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FATHURRAZIE SHADIQ NIM: 35095015 Program Studi Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air
ABSTRAK KAJIAN ARUS PERAIRAN PANTAI SEMARANG PENDEKATAN PEMODELAN NUMERIK TIGA DIMENSI Oleh Fathurrazie Shadiq NIM: 35095015 Penerapan model hidrodinamika tiga dimensi dilakukan dalam kajian sirkulasi arus diperairan pantai Semarang dengan pendekatan pemakaian model numerik semi implisit POM (Pricenton Ocean Model) yang dikembangkan Alan Blumberg dan Mellor (1977). Penyesuian parameter parameter dalam model dan perbaikan penanganan syarat batas disertai pemakaian grid model curvilinier dilakukan untuk meyakinkan bahwa pemodelan tiga dimensi untuk perairan laut dalam, bisa dipergunakan juga untuk perairan dangkal, seperti daerah perairan pantai. Prosedure model bersarang (nested technique) ditempuh dengan pembagian domain atas model besar dan model kecil, untuk mendapatkan keakuratan hasil dari pemberlakuan syarat batas terbuka yang dipilih. Hasil simulasi sirkulasi arus pengaruh pasang surut, angin, debit sungai Tambak Lorok, inletoutlet PLTGU menunjukan bahwa pada musim kemarau: kecepatan arus perairan pantai semarang berkisar 0,08-0,40 m/det dipermukaan, 0,050,29 m/det ditengah kedalaman dan 0, 05—0,10 m/det dilapisan dekat dasar, sedangkan pada musim hujan terdapat interval kecepatan arus dipermukaan sebesar 0.080.45 m/det, ditengah kedalaman sebesar 0.050.34 m/det dan 0,050,13 m/det pada lapisan dekat dasar. Pola sirkulasi arus hasil simulasi menujukan kesesuaian arah dengan data lapangan sesaat utamanya dizona lepas pantai walaupun magnitudonya lebih kecil dari data observasi untuk kedua musim baik musim kemarau dan musim hujan. Hasil simulasi arus dekat pantai masih memperlihatkan perbedaan arah dan magnitudo dengan data observasi dikarenakan penanganan syarat batas tertutup (daratan) belum menggambarkan fenomena yang ada. Kata kunci: pemodelan hidrodinamika 3D, model numerik POM, curvilinier grid, model bersarang (nested technique).
ABSTRACT THE STUDY OF CURRENT CIRCULATION AT SEMARANG COASTAL WATERS. THREE-DIMENSIONAL NUMERICAL MODELING APROACH by Fathurrazie Shadiq NIM: 35095015 The model of three-dimensional hydrodynamics was applied to study the current sirculation at Semarang coastal water, by using Princeton Ocean Model (POM) which created by Alan Blumberg and George L.Mellor (1977). The parameter adjustment in the model and perfective handle for initial boundary conditions which apply curvilinier grid model have give us the information that using POM model also could made application on the shallow water area. The model was simulated by using nested technique procedure where divided the domain became large and small model to give some value from applied open boundary condition accurately. Simulation result shows that circulation of total current due to a tidal, wind induced currents, a discharge from outlet/inlet PLTGU plan and BKT river , at dry season condition with the range of velocity 0.08-0.40 m/s at surface; 0.05-0.29 m/s at half of the depth and 0.05-0.10 m/s near the bottom. Since rainy season condition with the range of velocity 0.08-0.45 m/s at surface, 0.05-0. 34 m/s at half of the depth and 0.05-0.13 m/s ner the bottom. The pattent of total current simulation agree with observation, especially at offshore, but the magnitude is smaller than observation data in which at both season condition i.e. east monsoon (dry season) and west monsoon (rainy season). Near the coastal, simulation result was not agreed with observation data because the boundary condition on the land or on the structure have not been describing the phenomena. Keywords: Tree-dimensional hydrodynamics modeling, numerical ocean model, curvilinier grid, nested technique.