Lampiran 1. Teks bacaan buku bahasa Inggris kelas x terbitan kementerian pendidikan dan kebudayaan tahun 2013 1. Teks 1 BI: An email from Hannah
Universitas Sumatera Utara
2. Teks 2 BI: A letter from Saidah
Universitas Sumatera Utara
3. Teks 3 BI: Showing Care
Universitas Sumatera Utara
4. Teks 4 BI: Congratulation
Universitas Sumatera Utara
Universitas Sumatera Utara
5. Teks 5 BI: My Best Friend
Universitas Sumatera Utara
6. Teks 6 BI: Tanjung Putting Nasional Park
Universitas Sumatera Utara
7. Teks 7 BI: Visiting Niagara Falls
Universitas Sumatera Utara
Universitas Sumatera Utara
8. Teks 8 BI: An email from Hannah
Universitas Sumatera Utara
Universitas Sumatera Utara
2. Analisis transitivitas teks bacaan buku bahasa Inggris kelas X 1. Teks 1 BI: An email from Hannah 1. Hello, Alia! Let me introduce myself. Hello, Alia! Let me introduce myself. hello Alia Let me introduce myself halo Alia Izinkan aku memperkenalkan diri Proses: Mental, Persepsi Pelaku Proses: Material Gol 2. My name is Hannah. My name is Hannah. My name is namaku adalah Petanda Proses: Relasional, Identifikasi
Hannah Hannah Nilai
3. I know your name from my friend, Caroline. I know your name from my friend, Caroline. I know your name from my friend Carolina saya tahu namamu dari temanku, Carolina Pengindera Proses: Mental, Kognisi Gol Sirkumstan: Sebab 4. She told me She told me She told Dia memberitahu Pembicara Proses: Verbal
me ku Penerima
5. that you would like to have more pen pals from the US. that you would like to have more pen pals from the US. that you would like to have more pen pals from the US kau akan punya sahabat pena lagi dari Amerika Pemilik Proses: Milik Milik Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat 6. I did really like to be your E-pal. I did really like I did really like Saya benar-benar ingin Pengindera Sirkumstan: Cara Proses: Mental: Kemauan 7. to be your E-pal. to be your E-pal. to be your E-pal menjadi sahabat penamu Proses: Relasional, Identifikasi Nilai
Universitas Sumatera Utara
8. You sound really cool! You sound really cool! You sound Really Kau terlihat sangat Maujud Proses: wujud Sirkumstan: Cara
cool keren
9. I guess I guess I Guess Ku Pikir Pengindera Proses: Mental, Persepsi 10. I’d better tell you something about myself first. I’d better tell you something about myself first. I'd better tell you something Aku lebih baik memberitahu mu sesuatu Sirkusmtan: Proses: Pembicara Pebermanfaat Perkataan Cara Verbal
about myself ttg diriku Sirkumstan: Masalah
11. I’m 16 years old I’m 16 years old I' saya Petanda
m Proses: Relasional, Identifikasi
16 years old berusia 16 tahun Nilai
12. and I attend Thomas Edison High School here in Minneapolis, Minnesota,USA. and I attend Thomas Edison High School here in Minneapolis, Minnesota,USA. Thomas E School here in and I attend Mineapolis USA di sekolah Thomas Edison di dan Saya sekolah sini di Mineapolis, Amerika Petingkah Laku Proses: Tingkah Laku Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat 13. I have two brothers and two half sisters I have two brothers and two half sisters I have two brothers and two half sister Saya punya dua abang dan dua adik tiri perempuan Pemilik Proses: Kepemilikan Milik
Universitas Sumatera Utara
14. and I’m the middle child. and I’m the middle child. and I' m dan Saya adalah Petanda Proses: Relasional, Identifikasi
the middle child anak pertengahan Nilai
15. My father died a few years ago My father died a few years ago My father died a few years ago Ayahku sudah meninggal beberapa tahun yang lalu Petingkah Laku Proses: Tingkah Laku Sirkumstan: Rentang, Waktu 16. so my mother runs the house and the family business. so my mother runs the house and the family business. so my mother runs the house and the family business jadi ibuku mengelola bisnis keluarga Pelaku Proses: Metarial Gol 17. My father was a barista. My father was a barista. My father was Ayahku Adalah Petanda Proses: Relasional, Identifikasi
a barista seorang barista Nilai
18. I have lots of hobbies. I have lots of hobbies. I have lots of hobbies Saya punya banyak hobi Pemilik Prosess: Kepemilikan Milik 19. I like music – mostly classical music and folk music – but I don’t play an instrument. I like music – mostly classical music and folk music I like music mostly classical music and folk music saya suka musik terutama yang klasik dan tradisional Proses: Mental, Pengindera Kemauan Fenomena Sirkumstan: Masalah 20. but I don’t play an instrument. but I don’t play an instrument. but I don't play an instrument tapi saya tidak bisa memainkan alat musik/instrument Pelaku Proses: Material Gol
Universitas Sumatera Utara
21. I like sports, especially tennis and basketball. I like sports, especially tennis and basketball. I like sports especially tennis and basketball saya suka olahraga khususnya tenis dan bola basket Proses: Mental, Pengindera Kemauan Fenomena Sirkumstan: Masalah 22. At school I’m in the basketball team At school I’m in the basketball team At school
di sekolah
Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat
in the basketball team anggota tim bola basket
Proses: Relasional Identifikasi Nilai
23. and I spend most of my extra-curricular time and I spend most of my extra-curricular time and I spend most of my extra-curricular time dan Saya menghabiskan waktu kegiatan ekstrakurikuler Pelaku Proses: Material Sirkumstan: Rentang Waktu 24. playing basket ball. playing basket ball. playing basket ball dengan bermain bola basket Proses: Metarial Gol 25. I’m into animals very much. I’m into animals very much. I' M into animal saya sangat menyukai hewan Pengindera Proses: Mental, Persepsi Fenomenon
very much suka sekali Sirkumstan: Cara
26. My sister and I have three dogs, a rabbit and an iguana My sister and I have three dogs, a rabbit and an iguana My sister and I have three dogs, a rabbit and iguana tiga anjing, satu kelinci dan satu aku dan adikku punya iguana Pemilik Proses: Kepemilikan miliki
Universitas Sumatera Utara
27. They need lots of attention as you can imagine. They need lots of attention as you can imagine. they need lots of attention as you can imagine banyak Mereka butuh seperti yg kau tahu perhatian/perawatan Proses: Mental, Sirkumstan: Pengindera Fenomenon Kemauan Pandangan 28. At school, I have many among friends who were not fully fluent in English At school, I have many among friends who were not fully fluent in English many among friends who were at school I have not fully fluent in English banyak di antara teman2 yang di sekolah saya punya tidak lancar berbahasa Inggris Sirkumstan: Proses: Relasional, Pemilik Sirkumstan: Lingkungan Lokasi, Tempat Kepemilikan 29. Their family moved here from Asia. Their family moved here from Asia. Their family moved here from Asia Keluarga mereka pindah kesini dari Asia Petingkah Laku Proses: Tingkah Laku Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat 30. I enjoy talking to them about our different cultures. I enjoy talking to them about our different cultures. about our different I enjoy talking to them cultures ngobrol dengan tentang perbedaan saya menikmati mereka budaya Pengindera Proses: Mental, Afeksi Fenomenon Sirkumstan: Masalah 31. My favorite subjects at school are art and geography My favorite subjects at school are art and geography. My favorite subjects at school are art and geography pelajaran favoritku di sekolah adalah seni dan geografi Sirkumstan: Proses: Relasional, Petanda Lokasi, Tempat Identifikasi Nilai 32. I think I think I think Ku rasa Pengindera Proses: Mental, Kognisi
Universitas Sumatera Utara
33. I’d like to become a park ranger when I graduate I think I’d like to become a park ranger when I graduate, I' d like to become a park ranger when I graduate aku akan jadi penjaga hutan nanti tamat sekolah Proses: Relasional, Sirkumstan: Rentang, Penyandang Atribut Atribut Waktu 34. perhaps work for the National Parks Service. perhaps work for the National Parks Service. Perhaps work for the National Parks Service Mungkin kerja untuk layanan taman nasional Sirkumstan: Rentang, Waktu Proses: Material Sirkumstan: Sebab 35. I haven’t got much interest in fashion, I haven’t got much interest in fashion I haven't got much interest in fashion saya gak terlalu terlalu soal fashion Pengindera Proses: Mental, Persepsi Sirkumstan: Masalah 36. although we have ‘Mall of America,’ the biggest mall in Minnesota. although we have ‘Mall of America,’ the biggest mall in Minnesota Mall of although we have America the biggest mall in Minnesota meskipun kami punya mal 'Amerika' mall terbesar di Minesota Proses: Relasional, Pemilik Milik Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat Kepemilikan 37. We can reach the mall very easily. We can reach the mall very easily. We can reach the mall very easily Kita bisa menuju ke mall dengan mudah Pelaku Proses: Material Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat 38. A commuter train runs every 15 minutes, A commuter train runs every 15 minutes, A commuter train runs every 15 minutes Kreta api komuter lewat tiap 15 menit Pelaku Proses: Material Sirkumstan: Rentang, Waktu 39. buses also come from different directions. buses also come from different directions. Buses also come from different directions Bus juga lewat dari berbagai jurusan Pelaku Proses: Material Sirkumstan: Rentang, Tempat
Universitas Sumatera Utara
40. We can also drive to the mall. We can also drive to the mall We can also drive to the mall Kita juga bisa naik mobil sendiri ke mall Pelaku Proses: Material Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Temat 41. It’s much faster than It’s much faster than much faster jauh lebih cepat
It Itu
Pros: Relasional, Atribut
than ketimbang Sirkumstan: Masalah
42. going there going pe rgi Proses: Material
going there there kesana Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat
43. I don’t like reading I don’t like reading I don’t like reading saya tidak suka membaca Pengindera Proses: Mental, Kemauan Fenomena 44. but I love drawing and painting. but I love drawing and painting. But I love drawing and painting Tapi Saya suka menggambar dan melukis Pengindera Proses: Mental, Kemauan Fenomena 45. Please Please Please Silahkan Proses: Tingkah Laku 46. drop me a line, Alia! drop me a line, Alia! drop me a line balas surat ke aku Proses: Material Penerima Gol
