A. CURRICULUM VITEAE 1. Name 2. POB/DOB 3. Office Address 4.
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Home Addtress
: Prof. Dr. BasukiWidodo, MSc. : Surabaya,5th June 1965 : Mathematics Department of FMIPA-ITS Kampus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya 60111 Telp: (031)5943354 / Fax: (031) 5996506 :
[email protected] +628155254492 : Jl. Teknik Komputer Blok U-1 Surabaya Telp: (031)5915567 : a. Professor of Mathematical Modelling and Simulation b. Member of ITS Advisory Council (Dewan Pertimbangan ITS) c. Chief of Mathematics Department-ITS Advisory Commission d. Chief of Indonesian Mathematical Society for East Java
B. Academic 1. Speciliasation 2.
TITLE Undergraduate /graduated year
: Computational Fluid Dynamics, Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Methods, Numerical Simulation, Applied Mathematics
: Kajian Struktur Aljabar dari Himpunan-Himpunan Homomorphisma atas Ring Komutatif dengan Unsur Satuan / Matematika ITS-1988. Master Thesis / graduated year : Free Surface Fluid Flow in an Arbitrary Shaped Channel /CFD Leeds Univ. UK- 1996. PhD Dissertation / graduated year : The Application of Boundary Integral Method on Free Surface Fluid Flow Problems /CFD Leeds Univ. UK- 2000. Post – Doctoral : Numerical Computation, TU WIEN, Vienna, Austria – 2006.
Scientific Work and Year
1. Basuki Widodo (1997) : “The free surface fluid flow over a step of an arbitrary shape in a channel” Journal of Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements (EABE) vol. 19, pp. 299-308 2. Basuki Widodo (1999) : “Flow induced by a submerged line sink in a three-layer fluid under the effects of both gravity and surface tension at infinite Froude numbers”, International Series on Advance in Boundary Elements, 6: Boundary Elements XXI Conference in Oxford-U.K., (eds. Brebbia, C.A. and Power, H.) volume 21, pp. 387396, WIT Press, Southampton, U.K. 3. Basuki Widodo (2001) : “Withdrawal of Fluid Through A Submerged Line Sink From A Three Layer Fluid Under Effects of Both Gravity And Surface Tension At Infinite Froude Numbers”, Journal Technology Industry Dan Information - UBAYA hal. 86-91. 4. Basuki Widodo (2002) : “Profil Permukaan Bebas Dari Aliran Fluida Di Atas Gundukan Dalam Saluran Terbuka Di Bawah Pengaruh Gravitasi Dan Tegangan Permukaan”, Jurnal NATURAL UNIBRAW, Vol. 6 Edisi Khusus, januari 2002, hal. 68 – 76.
5. Basuki Widodo (2003) : “Pengembangan Model Matematika Penyerapan CO2 Oleh Tanaman Glodogan di Tiga Jalan Kota Madya Surabaya”, Jurnal Teknologi dan Lingkungan (TEKNOLING) – Pusat Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup LPPM-ITS, Vol. 1-No. 1/Juli 2003, hal 13 – 21. 6. Basuki Widodo (2003) : “Pengaruh Gravitasi dan Tegangan Permukaan Pada Aliran Fluida Di Atas Gundukan Dalam saluran Terbuka”, Jurnal Matematika Dan Komputer Vol 6 No1, hal 27-40, Jurusan Matematika FMIPA Univ. Diponegoro Semarang. 7. Basuki Widodo (2003) : “Aplikasi Teknik Integral Batas (TIB) Pada Aliran Fluida Di Permukaan Bebas”, Majalah IPTEK – ITS Volume 14, No. 4, November 2003, hal 165-173. 