From making a city to being a city Reinventing centrality – Lisbon
Content of presentation
The days of urban planning as we know it are over
Content of presentation
Let’s find new ways to improve the city
And learn from our international counterparts
My presentation Two examples from our work:
New ways of working with co-makers on district plans in Roosendaal
New ideas for old functions: Plinth approach in Rotterdam and Amsterdam
Conclusion: - New steeringmodels - New professionals
Stipo Rotterdam Groothandelsgebouw Unit E7.188 Stationsplein 45 3013 AP Rotterdam
Stipo Amsterdam Telefoon +3110 - 204 1590 E-mail
[email protected] Website
Broedplaats Westerdok Winthontstraat 7 1013 BR Amsterdam
Urban vision Utrecht City of knowledge and culture
Concept for a school at Vrachelen
Deeper changes: From making a city to being a city
Housing need
Developmentment driven planning – the economic engine for cities
The end of urban expansion is coming
We are trying to optimize the city as it is. From making a city to being a city
Focus on mobility between regions
1. Explosion of partners
2. Disciplines no longer in a lineair way
Urban development
cultural Physical planning Economica;
Making a city 1950-2000
Being a city 2000-…
3. From deskwork to comakers & coalitions
Entrepreneurs Residents Cultural institutions Experts Government
4. Development / realisation / maintenance
Lineair model
1. startnotitie
3. planvorming
4. planuitvoering
2. inventarisatie
Planproces ‘traditioneel’
5. beheer
Development / realisation / maintenance
Trampolinemodel 2a. planvorming = ontwikkelingsrichting
1. startnotitie
2c. inventarisatie
5. beheer
2b. planuitvoering = ontwikkeling op gang brengen
Planproces Leefsturing
5. From complicated to complex
Complicated • Mechanicsa
Complex • Relational
World with predictable answers
World that recognises and answers insecurity
Moonlanding: many steps but if you follow the rules, it can be done
Raising a child. We evolve with the child
Follow the steps
Case 1:Neighborhoodplans Roosendaal 13.
0. 1. 6. 4. 5.
10. 14.
Objective government and housing corporation Less money Clearer priorities Strategic plans for all the neighborhoods and villages
Meet, connect, work together Many co-makers - Housing corporations, - (Elderly) Care organisations, - Welfare organisations, - Police, - Banks, - Community groups, - Companies
•One communal vision •Synchronisity in ideas (and later on investments) •Government recognizes the limitations of their own investments, and dependancie on other investors
Optimistic timeframe
3 months: 9 visions Maximum 4 days per vision for us + 4 from the civil servants
Why: Timeframe for financial planning city
We expected trouble
Strategic visions professionals Use all existing documents and knowledge within the local government Interviews with overall investors, alderman
URBAN anthropology emic =
native perspective
outsider perspective =
daily city planned city
In dit soort straatjes vind je altijd kinderlokkers. Dus daar loop ik liever niet doorheen.
Ik vind het leuk om door het park te lopen, want dan kom ik vaak mijn buurman tegen met zijn hond.