Alia Alia Pelaku
Universitas Sumatera Utara
47. Can’t wait Can't Gak sabar
Can’t wait wait menunggu Proses Material
48. to hear from you! to hear from you! to hear from you kabar darimu Proses: Tingkah Laku Sirkumstan: Masalah I. Proses No 1 Material 2
4 5 6
Jenis Proses Indetifikasi Atribut Kepemilikan Persepsi Afeksi Kognisi Kemauan
Verbal Wujud Tingkah Laku Total
II. Partisipan No Jenis Partisipan I 1 Pelaku 2 Pengindera 3 Petanda 4 Penyandang 5 Kepemilikan 6 Petingkah laku 7 Pembicara 8 Maujud Total No Jenis Partisipan II 1 Gol 2 Fenomena 3 Nilai
Jumlah 10 13 6 2 6 3 2 1 43 Jumlah 6 7 7
Jumlah 13 7 2 6 4 1 2 6 2 0 5 48
Persentase (%) 27.08 14.58 4.17 12.50 8.33 2.08 4.17 12.50 4.17 0.00 10.42 100.00
Persentase (%) 23.26 30.23 13.95 4.65 13.95 6.98 4.65 2.33 100 Persentase (%) 22.22 25.93 25.93
Universitas Sumatera Utara
4 5 6
Atribut Milik Perkataan Total
2 4 1 27
III. Sirkumstan No Sirkumstan Waktu 1 Rentang Tempat Waktu 2 Lokasi Tempat 3 Sebab 4 Lingkungan 5 Penyerta 6 Peran 7 Masalah 8 Pandangan 9 Cara Total
7.41 14.81 3.70 100
Jumlah 5 1 0 10 2 1 0 0 7 1 4 31
Persentase (%) 16.13 3.23 0.00 32.26 6.45 3.23 0.00 0.00 22.58 3.23 12.90 100
2. Teks 2 BI: A letter from Saidah 1. It was very interesting It Itu Petanda
It was very interesting was very sangat Proses: Relasional, Identifikasi Sirkumstan: Cara
interesting menarik Nilai
2. to read your letter about yourself and your hometown. to read your letter about yourself and your hometown. to read your letter about yourself and your hometown membaca suratmu tentang kau dan kampungmu Proses: Material Gol Sirkumstan: Masalah 3. I would really like I would really like I would aku Pengindera
really sungguh Sirkumstan: Cara
like mau Proses: Mental, Kemauan
Universitas Sumatera Utara
4. to be your pen friend. to be your pen friend. to be your pen friend. Jadi sahabat penamu Proses: Relasional, Identifikasi Nilai
5. I’m a sixteen-year-old school student from Johor Bahru in Malaysia. I’m a sixteen-year-old school student from Johor Bahru in Malaysia. a sixteen-yearI ’m old school student from Johor Bahru in Malaysia. saya siswa 16 tahun dari Johor Malaysia Proses: Relasional, Petanda Nilai Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat Identifikasi 6. Actually I attend an Islamic boarding school just outside the city Actually I attend an Islamic boarding school just outside the city an Islamic Actually I attend boarding school just outside the city sebenarnya aku sekolah di pesantren yang ada di luar kota Sirkumstan: Proses: Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Pelaku Gol Cara Material Tempat 7. but my family live in Kuala Lumpur. but my family live in Kuala Lumpur. but my family live in Kuala Lumpur. tapi keluargaku tinggal di Kualalumpur Pelaku Proses: Material Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat 8. My eldest sister is a medical doctor. My eldest sister is a medical doctor. My eldest sister is a medical doctor kakakku yg cewek adalah seorang dokter Petanda Proses: Relasional, Identifikasi Nilai 9. She will get married soon. She will get married soon. She will get married soon. dia akan nikah gak lama lagi Pelaku Proses: Material Sirkumstan: Rentang, Waktu
Universitas Sumatera Utara
10. My younger brother is an elementary school student in KL My younger brother is an elementary school student in KL an elementary My younger brother Is school student in KL adik cowokku adalah siswa SD di Kualalumpur Proses: Relasional, Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Petanda Nilai Identifikasi Tempat 11. but he often writes to me via email. but he often writes to me via email. but he often writes to me tapi dia sering nulis email ke aku Sirkumstan: Proses Pelaku Gol Cara Material
via email Sirkumstan: Cara
12. My favorite subjects are social sciences. My favorite subjects are social sciences. My favorite subjects are social sciences. pelajaran favoritku adalah Ilmu-ilmu sosial Petanda Proses: Relasional, Identifikasi Nilai 13. I like history very much I like history very much I like History aku suka sejarah Pengindera Proses: Mental, Kemauan Sirkumstan: Cara 14. it helps me it helps me it helps sejarah membantu Pelaku Proses: Material
me ku Gol
15. know more how different countries existed in the past. know more how different countries existed in the past. Know more how different countries existed in the past Tahu banyak hal Berbagai negara yang pernah ada di zaman lampau Proses: Mental, Kognisi Fenomena
Universitas Sumatera Utara
16. At school we are supposed to use English at all times, At school we are supposed to use English at all times, At school we are supposed to use English at all times, di sekolah kami diharuskan pakai bahasa Inggris sepanjang waktu Sirkumstan: Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Pelaku Proses: Material Gol Rentang, Waktu Tempat 17. even when we are in the dormitory even when we are in the dormitory even when we are bahkan ketika kami berada di asrama Sirkumstan: Proses: Relasional, Petanda Lokasi, Waktu Identifikasi 18. so we have become quite fluent so we have become quite fluent so We have become quite jadi kami jadi cukup Proses: Relasional, Penyadang Sirkumstan: Cara Atribut
in the dormitory Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat
fluent lancar Atribut
19. although sometimes we slip back into Malay, which is our mother tongue. although sometimes we slip back into Malay, which is our mother tongue. into Malay, which is our although sometimes we slip back mother tongue ke dalam bahasa Melayu, meski terkadang kami terpeleset bahasa utama kami Proses: Sirkumstan: Cara Pelaku Sirkumstan: Lingkungan Material 20. for hobbies, I’m really for hobbies, soal hobi,
I aku
Sirkumstan: Masalah
for hobbies, I’m really m Proses: Relasional, Identifikasi
really paling Sirkumstan: Cara
21. into songs and music. into songs and music. into songs and music suka lagu2 sama musik Proses: Mental, Fenomenon Kemauan
Universitas Sumatera Utara
22. My favorite singer is Yusuf Islam whose former name was Cat Steven. My favorite singer is Yusuf Islam whose former name was Cat Steven. whose former name My favorite singer is Yusuf Islam was Cat Steven. yang dulu namanya itu penyanyi favoritku adalah Yusuf Islam Cat Steven Proses: Relasional, Petanda Nilai Sirkumstan: Masalah Identifikasi 23. He’s so cool! He’s so cool! He s so Dia itu sangat Penyadang Proses: Relasional, Atribut Sirkumstan: Cara
cool keren! Atribut
24. Another singer I like is Maher Zain with his religious songs. Another singer I like is Maher Zain with his religious songs. with his another singer I like is Maher Zein religion songs yang dengan lagu2 penyanyi lain suka adalah Maher Zein saya religinya Proses; Relasional, Sirkumstan: Petanda Nilai Identifikasi Penyerta 25. My favorite Malay singer is of course Siti Nurhaliza. My favorite Malay singer is of course Siti Nurhaliza. My favorite Malay singer is of course Siti Nurhaliza. penyanyi Melayu adalah tentu Siti Nurhaliza. favoritku Proses: Relasional, Petanda Sirkumstan: Cara Nilai Identifikasi 26. I also like watching movies, especially comedies. I also like watching movies, especially comedies. I also like watching movies especially comedies aku juga suka nonton film khususnya film komedi Proses: Mental, Sirkumstan: penyerta Pengindera Fenomenon Kemauan 27. The actor I like best is Tom Cruise. The actor I like best is Tom Cruise. is The actor I like best Aktor paling kusuka adalah Petanda Proses; Relasional, Identifikasi
Tom Cruise Tom Cruise Nilai
Universitas Sumatera Utara
28. I’m really into books. I’m really into books. I saya Petanda
‘m Proses: Relasional, Identifikasi
really Into books paling menyukai buku2 Sirkumstan: Cara
29. I like reading novels and short stories, mostly by Malay authors who you probably haven’t heard of. I like reading novels and short stories, mostly by Malay authors who you probably haven’t heard of. reading novels mostly by Malay authors who I like and short you probably haven’t heard of stories, terutama karangan penulis baca novel aku suka Malaysia yang mungkin kau sama cerpen belum mengenalnya Proses: Mental, Pengindera Fenomenon Sirkumstan: Penyerta Kemauan 30. I like some writers in English, like JK Rowling and Indonesian writers too, like Andrea Hirata and Ahmad Fuadi. I like some writers in English, like JK Rowling and Indonesian writers too, like Andrea Hirata and Ahmad Fuadi. like JK Rowling and Indonesian writers some writers I like too like Andrea Hirata and Ahmad in English Fuadi seperti JK Rowling dan pengarang pengarang2 aku suka Indonesia juga lho seperti Ahmad Fuadi Inggris dan Andrea Hirata Proses: Mental, Pengindera Fenomenon Sirkumstan: Penyerta Kemauan 31. My dream, when I’m older, is to be a writer of science fiction books set in the distant future. My dream, when I’m older, is to be a writer of science fiction books set in the distant future. a writer of sicence My dream when I'm older is to be fiction books set in the distant future penulis buku fiksi ilmiah impianku nanti pas sudah dewasa mau jadi tentang masa depan Proses: Relasional, Petanda Sirkumstan: Sebab Nilai Identifikasi
Universitas Sumatera Utara
32. I’d really love to come to Indonesia some day I’d really love to come to Indonesia some day I'd really love to come to Indonesia aku benar2 kepengen datang ke Indonesia Pelaku Sirkumstan: Cara Proses: Material Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat 33. I heard that I Ku Petingkah Laku
I heard that heard dengar Proses: Tingkah Laku
that bahwa -
34. it has the largest number of Muslims of any country. it has the largest number of Muslims of any country. the largest number of it has of any country muslims Indonesia punya penduduk muslim terbesar di dunia Proses: Relasional, Sirkumstan: Pemilik Milik Kepemilikan Lokasi, Tempat 35. A book that I’ve just read mentions A book that I’ve just read mentions A book that I’ve just read mentions buku yang kubaca menyatakan Pembicara Proses Verbal 36. that there are some magnificent places to visit, such as, Bali, Sulawesi, Papua and Borneo! that there are some magnificent places to visit, such as, Bali, Sulawesi, Papua and Borneo! some magnificent such as, Bali, Sulawesi, that there are places to visit Papua and Borneo! beberapa tempat seperti Bali, Sulawesi, bahwa ada bagus buat dikunjungi Papu dan Borneo! Proses: Wujud Maujud Sirkumstan Penyerta 37. What about you, do you want to visit my country? What about you, do you want to visit my country? what about you do you want to visit my country? gimana dengan kamu? kau mau berkunjung ke negaraku? Sirkusmtan: Masalah Pelaku Proses Material Gol