8. Basuki Widodo (2004) : “Model Matematika Dan Analisanya Dari Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Air Bersih Di Suatu Kompleks Perumahan", Jurnal Limits (Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications), Vol. 1, Nomor 1, Mei 2004, Department of Mathematics – ITS, hal. 63 – 68. 9. Sardjana dan Basuki Widodo (2004) : “Peramalan Program FORTRAN Terhadap Kematian Ibu Di Rumah Sakit Kelas C Jawa Timur (2005-2010) Berdasarkan Variabel-Variabel Dominan”, Jurnal STATISTIKA , Jurusan Statistika FMIPA – Univ. Islam Bandung, Vol. 4 No.2 November 2004, hal. 167- 172. 10. Nieke Karnaningrum, Nadjadji Anwar, Basuki Widodo, Wahyono Hadi, Ediyatno dan Sri Wulandari (2004) : ”Penyebaran Polutan Di Sungai Dengan Aliran Horizontal 2 (Dua) Dimensi Dengan Metode Beda Hingga Eksplisit”, Jurnal Teknologi dan Lingkungan (TEKNOLING) – Pusat Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup LPPMITS, Vol. 2-No. 2/Juli 2004, hal 36 – 47. 11. Basuki Widodo, Retti Kartika B. (2005) : “Analisa Distribusi Panas Pada Alat Pengering Rumput Laut (Studi Kadus Pada Alat Pengering Rumput Laut di Situbondo)”, Jurnal Matematika, Jurusan Matematika FMIPA – Universitas Diponegoro Semarang, Volume 8, Nomor 2, Agustus 2005, hal 47 - 53 12. Nieke Karnaningrum, Nadjadji Anwar, Basuki Widodo, Aditya Mahjarani dan Retno Winahyu (2005) :“Modelling Matematika Aliran Di Sungai Dengan Metode Beda Hingga”, Jurnal Purifikasi, Agustus 2005 T. Lingkungan - FTSP –ITS, Vol. 6 Nomor 1, hal 85 - 90. 13. Nieke Karnaningrum, Nadjadji Anwar, Wahyono Hadi, Ediyatno, Basuki Widodo dan Farhan Nizam'iar (2005) : ”Penerapan Metode Beda Hingga Pada Dispersi Polutan”, Jurnal Aksial, Vol. 7 Nomor 1, April 2005 Majalah Ilmiah Teknik Sipil – Teknik Sipil FT – Univ. Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, hal. 57 – 70. 14. Basuki Widodo (2006) : “Simulasi Model Penyebaran Polutan Di Sungai Pada Aliran Laminer", Jurnal Aksial, Vol. 7 Nomor 3, Desember 2005 Majalah Ilmiah Teknik Sipil – Teknik Sipil FT – Univ. Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, hal. 179 - 188.
15. Nieke Karnaningroem, Nadjadji Anwar, Basuki Widodo, Wahyono Hadi, Ediyatno, Sri Wulandari, Farhan Nizam'iar dan Aditya Maharani (2006) : “Hydrodinamic of Pollutant Dispersion in River“,Majalah IPTEK – ITS Volume 17, No. 4, November 2006, hal 136-146. 16. Basuki Widodo (2006) : “Simulasi Model Pengaruh Sudut Pertemuan Sungai Utama Dan Anak Sungai Terhadap Profil Perubahan Sedimen Pasir Pada Daerah Pertemuan Sungai", Jurnal Aksial, Vol. 8 Nomor 3, Desember 2006, Majalah Ilmiah Teknik Sipil – Teknik Sipil FT – Univ. Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, hal. 198-204. 17. Basuki Widodo, Arif Fatahillah dan Tri Rahayuningsih (2011): “ Numerical Solution of Iron Corrosion Problem Based on Condensation Chemical Property”, InternationalJournal of Basics and Applied Sciences,5(1): 79-86, Januari 2011.
