Peran Musisi Brandon Boyd/Incubus Dalam Mengecam Kebijakan Politik Luar Negeri Presiden George W. Bush
Disusun Oleh: DENNY SURYANTI 20010510285
Diajukan Oleh : DENNY SURYANTI 20010510285
Telah dipertahankan serta dinyatakan lulus dan disahkan di depan Tim Penguji Jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Pada Hari / Tanggal : Rabu/7 Januari 2009 Pukul : 11.00 WIB Tempat : Lab. HI B
Tim Penguji
Bambang Wahyu Nugroho, SIP.
Penguji I
Penguji II
Dr. Bambang Cipto, MA.
Winner Agung P, SIP, MSi.
I WOULD LIKE TO THANK GOD (ALLAH SWT) FOR THE CREATIVITY AND THE ABILITY GIVEN TO ME. I’M VERY THANKFUL THAT I COULD FINISH THIS SCIENTIFIC SCRIPT, FINALLY. I would like to thank my whole extended family: ¾ My lovely folks at Jambi: My Daddy (Dr. Rahmat Murbayana, M.Pd/”Pipi”) dan my Mom (Mrs. Sriyanti Rahmat/”Mimi”) for their support and love. ¾ My siblings: (“Mbak” Noniek and “Dedek” Agung) I love you, both! I’m proud to have both of you as my siblings. ¾ My uncles and aunts who always give their support and advise for me. ¾ My cousins and nieces who always remind me not to give up: “Dek” Ida, “Mbak” Sari, “Mbak” Noniek Lombok, Adevia, “Mbak” Ratri, “Mas” Nanang, “Mas” Ian, Miss Atien and many more (sorry if I forgot anyone). The most important person I’d like to thank is “The floating torso man” a.k.a. Brandon Boyd of Incubus from whom I got the inspiration to write this script. You’re my biggest inspiration ever in life. I love you, man! Keep on creating and producing excellent and wonderful songs! So you can motivate other people. Keep on shining everyday! Hope we can meet face to face!!! Like you said: Whatever tomorrow brings I’ll be there with open arms and open eyes. Whatever tomorrow brings I’ll be there…. (It grew on me, Man!). I love what your doing, always inspiring people. Beware of sharks every time you go surfing! I’ll never forget that day, March 5, 2008, in Tennis Indoor Senayan Jakarta at 8 p.m.!! I’m very thankful that I was able to meet and sing along with you. You’re so awesome!!! Great performance and a very nice concert! Come back again and amuse me, okay??! To all my teachers and school-mates: ¾ My Elementary school at SD Adhyaksa 1 Jambi (Ryan, Novel,Ita, etc) and SD Muh. Sukonandi (Yuliana, Danny, Yustin, Amelia, Pipiet, Shinta, Ayu, Damar, Dian, Ria, Tya, Nurul, Bayu (both of you) and many more). ¾ My Junior High School at SMPN 17 Jambi: Ririen, Iin, Aan, Dwi Ristyadi, Buan Aulia, Jonathan, Henny, Yanti, Rubiyati, Nurhayati, Dede Setiawan, Teza, Ayat, Asmat Jayawijaya, Mariam and many more.