Universitas Sumatera Utara
I. Proses No Jenis Proses 1 Material Identifikasi 2 Relasional Atribut Kepemilikan Persepsi Afeksi 3 Mental Kognisi Kemauan 4 Verbal 5 Wujud 6 Tingkah Laku Total II. Partisipan Jenis No Partisipan I 1 Pelaku 2 Pengindera 3 Petanda 4 Penyandang 5 Kepemilikan 6 Petingkah laku 7 Pembicara 8 Maujud Total Jenis No Partisipan II Gol 1 2 Fenomena 3 Nilai 4 Atribut 5 Milik 6 Perkataan Total
Jumlah 10 14 2 1 0 0 2 6 1 1 1 38
Persentase (%)
9 5 12 3 1 1 1 1 33
27.27 15.15 36.36 9.09 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 100
Persentase (%)
6 5 11 2 1 0 25
24.00 20.00 44.00 8.00 4.00 0.00 100
Persentase (%) 26.32 36.84 5.26 2.63 0.00 0.00 5.26 15.79 2.63 2.63 2.63 100.00
Universitas Sumatera Utara
III. Sirkumstan No Sirkumstan Waktu 1 Rentang Tempat Waktu 2 Lokasi Tempat 3 Sebab 4 Lingkungan 5 Penyerta 6 Peran 7 Masalah 8 Pandangan 9 Cara Total
Jumlah 2 0 1 8 1 1 5 0 4 0 13 35
Persentase (%) 5.71 0.00 2.86 22.86 2.86 2.86 14.29 0.00 11.43 0.00 37.14 100
3. Teks 3 BI: Showing Care/Sympathy 1. Sympathy expression is an expression or feeling of pity and sorrow when we know and see people are unlucky, have trouble, or are in bad condition. Sympathy expression is an expression or feeling of pity and sorrow when we know and see people are unlucky, have trouble, or are in bad condition. an expression or feeling of when we know and see pity and sorrow when we sympathy people are unlucky, have is know and see people are expression trouble, or are in bad unlucky, have trouble, or are condition. in bad condition. ketika tahu dan melihat sebuah ekspresi atau perasaan orang tidak beruntung, Simpati adalah kasihan dan sedih kena masalah atau dalam keadaan buruk Proses Relasional, Petanda Nilai Sirkumstan: Penyerta Identifikasi 2. Sympathy expression is an expression or feeling of pity Sympathy expression is an expression or feeling of pity sympathy expression is an expression or feeling of pity Simpati adalah ekspresi atau perasaan sedih Petanda Proses: Relasional, Identifikasi Nilai 3. when we know when we know when we ketika kita Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Waktu Pengindera
know tahu Proses: Mental Kognisi
Universitas Sumatera Utara
4. and see and see and dan
see melihat Proses: Mental Persepsi
5. people are unlucky people are unlucky people are orang2 Petanda Proses: Relasional, Identifikasi
unlucky tidak beruntung Nilai
6. Sympathy expression is an expression or feeling of pity and sorrow when we know and see people are unlucky, have trouble, or are in bad condition. have trouble, or are in bad condition. have trouble or in bad condition punya masalah atau dalam kondisi buruk Proses: Relasional, Kepemilikan Milik 7. For example, our friend is sad because his/her grandfather is sick. For example, our friend is sad because his/her grandfather is sick. because his/her for example our friend is sad grandfather is sick. karena kakek atau misalnya teman kita sedih neneknya sakit Proses: Relasional, Sirkumstan: Penyerta Penyandang Atribut Sirkumstan: Sebab Atribut 8. We can entertain him/her by showing sympathy. We can entertain him/her by showing sympathy. we can Entertain him/her by showing sympathy kita bisa menghibur Nya dengan menunjukkan simpati/peduli Pelaku Proses: Material Gol Sirkumstan: Cara 9. By expressing sympathy, we want to show our concern or care for other people’s condition. By expressing sympathy, we want to show our concern or care for other people’s condition. by expressing our concern for other people's we want to show sympathy or care condition dengan ingin kepedulian untuk kondisi orang menunjukkan kita menunjukkan kita lain simpati Sirkumstan: Cara Pelaku Proses: Material Gol Sirkumstan: Sebab
Universitas Sumatera Utara
10. The purpose of expressing sympathy is to comfort people who have trouble or are in bad conditions. The purpose of expressing sympathy is to comfort people who have trouble or are in bad conditions. The purpose of to comfort people who have trouble or are is expressing sympathy in bad conditions. tujuan menunjukkan untuk menyenangkan orang2 yang punya adalah simpati masalah atau dalam kondisi buruk Proses: Relasional, Petanda Nilai Identifikasi 11. It is also aimed to let It is also aimed to let it is also aimed to let itu juga ditujukan agar Pelaku Proses: Material 12. people know that we care for them people know that we care for them People Know that we care for them mereka Tahu bahwa kita peduli kepada mereka Pengindera Proses: Mental, Kognisi Fenomena 13. We can express sympathy directly to him/her orally by saying something supportive We can express sympathy directly to him/her orally by saying something supportive Orally by saying to we can express sympathy directly something him/her supportive secara kepada secara lisan dengan kita bisa menyatakan simpati langsung mereka kata2 menguatkan Proses: Sirkumstan: Pembicara Penerima Resipen Sirkumstan: Cara Verbal Cara 14. In this way, we let our friend know that we know about his/her sadness In this way, we let our friend in this way We let our friend dengan cara ini kita membuat teman kita Sirkumstan: Cara Pelaku Proses: Material Gol 15. know that know that know that tahu bahwa Proses: Mental, Kognisi
Universitas Sumatera Utara
16. we know about his/her sadness we know about his/her sadness we know about his/her sadness kita tahu kesedihannya Pengindera Proses: Mental, Kognisi Sirkumstan: Masalah 17. and we let our friend and we let our friend and we let dan kita menjadikan Pelaku Proses: Material
our friend teman kita Gol
18. know that we care and want to help him/her. know that we care and want to help him/her. know that we care and want to help him/her. tahu bahwa kita peduli dan ingin membantunya Proses: Mental, Kognisi Fenomena 19. If the person who is in trouble is far from us If the person who is in trouble is far from us if the person who is in trouble Is far from us jika orang yang punya masalah jauh dari kita Proses: Relasional, Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Petanda Identifikasi Tempat 20. we can send him/her a letter, postcard, short message service (sms), or email we can send him/her a letter, postcard, short message service (sms), or email a letter, postcard, short message we can send him/her service (sms), or email kita bisa mengirimi Nya surat, kartu pos, sms atau email Pelaku Proses: Material Penerima Gol 21. to show our care/ sympathy. to show our care/ sympathy. to show our care/sympathy untuk menunjukan simati kami Proses: Material Gol
Universitas Sumatera Utara
I. Proses No Jenis Proses 1 Material Identifikasi 2 Relasional Atribut Kepemilikan Persepsi Afeksi 3 Mental Kognisi Kemauan 4 Verbal 5 Wujud 6 Tingkah Laku Jumlah II. Partisipan No Jenis Partisipan I 1 Pelaku 2 Pengindera 3 Petanda 4 Penyandang 5 Kepemilikan 6 Petingkah laku 7 Pembicara 8 Maujud Total No Jenis Partisipan II 1 Gol 2 Fenomena 3 Nilai 4 Atribut 5 Milik 6 Perkataan Total
Jumlah 6 3 5 1 0 0 1 0 16 Jumlah 6 2 4 1 1 0 14
Jumlah 7 5 1 1 1 0 5 0 1 0 0
Persentase (%) 33.33 23.81 4.76 4.76 4.76 0.00 23.81 0.00 4.76 0.00 0.00
Persentase (%) 37.50 18.75 31.25 6.25 0.00 0.00 6.25 0.00 100 Persentase (%) 42.86 14.29 28.57 7.14 7.14 0.00 100
Universitas Sumatera Utara
III. Sirkumstan No Sirkumstan Waktu 1 Rentang Tempat Waktu 2 Lokasi Tempat 3 Sebab 4 Lingkungan 5 Penyerta 6 Peran 7 Masalah 8 Pandangan 9 Cara Total
Jumlah 0 0 1 1 2 0 2 0 1 0 4 11
Persentase (%) 0.00 0.00 9.09 9.09 18.18 0.00 18.18 0.00 9.09 0.00 36.36 100
4. Teks 4 BI: Congratulations! 1. Nura arrives in a big city Nura arrives in a big city Nura arrives in a big city Nura tiba di kota besar Pelaku Proses: Material Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat 2. to help her parents to help her parents. to help her parents untuk membantu kedua orangtuanya Proses: Material Gol 3. settle their debts. settle their debts. Settle their debts melunasi utang2 nya Proses: Material Gol 4. She moves into Juna’s house as a hired servant. She moves into Juna’s house as a hired servant. She moves into Juna's house as a hired servant dia pindah ke rumah Juna sebagai pembantu rumah Pelaku Proses: Material Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat Sirkumstan: Peran
Universitas Sumatera Utara
5. In the house, Juna is a rich and proud young man who inherits his father’s business. In the house, Juna is a rich and proud young man who inherits his father’s business. a rich and proud young man who in the house Juna is inherits his father’s business. orang kaya dan anak muda sombong di rumah Juna adalah yang mewarisi bisnis bapaknya Proses: Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Petanda Relasional, Nilai Tempat Identifikasi 6. He is lazy He is lazy he is dia Penyandang Proses: Relasional, Atribut
lazy malas Atribut
7. and goes to campus and goes to campus and goes to campus and pergi ke kampus Proses: Material Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat 8. just to meet friends just to meet friends just to meet friends hanya untuk ketemu teman2 Proses: Material Gol 9. and chase pretty girls who love his wealth and chase pretty girls who love his wealth. And chase pretty girls who love his wealth Dan mengejar cewek cantik mata duitan Proses: Material Gol 10. In his chaotic life, Juna is betrayed by his own cousin and uncle leading to his downfall. In his chaotic life, Juna is betrayed by his own cousin and uncle leading to his downfall. in his chaotic by his own cousin Juna is betrayed leading to his downfall life and uncle dalam kondisi oleh sepupu dan hingga ia bangkrut Juna dikhianati carut-marut pamannya Sirkumstan: Proses: Gol Pelaku Sirkumstan: Sebab Masalah Material
Universitas Sumatera Utara