NATIONAL CONFERENCE Basuki Widodo (2001) : “Penerapan Teknik Integral Batas (TIB) Pada Aliran Fluida Di Permukaan Bebas Untuk Identifikasi Gelombang Pertama Kali Terjadi”, Pros. Seminar Nasional Pasca Sarjana ITS Surabaya. Basuki Widodo (2002) : “Pengaruh Gravitasi Dan Tegangan Permukaan Pada Aliran Fluida Di Atas Gundukan Dalam Saluran Terbuka”, Pros. Seminar Nasional Dalam Rangka Konferda Himpunan Matematika Indonesia Wilayah Jawa Tengah dan DIY, UNDIP Semarang. Basuki Widodo (2002) : “Aplikasi Teknik Integral Batas (TIB) Pada Aliran Fluida di Permukaan Bebas”, Pros. Seminar Nasional Dalam Rangka Konferda Himpunan Matematika Indonesia Wilayah Jawa Tengah dan DIY, UNDIP Semarang. Basuki Widodo (2003) : “Distribusi Suhu Pada Cincin Berongga Dengan Sirip Yang Berpenampang Bujur Sangkar”, Pros. Seminar Nasional Kejuangan Teknik Kimia 2003 – UPN Veteran, Yogjakarta. Basuki Widodo (2003) : “Model Matematika Penyerapan CO2 Oleh Tanaman Glodogan Tiang Dalam Rangka Membantu Program Langit Biru Di Surabaya”, Pros. Seminar Nasional Dalam Rangka Konferda Himpunan Matematika Indonesia Wilayah Jawa Tengah dan DIY, FMIPA Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta 15 Maret 2003. Basuki Widodo (2003) : “Penyelesaian Numerik Dari Permasalahan Aliran Fluida Di Permukaan Bebas Di Atas Gundukan Berbentuk Sebarang Dalam Suatu Kanal”, Pros. Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Statistika, jurusan statistika FMIPA-ITS, Surabaya 11 Oktober 2003. Basuki Widodo (2003) : “Aliran Fluida Di Permukaan Bebas Yang Dipengaruhi Oleh Gravitasi Dan Tegangan Permukaan”, Pros. Seminar Nasional Perkembangan dan Aplikasi Teknologi Lingkungan Dalam Menghadapi Era Global, Auditorium PDAM Surabaya 1 – 2 Oktober 2003. Basuki Widodo (2004) : “Analisa Proses Absorpsi CO2 Dengan H2O Di Dalam Packed Column Secara Isotermis”, Pros. Seminar Nasional Perkembangan Riset dan Teknologi di Bidang Industri, PAU Ilmu Teknik UGM, Yogyakarta 18 – 19 Mei 2004.
9. Basuki Widodo, Vonny Yuliani dan Joanita Saputri (2004) : “Penyelesaian Numerik Dari Model Proses Absorpsi NH3 Dengan H2O Di Dalam Packed Column Secara Isotermis”, Pros. Seminar Nasional KMN XII , Jurusan Matematika –FMIPA UDAYANA, Denpasar Bali 23 –27 Juli 2004. 10. Basuki Widodo dan Tri Rahayuningsih (2004) : “Konstruksi Model Matematika Dari Proses tangkapan CO2 Dalam Rangka Penataan Ruang Hijau Guna Perlindungan Udara dan Publik Kota Surabaya”, Pros. Seminar Nasional Basic Science 1, Malang 17 Januari 2004. 11. Nieke Karnaningrum, Nadjaji Anwar, Basuki Widodo, Wahyono Hadi, Ediyatno dan Wulandari (2004) : “Penyeberan Polutan di Sungai Dengan Aliran Horizontal 2 (dua) Dimensi Dengan Metode Beda Hingga Eksplisit”, Pros. Seminar Nasional Lingkungan Hidup di Pusat KLH-LPPM ITS, Surabaya 16 Juni 2004. 12. Minarni Nur Trilita,Nadjadji Anwar dan Basuki Widodo (2004) : “Model Matematik Morfologi Sungai”, Pros. Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana IV 2004, ITS Surabaya, 24 - 25 Agustus 2004. 13. Nieke Karnaningrum, Nadjadji Anwar, Wahyono Hadi, Ediyatno, Basuki Widodo, Sri Wulandari (2004) : “Pola Penyebaran Polutan di Sungai Dengan Aliran Horisontal 2 Dimensi”, Pros. Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana IV 2004, ITS Surabaya, 24 - 25 Agustus 2004. 14. Nieke Karnaningrum, Nadjadji Anwar, Wahyono Hadi, Basuki Widodo, Ediyatno (2004) : “Metode Matematik Beda Hingga Pada Hidrodinamika Penyebaran Polutan di Sungai”, Pros. Seminar Nasional Penanganan Banjir, ITS Surabaya, 29 September 2004. 