Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit Landenoverzicht exporteisen Zaaizaden Land: Japan
Overzicht van de laatste wijziging(en) versie 2.16 2.15 2.14
datum 14-10-2015 17-8-2015 01- 4-2015
toelichting Aanpassing tekst bijschrijving tomaat Aanpassing tekst eis Daucus carota, optie country free + Aanpassing tekst eis Daucus carota
Landenoverzicht exporteisen Zaaizaden - Japan JAPAN (JP)
Certificaat export 1
Certificaat re-export 1 of 20
Algemene eisen Certificaat vereist Alle zaden. Invoerverbod Voor zover bekend, gelden er geen invoerverboden voor zaaizaden Overige voorschriften Zendingen dienen absoluut vrij van grond te zijn. Bij re-export, ook uit EU Lidstaten, kan gebruik gemaakt worden van model 1, tenzij sprake is van een groeiplaatsinspectie-eis. In dat geval dient model 20 te worden gebruikt + een certificaat uit het land van origine (kopie of origineel) waarop een evt. benodigde veldkeuring bijschrijving staat. Voor USA geldt dat dit een “Federal certificate” moet zijn. Replacements / vervangend fytosanitair certificaat De procedure voor het afgeven van replacements staat op de site van de Nederlandse ambassade in Japan, zie: Verpakking Met ingang van 01-04-2007 moet verpakkingshout bij import behandeld en gemarkeerd zijn conform ISPM 15.
Certificeringseisen Bijschrijvingen Benincasa hispida (waspompoen): Origine Thailand, Taiwan, India, China, Israël, Turkije, Italië, Griekenland, Hongarije, Nigeria, Zuid-Afrika, Verenigde Staten, Costa Rica, Brazilië, Australië, Noordelijke Marianen, Guam: The parent plants were inspected on the field during their fruit maturity stage before harvest and found free from Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli (V). Capsicum anuum: Origine Canada, Nederland, Thailand:
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Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit Landenoverzicht exporteisen Zaaizaden Land: Japan
The parent plants were grown on a farm where Pepper chat fruit viroid (IV) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and the parent plants or seeds produced from these plants were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Pepper chat fruit viroid (I). Citrullis lanatus (watermeloen): Origine Thailand, Taiwan, India, China, Israël, Turkije, Italië, Griekenland, Hongarije, Nigeria, Zuid-Afrika, Verenigde Staten, Costa Rica, Brazilië, Australië, Noordelijke Marianen, Guam: The parent plants were inspected on the field during their fruit maturity stage before harvest and found free from Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli (III). Cucumis melo (meloen): Origine Thailand, Taiwan, India, China, Israël, Turkije, Italië, Griekenland, Hongarije, Nigeria, Zuid-Afrika, Verenigde Staten, Costa Rica, Brazilië, Australië, Noordelijke Marianen, Guam: The parent plants were inspected on the field during their fruit maturity stage before harvest and found free from Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli (III). Daucus carota (noodmaatregel ingaande 1-2-2015): Landen waar Candidatus liberibacter solanacearum voorkomt: zoals origine Finland, Frankrijk, Marokko, Noorwegen, Spanje (vaste land + Canarische Eilanden), V.S., Zweden: The seed was treated with dry heat at a minimum temperature of 50 0 C for at least 72 hours OR was treated with hot water at a minimum temperature of 50 0 C for at least 20 continuous minutes OR was tested for Candidatus liberibacter solanacearum and found to be free by using PCR on a sample of 10,000 seeds. Overige origines. Géén bijschrijving. The country is free from Candidatus liberibacter solanacearum. (III) OR The seed was treated with dry heat at a minimum temperature of 50 0 C for at least 72 hours OR was treated with hot water at a minimum temperature of 50 0 C for at least 20 continuous minutes OR was tested for Candidatus liberibacter solanacearum and found to be free by using PCR on a sample of 10,000 seeds. Euchlaena sp. (teosinte): Origine Thailand, China, Vietnam, Maleisië, Italië, Polen, Roemenië, Verenigde Staten, Canada, Guyana, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Peru, Mexico: The parent plants were grown on a farm where intensive controls against the vectors of Pantoea stewartii were carried out and where these plants were inspected on the field during the most active growing season and found free from Pantoea stewartii (XI). Glycine max: Origine Turkije, Azerbeidzjan, Armenië, Oekraine, Oezbekistan, Duitsland, Estland, Kazachstan, Griekenland, Kirgizië, Georgië, Kroatië, Kosovo, Spanje, Slovenië, Servië, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan, Hongarije, Bulgarije, Belarus, België, Bosnia en Herzegovina, Macedonië, Moldavië, Montenegro, Letland, Litouwen, Roemanië, Russische Federatie, Tunisië, Mauritius, Verenigde Staten, Canada, Colombia, Brazilië, Venezuela, Mexico, Australië: The parent plants were inspected on the field during the late growing season and found free from Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens (III)).