11. Juna’s life is in a real mess. Juna’s life is in a real mess. Juna's life is in a real mess hidup Juna benar2 kacau Penyandang Proses: Relasional, Atribut Atribut 12. However, Nura helps However, Nura helps however Nura helps bagaimanapun Nura membantu Pelaku Proses: Material 13. him gain his confidence him gain his confidence Him gain his confidence Nya menggali kembali rasa percaya dirinya Pelaku Proses Material Gol 14. and reorganize his life. and reorganize his life. And reorganize his life Dan menata ulang hidupnya Proses: Material Gol 15. Nura begins to teach the rich spoiled brat some manners through her down to earth scolding and no-nonsense attitude. Nura begins to teach the rich spoiled brat some manners through her down to earth scolding and no-nonsense attitude. the rich some through her down to earth Nura begins to teach spoiled brat manners scolding and non-nonsense attitue mulai anak manja beberapa melalui sikap membumi dan tidak Nura mengajarkan itu cara gengsi Pelaku Proses: Material Recipient Gol Sirkumstan: Cara 16. The girl helps him pick The girl helps him. The girl helps gadis itu membantu Pelaku Proses: Material
him nya Gol
Universitas Sumatera Utara
17. pick up the pieces in his life, from defeat to success. The girl helps him pick up the pieces in his life, from defeat to success. pick up the pieces in his life from defeat to success menata ulang lembaran hidupnya dari nol menuju sukses Proses Material
Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Waktu
Sirkumstan: Sebab
Sirkumstan: Masalah
18. Finally, after a long struggle and hard work, he can regain his life. Finally, after a long struggle and hard work, he can regain his life. after a long struggle and finally he can regain his life hardwork setelah perjuangan mendapatkan akhirnya dia miliknya panjang dan cukup keras kembali Sirkumstan: Rentang, Proses: Sirkumstan: Sebab Pelaku Gol Waktu Material 19. He is now in the position of the director of the company that He is now in the position of the director of the company that in the position of the He is now director of the company menduduki posisi direktur dia kini perusahaan Proses: Relasional, Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Penyandang Sirkumstan: Cara Atribut Waktu 20. he inherits from his father. he inherits from his father. that he inherits from his father yg warisan dari bapaknya Pelaku Proses: Material Gol 21. Johny, his best friend, says, “Congratulations! You deserved it, man Johny, his best friend, says, “Congratulations! You deserved it, man his best friend says congratulation you deserve it, man kawanya berkata selamat kau pantas mendapatkatnya kawan Sirkumstan: Proses: Perkataan Peran Verbal
Universitas Sumatera Utara
22. “Thank you very much. This is because you’re always with me,” Juna responds cheerfully. “Thank you very much. This is because you’re always with me,” Juna responds cheerfully. Thank you very muc. This is Juna respond cheerfully because you're always with me terimakasih banya juna menjawab dengan riang Perkataan Pembicara Proses Verbal Sirkumstan: Cara 23. “I’m very happy for you, Juna. Your company is now back to you,” another friend says. “I’m very happy for you, Juna. Your company is now back to you,” another friend says. “I’m very happy for you, Juna. Your company is another friend says now back to you,” saya bahagia dengan kesuksesanmu Juna. teman lain menyahut Perusahaan mu sudah kembali kepadamu Perkataan Pembicara Proses: Verbal 24. Juna replies with a happy tone, “Thank you. I cannot forget your help to me.“ Juna replies with a happy tone, “Thank you. I cannot forget your help to me.“ with a happy Thank you. I Cannot forget your Juna replies tone help to me dengan nada terimakasih. Saya tak bisa Juna menjawab bahagia melupakan bantuanmu selama ini Pembicara Proses: Verbal Sirkumstan: Cara Perkataan 25. Others shake his hand Others shake his hand others. shakes teman2 lain menjabat Pelaku Proses: Material
his hand Yang tannya Gol
26. and say, “That’s wonderful, Juna,” and say, “That’s wonderful, Juna,” and say that's wonderful, Juna dan berkata "itu luar biasa, Juna" Proses: Verbal Perkataan 27. He responds to them joyfully, He responds to them joyfully He respond to them joyfully Dia merespon mereka dengan sukacita Pembicara Proses Verbal Resipen Sirkumstan: Cara
Universitas Sumatera Utara
28. His staff also congratulate him, “I’d like to congratulate you on your accomplishment, Sir!” His staff also congratulate him, “I’d like to congratulate you on your accomplishment, Sir!” “I’d like to congratulate you on your His staff also congratulate him accomplishment, Sir!” juga mengucapkan saya ucapkan selamat atas stafnya kepadanya selamat prestasinya, Pak Pembicara Proses Verbal Resipen Perkataan 29. Again, he answers those expressions contentedly, “It’s very good of you to say so,” “How nice of you to say that,” Again, he answers those expressions contentedly, “It’s very good of you to say so,” “How nice of you to say that,” "it's very good those Again he answer contentedly of you to say expression so" ucapan selamat terimakasih terimakasih lagi, dia menjawab tersebut dengan ucapan betapa baiknya senang baikmu ucapan mu itu Sirkumstan: Proses: Sirkumstan: Pembicara Perkataan Perkataan Cara Verbal Cara 30. Nura observes this event from the backdoor. Nura observes this event from the backdoor. Nura observes this event from the backdoor Nura mengamati peristiwa tersebut dari balik pintu Sirkumstan: Petingkah Laku Proses: Tingkah Laku Lokasi, Tempat 31. She cries happily She cries happily she cries dia menangis Petingkah Laku Proses: Tingkah Laku
happily bahagia Sirkumstan: Cara
32. for her master who has changed into a mature, stable young man. for her master who has changed into a mature, stable young man. into a mature, stable for her master who has changed young man melihat Juna yang telah berubah lebih dewasa Proses: Tingkah Petingkah Laku Sirkumstan: Masalah Laku
Universitas Sumatera Utara
I. Proses No 1
Jenis Proses
4 5 6
Verbal Wujud Tingkah Laku Total
Identifikasi Atribut Kepemilikan Persepsi Afeksi Kognisi Kemauan
17 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 3 32
Persentase (%) 53.13 3.13 9.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 9.38 100
II. Partisipan No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 No 1 2 3 4 5 6
Jenis Partisipan I Pelaku Pengindera Petanda Penyandang Kepemilikan Petingkah laku Pembicara Maujud Total Jenis Partisipan II Gol Fenomena Nilai Atribut Milik Perkataan Total
Jumlah 11 0 3 1 0 3 6 0 24 Jumlah 13 0 1 2 0 8 24
Persentase (%) 45.83 0.00 12.50 4.17 0.00 12.50 25.00 0.00 100 Persentase (%) 54.17 0.00 4.17 8.33 0.00 33.33 100
Universitas Sumatera Utara
III. Sirkumstan No Sirkumstan 1
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sebab Lingkungan Penyerta Peran Masalah Pandangan Cara Total
Waktu Tempat Waktu Tempat
Jumlah 1 0 2 5 3 0 0 2 3 0 8 24
Persentase 4.17 0.00 8.33 20.83 12.50 0.00 0.00 8.33 12.50 0.00 33.33 100
5. Teks 5 BI: My Best Friend 1. I have a lot of friends in my school, I have a lot of friends in my school, I have a lot of friends Aku punya banyak teman Pemilik
Proses: Relasional, Kepemilikan
in my school di sekolah Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat
2. but Dinda has been my best friend since junior high school. but Dinda has been my best friend since junior high school. but Dinda has been my best friend since junior high school tapi si Dinda adalah teman paling dekat sejak SMP Proses: Relasional, Sirkumstan: Rentang, Petanda Nilai Identifikasi Waktu 3. We don’t study in the same class, We don’t study in the same class We don't study in the same class Kami tidak satu kelas Pelaku Proses: Material Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat 4. but we meet at school everyday during recess and after school. but we meet at school everyday during recess and after school. but we meet at school during recess and after school pas jam istirahat dan pas pulang tapi kami Cuma ketemu di sekolas sekolah Proses: Sirkumstan: Sirkumstan, Rentang, Waktu Pelaku Material Lokasi, Tempat
Universitas Sumatera Utara
5. I first met her at junior high school orientation. I first met her at junior high school orientation at junior high school I first met her orientation Aku pertama ketemu dia pas MOS SMP Petingkah Sirkumstan: Proses: Tingkah Sirkumstan: Rentang, Laku Rentang, Waktu Laku Waktu 6. and we’ve been friends ever since. and we’ve been friends ever since. and we ve been friends Kami terus jadi temenan Proses: Relasional, Petanda Nilai Identifikasi 7. Dinda is good-looking. Dinda is good-looking. Dinda is Dinda orangnya Penyandang Proses: Relasional, Atribut
ever since sejak itu Sirkumstan: Rentang, Waktu
good-looking cantik Atribut
8. She’s not too tall, with fair skin and wavy black hair that she often puts in a ponytail She’s not too tall, with fair skin and wavy black hair that she often puts in a ponytail with fair skin and wavy She ‘s not too tall black hair that she often puts in a ponytail Dia tak terlalu tinggi dengan kulit menawan Proses: Relasional, Sirkumstan: Penyandang Atribut Sirkumstan: Peyerta Atribut Cara 9. At school, she wears the uniform. At school, she wears the uniform. at school she wears di sekolah dia pakai Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat Pelaku Proses: Material 10. Other than that, she likes to wear jeans, casual t-shirts and sneakers. Other than that, she likes to wear jeans, casual t-shirts and sneakers. jeans, casual t-shirts and Other than that she likes to wear sneakers selain itu dia juga suka pakai celana jeans Pengindera Proses: Mental, Persepsi Fenomenon
Universitas Sumatera Utara
11. Her favourite t-shirts are those in bright colors like pink, light green and orange. Her favourite t-shirts are those in bright colors like pink, light green and orange. in bright like pink, light Her favorite t-shirts are those colors green and orange kemeja favoritnya adalah kemeja yang cerah seperti warna pink Proses: Relasional, Sirkumstan: Sirkumstan: Petanda Nilai Identifikasi Masalah Penyerta 12. She is always cheerful. She is always cheerful. she is dia selalu Penyandang Proses: Relasional, Atribut
always cheerful ceria Atribut
