Brno University of Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering The Institute of Manufacturing Technology
LESSON 11 Research
Ing. Miroslav PÍŠKA, PhD., Associate Professor
[email protected]
[email protected]
Bc. Michael Lars George HILL
Obsah 1 Terms, Vocabulary
2 Examples
3 Exercises
4 References
Terms, Vocabulary 1)
Research, Investigation basic (fundamental) research exploratory research theoretical research experimental research applied research cooperative research costs of research expenditures on (or for) research Researcher research worker (or engineer) investigator research personnel Research facilities research institute research group research laboratory Research work research problem research objective research program research project (or task) research activity research effort research report interim report final report research result To perform research carry out research on (or into) undertake investigation be engaged in research investigate
výzkum základní výzkum vyhledávací výzkum teoretický výzkum experimentální výzkum aplikovaný výzkum sdružený výzkum, výzkum financovaný několika podniky náklady na výzkum náklady na výzkum výzkumník výzkumný pracovník, výzkumník výzkumný pracovník, výzkumník výzkumní pracovníci výzkumná zařízení (laboratoře, přístroje atd.) výzkumný ústav výzkumná skupina výzkumná laboratoř výzkumná práce výzkumný problém cíl výzkumné práce program výzkumné činnosti výzkumný úkol výzkumná činnost výzkumná činnost, úsilí výzkumná zpráva dílčí zpráva závěrečná zpráva výsledek výzkumné činnosti zabývat se výzkumem provádět výzkum, zkoumat provádět výzkum, zkoumat provádět výzkum, zkoumat provádět výzkum, zkoumat
LESSON 11 - RESEARCH 1. Research is 5 per cent inspiration and 95 per cent perspiration. Research, becoming more complex, has to be thoroughly planned, well organized and effectively controlled. Great Britain spends 5 per cent of her gross national product on research and development compared with 4 per cent in such countries as France, Italy and Sweden. Basic research is research in which the main aim of the investigator is a fuller knowledge of the studied subject rather than its practical application. 2. Modern equipment was provided for handling a wide variety of problems, including the fundamental research necessary for the development of new materials. Exploratory research may be defined as fundamentally theoretical or experimental investigation in selected fields of science, without initial specification of practical objectives, but with the expectation of them emerging. The experimental research may culminate in the discovery of unexpected possibilities. 3. Applied research is directed toward practical application of the results of basic or exploratory research, to accomplish the planned objectives, leading to specific products or processes. Applied research is in progress on problems in connection with the non-destructive testing of plastic materials. Manufacturers come together and establish cooperative research organisations to accomplish extremely high-risk projects. So far no reliable method of comparing research costs with final results has been developed. The high cost of research made it difficult for the company to undertake such an extensive investigation. The more highly developed countries increased their expenditures for research and development.
4. This interesting research program was pioneered by the research workers of our institute. The research team of this department is engaged in research on new textile materials. They were sure that the research personnel would welcome a reasonable degree of control. 5. The new laboratories situated at Leatherhead provide a five-fold expansion of existing research facilities. Problems of welding are being investigated in the new research institute, which will be confined to engineering industry problems. Theoretical research, supported by laboratory and field work, is carried out on chemical cleaning equipment by this research group. 6. The research work should contribute to the accomplishment of the objectives of the enterprise. To summarize the results of this tremendous research work would require several reports. The time of the solitary scientist working alone for long periods in search of an answer to a research problem has passed. The individual researchers making up the basic groups, each with specialized abilities, contribute to the effort of solving research problems. Research objectives should state in as great detail as possible the principal long- and short-range goals of the entire research activity of a company. Without clearly defined research objectives, carefully prepared in conjunction with long-range plans, the company’s research effort may be partially wasted. 7. The first two papers dealt with planning research programmes on an international level. Successful companies invest a substantial fraction of their profits in research projects. It often happens that a project, requiring thousands of pounds and consuming several years of work, results in complete failure. Research activity should be intensified in this field of science. Managerial control of the research activity has been subjected to analysis and study. Usually the success in research effort can be directly attributed to team work. The research effort should be sufficient to meet the objectives of the company’s plan. This interim report shows how the research work is progressing. The authors of the final research report claimed to have been the first to arrive at such an interesting conclusion. 