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Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit Landenoverzicht exporteisen Zaaizaden Land: Japan
Lens culinaris (linzen): Origine China, Iran, Syrië, Turkije, Jordanië, Lebanon, Italië, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Oostenrijk, Slowakije, Duitsland, Hongarije, Polen, Egypte, Ethiopië, Soedan, Tunisië, Libië, Marokko, Zuid-Soedan, Australië: The parent plants were grown on a farm where intensive controls against the vectors of Broad bean stain virus were carried out and where these plants were inspected on the field during the most active growing season and found free from Broad bean stain virus (V). Lycopersicon esculentum (tomaat): Origine België, Chili, China, Griekenland, Iran(m.i.v. 25-2-2015), Peru: The parent plants were grown on a farm where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field and tested during the hot growing season by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Potato spindle tuber viroid (ook voor origine Nederland geldt een toetsingsplicht voor moederplanten, zie register verplichte monstername bij export) or the parent plants were grown on a farm(s) where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season, and the parent plants or seeds produced from these plants were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found to be free from PSTVd. AND The parent plants were grown on a farm where Pepino mosaic virus (X) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and the plants or seeds from these plants were tested by an appropriate serological diagnosis method such as ELISA or an appropiate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Pepino mosaic virus (X). Origine België, Chili, China, Griekenland, Iran, Peru: The parent plants were grown on a farm where Potato spindle tuber viroid has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field and tested during the hot growing season by the genetic method RT-PCR assay and found free from Potato spindle tuber viroid (ook voor origine Nederland geldt een toetsingsplicht voor moederplanten, zie register verplichte monstername bij export) or The parent plants were grown on a farm where Potato spindle tuber viroid has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season, and the parent plants or seeds produced from these plants were tested by the genetic method RT-PCR assay and found to be free from Potato spindle tuber viroid. AND The parent plants were grown on a farm where Pepino mosaic virus (X) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and the plants or seeds from these plants were tested by the genetic method RT-PCR assay and found free from Pepino mosaic virus (X). Or The parent plants were grown on a farm where Pepino mosaic virus (X) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and the plants or seeds from these plants were tested by the serological diagnosis method ELISA and found free from Pepino mosaic virus (X). Origine Costa Rica: The parent plants were grown on a farm where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field and tested during the hot growing season by an
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appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Potato spindle tuber viroid (ook voor origine Nederland geldt een toetsingsplicht voor moederplanten, zie register verplichte monstername bij export) or the parent plants were grown on a farm(s) where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season, and the parent plants or seeds produced from these plants were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found to be free from PSTVd. AND The parent plants were grown on a farm where Columnea latent viroid (IV) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Columnea latent viroid (I). Origine Israël: The parent plants were grown on a farm where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field and tested during the hot growing season by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Potato spindle tuber viroid (ook voor origine Nederland geldt een toetsingsplicht voor moederplanten, zie register verplichte monstername bij export) or the parent plants were grown on a farm(s) where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season, and the parent plants or seeds produced from these plants were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found to be free from PSTVd. AND The parent plants were grown on a farm where Tomato apical stunt viroid (IV) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Tomato apical stunt viroid (I). Origine Nederland, Oostenrijk: The parent plants were grown on a farm where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field and tested during the hot growing season by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Potato spindle tuber viroid (ook voor origine Nederland geldt een toetsingsplicht voor moederplanten, zie register verplichte monstername bij export) or the parent plants were grown on a farm(s) where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season, and the parent plants or seeds produced from these plants were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found to be free from PSTVd. AND The parent plants were grown on a farm where Pepino mosaic virus (X) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and the plants or seeds from these plants were tested by an appropriate serological diagnosis method such as ELISA or an appropiate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Pepino mosaic virus (X). AND The parent plants were grown on a farm where Tomato apical stunt viroid (IV) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Tomato apical stunt viroid (I). Origine Tsjechië:
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Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit Landenoverzicht exporteisen Zaaizaden Land: Japan