15. Basuki Widodo (2005) : “Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Potensi Sumber Daya Lokal Bidang Pertanian di Jawa Timur”, Pros. Semiloka Nasional Pengentasan Daerah Tertinggal Melalui Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Yang Berbasis Teknologi, ITS Surabaya, 25 April 2005. 16. Wahyu Fistia D., Basuki Widodo, Nieke Karnaningroem (2005) : “Stabilitas Numerik Dari Solusi Model Aliran Air Di Sungai Dalam Dua Dimensi Dalam Kondisi Tak Tunak”, Pros. Seminar Nasional Matematika, UNS – Solo, 7 Mei 2005. 17. Aditya Maharani, Basuki Widodo, Nieke Karnaningroem (2005) : “Aplikasi Metode LEAP FROG Pada Model Aliran Air Di Sungai Pada Kondisi Tidak Tunak Dalam Dimensi Dua”, Pros. Seminar Nasional Matematika, UNS – Solo, 7 Mei 2005. 18. Basuki Widodo (2005) : “Analisa Distribusi Panas Pada Alat Pengering Rumput Laut (Studi Kasus Pada Alat Pengering Rumput Laut di Situbondo)”, Pros. SemNas Matematika, Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNDIP, 27 Agustus 2005. 19. Retno Dewi, Joni Hermana dan Basuki Widodo (2005) : “Penerapan Gaussian Line Source Model Pada Perumusan Strategi Pengelolaan Pencemar CO Akibat Aktifitas Transportasi di Jalan Ahmad Yani Kota Surabaya”, Pros. Seminar Nasional Rekayasa Perencanaan IV, hal. C- 7 - 1 - C - 7 – 8, ITS Surabaya, 21 Juli 2005. 20. M. Irfan, Joni Hermana, Basuki Widodo (2005) : “Penerapan Gaussian Line Source Model Pada Aktivitas Transportasi Di Jln. Akhmad Yani Surabaya Untuk Perumusan Strategi Pengelolaan Pencemar Partikel (PM10 )”, Pros. Seminar
Nasional Pascasarjana V 2005, hal. A2-1 - A2-7, ITS Surabaya, 2 Agustus 2005. 21. Supama dan Basuki Widodo (2005) : “Aplikasi Metode Integral Batas Pada Aliran Fluida Di Permukaan Bebas Terinduksi Lubang Penghisap Dalam Fluida Berlapis Tiga Yang Dipengaruhi Gravitasi Dan Viscousitas” , Pros. Seminar Nasional Matematika & Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam 2005, hal. MA 1-1 - MA 1-8, UNNES, Semarang, 10 Desember 2005. 22. Cicik Indahyani dan Basuki Widodo (2005) : “Model Matematika Dari Aliran Fluida Permukaan Bebas Lapis Tiga Yang Terinduksi Oleh Lubang Penghisap Dan Dipengaruhi Tegangan Permukaan”, Pros. Seminar Nasional Matematika & Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam 2005, hal. MA 2-1 - MA 2-8, UNNES, Semarang, 10 Desember 2005. 23. Mukhaimy Gazali dan Basuki Widodo (2006) : “Pembuatan Sofware Radar Cross Section Target”, Pros. Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana VI 2006, ITS Surabaya, 1 Agustus 2006. 24. Basuki Widodo (2006) : “Pengaruh Tegangan Permukaan Terhadap Profil Aliran Fluida Pada Permukaan Bebas Yang Terinduksi Oleh Lubang Penghisap Dalam Fluida Berlapis Tiga Dengan Bilangan Froude Permukaan Bebas Atas Lebih Besar Dari Bilangan Froude Permukaan Bebas Bawah (FR1> FR2)”, Pros. Seminar Nasional SPMIPA 2006, hal. 15 – 21, UNDIP, Semarang, 9 September 2006. 25. Basuki Widodo (2006) : “Aplikasi Metode Integral Batas Dalam Penentuan Pengaruh Perubahan Bilangan Froude Dan Reynolds Pada Aliran Fluida Di Permukaan Bebas Yang Terinduksi Lubang Penghisap Dalam Fluida Berlapis Tiga”, Pros. Seminar Nasional Matematika 2006, ITS Surabaya, 25 Nopember 2006. INTERNASIONAL CONFERENCE 1. Basuki Widodo (1997) : “The free surface fluid flow over a step in a channel under the effects of gravity and surface tension”, Proceeding First U.K Conference on Boundary Integral Methods, (eds. Elliott, L., Ingham, D.B. and Lesnic, D.), pp. 287-296, Leeds University Press, U.K 2. Basuki Widodo (1998) : “The critical local Froude number for which waves first occur on the free surface fluid flow over a step in a channel under the effect of gravity”, Proceeding The 3th Indonesian Students Scientific Meeting, Paderborn-Germany, pp. 57-64, Paderborn University, Jerman. 