[email protected] ABSTRACT This study aimed to get empirical evidence about the influence of leadership, motivation, and behavior on employee performance of PT Bess Finance Purwakarta area. Results of this study are expected to contribute in the development of management science, especially human resource management. For similar financial institutions and practitioners, expected results of this study can provide useful information about the importance of leadership, motivation, behavior and work performance. The study was conducted at PT Bess Finance Area Purwakarta. The unit of observation in this study are employees. The research method uses quantitative research approaches. While the type of research in the form of descriptive verfikatif. To test the hypothesis of the study used regression analysis statistical method. Test results of the study found the effect of leadership on job performance by 28%. Influence motivation to work on the performance of 50.5% and influence the behavior on work performance by 34.6%. Keywords: Leadership, Work Motivation, Behavior, Job Performance 1.
INTRODUCTION PT Bess Finance Purwakarta area has 150 (one hundred fifty) employees spread in 7 branches are Cikalong, forked, Purwakarta, kPamanukan, Sukamandi, Subang, and Padalarang. Employees who many a man power (human strength), this ideally in order to contribute more, more and more employees then the completion of the work rate of each unit of work. According Rival (2005: 124) argues that improve employee performance is not easy because of job performance could be created if the variables include leadership, motivation and behavior can be well-equipped and accepted by all employees in a company. The better the employees' performance, the better the performance of the company. Employees are one of the company's assets and therefore needs to be an effort to empower employees with good and purposeful is to positively contribute to the advancement of the company. According to Nanang Permono (2010), in his research the influence of leadership, motivation and work environment to employees performance in PT Prima Yudha Salatiga, the results obtained by the influence of variables on the performance leadership of 28.30%, 16.08% motivation to performance, environmental performance against the performance of 18 , 56%. Many factors but in this study only enough of the leadership, work motivation and behavior. So, we need an analysis of the influence of leadership, motivation and behavior, there are a significant influence on employee performance, on this basis, researchers interested in conducting research with the title "The Effect of Leadership, Motivation and behavior Employee Performance PT Bess Finance Purwakarta Area". A. Problem Formulation To facilitate researchers later, and so researchers have a clear direction, the first conducted the formulation of the problem. As for the formulation of the problem in this research are: 1.
The extent to which the leadership on employee performance PT Bess Finance Area Purwakarta?
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The extent to which work motivation on employee performance PT Bess Finance Area Purwakarta?
The extent to which the behavior on employee performance PT Bess Finance Area Purwakarta?
The extent to which shared leadership, motivation, and behavior on employee performance PT Bess Finance Area Purwakarta?
a. Objective As for the study are: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Want to know the effect of leadership on employee performance PT Bess Finance Area Purwakarta Want to know the effect of work motivation on employee performance PT Bess Finance Area Purwakarta. Want to know the effect of behavior on employee performance PT Bess Finance Area Purwakarta. Want to know the effect of collective leadership, motivation and behavior on employee performance PT Bess Finance Area Purwakarta.
Usefulness Research The usefulness of research carried out are as follows: 1. 2.
To develop the ability to think in analyzing a problem and apply all the knowledge that has been acquired The results of this study are expected to be used as input for the management of PT Bess Finance Area Purwakarta
2. LITERATURE REVIEW A. Leadership (X₁) Leadership is a process of influence in determining the behavior of organizational goals motivate followers to achieve the purpose of effecting to improve and cultural groups (Veitzhal Rival, 2005: 53) B. Work Motivation (X₂) Work Motivation (Motivation Work), their willingness to work to achieve a particular goal such as fisiology needs, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. (Griffiths, 2003:, pp10-25) C. Behavior (X3) There are four indicators that can be used to determine work behavior, namely: 1.
2. 3. 4.
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Social Relationships (Social Relations), A worker must have good social relationships with other workers, where each worker must supervise peers to act in the right way and reminded when there is an error. Vocational Skill (Vocational Skills), Skills of a person in accordance with their job, for example, a person with diplomatic skills to become a marketing Work Motivation (Motivation Work), their willingness to work to achieve a particular goal such as fisiology needs, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. Confidence Initiative (Initiative-confidence), which is in good working behavior must cultivate confidence that the full and take the initiative that all work can be carried out with the existing job description. Griffiths (2003, pp41-42)
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D. Job Performance (Y) According to Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara (2007: 69), there are several factors that can be used as a standard of performance appraisal, namely: 1.
2. 3. 4.
Quality of work the which includes the precision, thoroughness, skill and work the which includes output hygiene. The quantity of routine and non-routine output (extra). Reliability or whether or not reliable ie whether or not to follow instructions, Ability inisiatf, prudence and diligence. Attitudes include attitudes toward the company, other employees, work and cooperation.
Leadership (X1) Work Motivation (X2)
Job Performance (Y)
Behavior (X3)
Pic. Framewor 3.
RESEARCH METODS A. Place and Time Research
This research was conducted at PT Bess Finance Area Purwakarta in June to July, 2015. The sampling used in the formula proposed Slovin quoted Umar, 2004, (in Heryani, 2007; 45) as follows: Information: n = sample size N = Population size e = percent inaccuracy inaccuracy of sampling error is (n) 60 sample Table 1. Number of Samples Employees PT Bess Finance Area Purwakarta
Branch Office
Purwakarta Plered Cikalong Cagak Subang Pamanukan Sukamandi Padalarang
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 10
14 9 9 5 8 5 5 5
Total (n)
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Source: PT. Bess Finance, 2015 4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Simulation Results and Analysis Based on primary data processing using SPSS multiple linear equation as follows: Y = α + β1 X1 + β2 X2 + β3 X3 Y = 16,926 + 0,167 X1 + 0,332 X2 + 0,188 X3 R2 = 0,394 b
X1 = 0,167
Ho Rejected
X2 = 0,332
Ho Rejected
X3 = 0,188
Ho Rejected
Table 2. Simulation Results Source: Data processed Recapitulation hypothesis testing that has been presented in the table above gives the sense that the only variable Leadership (X1) which has a significant influence on Work Performance (Y). 5.