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My Senior High School at SMUN 1 Jambi: Mr. Edy (My English teacher), Mrs. Mariance, “Poetry” Herianti (Well, it’s been so long that we don’t see each other. Wish I could meet you soon), Mufidah, Santi, Novhirtamelly, Andriani, Edvan Ryan “Giggs” Alfrino (You’re The Best!!), Rama, Indra, Ade, Ru”Fika” Mariana, Debby Sagita Lubis, Endah, Fitri, Belly Riceuh, Susi Elmayanti “Eel”,Febrico, Anton, Anita, Junko Johnson, Eva, “Timo”tius Dabuke, Ahmadi, Adit, and many more. My friends at Ganesha Operation: Jerry, Susilo, Fika, etc. My friends at UMY: My lecturers: Mr. Bambang Wahyu Nugroho (my script guide-lecturer), Mr. Bambang Cipto, Mr.Ali, Mrs. Ratih Herningtyas, Mrs. Dian, Mrs. Nur Azizah, and many more. E Class: Ririen (my soulmate), Retz D’stroke “Butet”, Dhiany, Dion, Apri, Ipul, Opick, Prisca, Citra, Indri, Hengky, Bambang, Didot, Afifah, Astri, Juju, Hj. Lisma, Sanny, Androv, Sam, Haris “Jamur”, Ryan, Lalu Andi Odang, Wiwiek, Mastur, Udin “Kuningan”, Cindy, and many more. C Class: Akbar “Irul”, Tengku Yudhi “Odhie” Ilhami in Melbourne, Aussy (Hope you’re doing great, and I can’t wait to see you back to Indonesia. Don’t forget me! Thanks for your support and kindness). B Class: Rina, Hardi, Edyar P. “EE” (I will never forget all the laughs and jokes you made. You’re the best!), Puji, Zaky (Thanks for your present and always be there for me everytime I need help. Hope you’ll get all your dreams in the future). D Class: Rahma, and Wina (Remember our first met on Ta’aruf?? You’re my best companion. Good luck for your family and your cute little baby). My English Course at ENGLISH FIRST “EF”: My tutor at level 8 “Rod” and fellow Yully. My tutor at level 9 “Errick” Banning. My tutor at level 10 “Shari” and “Micell” and friends (Sukma, Qori, Anna, Teni, Han-Han, Icha, Fauzan, Marcel, Adel, Nisa, Yanti, Jonathan Yoga and so on): NICE TO KNOW YOU ALL!
Other fellows: Aniek “MuTu” Wijayati (Thanks for your fully support and always be my best companion. I hope our friendship could last forever!), Rida Kristiana “Iid” in HongKong (You’ll always mean a lot for me. Thanks for your kindness and understanding. Hope I could do the same for you. Can’t wait to see you, girl.), Galih “UII”, Garry “Miaow” UPN, Evy, Rita, Yana “BM” Riau, Awa, Yoga, Reqi, Iwan Rasta, and many more.
I would like to thank every artist (INCUBUS, BON JOVI, SO7, JAGOSTU, HOOBASTANK, Angels and Airwaves, +44, Blink 182, YellowCard, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Greenday, Travis, KORN, Linkin Park, Breaking Benjamin, Lifehouse, OffSpring, Slipknot, Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, Radiohead, 30 seconds to Mars, Avenged Sevenfold, Muse, Letto, The Rock, Mulan Jameela, Maia, and many more), musician (Kenny G, Maksim, Beethoven, Sebastian Bach), author, poet and revolutionary who ever put their lives and reputation on the line to see their visions to fruition. Without your inspiration, none of this would be possible. To all handsome men: Jarred Padalecki of “The Supernatural”, Justin Long of “Jeepers Creepers”, Paul Walker, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, David Beckham, Chris Angel “Mind Freak”, etc. To all my friends around the earth, every woman, man, and animals who ever supported me in my adventurous life.
To my lovely little girl: Danish Pinindya Muyasaroh (You’re the cutest little girl I’ve ever knew. Just like a little angel sent from heaven, you’re always making me smile. Thanks for the joy you bring. Spread the joy everywhere, girl! I love you!!).
My concert-mates whom I met at Incubus concert in Jakarta on March 5, 2008: Titis, Lily, Garry, etc (Always remember the time we had, all the joy and the fun. Hope we’ll meet again at the same concert, soon.!!)
My new friends: Dade “Sukabumi”, Endra “Lombok”, Andre “Jakarta” (Thanks for your fully support to me, guys…!Thanks a lot) Last but not least, MITeN (YOU ARE MY ONLY…MY ONLY ONE!!)