3. Basuki Widodo (1999) : “Withdrawal of fluid through a line source from a three-layer fluid under the effects of both gravity and surface tension at infinite Froude numbers”, Proc. Science and Technology Meeting U.K. 99, Leeds-U.K., pp. 142-147, Univ. of Leeds, Leeds, Inggris. 4. Basuki Widodo (1999) : “The effects of both gravity and surface tension on free surface fluid flow which is induced by a submerged line sink/source in a three-layer fluid at infinite Froude number”, Proc. The 4th Indonesian Students Scientific Meeting, Kassel-Germany, pp. 300-303, Kassel, Jerman.
5. Kusno, Basuki Widodo (2000) : “The contribution of the pondok pesantren in Indonesian National Education” Proc. The Education Conference 2000, Leeds-U.K, Univ. of Leeds, Leeds, Inggris. 6. Basuki Widodo (2004) : “Withdrawal of Fluid Through a Submerged Line Sink/Source Form a Three Layer Fluid Under The Effects of Both Gravity And Surface Tension", hal. C98 - C102, Proc. The International Seminar The Early Warning System of Disasters, ITS – BAKORNAS PBP, Surabaya 24 Maret 2004. 7. Basuki Widodo (2005) : “Free Surface Fluid Flows Induced By A Submerged Sink In a Three Layer Fluid Under The Effects of Surface Tension”, Proc. The International Conference on Applied Mathematics 2005, ITB Bandung, 22 -26 August 2005. 8. Puguh Setyopratomo, Siska Mariana, Novianti Soeryanto dan Basuki Widodo (2005) : “Kinetic and Equilibrium Studies of Cr(VI) Adsorption from Aqueous Solution by Means of Activated Carbon", Proc. The Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2005, hal. 122 – 125, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 30th - December 2nd 2005. 9. Nieke Karnaningrum, Nadjadji Anwar, Basuki Widodo dan Adhitya Maharani (2006) : “Hydrodinamic Model on Pollutant Dispersion in River”, Proc. International Environmental Technology & Management Conference 2006, Bandung 7 -8 September 2006. 10. Soesiana Ariani dan Basuki Widodo (2007) : “Dynamic Model of Scour in Channel Bend on The River Junctions”, Proc. The International Seminar on Natural Sciences and Applied Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta February 17, 2007. 11. Fitriana Yuli Saptaningtyas dan Basuki Widodo (2007): “Dynamical Two Dimension Model of Contour Sand Sediment Transport in Channel Junctions Using Finite Volume”, Proc. The International Seminar on Natural Sciences and Applied Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta February 17, 2007. 12. Siing, M and Widodo, B. (2011):” Numerical Solution of Flood Routing Model Using Finite Volume Methods, The International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization 2011 Organized by Department of Mathematics, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta pada tanggal 6 – 7 Juni 2011. 13. Widodo B. (2011), "Characteristics sedimentation Study On The Confluence of Two Rivers Using Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin Method and Fluent Simulation", International Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics at the Bandung Institute of Technology, 2011. 14. Widodo, B (2011):” Numerical Simulation of Flow Routing for Simulating Flood Propagation in River Flow”, The 5th International Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics (ICREM5) , ITB Bandung. 15. Widodo, B., Sulistyono, B.A. and Setiawan, (2012), "Correlation Between The River and pollutan of Hydrodynamic Dispersion", The International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Its Applications (ICMSA 2012), 19-21 November 2012, Sanur Bali - Indonesia.