8. The laboratory was well equipped to perform research on high voltage apparatuses. This fact may result in an increase in the financial risks of performing this research. The experimental investigation having been carried out, the research results obtained proved to be quite satisfactory. Research into the utilization of semiconductors is carried out very intensively. A well-organized company should select the areas, in which it intends to concentrate its research effort - those in which it will perform just enough research to remain informed and in touch with current developments, and those areas, in which it will not undertake any research at all. Vocabulary notes: Perspiration - pot; gross national product - hrubý národní podnik; aim - cíl; discovery - objev; process postup, proces; be in progress - probíhat; non-destructive testing - zkoušení bez porušení vzorku; associate - sdružovat se; establish - zřídit, založit; accomplish - docílit, provést; reliable - spolehlivý; develop - vyvinout; reasonable - rozumný, přiměřený; provide - opatřit, umožnit; welding - svařování; confine - omezit na; engineering industry - strojírenský průmysl; field work - práce v poli, v terénu; cleaning equipment - čistící zařízení; contribute - přispívat; ability - schopnost; goal - cíl; fraction - zlomek; profit - zisk; failure - nezdar, neúspěch; attribute - přisuzovat, připisovat; high-voltage apparatuses - vysokonapěťové přístroje; utilization - využití.
I. Explain the use of the infinitives in the following sentences: 1. The researcher expected to solve the difficult research task in the following year. 2. We saw the research director enter the central research laboratory. 3. The manager seemed to have been disappointed with the result of the research project. 4. It was the duty of the head of the research group to evaluate quarterly the performance of the researchers. 5. The Director of Research should have selected the most promising research projects.
II. In the following words re- means again; compose short sentences using each of them: Rearrange, reread, rebuild, reconstruct, reprint, reorganize, re-measure, reconsider, reappear, refill, refuel, restart, redesign, reproduce, re-equip, re-export, recheck, reload, reopen, remake, repack, re-melt, re-adjust. III. Read and translate the following expressions: Available research facilities, sponsored research, willing to support investigation, government expenditure on research, concentrated research effort, industrial research centers, field of research, inefficiently managed research activity, formulating the research objectives, research contracts, completed investigation, extensive investigation, the sponsor of the research project, the industrial research associations, the selection and evaluation of research projects, to achieve the research results, to participate in the investigation, increased research budget, funding the research, research cost as a percentage of sales and profits, an average research project, so seek inspiration, analysis in depth of the research effort, to reap the benefits of applying scientific research, to formulate research ideas into research proposals. IV. Match the expressions in List A with those in List B:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
A unsettled questions confidential report question being studied defined objectives closely examined basic research research personnel preliminary steps chiefly experimental ways research projects basic researcher research costs director of research early stage of investigation point of view
a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o)
B research staff investigator solving fundamentalresearch tasks mainly methods of experiment initial stage of research secret paper pending problems standpoint specified aims research manager problem under study investigated in detail pure research research tasks research expenditures preparatory measures
V. Make up sentences using the following expressions: The problems are being investigated, to disclose results of research, to do first-class research work, to study the effects of, individual scientific researcher, to take into consideration, the reporting of research results, market research, financial assistance, research in connection with, financing the intensive investigation, rather limited possibility of discovering, new conceptual problems, intimate knowledge of the subject, exploring the possibility of, research non-profit institution, evaluation of the individual research effort, periodic management control of the progress of research projects, research devoted to, the attempt to explore systematically, the staff of the research institute, short-run considerations, to be under investigation, greater possibilities for applied research, research plans, the deadline for submission of proposals. VI. Complete the following sentences: 1. The usefulness of some research reports is limited . . . 2. The task of improving the effectiveness of research efforts . . . 3. The next research problem to be solved . . . 4. This plan covers research projects representing investigation directed toward discovery of . . . 5. Estimates of the costs necessary to complete the specified research project showed . . . 6. Attention of the researchers was concentrated on . . . 7. . . . appears worthy of investigation. 8. An investigation with the aim of finding . . . 9. Under close examination of the surface . . . 10. Further investigation should prove that . . . 5