1. Testing Results simultaneous hypothesis that the value of F arithmetic amounted to 12.122 with p-value (sig) in the ANOVA table presented in appendix obtained a value of 0.000 or less than α (0.05). With α = 0.05, DF1 = 3, and DF2 = 56 (n-k-1), then can the F table 2.76. Due to the value of F count> F table (12.122> 2.76), the conclusion is testing the hypothesis H0 is rejected. Thus, it can be concluded that simultaneous Leadership (X1), Motivation (X2), and Behavior (X3) significantly affects Employee Performance (Y). 2. Hypothesis Testing Results The results in partial X1 calculation hypothesis testing t-test for variables X1 obtained t count amounted to 2,179. Showed Tcount values greater than t table (1.670), then the conclusion is reject H0. Reviews These test results give a sense that the leadership (X1) has a significant influence on Work Performance (Y). 3. Calculation results of hypothesis testing t-test for X2 diperolehthitung at 4.377. Tcount showed values greater than t table (1.670), then the conclusion is reject H0. The test results give the sense that the work motivation (X2) has a significant influence on Work Performance (Y). 4. The result of the calculation hypothesis testing t-Test for X3 diperolehthitung at 2.757. Tcount showed values greater than t table (1.670), then the conclusion is reject H0. The test results give the sense that the behavior is (X3) had a significant influence on Work Performance (Y) A. Suggestions After conducting research and discussion, the researchers propose suggestions for improvements are expected as consideration or input for PT Bess Finance Purwakarta area as follows: 1. Leadership branch chief and head of the kiosk should be directed to the implementation of the entire program has been established together with all employees and the growing harmony between fellow workers, it can be seen from the still drafting of a whole division of tasks in implementing the program of the company, granting authority to employees that are not appropriate cause the company's program be implemented.
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2. Each administration tasks to employees, branch chief and head of the stall should provide a more detailed explanation so that the task they actually understood employees. 3. Staff motivation, openness in accepting and asking for advice or opinions confidence to employees in decision making, help solve problems arising from a policy should have to be considered again. 4. Increased employee performance should be improved, especially in improving working relationships, both between employees and employers as well as employees with employees and thus creating a solid team in each division at PT Bess Finance Purwakarta area. 6. REFERENCE Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2002. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Yogyakarta: Rineka Cipta. Bryson, J.M. (2003). Strategi Perencanaan Strategis Bagi Organisasi Sosial. (M. Miftahuddin, Trans.).Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar Danim, Sudarwan. 2004. Motivasi Kepemimpinan dan Efektifitas Kelompok. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta. Flippo, Edwin. B. 1989. Manajemen Personalia. Jakarta: Erlangga Goleman, Daniel. 2007. Primal Leadership. Kepemimpinan Berdasarkan Kecerdasan Emosi. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia. Gomez-Meija. D.B Balkin dan RI. Cardy. 2001. Managing Human Resource. USA: Prantice Hall. Griffiths, A (2003). Work Organization And Stress, Switzerland: WHO Hasellbein, Frances And Rob Jhonston.2005. On Mission And Leadership. Misi dan Kepemimpinan. Jakarta: PT Elek Media Komputindo. Hasibuan, Malayu. S.P. 2008. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Edisi Revisi. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Irmin, S. (2004). 135 Sikap Positif Karyawan Berprestasi: Self improvement series. Jakarta : Setia Media. Kadarman, A.M., dkk. 2001. Pengantar Ilmu Manajemen. Jakarta: PT Prenhallindo. Mangkunegara, Anwar Prabu. 2000. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Perusahaan. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya. Mchsan, Stephen L. And Marry Ann Glinov. 2005. Organizational Behavioral. Boston: McGraw Hill. Mulyasa, Dedi. (2006). Menjadi Kepala Cabang Bank Profesional Saing. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosda Karya. Prawirosentono, S. (1999). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia: Kebijakan Kinerja Karyawan. Yogyakarta: BPFE. Priyatno, Duwi. 2008. Belajar Olah Data dengan SPSS 21. Yogyakarta: Andi. Riduwan dan Kuncoro. 2012. Rumus dan Data dalam Aplikasi Statistika. Bandung: Alfabeta.. Rivai, Veithzal. 2005. Kepemiminan dan Perilaku Organisasi. Yogyakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada. Rivai, Veithzal. 2005. Performance Appraisal. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada Robbins. P.S, (2008). Prinsip-Prinsip Perilaku Organisasi. (5th Ed.). Jakarta: Erlangga Sedarmayanti. 2007. Tata Kerja dan Produktivitas Kerja. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta Siagian, Sondang P. 2007. Kiat Meningkatkan Produktivitas Kerja. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta Abadi Sudjana. 2002. Metoda Statistika. Bandung: Tarsito. ------------.2006. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta -------------2007. Statistik Nonparametris. Bandung: Alfabeta. -------------2013. Statistika Untuk Penelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta. Sugiyono. 2004. Statistika untuk Penelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta. Sukmadi. Dasar-dasar Manajemen. 2012. Bandung: Humaniora. Theedens, D. (1996). Buku Pedoman Permainan Sasando, Kupang: Pengharapan Karya
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