised version which is a lot shorter is recommended below.
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Revised Version
“A very warm welcome to the . . . HOTEL in MALANG.”
„Kami sangat gembira menyambut kedatangan anda di . . . HOTEL DI MALANG.“
Selamat Datang di HOTEL . . . . MALANG.
It is our sincere desire that you will find in our hotel the warmest, friendliness and services to make your stay pleasant and memorable. This hotel Service Directory is designed to give you a quick reference guide of service and facilities. However, we do hope during your stay you could enjoy our restaurant and bar where you could find various cuisine of the Indonesian, the Oriental and the Continental. We wish you a very pleasant and enjoyable stay with us. The management
Adalah tujuan utama kami untuk selalu dapat mencipta-kan suasana yang hangat bersahabat dalam memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik kepada bapak/ ibu agar dapat menjadi kenang-an tersendiri. Buku pandungan ini kami rancang sebagai kemudahan dalam mendapatkan infor-masi mengenai pelayanan kami dan fasilitas yang ada. Kami juga mengharapkan bahwa selama Bapak/ Ibu tinggal di Hotel ini, Anda dapat menikmati restaurant kami yang menyiapkan berbagai masakan tradisi-onal Indonesia, China dan masakan Eropa. Semoga Bapak/ Ibu menda-patkan kenyamanan dan ke-nangan tersendiri selama menginap di Hotel kami. Manajemen
Kami berharap keramah-tamahan dan pelayanan ho-tel akan menyenangkan ke-beradaan anda dan menjadi kenangan tersendiri. Buku panduan ini (dimaksudkan) memberikan acuan singkat tentang pela-yanan dan sarana. (Namun) selama menginap, kami berharap anda dapat menikmati restoran dan bar dengan beranekaragam ma-sakan Indonesia, China dan Eropa. Selamat menikmati. Manajemen.
PENERBANGAN Our receptionist would be grateful to assist you for your flight information and/ or reconfirmation
PENERBANGAN Receptionist kami akan dengan senang hati membantu anda untuk informasi atau konfirmasi ulang penerbangan anda
PENERBANGAN Receptionist akan membantu informasi dan/ atau konfirmasi ulang penerbangan anda
AIRPORT TRANSFER Our Bell Captain will be pleased to arrange your airport transfer, from 7.00 am. to 11.00 pm
ANTAR JEMPUT BANDARA Bell Captain kami dengan senang hati membantu persiapan perjalan andar dari/ ke Bandara, pukul 7.00 s/d 23.00
ANTAR JEMPUT BANDARA Bell Captain akan mengatur penjemputan dari/ ke bandara, mulai pukul 7.00 hingga 23.00
BAGGAGE SERVICE For baggage collection or storage, please contact our Bell Captain. We shall keep your excess luggage in our luggage room while you are away for a few days until returning
PENITIPAN BARANG Untuk membawa menyimpan barang bawaan Bell Captain kami akan dengan senang hati membantu Anda. Kami dapat menyimpannya bila Anda bepergian untuk beberapa hari
PENITIPAN BARANG Untuk penitipan barang, mohon menghubungi Bell Captain. Kami akan menyimpannya sementara Anda bepergian hingga kembali.
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Banquet & Meeting Our Banquet Department will be pleased to arrange your private functions of up to 600 persons (from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm). After 4.00 pm please contact our Duty Manager.
Fasilitas Banquet Kami akan dengan senang hati menyiapkan keperluan rapat atau pest dalam sekala kecil ataupun besar sampai dengan 600 orang (8.00 s/d 16.00). Diluar jam itu, mohon menghubungi Duty Manager
Konsumsi & Rapat Banquet Department akan mengatur acara hingga kapasitas 600 orang (pukul 8.00 s/d 16.00). Setelah pukul 16.00, mohon menghubungi Duty Manager.
BREAKFAST A‟la Carte and Buffet Breakfast are serviced at the Coffee Shop from 6.00 am to 10.00 am. or call the Room Service with additional charge.
MENU MAKAN PAGI Menu pilihan dan prasmanan untuk makan pagi disediakan di Coffee Shop mulai pukul 6.00 s/d 10.00 pagi atau dengan cara memesan melalui bagian Room Service dengan biaya tambahan
SARAPAN Sarapan dengan menu pilihan dan prasmanan tersedia di Coffee Shop mulai pukul 6.00 s/d 10.00 atau hubungi Room Service (dikenakan biaya tambahan)
Boutique & Drugstore Located at lobby level. Next to the Reception, offering souvenirs, clothing and drug store items.