Sessions with all the parties involved •Soul of the neighborhood •SWOT
• Realistic dreams for 2030, 2020, 2015, tomorrow
-Their own investments + those of others
-Co-write the strategy
Strategic vision
•Safety •Housing and surroundings •Traffic and parking •Education •Integration and participation •Sports and culture •Amenities •Care •Behind the frontdoor •Maintenance
Results: Vision + action
Voorzieningen Groot-Kroeven
16 15
8 2
Milieu Educatief Centrum
Basisschool Vondel
BS De Watermolen
BS De Gezellehoek
Rudolf Steinerschool
SBO Mytylschool
KDV Owiebowie
BSO Villa Vondel
Kinderopvang ‘t Plophuisje
10 KDV Kroeventuin 11 PSZ De Kroevendonk
12 5
12 PSZ Het Rozenpoortje
13 Buurtcentrum De Wieken 14
9 10 23
Sociëteit De Wildenborch
Ontm.ruimte Klein Brabant
Tennispark Roosendaal
17 Kroevenbad De Brug 25 11 13
18 De Eglantier 19 De Brink
22 14
3 1
20 Landjuweel 21 Verpleeghuis Moerweide 22 De Wildenborch 23 KDC Willemijntje 24 NSWAC ‘t Kroeven 25 S&L Zorg (Potgieterlaan)
Eerstelijnszorg Speelplaats Detailhandel / horeca (>5)
But also social projects
Strategy and urban planning
Integrated urban programs and investstrategy
Area development P O L I C Y
Implementation and monitoring
Strategy and urban planning
Integrated urban programs and investstrategy
Area development P O L I C Y
Implementation and monitoring
Results •Area plans owned by all the co-makers •Next step: Financial strategy per co-maker • (summer 2011) •January 2012: New way of working •Sideeffects: • Network professional parties • Neigborhood company • Synchronisity in investments en energy
Plinths The city at eye level
Creation of a city lounge
1. Public domain = backbone of urban quality
Publiek Domein
privaat openbare ruimte
2. Good Plinths, Bad plinths
Good Plinths, Bad plinths
foto: bas van vlaenderen
Good Plinths, Bad plinths
Good Plinths, Bad plinths
Good Plinths, Bad plinths
Good plinths of bad plinths
Good Plinths, Bad plinths
Good Plinths, Bad plinths
1. Level 1: good plinth
2. Level 2: good street
3. Level 3: good context
2. Good Plinths, Bad Plinths Level 1 Plinth 1. Units
: small scale
2. Functions
: variëty
3. Transparance: no blind or passiv plinths 4. Material
: wealth in detailling, ritmics
5. Division
: vertical
6. Connection : dialogue building-city, hybrid space 7. Character
: soul, history, monumentality
8. Flexibilitity
: minimal 4 m high, bestemmingsplan
2. Good Plinths, Bad Plinths Level 2 Streat 1. Walkingpleasure
: balance car-pedestrian, feeling home, inspiring functions
2. Physical comfort
: wind, sun, sound, care
3. Definition
: highth > half width, facades & trees
4. Complementarity
: differentation in buildings
5. And what helps
: trees, doors, begin/ending places to sit, density
2. Good Plinths, Bad Plinths Level 3 Context 1. Public
: Critical mass, walkingstreams, plinthdemanding population
2. Programme
: urban catalysators, specialisation
3. Public domain
: squares and parks
4. Partners
: selforganisation, rewarding initiative maintenance
5. Beauty
: care public space, pleasent profile, urban sense
6. Position
: in urban fabric, urban maze, urban walking/cycling structure
2. Good Plinths, Bad Plinths Doors
3. Programmatic trends
Trends 1. Shopping : chain/local shops, overoffer, internet 2. Work crafts, creativity, clustering en chains, new working places, third places 3. Civil/Communal Property MFA, organisation demand /offer 4. Temporary functions 5. Housing do it yourself, plinthdemanding groups, worklivecombis 6. Flexibility
3. Trends
4. Hybrid spaces
Publiek Domein
privaat openbare ruimte
4. Hybrid spaces
foto: musa tuin & landschap
4. Hybrid spaces
foto: musa tuin & landschap
4. Hybrid spaces
foto: musa tuin & landschap
5. Plinthstrategy Rotterdam
5. Plinthstrategy Rotterdam
5. Plinthstrategie Rotterdam
Example Coolsingel
Example Coolsingel
Example: De Meent
Example: Arnhem Klarendal
Example PLUK Portiekflats
foto: bas van vlaenderen
Conclusion plinths •An open eye to excisting neighbourhoods • Social and economical strategy can help eachother •Combining strategy and action gives energy (and helps building a coalition) • The next step is a coalition of parties (public and private) • That’s where the challenge comes in
New steeringprinciples for planning
Steeringmodel of variation and selection: giving space instead of pushing
Synchronicity: development by co-evolution, how subsystems react to, and influence eachother
Selforganisation: No longer the makeble society but energy from the systems
New professionals Old competencies 1. 2.
(Sectoral) knowledge Loyality
New competencies Craftmanship 2. Passion / vision / enthiusiasm / involvement 3. External driven and networkpower 4. Creativity / innovationpower 5. Entrepeneurship 6. Strategical qualities 1.
Stipo Rotterdam Groothandelsgebouw Unit E7.188 Stationsplein 45 3013 AP Rotterdam
Stipo Amsterdam Telefoon 010 - 204 1590 E-mail
[email protected] Website
Broedplaats Westerdok Winthontstraat 7 1013 BR Amsterdam
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