DAFTAR ISI HALAMAN PENGESAHAN ……………………………………………………..i DEDICATION ………………………………………………………………...ii-iv DAFTAR ISI ……………………………………………………………….....v-vii KATA PENGANTAR ……………………………………………………….viii-ix ABSTRACT …...………………………………………………………………x-xi BAB I : Pendahuluan …………………………………………………………..1 A. Alasan Pemilihan Judul ………………………………….……............1 B. Tujuan Penulisan ………………………………..………….................4 C. Latar Belakang Masalah ..………………………..……………............4 D. Rumusan Masalah…...………………………………..……….............7 E. Kerangka Dasar Teori.……………………….…….……….................8 F. Jangkauan Penelitian ...…………………………………..….….........14 G. Metode Penelitian ...………………………..…………………...........15 H. Sistematika Penulisan ...……………………………..……….………23 BAB II: INCUBUS ……………………………………………………………..25 A. SEJARAH INCUBUS………………………….…………………....25 B. PROFIL PERSONIL BAND………………………………...............27 1. Brandon Boyd ……………………………………………….27 2. Jose Pasillas …………………………………………………30 3. Chris Kilmore ……………………………………………….32 4. Ben Kenney …………………………………………………33 5. Mike Einziger ……………………………………………….35 MANTAN PERSONIL INCUBUS …………………………………37 1. DJ Lyfe ……………………………………………………...37 2. Dirk Lance …………………………………………………..39 C. KEPENTINGAN INCUBUS DI DUNIA INTERNASIONAL..........40 D. PENJELASAN MULAI MASUKNYA BRANDON BOYD/INCUBUS DALAM LINGKUNGAN POLITIK …………..41
BAB III: BEBERAPA KEBIJAKAN LUAR NEGERI GEORGE W. BUSH …………………………………………………………………………………....46 A. INVASI KE AFGHANISTAN ……………………………………...46 B. INVASI KE IRAK …………………………………………………..50 C. DEMOKRATISASI NEGARA-NEGARA DI TIMUR TENGAH…..58 D. TARGET INVASI LAINNYA ……………………………………...60 BAB IV: ANALISIS DAN OPINI PUBLIK …...……………………………..69 A. ANALISIS LIRIK LAGU ALBUM “A CROW LEFT OF THE MURDER” …………………………………………………………..69 1. Megalomaniac …………………………………………….…70 2. Talk Shows On Mute ………………………………………..76 3. Turbo Geek (Sick Sad Little World) ………………………..78 4. Agoraphobia ………………………………………………...80 5. Made For TV Movie ………………………………………...81 B. OPINI PUBLIK TERHADAP ALBUM “A CROW LEFT OF THE MURDER” …………………………………………………………..83 BAB V: KESIMPULAN ……………………………………………………….98 DAFTAR PUSTAKA …………………………………………………………110
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Dengan memanjatkan puji dan syukur kehadirat Allah SWT, yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan hidayah-Nya kepada Penulis sehingga skripsi dengan judul: PERAN MUSISI BRANDON BOY/INCUBUS DALAM MENGECAM KEBIJAKAN POLITIK LUAR NEGERI PRESIDEN GEORGE W. BUSH Dapat diselesaikan, sebagai syarat untuk memperoleh gelar Sarjana Ilmu Politik pada Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik. Atas tersusunnya skripsi ini, tak lupa Penulis menyampaikan rasa terima kasih serta penghargaan sebesar-besarnya kepada: 1. Bapak, selaku Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. 2. Ibu Grace Lestariana W, SIP, M.Si, selaku Ketua Jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. 3. Bapak Djumari, selaku Sekretaris Jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional. 4. Ibu Ratih Herningtyas, SIP, selaku pembimbing akademik yang telah membimbing selama proses akademik. 5. Bapak Bambang Wahyu Nugroho, SIP, selaku Dosen Pembimbing tunggal yang telah memberikan arahan dan bimbingan sehingga skripsi ini dapat diselesaikan dengan baik.