Butik & Drugstore Terletak di lantai lobby dekat kantor Depan. Menyediakan barang-barang souvenir, baju-baju dan keperluan lainnya.
Butik & Drugstore Berada di lobby sebelah Reception, menjual suvenir, pakaian dan obatobatan.
Car Rental Our Receptionist or Bell Captain will be pleased to assist you. Airport Droping/ Pick up to Local Airport
Sewa Kendaraan Receptionist atau Bell Captain kami akan dengan senang hati membantu Andal. Pengantar/ penjemputan ke Bandara Lokal
Sewa Kendaraan Receptionist atau Bell Captain akan membantu Anjar-Jemput dari/ ke Bandara Malang.
Car Wash If you wish you car washed, our driver will be pleased to arrange it.
Mencuci Kendaraan Bila diinginkan, dengan senang hati akan kami kerjakan
Pencucian Kendaraan Pencucian kendaraan akan diatur oleh supir sesuai keinginan.
Check Out Time Our check out time is at 12.00 noon. However, if the time is inconvenient for you, please contact the Reception Desk, a 50% room charge will apply until 6.00 pm, and 100% will apply after 6.00 pm
Waktu Check Out Waktu check out hotel kami adalah pukul 12.00 siang. Tamu kami yang datang berikutnya akan senang bila mendapatkan kamarnya tepat waktu. Bila waktu tersebut kurang sesuai dan Anda hendak check out melebihi waktu tersebut, mohon menghubungi Reception Desk kami. Biaya sebesar 50% dari harga kamar akan dibebankan dan bila check out sampai dengan pukul 18.00 dan lewat dari 18.00 malam biaya tambahan sebesar 100%.
Waktu Check Out Batas check out pukul 12.00 siang. Namun kalau kurang berkenan, mohon menghu-bungi Reception, hingga pukul 18:00 akan dikenakan tarif kamar 50% dan 100% setelah jam 18:00.
Cheque Sorry we do personal check
Pembayaran dengan Check/ Giro Kami mohon maaf tidak dapat menerima cek/ giro pribadi.
Check/ Bilyet Giro Maaf cek/ bilyet giro perorangan tidak diterima
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Riset / 1448 Church Service Please contact our Reception or Operator or Duty Manager for Details.
Pelayanan Misa Mohon menghubungi Reception atau Operator atau Duty Manager yang akan memberikan informasi.
Pelayanan Misa Mohon hubungi Reception, petugas atau Duty Manager untuk selengkapnya.
Comments Your comments are most welcome to improve our services. Please fill in the Guest comment from located in stationery map, in your room or Front Desk.
Saran dan Keluhan Saran ataupun keluhan sangat kami hargai untuk lebih meningkatkan pelayanan kami. Mohon untuk menyampaikan dengan mengisi formulir yang disiapkan dalam map di kamar Anda atau sampaikan pada Front Desk kami.
Komentas Komentar anda kami nantikan demi peningkatan pelayan. Mohon mengisi formulir Guest comment dalam map di kamar atau Front Desk.
Currency Exchange Major currencies can be exchanged in our Front Cashier, located at lobby level. Opens 24 hours.
Penukaran Uang Asing Sebagian besar mata uang asing dapat ditukarkan di Front Office kasir, terletak di lantai lobby, buka 24 jam.
Penukaran Uang Asing Hampir semua mata uang asing dapat ditukarkan di kasir Front Office, di lobby, buka 24 jam.
Durian Please do not bring the durian fruit into the hotel premises. Not everybody likes them
Buah Durian Mohon untuk tidak membawa buah Durian ke area Hotel apalagi ke dalam kamar. Tidak semua orang menyukai baunya.
Buah Durian Mohon tidak membawa buah Durian kedalam hotel karena aromanya.
Gambling Gambling in any form is against the law. Refrain from it either in your room or on the hotel premises.
Judi/ Perjudian Judi dalam bentuk apapun adalah dilarang hukum, oleh karena itu hindarilah judi, baik di dalam kamar atau tempat-tempat lainnya.
Judi Judi apapun bentuknya, melanggar hukum. Hindari-lah di kamar atau di lokasi hotel.
Hotel Property The Management will assess and charge for any loss or damage caused by guest to Hotel property at replacement cost.
Barang Milik Hotel Hotel akan mengajukan penagihan biaya pengganti untuk setiap barang hotel yang hilang atau dirusakkan oleh tamu.