11. Certain difficulties may arise because the object under observation . . . 12. The Material Research Institute plays an important part in . . . 13. Most of the research in this field is fairly academic because . . . 14. A profound investigation should be initiated . . . 15. Special knowledge and hard training would be necessary for carrying out . . . VII. Find antonyms among the expressions of the other group:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
A academic research applied investigation short-term needs very slender evidence preliminary review individual firm research basic research tasks strong probability discovery stage accepted research proposal subjective approach predicted results starting task short-range research effort successful research activity
a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o)
B final survey lack of certainty unsuccessful research effort actual results industrial research fundamental investigation verification stage long-term requirements long-range research activity final task government research applied research projects convincing proof rejected research proposal objective approach
VIII. Give the English equivalents for the following expressions: Mezinárodní spolupráce ve výzkumu, zkoumaný jev, neobyčejně obtížný úkol, důkladný výzkum, údaje získané pozorováním, podobná hlediska, pozoruhodné výsledky, systematický výzkum, přesné srovnávací metody, mimořádná peněžní podpora, za ideálních podmínek, tvůrčí řešení, pružnost výzkumné činnosti, povinnosti vedoucího výzkumu, dělat tvůrčí práci, experimentální stanice, splnění cílů výzkumu, poměr mezi základním a aplikovaným výzkumem, věnovat čas vědeckému výzkumu, každodenní pozorování počasí, ve většině případů, intensivní výzkum, úspěšně dokončený výzkumný úkol. IX. Explain in English the meaning of the following expressions: Basic researcher, long-range research objectives, basic scientific research, a mobile laboratory for field investigation, a company’s research policy, the pros and cons of space research, a well equipped research laboratory, Director in charge of research, the brain drain, advisory services, adequacy of research facilities and of support manpower, annual research reports, specialized research institute, industrially oriented research, the misinterpretation of the stated research objectives, proved methods of gathering research ideas, the contracted applied research, self sufficiency in research, comparison of research achievements, fruitful research activity, thoroughly explored, central research division, ability to meet research objectives. X. Answer the following questions: 1. What is the principal aim of research activity? 2. Why is the researcher’s work interesting? 3. What are the main long-range research objectives of your institute? 4. What portion of the company’s total resources should be allocated to research and development activity? 5. What is the purpose of interim research reports? 6. How is the work of researchers controlled in your institute? 7. Can you explain the purpose of cooperation in basic research? 8. What research institutes of your branch of engineering do you know? 6
9. Can you explain the tasks of experimental research? 10. What is the main difference between basic and applied research? XI. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Tento výzkumný problém byl v našem ústavu právě vyřešen. 2. Brzy pro naši výzkumnou práci obdržíme nový úkol. 3. Toto oddělení se bude zabývat výzkumem možných aplikací polovodičů. 4. Experimentální výzkum automobilů představuje významnou část jejich výzkumné činnosti. 5. V závěrečných výzkumných zprávách by měly být zhodnoceny výsledky výzkumné činnosti. 6. Po skončení všech důležitých experimentů jsme započali s novým výzkumem. 7. Tento neočekávaný objev byl podnětem pro výzkum možného využití supravodivosti. 8. Soustředěné výzkumné úsilí by se mělo zaměřit na uvažované soužití lineárních motorů. 9. Kdyby zkontrolování získaných údajů netrvalo tak dlouho, výzkumníci mohli úkol již dávno dokončit 10. Při sestavování dlouhodobých plánů, měly by se vzít v úvahu výsledky rozborů výzkumných cílů stanovených vedením podniku. XII. The Office Notice/bulletin board, calendar, in-tray, out-tray, answering machine/answerphone, desk, hole-punch, card index, Tipp-Ex/correction fluid/liquid paper, paper clip, key, stapler, notebook, file, filling cabinet, ring binder, Venetian blind, printout, printer, secretary, diary/appointment book, keyboard, FD, disk drive, PC/personal computer, screen, typewriter. XIII. Office Verbs She is dictating a letter. Dictaphone/dictating machine. He is typing a letter. He is typing. He is stapling a cheque to a letter. She is filling in a form. She is signing a letter. Signature. She is making a note of an appointment. He is filing. He is sending a fax. He is faxing a letter. It is printing. It is printing a copy.
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