13. She is also very friendly She is also very friendly She Is also very friendly dia juga ramah Penyandang Proses: Relasional, Atribut Atribut 14. and likes to make friends with anyone. and likes to make friends with anyone. and likes to make friends with anyone dan suka berteman dengan siapa saja Proses: Mental, Persepsi Sirkumstan Penyerta 15. Like many other girls, she is also talkative. Like many other girls, she is also talkative. Like many other girls, she is seperti kebanyakan gadis dia juga Proses:Relasional, Sirkumstan: Penyerta Penyandang Atribut
also talkative suka nggosip Atribut
16. She likes to share her thoughts and feelings to her friends. She likes to share her thoughts and feelings to her friends. she likes to share her thoughts and feelings to her friends apa yang ada dalam kepada dia suka berbagi pikiran dan perasaanya temannya Proses: Mental, Sirkumstan Pengindera Fenomena Kemauan Penyerta
Universitas Sumatera Utara
17. I think that’s why many friends I think that’s why many friends I think that's why saya rasa itu sebabnya Pengindera Proses Mental, Kognisi Sirkumstan: Sebab
many friends banyak teman Fenomenon
18. enjoy her company. enjoy her company. enjoy her company suka berteman dengannya Proses: Mental, Kemauan Fenomenon 19. However, she can be a bit childish sometimes. However, she can be a bit childish sometimes. However she can be a bit childish tapi dia bisa ke-kanak-kanakan Proses: Penyandang Atribut Relasional,Atribut
sometimes kadang2 Sirkumstan: Rentang, Waktu
20. For example, when she doesn’t get what she wants, she acts like a child and stamps her feet. For example, when she doesn’t get what she wants, she acts like a child and stamps her feet. when she doesn't get like a child and for example, she acts what she wants stamps her feet di saat dia tidak seperti anak2 dan misalnya mendapatkan apa ia bertingkah melonjak2 seperti yang diinginkan anak kecil Sirkumstan: Sirkumstan: Petingkah Proses: Tingkah Sirkumstan: Penyerta Penyerta Penyebab Laku Laku 21. Dinda loves drawing, especially the manga characters. Dinda loves drawing, especially the manga characters. Dinda loves drawing especially the manga character terutama menggambar karakter Dinda paling suka menggambar kartun Proses: Mental, Pengindera Fenomenon Sirkumstan: Penyerta Kemauan
Universitas Sumatera Utara
22. She always has a sketchbook with her everywhere she goes. She always has a sketchbook with her everywhere she goes. She always has a sketchbook with her everywhere she goes dia selalu punya buku sketsa yang dibawa kemana pun dia pergi Sirkumstan: Proses: Sirkumstan: Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Pemilik Rentang, Relasional, Milik Penyerta Waktu Waktu Kepemilikan 23. She would spend some time She would spend some time She would spend some time dia akan menghabiskan watu Pelaku Proses: Material Gol 24. to draw the manga characters from her imagination to draw the manga characters from her imagination to draw the manga character from her imagination buat menggambar karakter kartun sesuai imajinasinya Proses: Material Gol Sirkumstan: Masalah 25. Her sketches are amazingly great Her sketches are amazingly great Her sketches are amazingly sketsa buatanya sungguh bagus Penyandang Proses: Relasional, Atribut Sirkumstan: Cara
great dan mantap Atribut
26. I’m really glad I Aku Penyandang
I’m really glad ‘m Really jujur ya Proses; Relasional, Atribut Sirkumstan: Cara
glad sangat senang Atribut
27. to have a best friend like Dinda. to have a best friend like Dinda. to have a best friend like Dinda Punya teman dekat seperti Dinda Proses: Kepemilikan Milik Sirkumstan: Penyerta
Universitas Sumatera Utara
I. Proses No Jenis Proses 1 Material Indentifikasi 2 Relasional Atribut Kepemilikan Persepsi Afeksi 3 Mental Kognisi Kemauan 4 Verbal 5 Wujud 6 Tingkah Laku Total II. Partisipan No Jenis Partisipan I 1 Pelaku 2 Pengindera 3 Petanda 4 Penyandang 5 Kepemilikan 6 Petingkah laku 7 Pembicara 8 Maujud Total No Jenis Partisipan II 1 Gol 2 Fenomena 3 Nilai 4 Atribut 5 Milik 6 Perkataan Total
Jumlah 4 4 3 8 2 2 0 0 23 Jumlah 2 5 3 8 3 0 21
Jumlah 5 3 8 3 2 1 1 3 0 0 2 28
Persentase (%) 17.86 10.71 28.57 10.71 7.14 3.57 3.57 10.71 0.00 0.00 7.14 100.00
Persentase (%) 17.39 17.39 13.04 34.78 8.70 8.70 0.00 0.00 100 Persentase (%) 9.52 23.81 14.29 38.10 14.29 0.00 100
Universitas Sumatera Utara
III. Sirkumstan No Sirkumstan Waktu 1 Rentang Tempat Waktu 2 Lokasi Tempat 3 Sebab 4 Lingkungan 5 Penyerta 6 Peran 7 Masalah 8 Pandangan 9 Cara Total
Jumlah 6 0 1 4 2 0 9 0 2 0 3 27
Persentase (%) 22.22 0.00 3.70 14.81 7.41 0.00 33.33 0.00 7.41 0.00 11.11 100
6. Teks 6 BI: Tanjung Puting National Park 1. One of the internationally famous ecotourism destinations in Indonesia is Tanjung Puting National Park in the southwest of Central Kalimantan peninsula. One of the internationally famous ecotourism destinations in Indonesia is Tanjung Puting National Park in the southwest of Central Kalimantan peninsula. One of the internationally in the southwest of Tanjung Puting famous ecotourism is Central Kalimantan National Park destinations in Indonesia peninsula. salah satu objek wisata Tanjung Puting di barat daya alam internasional terkenal adalah National Park Kalimantan di Indonesia Proses: Relasional, Sirkumstan: Petanda Nilai Identifikasi Lokasi, Tempat 2. Tanjung Puting National Park offers impressive experience to its visitors. Tanjung Puting National Park offers impressive experience to its visitors. Tanjung Puting impressive experience to its offers National Park visitors. Taman nasional pengalaman keren untuk para menawarkan Tanjung Putting pengunjung Petingkah Laku Proses: Tingkah Laku Sirkumstan: Lingkungan
Universitas Sumatera Utara
3. This is called a park, but unlike any park that you have seen in your city, This is called a park, but unlike any park that you have seen in your city but unlike any park that you have This is called a park seen in your city, tapi tidak seperti taman yang biasa Ini dinamakan taman kau lihat di kota Proses: Relasional, Petanda Nilai Sirkumstan: Penyerta Identifikasi 4. this is a jungle! this is a jungle! This is Ini adalah Petanda Proses: Relasional, Identifikasi
jungle hutan rimba Nilai
5. It is a real jungle, which is home to the most incredible animals in the world: orang utans and proboscis monkeys! It is a real jungle, which is home to the most incredible animals in the world: orang utans and proboscis monkeys! which is home to the most incredible it Is real jungle animals in the world: orang utans and proboscis monkeys! hutan rimba tempat makhluk luar biasa di dunia yaitu ini sungguhan orang utan dan monyet punya belalai Proses: Relasional, Petanda Nilai Sirkumstan: Penyerta Identifikasi 6. The male proboscis monkeys are interesting because they have enormous snout. The male proboscis monkeys are interesting because they have enormous snout. the male proboscis because they have are interesting monkeys enormous snout. karena punya monyet jantan sangat menarik moncong panjang Proses: Relasional, Petanda Nilai Sirkumstan: Sebab Identifikasi 7. So, imagine So, imagine so, imagine jadi, coba bayangkan Proses Mental: Kognisi
Universitas Sumatera Utara
8. yourself to be in the jungle yourself to be in the jungle yourself
to be
Diri mu
Ada Proses: Relasional, Identifikasi
in the jungle and meet these special animals in their original habitat di hutan rimba dan ketemu binatang seperti itu Nilai
9. What will you do when you meet them? What will you do when you meet them? what will you do apa yang akan kau lakukan Pelaku Proses: Material
when you meet them? ketika kau ketemu binatang2 itu? Sirkumstan: Masalah
10. To see orang utans we should go to Camp Leakey To see orang utans we should go to Camp Leakey To see orang utans we should go untuk bisa melihat orang utan kita sebaiknya menuju Sirkumstan: Masalah Pelaku Proses: Material
to Camp Leakey Kamp Leakey Gol
11. Camp Leaky is located in the heart of Tanjung Putting National Park. Camp Leaky is located in the heart of Tanjung Putting National Park. Camp Leaky is located in the heart of Tanjung Putting National Park Camp Leakey berlokasi di tengah2 taman nasional Tanjung Putting Proses: Petanda Nilai Relasional,Identifikasi 12. This is a rehabilitation place for ex-captive orang utans and also a preservation site. This is a rehabilitation place for ex-captive orang utans and also a preservation site. a rehabilitation for ex-captive orang utans and also a This Is place preservation site untuk orang utan yang ditangkap dan tempat Ini adalah sekaigus pusat pemeliharaan orang rehabilitasi utan di sini Proses: Petanda Relasional, Nilai Sirkumstan: Sebab Identifikasi
Universitas Sumatera Utara
13. This camp was established by Birute Galdikas, an important scientist who has studied orang utans since 1971. This camp was established by Birute Galdikas, an important scientist who has studied orang utans since 1971. this by Birute an important scientist who has studied was estabilshed camp Galdikas orang utans since 1971 oleh Birute seorang ilmuwan penting yang meneliti camp ini didirikan Galdikas orang utan sejak tahun 1971 Gol Proses: Material Pelaku Sirkumstan: Penyerta 14. To reach the place, we should take a boat down Sekonyer river. To reach the place, we should take a boat down Sekonyer river. down Sekonyer to reach the place we should take a boat river untuk sampai ke buat nyeberangi kita mesti pakai bot/perahu tempatnya sungai Sekonyer Sirkumstan: Sirkumstan: Sebab Pelaku Proses: Material Gol Lokasi, Tempat 15. The boat is popularly called perahu klotok which is a boathouse that can accommodate four people. The boat is popularly called perahu klotok which is a boathouse that can accommodate four people. perahu which is a boathouse that can the boat is popularly called klotok accommodate four people. yang berbentuk perahu mirip perahu Botany terkenal disebut getek yang bisa membawa klotok empat penumpang ~ Prosess Sirkumstan: Petanda Relasional, Nilai Sirkumstan: Penyerta Cara Identifikasi 16. The trip by the boat to Camp Leaky takes three days and two nights. The trip by the boat to Camp Leaky takes three days and two nights. The trip by the boat to Camp Leaky takes three days and two nights perjanalan naik perahu ke Camp Leaky butuh tiga hari dua malam Sirkumstan: Rentang, Pelaku Proses: Material Waktu
Universitas Sumatera Utara