Inventaris Hotel Manajemen akan menuntut ganti ruti atas kehilangan atau kerusakan inventaris hotel yang diakibatkan tamu.
Housekeeping Should you require extra towels, pillows, blankets or any additional items, our Housekeeping Department will assist you
Housekeeping Bila Anda memerlukan tambahan handuk, bantal dan selimut atau lainnya, bagian Housekeeping kami akan dengan senang hati membantu Anda.
Housekeeping Bila memerlukan handuk, bantal dan selimut atau barang-barang lainnya, House-keeping akan membantu anda.
Maintenance If you have anything in your room that needs attention, please call our House-keeping, Reception Desk or Duty Manager
Pemeliharaan Bila anda menjumpai masalah dengan peralatan yang tersedia di kamar, mohon segera menyampaikan kepada bagian Housekeeping, Reception Desk atau Duty Manager kami. Mini Bar
Pemeliharaan Bila memerlukan perbaikan dalam kamar, mohon segera menghubungi Housekeep-ing, Reception Desk atau Duty Manager.
Mini Bar
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Mini Bar
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A selection of drinks and snacks are provided in your room. Please contact Housekeeping for any additional requirements. When consuming please fill in the Mini Bar Check, sign and leave it on the Mini bar. The mini bar items will be refilled automatically the next day. We would appreciate if you advice the Front Desk Cashier of any consumptions prior to your departure. Parking Space Space is available for up to 40 cars. Please do not leave any valuables in the car and make sure the doors are locked as the hotel cannot accept any responsibility for theft or damage. Chinese Restaurant Located at lobby level, opens daily for lunch and dinner from 11.00 am to 10.30 pm, provides an authentic Cantonese Cuisine, 100% of no pork. Dim Sum Served Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday 07.00 am – 03.00 pm. Souvenir Available at the Drugstore at lobby level, next to the Coffee Sop. However, if you would like to buy whilst sightseeing, our Bell Captain or Information Desk would be glad to assist you. Swimming Pool The swimming pool is exclusively for the Hotel registered guest use and members only. If you wish to invite a non registered guest, applies a certain amount of charge. Telephone Calls For room to room calls, dial 8, followed by the desire room number. For other information please refer the Telephone Directory attached in this book or contact our Telephone Operator.
Berbagai minuman makanan kecil tersedia di dalam ka-mar Anda. Mohon menghu-bungi bagian Housekeeping bila Anda memerlukan tam-bahan. Dan bila Anda menggunakan fasilitas mini bar, mohon kesediaan Anda untuk menulis dan menanda-tangani mini bar Check yang tersedia diatas lemari es dan tinggalkan di sana. Mini Bar akan diisi kembali keesokan harinya. Kami sangat ber-terima kasih bila Anda memberitahu Front Desk Cashieir kami atas pengguna-an mini bar sebelum Anda check out. Tempat Parkir Area parker cukup untuk lebih kurang 40 kendaraan. Mohon untuk tidak mening-galkan barang-barang berharga dalam mobil dan mo-hon dipastikan pintu dan ka-ca jendela dikunci. Hotel ti-dak akan menanggung bila ada kehilangan atau kerusakan Restoran Cina Terletak di lantai lobby, buka untuk makan siang dan makan malam dari jam 11.00 siang s/d jam 10.30 malam, menyediakan masakanmasakan lezat ala canton, 100% halal. Dim Sum tersedia pada hari Sabtu, Minggu dan hari besar, buka jam 07.00 pagi – 15.00 sore. Cindera Mata Tersedia di Drugstore kami, di lantai lobby Coffee Shop. Bila Anda ingin membelinya sekalin jalan-jalan, bagian Bell Captain atau bagian informasi akan dengan senang hati membantu Anda.
Pilihan minuman dan ma-kanan kecil tersedia di kamar. Mohon menghu-bungi Housekeeping bila ada tambahan. Kalau mengkonsumsi, mohon mengisi Lembar Check, menanda-tangani dan meletakkannya di minir bar. Mini bar akan diisi kembali hari berikut-nya. Konsumsi mohon dila-porkan ke Kasir Front Desk sebelum check out.
Kolam Renang Kolam renang Hotel hanya diperuntukkan bagi tamu yang menginap dan anggota. Bila Anda hendak mengundang tamu luar, akan dikenakan biaya tertentu untuk setiap orang.
Kolam Renang Hanya untuk tamu hotel dan anggota. Tamu luar yang diundang, akan dikenakan biaya.