The parent plants were grown on a farm where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field and tested during the hot growing season by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Potato spindle tuber viroid (ook voor origine Nederland geldt een toetsingsplicht voor moederplanten, zie register verplichte monstername bij export) or the parent plants were grown on a farm(s) where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season, and the parent plants or seeds produced from these plants were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found to be free from PSTVd. AND The parent plants were grown on a farm where Pepino mosaic virus (X) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and the plants or seeds from these plants were tested by an appropriate serological diagnosis method such as ELISA or an appropiate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Pepino mosaic virus (X). AND The parent plants were grown on a farm where Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (IV) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (I). Origine Duitsland, Italië: The parent plants were grown on a farm where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field and tested during the hot growing season by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Potato spindle tuber viroid (ook voor origine Nederland geldt een toetsingsplicht voor moederplanten, zie register verplichte monstername bij export) or the parent plants were grown on a farm(s) where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season, and the parent plants or seeds produced from these plants were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found to be free from PSTVd. AND The parent plants were grown on a farm where Pepino mosaic virus (X) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and the plants or seeds from these plants were tested by an appropriate serological diagnosis method such as ELISA or an appropiate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Pepino mosaic virus (X). AND The parent plants were grown on a farm where Columnea latent viroid (IV) and Tomato apical stunt viroid (IV) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Columnea latent viroid (I) and Tomato apical stunt viroid (I). Origine Slovenië: The parent plants were grown on a farm where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field and tested during the hot growing season by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Potato spindle tuber viroid (ook voor origine Nederland geldt een toetsingsplicht voor moederplanten, zie register verplichte monstername bij export) or the parent plants were grown on a farm(s) where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season, and the parent
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Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit Landenoverzicht exporteisen Zaaizaden Land: Japan
plants or seeds produced from these plants were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found to be free from PSTVd. AND The parent plants were grown on a farm where Tomato apical stunt viroid (IV) and Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (IV) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Tomato apical stunt viroid (I) and Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (I). Origine Groot-Brittannië, Verenigde Staten: The parent plants were grown on a farm where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field and tested during the hot growing season by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Potato spindle tuber viroid (ook voor origine Nederland geldt een toetsingsplicht voor moederplanten, zie register verplichte monstername bij export) or the parent plants were grown on a farm(s) where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season, and the parent plants or seeds produced from these plants were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found to be free from PSTVd. AND The parent plants were grown on a farm where Pepino mosaic virus (X) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and the plants or seeds from these plants were tested by an appropriate serological diagnosis method such as ELISA or an appropiate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Pepino mosaic virus (X). AND The parent plants were grown on a farm where Columnea latent viroid (IV) and Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (IV) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Columnea latent viroid (I) and Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (I). Origine Frankrijk: The parent plants were grown on a farm where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field and tested during the hot growing season by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Potato spindle tuber viroid (ook voor origine Nederland geldt een toetsingsplicht voor moederplanten, zie register verplichte monstername bij export) or the parent plants were grown on a farm(s) where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season, and the parent plants or seeds produced from these plants were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found to be free from PSTVd. AND The parent plants were grown on a farm where Pepino mosaic virus (X) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and the plants or seeds from these plants were tested by an appropriate serological diagnosis method such as ELISA or an appropiate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Pepino mosaic virus (X). AND The parent plants were grown on a farm where Columnea latent viroid (IV), Tomato apical stunt viroid (IV) and Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (IV) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Columnea latent viroid (I), Tomato apical stunt viroid (I) and Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (I)
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Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit Landenoverzicht exporteisen Zaaizaden Land: Japan
Origine Canada, Denemarken: The parent plants were grown on a farm where Pepino mosaic virus (X) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and the plants or seeds from these plants were tested by an appropriate serological diagnosis method such as ELISA or an appropiate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Pepino mosaic virus (X). AND The parent plants were grown on a farm where Columnea latent viroid (IV) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Columnea latent viroid (I). Origine Mexico: The parent plants were grown on a farm where Pepino mosaic virus (X) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and the plants or seeds from these plants were tested by an appropriate serological diagnosis method such as ELISA or an appropiate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Pepino mosaic virus (X). AND The parent plants were grown on a farm where Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (IV) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (I).