16. Ikhtisoliyah and Basuki Widodo, (2013),” The Influence of Hydrodynamic on the Spread of Pollutants in the Confluence of Two Rivers”, The 4th International Seminar Environmental Engineering (ISEE 2013) in collaboration with Program Study of Public Health Udayana University pada tanggal 25 sampai dengan 26 Juni 2013, Denpasar Bali, Indonesia. 17. Seminar Internasional “ The 4th International Seminar Environmental Engineering (ISEE 2013) in collaboration with Program Study of Public Health Udayana University” pada tanggal 25 sampai dengan 26 Juni 2013, dilaksanakan di Denpasar Bali, Indonesia dengan Judul “Determining The Coordinate of Potentially Pollutant Sources In The Confluence of Two Rivers”, disajikan oleh Tony Yulianto dan Basuki Widodo. 18. Seminar Internasional “ The 4th International Seminar Environmental Engineering (ISEE 2013) in collaboration with Program Study of Public Health Udayana University” pada tanggal 25 sampai dengan 26 Juni 2013, dilaksanakan di Denpasar Bali, Indonesia dengan Judul “Correlation Of Hydrodynamic With Pollutant Dispersion On Confluence Of Two Rivers”, disajikan oleh Sri Suryanti dan Basuki Widodo. 19. Konferensi Internasional “ The 9th East and South East Asia Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (EASIAM) Conference and The 2nd Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (EASIAM – CIAM 2013) ” , 18-20 juni 2013 di ITB Bandung, Indonesia dengan Judul “ Total Suspended Solid Pollutant Dispersion Pattern In A Confluence ”, disajikan oleh Dimas Avian Maulana dan Basuki Widodo. 20. International Conference “The Asian Mathematical Conference 2013”, to be held in BEXCO, Busan, Korea from June 30 to July 4, 2013, with the title of “Analyze Characterization of Polyurethane Foam Sound Absorption Using Finite Element Method”, presented by Basuki Widodo. C.
Books/Publications/Researches Books: 1. Basuki Widodo (2008), " Pest Population Analysis Riptortus F. linearis Against Damage Soybean pods (Glycine Max (L.) Merriil)", ASRI Press. 2. Basuki Widodo (2012), “Mathematical Modelling” ITS Press. RECENTLY SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS ALL FEATURED: 1. Widodo, B. and Siing, M. (2011), "Numerical Solution of Flood Routing Model Using Finite Volume Methods", International Journal of Studies in Nonlinear Sciences 2 (1), 40-45, IDOSI Publications India. 2. Widodo, B., Fatahilah, A. and Rahayuningsih, T., (2011),” Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Solution of Iron Corrosion Problem Based on Condensation Chemical Properties”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(1): 79-86, ISSN 1991-8178. 3. Widodo, B., (2012), "The Effects of Hydrodynamic Pollutant Towards Disperse in A River", International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences (IJCMS), Vol. 7, 2012, no. 45, from 2229 to 2234, HIKARI Ltd Journals and Books Publisher, Bulgaria.