Sambungan Telpon Untuk mengadakan sambungan dari kamar ke kamar, silahkan tekan no. 8, kemudian nomor kamar yang dituju. Untuk informasi lainnya tersedia dalam lampiran telpon directory pada buku ini atau silahkan menghubungi Operator Telpon kami.
Sambungan Telpon Telpon dari kamar ke kamar, silahkan tekan 8 kemudian nomor kamar yang dituju. Untuk informasi lain, silahkan lihat Buku Telpon yang ada atau hubungi operator telpon.
Menerima Tamu
Menerima Tamu
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Tempat Parkir Tersedia seluas 40 kendara-an. Mohon jangan mening-galkan barang berharga da-lam mobil dan pastikan pin-tu dan kaca jendela terkunci. Hotel tidak bertanggungjawab atas pencurian atau kerusakan.
Restoran Cina Berada lobby, buka tiap hari menyediakan makan siang dan malam mulai pukul 11.00 s/d jam 22.30, dengan masakan ala Canton, 100% halal. Dim Sum tersedia hari Sabtu, Minggu dan hari libur, pukul 07.00 – 15.00. Cindera Mata Tersedia di Drugstore di lobby samping Coffee Shop. Namun kalau ingin berbe-lanja sambil jalan-jalan, akan dibantu oleh Bell Captain atau bagian informasi
Riset / 1450 In the interest of our guest security and in compliance with local law, all visitors after 11.00 pm have to register at the Reception Desk. If you wish to receive visitor after 11.00 pm, please do it at the lobby lounge or other public area.
Demi keamanan tamu dan sesuai hukum yang berlaku, semua pengunjung sesudah jam 11.00 malam harus mendaftarkan dirinya di Reception. Bila Anda hendak menerima tamu lewat jam tesebut, sebaiknya ditemui di lobby hotel atau tempat umum lainnya.
Demi keamanan tamu hotel dan sesuai hukum yang berlaku, semua tamu setelah jam 23.00 harus mendaftar di Reception. Lewat pukul 23.00, tamu sebaiknya diterima di lobby hotel atau tempat umum lainnya.
For Your Safety& Security
Demi Keamanan Anda
Keselamatan & Keamanan
Hotel dilengkapi dengan peralatan untuk menjaga keselamatan Anda, luangkan waktu Anda beberapa saat untuk memperhatikan map lokasi kamar Anda menuju pintu darurat, yang tersedia di balik pintu kamar Anda.
Hotel dilengkapi dengan perangkat penyelamat dan pengaman. Denah Pintu darurat kebakaran tertera di balik pintu kamar.
The Hotel is equipped with safety and security devices. Fire escape layout is attached at the backside of your room door.
DISCUSSION What the translator should have done in translating such formal texts (the hotel directory) was to make linguistics adjustments when translating from English into Indonesian. These adjustments consist of: 1. Syntactic adjustment – adjustments made on sentences, for examples: English is very dominant with active sentences with the use of subjects, possessive and objects. While Indonesian is not dominant as English in the use of subjects, possessive and objects, thus the translator should have omitted them when translating English into Indonesian. The texts above contain subject, possessive and object as the source language which ended up in long translated version in the target language, Indonesian. 2. Singular-plural concept – the translator should not have translated the plural concept written in the source language into the target language, producing too long translated Indonesian version. 3. Texts material taken from this international hotel did not require the translator to make a cultural adjustment related to the language. 4. Without complicated language and long translated version in Indonesian for such a text, the message conveyed can still be easily understood.
2. The translator did not have any knowledge of linguistic adjustments that are required in translating from the source language into the target language. REFERENCES Bell T. R., (1991), Translation and Translating. New York: Longman Group Brislin W. R., (1970) Translation, Applications and Research. New York: Gardner Press, Inc. Newmark P. (1992), A Textbook of Translation. UK: Prentice Hall International Ltd. Sakri A., (1989), Ihwal Menterjemahkan. Bandung: Penerbit ITB Bandung. Suryawinata Z. (1987) Terjemahan: Pengantar Teori dan Praktek, Malang: Pelaksana Kegiatan Penulisan Buku/ Diktat Perkuliahan Sub Proyek Pengembangan Perguruan Tinggi.
CONCLUSIONS Analysis on the hotel directory translation shows that: 1. The translation into the target language (Indonesian) is inaccurate and too long that the translator did not translate what is meant in English into what is meant in Indonesian. He even put his own interpretation to a few texts.
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