17. The traveling in the boat offers another unforgettable experience. The traveling in the boat offers another unforgettable experience. The in the boat offers another unforgettable experience traveling Perjalanan naik perahu menawarkan pengalaman lain yang tak terlupakan Petingkah Sirkumstan: Proses: Tingkah Sirkumstan: Cara Laku Lokasi, Tempat Laku 18. You sleep, You sleep, You kau Petingkah Laku
sleep tidur Proses: Tingkah Laku
19. cook cook cook Memasak Proses: Material 20. and eat in that klotok, night and day during your journey into the jungle. and eat in that klotok, night and day during your journey into the jungle. night and day during your and eat in that klotok journey into the jungle siang malam selama perjalanan dan makan di atas Klotok ke hutan rimba Sirkumstan: Proses: Material Sirkumstan: Rentang, Waktu Lokasi, Tempat 21. In daylight, on your way to Camp Leaky, you can see trees filled with proboscis monkeys. In daylight, on your way to Camp Leaky, you can see trees filled with proboscis monkeys. on your way to Camp trees filled with in daylight you can see Leaky proboscis monkeys di siang dalam perjalanan bisa pepohonan dipenuhi kamu hari menuju Camp Leaky melihat monyet Sirkumstan: Proses Petingkah Lokasi, Sirkumstan: Masalah Tingkah Sirkumstan: Penyerta Laku Waktu Laku
Universitas Sumatera Utara
22. At night, you can enjoy the clear sky and the amazingly bright stars as the only lights for the night. At night, you can enjoy the clear sky and the amazingly bright stars as the only lights for the night. the clear sky and the amazingly bright stars At night you can Enjoy as the only lights for the night di saat langit terang dan bintang2 bersinar terang kau bisa Menikmati malam seolah membentuk cahaya2 di malam hari Sirkumstan: Petingkah Proses: Rentang, Sirkumstan: Lingkungan Laku Tingkah Laku Waktu
I. Proses No Jenis Proses 1 Material 2
4 5 6
Jumlah Identifikasi Atribut Kepemilikan Persepsi Afeksi Kognisi Kemauan
Verbal Wujud Tingkah Laku Total
II. Partisipan No Jenis Partisipan I 1 Pelaku 2 Pengindera 3 Petanda 4 Penyandang 5 Kepemilikan 6 Petingkah laku 7 Pembicara 8 Maujud Total
Jumlah 5 0 9 0 0 5 0 0 19
Persentase 31.82 40.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.73 100.00
7 9 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 22
Persentase (%) 26.32 0.00 47.37 0.00 0.00 26.32 0.00 0.00 100
Universitas Sumatera Utara
No 1 2 3 4 5 6
Jenis Partisipan II Gol Fenomena Nilai Atribut Milik Perkataan Total
Jumlah 3 0 9 0 0 0 12
III. Sirkumstan No Sirkumstan Waktu 1 Rentang Tempat Waktu 2 Lokasi Tempat 3 Sebab 4 Lingkungan 5 Penyerta 6 Peran 7 Masalah 8 Pandangan 9 Cara Total
Persentase (%) 25.00 0.00 75.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100
Jumlah 3 0 1 4 3 2 5 0 3 0 2 23
Persentase (%) 13.04 0.00 4.35 17.39 13.04 8.70 21.74 0.00 13.04 0.00 8.70 100
7. Teks 7 BI: Visiting Niagara Falls 1. Niagara Falls is the collective name for three waterfalls Niagara Falls is the collective name for three waterfalls Niagara Falls is the collective name for the three waterfalls air terjun Niagara adalah kumpulan nama tiga air terjuan Proses: Relasional, Petanda Nilai Sirkumstan: Sebab Identifikasi 2. that cross the international border between the Canadian province of Ontario and the USA’s state of New York. that cross the international border between the Canadian province of Ontario and the USA’s state of New York. the international border between the Canadian province of that cross Ontario and the USA’s state of New York. yang melintasi perbatasan negara antara Kanada dan Amerika Proses: Material Sirkumstan: Rentang, Tempat
Universitas Sumatera Utara
3. They form the southern end of the Niagara Gorge. They form the southern end of the Niagara Gorge. they form the southern end of the Niagara Gorge. jurang air terjun Niagara yang menjorok ke wilayah mereka membentuk Selatan Pelaku Proses: Material Gol
4. From largest to smallest, the three waterfalls are the Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls. From largest to smallest, the three waterfalls are the Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls. from largest to smallest, the Horseshoe Falls, the American are the three waterfalls Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls. dari yang paling kecil air terjun Horseshoe, air terjun adalah sampai yang terbesar Amerika dan air terjun Bridal Veil Proses: Relasional, Petanda Nilai Indentifikasi 5. The Horseshoe Falls lie on the Canadian side and the American Falls on the American side. The Horseshoe Falls lie on the Canadian side and the American Falls on the American side. on the The Horseshoe on the lie And the American Falls American Falls Canadian side side Air terjun di wilayah di wilayah berada dan air terjun America Horseshoe Kanada Amerika Proses: Sirkumatan: Sirkumstan: Petanda Relasiomal, Lokasi, Lokasi, Identifikasi Tempat Tempat 6. They are separated by Goat Island. They are separated by Goat Island. they are separated by Goat Island air terjun-air terjun tersebut dipisahkan oleh pulau Goat Pelaku Proses: Material Gol 7. The smaller Bridal Veil Falls are also located on the American side, separated from the other waterfalls by Luna Island. The smaller Bridal Veil Falls are also located on the American side, separated from the other waterfalls by Luna Island. the smaller separated from the other also located on the Bridal Veil are waterfalls American side Falls by Luna Island. air terjun juga terletak di terpisah dari air terjun lainnya terkecil wilayah Amerika oleh pulau Luna
Universitas Sumatera Utara
Proses: Sirkumstan: Relasional, Lokasi, Tempat Identifikasi
Sirkumstan: Penyerta
8. There are various attractions There are various attractions there are various attractions terdapat banyak hal menarik Proses: wujud Maujud 9. that people can enjoy in Niagara Falls, six of them are described here. that people can enjoy in Niagara Falls, six of them are described here. that people can enjoy in Niagara Fall six of them are described here di air terjun yang bisa orang nikmati 6 diantarannya dijelaskan disini Niagara Sirkumstan: Proses: Pelaku Lokasi, Sirkumstan: Penyerta Material Tempat 10. The first to enjoy in Niagara Falls is Cave of the Winds. The first to enjoy in Niagara Falls is Cave of the Winds. The first to enjoy in Niagara Falls is Cave of the Winds. hal pertama bisa dinikmati di seputar air terjun Niagara adalah gua Winds Proses: Relasional Petanda Identifikasi Nilai 11. This attraction helps people get closer to the falls and go face-to-face with the pounding waters of the Falls. This attraction helps people get closer to the falls and go face-to-face with the pounding waters of the Falls. go face-to-face with the this get closer helps people and pounding waters of the attraction to the falls Falls. bisa menyaksikan dengan semua hal lebih dekat memudahkan pengunjung dan mata kepala suara air menarik itu ke air terjun terjun yang mengalir Sirkumstan: Proses: Pelaku Gol Lokasi, Sirkumstan: Penyerta Material Tempat 12. People can get soaked on the Hurricane Deck People can get soaked on the Hurricane Deck people can get soaked on the hurricane deck pengunjung bisa basah kuyup di atas lokasi Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Pelaku Proses: Material Tempat
Universitas Sumatera Utara
13. where they are just feet from the thundering waters. where they are just feet from the thundering waters. from the thundering where they are just feet waters di mana
mereka Penyandang
hanya berkarak sekian meter Proses:Relasional, Atribut Atribut
dari suara gemuruh air terjun Sirkumstan: Masalah
14. Waterproof clothing and sandals are provided Waterproof clothing and sandals are provided. Waterproof clothing and sandals are provided pakaian anti basah dan sandal disediakan Gol Proses: Material 15. A trip at night when the Falls are illuminated in a rainbow of color is really amazing. A trip at night when the Falls are illuminated in a rainbow of color is really amazing. when the Falls are A trip at night illuminated in a rainbow is really amazing of color perjalanan di ketika air terjun diterangi terlihat sangat mengagumkan malam hari berbagai warna pelangi Proses: Sirkumstan: Penyandang Sirkumstan: Penyerta Relasional, Atribut Cara Atribut 16. The second charm is Maid of the Mist Boat Tour. The second charm is Maid of the Mist Boat Tour. The second charm is Maid of the Mist Boat Tour. hal menarik kedua adalah pemandu perahu boat Petanda Proses: Relasional, Identifikasi Nilai 17. It is a world-famous scenic boat tour of the American and Canadian Falls for about a half-hour ride It is a world-famous scenic boat tour of the American and Canadian Falls for about a half-hour ride a world-famous scenic boat tour of for about a half-hour it is the American and Canadian Falls ride perahu boat tur di air terjun Amerika untuk keliling selama itu adalah dan Kanada paling terkenal di dunia sekitar 1,5 jam Proses: Petanda Relasional, Nilai Sirkumstan: Masalah Identifikasi
Universitas Sumatera Utara
18. People may access the tour via the Observation Tower elevator at Prospect Point in the state park. People may access the tour via the Observation Tower elevator at Prospect Point in the state park. via the observation at prospect point in the people may access the tour tower elevator state park juga bisa lewat tangga tower di pos prospect di taman pengunjung tur mengakses observasi nasional Proses: Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Pelaku Gol Sirkumstan: Cara Material Tempat 19. The boat operates mid-May until late October. The boat operates mid-May until late October. the boat operates mid-May until late October dari mulai pertengahan bulan Mei sampai perahu boat tersebut beroperasi akhir Oktober Pelaku Proses: Material Sirkumstan: Rentang, Waktu 20. The next to visit in Niagara Falls is Niagara Adventure Theater. The next to visit in Niagara Falls is Niagara Adventure Theater. Niagara adventure the next to visit in Niagara falls is theater tempat selanjutnya yang teater petualangan di air terjun Niagara adalah mesti dikunjungi Niagara Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Proses: Relasional, Petanda Nilai Tempat Identifikasi 21. Here tourists may enjoy the most powerful and involving film experience that brings reality to life on a 45 foot screen. Here tourists may enjoy the most powerful and involving film experience that brings reality to life on a 45 foot screen. the most powerful and involving here tourist may enjoy film experience that brings reality to life on a 45 foot screen. pengalaman hebat dan terlibat dapat dalam pengalaman membuat film di sini pengunjung menikmati berupa hidup nyata di atas layar dengan ketinggian 45 kaki Sirkumstan: Petingkah Proses: Tingkah Sirkumstan: Lingkungan Lokasi, Tempat Laku Laku
