Jméno autora: Mgr. Alena Chrastinová Datum vytvoření: 30.9.2013 Číslo DUMu: VY_32_INOVACE_16_AJ_CON_2 Ročník: II. Anglický jazyk Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor: cizí jazyk – anglický jazyk Tematický okruh: Téma: Health and medical care - part 3 Metodický list/anotace: Materiál je určen ke konverzaci na téma ZDRAVÍ A LÉKAŘSKÁ PÉČE. Lze jej využít i v jiných ročnících dle jazykové úrovně žáků.
Následující DUM slouží ke konverzaci na téma ZDRAVÍ A LÉKAŘSKÁ PÉČE. Každý z následujících snímků obsahuje obrázek , který může být jako první krok žáky popsán - bez předchozí přípravy. (What can you see in the picture?) Jako další krok se po kliknutí objeví otázky k danému obrázku jedna po druhé a jako reakce na další kliknutí žáci spatří pomocnou slovní zásobu. Na jejím základě a za využití slovníků si mohou připravit detailnější odpovědi s vědomím, že krokem zpět pak pomocná tabulka zmizí a jejich úkolem bude odpovídat na zadané otázky již zpaměti, pokud možno za využití uvedené slovní zásoby.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
want to see take check feel listen to ask about define give write
listen to
give define
ask about want to see
1. What can you see in the pictures? What usually happens there before you enter the surgery? 2. What does the doctor want us to do before and during the examination? What does he do and what information does he need? 3. How often do you go the the G.P., to the dentist´s and oculist´s? SOME MORE VOCABULARY TO HELP YOU dental check up / have a painful tooth / a rotten tooth / uneven teeth / wisdom tooth / sound teeth / a tooth comes loose / have poor eyesight / my eyes are sore /
1. Do you agree with the proverb? Why yes? Why no? 2. Have you or some of your friends or relatives ever been seriously ill or injured? Have you been operated on? - What was wrong with you? Say a word ot two about it. 3. How often do you go to your GP and why? 4. Do you suffer from flu when there is an epidemic? Describe its symptoms. 5. What would you recommend someone with a cold or flu? 6. What should we do to prevent falling ill? be involved in an accident - zaplést se do dopravní nehody / be attacked by / get into a fight at the pub / have minor or severe burns / scald one´s hand badly when cooking / have a nasty fall from the bike or horse / be taken to hospital with a concussion / lose consciousness / hit one´s head against st. / sprain one´s ankle / injure oneself in the gym / operate on sb for st (e.g. appendicitis , brain tumour, hernia, broken leg) / be operated on for / feeling pain in the joints / weekness / lack of appetite / tiredness / herbal tea / balanced diet / sufficient sleep / exercise regularly / dress warmly / have a shot of brandy every morning /
WHY SOULDN´T WE SMOKE? 1. Smoking is harmless and what´s more, it´s good for the nerves. 2. Medical research proved that cigarettes are dangerous. 3. The nicotine which they contain increases the risk of coronary heart diseases. 4. We all have to die of something. So why to bother? 5. Smoking three or four cigarettes a day will do you no harm. 6. If you feel like having a snack you can have a smoke instead. You won´t put on weight. 7. Smoking is a chief cause of lung cancer and chronic bronchitis. 8. There are lots of people who died of cancer although they had never smoked. So why not to enjoy my beloved cigarette?
HOW TO LIVE TO BE 100 ? 1. 2. 3. 4.
What should your diet be like? Leading an active lifestyle is essential. It means Avoiding stress stands for Your attitude to life can be expressed by one of the following sayings
You should • forget about calories • cut down on sweets and chocolate • not eat wholemeal bread
refusing to learn new things • finding time for yourself and your relaxation • submitting to other peple thus avoiding arguments
eating nothing in the morning • working hard in a fitness center at least once a day (being a fitness fanatic) • doing a sporting activity you like regularly
• • • •
Easy come, easy go. Time is money. Laughter is the best medicine. He laughs last, who laughs best.
ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS: 1. What health facilities are there in the town you live in?
Health center / policlinic / hospital / night emergency service / spa
2. What diseases have you had so far?
Chicken pox / measles / mumps / otitis / indigestion / constipation
3. What illnesses do old people suffer from? 4. What injuries can happen at home and during sports activities?
High blood pressure / insomnia / diabetes / defective hearing / overweight / heart diseases Have a fracture / break st. / cut one´s finger on a knife / burn one´s hand on an iron / sprain an ankle / tear a leg muscle / scrape a knee / slip / fall over / brain concussion /
1. Should medical research be carried out by private companies ? 2. Under what circumstances would you allow an organ to be removed from your body? 3. What´s EUTHANASIA? Whould you be for or against it? What could be the consequances? 4. Do you approve of cosmetic surgery? What is it good for? DONATE AN ORGAN TO SB. - darovat orgán někomu / FOR GENERAL MEDICAL PURPOSES - pro obecné medicínské účely / AFTER DEATH - po smrti / TO SAFE SOMEONE ELSE´S LIFE - zachránit život někoho jiného / INCURABLE - nevyléčitelný / UNBEARABLE SUFFERING nesnesitelné utrpení / MISUSE - zneužít, zneužití / BURNED VICTIMS - popálené oběti / COSMETIC CHANGES - kosmetické změny
Citace a odkazy Zdroj obrázků: MS Office, Verze : 14.0.6129.5000.
Literatura a zdroje Elzbieta Manko (české vydání Ivana Langerová) - Angličtina Maturitní příprava, INFOA, 2007, ISBN 978-80-7240-549-7 Mgr. Dagmar EI-Hmoudová - Angličtina-pro střední školy, edice Maturita, Nakladatelství Petra Velanová, Třebíč 2006, ISBN 80-86873-02-1 Mgr. Martina Hovorková a kol. - FRAUS ilustrovaný tematický slovník anglicko - český, Nakladatelství FRAUS, Plzeň 2007, ISBN 078-80-7238-665-9 Tim Falla, Paul A Davies - Maturita Solutions, Intermediate, Student´s Book, Oxford University Press, 2013, ISBN 978-0-19-455183-0 Vlastní věty autorky DUMu.