4. Hanif, A. and Widodo, B., (2012),” Distribution of Total Suspended Solid Concentration in A River”, Jurnal IPTEK-ITS, Volume 23, No 3 August 2012, Website jurnal IPTEK: www.iptek.its.ac.id. 5. Utoyo, I., Nusantara, T., Widodo, B. and Suhariningsih (2012),” Fractional Integral Operator and Olsen Inequality in the Non-Homogeneous Classic Morrey Space”, Int. Journal of Math.Analysis, Vol. 6, 2012, no. 31, 1501 – 1511, ISSN 1312-8876, HIKARI Ltd Journals and Books Publisher, Bulgaria. 6. Utoyo, I., Nusantara, T., Widodo, B. and Suhariningsih(2012),” The Necessary And Sufficient Condition For Boundedness Of Fractional Integral Operator In Morrey Space On Non-Homogeneous Spaces”, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) Volume 69, Issue 1, October 2012, Pages 139 – 153, Pushpa Publishing House, Allahabad, INDIA. 7. Widodo, B., (2012),” The Influence Of Hydrodynamics On Pollutant Dispersion In The River”, International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences (IJCMS) ISSN 1312-7586, Vol. 7, 2012, no. 45, from 2229 to 2234, HIKARI Ltd Journals and Books Publisher, Bulgaria. 8. Agung, IGA., Suhariningsih, Triono and Widodo, B. (2012),” Determination of physical parameter model for the photo film mammographic X-ray results on the breast cancer histology classification”, International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences (IJCMS) ISSN 1312-7586, Vol. 7, 2012, no. 45, from 2235 to 2244, HIKARI Ltd Journals and Books Publisher, Bulgaria. 9. Jamaluddin, A., Utama, IKAP. and Widodo, B. (2012),” Experimental Investigations Into The Resistance Components Of Asymmetrical Catamarans With Variation Of Hull Spacing And Stagger (DOI No: 10.3940 / rina.ijsct. 2012. b1.124) ” , Intl J Small Craft Tech, Trans RINA (The Royal Institution of Naval Architects), Vol 154, Part B1, Jan-Jun 2012. 10. Jamaluddin, A., Utama, IKAP. and Widodo, B. (2012),” Experimental Investigations Into The Resistance Components Of Symmetrical Catamarans With Variations In Hull Clearances And Staggers (DOI No: 10.3940 / rina. ijsct. 2012.b1.122)”, Intl J Small Craft Tech, Trans RINA (The Royal Institution of Naval Architects), Vol 154, Part B1, Jan-Jun 2012. 11. Hariyanto, Basuki Widodo, I Nyoman Budiantara, C.A. Nidom (2013),” The construction of a model of pre-coalition between H1N1-p and H5N1 influenza virus in Indonesia “, International Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 7, 2013, no. 99, 4899-4907, HIKARI Ltd Journals and Books Publisher, Bulgaria. 12. Inu Laksito Wibowo and Basuki Widodo (2013), “Numerical Simulation On Calculating Volume Sedimentation On Two Rivers Confluences” Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) Volume 76, Number 2, May 2013, Pages 223 – 233, Pushpa Publishing House, Allahabad, INDIA. 13. Chairul Imron, Suhariningsih, Basuki Widodo and Triyogi Yuwono (2013), “Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow Around Circular and I-Shape Cylinder in a Tandem Configuration", Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 7, 2013, no. 114, 5657 – 5666, HIKARI Ltd Journals and Books Publisher, Bulgaria.
14. Mardlijah , Achmad Jazidie, Basuki Widodo, Ari Santoso (2013),” A New Combination Method Of Firefly Algorithm And T2fsmc For Mobile Inverted Pendulum Robot”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, pp 824 - 831 Vol. 47. No. 2 – 2013, Little Lion Scientific Publisher, Islamabad Pakistan. 15. Basuki Widodo (2013), “The Influence of Hydrodynamics on The Spread of Pollutant in The Confluence of Two Rivers”, submitted to The International Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences (International journals and books publishers of science, technology and medicine, Hikari Ltd Bulgaria). 16. Basuki Widodo, Farida AW, Nur Asiyah, Kamiran and Rinurwati (2013), “Structural Equation Modeling of Relationship Between Hydrodynamic and Pollutant Dispersion On Confluence Of Two Rivers”, submitted to The International Journal of Far East Journal Mathematical and Sciences (Puspha Publishing House India).