Origine Finland: The parent plants were grown on a farm where Pepino mosaic virus (X) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and the plants or seeds from these plants were tested by an appropriate serological diagnosis method such as ELISA or an appropiate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Pepino mosaic virus (X). AND The parent plants were grown on a farm where Tomato apical stunt viroid (IV) and Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (IV) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Tomato apical stunt viroid (I) and Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (I). Origine Indonesië: The parent plants were grown on a farm where Tomato apical stunt viroid (IV) and Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (IV) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Tomato apical stunt viroid (I) and Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (I). Origine Afghanistan, Belarus, Egypte, India, Nieuw-Zeeland, Nigeria, Turkije, Oekraïne, Rusland, Venezuela: The parent plants were grown on a farm where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field and tested during the hot growing season by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Potato spindle tuber viroid (ook voor origine Nederland geldt een toetsingsplicht voor moederplanten, zie register verplichte monstername bij export) or
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the parent plants were grown on a farm(s) where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season, and the parent plants or seeds produced from these plants were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found to be free from PSTVd. Origine Bulgarije, Cyprus, Ecuador, Hongarije, Ierland, Polen, Spanje, Syrië, Zuid-Afrika, Zweden, Zwitserland: The parent plants were grown on a farm where Pepino mosaic virus (X) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and the plants or seeds from these plants were tested by an appropriate serological diagnosis method such as ELISA or an appropiate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Pepino mosaic virus (X). Origine Ivoorkust, Senegal, Tunesië (m.i.v. 25-2-2015): The parent plants were grown on a farm where Tomato apical stunt viroid (IV) has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the growing season and were tested by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Tomato apical stunt viroid (I). Petunia sp.: Origine China (exl. Hong Kong), India, Afghanistan, Iran, Israël,Turkije, Belarus, België, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Oostenrijk, Griekenlnad, Nederland, Italië, Oekraïne, Tsjechië, Rusland, Slovenië, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Egypte, Nigeria, Verenigde Staten, Chili, Costa Rica, Peru, Venezuela, Nieuw-Zeeland: The parent plants were grown on a farm(s) where Potato spindle tuber viroid has not been recorded, and the parent plants or seeds produced from these plants were tested by an appropriate genetic method(s) such as RT-PCR assay and found to be free from the pest mentioned above." Phaseolus vulgaris (boon): Origine Turkije, Azerbeidzjan, Armenië, Oekraine, Oezbekistan, Duitsland (m.i.v. 25-22015), Estland, Kazachstan, Griekenland, Kirgizië, Georgië, Kroatië, Kosovo, Spanje, Slovenië, Servië, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan, Hongarije, Bulgarije, Belarus, België, Bosnia en Herzegovina, Macedonië, Moldavië, Montenegro, Letland, Litouwen, Roemanië, Russische Federatie, Tunisië, Mauritius, Verenigde Staten, Canada, Colombia, Brazilië, Venezuela, Mexico, Australië: The parent plants were inspected on the field during the late growing season and found free from Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens (III)). Pisum sativum (erwt): Origine India, Taiwan, China (excl. Hong Kong), Azerbaidzjan, Armenië, Italië, Oekraine, Oezbekistan, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Estland, Nederland, Kazakhstan, Kirgizië, Georgië, Slowakije, Tadzjikistan, Tsechië, Denemarken, Duitsland, Turkmenistan, Hongarije, Frankrijk, Belarus, België, Polen, Moldovië, Letland, Lithouen, Roemanië, Russische Federatie, Marokko, USA, Canada, Argentinië, Brazilië, Australië, Nieuw Zeeland, Hawaii: The parent plants were grown on a farm where Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field during the late growing season and found free from Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi (IV). Poaceae Free from Claviceps purpurea. Solanum tuberosum (aardappel): Origine Afghanistan, Belarus, België, Venezuela, Chili, China, Costa Rica, Egypte, Frankrijk, Duitsland, India, Iran, Israël, Italië, Nederland, Nieuw-Zeeland, Nigeria, Peru, Polen, Rusland, Turkije, Oekraïne, Groot-Brittannië, Verenigde Staten:
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The parent plants were grown on a farm where PSTVd has not been recorded and these plants were inspected on the field and tested during the hot growing season by an appropriate genetic method such as RT-PCR assay and found free from Potato spindle tuber viroid (XI). Vicia faba (tuinboon): Origine China, Syrië, Libanon, Italië, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Oostenrijk, Duitsland, Hongarije, Polen, Egypte, Ethiopië, Soedan, Tunesië, Marokko, Zuid-Soedan, Australië: The parent plants were grown on a farm where intensive controls against the vectors of Broad bean stain virus and Broad bean true mosaic virus were carried out and where these plants were inspected on the field during the most active growing season and found free from Broad bean stain virus (IV) and Broad bean true mosaic virus (IV). Origine Iran, Turkije, Jordanië, Slowakije, Libië: The parent plants were grown on a farm where intensive controls against the vectors of Broad bean stain virus were carried out and where these plants were inspected on the field during the most active growing season and found free from Broad bean stain virus (IV). Zea mais (maïs) Origine Verenigde Staten: The parent plants were grown on a farm where intensive controls against the vectors of Pantoea stewartii were carried out and where these plants were inspected on the field during the most active growing season and found free from Pantoea stewartii (XI). The parent plants were inspected on the field during the most active growing season and found free from Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. nebraskensis (III). Origine China, Vietnam, Maleisië, Italië, Polen, Roemenië, Canada, Guyana, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Puerto Rico, Peru, Mexico: The parent plants were grown on a farm where intensive controls against the vectors of Pantoea stewartii were carried out and where these plants were inspected on the field during the most active growing season and found free from Pantoea stewartii (XI).
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