Universitas Sumatera Utara
22. Audience members are given the priviledge to Audience members are given the priviledge Audience are given the priledge members pengunjung diberi kesempatan Pelaku Proses: Material Gol 23. to discover the thundering Falls from a completely new and exhilarating perspective, and plunge over them to discover the thundering Falls from a completely new and exhilarating perspective, and plunge over them from a completely new and exhilarating to discover the thundering falls perspective, and plunge over them dari perspektif berbeda dan sangat menyaksikan gemuruh air terjun menyenangkan dan menyiprat di sekitar mereka Proses: Material Gol Sirkumstan: Masalah 24. and free multi-language headsets are made available. and free multi-language headsets are made available. and free multi-language headsets are made available dan headset berbagai bahasa yang dibuat secara tersedia Gol Proses: Material Sirkumstan: Cara 25. Niagara Science Museum is another place to visit. Niagara Science Museum is another place to visit. Niagara Science is another place to visit Museum tempat menarik lain yang musti museum sains Niagara adalah dikunjungi Proses: Relasional, Petanda Nilai Identifikasi 26. It is a sanctuary for the preservation and appreciation of old science instruments and philosophical apparatus It is a sanctuary for the preservation and appreciation of old science instruments and philosophical apparatus. for the preservation and appreciation it is a sanctuary of old science instruments and philosophical apparatus. untuk memelihara dan menghargai tempat itu adalah peralatan sains yang sudah tua dan perlindungan alat filosofis Proses: Relasional, Petanda Nilai Sirkumstan: Sebab Identifikasi
Universitas Sumatera Utara
27. The fifth point of interest is Niagara’s Wax Museum of History. The fifth point of interest is Niagara’s Wax Museum of History. The fifth point of interest is Niagara’s Wax Museum of History. poin menarik kelima adalah museum lilin terkait sejarah Niagara Proses: Relasional, Petanda Nilai Identifikasi 28. Here, life-size wax figures portraying dramatic history of Niagara Falls are presented to guests. Here, life-size wax figures portraying dramatic history of Niagara Falls are presented to guests. life-size wax figures portraying dramatic here. Are presented to guest history of Niagara Falls di museum patung lilin ukuran hidup menampilkan yang kepada ini sejarah dramatis air terjun Niagara ditampilkan pengunjung Sirkumstan: Proses: Lokasi, Pelaku Gol Material Tempat 29. They can see Fort Niagara Scene, Indian Village, old store, blacksmith and barber shop scenes They can see Fort Niagara Scene, Indian Village, old store, blacksmith and barber shop scenes Fort Niagara scene, Indian village, old store, they can see blacksmith and barber shop scenes dapat pemandangan pelabuhan Niagara, kampung Indian, pengunjung menyaksikan pandai besi dan pemandangan tempat pangkas Proses: Petingkah laku Sirkumstan Masalah Tingkah Laku 30. and how electricity is made. and how electricity is made. and how electricity is made dan bagainana cara listrik dibuat Gol Proses: Material 31. Wax figures of Julia Roberts, Princess Diana and many more are displayed here, too. Wax figures of Julia Roberts, Princess Diana and many more are displayed here, too. Wax figures of Julia Roberts, are displayed here too Princess Diana and many more patung lilin Julia Roberts, Putri ditampilkan di sini juga Diana dan tokoh lainnya Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Gol Proses Material Tempat
Universitas Sumatera Utara
32. Finally, people can also enjoy Rainbow Air Helicopter Tours above and around the American and Canadian Falls. Finally, people can also enjoy Rainbow Air Helicopter Tours above and around the American and Canadian Falls. above and around can also Rainbow air finally people the American and enjoy helicopter tours Canadian falls tur helikopter udara di atas dan di sekitar juga bisa akhirnya pengunjung menyaksikan air terjun Amerika menikmati pelangi dan Kanada Sirkumstan: Petigkah Proses: Sirkumstan: Sirkumstan: Rentang, Laku Tingkah Laku Masalah Lingkungan waktu 33. The tours start from downtown, next to the entrance to the Rainbow Bridge, The tours start from downtown, next to the entrance to the Rainbow Bridge, next to the entrance to the the tours starts from downtown rainbow bridge tur dimulai dari bawah lalu masuk ke jembatan pelangi Proses: Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Sirkumstan: Penyerta, Petanda Relasional, Tempat Tambahan Identifikasi 34. and open from 9am to dusk when weather permits. and open from 9am to dusk when weather permits. and open from 9am to dusk when weather permits dan buka dari jam 9 sampai petang jika cuaca bagus Proses: Sirkumstan: Rentang, Relasional Sirkumstan: Penyerta Waktu Identifikasi 35. The tours operate every day from second weekend in May until October 31 The tours operate every day from second weekend in May until October 31st. the from second weekend in May operate every day tours until October 31st dari minggu kedua bulan Mei tur beroperasi tiap hari sampai tanggal 31 Oktober Proses: Relasional, Sirkumstan: Petanda Sirkumstan: Penyerta Identifikasi Rentang, Waktu
Universitas Sumatera Utara
36. The Niagara Falls are renowned both for their beauty and as a valuable source of hydroelectric power. The Niagara Falls are renowned both for their beauty and as a valuable source of hydroelectric power. The for their beauty and as a value Niagara are renowned both source of hydroelectric power falls air terjun sangat dari dua karena keindahannya dan karena Niagara terkenal segi sebagai sumber energi listrik Proses: Sirkumstan: Petanda Relasional, Nilai Sirkumstan: Sebab Masalah Identifikasi 37. Managing the balance between recreational, commercial, and industrial uses has been a challenge for the stewards of the falls since the 19th century. Managing the balance between recreational, commercial, and industrial uses has been a challenge for the stewards of the falls since the 19th century. balance Managing the balance between between recreational, recreational, has been has been a challenge commercial, and commercial, industrial uses and industrial uses mengatur keseimbangan untuk antara rekreasi, adalah tantangan pengelola sejak abad ke 19 komersial dan keperluan air terjun industri Proses: Sirkumstan: Sirkumstan: Petanda Relasional, Nilai Sebab Rentang, Waktu Identifikasi I. Proses No 1 Material
Jenis Proses
4 5 6
Verbal Wujud Tingkah Laku Total
Indentifikasi Atribut Kepemilikan Persepsi Afeksi Kognisi Kemauan
Jumlah 15 16 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 38
Persentase (%) 39.47 42.11 5.26 0.00 2.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.63 7.89 100
Universitas Sumatera Utara
II. Partisipan No Jenis Partisipan I 1 Pelaku 2 Pengindera 3 Petanda 4 Penyandang 5 Kepemilikan 6 Petingkah laku 7 Pembicara 8 Maujud Total No Jenis Partisipan II 1 Gol 2 Fenomena 3 Nilai 4 Atribut 5 Milik 6 Perkataan Total
Jumlah 9 0 15 2 0 3 0 1 30 Jumlah 11 1 11 2 0 0 25
III. Sirkumstan No Sirkumstan Waktu 1 Rentang Tempat Waktu 2 Lokasi Tempat 3 Sebab 4 Lingkungan 5 Penyerta 6 Peran 7 Masalah 8 Pandangan 9 Cara Total
Persentase (%) 30.00 0.00 50.00 6.67 0.00 10.00 0.00 3.33 100 Persentase (%) 44.00 4.00 44.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 100
Jumlah 6 1 0 12 4 0 7 0 6 0 3 39
Persentase (%) 15.38 2.56 0.00 30.77 10.26 0.00 17.95 0.00 15.38 0.00 7.69 100
Universitas Sumatera Utara
8. Teks 8 BI: The Secrets of Stonehenge 1. All over the globe Are historical mysteries left to us by the ancient world – lost civilizations, abandoned cities, and puzzling monuments. All over the globe Are historical mysteries left to us by the ancient world – lost civilizations, abandoned cities, and puzzling monuments. historical by ancient world - lost civilizations, All over are mysteries left to abandoned cities and puzzling the globe us monuments oleh manusia zaman dulu berupa hampir di misteri sejarah peradaban yang hilang, kota yang seluruh yang diwariskan ditinggalkan, dan monumen yang dunia penuh teka-teki Proses: Relasional Penanda Nilai Sirkumstan: Penyerta Identifikasi 2. One unexplained mystery that has both inspired One unexplained mystery that has both inspired one unexplained mystery that has both inspired salah satu misteri yang tidak terungkap yang menginspirasi Pelaku Proses: Material 3. and mystified modern man for centuries is Stonehenge and mystified modern man for centuries is Stonehenge. and mystified modern man for centuries is Stonehenge dan menyimpan misteri bagi manusia modern untuk abad ini adalah Stonehenge Proses: Material Gol Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Waktu 4. Though it is one of the best-known artifacts in the world, Though it is one of the best-known artifacts in the world, one of the best-known though it is in the world artifacts meskipun itu adalah salah satu artefak terbaik di dunia Proses: Relasional, Sirkumstan: Petanda Nilai Indentifikasi Lokasi, Tempat 5. we have no definitive idea of why it was built and what it was actually used for. we have no definitive idea of why it was built and what it was actually used for. of why it was what it was we have no definite idea and built actually used for untuk apa itu kita tidak tahu pasti kenapa dan dibangun Poses: Relasional, Sirkumstan: Sirkumstan: Pemilik Miliki Kepemilikan Sebab Masalah
Universitas Sumatera Utara