6. Bapak DR. Bambang Cipto, MA, selaku Dosen Penguji I yang telah memberi masukan bagi penyempurnaan skripsi ini. 7. Bapak Winner Agung P, SIP, MSi, selaku Dosen Penguji II yang telah banyak memberi masukan dan kritikan bagi kesempurnaan skripsi ini. 8. Kedua orang tua, DR. Rahmat Murbayana, M.Pd dan Ny. Sriyanti Rahmat, yang telah memberikan kasih sayang, dukungan dan kesabaran selama ini. 9. Kakak dan adik, Retno Wulandari, ST dan M. Agung Wibowo, yang telah mendukung dan menyayangiku selama ini. 10. Teman-teman yang banyak memberikan motivasi hingga skripsi ini berhasil ditulis dengan baik dan lancar. 11. Saudara-saudara sepupu yang juga ikut mendukung dan menyemangati selama proses penulisan skripsi hingga selesai. Penyusun menyadari bahwa dalam penyusunan skripsi ini masih banyak kekurangan, untuk itu Penulis mengharapkan kritik dan saran yang membangun demi kesempurnaan skripsi ini. Akhir kata Penulis berharap semoga skripsi ini dapat bermanfaat bagi para pembaca semua. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
During George W. Bush’s administration, from 2000 until 2004, there were some foreign policies being made which affected many countries beside its American people. Many protests and criticisms were addressed to Bush because of his ambitions. No wonder, there were a lot of people demanded for the changing of the president. So there would be a new president who could make better policies without making other to suffer a loss. In late 2003, Brandon Boyd of Incubus felt that he needed to speak out his voice which was a response of the government’s foreign policies under Bush’s administration through lyrics, statements, and a video clip. Inside the “A Crow Left Of The Murder” album, there are songs that offended Bush’s administration such as “Megalomaniac”, “Talk Shows On Mute”, “Made For TV Movie”, “Sick Sad Little World” and “Agoraphobia”. To work on this issue, the writer was using the Content Analysis Method. And theories that were being used: Role Theory, Propaganda Theory, and Public Interest Theory. The title of the first single from Incubus “Megalomaniac” refers to a person with delusional fantasies of power and the video applies that definition to the United States and President Bush. The aim of Brandon Boyd/Incubus on world wide is giving influences to the listeners or fans to be care with their nation, both politic and social issues. Public comments on Incubus lyrics that written by Brandon Boyd in the “A Crow Left Of The Murder” album specially single “Megalomaniac” were very various, some of them agreed, some of them disagreed. Most of them thought that lyrics and the video clip of “Megalomaniac” were full of politic meanings and mentioned Bush’s administration. Here is the description of the video clip of “Megalomaniac”: The clip opens with guitarist Mike Einziger in front of a radio switchboard, appearing to give a speech. The sign on the wall before him reads “No Grace Period”, while the one to his left reads “Operation Freedom Control” presumably a play on “Operation Iraqi Freedom” that ironically suggests that the U.S. controls the Iraqis’ independence. A six-volt battery on a shelf bears the label “super power”. The scene morphs into a shot of the giant-sized band members performing on top of buildings. A zoom into one of the building’s windows reveals a TV showing the film “The United States Air Force Presents… Brain Washing” before a series of war scene culminates with Adolf Hitler, with airplane bomber wings on his back, flying overhead. It’s then the singer Brandon Boyd offers the song’s opening lines: “I hear you on the radio/You permeate my screen/If I met you in a scissor fight, I’d cut off both your wings… on principle alone”. Later, a politician looking like Bush addresses a crowd of protesters who hold signs reading antiwar slogans such as “Not in Our Name” and “Drop Love Not Bombs”. As the podium from which he speaks morphs into a gas pump that inflates skyward, the protesters clash with police. Boyd, meanwhile, repeats the line “Step down, step down”. Amidst the pandemonium, the politician’s head peels back and the head of a bald eagle grows in its place. The birdman then
proceeds to devour the audience members, whose own heads have become those of fish. But there is an eventual silver lining to Incubus’ dark cloud of a message. After showing a 1940s wartime family feeding its baby a bottle full of oil, a symbol of America’s thirst for Iraq’s greatest export, and a crowd of people fleeing from falling bombs, the fish-headed masses begin to revolt against their bird-brained leader. Piranha heads are sported by those who topple the birdman’s tower and proceed to ravage him. This is met by a shot of the crowd applauding. Despite the victory of Bush in the next election, year 2004, Brandon Boyd had made his point to be delivered, and it was worthy. Even though the video clip of “Megalomaniac” was being relegated into mid night aired time, but it had affected a few people. It changed their point of view, how they looked on their government all along. However, the decision of MTV to put the video in midnight hours made Brandon Boyd disappointed because it had lost its chance to gain a lot of attentions from the people who were watching it, the chance of influencing people. So, they would able to make their good decisions, without any doubt. And there would be good governance in the end.