Title Research Conducted 10 Last Years: 1. Hydrodynamic Model Construction River Water Pollutants With Deployment In River Water Agency Year: 2004 s / d 2006 (Multiple Years) Funds: Grants Team Grad (Higher Education) 2. Application of Boundary Integral Methods in Fluid Flow Problems in Free Surface Layer Three is Influenced by a vacuum, the Earth's gravity and Shear Stress a. Independent research b. Year: 2007 3. Application of Meshless Local Petrov method-Galerkin (MLPG) on The Sedimentation Model in Two Rivers Meeting. a. Independent research b. Year: 2008 4. Nieke Karnaningroem and Basuki Widodo (2008):” Hydrodynamic Model Application Deployment Pollutants in River Pollution At Efforts to Decrease Expenses Due to the River Runoff Wastewater (sewage runoff treatment optimization in order to maintain the carrying capacity of the river (water bodies) to take the case in Surabaya on cup until long segment)” Grant of Applied Research Incentive Program . 5. Nieke Karnaningroem and Basuki Widodo (2008):” Hydrodynamic Model Application Deployment Pollutants in River Pollution At Efforts to Decrease Expenses Wastewater runoff due to the river (Determination of direction and distance distribution of runoff wastewater into the river with HP2S models in an effort to decrease pollution load in the river), Grant of Applied Research Incentive Program . 6. Bambang Margono and Basuki Widodo (2008):” Mathematical Model Construction In River Watershed Pollutant Distribution “, Post Gradute Thesis, Master Program Scholarship.
7. Setiyaningsih and Basuki Widodo (2009): “Modeling And Simulation Of Power Decrease In Gas Mixing-Induced By Liquida The Double Impeller”, Post Gradute Thesis, Master Program Scholarship. 8. Achmad Machsun Haji and Basuki Widodo (2009): “Modeling and Simulation of Fluid Flow Profiles In Liquida The Mixing Gas-Induced By Double Impeller”, Post Gradute Thesis, Master Program Scholarship. 9. Application of hydrodynamic models Efforts to decrease the spread of pollutants Pollution Burden Due to Runoff Water Waste Into River. a. Independent research b. Year: 2009 - 2010 10. Basuki Widodo (2010):” Cooperative Learning Approach Learning As Konstruktifistik In Computational Fluid Dynamics Lecture”, Teaching Grant in English. 11. Kusbudiono and Basuki Widodo (2011): “Effect of Logistic Growth Model Against Dengue Fever Epidemic”, Post Gradute Thesis, Master Program Scholarship. 12. Basuki Widodo (2011):” Construction Completion and Numerical Simulation of River Sedimentation Problems Using Meshless Local Petrov-method Galerkin (MLPG)”, ITS Professor Research Grant for Fiscal Year 2011. 13. Basuki Widodo (2012):” Effect of Hydrodynamic Dispersion of pollutants in the river”, Laboratory Research Grant. 14. I Ketut Arya Priya Utama, Basuki Widodo and Andi Jamaluddin (2012):” Experimental and Numerical Simulation Study of Symmetrical and not Symmetrical Constraints hull catamaran vessel in Longutudinal and Transverse Direction”, Competence Grant from Ministry of Culture and Education, Indonesian Government. 15. Basuki Widodo, Kamiran, Nur Asiyah and Farida A.W. (2013):” Mathematical Model And Computer Simulation Of Dispersion Effect On Hydrodynamics Pollutants in The Confluence of Two Rivers”, Laboratory Research Grant for Fiscal Year 2013. D.
Application Management and Appropriate Technology In Processing Seaweed Food Material. E.
Best Presenter Higher Education Graduate Research Grant-MINISTRY OF EDUCATION-REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA, 2007 2. DWIDYA SATYA PERDANA (20 Years) - Rektor ITS, 2009.
F. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS / SCIENTIFIC 1. Indonesian Mathematical Society (IndoMS) as Member since 2004. 2. Indonesian Mathematical Society (IndoMS) as Regional Coordinator (Governor)
of East Java since January 2013.