6. Today, however, two new investigations may offer some answers Today, however, two new investigations may offer some answers two new today, however may offer some answer investigation dua beberapa saat ini bagaimanapun investigasi menawarkan jawaban baru Sirkumstan: Sirkumstan: Cara Pembicara Proses: Verbal Perkataan Lokasi, Waktu 7. The first theory begins with findings being unearthed not at Stonehenge, but at a location nearby. The first theory begins with findings being unearthed not at Stonehenge but at a location nearby. with finding not ate Stonehenge but at a the first theory begins being unearthed location nearby dengan temuan tapi bukan di Stonehenge tapi di teori pertama adalah hasil penggalian dekat lokasi Stonehenge Proses: Relasional Sirkumstan: Penyandang Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat Atribut Penyerta 8. Archeologist Mike Parker Pearson and his colleagues have been studying an area about three kilometers (two miles) northeast of Stonehenge. Archeologist Mike Parker Pearson and his colleagues have been studying an area about three kilometers (two miles) northeast of Stonehenge. archeologist Mike Parker have been about three kilometers (two Pearson and his an area studying miles) northeast of Stonehenge colleagues ahli arkeologi, Mike telah sebuah area sekitar 3 km dari Stonehenge Parker dan rekannya meneliti Proses: Pelaku Gol Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat Material 9. Here stands Durrington Walls – a structure similar to Stonehenge but about 20 times larger Here stands Durrington Walls – a structure similar to Stonehenge but about 20 times larger Durrington a structure similar to Stonehenge but here stands Walls about 20 times larger dinding struktur mirip dengan Stonhenge tapi 20 di sini berdiri Durrington kali lebih besar Sirkumstan: Proses: Gol Sirkumstan: Penyerta Lokasi, Tempat Material
Universitas Sumatera Utara
10. In and around Durrington Walls were three circular structures made of wood In and around Durrington Walls were three circular structures made of wood in and around Durrington three circular structures were Walls made of wood di dalam dan sekitar tiga struktur lingkaran terdapat Durrington Walls yang terbuat dari kayu Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat Proses: Relasional, Identifikasi Nilai 11. Evidence suggests Evidence suggests Evidence suggest bukti-bukti mengarah pada kesimpulan Pelaku Proses: Material 12. that these wooden circles were holy places, or perhaps the residences of important officials who cared for Durrington that these wooden circles were holy places, or perhaps the residences of important officials who cared for Durrington. that these wooden circles were holy places bahwa lingkaran kayu ini adalah tempat suci Petanda Proses: relasional, Identifikasi Nilai 13. Outside Durrington Walls, Parker Pearson and his colleagues have also recently discovered a village of up to 300 houses which date back more than 4,500 years. Outside Durrington Walls, Parker Pearson and his colleagues have also recently discovered a village of up to 300 houses which date back more than 4,500 years. Parker a village of up to Outside Pearson have 300 houses which Durrington recently discovered and his also date back more than Walls, colleagues 4,500 years sebuah desa yang di luar lokasi Paerker berisi lebih dari 300 Durrington dan baru-baru ini menemukan rumah yang sudah Walls rekannya berumur 4.500 tahun Sirkumstan: Sirkumstan: Proses: Lokasi, Pelaku Rentang, Gol Material Tempat Waktu
Universitas Sumatera Utara
14. What do the findings at Durrington Walls have to do with Stonehenge? What do the findings at Durrington Walls have to do with Stonehenge? What do the findings at Durrington Walls have to do with Stonehenge apa hubungannya antara hasil temuan di dengan Stonehenge? Durrington Wall Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Sirkumstan: Masalah Proses: Material Tempat 15. Parker Pearson believes there is a connection between the two places, Parker Pearson believes there is a connection between the two places, Parker Pearson believes there is a connection between the two places Parker Pearson meyakini bahwa ada keterkaitan antara dua tempat itu Pengindera Proses: Mental, Kognisi Fenomena 16. and he cites his recent studies of the Malagasy cultures in Madagaskar to help explain his theory. and he cites his recent studies of the Malagasy cultures in Madagaskar to help explain his theory. his recent study of the in Madagaskar to help explain his and he cites Malagasy cultures theory hasil penelitian tentang budaya Malagasy di dan diapun mengutip terbarunya Madagaskar Proses: Pelaku Gol Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat Material 17. In Malagasy culture, stone is a symbol of hardened bones and death. In Malagasy culture, stone is a symbol of hardened bones and death. a symbol of hardened bones in Malagasy culture stone is and death simbol tulang yang keras dan dalam budaya Malagasy batu itu kematian Proses: Relasional, Sirkumstan: Masalah Petanda Nilai Identifikasi 18. Wood, in contrast, is associated with life Wood, in contrast, is associated with life wood in constrast is associated kayu kebalikannya adalah melambangkan Proses: Relasional, Petanda Sirkumstan: Cara Nilai Atribut
with life pada kehidupan Sirkumstan: Pandangan
Universitas Sumatera Utara
19. Using this model, Parker Pearson sees associations between the wooden structures of Durrington and the hard monument of Stonehenge. Using this model, Parker Pearson sees associations between the wooden structures of Durrington and the hard monument of Stonehenge. Association between the wooden using this Parker sees structures of Durrington and the hard model Pearson monument of Stonehenge dengan adanya saling keterkaitan antara struktur Parker pakai melihat kayu Durrington dengan monumen batu Perseon model ini Stonehenge Sirkumstan: Petingkah Proses: Sirkumstan: Cara Cara Laku Tingkah Laku 20. Durrington, in this new theory, is the domain of the living, while Stonehenge is a place of the dead. Durrington, in this new theory, is the domain of the living, while Stonehenge is a place of the dead. Durrington in this theory is the domain of the living adalah tempat sementara Stonehenge Durrington berdasarkan teori ini kehidupan adalah tempat kematian Proses: Relasional, Petanda Sirkumstan: Masalah Nilai Identifikasi 21. In Wales, about 400 kilometers (250 miles) west of Stonehenge, archeologists have another theory about why the monument was built and what it was used for In Wales, about 400 kilometers (250 miles) west of Stonehenge, archeologists have another theory about why the monument was built and what it was used for. about 400 about why the kilometers (250 another monument was in Wales archeologists have miles) west of theory built and whats Stonehenge, it was used for berjarak sekitar tentang kenapa 400 km (250 para monumen di Wales punya teori lain mil) sebelah arkeologis dibangun dan barat Stonehenge untuk apa Sirkumstan: Proses: Sirkumstan: Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Pemilik Relasional, Miliki Penyerta Masalah Tempat Kepemilikan 22. In this region of Wales are the Preseli Mountains. In this region of Wales are the Preseli Mountains. in this region of Wales are the preseli mountains di negara bagian Wales ini terdapat beberapa gunung Preseli Sirkumstan: Lokasi, Tempat Proses: Relasional, Identifikasi Nilai
Universitas Sumatera Utara
23. Archeologists have traced the origin of Stonehenge’s oldest stones (often referred to as “bluestones” because of their appearance when wet) to this site. Archeologists have traced the origin of Stonehenge’s oldest stones (often referred to as “bluestones” because of their appearance when wet) to this site. the origin of Stonehenge’s oldest have stones (often referred to as archeologists to this site traced “bluestones” because of their appearance when wet) asal muasal batu purba Stonehenge telah di lokasi/situs para erkeolog (yang juga sering disebut 'batu biru' melacak ini karena tampilannya di saat basah) Proses: Sirkumstan: Pelaku Gol Material Lokasi, Tempat 24. Stonehenge was one of the last great monuments built in ancient England. Stonehenge was one of the last great monuments built in ancient England. one of the last great Stonehenge was mountaints built in ancient England salah satu monumen Stonehenge adalah mengagumkan yang di bangun di era Inggris kuno Proses: Relasional, Sirkumstan: Petanda Identifikasi Nilai Rentang, Waktu 25. It was abandoned about 3,500 years ago, It was abandoned about 3,500 years ago, and because its creators wrote no texts to explain it, they have left us forever with one of history’s great puzzles to solve. it was Abandoned about 3,500 years ago ditinggalkan sejak 3.500 tahun yang Stonehenge sudah lalu Proses: Relasional, Sirkumstan: Rentang, Waktu Petanda Identifikasi 26. and because its creators wrote no texts to explain it, they have left us forever with one of history’s great puzzles to solve. and because its creators wrote no texts to explain it, they have left us forever with one of history’s great puzzles to solve. because its with one of and creators wrote no they have left us forever history's great texts to explain it puzzle to solve karena berupa salah penciptanya tidak satu teka-teki telah dan meninggalkan teks mereka kita selamanya sejarah paling meninggalkan penjelasan rumit untuk sedikitpun dipecahkan Sirkumstan: Proses: Sirkumstan: Sirkumstan: Sebab Pelaku Gol Rentang, Material Penyerta Waktu
Universitas Sumatera Utara
I. Proses No Jenis Proses 1 Material Identifikasi 2 Relasional Atribut Kepemilikan Persepsi Afeksi 3 Mental Kognisi Kemauan 4 Verbal 5 Wujud 6 Tingkah Laku Total II. Partisipan No Jenis Partisipan I 1 Pelaku 2 Pengindera 3 Petanda 4 Penyandang 5 Kepemilikan 6 Petingkah laku 7 Pembicara 8 Maujud Total No Jenis Partisipan II 1 Gol 2 Fenomena 3 Nilai 4 Atribut 5 Milik 6 Perkataan Total
Jumlah 7 1 8 1 2 2 1 0 22 Jumlah 7 1 9 1 1 1 20
Jumlah 10 10 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 27
Persentase (%) 37.04 37.04 3.70 7.41 0.00 0.00 3.70 0.00 3.70 0.00 7.41 100
Persentase (%) 31.82 4.55 36.36 4.55 9.09 9.09 4.55 0.00 100 Persentase (%) 35 5 45 5 5 5 100
Universitas Sumatera Utara
III. Sirkumstan No Sirkumstan Waktu 1 Rentang Tempat Waktu 2 Lokasi Tempat 3 Sebab 4 Lingkungan 5 Penyerta 6 Peran 7 Masalah 8 Pandangan 9 Cara Total
Jumlah 3 0 3 11 2 0 5 0 5 1 4 34
Persentase (%) 8.82 0.00 8.82 32.35 5.88 0.00 14.71 0.00 14.71 2.94 11.76 100
Universitas Sumatera Utara